The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 01, 1900, Image 8

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Out in Kansas
lives n happy wife. She writes: " I
have used Motiicr'a Friend before
two confinements. The last time I had
twins, and was In labor only n few min
utes. Suffered very little." The reason
Mother's Friend
does expectant mothers so much
good Is because It Is an external liniment,
to be applied upon th outside, where
much f the strain cemes. It helps be
cause the peres of the sklareailly absorb
it, ut It cemea Into direct oentact with
aad la aeeerbed by the parts involved.
Meraiac sickness la quickly banished,
aid nervausness Is kept completely away.
The sense ef dread and foreboding Is not
experienced, even during labor Itself.
Oaflnement Is short and aknest without
pals. Recovery la quick and aure. Best
of all, Mather's Friend benefits the
unborn Just as much as the expectant
mother, and when the little ene cornea It
will be strong, lusty and healthy.
DranUU tctl Mothcr'a Frlind lor SI a bottl.
Send for our fre book on tht subjtct,
flatly Illustrated.
AfirsT rou
Twins, OII. Axle (ircme. Wind Mill", I'linpi,
nml 1'nrm Mndilncry.
r. d. bedford,
Real - Estate, - Insurance,
Agent tor tho Kqtitabi.k Likk Assun
anckSocikty. Dr. E. A. Creiguton,
llonnriiiy (Jrwlimto & Silver Mcilnlist
Western University, (Jnniulii.
Calls Akswi;iii:i Da and Niciiit
Orrri t. 0 tit UoouN I'iiAiiviAt' .
Crown 1 Bridge Work or Teeth Withoot Tlatcs.
And til the latest Improvement lu dental mccb
I. 13. COLVIN,
Lock llox il. (iulilc Rock, Noli.
All kinds of piojuMty bought, sold mid
Office orer J"ost Office.
Chimney brick,
Cistern brick,
Ludlow Bros.
California randies.
Ileal CoukIi Syrup. '1 tu-toa Uotal.
iii. pohi iy uriiwm,i"
What the Enumerator Will Ak You.
Tho following is n lift of tho nRrlcul
turnl iiiosti')Ms which will bo asked the
funnels by tho nnumorntors of the
tweiflii Uuited Stntes codhiis. Aside
f i oni these the fanners linvo to answer
tho iiRiilnr twenty-six I'ticstlons ,n tho
population selicdtilo:
1. Nil mo of percon conducting fnrm.
2. Tost olllce.
3 Color or rnce.
1. Tenuro owned or rcnto I.
n. If runted, nnmo and address of
owner. '
0 Total no. acres
in farm, Incliul
Ing pastinc and wood lots. J his is to
include nil tho land farmed under one
iimniiRciiiciit, whether owned by one
or n nunilier of porfions
7. Number af acres not under plow.
8. Number of acies under cultiva
tion. !i. Number of acies of this farm
owned by occupant.
10. Number of ncrcs leased Juno 1st
11. Value of eii tiro farm, including
the improvements.
12 value of farm buildings,
10. Value of all implements and
machinery belonging to tho farm.
14. Estimated valuo of all farm pro
ducts (sold, consumed or on hand) for
15. Amount exponded for fertilizers
in 1809. II
10. Amount oxpended in 1899 for
farm labor (oxcIubIto of housowrk.)
including tho valuo of board furnished,
r 17 and 18. No. acres irrigated in
1809 from streams or wells.
10. Farm products, acrss harvested,
quantities produced. Value of pro
ducts of tho following crops: corn,
wheat, oats, barley, ryo, buckwhoat,
llax, kafllr corn.
'JO. Hay and forage, acres harvested
and tons produced of wild grass, millet
and hungarian, alfalfa, clover, other
tame grasses, grains cut green for hay,
'21. Acres, quantity and value har
vested of tobacco, hemp, hops, broom
coin, peanuts, dry beans, dry peas, po
tatoes, sweet potatoi 8.
22 Sugar, No. gillons sorghum nud
tons of sugar beets and sorghum cane,
with tho valuo of oiijtir beets and sor
ghum cane sold.
2.'1. Value of nil products of 1809,
which have been fed on this farm to
animals or poultry.
20. Vogotablcs, acres harvested
and quantities produced, of cabbages,
tomatoes, sweet corn, onions, cucum
bers, melons.
27. Small fruit, acres harvested and
quantities produced of strawberries,
raspberries, blackberries, and dew
borries currants, gooseberries, other
small fruits.
28. Total No. acres planted to small
fruit and vegetables in 1809.
20. Sqtuiru fact of land under glass
in propagating houses.
SO. Value of vegetables and fruit
raised in 1899, other than potatoes,
swcot pot'ttous and sugar beets.
Ill Valuo of all wood consumed at
home or sold in 1809.
!I2 Trees and vines, Acres, No. of
ttces and vines and quantities produc
ed of apples, pearlies, pears, plums,
and pi lines, cherries, apricots, other
oicliaid fruit
H3 Acies giapes, No. of ines, No.
pounds pioducrd
2ii. Amount prodtievd or madu in
1800 of rider, vinegar, wine, raisins and
dried giapes, diied or tvapointed fiuit.
!17. Acres do voted to raising tloweis
seeds, hoes, plants, etc. and amounts
tereived from their sales in 1809.
IIS. Farm animals, No. and valuo of
all annuals on the faun, whether be
longing to the occupant of farm or to
others Calves under 1 vrjstoers 1 nnd
under 2; steers 2 anil under .1; steers 8
and over; bulls 1 and over; heifers 1
and uuiler 'J; cows kept for milk, 2 and
over, cows anil heifers not kept for
milk, 2 and over, colts under 1; horse
1 and under 2; hotses'J or over; nitilo
colts under 1; mules 1 and under 2,
mules 2 ami ovc r; asses and bmros, all
ages, lambs under 1, sheep 1 and over,
jwiiii, all ages, goat-., all ages
519 All pine blooded horses, cattle,
Angola g"ts sheep, swine.
10. Amount tereived In 1S00 from
sale ot ltu stock raised on this farm
11. Mat ket value of meat consumed
on film or shughteied and sold; also
hides in 1S09.
12. Quantity nud valuo of milk,
cream, butter and cheese sold.
4!J. lotal value of all milk, cream,
butter ami cheese produced in 1899, and
consumed on farm.
44. No. of fleeces, weight and value
of wool.
45. No. of chickens, turkeys, cecso
and ducks over 3 moB. old on farm,
Juno 1st. Valuo of all poultry on
hand; valuo of poultry raised in 1899,
whether sold, consumed or on hand;
No do.en eggs produced in 1890, and
their total valuo.
10 lWs and honey, No swarms on
hand Juno 1st, and their valuo. No.
pounds of hnney and wax produced in
1S9D and then valuo.
Srur. of Ohio, Cm or
l.n Ab Cot'n,
Frank ,1. Cheney makes oath that ho
i-t tho ii'tiioi inn l dpi of tho tit m of F.
J CIkmm'v iV: Co., doing luisiness in tho
City of Toloilo, cottntv nnd "ttato nfoio
said, unit mat said linn will pay tlio
sum of One Hundred Dollars fur ench
and every casu of Catnrrh that cannot
bo cured by tho ttso of Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Fuank J. Cheney.
Sworn to boforo mo and subscribed
in my presence, this Cth day of Decem
ber, A.D. 1896.
skai. A. W. Glkason,
Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally and acts directly on tho blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Send for testimonials, free.
. J. UUKNKY iV uo. Toledo, u.
Sold by driiKgists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the beBt.
Shake Into Your Shoes.
Allen's Foot Kaso, a powder. It
cures paiufttl, smnrtinR, nervous feet,
inflowing nails, nnd instantly takes
tlm stiiiR out of corns nnd buniottb.
It is tho gteatest comfori tliscovery of
the no, Alton's Foot Ease makes
tight or new shoes feel onsy. It is a
certain cute for sweating, callous,
and hot titetl, iichiiiR feet. Tiy it to
da. Sold by all iliutL'its and shoe
store.. By mfil for 'JSo in slumps,
l'nnl piickaRi' free Adtltess Allen S
Olms'iad. Limy. N Y.
Isjour iitiine wiiittin thotoV iun
On our stibsonptioii books for tlio hint
year in the lUth century. It should bo.
"I had female com
plaints so bad that it
caused me to have
hysterical fits; have had
as nine in one
Lydia E.
bottles of
Vegetable Compound
cured me and it has
been a year since I had
an attack.
fta. EdM Jackson,
Pearl, La.
If Mrs. Pinkham's Compound will cure
such severe cases as this surely it
must be a great medicine is there
any sufferer foolish enough aot to
give it a trial ?
J. E. Yost shipped moio stock tho
lirstof this week.
Croquet seems to bo the attraction
in tho sast part of town
I'rof. Unsell left Tuesday morning
for his homo in Missouri.
C. A. Easterly shelled corn Saturday,
McCoy boys ding tlio wotk.
1). llite, west of town, marketed
some 1000 bushels of '97 corn Inst wook.
Mrs. Chas Clark and daughter Mrs
Ed. llolTmnn left Saturday for Sutton-
Itomcmber children's day exercises
at the churches Sunday, Juno 10.
E, Uowkc is moving this week into
his now houso in tho north part of
a Tho boys are trying to get somo
sport out of a foot ball recently pur
chased. Friends from Hoseland and Sutton
were tho guests of tho Wlielaus of this
city Saturday.
l-'ted KatiiTman sold luOO bushels of
wheat nnd about the same of corn and
Is at present deli voting it.
A V. Johnson is treating his houso to
a fresh eoat of paint. A. V. Kvokel
haun of iSluo Hill is doing tho work.
Miss MeCruckru returned to her
homo in Juniata Saturday after clos
ing a very successful term of school at
this placo.
James Qonnor shipped a car of stock
anil household goods to Montana where
ho has secured a stock ranch and will
make his fututo homo.
A little fracas occurred lit tho hotel
Monday between I'rof. Unssll anil Di
lector (Jratidstall. Tho greatest dam
ago was done to u chair which was
hulled at the director's head
Tho I'lainviow chapel will ho dedi
cated Sunday, Juno 3. You tiro all in
vited to brine your pockot book.
This is n lino church building costing
about 91,900. It is four miles south of
this place
iitist Sunday n largo audience gath
ered at tho U A. It. hall, which was
very tastefully decotated with the nnt
ionul colors and llowers, and listened
to a very tiiteiesting aildiess
deliveied bj Hev Ogden of llluo Hill
alio choir sang some very beautiful
and appropiiate songs.
l.-ut Wedne-iday evening at the Ihp
tist church was hold the lirst eoni
nu'iicement exercises of tint Hladeit
school til which timo Mis (J rare E.
Hicks and Miss l'iiuy E McKelvey
graduated with hotiois. 1'ropanitious
weio made for these exercises and tho
church was handsomely decorated
with llowers. A rain in tho afternoon
soinewhir iutcrfeied and the audience
was not ns larco as had been antici
pated Tho class colors selected wcro
yellow, pink and white while their
motto was "Wo stop not hero." Itov.
A. 1,. Ogden of Hluo Hill delivered the
nddress of tho evening, blending his
subject in harmony with tho class
noii. . iiiuoweii oy a siuuiaiory undress
it i i .. a. . . . .
..J 'i I..U-.J ... KtVl.UIUj, AUU
band tendered somo very crooa music
The solos by Mrs. Rich and Miss l.ottio
lkllo Doylu wtuo well loeeived by tho
ittidiuucc, 'ilso thn duot by Mcsdaiucs
Rich and Saunders. Tho recitation,
"l'lioRidoof Jennii) McNenl" by Miss
RltiiK'h C'o. was well delivcicil and
woithv of noto. MissOtiiucK llioks
then ileliveied tho valedictory in ti
very inipri,to and carnem mail
nit Sonic twenty livo pupils woin
then c lied to tho rostrum and Pi of
I'tmell nreqantpil llinm with illiilmiuw
of honor for their pionritnttondnnco.
depot tment nnd tho nil vancoment mailo
in their studies Rov. OriIou thon with
well chosen words presented the sfrad
nates with their diplomas. Prof. Unsell
added a fow remarks In praise of the
U caused by Imperfect
in the Liver
It purifies the bowels, strengthens and regulates the
liver, aids digestion, promotes vigor of body,
cheerfulness and mental activity.
graduates, saying that no scholars
left tho school room with a better tec
ord or higher standing in exami
nations than the ones who graduate
this oveninir. In closing ho thnuked
with much feeling all those who assist
ed in tho oxcrciscsaud thoso who tiled
to moke his stay in Minion pleasant.
Tho little girls who were selected to
gather tho boquets passed through tho
audience and cart led to tho graduates
many handsome boquets of tlowsrs
which wero given by their admiring
ftiends. Thus closed the school year
of 1000.
Good growing weather.
Cultivating coin is the order of the
Hlley Lewis reports his cherry crop
The small grain is doiug well nud
will bo a good crop.
Tho alfalfa is in bloom nud will bo
harvested next week.
Mr. Adams is breaking prairie for
Mr. Frisbie of Amboy.
M. C. Sherman of Itcd Cloud was in
Lino on business one day this week.
Mr. Stiffens and Mr. Scrivner have
a good prospect for a crop of peaches
this year.
Joe Saladen has been appointed to
take the census of Lino and Walnut
Kichard Keaglo will bo back to Ne
braska soon to make this place his fu
ture home.
Children's day will bo observed in
most all of tho Sunday schools around
here on June 10th.
Rev. Ferguson of Highland, Kansas,
was in Lino ono day last week visiting
friends and selling medicine
Quito a number of tho old settlers of
this vicinity nttcndsd tho decoration
day services in Ited Cloud.
Eider Finch of Itett Cloud pi cached
at lower Penny stock to a largo ami at
tcntivo congregation last Sunday at
3:30 p. in.
J. C. Foil (7. of (Jitido Itock was the
guest of William VanDyko last week
and lonorts a small pox scaro nt Burr
Oak. There was a inantame in on tho
cars with thai disease.
There will bo a children's day picnic
near tho Dutch Fiat school houso on
Juno 10th. Rev G. W. Hummel will
deliver an address to tho children nnd
others. An invitation is given to other
schools to tako part.
Try Grain-O! Try Grain-Oi
Ask your grocer today to show you a
package of Graiu-O, tho new food
drink that takes tho placo of colloo.
Tho children may drink It without in
jury nsjwoll as tho adult. All who try
it, like it. Grnin-0 Ins that rich seal
brown of Mocha or Java, but it is mailo
from pure grains, and tho most delicate
stomach tecelves it without distress
Ono-foui th the price of roller, lfii and
2oe per package. Sold by all groeets.
Republican Central Committee Meeting
Theio will bo a ineetingof thoiepub
licati county centtal committee at 'he
olllce of W. 1$ Roby, in Red Cloud on
Wednesday, June 0th at 2 o'clock p in
at which meeting all nieiiibeis ate ear
tieslly uquestcd to bo ptesent.
M W. Ronv, Sectetar.i .
L. 11 Four, Chairman.
Examination Notice.
Regular examinations for persons
desiring to teach in Webster county
nto held in tho superintendent's olllce
at Red Cloud, tin thitd Saturday in
each month
Eva J. Cask, County Supt.
Thousands Have Kidney Trouble
nnd Don't Know it.
now To if i tut out.
Fill a bottle or common glass with your
water and let It stand twenty-four hours, a
sediment or set
tling Indicates an
unhealthy condi
tion of tho kid
ncys; If It stains
your linen It is
evidence of kid
ney trouble; too
frequent desire to
pass It or pain In
the back Is also
convincing proof that the kidneys and blad
der are out of order.
What to So.
There Is comfort In the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the creat kidney remedy fulfills every
wish In curlntr rheumatism, pain In the
hVf rvtwuwi, iivid iiauuui nuu iwii u
ltit tslf-tnjrttrav IttfAt AAm nnrl Mirapir nivt
of he urinary passage. It corrects Inability
((J hOll
i hold water and scaldlne pain In passing
It, or bad effects following use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many times
during the night. The mild and the extra
ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon
realized It stands tho highest for its won
derful cures of the most distressing cases.
If you need a medicine you should havo the
best. Sold by druggists ln50c.and$l sizes.
You may have a sample bottle cf thl3
wonderful discovery
and a book that tells
more about It, both sent
absolutely freo by mall,
address Dr. Kilmer &
Homo of Swamp-Root.
Co., Blnghamton, N. Y
When writing men
tion reading this generous offer In this paper.
Digestion and Dbonkf
and Bowel.
p , ,tf . fj iI3 -" '
Judge Kyio of Mankato pissed
tht ough town Satin day on his way to
Monday was an unlucky day for 15.
ISaigm.iu as lit got a hand crushed in
the feed grinder. And also for n little
daughter of Wm. Ogilvlo, who had her
hand crushed in n corn shellor. Each
had two lingers amputated.
Haskius boys wero breaking a pony
Tuesday and ho rented and when
he canto down was so badly broko that
ho hid to bo killed.
Decoration Day was observed here.
Rev. Finch delivered an eloquent ad
dress. Tho arrangenionts nro well under
way for a grand celebration hero on
tho Fout th of July. From tho start
niado tho people may bo assutcdofa
grand celebration.
Moto race horses in town and a taco
A.J.Cnchcdal wits lit Superior tho
Ijrst of tho week.
Red Cloud aud Guide Rock will havo
a game of ball at Guide Rock on tho
Fourth of July.
Henry Bird and wife returned this
week and will occupy a part of tho Oc
cidental hotel building.
A feather renovator has been setup
in the old sample room back ( the
Guide Rock houso.
H. H. Roberts of Indiana called on
I. B. Colvin this week with a view to
buying a farm.
A wedding is reported for the near
J. Vance's new homo is nearly com
pleted. Dr. Bradshaw will movo into the
Roberts property next week.
All kinds of who fencing at Wright's
hardware store
taking Scott's Emulsion
cause it's warm wcatl
Keep taking it until you
It will heal your lungs ;
give you rich blood in sum
mer as in winter. It'
liver oil made easy.
30c. and $ I. Alldruu'sts
- n f i rill 1 1 a tjll mi
Hlmt tu inimi a
fni in tunr liuiiu-, ur liiiiitint-il
will, tiixm, lun mnitKnt;i. tin
I in 1 1 1' lud full ami fifluri- of
iron i
Jrii the solution to jour tiuiililci l of.
I furil li) tin. (.'iilmilUli OothimuiiiI
..yV' etcry boiiii tide M-llltr Krttltitfa
& Free Homestead
Jl or 100 iicitx ur tlio dent liind oil tin con
I llnrnt for main lul-lnu' nnd tnlxnl fnrmlnif
No I tlurd WHt 1 inl-td lii Wrutrin Canada, the
m-iak-o tlcld I' O"'1' - 1" " l-uitlt'l t. the
ucrr. I.allwm -h" I- iliuirlici. t ic . ioiim nlinti
clliunli i ilit-l mi ii ilit'n'll tlielct Korlnfor
man m ai I U i- n Itninmni
tluu Ottawa an. i" or to
iv. v. iir.sirrr.
Can ullnn i.iivc.oiiipiii Aia'nt,
(All .Visit Vnik l.tfi- lltillilliix
Omaha, .rl.
Annual Recortaud Estimate of Expenses
".liu follnnlni; N 11 coriiHt tluiuiiiciit i-r tin
ri' i li ts .mil illiliiiiH-mciitN nt tliu clt) of tinl
lloiiit for tilt- J car enilliii; Ma) I 1W".
lliil.uioc im Iniinl Mu :i IK'.i. I : -'i-,
ItiM'clM-'il frtun roiiut) iruniuir I'j'.'i III
JmlKniriit f u ml .... i W
hlilruillk fllllil Jul))
roail fluid . .. 2ia .10
water fiinil .... ..... JTU iff
Tolnl ltwil
l'alil out on Mirranlx . . ... fiMI M7
llHluiicu on Imtnl Mny 1, 1WW 13 71
llnlnnre on band May :i, 1H0U
Hccclveil from llcentio
um n
21? 23
118. M)
Totnl II mil 71
l'alil out on narrants KliiilMV!
Ilalalicoon limn) .Mny .', 1IW0 l'loMI
WIT Kit iuy.
Ilaliineo on liiind Mny.i tMi'i....
Iti-celicil fromcuujty irciisiirur.
i ivu 7:1
M 15
Totnl ... .. "-1 js
I'aldiMitou MiiiranlH illii .11
llalmiCL-oiiliiiiid Ma I, Wi in
Tolnl . .. . 7.' .
liuiniipo mi li md Miiv -l. l"l'c . hk'
I iliroiMd Irviin Dli kirim fii 'A
iii-iiuril f uml si .'I
Wnnl . l'Mi w
l'olill tl3"vTiW
l'nlil out on arrniit8 . . JU1U lii
llnliiiicoon hninl .Mil 1, 11')) .. lUIW
Total l i:ii ill
Total recolplu WOO 71
ToIhI illbiirheii)cnt wn to
Water Works llondu .'3,000 0
Klcctrlc Light ilonda 6.C0 60
The roilowtiiK 18 tne onictat eittmaie or cxpcii'
ten adonted by the City Council or the city of Ited
Cloud for tne municipal year beginning May S,
Salary city cauncll I 5M 00
" " attorney ....... 160 00
" " engineer 6W W
" itreet and water commlsiloner....... 440 00
' city marshal 180 00
latereiton water bonds..... 1500 CO
Iniercit on electric lleht bonds 361 00
Ilepalri on atreets and alleyi MX) 00
Kepalra on water works no 00
Kxteuilon of water works io
Miscellaneous eireuteii 1000 to
Total M300 M
Dated llili 8th day of May, 1900,
Kkslik, City GUrk.
OliauM nod btaullflu Uie ttit.
Promotes a laiurlinl trowlh.
Xlcvor Fails to llcitore any
llalp to It Voutliful Color.
Cunt snip iliwiifi ti bslrttUljif.
anc.siiJIIuiqt DrtifgUli
Iaa1 I m uii I f. I t
ftod nrllf fori Utr.irt dfr, Or re
1 Ilrsssriala si kU.I -.
turn B1MII. III.HUU ItlUslODUl KftlJ I
MsiilgaUlst!'. Ma4lluk.lUlUa..iiu
Stop j
be- J
are 1
md af
Are You
A Emier?
in "jr-tsi. mm
Pennyroyal pills bmwx:
JSrv "rS.T." only ?!." atSoVlocku-in . at ptibl.t-ieud io to thuhiVh'.
RAFK. i.Mr.ii. i.ji.miiiuu,,!,! est bl. der'for en h the followlnir iii..pri i
. BStt fci CIIIOIIlTIJU KNCl.L-,11 ualcitnlo town l,oi V" , '!.
SXigRAU HKW l l.l tll toi,. m.i.i j iti'iVu 1 in .lacUoii Ail.llilm, '..'. I' ini '
M tj,3lliinsrrassiubtlluilp.nd Imlm. "' t lin-'l 111 PbMOr fount), nud MMe of Se
7 - flf llonh. Ilu7; . I IHSklt -llld Slllu IVlll rullllllll 0iU, (or olll
I Vv. r?
I r k if
Hon. Alva Mem
Member from tho 24th
(Feorla Co.) District of
the Illinois House of Rep
resentatives, Tolls the
Fcoplo how lie was
Northampton, III,, Auk. 12, 1899.
The Dodds Medicine Co., Iluffalo, N. V.
Oentlemeii:-1 hod been suderlnclrom Rlieu
matlcpalnsln my body and hod tried many reme
dies with little satisfaction until I purchased
Uodd's Kidney Pills. The relief was something
teyond my expectation and I am now cured and
heartily endorse Dodd's Kidney Pills to any one
with deranged Kidneys or Rheumatic pains.
Dodd'e Kldner Tills cure all
Dlrteates of the Kidneys.
Sold by all dealers in medi
cine, 0 centiaboxorslxboxea
for $2.50. Sent on receipt of
price br The Doddt Medicine
Co.,Baffalo, N.T.
Our Coal is SUPERIOR
Waoon Soales Back of Offioe.
Buy aud sell Baled Hay, Corn, Oats
Millet, Barley, Etc.
Full lino of Flour and Feed on hnud.
No. 1 Tiuni) Av. Phone No. 51
The 1'i'st L'lilhir ni.ttlo run to bo had or
us. Neck ciiiiifiiti fur 3 out- hoit t- es.
.'nitiiil, if jou expeet him to du t'n.iil
ik An ilMPtiiig, pnot ly in-do
collar is n smuvo of in na
tion t-l till lllTM) Flit
hi o iniuli) with a view to comfoil, iltif.
tililili-, ami rmikI appearand-
Wi) i. ill su'I you
ever, tiling complete, for your hot se
Good for hard wm u, ffond for show
J. O. Butler, THE,v!RNESs
C. 3n, DOinL,
BlncksmithlnR - and - Repairing-
SlntC of Nebraska. M'fbhlor Cniint) n.
In tliu Loimi) Court of our said Cuium of
Mctntcr '
In tho mallei of tho Ktinrillntiililii of Mnrs c
he hull mi liiNinu iicrruii
Now on tilth!' hi (In) of .Mny. 19oo. rame Jntitvs
llurdun, el rkofthc- Dlstrki t'uurt of Wcbict
coiint. liiHilil Bttxtf. ninl tiled Ills petition ruii
ruM-miuK niuuiiK iinur llllllKt null mill .Mary (
scluilu IniH biun ndjiidced to bo Intntio b) tlio
eoimiiUKloiiersof Insniilt) of sntil count) nml
that s ilit .Mnry O cliultr'N po.sosscd of per
tounl ittntoln t-nld cofliil) ul -tuu, and that
by renhon of lier nu-iilnl rniidltlon nnd pxtremo
ace hlie li liicoiiiiiitent io limo tlioe4reRnd
maiiMRCiuciit oMhucIi cstato. nnd pra) that
Urrbnrd a resident of said counts
be appointed KUAMIau of tlio crson nnd estate
ofsaid llory C.Schultz.
It Is therefore ordered by the court that Satur
day, the 10th day of June, luon, at 2 o'clock n m
at the county court room In Ited rioua. In nald
county, be fixed as tho tlmo nud l lace for hear
log nald petltlan and appointing a guardian far
said Inland person, when all persona Interested1
In said matter may appear and show cause ir
any exists, why the prayer of the petitioner
should not be granted.
It Is further ordered that a copy of thlh order
be published In Tim IIkd Clouii mist- tt
weekly newspaper printed In said rount). for
three successive weeks prior to the dar set fr
tald hearing. '
iiiBiunnerorucrea tnai a copy of this order
4 Krvn.1 TirBtinallv r,n b!.! if...- n L ......
anaaisoonjouuscuuilz, tlio person nowhar-
"...'.. .:.."..".' .: " ."."'" "" V.. UCI1I1IIZ
's "" tmo aim vuiiuuj ui sniu iiisano person
luuriecii uuib iinor to tno uay set rnmnlil
Jaues Durrr, County Judge.
Wlllls!,l)enc'.crd?f aie:eslRt0 of
Nottco Is hereby kItch that In pursiiunco of m
order of .InineH Duffy. Judge of tlio count) coin
... H""l,HTf'0(.AijK
de.ea'sed. thv C,ln,C ofAlox.uderu. Willi.,
L.-rat;veriir -- -
. IL SiIiW