is SSa, W- -X-WkT-r-M V&W"r?lXf'!W r3&V"WfT1m " "V?1 Tr n frVWMPM MUU IfMil-i i mum mi ' i i)iMi'ifc- - - I It D 1 as n b fj 1 be. rll c. in us n I Ira t i i Red Cloud Chief. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. nun cloud. NEBBASKA Sumo of New Zealand's experiments In Rtato socialism seem to havo been rcninrxnbly successful. The "Ad vance to Settlors Department" has just reported having IkhuciI loans to 7,000 settlcrH representing two mil lions of money. Not one shilling lind been lost, and not ono penny, either of prliclpal or Interest, had remained uncollected. Ma Journnls, each iKilqtio In Its wny, Jins been produced In the count" of tin campaign In South Africa. Ono or tv i) of theso are hnrd to beat In (limit iitlveness, but the smallest news jMpci In the world, hnvlng n record of Boverul years' regular weekly Issue, Is publUntd In (luadalajarn, In Mexico. Its Is "B Teh-grafo," It appears evcrj Smdny and Is published In eight coitions, 1-1 ia Indies long ,and ono and n halr Inches wide, on thick Manila pa per. Its BlnfT Includes nn editor and director, an administrator or business maimger, the printer, anil laRt, but by no mran.s least, t!io capitalist or owner. Thl French fleet Is to bo provided with d new quick-firing gun, said to bo superior to any now In use, nnd nn order has been given to tho Buello works, Ch.'ircnte, for the supply of 100 of thsse cannon to tho fleet before tho end pf the year. Tho gun Is of 1G mil limeters (6.3 Inches) caliber, thrown a projectile of f.2 kilos (111 pounds), has n mi'Mlc velocity of 000 meters (2.9G2 foot-ieconds), nnd can bo fired flvo tlme9 per minute. The projectiles will plnrco steel armor plate of 32 centi meters (12.C Inches) In thickness and of 20 centimeters (7.8 Inches) up to 3,000 meters. At the recent marriage of tho Crown I'rlneo of Jnpan, Immense multitudes In the Btreets watched nnd applauded tho bridal procession, but not a poi son looked out of nn upper window. To tho American oyo and mind this seemod strange. Hut thu Japanese ex piation of It was simple. It Is con trary to etiquette Indeed, to loyalty for a Jnpanrso to look down, either literally or figuratively, upon a mem ber, of tho royal family. Ono smiles nt tho attaint conceit that would In terpret the visual nngle as a Blight. Yet thero Is much that Is ndmlmblo nnd worthy of emulation In scrupulous regard for what ure esteemed duty and honor. Tho Hon. Henry Copclnnd, who suc ceedsSlrJullan Salomons as agent-gen-ernl for New South Wales In london. was. like tho premier of New Zealand, originally a working miner. Ho spent years on tho Hallarat goldflelds In Vic toria before ho settled In Sydney, ono of tho divisions of which ho represent ed In parliament until his recent pro motion to London. In a farewell edi torial a Sydney paper says of him: "A working miner ho was, and n work ing miner ho remains. He still ex presses himself ns of old In vigorous and unadorned Anglo-Saxon that will make Mr. Chamberlain sit up when the pair commence to negotiate on con troversial colonial questions." Dr. Andrew Gerber, n wealthy phys ician of Mount Joy, modo a peculiar will, In which he devised to bis son Christian, only one-half tho Income during llfo of ono of his farms. Al most the entire residue of his estate, amounting to nliaut $200,000, was be queathed to his great grand-children, of whom none was In existence at tho time of the decedent's death. Dr. Ger ber held strango religious views and believed that at the time his youngest grandchild would arrive at tho ago of 22 years, he (tho deceased) would re turn to earth, and he desired his estato kept Intact until that time. Tho will was contested and tho Supreme court gave Christian Gerber absolutely nil that part of tho estato bequeathed to tho future generations. Sensntlonnl morganatic marriages seem to bo tho order of tho day In tho Austrian Imperial family; for after those of tho Countess Stephnnlo do Lonyny and Archduke Franz Ferdi nand It now nppears that the beautiful Archduchess Maria Theresa has peti tioned tho emperor for permission to mnrry her master of tho household, MaJ.-Gen. Count Cavrlunl. Tho arch duchess, who Is tho widow of tho Archduko Chnrles Insula, tho emperor's urouier, wnose third wlfo sho was, Is n princess of Ilragaliza, and In her 45th year. Sho has been n widow Just four years. Curiously enough, sho is the stepmother of Archduko Franz Ferdinand, who has morganntically married the Countess Sophlo Chotek. The archduchess hns two daughters, the Archduchesses Maria AnnonclntU nnd Elizabeth, 24 nnd 22 years old re spectively, who, with their cousin, tho emperor's granddnughtor, nre at pres ent the belles of the Imperial court. Count Cavrlanl Is n fine-looking, sol dierly man, slightly older than his royal flanceo. According to tho Philadelphia Roc ord, a great deal of tho paper money that Is In constant circulation In Am erica gets frequent washing. In some banks there Is a regular wash-day ev ery month, when a clerk mnv h .-on.. 'bent over a tub rubbing notes up nnd 'down on a wash-board. Tho dirty greenbacks nre soaped nnd rubbed Just like handkerchiefs nnd socks, nnd nro put through a wringer boforo,,,. .put out to dry. After tho notes havo ibeen passed through tho wrlngor they tare- hung on n lino stretched In tho banli clerks' department. FEAR THMVORST. London Looks for Startling News from China, NO ASSURANCE RECEIVED FROM PEKIN .Situation More (lliinmy With Every De port Itellef Fnrer nt Tl'ii Tutu Atnerlran nnd llumtlan ' re Iteln forced. A Che Foo, Tuesday, June 20 ills patch says: Hear Admiral KempIT re ports by ii Japanese torpedo boat that the combined force's entered Tien Tsin on Saturday, June 2.1, sustaining small loss. They started on Sunday to re lieve the force which left Tien Thin on June 10 and which Is believed to be surrounded near I'ekln. According to Japanese reports Admiral Seymour has been captured and the ministers have left l'ekin, guarded by Chinese soldiers. Their whereabouts Is unknown. The llrittsli cruiser Terrible, says n London Juno 'JO dlspitoh, hns arrived at Che I'oo from Tnku with the latest news, which Is as follows: Bight hundred Sikhs and 200 Welsh fuslleers have effected a junction with the American, German and Russian forces, which had been cut off by the Chinese about nine miles from Tien Tsln. It was proposed to deliver an assault upon the. Chinese forces at Tien Tsln Sunday night. It Is not clear what forces united. It would seem thn,t one relieving force, cut off, had been relieved by another. At any rate, it Is apparently eertnln that the allies arrived in sullleient force at Tien Thin Sunday to uttaek the besieging Chinese. WANTS AUMISTICi:. Chine Milliliter Urge United States to Hcml No More Troop. The chief development today In the Chinese situation was the effort of the Chinese minister, Wu Ting Fang, to secure an armistice in the operation of American troops until LI Hung Chang could reach I'ekln and bring about a cessation of the disorder. The propo sition Is rather a novel one, and is based upon the representations of the viceroys of the important provinces of the Yang Tse Kiting valley that they can maintain order without the aid of foreign troops, and that the presence of the foreigners would act merely as au incentive to disorder. Minister Wu brought these repre sentations to the attention of Secretary Hay, who consulted the president. The hitter's decision, as subsequently pre sented to the minister, was that while the assurances of the viceroy for con tinued quiet was fully appreciated, the United States could not bind itself not to send its forces to points where dis order actually existed and where the safety of our otlleials and citizens were endangered. Technically speaking, in the absence of a state of war. this was not a proposition of armistice, but high government ofllcials say thnt It amounted practically to an offer of armistice and a refusal on the part of the United States to make the arrange ment. Ilnvo Abandoned Warpath A IMioenlx, Ariz., dispatch savs that II. P. GUI of Philadelphia, who Is hero from n prospecting tour in Mexico, says the Ynqui Indians have all practically abandoned the warpath. Ho says several hundred are still hidden in the mountains and make an occasional descent on Isolated ranches. Near Tomaehlo on Friday last a large party raided a ranch and killed two cowboys, wounded several others and one woman. They were driven off after a hard light. Tornittlu Follow Flood. A tornado, which originated near Blossburg, Jefferson county, Alabama, swept the country for fifteen miles westward Into Walker county. Its paili was a quarter of a mile wide and the greatest damage resulted around Democat, where a score of houses were wrecked and a number of persons in jured more or less seriously. Crops were ruined utul hundreds of trees up rooted. ' World' W. C. T. U. An Bdlnburgh, June 2.1 dispatch says: Tho World's Women Christian Temperance union congress reassem bled today under the presidency of Mrs. llnsley. The American delegates are greatly concerned at the serious Illness of Mr. James Norton (principal of the Lakevlew college of Chicago) at Southampton. Lady Henry Somerset nnd the convention sent telegrams of Inquiry and sympathy today, NolirnRlcnn Die In F.uKlund, A Columbus special says: News has Just reached this place of the death at Loudon,England,of Charles T. Cockson, u prominent and wealthy farmer, liv ing seven miles south of town in Polk county, who left in May with his wife to spend several months In Burope and who Is known to have been In good health up to a few days before his death. Killed All Three. At Granite, n nsv tmvn in (freer county, Oklahoma, Cattle Inspector Jeff Gilmorc, Kill Anderson, another man and a woman engaged in n game of cards. They quarreled and drew guns. Gilmorc shot and killed his three assailants. Blmt noun, Sheriff Morrison wns wounded and two of his deputies killed near Cloud Chief, Okla., while pursuing George Casey and n man named Me Kce. whp had broken jail at Arapahoe. RECEIVES FEARFUL INJURIES Itnnawny Arrldi-nt nt Hunting May Itrautt In Death. A Hastings Neb., dispatch hays: Mrs. Will Heffron Is lying at the point of death ns the. result of a runaway acci dent and the physicians have given up till hope of her recovery. She had been out driving nnd ns returning from the northeastern part of the city when herhoihc became frightened and rn.i away. She was thrown from the bug gy, her face coming first in contact with the hard road. Her features were mangled nlmost beyond recognition, and sho was picked up in an uncon scious condition. Although the phy sicians have worked over her for some time, It is thought she cannot possibly live. MURDERED BY BOXERS MIlonnrle 1'roiu Delaware, )., Knniwi to llo I)i nd. A Delaware. O., June 23 dispatch says: Hev. Dr. Leonard of this city, secretary of the foreign missionary so ciety of the Methodist Bplscopal church, has received seml-olllelal iicwr from Tien Tsln that Hev. Dr. Pyke and wife and ltev. Norman Hayuer and wife, missionaries, till formerly of Del aware, have been murdered by Chinese lHJxers. (letting In Trim. The war branch of the United Stntes government is preparing for any event uality that may arise out of the Chi nese situation. As stated by one of the highest oflleers of the army, the scale of preparation Is of a magnitude which would both interest and sur prise the public. Hut, he added, tho Information would, be of even greater interest and service to any foreign foe which the United States may be called upon to fnce within the next few weeks or months, and, for that reason, there is no purpose to make public the complete preparations making to meet whatever Issue arises. All that the ofllcials will say Is that the army nnd the navy, if the occasion arises, will give a good account of themselves. Oregon I Under Way. Word has reached the navy depart ment that the battleship Oregon got away from Houg Kong bound for Tnku. This is two days ahead of her expected start. She took on 10 1 sailors and marines brought to Hong Kong by the Zallro. The big ship may now have u chance to repeat her celebrated performance "around the horn," as she is being crowded for n fast run to the scene of action. The distance Is about 1.500 miles, and, If she makes record time she will be at Title ii in six days, about the same time that the Brooklyn arrives from Manila. These ships are the only ones going to China. Taylor' Health llrokcn. llrokcn In health and spirits. ex-Governor W. Taylor of Kentucky has gone to Niagara Palls. He was accompan ied by Mrs. Taylor, and four detec tives followed close at their heels. Two of the ollicers represent the state of Kentucky and bear warrants for the arrest of Mr. Taylor upon charges growing out of the assassination of Governor Gocbcl. The other two are employed by Mr. Taylor to guard his person. Tnnmclo In No Man' l.uml. A tornado passed over Heaver county, formerly known as No Man's Land, says a Guthrie.. Oklti., dispatch. Henry I!ardvoll, Steve Bird and Abe Wights man were killed and William Hammer and Paul Khodes fatally Injuteil. The storm swept the country for sixty miles. Hundreds of cattle were stam peded and mi'ny killed and Injured. Several houses were destroyed. Deulc n .Statement. Admiral Crowninshield pronounces ns untrue tho reports that the gun boats Marietta, Princeton and several other ships at Manila have been or dered to T.iku. There is felt to be no need for them, nnd, nioreover.with the ships now under otdersto sail Admiral Remcy will have a force which is con sidered abundantly able to meet every possible requirement. Churned With Statutory Itnpr. Jesse George, the young man who is charged with statutory rape on a twolve-yeur-old girl near Lushton, Neb., recently, has been taken to York by Sheriff Lancaster and lodged in tho county jail. He was appreheuded near Peru. The case will be heard July 2, and (n default of giving SdOU bond, the young man was placed in Jail. Order to Kill. A Shanghai dispatch says: It is ofll chilly said that the dowager empress has Issued emphatic instructions for the extermination of all foreigners in China. Large numbers of refugews are arriving here from the north. All is quiet here and in the Yng Tse Kiang valley. Krnu Not to Itealirn. A letter has been received by the Chattanooga, Tenn., News from Com missioner of Pensions Evans in which he denies the story published several days ago to the effect that he would resign as pension commissioner and run for congress. Iteliel Are Well Armed. Oriental advices by the steamer Tnr tar, state that ai'cordlng to a Canton, China, correspondent, a rebellion is ex pected to break out in Kwan Twin province at any time. Bnormous quan tities of Mauser rifles and quick firing guns havo been smuggled in nnd it is said that 2,000 troops may be put in the Held. Viceroy LI Hung Chang Is attempting to nip the rebellion in the bud, but so far has been unablo to do so. Thousands of discontented people are said to lie rallyinL' to the black I flags or the rebel chiuttalns. WILLSENp ARMY United States Must Bear Its Part in China. GENERAL CHAFFEE TO TAKE COMMAND Adequate Military I'orec Orders Iued liiHtntct Him to On Dlreet to 1'rkln Itellef of Urn Tln tho Only Neui at Wellington. A Washington, June 20, dispatch says: The purpose of the government to place an adequate military force in C 'na was made perfectly clear toduv when orders were issued to Ilrlgadler General Atlna It. Chaffee to take mm. mand of the forties In China and to jnoceed at once to assume his new duties. More significant, probably, than the assignment Itself was the wording of this formal orders to Gen. oral Chaffee, issued late in the day by Acting Secretary of War Mnlklefnlm. directing him "to take command of tne troops ordered to China." and to proceed to I'ekln by wuy of Snn Fran cisco and Tnku. tientnnimlid W 1,U aides. It has been expected that the inuiwiry forces would be concentrated at Che Foo or some other convnnient military base, hut the direction to pro ceed to Pckin, the capital of the Chinese empire, indicated a firm determination on the part of the government au thorities to have a strong military lorcc at tne capital of the Chinese government. The announcement, .if General Chaffee's assignment, nnd the orders 10 proceed to I'ekln, came after wie state department had declined to accede to a second nronositlon from six great vlce.ioysof China that foreign iroops Dc uopt out of China until Li Hung Chang reaches Pekin. Secretary Loni' renetvrwl nrt),1nr .Lin ing the day beyond the early dispatch from Admiral Kempff stating that the combined forces hud entered Tien Tsln and that the Seymour expedition was reported ten miles from Tien Tsin, surrounded. This cleared up one sit uation only to present another condi tion which may prove even more grave. General Chaffee who is staying at the Arlington hotel, was iriven a sere- nude tonight by the Third cavalry oiiiiti, oi which regiment he was lieu tenant colonel before the war with paiu. The general said tonight he would leave the city tomorrow morn ing for San Francisco, whence he is to sail on the transport Grant for nnd Chinn. Heyond this definite news in regard to sending a force to China, the only news of importance Is con tained in dispatches confirmatory of the relief of Tien Tsin, and that the Pekin expedition is ten miles from Tien Tsln, surrounded. Dewey Cannon Unveiling. The programme for the ceremonies connected with the unveiling of the Dewey cannon at Three Oaks. Mich., is substantially complete. The ad dress of welcome on behalf of the state of Michigan will be delivered by Gen eral K. A. Alger, and the oration of the day by William Ilnrton, I). I)., of Chicago, on the theme "The Victories of Peace and of War." The unveiling of the Dewey cannon will be per formed by Miss Helen Miller Gould. Want to Parade. Adjutant General Harry is kept busy granting permission to national guards men to take part in Fouith of July celebrations. Recently Company A. Second regiment, with headquarters at Kearney, and Company C, First regi ment, Ileatrice, were given permission to parade with arms and participate in Fouith of July celebrations. One or two companies of the guard will take part in sham battles and the state will furnish blank cartridges. I.oc Fifty-live Thtiuinnd Dollar. II. K. Dnllleld, Chicago board of trade broker, was robbed of S.Vi.flOO while riiling on a Cottage Grove avenue cable ear. The money was in bonds, mining stock and deeds, which Mr. Duflicld wius taking to the bank. The robbery Is credited to professional pickpockets, who, it is believed, have been watching board of trade men credited with making heavy profits on the big bulge in wheat. Mr, Dutlield could give the police no clew. Complain to (iovernor. Governor Poynter has received a complaint from WoUmch, Greeley coun ty, that persons there were killing whole coveys of young prairie chick ens. The governor cannot take action, further than to send copies of the state law to the Interested people. The open season for killing prairie chickens is from September 1 to January 1, and the tine for killing outside tho open ficuson is S" for each bird slaughtered, Ilrnnkljn doing to Tuku. The United States armored cruiser Hrooklyn withllOO marines from Cavite has sailed for Nagasaki, where she will coal, and 'from which place she will go to Taku. Col. Uobert I. Meade is in command of the marines. The U. S. transport Logan, with the Ninth infantry, and the United States gun boat Princeton will follow. Chlim Muke Formal lteiuet. In more formal manner, with tho signatures of six viceroys representing the greater part of the empire, Minis ter Wu repeated Tuesday his plea of tho previous day that tho foreign troops bo kept out of tho country. Secretary Hay laid the formal request of the viceroys before the cabinet meet lug, but thero was no disposition to vary from the president's determina tion, ulrendy made public by Secretary Hay to the Chinese minister, to send our forces to such points as were menaced and where our ofllcials and citizens were in ilanyir. SHOOTS HIS BROTHER DEAD Now Drought to Wyninro, Neb., of a KuiiRit Traced)-. Jako Hakcr shot and killed his brother, Pete linker, at the home of the latter in Hanover, Kits., and after seeing the result of his deadly aim turned the weapt n on himself nnd would have taken his ovn life had not his wife and the wife of the murdered man stopped him, He then walked across the street and gave himself up to nn oflicer. The story of the shoot ing nnd the trouble which led up to It, ns told is to the effect thnt the two brothers were running a beer stand at a Sunday picnic near Hanovernnd that sometime during the day I'ete became Intoxicated and had a' light. Later the two brothers and their wives, who nre sisters, were at Pete's home settl ing up the day's business, when Jake made the remark that the only thing to mar the pleasure of the picnic was the fight I'ete had. This remark is said to have angered Pete, who was still under the Inllucnce of liquor, and he attacked his brother and finally put him under a table. Jake tried to get out, but was put hack, and told by Pete that he would kill him If he came out, but Jake was too quick and jump ing out from under the table he grab bed a gun and shot his brother twice, killing him instantly. The coroner's jury exonerated Juke linker, the shoot ing being in self-defense. BREAKING THROUGH A NET Itoer I'laylnB n l.liely (lame of Hide and Seek. A London dispatch says: Lord Rob erts' six columns are converging ap parently so us to close in upon the Free Staters, although decisive results cannot be expected for several days. A number of Hocrs who were sup posed to be within the wide-thing net have broken or rather stolen through General Bundle's Fieksburg-Senekal lines. The Canadians were engaged in the Honingspruit fight last Friday. General Dewet'.s men cut off a Canad ian outpost of mounted rifles at dawn, two being killed. Lieutenant Trlgils and four others were wounded and three were enptured. The Free Stat ers then attacked the camp, where were fifty Canadians nnd two com panies of Shropshlres, though without much effect,' as the men were well cd trenched. DOUBLETRAGEDY AT OMAHA German Carpenter Kill HI Wife and Commit Hutrlde. John Stumfmeier, a German enrpen tert living in the extreme southern part of Omaha. Neb., shot and mortally wounded his wife and killed himself in their home. The tragedy was the culmination of a night's quarrel over domestic affairs. After shooting his wife Stuinfinaler lighted a match and stood over her prostrate body to assure himself that she was dead. Knraged by the sight of his twelve-year-old son sobbing upon the neck of his dying mother, Stuinfinaler kicked the hoy off the porch and out into the street and then going into the house shot himself through the left eye, dying in stantly. The woman was taken to St. Joseph's hospital in a dying condition. TAKESTHE LIFE OF HER SON Widow at ChlenKii Attempt to Ille With lilts. Myrn Conkliug, a widow, living on Itelden avenue, Chicago, took the life of her nine-year-old son, John, at their home, and then attempted her own life. After stopping up all the crev ices nnd cracks in the room In which her boy slept, she turned on the gas and lay down on the bed near him to die. Before the deadly vapor bad taken her life neighbors found her. She was taken out Into the air and re vived. Her sou was dead. LIFT FOR STATE GUARD Stop Taken to Draw Nhnra of One Million Dollar. The preliminary steps were taken Tuesday to secure for the Nebraska national guard its share of the, 000 annual appropriation recentry made by an act of congress. Adjutant (lencrnl Harry certified to Adjutant General II. C. Corbin the number of men in the guard In the state, and In due time over 17,000 worth of supplies and equipment will be drawn annually for the benetit of the guard. LOOK FOR EARLY RELIEF ItrltUli Central Afr'cau Force Leave for Almntl. The British government hns received dispatches from Ashantl Indicating that the relief of Kuinassi should be accomplished thrs week. About 850 men of the British central African na tive forces sailed June '.'Ii for Ashantl, where they will be employed to quell the rising. This Is tho first time that British Central Africa has been called upon to partake in the responsibilities of the empire. VnylnR off Indetitedne. State Trcnsurer Schamber of South Dakota will send out draft i for 805,000 to take up bonds not due for ten years. This will leave a bonded indebtedness for the state of 5013,000. KnlKht of Ht. John. The twenty-second international con vention of the Knights of St. John has begun nt Philadelphia with several hundred .'mights in attendance. Mass was celebrated at the cathedral and the delegates then proceeded to Odd Fellows' temple, where the convention was called to order by Chas. W. Naulty. Mayor Ashbrldge extended tho hos pitality of tho city to the visiting knights. In the parade " 000 members of the organization participated. A Glorious Fourth will be celebrated In grand style at Plumvlew this year. RUMOR OF BIG MASSACRE Fifteen Hundred Foreigner Deported to Have Ileen Murdered. A London, June '-'3 dispatch says: The silence of Pckin continues un broken. Four thousand men of the allied forces were having sharp defens ive fighting nt Tien Tsin Tuesday nnd Wednesday, with a prospect of being reinforced Thursday. This Is the sit uation in China as set forth In the Brit ish government dispatches. "Bight hundred Americans nre tak ing part in the fighting nt Tien Tsln." says the Shanghai correspondent of the Daily Bxpress, cabling last even ing, "and they apparently form a part of a supplementary force, arriving with Germans and British after the conflict started. It is impossible to estimate the number of Chinese there, hut they had u surprising number of guns." This information nppears to havo been brought by the Jnlted States gunboat Nashville to Che Foo and tele graphed thence to Shanghai. The Shanghai dispatch says: It Is reported from Japanese sources that 1,500 for eigners have been massacred nt Tien Tsln. Deport of Mannacce, Doubted. The apprehension as to the fate of the Kuropeans cut off at Tien Tshi have been sharpened by Admiral Kempff's message, says a Washington dispatch, which was the first definite announcement of the bombardment and destruction of the foreign conces sions. But, in spite of Shanghai's grim statement that the Chinese used forty-pounders, and that 1.500 foreign ers were massacred, there is no reason to conclude that the foreign colony has been unable topiotect itself. A Shang hai dispatch reports that Tien Tsin was bombarded for two days, that the casualties were 100; that .1.000 interna tional troops nre there, and that now that the allied commanders tit Taku are hastily pushing forward n relief column It is hoped the worst upprehen siouswill soon be dispelled. WHEAT CROP RUINED Xorthueit Crop In Dad Shape I'lonlng Up Whole Field. A Ihihitli, Minn., special says: Oliver Dalrytnple, the big wheat grower of North Dakota, says. "I am of the opinion that two-thirds of the spring wheat crop is killed be vCond redemption. The Grnndin farm is running sixty plows In the wheat fields. I shall start plows tomorrow and nearly all spring wheat farmers will be plowing under wheat next week unless heavy rains come. A Chieago, June lit dispatch says: The Times-Hernld tomorrow will pub lish a crop report prepared by Snow, the crop expert who has completed a two weeks' trip through the states of Minnesota, North and South Dakota. He declares the situation a national calamity and claims the wheat failure there is the worst ever known. He estimates the Dakotas as promising only 20,000,000 bushels each and Min nesota 35,000,000 bushels, a total of 75,000,000, against L'00.000,000 bushels last year and 'JL'5,000,000 bushels in lb'JS. MUCH DAMAGE DONE Furious Hall Storm In and Around Slour City, luHii, A Sioux City, In., dispatch says: By a hail storm which passed over this city, but which reached its worst a few miles east of here, 75 per cent of the crop of small grain and corn was des troyed in the district where the storm was most severe. C. E. Finney, a worklngmun at the YoungJove ranch, bud two ribs broken by the force of hail. Another workman had his face pounded almost to a pulp, The ten-year-old daughter of Clem Martin, a farmer residing near Mo ville, got caught in the storm on her way from school and was bruised so badly by the large stones that It is feared she will die. At Crit Bush's farm six pigs and u number of chickens were killed at different places. Horses and cattle were knocked down by tho force of the hail. FIRE AT SOUTH OMAHA Uarelioiine and Tho Cottage Totally Consumed. Fire totally destroyed the feed ware house of Arthur A. Rushland and two cottages belonging to Frank Shllahan at 1 wenty-fourth and Q streets, South Omaha, The total loss will be In the neighborhood of 87,000. It was about 4 o clock when the was discovered In the Rushford warehouse and ti tele phone alarm sent in, Shot IinrliiR I.ul,r tow During a labor row at tho Offdcn Gas tompany's plant at Chicago, (. i.on okomin, a contractor, was shot ami seriously wounded by .lmcs Collins a negro. Collins, a non-union "' was set upon by strikers and began shooting at his assailants. Pnoko. mln, who happened to be passing uud hat no hand in the trouble, receive a bullet Intended for one of the bikers. Collins was arrested. Think. i,e Wllljfiurrender. General MacArthur-wlUsoon form Ally announce President MeKinlevV order of amnesty. Btumcamlno Pater? no and other prominent Filipino k-nd-crs are greatly pleased, b they beUe u that under the amnesty they can brim, about the surrender of Agulnaldo . tf Short. Nee Their Danger. On the Network cotton evehnmro shorts were driven to cover brepS of bad crop conditions i the ST J