IlghSfxffjBB f "WM ygHnMj L-rtr'-l'"1r7l''-.",'?:i!l -lt".gnTraraj 'trtA.-' VOLUME XXVIII. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. JUNE 22, liKK), NUM1JER 24 ijgssiiig:saigs?as2saiis The Big Store. Telephone INTo. tT. J5 A y on y. . f Sometimes you save money by keeping it and sometimes you save money by spending it. 1 here are a great many instances in our store where you can save money by buying. On Our Center Counter -ou WH find a great many articles not placed there Sft in account of their being out of date, but to make 4g room for new goods and give you sometning at a trifling cost. 1500 yards Calico. 10 yards for 32c. 'ooo yards Percales, regular 8c values, at 6c. 1,000 yards Lotus Lawns, regular 6c values at 4c DIMITIES, PIQUES, EMSWORTH PERCALES DEMlNSand MUSLINS. THE NATIONAL CONVENTION. The Most Enthusiastic and Peaceable Con vention Ever Held. Not One Dissent ing Voice to the Nominations. For President- WILLIAM McKINLEY. For Vice President THEODORE ROOSEVELT. & .v i m Mr V.S8 : STHRTLING Shirt Waist Sale. r w.-t: TAW R i XT A SHOES. JtBCn V Several Hundred pairs, not a cheap lot, but taken from our shelves and placed in the center of the store in order to moke room for a 50 dozen ..:.. d,:v,,.nt nf Wnlf Hros.. medium priced shoes. In this lot you will find nearly all sizes in children's Sy Misses'. Ladies and Men's shoes, price 10c to $1 .75. M Furniture. Our furniture room already has some vacant places in it and we must have more in order to place new goods. $20 lied Koom Suits at 515 00. $ir,.00 Sideboard ntfll.oO. ..,.. 133.00 3 deboards nt $2U.uO. Kxtensiou Tables $r..S0 to $2,100 Kitchen chairs GOe. Carpets. MADE - TO - FIT - YOUR - ROOM. HcniUH, lOiMoiirnj. Granites, Q."ie toJ.ji. Union'-, 25i to .lOe. Ingrains, extra susr, ilV. Axminster. 1.00. Mociuetles,!l7o. Kcmnanis at Uoi'k llottom Prices. MINER BROS., Red Cloud, Nebraska. m xsii..: v it"" t The New. - HHMPI0N KINUbK LIGHT DRAFT. Low Force-Feed Elevator. Eccentric Binder Wheel. An Entirely New Departure. RADICALLY DIFFERENT FROM ALL OTHER BINDERS. IF YOU SEE IT YOU WILL BUY NO OTHER. The New (HflMPlN flfrOWBR The Pitman has no straight back. MOST PERFECT MOWER MADE. LIGHT DRAFT. other motion except straight forward and It never breaks and never wears out. I'liH.AitKMMUA, Juno 2Ut. Presi dent Melvinley was unanimously re nominated for president of the United States by the republican national con vention at 1:48 p.m., and an hour and ten minutes later Governor lheoilore Itnosevtlt of New York was unani mously selected to stand beside him in the coming battle. The scenes attending the selections were tumultuous. Sucb unanimous demonstrations in honor of the nomi nees of a national convention have never bean equalled, perhaps, in the history of politics in this country. It was a love feast, a jubilee, a ratitica- tion meeting. The great hall became quiet as Sen ator Lodge, star ding before 15,000 eager faces, gavel in hand, announced that nominations for president of the Uni ted States were in order. The reading clerk advanced to the frout of the plat form. He was about to call the roll of states for tho presentation of candi dates. When Alabama was called a thin, red-whiskered delegate from that Uato arose and surrendered the first right to speaic to Ohio. A llutter of handkerchiefs lilled the air and a cheer went up from the delegates iu the pit as Senator Foraker of Ohio, the idol of tho militant republicanism, strode to the platform. When quiet was restored ho began to speak. It was not yet noon but the sun was blazing through the roof, shooting his darts and arrows into all parts of tho hall. With resonant ringing voice and graceful gesture, Foraker stilled the noise. Kven the pages and atten dants crouched down ns they gazed at tho orator. When he said his candidate was the Mil choice of every man who desired republican success in November tho roar was like the rush of a heavy sail through a rocky civern. Tho orator was Mlcnecd by his own words. His audience was thrilled They sat like men under a spill. He dropped a word here, a word there, like sparks upon a sun-dried stubble, titid when he concluded by placing McK nley in nomination, not in behalf of Ohio, but of all the and territories, a clap of thunder shook the building. The nomination was immediately seconded by Uoosevelt of New York, Thurston of Nebraska, Yerxos of Kentucky and Gov. Mount of Indiana. The roll oal! .showed 0110 votes for McKinluy out of J.'iO votes in thtrVniivention. After quiet hud been restored Chair man Lodge aiinouneed nominations for vieit president were in order. Again the mine of Alabama was ealled and .igain Alabama yielded the Hour, this time to Iowa, and Col. Lnfo Young of Iowa iu si very forcible speech placed before the c invention the name of Theodore Uoosevelt of New YorK for vice president. Tho nomination was seconded from every quarter of the hall and after quiet was restored a roll - I 1 ...1.I..1. ,..... I. . I I.. OOO fhll was (iriiereu whiuii tcaum-u in votes for Uoosevelt, there being one vote lacking, that being his own vote in the New York delegation. ThU closed the work and at 2:14 the republican national convention of 1900 adjourned. Is yourname written there? Where? Onlour subscription books for tha last year i tha 19th century. It should be. M i & & MS ! We made a startling purchase of 50 dozen, 600, new Shirt Waists at about 50c on the dollar. Two-fifths manufacturers wholesale cost. This is the largest and handsomest line of Shirt Waists ever shown in this city. The whole line will be 1 Placed on Sale at Startling Prices 1 m P Cm M i-.-.y m m 3ii-i m n m f.-.iY m "; u TO SELL QUICK. Lot No. i, worth 6oc to 75c, sale price, Lot No. 2, worth 75c to $1.00, sale price, Lot No. 3, worth $1.00 to $1.25, sale price, Lot No. 4, worth $1.25 to $1.50, sale price, Lot No. 5, worth $1.75 to $2.50, sale price, 37c. 59C 73C 85c 98c. Do not fail to take advantage of this extraordi nary sale. Gone early and get a selection from this large stock. 20 per cent discount on Parasols, one-fifth off. This is the time to sebure a cheap parasol. 1 i m Sir: Y-'m m m m m IP i All Wash Goods at fiedueed Priees. TURNURB BROS. Red OIoulcI, fetj?n.islci MM m I 1 1 .TJ' ALMOST FORGOTTEN. The only Mower where lost motion can be taken up both in boxes and gearing. Turning a set-screw does it. -. SAMPLES NOW TO BE SEEN AT W. B. ROBY, Agent use PRICKLY ASH BITTERS .FOR KIDNEY DI8EA8E, 8TOM- AOM Tlluuiiuc,iriuiui.o kTION. LIVEfl OI80RDEn OR. CONSTIPATION. ncwo. Incidents ol Every Day Life Which Very Few People Stop to Think About on Account of Their Littleness There is oiin thing tliut is not this wni)k al111u.1l foinottDii. 'I'liiit is the sidewalk which has been liullt in front of ihu Nonh'.s itrk Wc invito ihti pub lic to come over anil walk on tho good side of tho slri'ot. TIiIb siduwalk is now the joy of tho babies bociuiso niamiua can now trundle tho baby ulonK without taking chances of break iBKtho baby1 neck. It will add ma terially to tho business done on this side of tho street. The Ciukk is not taking any credit for tho advocacy of this iuiyroTowont. There is enough Rlory in knowiuR that tho walk is there. Our greatest joy would be to see the council fraino an ordiuanco under the law which will condemn this building and convert it into the ouly thing for which it is valuable kindling wood. As tho Fourth of July approaches tho scramble to secure a ticket to the con vention at Kansas City is great. A quiet little Fourth right here at homo is prefernblo. It will save that tired feeling, that headache and that wish to bo alonu tho next day. It will save that inllnitesmal feeling that some peo ple here who think they are "big peo ple" will undergo wuen iiiey meet and see numbers of really great men. I'vlitica will begin to warm up ikot tly In fact they huvo already begun to assume tho warming up process. The man who merely looks on and wit nesses the absurdity of many political discussions mav be looked upon as a nonentity but In- will have the satislae tion of not running up ugiinsl a black eye or the eternal enmity of his best friend.--U we had the genius of liixby of tho Statu Journal we would indite a poem ou the rose, not in the spirit that John M. Thurston did, of love and tanderuess, but wo would write of it as seen by the foreman of the CuiKr in his dreams on last Saturday morning. " e would not write of tho rose in its beauty and sweetness. We would write of it as a dragon and of the bush that bora it as unsightly and covered with thorns resembling the weapon which the ladies use when they say "gee up11 in their endeavors to make the family horse go faster. Wo would write of an irate woman who stood at the well near midnight with one of these thorns in her hand, Hut wo have not Itixhy's genius und wrll have to let this bad dream of the rosu remain written on the memory of the foreman. Notice. 1 have left Hed Cloud and have loca ted in Superior. All my accounts must ho settled at once All accounts have been left '"ith U.K. Kinsel F. E. MoKekbv. Tux Cm ik ll per year. A Pleasant Surprise. Mrs. (iraliain gave her mother, Mrs". Dr. Kuckwell, a very pleasant surprise party hut Monday night. She had planned ii and given out the invita tions, then on the evening stated they went out riding. When they came bai'k Dr. Rockwell said, "Let Us get a dish ot ice cream before wo go tip to our rooms." "Oh! no," said Mrs. Graham. "We will get, that later.' At tho door of her rooms the Dr. saw a light from the transom and said, "Oht there is some 0110 here," thinking it was her other daughter. Uut wheai she opened tho door and saw tho yooniv tilled with ladies all eager to welcoti her, hor surprise showod in looks and words. The ladios were very pleasant ly entertained with games and puzzles, Mrs. Graham introducing the famous Dewey puzzle. At a late hour all wore invited to go down to Iionso's and see what they could iind to eat. That f. mom cnterer served them with his do lioious ico urenw and somo very lino cako, after which they wended their wpy homo, happy, lighted through the darkness by tho lantern of a philan thropist. The ladies prcsont represen ted three societies of which Dr. Htck. well is a member. There wore six members of tho Kastern Star, six of tho M. K. Ladies Aid Society and livo mom. bors of tho Womaus Uolief Corps. KawU tbe tine tosubMribt. Jflf ,n & IB i 1 .r m r." v 1 f l JlA mi Kl l-l