The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 18, 1900, Image 5

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    MU 1 1 Mill ! ..! '-mt' V"'-"!
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Most because tho Kolitsmlth's art
can produce no better ring.
Mtulo of one solid piece of gold
without lluw or blister.
Our stamp on n ring means
standard of merit.
Each and every ring that rods
from this stoic is made un
der our own direction.
All rings sold appropriately en
graved free cf charge.
3 "fcUwftmse "Bvos.,
Millet seed at B. K Mizer's.
Harness repairs, Fogel & Hutchison.
Mrs. F. E. Goblo has gone on an eas
tern visit.
Do you want a naw cook stove? If
so see Wright.
It. 1). Bedford left Wednesday morn
ing for Lincoln.
Tho Ciiikk and Chicago Inter Occnn
one year for $1.25.
( M. Castor of Ilivcrton was here
the first of tho week
Two residences for .ilo or rent in
-ity. See S. B. Lightfont.
W. N. Hichardson left Tuesday morn
ing for St Paul on a business trip.
Walter Hoby sells tho Singer sowing
machine. Piieesrignt. (Jet tho best.
Charley Busheo of Guide Hock was
looking after business matters here
A very plcasaat time was had at the
dance giv -n by tho band boys on Wed
nesday evening.
Mrs. A. L. Morris of Lr.omis, this
sta'.e visited at the homo of 1). J. Myers
family tho lirst of tho week.
Fearn & liar wood, painters and
paper hangers. Good work done rea
sonably and on short notice. Give us a
Morhart Bros, are selling thoirgoods
on close margins. Expenses are small
they can afford to do It.
Tho Equitable Mutual Hail Insur
ance Co. writes hail insurance on cash
basis only. It will savo you money to
see me. 0. C. Tkel.
Sour stomach, fullness after eating,
llatuloneo are all caused by imperfect
digostion. Prickly Ash Bitters correct
the disorder at oncn, drives out badly
digested food nnd tones tho stomach,
liver and bowels. For sale by C. L.
Tho subject at tho Baptist church on
next Sunday morning will bo "Four
kinds of people." In tho evening the
subject will bo ''Two kinds of people"
Tho Sunday school will meet as usual
at 11:45. Tho B. Y. P. U. will meet at
7:00 P. M., Win. West, leader. Cordial'
invitation to all of abovo sorvicos.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at tho postoflico at Red Cloud, Neb
raska, for tho week ending May 17th
Brinborst, Henry Fisher, Rev. N. .
He-drick, Dawson Noror, Bobblo
Thesn letters will be sent to tho dead
letter oflico May 31st, if notcalled for
before. When calling for above please
'v' say "advertised." T. C.Hackkk.P.M
; .
MAY Tllh M'.VKIt Itl'sT,"
When j on Lie, let In lo only n "while" one.
When yon Steal, tteal an ay from bid com-
J puny.
J When you Swear, nwear by your country.
When you Drink, drink to Hie henth of a
When you Eat, cat nt the
J Star JBtilcer'Ar- J
. .v ..... .... .. '
j. u. iurot x'rop,
B. F. Mizer's for millet seed.
All kinds of garden tools at Wright'?.
All kinds of wire fencing at Wright's
hardware store,
Full lino of fresh bulk girdon seeds
at W. B. Moby's.
Sid Longtin has taken a position nt
the Holland House.
J.S Wlilto made a business ttip to
Blue Hill Wodncsdav.
Dad Shanklin left the last of the week
for Adair County, Iowa.
Mrs. Petro, nleco of Mrs. Kd. Kellogg
is horc from Grand Island.
Mrs. Horry Goblo returned to her
homo at McCook Saturday.
If you want anything in tho harness
lino seo Fogel & Hutchison.
I have a fow dozen pansy plants for
sale Mits. Mahik Pakkeii
Wright has every article of waro that
is needed around the kitchen.
Our phono number is now 72. Call
us up when you need job printing.
Lost. Brown Martin Colarctte. Re
turn to Dr. Mary Chaso Rockwell.
Robert Potter and James R, Mercer
were In Minden the Hast of the week.
If you want hail or other insurance
seo mo before writing O. C. Tkki,.
Cal Konady and wife wcro hero from
Holyoke, Colorado, tho Grstof tho wcok.
T. E. Penman, W. It. Parker and Jos.
Bouron went to Grand Island, Wednes
day. S top and get one of thoso fine Sunday
dinners at tho Star Bakery before going
Mrs. McKeigan and daughter, Mrs.
R. E. McBrido wcro visiting in Inavalo
this week.
Mrs. Kob't Martin of Ogden, Utah
arrived in tho city this morning for a
visit with friends.
Mrs. Blancho Varger and Miss Etta
Hughes departed Thursday morning
for Scott's Bin 11", Nebraska.
A collection amounting to $10,110 was
taken last Sunday by tho Baptist S. S.
for the India famine .sufferers.
Is your name written thcreV Where?
On our subscription books for the last
year in the ltltli century. It should be.
U. G. Knight departed for Valentino
this statu where ha has been appointed
stock census enumerator by the govern
A sign writer has been in tho city
this woik a .(I as a result a number of
our business houses have new and
artistic slgus on their windows.
C. Fit, and wifojleparted Tuesday
night for Astoria, Fulton Coiuty Illi
nois, Mr. Fit 7. having received tho sad
intolligouco of the death of his father.
Tho Capo Nomo party comprising
Goo. W. Lindsey, F. E. Goblo, J. D.
Crans, Win Walters, John Tomllnson
and Mr.Steersleft last Saturday. They
will leavo Seattle on tho 25th.
If you can't work well in hot weather
tako Prickly Ash B'ttcrs, it regulates
tho important oigans of tho body and
fortifies tho system to resist tho ener
vating influonce of summer heat. For
sale by C. L. Cotting.
Gold at Cai'E Nome. If you want
information about the Cape Nomo
country, how to got there and what it
costs, write to J. Francis, General Pus
sonper Agent, B. & M. railroad in Neb
raska, Omaha, Neb.
Homeseekers excursions on May 1st
and 15th, and June 5th and 10th 1900,
to Arizona, Arkansas, Indian Territory
Louisiana, New Moxico, Oklahoma
Territory, and Texas. For rates and
further information, apply to local tic
ket agent, A. Conovcr.
Pastures aro doing tine, small grain
of all kinds never looked better and
winter wheat, though tho avorago is
comparatively small, yet tho stand is
good and tho prospects for a big crop
is very encouraging. There is quito a
good deal of corn planted, but tho
farmers will not start to planting until
tho coaling week.
Tho city of Red Cloud is located
about a milo from tho railroad. Oreo
upon a time a traveling man "niado"
that town for tho lirst time 'Great
Johosiphat," ho said, "why didn't they
build tho depot nearer tho town?"
Sonio mild eyed Red CI nulor looked at
tho stranger and replied, "Bocauso
they wanted it nearer tho railroad
track." Which wiso saying, gentle
reader, has becomo a part and parcel
of the historic traditions of said town
of Red Cloud;
On last Tuosday night at tho homo of
W. P. Konnady, occurred the wedding
of their daughter, Susie, to Mr. A. B.
Sellats of this city. Tho ceremony was
porformed at 5 o'clock by Rev. I. W.
Kdson, and after an elaborato wedcing
supper, tho bildal couple tool; tho
train for a biidnl tourtluoiigh the wes
tern states. Mis Sellata bus boon oiu
nf our must aecoiitpii-hed teachers in
our schools for soi u-l years past, ar.d
Alva has a good position in tho real es
tate ulllco of I). J. Myers. Tiik Cnn:r
along with their many friends wish
thorn a long life of happiness.
go to Peterson anil get a
Henney buggy. Every
one knows that they are
the best made. You will
find all of my goods up-to-date
and leaders. See
what 1 have to cultivate
Jas. Peterson.
For hail insurance see O. C. Tool.
Dr. McKeeby was in Superior Sun
day. Goo. Morhart was in Guido Rock
Miss BelloSpanogle returned to Beat
rice Saturday.
Seo Wright before you buy a gas or
gasolino stove.
M. Finch nnd W. T. Auld woro in
Guido Rock Sunday.
Frank Payton of Lbanon wastnking
in the sights hero this week.
T Are your bees swarming? Get your
bee supplies at Moihnrt Bros.
Another ono of thoso lino Sunday
dinners at tho Star Bakery Sunday.
Wm. Roats returned Wednesday
morning from a trip to Kansas City.
Sylvan us McGinnis who lias been in
the reform school hns returned home,
E. U. Overman accompanied by his
mother arrived from Illiuois Tuesday.
Ernest Welsch has sold his restaur
ant property and business aithe depot.
Geo. Folton, Chas. Adams and Lewis
Feltou were up from Lebanon this
Tho Star Bakery i3 becoming famons
for its Sunday dinners. Try ono next
Roy Hutchinson of Lebanon was
shaking hands with old friends hero
Fogel & Hutchison have a tine lino
of heavy work harness you should seo
before you buy a now one.
R. B. Kummor of Columbus who has
Interested our city in a mill project
has notified tho committee that ho has
his machinery on board tho cars and
it will be hero in a few days when act
ivo operations will be commenced on
the erection of the plant.
At an adjourned regular meeting of
tho city council hold at tho oflico of tho
city clerk on Saturday morning, May
10th, tho saloon license of M. M. Stern
was revoked. At tho samo time nnd
place a saloon license was granted to
David A. Dickey.
"What's inn name?" Tho word "bit
ters" docs not always indicate 'some
thingidisagrccable. Prickly Ash Bit
ters is proof of this. It cleanses,
strengthens and regulates tho system
thoroughly, yet it is so pleasant tho
most delicate 6tomach will not object,
to it. Sold by C. L. Cotting.
Notice to Water Consumers: By
order of tho mayor and council I am
instructed to collect the annual water
rates not later than June 15th, and in
all cases whero said water rates aro not
paid by that dato to cut off tho water
from tho premises. This order will
bo strictly enforced. J, W. Kinskl,
Wnter Commissioner.
I'ho attorneys roprosonting tho city
and tho anti-saloon league in tho case
of tho romoustranco against M. M.
Stern went to Minden Wednesday to
represent their respectivo clionts in
tho caso. Tho caso was heard before
Judgo Adams on Wednesday evening
and was taken under advisement. On
Friday ho decided in favor of tho writ
of tho rcmonstrators and against tho
Lars Nelson tried to kill himself last
Monday aftornoon by rutting his throat
with a razor, Lars lives nlono on his
farm seven miles southwest of town
and had it not been for Nels Benson
happening at his place ho would have
died hut Mr Benson brought' him t
town ami Dr. 'lownseiid sewed up the
wound and stopped the blond and he
is getting along all right nt tills writ
iiitl. He was about exhausted fioin
loss of blood when they reached town,
Campbell Press.
Death of Thomu E Hamcr
Thomas Hauler reiding lourtcen
mllo soi!thw."st of this city, died nt
his home last Wednesday fiom para I
ysis Tho funeral services were held
at the school home In the district in
which lie losUU'd, and the lemalu.s
were laid at rest in tho Mt. Hope com
etery on Friday Deceased was o
member of tho K. of P lodge of this
city, which lodge attended tho funeral
set vices in n body. Rev. T E. Horton
conducted the service at tho school
home after which the lodge took charge
of the remains and conducted their
tituali.olic f unci nl set vice at the giave.
At a regular meeting of Calanthe
Indue. No. 21), Knights of Pythlin, held
in lltr-r castle hall on Thiiisday eve
ning, May 17th, the following preamble
and resolutions were unanimously
passed, upon tho death of Knight Tho
mas Hauler, who left this world in the
springtime of life:
Wnr.KKAs, it has ploafod the Su
preme Chancellor of the Universo to
remove from our castle hall ono of our
brave and valiant Knights, Brother
Thomas 1 lamer, therefore bo it,
Rksoi.vkk, that by his death wo havo
been deprived of tho companionship
of a wot thy Knight, who in life
was ever ready to help a brother in
(listless, nnd whoso deeds of charity
woic highly esteemed by thoso who
knew him best, and bo It
Resolved, that though ho has pass
ed on to mingle with tho great throng
of Knighthood who have gono before,
wo shall strive to omulato his virtues
nnd profit by his examples, and bo it
Rksolved, that wo extend to the rel
atives of our deceased brother, tho
heaitfclt sympathy of this lodge in
their bereavement, and although ho
has departed from us, that his memory
will shine radiantly in tho world bo
yoiul, also bo it
Resolved, that these resolutions bo
spread upon tho records of this lodgo,
and that they bo published in the coun
ty papers of Wobstor and Smith.
J. E. Keslrk, )
A. O., vCotu.
J. S. Blaik, )
Questions by the Census Enumerators.
'the following twenty-six questions
will bo asked by the census enumera
tors. Look them over and got ready
to answer them:
1. Surname, Christian name, ini
tial. 2. Residence, street, number of
.'1. Relationship of each member of
the head of the family.
1. Color or race.
r.. Sex.
0. Age last birthday
7 Day, month, and year when
3. ' Aieyoii single, married, widow,
widower, oi divorced
!). Number of years married.
10. How many childien?
11. Number living.
12. Sex of these children.
1JJ. Where were you born? If in
the United States, give state or terri
tory; if of foreign birth, give naino of
the country only.
11 Where was your father born?
Your mother? (Samo condition as tho
15. If of foreign birth, when did you
como to the United States?
17. Have you been naturali.ed?
How many years since you became a
18. What is your occupation, trade
or profession? (This question applies
to persons ten years of ago or over.)
11). How many months during tho
year aro you employed?
20. How mouy months havo you at
tended school?
21. Can you read?
23. Can you write?
23. Give tho main facts concerning
your education.
21. Do you own the house in which
you livo?
25. Do you rent the houso in which
you livo?
If you own tho houso, is it freo or
mortgaged? (The same questions ap
ply to farms.)
m 9 m
The commencement programs will
appear next week, which will bo in
plenty of time. As a rule this appoars
lour or live weeks boforo tho dato and
when the timo arrives no ono has a
program, honco wo havo decided to
withhold tho program nnd publish it
next week, and then if anyone can't
keep it until commencement day they
ought not to havo a program.
Married, at tho residence of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Bogonrlef, in Jewell county, Kansas,
on Wednesday, May 16, 1000, Mr. .las.
Bogetirlef to Miss Maude Merrill. Both
of the contracting parties aro well and
favorably known in this vicinity and
the Chief along with their othor nu
merous friends and acquaintances
takes pleasure in wishing them a long
and happy lifo over the troubled seas
of matrimony.
is to conduct our business
so that every purchaser
shall be pleased. We are
not doing business for
this year only, nor for
next. We want your
trade continuously. We
guarantee satisfaction or
money refunded. Bring
us your Prescriptions.
None but experienced
men to handle them and
prices reasonable.
The Druggist.
Tall M I
Men (
and i
Short i ssl
and ij VHH
Extra Size Men
are all perfectly
Coats and Vests
Pants, waists up
There has never been a kick on the
wear of our extra size suits. They
are made up in good durable ma
terials such as a large stout man re
quires. Prices $9.00 to $15.00. Your
money back is you are not satisfied.
1 '
Prices m homering
We give our customers the benefit.
I No old goods
New goods at new prices.
Nour money is worth as much to you as anyone.
Save your money by buying where you
can buy the cheapest.
We guarantee our goods and our prices are the
Come in and we will prove it to you.
Morhart Bros. Hardware Co.
I - SPECIAL1 -S ALE ! "-
I IRIJOAY, MAY l&tli, 1QOO. j
I r.. 1 i , t in 1 1 1.. 1 1 f
at rut.
Our already low prices
Recltxotlori. of ;per cent,
1 on the entire stock of j
Ready Trimmed Hats Flowers.
15jTl)ou't miss this sale if you want
3)TFirst door north of F. & M. Bank
ehieago kambep Yard,1
Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement.
fitted at our store.
up to size 50.
to size 50, lengths to 37.
Glothnig Go.
on hand.
will bo slaughtered by a
a bargain.
Building. 2
j 1
yj 1
J .
Wl l & W riaJU-if
. - 1
.... ;t,Hfcij&.
f ittfa JKaMr?Tif T
1.1? :M--l-firr
'i' w it tf' 'iio-.tta