Kpjjjpynt '' " M-BiwWBaifBH WfK: '$";-'L'!F r. .n . V-ty.-'.'1"- ----.t- jxf. ja gjr.-.,, " "lfl sT?v,.r.s v 4 4 4 i 4 41 4 i T. n 4 i' f 4 i m 4 4 4 4 4 41 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i "E&s oxv &&y. Hi'st became tin1 tfoldsniitli's nit win produce no better rinp,. Made of ono solid piece n( gold without Haw or blister. Our stamp on :i rinir means standard of merit. Kucli nnd every tinn thnt goes from this stoic is made mi ller our own direction. All rings sold appropriately en graved free cf chiirgt. T&eous& "Bvos., JKWKI.HIIS ANU OPTICIANS. Hrfrftte-ffrtffttttffffttt GENERAL CITY NEWS. MORE OR LESS PERSONAL, Telephone No. 97 for your gasoline District court convenes next Monday .June '.25. Do you want a naw cook stovcV If so see Wright. The- Chief and Chicago Inter Ocean ono year for 81.25. Two residences for salo in city. Seo 3. B. Llghtfoot. Will Parker returned Saturday evo ning from a trip east. C. M. Smith and J. W. Kunchoy were in Superior Wednesday. Walter Koby sells tho Singer sowing machine. Prices riglit. Get tho host. It. B. Gaston of Concordia, Kansas, is in the city this week looking after business mutters. Miss Ina Burt of Campbell was visit ing in tho city this week and attending tho teacher's institute. Mrs. James (Iriminger and hor sister Myrtle Mcintosh left last night for a summer visit at Tin Cup, Colorado. Sanford Fox has bought tho Wil liams property on the corner of Elm stret and Ninth avonuo and is now comfortably located in the same. Ed. Cotting returned Saturday eve ning from Bloit, Wisconsin, where he has been attending college and will spend tho vacation here with his pa rents. The fund for tho India sufferers is increasing. All those who desire to contribute to this fund will please bring in their contributions by Monday, Juno "25th. Mr. Will Auld is treasurer. The man who was "born tired" should use Prickly Ash Bitters. It makes work a necessity to give vont to the energy and exuborence of spirits generated by functional activity in tho system. Sold by C. L. Cotting. J. O. Wiles this week received a new gasoline engine which ho hns installed in tho roar of his restaurant. In n few davs ho will bnvo bU funs in working order and then tho oat ions of the Star bakery and icstaurant can bti assured of a pleasant place to cat ieo cream. List of hitters remaining uncalled for at tho postoflicoat Bed Cloud, Neb raska.forthe week ending Juno 2lst 1000: Beezoley, Arthur Brooks, Bert :Bump, U. O. 2 McConk. Mr. McCorriston, Wm. These letters will besent to tho dead lotter oflico Juno 28th, if not called for before. When calling for abovo pleaso say "advertised." T. C. Hackkk, P. M ANOTHER OF THOSE BIG SUNDAY DINNERS NEXT SUNDAY. J. O. WILES, Prop. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 J Now is tho time to subscribe. Lois Popo left Satmday for Lincoln on a visit. James Bowren left Wednesday for Grand Island. F. A. Sweezy of Blue Hill was in tho city this week. Cap. Hotichin made a trip to Host wick last Saturday. Will Tuiloys and wife left Monday for their homo at Oxford. L. C. Munger left last Monday for a visit with his sister in Iowa. D. II. Kaley and J. K. (trecnhnlgh of Cowles were hero Thursday. A. A. Btudiek who was shot by John Poyer is able to bo out again. It 1) Bedford left Thursday night for Holdregoon a business trip. Mrs. A. Conover loft Thursday morn ing for a visit with friends at McCook. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Itickards f Be atrice are visiting relatives in tho city. Miss Boats left Wclncsday morning for Beatrice to visit .vith friends. Mrs. II. C. Cutter left Thursday morning for Janesville, Wisconsin, on a visit te relatives. Mrs. L. 1). Oatman left Thursday evening for a trip to Donver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo. Henry Clark leaves today for Arbor ville, this state, and from there will make a trip to Chicago. James (iriminger fotincily of this city hut now living at Wymore was hero this week visiting relatives.. License to wed was given Eimo H. Goos and Laura Stumpeuhorst both of this county, June 20, by Judge DulTy. Mrs. Brower and daughters who have been looking after property in terests hero left for California Mon day. Cloyed Cummings left Thursday morning for Bentrico where he has ac cepted a position with the Paddock hotol. F. P. Hadloy has purchased tho Geo. Boss property in the north part of town and will move into it in the near fu ture. Ernest Welsch left Thursday even ing for Denver where ho will spend several days and then will go on to Cripplo Creek to look after his mining interests. Tho salaries of the postmasters in fifty-four of tho presidential postoiliccs in Nebraska have boon increased. That of only one, Blue Hill, has beon de creased. ' Sheriff Wolls or. Tuesday received word to watch for a team of white horsos and a saddle and bridle which had been stolen at Bellvilln, Kansas, but up to tho present no trace of thorn coming noar hero has been found. Important Announcement! Third big shipment of the celebrated Lion Brand shirts received yesterday. See the "Schubert," "Kenwood" and tho "Lakeside" as tho proper shirt for hot weather.-TiiK Cowpen-Kaley Cloth ino Co. At tho Baptist church next Sunday morning the subject will be, "Four Es sentials in Christian Life." Sunday school at 11:45, I. H. Holmes, Sup't. B. Y. P. U. at 7 p.m. Evening subject, "A Singular Life." Bogular monthly covenant meeting on Wednesday eve ning ntSo'cloek. Everybody welcome. I. W. Eiison. The ease of John A. Poycr for tho .shooting of Deputy Sheriff A. A. Biirdick came up for hearing yesterday hef ore .Judge West and a change of venue was taken to Judge Bedford's court. Tho hearing was had at tho court house and the room was none too largo to hold tho anxious crowd. Tho defonso introduced no ovidenco and tho prosecution introduced a fow wit nesses in support of thoir case. After listening to tho argumen's and review ing tho ovidenco tho judge found it sufficient to bind Poyer over to the district court in the sum of 93,000, and in default of which ho was consigned to tho euro of Sheriff Wells. Bed Cloud people who stay nt homo on the Fourth of July will have a little fun of their own. This week a number of rhe business men got together and raised a goodly sum for tho purpose of kouie enjoyment, however, anyone can come who wishes. There will bo no eloquent outbursts of oratory, and the program, which will not commence until 2 p in., will consist only of races and sports, and anything that goes to make a good lime. Another feature will be a water tight, and still another a hoso raco. There will'also be bicycle races, foot races, pony raees, Irish buggy race, egg race, sack race, fat man's race, lean man's race, etc. And there will also bu a tug-of-war contest which will bo opon to any team com posed of live person. Although the. affair i to bo -impromptu one, there will be plenty of iiiiiuomout and danc ing. During the day a phonograph entertainment will ho given, and at tho glose of tho entertainment tho puouo. uraph will be given away. iFountaiwDrinksi AT THE Bon Ton Bakery. l Dl'll 101. I WlMi'uerrj. ('himpmwe Cider, (linger Ale. i (trace KoU, SoJu I.CMOtimltf. Celery I'hotpliMe. drape l'liolmtp, ursngc (. icier. FIVE CENT DRINKS. Ice Cream Soda, CMIumI Fruit !oil. cnerrr i"iiouiaie. Ilootllccr KRk U'tnutlitile. drape Lemon. Moxle, I.emon Sour Cherry 1111. Kruli I'liDjphale Lemon I'lioDpliate, l'Hiirs llromlile. llierry ltlpe l'aospliaic. TEN CENT DRINKS. (ueen' Favorite. Kvr I'lioM'hnte. ( Marlolle linen1. Moiitiinln Foam. Ilauana Ctcam, I.aillro' favorite lVrliuiSlirrlel, Krult Miimay l'laln Claret. !eler Lemonade with Cherries FIFTEEN CENT DRINKS. Cherry dlaee Ciilftubii Kile, sherry mill Kitir Clmet 1'iiiii'h Sea Fl. Orangeade I Uuret ClufiphAte, i Claret Lemonade. Moorish sherbet. ) IlKcpberr) 1'iiiicli W.S. BENSE, Prop.i VnAVVVVVVffF waaaaaan! LOCALLY. WEEK'S HAPPENINGS For hall insurance see O. C. Tool. Jesse Bakor was in Sttpeiior Thurs day. Dr. MeKceby was up from Superior last Friday. See Wright before you buy a gas or gasoline stove. Geo. Crow and son of Guide Bock were hero Monday. Miss Florence Sawyer of Inavalo was visiting in tho city Tuesday. A.C. Hosmer was attendihg to busi ness matters in Hardy lust Saturday. Sid and Warren Longtlu have gouo on mi overland trip to Aurora, Kan sas. Tho Misses Graco aud Ella Stone breaker arrived in tho city Saturday night. Mv. and Mrs. Moranville, parents ef Dr. Moranville, after a visit hero loft for homo yesterday. Miss Graco Arncson was shopping in tho city Tuesday and was the guest ef Mrs Maud Ward. Mrs. Neblo Sanford, sister of W. N. Itichardson is visiting in the city with that gentleman and family. Miss Nellie Clark of Oxford, former ly of this city, stopped off for a short tinio here Wednesday morning. Will Kellogg, Geo. Overing and Bos coe Gather loavo tomorrow for their overland trip to tho far west. Sheriff Wells tcok Julius Wobber man who was last Friday adjudged in sane to tho insatiu hospital this weok. Charley Fort left Thursday night for a visit with Everett Dyer at Denver and to take an ou'.iug in the moun tains. Lulu Edgerton from noar Guide Kock was up beforo the insanity board Mon day, and the case was set for Thursday June 28th. Fifteen cars of soldiers passed through hero this morning on their way to San Francisco whore they will embark for China. Tho Equitable Mutual Hail Insur ance Co. writes hail insurance on cash basis only. It will save you money to see mo. O. C. Tf.f.l. Mrs. Laura Downen who has been visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bemsbcrg left Monday to join her husband at Lcadvillo. Edgar Wtckhain stopped off hero a fow hours Monday, enroiito to Concor dia, Kansas, whero he goes to work for the Oluoi -Gaston Music Co. Jim Martin has resigned I I position with the Standard Stock Food Co , iitul ha accepted a position with a Ciein tint i cigar house us traveling salesman. Clias. Robinson, Jus. Burden, Jas. Butler, Carl Studt, Jacob Nustein, Jas. Sut'.on, M. W. Dickorsou, Joo Blair, and J. E. Kesler wero in Blue Hill last Sunday in attendance at the K. of P. memorial service. On last Friday afternoon whilo play ing tho young son ef Mr and Mrs, X. A. Wilburn had tho misfortune to injuro his nose quite sovorely by running into one of his playmates. Ho has been under tho doctor's caro but is getting along nicely. Ludlow Bros, will in tho near future put in a modern brick-making machine at thoir yards north of town. They havo como to the conclusion that tho present demand for brick will warrant the investment, and enablo them to put a quality of brick on tho market equal to Hastings brick or any other brick. We are glad to seo tho inprov mont and hope the people will show their appreciation of it by using noth ing but home in ado brick. Prof. Kelley has received the stand ing of tho Bed Cloud schools for tho year just closed. The university au thorities havo conceded tho Bed Cloud schools 27 points or only ouo short of full university preparation. This is a gain of four points over last year, and is tho highest ci edit over earned by tho Bed Cloud schools. Tho gains worn in Prof. Kelloy's English class one poitit, one in civics, one in physical geography aud ouo in Miss van I'll sum's Latin classes. All kinds of garden tools at Wright's. Ed. Burr of Guide Bock was hero this weok. All kinds of wiro fencing at Wright's hardware store. Will Barton returned Tuesday from a trip to Denver. Beit Walden formerly of this city was hero this week. Mrs. Anna Hadloy has purchased tho (ieo Boss property. Mrs. I). M. Ablo loft Saturday on a visit with friends at Omaha. I havo a few dozen pansy plants for Salo Mils. M.Mir. PAItKF.ll Wright has every article of ware that is needed around the kitchen. If oiiwant hail or other insurance sec me before writing." O. C. Ti:i:l. All kind of repairs for the Cham pion hinder.1 and mowers can be had at W. B. Koby's feed store. Goo. Dunn, a former old time rail road man on tho B. V M. was hero this week. Everett Dyer of Donver was in the city this week visiting with his parents and other friends. A tine Nebraska boy of usual weight arrived at the homo of Bcv. Finch on last Friday morning. Mrs. I) wight Jones of Guide Bock was hero Tuesday visiting with her daughter Mrs. (S verge Morhart. L. P. Albright ami wife, Mrs. O J. Pope and Mrs. Bnmey ute attending stale Sunday school convention at Lin coln. Oscar Tuel, wife and children were in Cadanis, this state, Wednesday to bo present at tho marriage of a nicco of tho former. Andrew Borg left Thursday for Cen tral City, Colorado, on a visit to his sister and to seo if a chango of climate will not bo beneficial to his health. Jos. Havel who has been visiting with his sister Mrs. Donnis Finn at Itoggen,Coloradc, and also seeing Den ver returned homo Wednesday morn ing. Mrs. Paul Phares and children of To poka, Kansas, arrived in tho city Tues day evening on a visit to hor parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nowhouso nnd other relatives. Georgo Story of Pnoonix, Arizona, a former well known resident of this county years ago is here visiting his father and brothers in this city and Cowles. He is traiumnster on a rail road runuing into that city. To tho pooplc of Bod Cloud and vi cinity. I am now prepared to take pupils for music instruction for either vocal or instrumental. Satisfaction guaranteed. When not convouient to seo mo leavo ordors with Albright Bros., music store Mas. II. J. Ci.aiik The site for tho new mill has finally been settled upon and it will bo loca ted on the lots at tho intersection of First avenue and Wobstor street. A large number of men havo been at work making excavation for tho build ing which will soon be commenced. Are you dull and stupid? Do you miss the snap, vim and onorf v that was once yours? You need a few doses ef that great system regulator, Prickly Ash Bitters. For reviving strength and energy, increasing the capacity of the body for work, It is a romodv of tho highest order. Sold by C. L. Cotting. At this time there is an excellent prospect for good crops of vciy des cription. Bain was needed in some parts of the county, but tho line rains of the past few days have reached till paits of the county nnd the farmers are feeling good. Corn looks very promts ing, and the season has been such that the farmers could cultivate it well, as it is remarkably clear of weeds. iff 0 ik) tti ft ki vly 0 it i) ft it itt it ii Xt it Hi it Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi 0 Hi Hi v VI7 Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi ft Hi 0 ) ft il iks ft iks 0 vi viv 0 A) 4 I r SI Seasonable Clothing. Wc have just received a big ship ment of Children's & Boys' Wash Suits and I'ANTS which we will sell at very low prices. These goods were bought at late sea son's prices and will be sold accordingly Child's Wash Suits, 3 to 8 years 45c and 50c. Boys' wash Suits, 9 to 14 years, $1.00 to $1.25. Knee Pants 20, 25, 35c New shipment of young men's suits bought at a very low price tojclose out. Prices on these goods which are bargains. TSw M0 w I 1 rJ frw Boy's and Children's Straw Hats in endless varieties. Prices 5c to 75c. Gomden-lfoleyGlothtogGo. Outfitters for Little Fellows. f"00-'t psesrawiaimm Morhart Bros. HARDWArE Co. WE LB AD ! 1 tttttrtttttCttfrttrtrttlr ( iKeeo Gool! Or 4 at m by using one of Cotting's tt 4 Hammocks. All prices jj from $i.oo to ,$4.00. If m that don't cool you off try m 4JI $ one of our cold ice cream 2 sodas. Hi 4 J C.L. COTTING, I Si The Druggist I 1 4 a. 4 k? 1 Our prices are increasing our business every day. Here are a few of them. Genuine Western Washer $2.90. I Round Washer, $3.00. m m 2 hole G-asoline Burner $3.25. W m Long Handled Spade. 90c. m Long Handled Shovel, 90c. Large Sized G-alvanixed Tub, 85o. 10 quart pail, 15c. No. 8, Galvanized Boiler, 86c. and many others equally as interesting. Space is limited so we cannot quote all our "prices. WE MAKE NO LEADERS. All goods at the lowest prices. ... Come in and see for yourself. Morhart Bros. Hardware Co. -TO i I tv m m m m m m n m m n d m m m i m m m w m m m m m m m m n m trf ;i . -if-' M .MUl 1 ? Ei:il: iWi" -iS v iMSigg fcM e .- f &-"