58g"S535!!g ' ""s Are You Interested in Clothing Bargains? ?ti .' H-i Men's mottled Washington Mills, 18-oz, all wool Clay Worsted suits, finest of linings sewed throughout with silk thread, sizes 36 to 44, price $8.50. Men's black Clay Worsted suits, square and round cut at $7.50. GKEAT SPECIAL SALE OF MEN'S WORSTED SUITS Bought at a sacrifice of Sol Guthmar. & Co of Chicago, who failed last week. 25 35 SIZES 35 TO 44- Men's wide wale Worsted Suits, sizes 34 to 42, sewed with silk, price, $IO.OO Regular $12.00 Values. We arc now offering hundreds of tempting bargains in Men's, Boy's, Children's Snits and Pants. Bought at a special low price for our May and June clothing buyers. 4tKRE YOU INTERESTED. & IT WILL l'AY YOU TO BE. Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co. LEA-DISKS IX LOW P KICKS. REGULAR PRICE 11.00. Men's dark blue Mil GHEGK WORSTED suits, fine linings, sewed with silk, fit like a tailor made gar ment, at $12.00 livery dealer gets $15.00 for this suit. A bargain at the price. Mi wm PSr tot -v 1 fi m m i m n n p n it m p n f n n p T T3&s ow. Savttx. Best because the goldsmith's art can produce no better ring. Made of 0110 solid piece of gold without Haw or blister. Our stamp on a ring means standard of merit. Rich and every ring that goes from this store is made un der our own direction. All rings sold appropriately en graved freo cf charge. S "KewVmsfc Tbvos., JEWELI 113 AND OITICIAN3. b Ib lb Ib lb lb tti Ib lb lb b lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb S lb lb lb lb lb lb ib GENERAL CITY NEWS. Harness repairs, Fogel & Hutchison. Do you want a naw cook stove? If so seo Wright. The Chief and Chicago Inter Ocean one year for $1.25. Two residences for sale in city. Sec S. B. Lightfoot. Albert Overlees of Hivertou was in tho city this week. Leslie Graves returned Monday from n visit at Noiton, Kansas. ' Jake Mandelbaum 01 uiuo nm was here the first of tho week. Dod'I forgot that the SUr bakery mates a specialty of Sunday dinners. Walter Roby sells the Singer sewing machine. Prices right. Getthebost. ft Morhart Bros, are soiling their goo's m close margins. Exponses are small ttley can afford to do It. Mrs. H. H. Hurley after a several weeks visit hero returnad to her homo at Denver Saturday evening. Foam & Harwood, painters and paper hangers. Good work done rea sonably and on short'notice. Give us a trial. J.,S. White was In'.Campboll tho lat ter part of last week assisting iu tho organization of nnl.O. 0 F. lodge at . that placo. ' Don't heat your houso up on Sunday to got dinner. Just go to tlio Star bak ery whero tltey m?.ko " specialty of Sunday dinneis. Ow'lmi to th" i.iim- in"' ''"t of adver tising Tin; t'uu.r is r. mp iVd to print "tonpaprsii.! wi-i-k. WVv '-l hopes thnt'noxtwici. m- u 1 He uiilo to add .jAwo mp.ro. x1i.t bVCi'WIUi.iinj h men making some vbofPsubsUniial ii pruvemonts in the ''Wftsw-of outbuiltlings to his residence property in tho soutli ward and lias purchased n couplo of lots adjoining, James M. Joy, residing throe miles west of Inavale, died on Tuesday morning, May 22, at 0 p.m. The re mains wcro shipped to Osceola, iso braska for interment on Thursday. Tickets for commencement exercises will be on sale at 11. E Grice's Tues ncsdny morning, May 20tb. No por son will bo allowed to purchase moro than four tickets at one tirno. Admis sion Ion. No extra charge for reserved Goi.n at Cai'K Nome. If you want information about tho Capo Noma country, how to get thero and what it costs, write to J. Francis, General Pas senper Agent, H. & M. railroad in Neb raska, umaiin, ico. All tho usual services will bo held at tho Baptist church next Sunday. In the morning a memorial sermon will bo delivered and tho scrvico generally will be a tributo t our soldior?, living and dead. A cordial invitation is giv en to all desiring to attend. At an adjourned meeting of tho city nnuncil on Monday evening the con tract for the connecting of tho wells at tho water woiks pumping station wns let to Jas. Peterson. The material will begin to arrive tho fore part of tho week and tho work will bo rushed to completion as fast as possible Members of tho V. R. C. and G A. R. are requested to meet at their head quarters Sunday, May 27, at 1 o'clock prompt, and march in a body I. tho Episcopal church where tho memorial sermon will be delivered by Rev. Xanders pastor of tho church. All churches are requested to join in mis service of our heroes, the nations uean. seats. Every seat in tho houso will bo rcsorved. Notice: Tho annual mcoting of tho Martin Cemetery Burial Board will be held in the cemetery on Tuesday, May 20th. 1000, at ono o'clock p.m., to olect officers, clean up tho cemetery and transact such other business ns may como beforo tho meeting. All arc cor dially Invited to turn out anil lieip to beautify the cemetery. Ino B. Stan 8F.K, Chairman. A camp of the Modern Woodmen was organized at Wonfer last week by Frank Bowren, deputy ueauconeui aim W.H. Bouson, assistant deputy. The new lodge starts out with tweniy-iwo charter members, and will meet every Thursday evening at tho Womer school house. The officers elected were as follows. V. C Ed.Mathes. W.A.Jno. Williams. Banker-B.T. Ring. Clerk O. Noble. . Watchman L. Poterson. Sentry Chas Davis. Died at her homo near Campbell, Nebraska, on May 17, 1000, nKed 23 years, 10 months ami nays, wrs uar- rio McMahan wlfo ol J. u. Mcniaimn. Carrie Nceloy was born at Greenfield, Adair county, Iowa, July 15, lBd, came to Nebraska in 1890, and was united in marriago to J. R. McMahan Jan. 11, 1390. Sho was converted at the ago of 10 and united with tho M. E. church. She was a kind and loving wife and nffectionate mother. Sho leaves a hus band and littlo baby, father two broth ers and throe sisters to mourn her loss. Tho funeral was conducted by Rev. G. W. llummell, tho pastor by whom she ns man-led only sixteen short months ncont iho Prniilo G"iu school house and Interment was undo in the Pi'anu Geniconu'Ury, to ivlneh place tho if mains wero followi-d by a largo con course sympathising friend'. Hie husband and family havo tho sympa thy of all in this their dire nllliciiou. oOJL Jlkllp Sll iKjXvwIB VJVll go to Peterson and get a Henney buggy. Every one knows that they are the best made. You will find all of my goods up-to-date and leaders. Sec what I have to cultivate corn, Jas. Peterson. LOCALLY. For hall insurance set O. C. Teel. See Wright boforo you buy a gas or gasoline stove. Clarence Kizer was in Superior tho first of tho week. M . C. Sherman was looking after mat tcrs in Hastings Monday. George McCall and mother of Guide Rock visited here Sunday. Mrs. H A. McCuno returned Tues day from a visit nt Inavalo. Morhart & Cutter shipped four cars of stock to St. Joe Sunday. Aro your bees swarming? Get your bee supplies at Morhart Bros. John Nesbitt has returned from a several months trip in the west. Charley Gurney mad a shipment of fat steers to Kansas City Thursday. A Sunday dinner at the Star bakery saves lota of work on the day of rest. Tlnrnnrrl MoNenY w&a lookinff after business matters In Lincoln this week. Mrs. Wm. Zoluflf returned from a visit with her parents at Omaha Wed nesday. Knrrnl & llntphUnn burn n linn linn of heavy work harness you should see uciorc you ouy a now one. Mrs. Ed. Smith of Norton, Kansas, arrived in tho city Saturday to visit with J. II. Smith and family. E.igcno T. Smith and Miss Myrtle Snyder, botli of Guido Rock were mar ried by Judge Duffy on tho 23d. Mrs. L. II Fort nnd son Charley vis ited friends and relatives at Daven port, this stato tho first of the week. Tho Equitable Mutual Hail Insur ance Co. writes hail insurauco on cash basis only. It will savo you monoy to seo me. O. C. Tkki Mrs, F. O. Williams who has been vlt.ltinfT.it. Itrnknn Mow. this stntn for the past month will return home again the first of tho month. Jos. llnvel left Saturday night fn Roggcn, Colorado, whero ho will visit with Ids sister Mrs. Dennis Finn. Hu will also visit Denver. UoW for Nebraska letters. Thlr tcin cash prizes. Goneral Passenger Agent Fiancls of the Bui II igton Routu offers frllii in pr'zes for letters ubout Nebraska, its icsouroes, possibilities and opportunities. The leUois will bo used to eneourago immigration to this stale. This contest is open to all. The letters should contain betwiien 200 nnd 1,000 woid, and must irneh Mr. trail cis at Omaha, by July 1, 1000. A cir cular giving all tho conditions of tho contest will bo mailed on application. A girl should never marry a man that she may lefonn him. If he is in need of reformition let him prove him self worthy by turning from evil and setting his face steadfastly and per severingly to good beforo ho asks a girl to sun onder herself and her life to him. Nor should a girl bo too impat ient with father, mother and fi lends if they counsel deiav In deciding a mat-tm- which Is to intliioneo her whole ca reer and herlovei's, when they, with clearer eyes than her own, perceive in him an uusuitability to her. "Tho Blue Hill Leader reports tho heartrending information that May LaBounty had tho misfortuno to dislo cate tho kneo of ono of hor lower limbs," says the Wilcox Herald. "Now this is a sad thing for Miss May. Had it been tho kneo of one, or oven botli of her uppor limbs, It wouldn't havo been nenrly so bad Or ha 1 sho even fractured the nuklo of her shoulder blado, or sprained her left leg at tho wrist, or cracked tho second vertebra at her sternum, or anything elso in fact, except dislocnto tho kneo of ono of her lower limbs, tho case would not havo boon so extremely touching." Tho following taken from the Young People's Weekly of May 20th, would Indicate that the saloon Is not tho only place whero poison lurks In tho drinks sold. You may get fusil oil In your whiskey but when you go and throw l.itr. vr.nroi.lf anvnrnl crlfl84CS of soda water Just think of having tho lining of your stomach painted rod. And that is not all. Wo aro glad wo nover bocamo addicted to tho uso ol soda water, but Instead took our "fusion oil" straight. "Tho Connecticut Agri cultural Stntlon has been analyzing soda water syrups for tho last two years, and tho investigations showed that out of ninety-two samples from fountains examined, llfty-six contained glucose, 8alycllic acid or coal-tar dyes, and artificial llavors mado from chom Icals instead of fruit. In a single glass of soda water tho chemists found enough red bordeaux dye to dye a Cloco of woolen six inches squaro a rllllant color." WEEK'S HAPPENINGS All kinds of garden tools at Wright's. A now B & M. tituo caid is looked for soon, All kinds of wire fencing at Wright's hardware store. Full lino of fresh bulk uarden seeds at W. B. Kob's. of Hloomingten was J. W. McGrew hero yesterday. A new awning has front ( Miner Bros. been placed iu jfr( s ik : Mi ib lb t ib ib ib ib ib ib lii ib lb lb lb lb ib 0 prices reasonable. ib lb lb ib ib vis ib ib OUR ApITIOtf is to conduct our business so that every purchaser shall be pleased. We are not doing business for this year only, nor for next. We want your trade continuously. We guarantee satisfaction or money refunded. ' Bring us your Prescriptions. None but experienced men to handle them and C. L. COTTING, The Druggist. i .loll ti Klilnr Mini ivifn nf Itlvinlnn wore hero Wednesday. Miss Emilino Hadell visited in River ton tho llrst of tho week. Mrs. C. L. Winfrey wns in Guide Rock the first of tho week. If you want anything in tho harness lino seo Fogel & Hutchison. I havo a few dozen pansy plants for SaiO. 'WHS.IAJIIK I'AUKKU, J P. A. Black of Blnomlngton was n visitor to tho city Thursday. Bufo Holcomb left Thursday morn ing nu a trip to Liberty, Ohio. Wright has every articlo of ware that is needed around the kitchen. Our phono numbor is now 72. Call us up when you need job printing. If you want hall or other insurance seo mo beforo writing. O. C. Teel. Wm. Zoluflf and sister Mrs. Hadloy visited relativcsat Guido Rock Sunday. Stop and get one of those tine Sunday dinners at tho Star Bakery bofare going homo, Miss Iva Palmor of Grand island ar rived today on a visit to Ed. McFarland and family. KIho Inllinnv Plnrtf r9 flvf.l n- rived in tho city last Saturday on a visit to rolativos and friends. Jos. Horburger and wlfo left Wed nusday foi a visit with A. Lauterbach and family at Colby, Kansas. Will Lotson of Doadwood, Soutli Da kota is hero visiting with his mother nnd other friends and relatives. A C. Meredith of Columbia City, Indiana, is here the guest of E. W. Coplen and family northwest of town. Jas Dyer, a brother of Samuel Dyer, from noar St. Joseph, Missouri, has boen visiting in this city the past weok. The rains of the past week have been very beneficial to the growing crops. The only fault is the rainfall was not quite enough. Thomas Young, brother of Roy Young, operator at the depot, after a visit here loft for his home at Hold, rege Monday morning. The rosldonco of Uncle Bonny Bow ers two nnd one-hall miles north of Riverton was burned tho first of the week, lotnl loss with no insurauco. James Peterson went to Omaha Tuesday morning to look after tlio pur chaso of iho material for tho conneo. tions of tho new wells for tho water works and to look after other business matters. If you can't work woll in hot weather take Prickly Ash BUters, it regulates the important oigans of the body nnd fortifies tho system to resist tho ener vating intluonce of summor heat. For sale by C. L. Cotting. Approprlato Momorlal sorvices will bo held nt Itho Hummel school houso on May 30th, at 0:30 a.m. to which all aro cordially invited to attend. Rev. G. W. Hummel will speak on this oc casion, Ludlow Bros, this weok completed tho burning of a kiln of brick. They will havo another ready to burn iu a short time in order to supply tint in creasing demand. When we can keep a brick yard busy it is a good sign that .i ' i. ....!. i.l... .i.i,. i. ..ii. ii.,,. i.:.... ib i i inn ii i i iiiiiiiiii iiiiiii iiuiiiiiiii' iiriiiu )4I4I44444M4M done. Tho explosion of a lamp nearly caused a contlngration nt tlio homo of Tress Harwood last Saturday night. Tho Uamcs were fortunntoly extin guished by the timely arrival of help. i nu iiiiuiuu us aiiiu. Ll.il of letters remaining uncnllcd for at tho postollice at Red Cloud, Neb raska, for tho week ending May 21th 11)00- Dillon, I.T. Kimblp, W. W. Potts, Roa 1! Shnnetd, C M. These letters will besetit to tho dead letter olllco June 7th, if not called for before. When calling for above pleaso say "advertised."-'!'. C Hackkii.P.M We aro pleased to note that one or two churches, thulr pastors and mem bers, still remain out ol tho trust or boycott which wns made against this iiniifit mi iifimint. of tin, fiiiM. Mint wn '.'l,. .... ... .,. '..... .,- ...W ...V- ..... -. (poke tho sentiments of tliu public on tlio saloon question. wo uavo sun many fi lends In these churches who do not believe iu this method of Chris tianity and tho appearanco of our ad vertising columns would not indicnto that tho business men whose interests wo have endeavored to subserve havo entirely deserted us. Wo nro at all times rendy anil willing to print nny- tiling lor ine weunre oi me uuuicues. Tho remains of Francis M., tlio eight-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs Chnrles E. Winner of McDonald, Kan sas, wero brought here, Monday night on 5, nnd on Tuesday morning tho lit- tlo ono wns lain away in Jiongviuw comotery, after brief sorvicoi at tho homo of Conductor J E. Boyor by Rev. J. W. Walker. Tho littlo ono died on Sunday. Tho parents formerly rcsidod here and havo a burial plot in Long view already tonanted. Tho mothor being too 111, tho body was accompa nied hero from McDonald by a sister-In-law, Mrs. Hattio Winger of Bonkol man, who, with her husband, (who joined her on Tuesday morning from Benkelman,) attended tho funeral. Tbo frionds horo of the bereaved par ents and family offer their slncerest sympathy. McCook Tribune. Now that thero is a good prospect for crops nnd all nnture seems bent on tho making of plenty, it seems to us ronulil tin n v i-r mmnrtiinn time for thoso in nrreais to como In nnd pay their subscription. As we have said before It is not tlio largo amount oi each individual who is In arroars, but taken as a whole it amounts to n largo sum. Tako for Instanco tho fact that of live hundred delinquents, tttty owo from two to threo years, twohundred owo two years nnd the balanco or two hundred and fifty owo one yenr. This collectively makes a large sum. Some people seem to think tbnt they should receive a paper right along without -tmylBg a-cant, but lliey don't stop to think that the publisher has to be etor- nail nuttlnrr ll n tlin pimh. When vnu read this article stop and think if you are one oi me many nnu mou uu iuo right thing. We'll not become a Moat ed bondholder but in turn we will pay what we owe. ANOTHER OF THOSE BIG SUNDAY DINNERS NEXT SUNDAY. "1 PR Star jfc3lte:i;y, I J. O. WILES, Prop. mA f,y;:m L X' ; . - 3 SmS&kei