r . tf" frwsar"' v1 ,". w. U i . iii ! i ii ii ii in i n iii j MORE OR LESS PERSONAL. WEEK'S HAPPENINGS "ResX oxv Sava. 2 Ucstbccausc tho goldsmith's nit t can produce no better ring, f- Mado of one solid piece of gold JJ1 without Haw or blister. m Mm- ntnimi oil 11 litllT moans 5 'KeNvoJtSfc ""Rvos., standard of merit. Each and every ring that rocs from this stoio is made un der our own direction. All rinRS sold appropriately en graved free cf charge. m JKWKLUtS AND Ol'TICIANS. tfrtt:tHr' GENERAL CITY NEWS. M rea- Give us a U. II. Chaney week. was in Lincoln this of Guide Bock was hero Telophono No. 07 for your gasoline. Do you want a naw cook stove If 30 see Wright. M. Fin:h was a business visitor to Omaha this week. Tho CiliEir and Chicago Inter Ocean one year for $1.25. Two residences for sale in city. See 5. 13. Lightfoot. J. L. Miner was a business visitor to franklin Tuesday. Thero is still room ou tho subscrip tion list for 70urnamo. Mrs. Spauldlng of Riverton was visit ing f rionds hore this week. Frank Waters of Denvor is the now messengor boy at tho depot. L D. Oatraan made a business trip to Oxford tho last of tho week. Tho W. C. T. U will meet with Mrs. Dow during tho month of June. Prof. Kolley started out on a busi ness trip in tho state this week. Walter Koby soils tho Singer sowing achino. Trices right. Get tho best. Will'Tulloys and wife havogoiio to Oxford and will take up u residence there. Walter Wnrren and wife of Superior visited with J. W. Warren and family here this week. MrsSnowden of Davenport, Nebras ka, sister of L. 11. Fort is in tho city visiting rolntivos. Dr McKeobyon Tuesday moved bis ofllee furniture to Suporlor, and is now a re'sident of that city. Oscar Tatmoro was down from Cowles' Tuesday, night, to attend the Bachelor's Club banquet. Dr McKueby camo up from Superior Tuesday evening and attended tho Bacholor's Club banquet. v..nm tlnrwooil. paintors and nnnpr iinncrei's. Good work done eonably and on short notice. trial. Tho graduating class spent tho day last Tuesday at Atnbov m a regular old-fashioned picnic. Everybody re ports a good time. Anthony Schaefer's horso ran away ti... .innnt mi Widncsdav and cmiMi.ri.il boxes and measures alone the road in great hhape. Will Lotsnn who has been visiting with his mother and other relatives :nd friends hero, left Sunday for his homo at Deadwond, South Dakota. Charley Bisse has under 'construc tion on his farm southeast of town, one of tho most cojimodious houses in the county. Prosperity do smilo upon us. Win. Wost and family will leave In a Ihort timo for Seattle, Washington to tnako tholr futuro home. The family aroSono of our best and wo will miss jhera from our midst. ANOTHER OF THOSE BIG SUNDAY DINNERS NEXT SUNDAY. M T Sta j ir Bakeryj . O. WILES, Prop. 4 Miss Heed Monday. W. II. Hilton of Bladou was hero Wednesday. Geo. K. McCrary of Blue Hill was hero Wednesday. J. W. Rood and wife of Guide Rock wero here this wcok. Mrs. M. M. Stern was visiting friends in Hastings this wcok. Will Parker mado a business trip to Grand Island this week. Grant Ushor was a visitor to Guide Rock tho ilrst of the week. Call and sco tho ''Sherman" bicycle at Morhart Bros. It is a beauty. That two helo gasolino stove at Mor hart Bros, for $a.W is a special bargain. Wanted, a good girl for general house work. Will pay good wages -Alfred Ha dell. Born, to Ed Parkes Jr., Monday, Juno 4th, a boy of usual Nebraska weight. James Mitchell who has been visit ing horo returned to Hastings tho first of tho week. J. W. Runchoy has had a forco of painters and paper hangers at work this week lixing up his hotel. Russell Skaggs and Dick Hanna who have boon working in tho marblo works nt Oxford arc home again. Rev. L. A. Ilussong preached tho baccalaureate sermon to tho gradua ting class at the Christian church last Suudny evening. At tho school bonrd meeting last Monday evening, Miss Mablo Howard was elected as teacher in placo of Miss Marker who resigned, John Polnicky and M. M. Stern were in West Point this week in attondanco at the thrco day's session of tho Ne braska Retail Liquor Dealers Associa tion. The tiro department is making prep arations to attend the State Fireman's Tournament at York, July 24 to 20. A running team has beon selected and will commence practicing for tho oc casion. Tho poultry car was horo this weok, and from hero started for San Francis co with 21,000 pounds of Nobraska poultry, which had beon gathered up along the line. Children's day exorcises will be hold at tho Congregational church next Sunday, Juno 10th at 10:30 a.m. An appropriate program has beon arranged for tho occasion. Tho rescue circle will meet with mrc Pinion, Tuesday, Juno 12th at 8 p.m. Bring tho rags you have pre pared. Election of otlicers will tako placo. Pleaso remember tho meeting and bo present. On last Sunday morning a young son of J. W. Wiillin was accidentally shot in tho neck with a targol title by a companion while shooting at a tar get. If no unfavorable complica tions nriso no serious results are looked for. Married, at tho Cowles M. E. par sonage, Juno 5, 1000, Mr. Ed Scott and Miss Florence Hines, Rov. James G. Day, officiating. Tlio happy couple expect to mako Franklin, Nobraska tholr futuro homo. May peace and prosperity be theirs. Samuel John, infant, son of Mr and Mrs. James Billings, died at its homo twelve miles southwest of this city Thursday morning of cholera in fantum. Tho funeral was hold 1-riday and tho remains laid to rest in the Mt. Hopo cemetery. Tho family have tho sympathy of all, in their sad borcavo incut. Otto Popo had tho misfortuno last Sunday to havo a horse which ho had beon driving, so badly cut on n wire fenco that he had to bo killed. He was down near the river and had tho horso tied up but he became scared at some cattle and ran away with the above result. Tho horso bolouged to C. M. Smith. On last Saturday evening the cradu- ating class was treated to a farewell reception at mo nomo ot Air. and Mrs. G. 1. Kelloy, Mr. Keller taking this method of showing his appreciation of tho manner in which the class of 1000 had worked under his supervision. Thoovoniug was spent in gamos anil n general good time, after which the young folks wore invited to tho dining room to partake of a bountiful repast which Mrs. Kellcy had prepared for them. The graduating class of this year will go out on life's rough sea with the most pleasant memories of the last few days of school work and also of the social gatherings given in their honor. Ono of the most pleasant of lhoo was the reception given them by tho Juniors, or tho class of 1901, last Mon day night. Tho young ncoplo met in tho Masonic hall whore they enjoyed ono of the most ploasaut evonings that the young pooplo of our city over spont. The Juniors had games and everything there with which to onjoy tnomselvrs unil t Ilia TOfllllll bflVf. honn nnfll- cient for tbo graduates to remombor for years to come, but tho Juniors de sired to moro lorcimy impress tnoir minds of the high esteem they held thorn In, and invited them down to tho Star Banquet Parlors whoro there was in waiting a banquet supper, and enough cannot be said of tho way it was gotten up. "Johnnie" and his wifo are always at tbo front when any flue banquet supper is on tapis and they did not deviato from tho path this lime. Tho dining room was very tastily drapod with pink and green, tho class colors. Thero woro thirty-four you,ng pooplo sat down to thotablo,and by their actions, one could notice the appreciation of the effort that had beon put forth in their behalf During the banquet hour, music was rendered on tho p ano by Prof Crone, which with the morrimont of tho young peo ple, made tho dining room ring. i FountaimDrinks: AT THE J i Bon Ton Bakery. S k i I ice cream sotia, I Coco Col. I Wild Cherry. I ClinmiKuc Cider, I (linger Ale, I (lrie Kola, I Ornpc Orango. I Soil t.onionmlc. I Celery 1'lionpliMe. I Orpo Phosphate, t urnnge uiaer. FIVE CENT DRINKS. Crushed Fruit soda, Cherry 1'ho'plmte, Hoot lleer. Krr I.craoMfttlo, Ornpe Lemon, Moxlo, Lemon Sour. Cherry lll. Krult l'hoMlmlc. Lemon PliojpliMe, ratira nrotn ue Cherry Hlpe rnosphttc. TEN CENT DRINKS. I Queen's Favorite I charlotte nnesc, I llanatia Cream, I Sim KIM. I OrntiKcaile, I Clnrct rhOHpliAte I lea, Kr Photphatc, Mountain Koain, I. miles' Favorite, Persian bhcrbet, Fruit Sunday. Plain Claret. beltier Lemonade with Chcrrlex, FIFTEEN CENT DRINKS. Claret Lemonade, Cherry Olncc, Moorish Sherbet, Catawba Fllt, Itaaplivrry I'linrti, Sherry mul ERtf. Claret Punch, W.S. BENSE, Prop.j LOCALLY. For hail insurance see O. C. Tool. Bort Hatfield left for the west last Friday. Win Kirkpatrick of Guide Rock was hero Monday. F. A. Sweezy of Blue Hill was in tho city Wednesday. Sec Wright before you buy n gas or gasoline stove. M. B. Reeves of Guide Rock hero last Saturday. (. W. Dow is agent mowers and rakes. was for Standard Ml kinds of garden tools at Wright's. Riverton was here O. E. Delinger of Saturday. F. L. Coopor of here this week Esbon, Kansas, was J. V. Turkington of Alma was a bus iness visitor hero Saturday. C. E. Hicks of Bladen, our noxt rep resentative, was in tho city this wcok' J. L. Grandstaff of Bladon attended tho populist convention hore Wednes day. Dr. E. S. Reed, dentist,' has removed to tho corner north of tho Moon block, first tloor. Bert and Graclo Clark of Oxford, aro visiting with their undo, Albert Slaby, south of tho river. A. Galusha has beautified his resi dence property in tho west part of the city with a fine picket fenco. J. F. Grimes, F. A. Sweezy, Wm. A. May, P. Morton, and Wm. Garrison of Bluo Hill wero hore Wodnesdny. A. latter received in tho city yester day, announced that five more carloads of tho material for tho mill had been shipped. Tho Degree of lienor will giro au ico crea ji social in court houso park Thurs day evening, .Juno h. Uomo out anil enjoy yourselves. A. B. Sellars and wife returned homo Tuesday evening from a visit with his wife's brother, Calvin Kcnady at Holy oke, Colorado. Tho Equitable Mutual Hail Insur ance Co. writes hail insurance on cash basis only It will savo you money to see me. O. C. Tkel. Prof. Hendricks, tho baloonist and parachute juniper was in tho city tho foro part of tho week, but could not succeed in raising enough to mako a jump. Grconhnlgh & Benton tho leading merchants of Cowles woro in tho city the first of the wcok buying a stock of clothing of Sam Friomlliek, tho well known traveling salesman. Nothing equal to Prickly Ash Bitters for removing that sluggish bilious feel ing, so common in hot weather. It creates strength, vigor, appetite and cheerful spirits. Sold by C. L. Cottng. C. D. Robinson has all kinds of trouble counting money in tho treas urer's olliuc this wcok, all becau.se of tho arrival of a linn baby girl at his homo Wednesday, Juno Gin. Mother and child doing well. Gilbert Neucrbcrg of this city and Miss Itla Jaeger of Oxford, Nebraska, were married at Oxfotd on the (Jib. Mr. Ncuorbergistho now proprietor of the Ernest Welseh restaurant at the depot. The Ciiikf extends congratu lations and best wishes Auents Wasted. Wo want an nc tivo agent in Red Cloud and vicinity to represent the largest ovorgroon nur series in theU. S A. full lino of hardy fruits, shade and ornamental trees, shrubs, etc. Threo plans, pay weekly. Address at once, I'he Elgin nurseries, Clgiu, milium. List of letters remaining uncalled for at the postodlcoat Red Cloud, Nob raska, for the week ending Juno Gtb 1000: Amack, John Devoid. W. Jacobs, W. F. 1 unit.!; , ..u wiu, ii UUI LUIIOU iur ro. When calling for above please 'advertised." T. C. H ackeii, P. M Full lino of fresh bulk garden seed? at W. B. Roby's. All kinds of wiro fencing at Wright's hardware store. Georgo Ross and Will Barton left Sunday for Denver. W. A. Mitchell ha a now awning in front ot his hardware store. I havo a few dozon pansy plants for sale. Mns. Mamie Paukf.k. Wright lias every articlo of ware that is needed around the kitchen. E. C. Etnlgh contemplates going to Washington in tho near future. Juliet Galusha who has been quite sick for some time is improving. If you want hall or other insuranco sco mo before writing. O. C. Tekl. Miss Matio Kolley, formerly a teacher in tho high schools hero is visiting in the city. George Warren last Friday received the sad news of tno death of an uncle at St. Louis. Cloyed Cummlngs is "bug house," that is ho has gono to soiling inocula ted chitnz bugf. All kinds of repairs for tho Cham pion binders and mowers can bo had at W. B. Roby's feed store, Miss Jcssio Kellogg returned last night from Lincoln where she has been attending the state university. Grandma Lowis, mother of Mrs. Chaney, who hns been quite ill for sonio time, is nblo to be around again. Henry Richmond, manager of tho South Omaha bureau of tho World Herald is horo visiting friends in tho city. O. C. Caso has tiled papers at the ofllco of tho county clerk declining tho nomination of county attornoy by the democrats. T. C. Hacker returned home Wed nesday from Brownville, where ho at tended tho funeral ot his brother-in-law G. W. Fairbrother. Tho Sherman wheel is up-to-date. Morhart Bros, are putting it on tho market at a low grado prico. It will pay you to look at it. Mrs. Dr. L. H. Beck and children left Thursday for Joliot, Illinois, whero she will visit with her mother, brothers, and sisters during tho summer. Tho Dorcas society of tho M. K. church will servo ico croam and cako nt Mitchell's hardware Htore, Saturday, evening Juno 10th. Proceeds to buy lights for M. E. church. Picnic parties aro numerous these days. Almost every day u crowd of merry makers can bo scon wending their wys to some of tho shady spots around this city to onjoy au outing. Elsewhere in this issuo will bo found a notice to water users regarding use of water on lawns which it would prob ably bo a good plan for somo to hoed. If they don't their lawns may go dry for a while. Tho untorrilied democrats of this county met in convention at Bluo Hill Saturday and nominated a full county ticket. Tho ticket as nominated was, O. C. Caso, county attorney; Louie Poisinger. roprcsontatlvo, and recom mended T. J. Ward for lloat ropreson tative. Sinco then however the pops havo had a convention and tho ticket is all shot to pieces with the oxcoption of L. Piesinger. Last Wednesday evening, May flth, at 8 p. in. at tho resldonco of thobrido's paronts, Mr. and Mrs. I). Jones in Guide Rock, occurred tho marriage of their daughter Myrtle to Mr. Gojrgo Morhart of this city, Row. Dean of this city pronouncing tho words that bound the two young hearts together for life. Tho corcmony was performed in tho presoneo of about thirty invited gliosis. After the ceremony all partook of n bouutiftil wedding feast which bad been prepared for the occasion. Tho contracting parties aro well and favor ably known to the people of thin coun ty and city, ootti Having liven iiero lor a number of years. Tho groom is ono of our enterprising young business men. having recontiv embarked in tho hardware business in this city. The Chief takes pleasure along with their many friouds in wishing them a long and happy life. w itv 0 ifc ft itv ft ft itv ft Ui ft itv 0 0 tv 0 itv ft itt itv viv ft itv ft il it itv 0 t ft itv ft itv itv itf itv itv itv itv i itv 0 itv itv itv itv itv itv Are You Interested in Clothing Bargains? GREAT SPECIAL SALE OF Men's worsted Ms Bought at a sacrifice of Sol Guthmnr. & Co. of Chicago, who failed last week. 35 Men's Black Clay Worsted suits, square and round cut, sizes 35 to 44 at $7,5Q -fr 25 Men's mottled Washington Mills, i8-oz, all wool Clay Worsted suits, finest of linings, sewed throughout with silk thread, sizes 36 to 44, regular price $1 1,00, at $8-SO -fr Men's dark blue Pin Check Worsted suits, fine linings, sewed with silk, fit like a tailor made garment, at $12.00 Every dealer gets $15.00 for this suit, at theprice. A bargain Men's wide wale Worsted Suits sizes 34 to 42, sewed with silk, regular $12.00 values, price, $10.00. We are now offering hundreds of tempting bar gains in Men's Boy's and Chidren's clothing, Bought at a special low price for our May and lime clothing buyers. Are - You Interested. IT WILL PAY YOU TO BE. Gouiden-Kaley Clothing Go. Borth, K. Doyle, Kd Jacobs. Marion Noii'lrickson. Carl These totters will besont to tho dnnd letter ofllco Juno 20th, if not called for uetoro anv "-j Now that thero is a good prospoct ior crops anu an uaiuro soems bent on tho making of plenty, it seems to us would bo a vtry opportune time for those in arrears to come in and pay their subscription. As wo havo said before it is not tbo largo amount of each individual who is in arrears, but taken as a whole it amounts to a largo sum. Tako for instanco the fact that ot nve hundred delinquents, fifty owe from two to three years, two hundred owe two years and the balance or two hundred and fifty owe ono year. This collectively makes a largo sum. Somo people seem to think that thoy should recelvo a papor right along without paying n cont, but they don't stop to think that tho publisher has to bo eter nally putting up tho cash. Wl.on you toad this article stop and think if you aro ono of tho many and then do tho right thing. We'll not become a bloat ed bond-holder but in turn wo will pay what wo owe. LEADENS I"N LOW P1UCES. m m m m m m m m n m m m m m m m m m m m m m m ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft & UKRAK 1 msmimmffi8mmmmsfflfflL Morhart Bros. HARDWArE Co. 88 m m Mi ijttMMM--M It) Ik It III 111 ft lb lb ib lb lb lb lb tb lb lb lb Ol lb Ui Ml I lib ib lb , y. Keep Cool by using one of Cotting's Hammock?. All prices from $1.00 to $4.00. If that don't cool you off try one of our cold ice cream sodas. C. L. COTTINQ, The Druggist iiiiiiHHH11 m m m m n m m m m m m m m White's line of mi Cook Stoves are Beauties and they are as good as they are good looking. Noihing better or heavier and theyjare fuel savers from the start. Tou make no mistake in getting one of them. We cajry a full and complete line and complete line and can stand by them to the last. Morhart Bros. Hardware Co. mmmmmm'mmm'mKmmm' n m . tt ; t