fc fr 0 t i Cf ... fir.-?, "riss tr-vrjlraOi-sj!: JSliy sy?ry t j. , ., TrtrJtiv. S-: i7'aw fc iiiarrT-w'.'S!T.''?!Vv',- - - i "3 ri2f VOLUME XXVIII. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, JUNE 15, 11)00, NUMBER 21 iissssafpi ALM0ST 0TTEN- The fig Store. Our prices stand fearless and alone, despite the frutile attempts of imitators and followers to reach them. Sth VRi: IHfel I ' 1 1 war a Yn'..ll TV' ' . WAISTS rd ShirtWaists . . . F 1 1 'in A Imlo of satisfaction gleams irom tho eye of every customer. WHY? Because we give them better bar gains for less money than they get at others special closing out sales. . , All go at ono-third off marked price. Wash Skirts. We did not buy the "cheap John" closing out, special sale kind, but if you want something good at a special suits unto we close out our line at ONE-THIKD off. FABRICS FOR Wash Goods. nmORnWj! &M m mi .$& 1E& WW mis Aimiili la quid wllfltl our com petitor's ctiRtomets tell us we imrn tint ho.qt and most beau- tlful lino at the most socrilic ing prices. DIMITIES. ) r- . organdies, OneThird Off. LAWNS, J nPMiNS12Cva!uesat I0?- UCnxiiy? j j5C values at i2c. Domestics. These goods cannot be reeplaced on today's market at tho prices quoted, nevertheless we would rather count money than goods. L.L. yard wide unbleached muslin 40. Fruit of the Loom or Lonsdale 7c. Extra value bleached muslin 6c. A good Apron Check Gingham 4c, 10 yards good calico 32c. This lot contains 2000 yards taken from our stock. Many pieces nro regular 7c values. this vicinity, jm tho cannon ciack- SJfe . iT; US. UOUrt euu- ri: I! I - MINER - BROS., - i w Red Cloud, Nebraska. ;Vi The New HflMPlON Q B Incidents ol Every Day Life 'Which Very Few People Stop to Think About on Account ol Their Littleness Did you ever notice how pretty a lot of rose bushes look' when they nro all in bloom. They look tempting even if thev aro over a fence People have been known to climb a fence at night to got at a ntco rose bush. However somo neonlo would live in a placo lor a hun- died years and never have u roso bush around them. If the re is anything that makes a crowd of young fellows feel good it is to drivo tweuty or thirty mile to fro "llshitm" and then have .. t. ! 1.- some one steal tuo "oau. n nniKea them feel liko joining tho A. S. L. This week is institute week and school "inarms" aro thicker than fiddlers in Kansas. There- wns a pleasant rain the first day of tho institute. How- ever that didn't hurt the attendance nnv Wn lhinlc Webster countv has cot as snrv and good looking a lot of school "marms" as over handled a rod of correction. This dou't apply to tho "irs."-Tho people of this city will probably celebrate at tho neighboring towns thi9 vcai There will bo no dearth of celebrations in Tho email boy anil er tiro already with cjnn nni week from Mondat and nl though it is only an equity term it promises to bo nn interesting one- Several parties aro billed to give their views on the question "Is Marriago A Failure?" Probably it is in somo cases or at least one would think so niter looking over the court docket. This is the time of year when h keeps the farmers a humpin' to get ahead of the weeds. They cant oven find time to como to town and do their trading. And theso are also tho days when the water commissioner is always pleased to meet tho patrons-of tho city water system. They all meet him with a kind H) wjrd or a club. He is prob- ably tho most popular man in town. Somo peoplo appear to think that bo- causo no is also marsnni no uugiu iu stand and listen to all their troubles. The water commissioner has enough troubles of his own. Tell your's to the north wild alderman. Some fel lows nro so forgetful One young fel low went homo ouo evening this week and forgot to toll his best girl good night. As a consequence ho had to crawl out and come back down town and tell her. Ho should leave word with tho night watch next tlmo. It would save considerable troublo and inconvenience. If you don't know your own business ask tho enumerator. Just at present ho is tho best posted man in town. M . W. For Fruits and Vegetables m m i H ffl ft p m i t.r.T 1 1 m i of all kinds in season call on TELEPHONE NO 61. We give special attention to Telephone orders. l OUR LINE OF GROCERIES i i i ti'Ji B I P.-: 8 1NOER LIGHT DRAFT. Low Force-Feed Elevator. Eccentric Binder Wheel. An Entirely New Departure. RADICALLY DIFFERENT FROM ALL OTHER BINDERS. IF YOU SEE IT YOU WILL BUY NO OTHER. fti;: .5r Ik m .VT. I 1 are selected with their greatest of care and brought frequently. Thereby insure you fresh goods at the right prices. A good supply of Amboy, Riverton Lebanon Flour constantly kept on hano. We do not publish prices on groceries, owing to lack of space. Our constantly increasing trade is sufficient to warrant that the goods are of the best and prices the lowest. JUST A WORD ABOUT OUR DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Have you seen the pretty Dimities and Wash Goods displayed in our store. Now is the time to purchase that Parasol, Fan, or Cool Summer Gown that you have been talking of getting. We carry a full assortment of trimmings in Ribbons, Laces, Insertions, All Over Lace, All Over Embroideries, Embroideries, Tucking, Alpique, Etc., We carry the Drew-Selby line of Ladies' Fine Shoes, and also the Hamilton Brown Shoe Go's, celebrated line of Men's, Ladies and Children's Shoes. m i The New. (jJhhmpion Mower MOST PERFECT MOWER MADE. LIGHT DRAFT. The Pitman has no other motion except straight forward and straight back. It never breaks and never wears out. The only Mower where lost motion can be taken up both in boxes and gearing. Turning a set-screw does it. SAMPLES NOW TO BE SEEN AT W. B. ROBY, Agent. No, i Third Avenue, Rea Cloud, Nedr. Deputy SherilT A. A. Hindi sk wns shot Itist Tiicsihiy evening liyJohn A. I'oyor, resiilitiB one milo north of Cowlca. Mr. Bunliek lind gone to tho homo of Mr. I'oyor in company with the ncont of tho Walter A. Wood Com pany for the purposo of serving an ex ecution, lie served tho execution and according to his story everything was all right, and Mr. i'oyor was going witli thorn as far as Cowles and timko un inventory of exemptions and show that the property levied upon, a buggy, was exempt. This Mr. Iturdick told him was all ho would have to do ami c )uld get tho buggy back again. Mr. P.ivcr went into tho house and itur dick and tho agent had started to fas ten the baggy on behind theirs when i'oycr again appeared on tho scene with a shot gUR and told Uurdlck to drop tho buggy or ho would drop him. Mr. Uurdlck started toward him and told him to drop tho gun and at tho sam 3 time reached for his own, but bo fore be could got it Foyer shot, and Hurdick received tho larger part of a load of Mo. 0 bird shot in his body. Hurdick shot but tho bullet went high and did no harm. Tho Bhooting scared tho team and It ran away and broko the buggy in pieces. Mr. Uur dlck and tho agent then wont after tho team which they caught and wont to Cowles whoro they got another rig and 'came bhek to this city arriving at about 7 p.m. Ho was at onco taken to I Dr. Creighton'a olllco nnd his wouuds I dressed. An examination showed that ' ae bad received in all forty-two shot, TURNURB - BROS. - Reel Oloticl, Nebraska. y$rasst iivo in tho right hand, seventeen in tho right arm, six in tho faco and thirteen in tho body. None of tho wounds are serious and he will probably bo aronnd in a few days again. Tho most surious aro three which struck near tho heart and ono which entered his mouth and landed near tho root of tho tongue. Shoriir Wells went out the satno night and arrested I'oyor and brought him to this city aud at a preliminary hoanng ho was bound over in the sum of 9800, DUTCH FLAT. According to previous announce ments, tho Pleasant (Jrovo 8. 8. cele brated children's day in a very pleas ant manner in Mr. Chas. Ueardsleo's crovo. Owing to tho presence of poi son ivy tho location was changed. In tho forenoon Mount llopo b, b. render ed a very line programme, after which some few selections wcra given by tho Pleasant Grove children. Thou din ner was served in grand good style, after which tho remainder of tho pro gramme was rendered. Rev. G. W. Hummel gave a fow remarks, followed by nn appeal for tho sufferers of India. Tho sum of six dollars was collected and a person authorized to buy corn and dollvcr to Mr. Fulton of Red Cloud to bo sont to tho people of India. Jewell, Smith and Webster counties woro woll represented, hverything was dono nicely, the best of order pre vailed and everybody seemed to onjoy the food things for both mind and body. Undo William VanDyko was present ami took part In tho doings of tho day. Wo wish to thank Unas. Heardsleo, W. II. Lewis, II. Gibson, and W. G. Shannon for hauling tho lumber and more especially C. J. I'latt for loaning tho sumo. LINE. Another good rain this week. Tho .wheat nnd ryo aro ready to har vest. Alfalfa was cut and stacked before tho rain, Tho children's day picnic at Dutch Flat was largely attended. Geo. W. Hummell delivered a good nddress to tho childron. All report a good tlmo. Albert Scrivner wns on a business trip to Smith Centor last week, and to Hastings this week, buying and soiling horses. Heniamin and Melva VanDvkn Sim. dayed with friends at North Branch, tvansas. Miss Victory Haskins was tho guest of W. J. Haskins this week. Miss Jonnio Cnriioiiter was visitine frionds at Franklin last week. Hov. Noblo will preach at Pleasant Dale, District 89, on June24th nt 4 p.m. A cordial invitation is given to all. Tho Saladon brothors woro tho guests of Allen Carpenter Suuday. F. D. Hutchinson's young folks were the gueiU of Miss Jennie Carpenter. Miss Kthel Holcomb of Hcd Cloud and Miss Julia Salndon of Lino were tho guests of Miss Jonnio Carpenter this week. Joo Salndon is busy taking tho con sus of Wi'lnut Creek this week. Ho has finished his work in Lino Chas Throckmorton of Dutch Flat was tho guest of Wesley Throckmorton. this week. gu1derocS J. S. Largcnt is quite sick. Wm. Harris is up after bis sick spoil P. Halo near Cowles, bad a pair of white raulo colts in town Wednesday, that attracted considerable attention. H. Owen of Hubbell waB in town Wednesday. A man traveling with a tent and wa gon was trying to sell harness oil in town Wednesday. B'J'. C, Hodges moved to Mt. Ciaro this weok. Dr. Paco wenl to Omaha Wednesday returning Friday evening. J. 8. Largont's lino Norman is very sick. Voterinary Mills of Superior was called. II. Vance and Minnio Farquhar woro married iWednesday evening at tho resideuce of tho brido'a parents. Win.! Sabin and Frank Proudfit ro- turiied.from thoir Dakota visit Thurs day morning. D. Jones received a car load of Mo Cormick mowers and binders this week. Amidoww. i i H i .w ISSWBM .7mxmtifmm&smmmsm.,Mm aj.wep' tK1 WWWiiaM,"i,"'w??3H!HBKlBPi5 fmWHiK!GBRm!&ft&9i