B- fci i U -j ,-r-ri1 i i1 U I mm WW GOOD judge must have both experience and learning. A housekeeper should be a good judge for she too must have experience and learning or she may think that the soaps made to look like Ivory Soap are just as good. With experience she will know that they lack the remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ivory Soap 994ioo per cent. pure. toprmaf it ? imi moctih THE CHIEF ruiiLiKiisn nT v. i,. mcmii.lan. One year .lino Six monthi PUUMSHKD EVKHY PHIDAV Entered at tbe pott offlce at Red Cloud, Neb.M econdcltiimall matter. ADVKHTISINO HATKSi Local advertlnliiK fi centa jcr line per Imne. Lool AdvertliltiK for cntertalnmanta, con fern, xoclala, etc., Riven by ctiurchei, charltablo iDcleilea, etc., where all moucTi railed there from are tued wholly for church or charltablo ocietle, flrt ten lines f rtu and all ovwr ten lines 94 centa per line per Imiie. Local advertising of cntertalumonta, concert", recital, etc., where per cent la kIvoii to pro. motera, 6 centa per Hue per Unite. DISI'LAT AtlVKHTIMNO. One column per month IT (X) Cue half column per month a H One fourth column per month 1 75 General dlxplay ndvcrtUliiK HH centa per Inch per Issue. REPUBLICAN TICKET. jC.ITI S National Ticket. For'I'resldcnt, WILLIAM MOKIN1.I.V For Vlcc-rresldent. TIIKODOKK UOHKVKI.T State Ticket. HoMlovorner. C. II. DKITKIUII, Of Adami County. Kor Secretary of State, (I. W. MAItSII, Of Kkhardsou County. Kor State Treasurer, WM. STUKKKKB, Of CummliiK County. For State Auditor, CIIAKLK9 WKSTON, Of tfherldau County. For Attorney General, K. N. ITtOUT, Of (luxe County. For Commissioner Public Lauds, (1KO. 1. KOLI.MKK, Of Nuckolls County. For Superintendent I ubllc Instruction. W. K. KOWI.KIl, ' t or Washington County. Congressional Ticket. Fir CouirpkMunn,Mh IH-trlcl, V. h. MOItl.AN, of Hod Willow County, County Ticket. For Mule Kopre-eutHtlre. Oil AS i: HICK-, For County Attornej, K U OVKItMlX. . Times aro mi gomt mat Coin Harvoy has been able to purchase a farm. Tho democratic party always was opposed to millionaires who don't con tributo to its campaign fnud. Between tho Tammany ice trut nr.d tho cxhorbitant charges of tho Kansas City hotel men the Democratic leaders aro having quite u uuio with tho octo pus. Thorn Is a litvouu ease at Atchison that is so noisome that even tho (Jlobo would not give a full acconnt ot the proceedings. It is a pretty tough prop osition that will stump tho Globe. ' Capital alono can never form a trust. Without tho co-operation of libor it is useless. Even capital and labor to gethor can not form a trust, becauso thoy need tho consumer to use their produots. - With an availabU cash balanco of "almost throe hundred million dollars ($300,000,000) in tho Treasury at Wash ington, tho nation's finances aro in con siderablv better shape than they were when Grover Cleveland and Secretary Carlisle wero hunting around to sell United States bonds in tho London mtirktJt at high rates of interest. , ' - The insincerity of the democratic loaders on tho trust question was dam onstrated in the house of rep a (. co, ciicin-uti icsentntives when tlitsy declined to vot with the rnpiiblicuns for a const! ttttionnl nmcntlmcnt wliich would hitvo taken thu evil in hand in an effective mnnnor. Tho democratic lenders don't want tho trusts destroyed. They need them for campaign material. m Mr. Dietrich has never sought any political preterment whatever. This is indeed a casoof tho oflico socking the man. Ho is an filial caididate, a clean man in overy senso of the word an enthusiastic republican, a man of broad, liboral practicallideas. Ho will Klvo us a good clean, businesslike nd ministration. Tho following figures of mortgages tiled and released on Nobtaska farms aro interesting: Year. Number. Amount 1994 24,812 l237,G52.a:i 1899 18,253 127,141 15 Annually interesting statement is tho showing of mortgages released in Nebraska, as follows: Year. Number. Amount. 1895 50,4111 $'.'0,'.0I,010 1809 79,9112 49,2;i2,707) Mr. W. J. Bryan, Everywhere, U. S Dear Sir: Four yours ago 1 was suffer ing with shrinkage of tho pockotbook, had hideous droim of bankruptcy at night, and was in sore distress. I was in h bad condition generally. I came to tho conclusion that your froo silver pain balm was just what I wanted, but was forced by Mark Hanna to tako some of his sound-money prosperity lotion. Conttnry to my expectations, it brought relief, and after taking four years' treatment at tho hands of Dr. McKinley, I am now recovering and enjoying life. I havo since come to the conclusion that your free silver pain balm is a greatly inferior medi cine, and would have been tho death of me. I shall continue taking Dr. Me Kiuley's medicine, knowing that it will finally affect a permanent euro, lies pectfully yours, U. S Fatmer. Centuries ago, when the individual found that his business was growing too large for him ti handle, he took a partner They formed a ttut In :i -mall ilcgiee Fifty year.- ago, Mie pattneiship form of bu-iness began to give way to tho small corporation, a business men found that a corporation atlorded better facilities mid protec tion to their business More recently corporations grew in sizo until we havo experienced tho very large corpora tions called trusts. In ueatiy every caso these are neither more nor less than partnerships, tho only differonco being in extent and dugree. The in creaso inlthe world's volume of busi ness has compelled tho growth from tlu original partnerships to large cor potations. Where is the next generation of men comintr fro. We mean men. not tho things that will result from tho ageiug of the young bloods who promonado the streets with a coffin nail between their teeth, eating at the "old man's" tabic; weariug clothes that tho "old gent" pays for, and running tick for their tobacco and beer. Sttoh as these will never make mon, no never; they will drift along with the years until the father dies, or else until they marry some silly gum-cuewiug, tight. laced high-healed girl just about as near half baked as they aro and start out in life with tailor made clothes, and fur ntturo unpaid for. They will then find themselves with too little son-e tomako a !iing without work, and too la.y to wink, and -o will -imply exist until tho eni of the chapter, with nothing to show for having lived except a fow more frousy kids to propagate their incompetency. There will.bojplentyaf those, tut whore aro tho men com iiiff from? There aro exceptions now, it is true, young men and boys who have a future because they ate unking it, but they and their kind .-mould be the common rule, and the hull-baked guys thu exceptions. God help tho world when a man or boy is singled outbocauso he is industrious. It should bo ono quality that could betaken for granted. m .- As tho train was leaving Lincoln the other day, a young man accompanipd by a buxom damsel strolled into a pull man sleeper, approached the polite porter and said in a low and confident time "Mister, me and my wife have just got married and aro looking for the best accomodations this train has " "Looking for a berth, I suppose," said the dusky son of Hum, as lie turned to assign seats to other passengers "A berth' Thunder and lightning no'" gasped thu astonished rustic "We have just got married We only want a place to stay all night, you know; tlintM all. Kx A minister in a town not a thousand miles away, sajs no xchange, urpris ed his audiancu by reading the follow iug announcement from th pulpit: "Tho regular session of th Donkey Club will be hold as usual immediately after tli services. Members will line up just outside the church door, mak ing icinarks and staring at the ladies who pass as is the custom. Any mem ber known to escort a lady to church like a man or sit with her like a gen tleman, will be promptly expelled from membership." The application was to the point mid the effect wit mat velou. A great many lvunsiis school inarms ato going to the I'atis exposition, which shows terrible shiftlessness Some of these days the ituar girls will want to get married and will have no money with which to support a husband. Burr Oak Herald. Our phono number is now 72. Call us up whon you nocd job printing. ON THE ROAD All the time, eating irregularly, steeping irregularly, exposed to every disease latent in bad cooking or poor food; that's a summary of the traveling man's life. The result is "stomach trouble"; that gen eral term which covers various forms and stages of dis ease of the organs of di gestion and nutrition. The traveling man can't avoid the troubles which spring from his business obligations. Hut lie can avoid "stomach trouble." If Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery is used when the early symptoms of de rangement of the stomach tnanifest themselves, the cure will be quick and radical. Hut even if the disease has Income chronic the "Discovery" will cure ninety -eight times out of every hun dred if tried fairly and faithfully. Mr. Ned Nelson, the eel ebrated Irish comedian and mimic, of 577 Ko dei st.. Camden. N j . writrn We fulfilled an engagement of twelve weeks and the con. tant traveling gave me a bad touch of that dreaded disease called dyspepsia. I had tried everything possible to cure It tltl last week, while playing at II. I' Kelth'a Bijou theater. Philadelphia, in the Nelsou trio, a professional friend of mine advised me to try Dr. Ilerce'a Golden Medical Discovery I tried It, and, thauk Cod, with good results." Free I Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 pages, 700 il lustrations, is sent free on receipt of stamps, to cover expense of mailing only. Send ai one-cent stamps for the book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the same IkjoI: cloth-bound. Ad dress Dr H V. Pierce. IlttlTalo, N. Y. J 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 c 4 4 4 4 THE FAMOUS OHIO! RIDING OR 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 V. irBLaaaaaaalaBFy-JJul7ll n-1 .M r 9SlfTvy,-'viTft's1!R JAS. PETERSON, Agent. RED CLOUD, JACK OF ALL TRADES OUR NEW "LITTLE GIANT" li H. P. GASOLINE ENGINE, WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD TO Haw u uuv ot .i Imve lot the price jufflcu-m 11 . el iit v.ui wind n.iUs 11. iw iu 1 ! I1 llli "lll'll 1(11. ri It II" VVIIIII III HI Ull II. I unit' ""il ""' -7 i, , 11 . t or .liv. wiml or i-iilin. It 1-11 lie wiimi to tills niiu'hlne. . 1 1. t.n 1 ii'i.i. -,ivv vvihmI f'mrii l.iittor un I s liiituly for u IiundriMt other tlit- farm. Cuts nullum to Kieii when nut vvnrhlnir ami mil; I unii'i ' 1 w tli iiiso '" ' litis. 111 tlie 1 to Sri-ins l-i I. 'in wlieii vvnihlnsr. MuhihiI t-mnpieieiy set u . renny to run. no rouniui ion iiccilnl. 11 met Iiil-nr iiiul iiicuiov vivei lti.iilri's pructlciillv no ntteiitluii, anjl Is iVolutelv Kifc. We iiiuke nil !-o of iunllni Kuiiies, irotn li ti ..Miorso power. WriU 1.1 clreuilir mill sRL'inl print's. FAIRBANKS, MORSE fit CO., OOlflHa, NEB. Skin Diseases When the excretory organs fall to carry off the waste material from the system, there Is an abnor tnal accumulation of effete matter which poisons and clogs the blood, and it becomes sour and acid. This poison is earned through the general circulation to all parts of the body, and upon reaching the skin surface there is a redness and eruption, and by certain peculiarities we recognize Eczema, m1 m r' Acnc 1 S, Rueum Psoriasis, Erysipelas and many other skin troubles, more or less severe. While the skin is the seat of irritation, the real disease is in the blood. Medicated lotions and powders may allay the itching and burning, but never cure, no matter how long and faithfully wVa.v..w-..( iu - wwuuiuuu is u.i. c. 1 ugiavaicu uuu sKui permanently injurcu vy llieir use. The disease is more than skin deep; the entire circulation Is poisoned. The many preparations of arsenic, mercury, potash, etc., not only do not cure skin diseases, but soon ruin the dinestion and break down the constitution. S. S. S., nature's own remedy, made of roots, herbs and barks, of great purifying and tonical properties, quickly aud llcctually cures blood and skin troubles, because it enca direct to tho mot of tlm ,f;c,;,cn nnii ciiinniii n,t c..r.. .,....! c hcaltl . b. fc. cures permanently because it leaves IV action to til'.' different organs, cleanses and enriches the lilnnd. ntnl tlma rOi,.v,.c il,,. c.ct, ,.f ,,11 .ic,.,,c ,,...; ' g Jmi . Healthy blood is necessary to preserve that clear, smooth skin and beautiful com- IH 4HB HLH P'cx,u,t 50. mucl1 tlfsircd by nil. S. S. S. can lc relied upon with certainty to keep iT K ofsmT lllu 1,Io'1 "' perfect. rder. it has Iwcn curing blood aud skin diseases for half a ecu- lto pittaW bIbbbW. tllry; no other medicine can show such a record. HHLk H sm S' s- s- contains no poisonous minerals is purely vegetable and harmless. tW LM W M bwH 0lir ct-ca 1ep.trtment is in charge of physicians of large experience in treating pjfV Hf2V mhV blood and skin diseases, who will take pleasure in aiding bv their advice and direction all bF SBr who desire it. Write fully and freely about your case; your letters are held in strictest 01 tv ., , confidence. We make no charge whatever for this service. Our book on Dlood and bkin Diseases will be scut free upon application. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. ATLANTA. CA. C. S. SHEPARD, M. D., C. M. HEADRICK, M. D , Consulting Physician. v -? $t,W- ', !.( 'V-'S- -"V';' vrXfc DOWN TOWN OFFICES 306-307-308 NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING Home Treatment. Orj. Shepard llcatlclck re(ticst all who are hIIIiik. hI1 who (eel h t-radiml wenkenlni; or all who realize tlmt tliclr health Is lieliiK tinilarmlni'il tiy some iiiiknenn complaint, to cut out thU klip mark the question that Hpply to your rae atiJ ihty will tln.Ktioe your cake for) oil la jour nose stopiel up? Do you nleep with uioutli open? I la ttirre tmlu In front f head? In your tliront ilry or sore? lliuo you a Imil taste mornlniis Do youcoiiKh? DojouroiiKh worse at night-? IsyourtoiiKueeoatPil Z. CZ2 In your appetite fiilUm!" la thero piln nflvr eutliis Are you Unlit heiuleil? When you et up mnUenly nre ou illry Do you hn e hat ttitslie' Do you have liver marks' Do jour kidney trouble oir Do you Iikm' pain in back or under Miotil der blaili'ir Do you wake tin tired Are you losing Mesh? la your strength falling' CATARRH. RHEUMATISM AND NBR VOUS I'ROSTRATIOS.-Mn. Rer. O. H. Moultoo, Aurora. Nebraska. Is one of the mo-t highly respected women In our town. Her husband is a member of Hie Nebraska Conference, and Is pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of Aurora. She writes: "I ?JBD.ITliS&fflSai J-JES xJ.iri.-I.X' &m bb "iii -ViY-w: .1 . tja-t. -ann 'mKStfi&t? .BBVK-7v-VZTiiZ'SV.E i-1 . ' S iHTj l J kBHlaHVfBllliiplMH Fororcr fiRht years wo Imve btien RtittinR letter from pttieiiis cttttereti throughout Nebraska asking us to visit their part of ilia stutt Unit they might get personal consultation. Iu response to this request w have decided to visit Red Cloud, Holland House, Thursday, June 28th, 1900. All oltl pafeiits and new one alse, are welcome to thorough examination, which is free. We trat every year thousand of cases of Catarrh, Lung Disease, Dyspepsia, Nuryntu Weakness, RhouinatHiii, ami Woman's Ailmout, alio nlTpcliors p-culinr to men. We havo thelate.it and best instruments anil app iatiee-,. Consultation free For books and question blanks aud full information about the Sanitarium Treatment ty mail addles Drs. New York Life Building. "1 i WALKING CO en CD o HI NEBRASKA. EVERY STOCKMAN AND FARMER. of this Ensrlmi In imo iltjr iu account of In icuvuii; )our mocU vvitlmut water, (let one none of the original noison to referment Drs. Shepard & Headrick, Omaha, Nebraska. All Chronic Diseases Treated by Modern Successful Methods. ffilE TREAT, Catarrh in til its 4J forms, Affections of the Nose, BH Throat. Ears (deafness), Bron chial Tubes and Lungs Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Wmbi Hay Fever. Asthma, Rheumatism, Neural gia, Paralysis, and other seated ailmenb which the family physician has not the facilities to thoroughly care for and treat Selected Surgical and Confine ment Cases will also be received have suffered from catarrh of the bead, and for thn last six 5 eara from a form of nerToim catnrrh of the tnront. My whole system was In n Rreatly delillltnted condition. There was ureal mental depression, bearing down palnx, weakness and nervous prostratlan and rheumatism. Much of tho time I had been compelled to lie down every lew ruin uteo while, doing my housework I felt a great change after the first month's treat ment, the catarrh trouble which 1 had given up all hopes of finding help for, Is cured, and I am freo from rheumatism. 1 cannot sh enough In favor of the treatment I mol heartily endorse Dr. Shepard's plan of curing sick people at their homo. KIDNOY TROUllLE.-Mr. Frank Uehm, n farmer of Modale. Iowa, took a orlet course of Home Treatment with Dr Shepard. Now he writes' 'Your medicines thor ouglily, promptly cured me of catarrh of tbe klilnejN, weak back and rbeumatlsm. lie fore 1 began with vou I had been a great t-utTerer with kidney disease, so that 1 could hardly attend to my farm work. Your home treatment soon fixed me all right, and I am In splendid health now, aud have been so since your treatment nearly four years ago." Rer. E. W. Wilcox, pastor of the Meth oillst Kplscopalchurcn. Klgln Neb. writes: "Kor a number of years I suffered fr m ca tarrhal disease In my bead, eara and throat. After public speaking or singing for a few minutes I would become hoarse with a feel lug of fullness and Irritation In the throat SHEPARD & HEADRICK, ARQABRIGHT, The Portrait Painter I STRICTLY FINE WORK IN WA.TE&. COLOR, SEPIA, PASTBL, Portrait Frames and Fascism stock and to order. Stiulio in l):inu'roll Hloek, Hed Cloml, Xebr 1 t 1 UGEWG RODS ! Lightning Rods can be purchased from me at reasonable prices. If you believe them a pro tection send size and shape of your building and I will let you know what it will cost you. L E. PAQUIN Ukkbuknces uunk of Campbell. 4PLV t in the blood mid cm, n frcsli nMnt, Established In 1891. REFERENCES TO CURED PATIENTS IN EVERY COUNTY IN NEBRASKA. c-r Sanitarium Building. 3615 North Twenty-Fourth St. Electric ears run every fix minutes between Down -Town Offices and the Sanitarium. and bronchial tubes. My nostrils became stopped up, giving a nasal tone to my voice and causing continual headache. 1 had not breathed through the left nostril for two years, Marked dentness came on with other swnptoms until my hearing whs very dull. This was the worst uttllct.ou of nil. Mv whole ij stem has been thoroughly restored to good health, however, by the Miepard home treatment and the local catarrhal symptoms have been mastered. The throat and nasal symptoms have disappeared and hearing Is excellent " The Home Treatment. Most Perfect Ever Devised. Every mall brings additional proof of the success of the home or mall treatment. This It one of the mot effectual syMetns ever de vl-ed. The physician and patients are brought In cloc touch by n system of week ly correspondence. The same care and at tentlon Is given to the mail patients as to those who visit the office In person. If you cannot come to the office write for a free contyltatton blank and literature conoern Ing tbe home treatment Si C A M0NTH to any patient for V O any curable chronic disease and all medicines furnished without a cent of additional cost. No other fee. No other cost. OHAHA, NEBRASKA. " Campbell, Nebr. LI113. 'riii I 1 I ma tit m I' 1 ai i "-V" ,Wv.'. --. :" '.' 5 r A t. V rj.-t--' '