....imniiiiiiT'ijii r " ii ,t -v- -, - - T- r r-srrn$3 riTHRSTI :. W -m ssrv rfS's; - 2; 3g -5r"' -Jll?Bl?j'IlS-.-.., . iniflfci ii i)fT1n i irfT BTE ,,....l .,..,. .,"". ... -, .k H - . n r.r-:r: . m .1 VOLUME XXVIII. BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. MAY 25, li)00 NUMBER 21 Ss :sSE5i sssSI&Siift ri35tt Telephone No. 27. j' Our "say so" in the paper, our do $ so" in tne store. Come and see for yourself. We submit to your judgment our right to your trade. . on I W v-Q-Q ....JLe-4S r I liTi f2z5MSP??Ssw j-,i-j- -r. fM rii-sjpw n w a Furniture. Our prices always tho lowest. Wo buy ditoet-lJuy and Sell for CASH. I Iron Hods A spaciiu 1 1-10 post brass vase, strictly high grade, 93 03 Other values, up to 131 00 Bodroom Suites 3 pleco Hardwood 20x24 mirror, special at 10 80 Other grades, 17 00 to 50 00 per suite. Tables, C-foot Extension Table, hardwood, 4 115 Other grados, 0, 7, b 10, 1U, H, 818.0U Couches. Special at S8.00 and '22.00. Wo carry a guaranteed Couch, tho only ouo mndo. Chairs Diners, cane seat, 5.50 to 13 50 per set. Rockers, wood seat, 1.25 to 10 00 per seat " collier's scat, upholstered seat, Ac 1 08 to 12.!)0 :)spiudlu Kitchen Chair, 50c. Cupboards Full sizo poplar cupboard, special vuluo at 5 00 Other values, 7 00, 800, 0 50, 11 00 Sideboards Slfi.00 Sidobourd at 311.1)0. f 18.00 Sideboard at l!l 75. 820 00 Sideboard at S15 25. Bookcases -special at !l SIS, to 35 00 Uaby Buggies, 5 00 to IS 00 Carpets. Our carpet sales this season are in excess of tho past three years combin ed It is our ability "somehow,, to sell hotter carpets than tho others, that causes such an in crease in this departmont. Ingrains, 25c, 10c, 12 'e, 55c, 00c, 70c Tapestry, -i2jc. Brussols,spocialoirering at 82 He. Axminsters and Mi (luottes, with or without border, 85c, SI 00, 91 10. Wo guarantee lit e sull direct from tho piece; no charges for cutting Tho result buying here: liko llnding money you -. . did not know you had K1 Hemp, to close, 10c, lite, divJ 20n, 25c and 30o por yard Mattings, to close, regu liir-IOcgnuloat32Hc. Dress Goods. WM ( 5mm rrr KStSW li i 0 " ? w Cpj-iij Show days for beauty stutrs! Spring fubrlc blooms. Serges, 15c to 1 25 Crepons,1.10to275 Black Goods, plain 10c to 2 25 Special offering in 10 inch Suitings at 35c Spring Novelty Goods, H0c to 1 .25 vouoiian auiuugs, iuu iu City styles at less than city prices 1 25- j Queensware. Wi Wo aro opening u now lino &3 ot" Decorated Goods spcciul ill ilesigns. Wo have 3 or 1 stock fj! patters that wo aro closing out. 'Li Tho prices quoted aro less t mu W K0014 r same iunllty can bo re- W' placed for on to-days market l-i $12 50 pattern, to close out, i) 00 'J- 10 00 " " " " " s0 A R0O ' l- il 1-1.00 ' "12 00 it?. Spocial In glass Sets, 25c H Bowls and Pitchers, !0o to 1.2i K4 Toilet Sets, 2.00 to 7.00 ... Shirt Waists, Wash Shirts. prepared to Commtnctment Program. On next Thursday evening at tho opera hoiiRo will occur the tenth on mini commencement exercises of tho Red Cloud high school, and at which time fourtccii moro of our young peo ple will end their duties of acquiring knowledge from books and commence the acquiring of knowledge from the nctunl experiences of this world as each shall find it. The names of the fourteen who complete the high school ccur'o nro Sherwood L Albright, Ag nes W. Brown, Ncllio Gertrude Fort, Mrrn Mnv Giilloth. Jcssio C. llntulcr- son, I'Miel llosinor, Ida 1'oarl Kinscl, Lorena M Nutoin, L-iwrence L. IVirco, Kdward 1) I'latt. Koy T. rueips, n Karl Fond, (Jrace Skjelrer, and Mabel L. Woll.. Tho program for tho even ning is rather long, but it will no doubt bo interesting throughout. Tho following is tho program as it will bo given. 1'ltOUItAM: Instrumental Solo "Flower Sour" Loreim M. Mutcln. Invocation ":: iiev. t . n . uenn. Vocnl Trio "SprltiR Flonern" Jeitlc llemlrron. Nellie l'ort, Unrl l'ond. SRliitntory miJ tiration "Mberir l Destructive ot Luxur) MnliclWclU. Oration ......"The Struggle of tlic Nations" Kawnrd uiatt. Oration "A True Education" Myra M. flrllTeth. Oration "TlioCciiturj'h I'roKress" Nellie Fort. Instrumental solo "I.ch Hntncnttx" Kthel lloiner. Oration. - "'Hie Duwnfnll of Nnllons" Itoy Phelps Onitlon ... "I'rH( tlrnl (bervlltlon Slierw '01 I.. AllirlKht Oration "On tlieTliri'liolil of tLe Centut" .loMu lleuilcrhuu Oration 'NnincleM Heroeh" (raceSKji'ixcr. Voc-il Qunrtett "Come W fieri! the Mllles Illoom" Karl l'oml Mru M. Crllletli. Mu Klii-ol unit Slivruooil I. Allirlelit. Oration 'America the rumrunner of Libert)" Kthel HoMnur. Orntlon American Aiiliiorh" r-.) Ma Kltibcl. Cla-s lll'lory ARtiea llrown. Oration "unr HeoIutIonar Heroes" I.orena M. NiiMcln. Orntlon" lleuelltn Derived from SimnUli War" Lawrence l'elrcc. Valedictory (Lawrence I'elrce. VocnISolo "A May MornliiB Myra M. Orlirelh. rrceutatlon of Dliiloma Geo I. Kclley. biipcrlntendciit. Onartut The rnrtuiie Tuller Karl rond. Mjraarliretli. Ida Klntcl audslicmood I.. AlbrlRlit. Ilcuedlutlon Ilev. U, A. Ilarnc". Muslo Subitltutcd. Delivery omitted. Decoration Day Programme. On Wednesday. May JlOth. the W. R. C. anil sjldiets of tho civil and Spanish Amuiican war will meet at their head quarters at 1 o'clock j m and at 1 !10 proceed to tun opera house wuero tne folio ving piogtain will be given Jluvic - - . ,y""r' IiiMicatlon I W lea InMriimenlal Duet ... I'.atl l'oml. retry Ludlow It ill Call of Dead .... l'ol Adjt. (1. It. Chancy f!nrnitsoiu.. Karl l'oml AiMreM Capt. C. K, Adams Music -ii'iancl llencdlctlon Ilev. Xauderfc Tho procession will then form under direction of Col. J. S. White, marshal of tho dny and proceed to tho cemetery in tho lollowiug oiucr. FlritiRSquad under command of Corporal D. L. Oroat. Ited Cloud Cornet Hand. Garfield l'ost No. 8(1 (. A. 11. and oil old and young Koldlerit. W. it. O. In carrlRKCx. Ited Cloud Public . School" under eccort of Sup erintendent and tenchem. Civic SoclctlCH, CltbciiK on fool and In carriage. It Is especially requested that all ft lends wlio go to tho cemetery will lot m In thu procession anil Keep per fect order. After leaching tho cetne lory tho following progiam will ho given. MllMc' Addri'i"!, prelude .MIIMC I'rayer. . . II. A llenpuuKe , Dcpodlmf I'lowcri' Salute the Dead . . Taps Mimic A memorial (lend will bo ". m r;; iKii rv.J m r l ) l axi ft'M.Mni ttUJift .' fti m . At.l .. VVl'A "iVlJ '." '.VjfC.Vj,i-KA 'i;.i'ii Mil&jk1&j?&:i&tfm r.r: Turn ure Bros. Dry Goods Boots and Shoes Ladies' Tailor-Mado Suits General Dealers in Notions - Groceries Carpets and Oilcloths Silk Waists and Wash Waists. Groceries ! $ in: i 1 . !1 lbs Kvaporaled apples evaporated riums id anpli's. per can Wc are headquarters Gallon Kraut Berries. Arbtickles, Lyons, XXW Wo have contracted with II. Matirer for his crop of i!iO 5c 25c 25c I2jt; Strawherries, which he says will bo liner than over Dress G-oods. Silks. Stripes in runny Fancy evaporated peaches por lb 10c 1 I1h fanny eooKing raisins Gallon l'icklcs. per can Dicu Tobacco it lb can solid pack Tomatoes 1 lb pitcilngo Tea Sifting 25o 25o 25o 25o 20j Leave your orders early. In fir.- Fluids nnd Novelties. Crepitus, Henriettas, Serges, Ciichimere, Brilliants and Silician Cloths at Lowest Prices. JU. - Notions. Fancy Bulls, Belt Buckles, (ill-dies, Pullev Belts and Belt lYts Hair rolls at 1(K Anne hair pins le each and up wind Full lino of fancy and staplu Ribbons. Full line of vel vet trimming ribbsiis. To tnako room for our now stock of Sides vo will cut the price of a great matiy of our waist patterns. TnlTota Silks at 50c a yard. Wash Silks nt G0c a yard. Wash Goods. .lust received another largo in voieu of Dimities. La vus, Clial lies, Linens, in stripos and dots, Alberta S.itins, etc Our prices will ho found to liu a saving to yon o( 20 to 115 por cent. Alberta Satins at :15c. r V-toL m, I yr J r r77ysi wymmFs- Lp tj Laces. 1-1- Wo are always on tho watch to securo bargains for our pan ons, and have seciuedi an exceptional one' in Laces. Laces ranging from inches to 8 inches, in width, which you can purchase tit tho special price of So per yatil. Carpets IX.''- ml I Shoes and Oxfords. Wn handle a complete lino of Ladies', Mis-ies and Cliildten'S Shoo. Also Men's, Youth's and Boj's Sines'. Wc guaraiitee our shoes to meet all the IomIs. and if not found as represent ed to lepl.ii'ii each p.iir sold. w o have just received a nobby hue of Ladies Oxfords in tan and black, both button and laco and plain and tip toes. Gauze Underwear. Wo carry a full lino of Ladies and Children's (iim.o Underwear in union and two piece garments, prico 5c to (iOu 3ML ........ o aro bettor than over SPECIALS meet vour want in this lino. Ill HIKTWMST9 Shirt Waists from 50c t 3 50. W are ugentH for the Banner brand the .best fittings the be&t workmanshi. Wash Goods. The beason for wash goods Is now in full blast. Our line for this season sur passes all prorious years. It contains the city styles much bolow city prices. Silk Ginghams, 4Do Alberta Sat n, 50o Dimities, 8. 10. 15. 20, 25, 35c Uelvolr Cords, 20o Chatnby Madras, special valuo 20c Donim Skirtlngh, Vi'a to 20c Pitiues, 20 to"30o Iron Bed, $3.98, see description. 3 Piece Bedroom Suit, $15.80, see description. Ladies $3.50 Machintosh $2.47. re 11 1: v. MINER Red Cloud, Nebraska. m iTi SfeHIysk? !Hs SiSliiK Hand 1'Olld, I'Oht ('0111 11x1111 lloniiid.l'iit rhnplalu .. . I'otit 1'oiniiiuiiiler II. ltohy, Ollirerof Dny 1'lrliiK sUKd S. II Hirer, Tom I) K'ir U il sorvico to tho unknown conducted by W. It. C. No. 14, and tho graves of tho deceased members 01 tne u. a. k ana w. k. ti. will bo decorated by tho living aiem bors. Tho citizens and children aro re quested to bring flowers to tho hall be fore 1 o'clock p.m. May 80th. $100 Reward $100. Tho readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least ouo dreaded diseaao that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hull's Catarrh Cure is tho only positive euro known to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con. stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken iuternally, acting direct ly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying tho foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and usiistlng uatiiio in doing its work The piopilotors hnvo Mimiifh faith in in cm alive powers, Hint they oiler One llundted Dollais fur an case that it fails to euro Send r -- li.st of ti'-tiiiioiilnls Adilicss, F J. Clli.MiV ic Co .Toledo. O. nld by Druggists, 75a. Hall's Family Fills are the best. s- .to '.'4 m S r. .- Our prices on Durpots will bear comparison. We' tfiU-n fi cut imitm in inntchliiL' eat'liets ti ml cuaratiteo a! lit. Hemp cat pet 25 and 30.;. Union carpet 110 and a5e. Supeiior ply, till wool, 05 and 70.5 made up. Muslin Underwear. Parasols. Come and examine our lino and be convinced that wo have tho best assort ment and lowest price. Table Oil Cloth. Skirts, Corset Covers, Chemise, Drawers, Night Kobe. Silk Capes and Tailor Made Suits. During this sale "e will sell Table Oil cloth at 15o per yard. Our stock of silk capos is complete. Capes to suit all at prices to defy compo tition. , . . Our tailor rondo sult3 aro mado by ro liable Manufacturers and are thereby guarnnteod to glvo perfect satisfaction Muslins and Sheetings. Always a full line on hand. Our ular pi ice meets others specials. reg- Silk Mitts. Wo carry tho celebrated Ainstorinani Ladies and M'issch Silk Mitts, the bust on tho tnatket. I'rices aro from 15c to 75e per pair. Misses Mills 15c to25u. I to ft A -j ft Curtains. An up to date lino of curtains that will please any eye. House cleaning time is at hand and if in need of cttr-ii tains call and see our line. Adjustable s t ' ( ' hkiiIii s IOo and up. Calicoes. Best Blacks und Greys Ou por yard. Peabody blacks and grays Gc per yd. Fancy Prints 5c per yard. Garner's Heds Co per yard. ft ft Rt: X' ')4M!a m X. V mImm ill II 1 I III II I l ' $ h i i Vfi - y COItSKTS. ! frS.-.l i ii m.jc- i-?t s ir .. I VTiiJ,"jo-,V "o1 1 i i f 'J. vn i I lV, ' VI' J2L-l7 I I Moii'rIew I i I X-vSnM I n yy I vl ivvrnwl WW I Willi A I ArtHJUilv WWv. v. Did you try tho ,J. C. C Corset ! If try ouo for comfort and durability Kid Gloves. i We warrant our gloves to give satisfaction, Our prices range from F.T.S.ACO, 85c to $1.50. j Turn are Bros. $m Tkr- r: ZTV 'vl I I Service, Lucile & La Force Red Clo ud, - Nebraska. T fl 'mzmzmmti! MNeaSalsacfi&R mU MteiAJgBST ! i ffcu&vxaA. atfitt