I I 1 I t E f a t r t ii P 1 1 I b tl tl P 0 I',! Be Careful No woman can bo too careful of her condition during the period be fore her little ones arc born. Neglect or improper treatment then endnn-, eers her life and that of the child. It lies with her whether she shall suffer unnecessarily, or whether the ordeal shall be made comparatively easy. She had better do nothing than do omcthing wrong. MOTHER'S FRIEND Is the one and the only preparation that is safe to use. It is a liniment that penetrates from the outside. External applications are eternally right. Internal medicines are radi cally wrong. They are more than humbugs thoy endanger life. Mother's Friend helps the muscles to relax and expand naturally re lieves morning sickness removes the cause of nervousness and head ache prevents hard and rising breasts shortens labor and lessens the pains and helps the patient to rapid recovery. From a letter by a Shreveport, La., woman: "I have been using your wonderful remedy, Mother's Friend, for the last two months, and find it Just as recommended," DrufgUU Mil It at $1 per bottle. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, dA. Send (or our free Illustrated book, "Uef ere Baby la Horn." r. d. bedford. Rkal - Estate, - Insurance, ANIi COLLECTIONS. Agent ior the Kqtitablk Like Assuk- ANCK SOCIETY. FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. Surgeon B. Af. R. R. ompaajr, and U. S. Pcmltn Surgfo. City nml country calls promptly an swered day or night. Office ovkkLindsky's Meat Mauket nioiit calls at ol-fice. Dr. E. A. Crkighton, Honorary (Sriidiinto & Silver Medalist Western UnivuiMty, Ciinndti. Calls Answi:ui:i Day and Night. Orrrce Oven Cook's I'mauhacy. J. S. EMIG-H, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WANT IT. Crowo Bridge Work or Teelh Without Flatei. POHC'KLAIN INLAY And all the latent Improvement lu dental mccb aulam I. B. COLV1N, REAL ESTATE $ FARM LOANS, Lock lloi 1. Oulde Itock, Ned. All kinds of properly bought, sold and e.L'h:inged. COLLECTIONS MADE. TUU.Mis IlKAhONAllLIJ OVERMAN if ULACKLEDOE RTTORNEYS - RT - LKlni. Otllce orer fosf Oltlcc. RKD CLOUD, NKMtASKA. Chimney brick, Cistern brick, AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros. il SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNICKY, PROPRIETOR. DEALER IS Vines, Liquors, California randies. I ALWAYSjONtTAP. Tjri GUKtS HHlHt All tUil lAUS'fTi tSi Dost Cornell byruii. TunteaUcxiO. Uuc CT P3 In tlnio. Soul by driiygUtn. Ml ALMOST FORGOTTEN. Incidents ol Every Day Life Which Very Few People Stop to Think About on Account of Their Littleness It don't make n whiskey drinker feel nonr so bad now nbout tbo fusil oil. Since lie 1ms found out Hint in suvcrnl Kinases of sod it witter there is enough red dyo to dye it sumtnor girl's shirt wnist a brillmnt color ho is satisfied not to tutikc it chnngu in drinks. Ho knows Hint if he becomes uddlctcd to sodn, sooner or Inter nn nnti-sodn. wntor-lenguo will bo stnrtcd nnd ho will have to go dry. Hut then there- is microbes in everything, ovim on the lips of the slimmer girl. Hivorton is dry this yonr. Of course tho ndvoontes of wnter will say this is n good thing. IVrbaps it is. Vo will not nigtio the Itiestion. Nover-the-less oignty-one gitllon jugs of whiskey were shipped to that pbteo on Inst Wednesday This little output was .shipped from Kansas City mid is but it drop in the bucket to tho amount that is being shipped in to tho other dry towns in tho statu. It seems from this that the gainer from Nebraska's anti-saloon league agitation is Missouri. Installation of Officers. Charity Chapter O. E. S. hold thoir annual installation of ofllccrs May 14. Tho following ofllccrs were installed: Patron, J. 11. Ulackledgo. Matron, Dr. Mary Rockwell. Associate Matron, Mrs. SpokcsCeld. Secretary, Mrs. Damtrell. Treasurer, Mrs Talbot. Conductor, Mrs. Lottie (Jrico. Associate Conductor, Mrs. Myers. Chaplain, Miss Mollio Ferris. Warder, Mrs. Wilburn. Sentinel, U. Turner. Marshal, Mrs. J. U. Potter. Orgnnist, Miss Igoti. To tho different points of tho Star wore- nppoiutcd, Miss Penrl Smith to represent Ada, Mrs. Uesso, ltuth, Mrs. Liudscy, Esther, Mrs. Maty Smith, Martha, Mrs. M. Orice, Electa. At tho eloso of tho installation Mrs. Lindsey was culled to the platform and in a neat little speech, she presented on bo. half of the Chapter, to Miss Mollio Furls, Past Worthy Matron, a beauti ful jewel in tho form of a Past Muster's piu. Although it was it perfect sur prise to Miss Ferris, she nccopted tho offering and with a few well chosen words expressed her gratitude with great presence of mind. At a precon certed sign the organist commenced to play nnd every nltornnto member caught her neighbor by tho arm aud stnrtcd in n march around tho ball. As they nenred tho dining noin the doublo doors Hew opon nnd all marched in nnd surrounded tho table which was beautifully decorated with flowers nnd covered with the delicacies of the season. It wis here that Mollio broke down and her beautiful eyes were suf fused with tears of gratitude. In the two years that she has bcin at tho head of this order slits has been in the habit of looking after every such thing of this kind herself, aud doing it good part of the work, that it was it great surpriso to have this nil done so nicely without her even suspecting it. Tho banquet was greatly enjoyed by till. Sunday School Convention. Your reporter is .somewhat late with this communication but wishes to an nounce to the readers of the Chief that the Sunday School Convention which convened at Ditto Hill on May 2 and !!, was in almost every particular tho best ever hold in the county. While the attendance wns not quite ns largo as at other times owing to rain aud bad mails, it deop spiritual interest pre Tailed throughout tho entire meeting nnd a sense of God-given responsibility seemed to rest upon all of the workers ptesont, leaning them to a ilcep ear nestness in the clvinir and taking of advice or council. '1 ho devotional services with assign ed topics such as "A clean life essen tial to fruitful tenoning," "A stirron del ed life essentia! to ft ttitf til teaching,' "A spirit filled life essential to fruitful teaching," A life of prayer essential to fruitful teaching," did much to develop this earnestness. Tho evening sessions weio especially entertaining and instructive. Special music by the children and others wns n pleasure to all. Secretary Pollock's lecture with black board outline on tho themo "A (Jood Sunday School," was especially helpful. Uov. Edson gathered together tho work ns a wholo nnd plnccd a beautiful cap shenf as a climax tho last evoning. Tho neces sary business was conduettd in n sys tematic manner nnd took little timo from tho real work of tho convention. Election of ollicers for the ensuing year resulted in It. Ii. Fulton of Red Cloud being chosen president, Miss Lottie King of Ittttu Hill vice president, Mrs Alice I'ojiu of Red Cloud, secre tary, Mrs Liua Logan of Ditto Hill, treasurer, Robert Cochrane) of Red Cloud. Mipciintendoui of home depart ment, M W. Horubergerof Ditto Hill, siipennii'tidtint of normal work, Mrs O. E. Ramey of Rod Cloud, superin tendent of primary work Memorial Service to Mrs D. B, Spanogle. Headquarter James A. (JatfleldW. R, C. So. It, department of Nebraska, Auxilinry to (i A.R. It becomes my sad duty to nnnounco tho death of our sister Mrs. Elizabeth Spanogle, past junior vice president of James A. Uarllold Relief Corps, No. 14 who died on tho 6th day of May, 1900, I hereby order the charter to bo draped for thirty days and thai tho regular memorial service be held Sat urday, July 2, at 4 p.m. at tho G. A. U. hall. Tho family, friends and members of the Grand Army are invited to bo present. Katk Pond, Pros. Gkrtkuue DiCKKitsos, Seo'y. Republican Central Committee Mediae. Thero will bo a mcotingnf the repub lican county central committee at the oMlcoof W. D, Roby, in Red Cloud ou Wednesday, .Juno Oth at U o'cleck p.m at which meeting all members are ear nestly requested to bo present. M. W. Rouv, Secretary. L. 11 Four, Chairman. Honieseokers excursions on May 1st and iruli, and June nth ami loth 1000, to All, tna, Arkansas, Indian Ten itory Lmisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma Territory, and Texas. For rates tiud further information, apply to local tic ket agent, A. Conuver. H OME duties to many women seem more important than health. No matter how ill thev through the dally tasks nnd pile This is heroic but a penalty has to be paid. A woman in New Mntnmorns, Ohio, Mrs. Isaiikli. Bkaiifield, tells in the following letter how sho fought with disense of tho feminino organs until finally forced to take to her bed. She eays: " Dkak Mrs. Pinkham I feel it my duty to write to you to tell you that I have tnken Lydia E. Pinkhntn's Vegetable Com pound and think there is no medicine in the world like it. I buffered for nine years, and sometimes for twelve weeks at n time I could not stand on my feet. I had female troubles of nil kinds; backache, and headache all the time. Seven different doctors treated me. Some said K9 t iM lr 'fc WftMmmm IflWP v ramf kwijJfllBWlafc t V ftTTTTTPfiWflMaaKaaaLy advice is promptly given without charge. The present Mrs. Pinkham's experience in treating female ills is unparalleled; for years she worked side by side with Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, and for sometime past has had solo charge of the correspondence department of her great busi ness, advising nnd helping by letter ns many as a hundred thousand ailing women during a single year. BLUE HILL. Mr. Mocho has his corn plantci on Mrs. Meyers' farm. Small grain is putting its best foot to the front and looks well. Mr. Armstrong is helping his father-in-law finish plautiug his corn. Fnriiiers are so busy thoy forget to como to town these days nnd still less to go visiting. Mr. West took n drive iu tho country Inst Wednesday ami reports every thing in good shape out west. Tho corn planting is about n tfiing of tho past. A great many ploughed and planted while others listed all. John Piol is up iu Adams cottntj planting corn this week on bis father's lariii and laud they have rented. Hogs are still 81 50 in Ditto Hill aud a fuw are taking advantage of the price and disposing of their hogs to save their IIOj corn. The uiilroad has its outfit in this part working out thoir road taxes. About ten bands and tottuis, so they do not stay long iu a place. R E. Rowlauds Jr. is working in Ditio Hill this week assisting Cltas. Waterbttry dig a cellar and put a I jtiu dnlion under the house. Tho baccalaureate sermon for the graduating class of 'Blue Hill high school will bo delivered in tho M. E. church next Sunday evening. Fred Palmer aud sister J ssio atten ded tbo funeral of Thomas E. Hauler, who was one of our esteemed citizens lor two years o were very sorry to learn of hU death. Prof. Mi-Crary is elected again to fill the chair as principal of tho Blue Hill high school which is a wise selection on tho part of the school board as he is one of the best educators in the state of Nebraska. QuiUtorly conference in tho M E. church of Ditto Hill was held last Sat urday and Sunday. Rev Cuniitiings acted iu the capacity of piesiding elder instead of Rev. Alexander at tho quar terly conference. Tho town was visited on Wednesdny the Slid by tho-famous McDonald's one horse show, which brought iu its train a tino rain, much needed for the millet, cano and corn just planted. Como again old show and often if tho rain will only follow you. Tho baccalaureate sermon last Sun day evening wits grand aud brought out sumo lino ideas. Tho tribute paid the school ofllccrs nnd teachers wns ono to raiso both parties in tho ostium. Jtton of tho people and themselves. Tho aitvieo given to tlio young graduates was elevating anil gave them nn Incen tive to go ahead and reach the top of the ladder of wisdom. Tho following DO YOU BILIOUS, DROWSY, LOW SPIRITED, BODY AND BRAIN WEARY? ASH BITTERS RHU1EVES AflD INVIGORATES. yVVi It ctunut the liver and fcoweb, rtrengthens the kidney and aids digtition, thus the system Is regulated and the body fortified ... A VALUABLE REMEDY SOLD BY ALL Price Si. oa JC L. COTTI1SC, feel, they drncr themselves up trouble. WOMAN'S DEVOTION TO HOME I would have to go to the hospital and have "an operation performed. But ohl how thankful I nm that I did not, that I tried your Vegetable Com pound instead. I cannot say too much in its praise, nor thank you enough for what it has done for me. I want you to publish this in all the papers for the good of other sufferers." The wives and mothers of America are given to over work. Let them be wise in time and at the first indication of female trouble write to Mrs. Pink ham at Lynn, Mass., -forheradvice. This six wore graduated from the Ditto Hill high school nnd received thoir diplo mas on May 22. Misses Orn Shotten kirk, Jessie Laird, Mabel Currant, and Messrs. Carl Kinney, Ned Grimes and Carroll Walters. On Tuesday evening n grand pro gram was arranged and carriod out in the Christian church. Music on tbo piano by Miss Skcltoii, ably assisted by two violins and a cornot. Prnycr by Rev. McConaughy. Then followed tho lecture by Prof. Ott of Drake Univer sity, Iowa, ontitlcd "Sour Grapes," in which tino points wcro brought out on nil sides and a grand lesson for nil, both old and young, in i gard to man aud his .surroundings and tho place we might occupy by using our faculties nnd having pluck. After which Rnv. Ogdon presented the graduates with their diplomas after sonic friennly ad vicn. Tho graduates were now loaded witlt flowers and other presents by thoir many friende. Rev Lockwood pronounced the benediction and the graduates received tho congratulations. Among tho iilany who wero present m tho coniniencci'ient exercises weio Col. Hoover wr.lt a Calla Lily aud Mr Em rick with a Dot Several old bachelors whilo those of tho fair sex wcro mat y and charming nnd in close proximity. How are bachelors so hard hearted not to bo moved by beauty nnd affection? GUIDE ROCK. Honry Mornnville's family arrived front Iowa Sattirdav evening. E. C. ChriUy buried their infant son Monday Chas. Hngan returned Tuesday morn ing from Kansas City. Commissioner Vance has his new building under way Chas linen n brought n 'earn, buggy nnd hnriiess from K-tnsas City. A fine outfit Three dentists in town. Nn one should need any dental work and not get il done hero. During the shower Wednesday after noon lightning struck n tree near Hos kins' stablo iu tho east part of town and killed threo birds and struck the fnnco in Roland's pasture west of town during tlm samo shower, L. L. Watt moved into his new build intr Thursdny. Harnops-niaker Scott has sold out to Hrpiv llnrn. J Tho Red Cloud bnvs defeated ours at. basn ball by a score of 17 to 10 on Thursday. - "What's in a name?" Tho word "bit ters" does not always indicate some thing ilisagieeabln. Prickly Ash Bit ters is proof of this. It cloanses, strengthens nnd regnlatef tho system thoroughly, yet it is so pleasant tho most delicate Motnnrh will not object I to it Sold by C L. Cutting sfeL FEEL PRICKLY to resist disease. TO KEEP IN THE HOUSE ... DRUQCI3T8. Per Dottle. 32 rrt SPEGIHL KCENT. The Way to Go to California is in a tourist sloepor, personally con ducted, via tho Durllngton Route. You uinko fast timo. You see tho finest scrncry on tho globo. Your car is not so expensively fur nished as n palaco sleeper, but It is just ns clean, just nscomfortnblu, just as good to rido in nnd nearly 820.00 cheaper. Il hns wilo vestibules; Pintsch gas; high backed scats; a uni formed pullmaii porter; clean bedding; spacious toilot rooms; tnbles nnd a heating rarge. Doing strongly and honvlly built, it ridos smoothly; is wnrm iu winter nnd cool iu summer. In chargo of onch excursion party is an experienced! excursion conductor who nccompniiies it right through to Los Angeles. Cars leave Omalin, St. Joseph, Lin coln and Hastings every Thursday, ar riving San Francisco following Sunday, Los Angeles Monday. Only three day i from the Missouri river to tho Paciiic coast, including a stop-over of lj hours at Denver and ilj hours at Suit Lnko City two of tho most interesting cit ies on thocontintnt. For folder giving full information, call nt any Durllng ton Route ticket oilicc, or write to J. Fkancis, Gen'l Passenger Agont Omaha, Neb. m 9 m Shake Into Your Shoes. Allen's Foot Easo, a powder. It cures painful, smarting, nervous feet, ingrowing nails, and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It is the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot Ease makes tight or now shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating, callous, and hot tired, aching feet. Try it to day. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By nipil for 25c in stamps. Trial package froo. Address Allen S. Olmstead, Leroy, N. Y. - Is your name written there? Whore? Ou our subscription books for tho Inst yenr in tho 10th century. It should be. AlAlil!ilililiililila'A'AtA'A'A'A A k Does the ii I Baby Thrive If not, something must be wrong with its food. If the mother's milk doesn't nour ish it, she needs SCOTT'S EMULSION. It suDDlies the I elements of fat required for t the babv. If babv is not X nourished bv its artificial food, then it requires eott's Emulsion Half a tcaspoonful three tor four times a day in its t bottle will have the desired effect. It seems to have a re 1 t f magical eueci upon Dames and children. A fifty-cent bottle will prove the truth of. our statements. Should be taken In summer sa T well as winter. soc. anil Si.oo, all druggists. SCOTT & HOWNI-, Chcmliti, New York. ..,,) Tho best collars made are to bo had of us. Neck comfort for 3 our horse is es sential, if you expect him to do good work. An ill-ti'.ting, poorly-made collar is a source of joniinual irrita tion to the hrrse. For HORSe-COLf-HRS aro made with a view to comfoit, dor aiiility, and good appearance. Wit will sell 1011 THE FINEST HKRNGSS Kverytliiiig eon.pUtr, f ir mir h use (iood t-'i' linril wtiiu, g'niil f.ii sii-iw lU't'iislons J. O. Butler, THEfviRNESS 'ITn rcrmnncitly Curo j B k iMtutllyPretenUdb Ml IR. KLINE'S GREAr IERVE RESTORER TmlUn tmw fr D H, mt, Jfrffryr. m tmim M4 n. riMT oci. renutrMnn ih mnrcn trim W H rxtaau, IUf jm .SikrartoflrM. pica U tn. I r tnl4j'im&. rUmA Via: 1X1. Dcllma I BMUatV.! M mULAtfH cc j-tca.iiai,. C. anZ, DOW, Blacksmithlni; - and - Repairing OK AM, KINDS. HORSBSHOEINC. SATISFACTION OUAUANTKI'.I), WM. rOLFE, IIKXKIIAI. AI1K.NT KOIl MoCORMICK - MACHINERY. UKEC. ON' IUNI) Twine, Oils, Axle Urease, Wind Mills, I'uuipH, and farm Machinery. 'JIlllESWM MACHINES aud ENGINES. wa Why 1 iSli tlLill I mil I, at""-1 1 ,. lifif V I kanWik laV w vmmmmt BRICHTS DISEASE Private Roy Keator Co. D, Firat Illinois Voluntoora, Bhafter's Army of Invasion, Tifth Army Corps, CURED. Chicago, III. Aug. 29, I800. The Dodds Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Gentlemen! After aervlng 3 months In the Cuban War. living In trenches full of mud and water day after day, and drinking water full ol disease, and eating when I could set It, finally threw me Into a fever and this located In my kidneys, developing might's Disease. I was In n serious condition for some time after my return. Dodd'a Kidney Pills were recom mended to me by one of our Company who had suffered the same truubtc I had, and lie had been cured; therefore I look Dodd'. Kidney Pills and am glad to state that I om as well and sound In health today as before going to Cuba. Icredlt Oodd's Kidney Pills for restoring my health, and recommend them to any one suffering from Kinney irouoies. 1 am very graictuiiy rc Dodd's Kidney Pills cure all Diseases of the Kidneys. Sold by all dealers In medi cine, 0 cents a box or six boxes (or $150. Sent on receipt of 6 rice bv The Dodds Medicine. 0., Buffalo, N. T. Our Coal is SUPERIOR COLORADO COAL. STILL SELL AL THE SAME OLD PRICES. Waqon Soales Back of Office. Buy and sell Baled Hay," Corn, Oats Millet, Barley, Etc. Full lino of Flour and Feed on hnnd. W. B. ROBY, No. 1 Timti) Av. Phone No. 51 PARKER'S , HAIR BALSAM cifuiim and lautini tbe hair. 1 rofuntrl a tfiiiirl.nt prnmh Wovor Falls to itcators Gray Jlnlr to ltB Voutbful Color air.aiul lliqt DriifgliU Annual Recortand Estimate of Expenses The follow Iiib l 11 correct Miitement of the rt-rulpthntiilillHburt-PinpMH of thu city of Kcil Cloud for tin- j car cnilni; May I, noo. MKMtltA! ,-ITSI. Milliliter nt Inunl ,Mn ;l IK".I . Hccelw I iruiii fount's tien-mur ..... Judgment fntnl Mdeunlk fund runcl fnuil , wnter fund Total Paid nut mi warrants- IlitluiieL- on IihihI May 1, two ...... lotul OI'CIIPATIHN fr.ND. Ilnliinre on IihihI Miiv:j, imi IltceUed Irom license . ... ....! T11I11I I'.ilil out 011 warrant!- ' .'' lliilanreoii hand .Miiy ! 1WJ '.". Total - WATKIt I.KVY. Iliiliinec nn ham .Mny.t. Isini , Itccelveil from comity treasurer Total I'jiI'1 nut on warm 11 Is Dale nco on Imtiil May I, IUjO .'. Total .., M-ATKII fU.MI, lliiliiuco on lined .Miij :j, ib;i!l lteceiedfrom Dlckeri-ou ' ' " Kenerel fund Ward ... Total Paid out ou warrants . . .... lliilaiicuuii Inunl .May 1, Total Total receipt Total illsLmueiiietilH IIO.NIIKI) INIinDTEaNEaM. Water Worka llondn Electric Light iiotids.... . , E'TIMATK OP KVI'KVUHu .. !! id- . 15C0 ll . '.! 00 20 0) .. I'll! 3D jt 1 -n .. .'IU- !l .. uwt :ir . a 7t ...Mius 11 ,! 217 '.'.1 .. Jjsi 50 ...JlSW'Tt . ii:ii!i n tw.'il ?i3irj a .. 80 15 . W13 .. FftTvs ... niJ r . ... r't m ... rl 21 K'fiO UJ ttriA) m . 51210 02 ... W. M .. 11.120 til ... . J5WJ0 Tt . 1W23 SO ...f.ooa 0 .- o,co c Tho followlnirlatliootllelMl paiini'mn n(.n.n. sesadoritcd by the City Council of the city of Ilea Cloud for ttio municipal year beginning Mays, 1900. Salary cltv council , " " attorney.. " " enclnecr... .. " street and wnter commissioner.. ' city marshal . , Interest on water IkhkIh .... Interent i.ii electric lie tit bonds . ItepalrHon streets and allejs Itepalrs on water works KxtcnMon of water work Miscellaneous expenses Total Dut.d this Sin das-of Ma v. 1000. ...I MO 00 ... 150 0 . 590 00 . 4S0 00 ... 180 00 ... 1500 CO . .".61 00 .. wo no ... '-50 00 ... NiO 10 - 1000 1 0 . (C3C0 1 -I. E. Kcsi.nn. City Clerk. Stato of NcbnibUu, Wt-tslor County, m. Ill till) rolllltv f.'nnrt nf i.nr ,.(.1 i-n . Webster. """" ul In ttio mtiitcr of tho Kiiiirillanslilp of MnrvC. hclmll. an Insane person. ' .-sow on tins -j.ii on or .May, 1W0, cuiuu .lanios Iliirden.el rk.of tho Illstrlet Court of W.-i.s ir L-ouuty. In s.ilil state, and llled lit-, wuitim. ..... rusentliiB anioiiK other tlilui-s Unit salil .Mary V cliulu has been adjtiili'ed In be Insanoby tlio that sib! Marr C sUUuiu is po.sc-Pil ofner aonal CMato in salil county slid stale, oliil iliat by reason of her mental condition and extrewo nmnHKcmi'iit of micb entHte. ami prays that 5?S.SBiPt&,e,sa,A??f th0 rcr80u ana C9,B& da'i.'KyWoofc at the count! court room In Ited rlotid. In' rald county, be fixed as the time and place for liear Idk said pctltleu and appolntlnK a guardian for said Insane iiereon. when all persons Interested In said matter may appear and show cause. If any exists why the prayer of Uo petitioner should not be granted. ' "" It Is further ordered that a copy of this order be published lit Tub liKu Cloi i iiiEr weekly newspaper printed iu said county, for tlueo Micceitlve wecki prior to tlio day se for aid hearing. ' ur Ills further ordered that a copy of this order be'ecrved personally ou said Mary C. Bchultr and also on John Schulti, tbo person now hav. Ing tho caro and castody of said luiano person hSg1 5" Pr'r ,UB Uar wmW JAMK'PmTT, COtlllty JlldgO. wVlVs!'l)ece"serd?f ,"'08",,e ol Alexander o. Notleo Is hereby Iy0n that Iu pursuaaco of an order of Jnta Duilr: Judgo of tie county coi V ?.' y',eh!?T. 0WJP. mai o ou the Tilt (lay or March. IWX),otf1io saluoftlie real esiali l!n luafter dcselbR ou the lid day of .lime. 9oS at a o'e nolc J. in .. at publ.c veiiduu to t ho llVhl est bidder for cash the fo lowlni; descrluc "l l.'itle-itHle to wlti Lots 20 ai ssi "i"tn,,i M lilock I. in .lackson's Addlilon to' tho clt? " Ited I'louil. In Web.ter county, and Miitouf N 1'irJur "' ,UI1 re,"",n ''0'' rorone Executor of ,, c.ate SS&?SJ,u. XsVwKkr fKIDNEY'a feuiLLS 11 I 1 ., j