t w ' I it?nii mm t ni sojj i dcog AiOA dcos aand o; pappira Aoeojjap snojj3A4Bui s)j tptM. uj3js uciunij atji ou q padsja apui b qijA jjasanoA ;csjj ;ou Aij Supjcui put? sju3ipaa3u 3ty u si soiwjajjtp atji incj 'sdeos uotutuoo uetn aaoiu s;sod u deos s4J3tpi?q sip si deoo Xjoat Anoa ununu -UTOp-Joon ainsn oj uoipsjqo papunoi-ipfc si 3J3u t S3sn su deos ALOinr ni jamf n X J3A3 jot 1 ""wJt"-J - J 'HDMVHVHTD XHICI A il A THE CHIEF ruiamiin nr W.L. MoMlLLAN. One TCr. .1100 to Biz month! PUUUSnKD BVBKY FIUDAT Entered t the poit office at Red Cloud, Neb. as econd clasi null matter. ADVBUTISINO KATES: Local advertising 6 centa per lino tr Issuo. Local Advertising for enterlalnmanta, con tcrta, socials, etc., Riven by cburchci, charitable tocletlca, etc., nlicro all moneys raited there from aro uel wholly for church or charitable societies flrst ten line frco and all over ten line 3tf cents per line per Issue. Local advertising of entertainment!, concert!; recital, etc., where per cent Is given to pro moters, 5 cents per lino per Issue. niSTLAT ADVKHTlStXn. One column per month............... 17 00 One half column per month ............ 3 M) One fourth column cr month..........-...... 1 75 General display advertising i cents per Inch perlssuc. REPUBLICAN TICKET. State Ticket. For Governor, C. II. DKITHICII, Of AiIhius County, For SecrclHry of State, W MAUSII, Of ItlilmnUon Comity, Kor state Treasurer, WM. hTlT.KFKK, Of Cummlng County. For Mate Auditor, CMAUI.KS WESTON, Of bherhUn County. For Altnrnc (iencral, V. N. I'llOUT, Of Cage County. Ft r Commissioner Public Lnuds, OKO. I). FOLI.MF.lt, Of Nuckolls County. For Superintendent I'ubllc Instruction, W. K. FOWI.KH, Of Washington County. Congressional Ticket. Fir Congressman, Mh District, W. S. MOHI.AN, Of Itcd Willow County, 'County Ticket. For State Heprcscntatlve, CIIA3. 1'.. HICKS, For County Attorney, K. U OVKItMAN. Tb usual county attorney light has nniyGt niMimcdn very lierco form. Tito possibilities for vice-president ou tbo republican ticket aro Rotting numerous. 4 Next week this time wo will name tho next president of the United States. His name will in all probability bo Mc Kinloy. Tho total amount of money in eir dilation has increased by 182 per cent In tho last thirty years, and tho depos its in savings banks by 827 per cent. A vote for a Democratic Congress man moans a vote for Freo Trade, Freo Soup, Freo Silver, Fiuo Hread, Freo Poorhousos and Freedom from Wage earning. Exports of lard bavo increased in value by $9,000,000 sinco tho last Dom ocratio Administration, with its free trado tariff. Republican policies aro b:stfor the farmers. If tho Chinese should refer to the little American tloet as a "tub navy," Admiral Kempff will show them their mistake by doing a little laundry work for tho Kmpress Dowagor. Tho prosecution of Neoley andhis as sociates for the Cuban postal frauds is being vigorously continued by the Ad ministration, and will not ceaso till sentonco lias been pronounced on tho guilty Tiieio will bo no campaign "issue," in the sense in which that word Is gen erally accepted on the shipping ques- 1 ixi t ! inmun aui uodn dros 2in RTT sin jo Stmmiuos IJp UPld DOO G SI T r & 1- - - tioti (hiring the coming campaign. The Amcricnn iicopln mo utinniiuotis in behalf of Directive legislation, tuul Congress is pledged to enact it at tho short session. In 1895 wo couldn't afford to buy oven cheap foreign goods, and tbo democra tic revonuo, under its low tariff, only amounted to $131,818,530. Last year tho ropublican protective tariff realized 200,128,481. Tbo United States new has a domain nearly tbrco times greater in area tban when it bocamo a nation. Wo bavo bcon expanding all tbo timo, and most of it was added by tho party now op posing expansion. In 1890, President McKinley said: "I hope that tbo tinio will not bo far distant when every workingman in this country can get work, and get.it, too, at fair nnd remunerative wages." The time was not far distant, and it is still with us. Thi policy of expansion, which gives us n foothold in the e.tst, which will open a now niatkot in the Philippines, and enable us to increase our cuintiici cu with China, will bo of great benefit to all our people, ami more especially to fanners ami wage earners. The prosperity upon which tho re publican party mainly relies for vie tory is tho genuine article. It is tin examplcd in tho history of this or any other country. It is so groat and all pervading that tho calamity bowlers of 1806 have lapsed into silence. Wash ington Post. Tho Treasurer of the United States gives figures showing that this country borrows money at a lower rato than any othor nation, and '.hat "money is cheaper with us than anjwhero else among men." It means much to say in connection with this statement that every dollar Issued by tho United States is equivalent to gold. A soldier writing from tho Philip pines to his mother in Ohio, says. "If some of those traitors in the United States had kept their mouths shut we would have had them (tho Filipino.-) whipped long ago. Anyono that up hoi Is anti-expansion is no better than an insurrector " This confirms other similar reports of tbo democratic sup pjrt given to Agtiinaldo. Tho coming year promises to bo tho best in tho history of tho Navy I)e partment, so far as tho construction of new ships is concerned, Work is al ready under way to increaso tbo navy, in accordance with tho recent legisla tion on tbo subject. Five battlo-ships, costing noarly $5,000,000 each, six great armored cruisors of 14,500 tons displacement aud high speed, three protected cruisers, similar in design to tho Olympia, and five subuiarluo boats represent tho programme which tho Navy Departniout now, has to disposo of, aud to ask bids on. Every ouo of theso craft will bo built at private yards. If you need a manager to look after your affairs, run your business and handlo it successfully, the place to find him is around tho shady side of almost any of tbo stores about town. You will hnd him there, telling about bow somebody else's business ought to bo run to make it go, and robearslng all tho gossip that is rife about town, and doing many other little things that aro so useful to tbo people generally. Usually a visit to bis homo will reveal bis wifo at the w. bh tub or wood pile, tho fences down aud tho place out of repair In general. This is a picture of what cau bo scon at almost any time aud at nil seasons of the year. Institute Notes A band of 114 teachers nro now at tending the institute in Red Cloud, More ale coming every day. Tho instructors are Prof. S. W. Mil ler of Lincoln, Prof. W. N. Kern of David City, Prof. O. W. McCrary of Hlue Hill and Miss Cora E. Clary if Nebraska City. Miss Clary and Prof. Miller were instructors hero last year also; and tho fact that thoy are here for the second year shows their work to be satisfactory to all. A visit to any of the classes would convince you that Mrs. Caso has se cured tho best instructors. All first grade branches are being taught. Superintendent, instructors and teachers aro enthusiastic nnd interest ed in their work. Tho best of order is maintained eveiywhcio. Mr. Hatiin leads tbo singing and Mabel Howatd is organist. Tho open ing exercises nro varied. Rev. Barnes spoke n few woids to the teachers ouo morning Forty minutes of every afternoon tho teachers have the plc.asuro of listening to talks by eithor Prof. Miller or Prof. Kern. Prof. Miller gives talks on "Common Sonso, etc" and his talks aro always in teresting nnd helpful. Wednesday, Prof. Kern talked about "Tho School System in Eugland." We gained a, great deal of valtinblo infor mation from him. Prof. Kern hns evi dently examined tho school sjstcm very thoroughly. On Mouday evening Mr.. Cnso gavo nti informal reception nt her home. Tho lawn wns tastefully decorated with Hags and lanterns. A largo crowd of teachers and young men, interested in schoolwork or workers, wero present. A very onjoyablo evening was spent. Refreshments were served and all nad such a splendid timo that it was almost midnight before they departed for their several homos. On Tuesday evening G. W. Isham lectured in tho M. E. church, on the subject of "India." A largo audience listened attentively for about three hours, and considered tho timo as pBptiltnbly spent. At tho closo of Lilt lecture, six norsons were dressed in costumes used in that coun try. Tho lecturer also showed us a largo collection of curios from India. Messrs. Albright, Fulton, Cottlng aud Albright furnished tho music. A Tkachkr. Tho following special to tho Sunday State Journal will uterest somo here: Wyjiokk, Neb , Juno 9 (Special.) A deal which has been contemplated for somo weeks past, was closed this afternoon, whereby tho First National bank of this city changes hands. Tho buyers are W. T. Auld, Leo J. Dunn ami oilier.', they having purchas ed the stock owned by tho Rock Island, Illinois, parties, which gives them con trol of this strong financial institution. Mr. Auld is prcsideutof City National bank nt Lincoln. Mr. Dunn is well known in Wymore and his name will add to tho bank's good name. Mr. bridenthal will assist them in getting started, when ho expects to devoto his timo to his largo lumber business. Are you dull and stupid? Do you miss tho snap, vim and energy that was onco yours? You need a few doses of that great system regulator, Prickly Ash Hitters. For reviving strength nnd energy, increasing tho capacity of the body for work, it is a remedy of tho highest order. Sold by C. L. Cotting. IW " c The Marriage Problem "How to be happy though married," has been entirely solved to the satisfaction of hundreds of thousands of women. There can be no happiness without health. The general health of woman is dependent on the local health of the delicate womanly organs. When there are debilitating drains, or inflammation, ulceration or female weakness, happiness in marriage is practically impossible. A host of happy wives testify that the secret of happiness in marriage is found in the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription. It dries the drains, heals ul ceration and inflammation and cures fe male weakness. It inal:s weak women strong, sick women well. Mrs. Anna Willy. (Michigan House), North llle. Spink Co., S. IlU . nrlte: "I am enjoy trie rcxxI health, thanks to jour Urn! acHlcc and valunhlc rrmrdlc. I MitTcrnl cry much nith female tcaluut-. nnd other ailments for more than two enr. when I wrote to yon for advice. After carefully follnwiiii; your sulwcc ami taking tx tiOltle each of Dr licrce' l'aurltc Pre-t-criptlou ritul 'OoMcu Mcltcil Discovery' I am now a rl ami happy wotiun " Women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter, free. Correspondence private. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N, Y. CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON Contagious Blood Poison is the most Mri.T.W l,ee, Mont gomery, Ala., writes: ' Severs! year ano I was inoculated with polton by a diseased nure, who infected my baby, and for six Ioiir ears I suffered untold misery. My body wan covered with sores and ulcers Sev eral physician treated mc, but all to no pur poe. The mercury nnd potash they uaxc me seemed to add fuel to the awful flnmc which was devouring me, I'ricmW advised me to tryS S.S. I bcunn tak ing it and iuipnncd from the start, nnd n complete and perfect c-ire was the result." Some Reasons Why You Should Insist on Having EUREKA HARNESS OIL Uuequalcd by any other. Renders hard leather soft. Especially prepared. Keeps out water. A heavy bodied oil. Harness An excellent preservative. Reduces cost of your harness. Never burns the'leather ; its Efficiency is increased. tccurcs best service, titches kept from breaking. Oil I s sold in all Localities Msnufacturtdb, Staadard Oil Cn tar. B. F. MIZBR WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCEH OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. 23 oz can Mixer's lx st Making Pow der, percan (win ranted) 50 pound sack of best High Patent Hour, 10 lbs line granulated Sugir on all order., 1 lb bes-t cretin CIipco, Pin o eliler Vi. I'gui , per gallon IJest parlor .Matches, pop package 1 lb bilvui (Jloss Starch, 2 packages Oxford Corn Starch ,'i cans I! II) Tomatoes, 11 causCnam Corn, 4 lbs Evaporated Apple?, 4 lbs Extra Prunes, a lbs Extra Large Peaches, 4 lbs " " Raisins Extra Seeded Raisins, package 1 lb Horse Sh Tobacco, 1 gal best Sour Pickles, per gallon 2 lb Hulk Roasted Coffee (tinr) 1 gal best Lamp Oil. 15c 00j ."0e lie lSe .V lie 0c 25 5c IO c o oc 25c 25c 25c 10c 40c 25c 22c 15c 50 lbs best Flour, you version for 70c 1 pail, 10 lb, Family White Fish, 00c ltnb, 401b, " " " 0 boxe, Diamond Axle Urease, 1 Tin Pail, 10 qt, bst tin, I tt 11 JO t. It It I ti 14 ii 1 Clothes Wringer, wood frame 5 lb best Rice, 6 lbs Broken Rico. $2 00 25c 20c 25c 30c $1 35 25o 25c in queens ware and Ulasswnrelam Headquarters. Herry Sis, 50c Beautiful French China Berry Set for SI no 1 Decoiaud Chambei Set 12 75 1 plain 'nh Bowl and Pitcher, K)C Highest Prices for Product'. Epgs lOo Indie uions trf higher puces. TIMETABLE. B. & M. B.Y liED CLOUD, NEBR. ijjm LINCOLN OMAIIA CHICAGO SI. JOE KANSAS CITY SI. LOUIS and all points east and south. DENVER HELENA DUT1E SAL1 LAKE C'T PORTLAND SAJY FRANCISCO and all point! west. TRAINS LKiVE At FOLLOW!. No, J3. PrtfjciiRer dally (or Obcrlln ami bt. Francis branches. Ox ford, McCook, Denver ami all points wet 8:25 a. ai No, 14. I'aMenger dally for St. Joe, Kaniai City. Atchlion. St. Louli, Llucolu via Wymote and all polnu east aud south 9:05 a. m No. IT. 1'aisetiKer. dally. Dearer, all no Inn in Colorado, Utah and California... .- 8:40p.m No. 19. Paaaenger, dally for St. Joe, Kanaai City. Atchison, at. Lou It and all points east and aouth 10 :20 a.m. No. 144. Accommodation, dally except Sunday. Ilaitlnm. Grand It land. Black Ullli and all polntt In the northweit... 1 :00 p.ra So. 143. Accommodation, dally except Sunday, Oberlln, Kansas, and intermediate stations, Tla He publican lt:30p.m No. G4. Freight, dally, Wymore and St. Joe and intermediate Junction polnls......13:45 p.m No, 63. Freight, dally (or Republican Orleatu.Oxfonl and all polnu won.. . lOMOa.m No. 6C. Frvlslit, dally except Sunday (or Wrnuire and till taint east fl.45 a.m No. t3. Freight dally to Oxront and lalermvdlnti' points . . li.TOp.tn Sleeping, illnlnc. and reclining chair rar, (tenth (reel on through train. Tickets told and bagpigu i necked to any point In the Uulled Status or Canada. For Information, time tables, map or ticket call un or address A. Conorer. Agent, lied Cloud, Nebr. or J. Frauds, rneral Passenger Agent Omaha, Nebraska. dcirradine and destructive of all diseases, The first sore or ulcer is followed by little red pimples on the body, mouth and throat become sore, tho glands enlarge and inflame, copper colored splotches appear, and hair and eyebrows fall out. These are some of the milder symptoms ; they increase in severity, finally attacking the vital organs ; the body it tortured with rheumatic pains and cocrcd with offensive eating sores. It is a peculiar poison, and so highly contagious that an innocent person handling the same articles used by one infected with this loathsome disease, may be inoculated with the virus. It can be transmitted from parent to child, appearing as the same disease or in a modified form like Eczema or Scrofub. Many an old sore or stubborn skin trouble appearing in middle life, is due and traceable to blood poison contracted lit early life. You may have taken potash and mercury faithfully for two or three years and thought you were cured, but you were not, for these poisonous minerals never cure this disease ; they drive it from the outside, but it is doing its work on the inside, and will show up again sooner or later, You may not recognize it as the same old taint, but it is. S. S. S. has cured thousands of cases of Contagious Blood Poison, and it will cure you. It is the only purely- vegetable blood purifier known, and the only antidote for this poison. S. S. S. cleanses the blood thoroughly of every particle of tho poison there is never any return of the discue. nC lfAllliCCIC AT IIAUC Send for our Home Treatment book. LUKE If I KM! r A I HfPMr. & " lory of the disease in all close study of blood poison and actual experience in treat ing it. ou can cure yourself perfectly and permanently at home, and your secret is your own. Should you need any information or medical advice at any time, write to our physicians. tThcy have made n life study of blood diseases, and will give your letter prompt and careful attention. Consult them ns often as you please; we make no charge whatever for this service. All correspondence is conducted in the strictest confidence. r ARGABRIGHT, The Portrait Painter I strictly fine work in xvvtjbi color, PASTED, Portrait Frames and Easels in stock and to order. Stmlio in Damerell Block, Red Cloud, Nebr. i s ' ftw MGMMODS j Lightning Rods can be purchased from me at reasonable prices. If you believe them a pro tection send size and shape of your building and I will let you know what it will cost you. L E PAQUIN, RCFKItKNCK Bank of campbeii. THE FAMOUS OHIO! RIDING OR t 4 4 4 4 I f. , Ittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttac'fi'lJ ffiZM JAS. PETERSON, Agent. RED CLOUD, City Dray and Express Line. E, ML. ROSS, PROP. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAlS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONE NO. 62. TRADERS lJMKEre CO, DEALERS IS LUMBER and COAB Bulletins; material, EJto. RED CLOUD. - . NEBRASKA PLATT & FREES CO., Ghieago kamber Yard, KKI) CLOUD, Lumber, Lime. as it vitiates and corruots the entire system. sss Address. SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. Campbell, Nebr. WALKING. CO tt- I CO NEBRASKA v V -WVW,,, ,, v NKHUASKA. Coal and Cement.j I I S liM