The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 11, 1900, Image 8

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Its Coming is Lookod Forward to
"With Both Joy and Fear and its
Bafo Arrival is Hailed With
Prido and Delight by All.
Tho arrival of tlio first lmhy In tho
hoiJBohold to tho happiest and most Im
portant event of married life. Tho yotmR
rvifo who is to become- a mother doHghta
to think of tho happiness in storo for her
ivhen tho littlo ono shall ncstlo upon her
breast and latterly eho flhall hoar it lisp
tho Bwoot and holy name, "mother."
Uut her happy anticipation quickly van
ishes when sho realize tho terrible pain
and suffering through which sho must
pass wliilo bringing tho littlo ono Into
tho world. An ftideHcrlbablo four of tho
innger attendant upon tho ordeal noon
dissipates hor Joyfulncra.
ThousamlB of women liavo learned
by oxporlcnco that thoro is absolutely
no necctwity for tho Bufferings which at
tend child-birth; they know that by
the uso of "Mother's Friond" a Bcien
tifio liniment for n few weeks boforo
the trying hour, expectant mother can
to prepare thcmBolvoa for tho final
hour that the pain and Buffering of the
ireodod ovent are entirely obviated and
It in safely passed through with com
paratively littlo discomfort.
All women aro Interested, and es
pecially oxpoctant mothers who for tha
first timo have to undergo this trial, in
iucharcmody;forthoy know tho pain
and suffering, to any nothing of tho dan
ger, which Is In store for them. "Moth
er's Friend" is woman's greatest bles
ilng, for it tnkes hor safely through the
leverest ordeal of her life. Every woman
ihould bo glud to read tho littlo book
"Before Haby is Horn," which contains
Information of great value to all. It
will bo sent free to nny ono who sends
their address to Tho liradfleld ltegu
Intor Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Rr.Ai. - Estate, - Insurance
Agent lor tho Kotitaiilk IjIkk Assuu
anokSooikty. FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D.
Surgeon B, 6? M. R. R. ompany,
and V. S. Penson Surgeon.
City and country calls promptly an
swered tiny or night.
OkfickovkkLinhsky's Mkat Maiikf.t
nioiit calls at oiwcb.
Dr. E. A. Crkigiiton,
Honorary (iraduntu As Silver Meilalist
Western University, Canada.
Calls Answi:kki Day ami Nioiit.
Orrrcr. Oven Cook's 1'iiaiimacv.
Crown Q Bridge Work or Teelh Without l'latei
And all tho latent Improvement lu dental rooch
Lock llox si. (iiildc Hock, Neb."
All kinds of property bought, sold and
Office over lit Otttcc.
Chimney brick,
Cistern brick,
Ludlow Bros.
. Liquors,
California randies.
fl IdMS WMlKt ALL HSfc tAiLVp1
ISA Hurt Coiwh Syrup. Tii-mIioihI, trupjl
Prl III llmo. Howl tv druniriM. Ji
Council Proccding.
Council met at Fireman hall pursu
ant to adjournment on May I, with tho
mayor and all aldermen present.
Minutes of Jast meeting wero read
and approved.
Upon motion council adiotirncd to
the court house to hoar evidonco on
rcmonstratico against issuance of li
cense to M. M. Stem.
Council reconvened at court houso
with all aldertnon present.
Miss KullogK was engaged ns sten
ographer to take testimony in case
The remonstrance was read by tho
attorney for tho rcmonstrntors.
Tho first charge, tho legality of tho
bond, was argued by tho attorneys,
the attorney for tho rumnnslratois al
leging that a guarantoo bond was no
good, mid tho attorney for the pe
titioner contended that a guarantee
bond was good in nny case whore a
bond was required, nnd after listoning
to tho arguments oifcred tho council
overruled tho objection and approved
and accepted tho bond.
Council then proceeded to listen to
testimony of witnesses on tho other
charges until O.-flO p.m. when a recess
was taken until 7 p.m.
Council reconvened at 7 p.m. with
all moaibers present.
Hearing of testimony resumed until
10:25 p.m. when it was requested by
attorn oy for remonBtrators that caso
bo continued until Saturday morning,
and upon motion tho council decided
to continue with the hearing of evi
dence. After examining a fov moro witness
es the defenso rested, nnd after hear
ing the arguments advanced tho coun
cil retired to the jury room to rondor
a loeisioti.
Council returned tho following mo
tion which was adopted.
That from the evidence adduced
on the hearing of the remonstrance
tiled against the issuance of a licenso
to soil malt, spiritous nnd vinous
liquors byM. M. Stern in Red Cloud
Nebraska, the council hnds each and
every allegation in tho remonstrance
to bo not snstninod by tho oridenee
and that tho rcmonstranco bo over
ruled. That upon compliance with the laws
and upon the payment of tho sum of
$1,000 into tho city treasury by Mycr
M. Stern, a Ihonso bo issued to said
Myer M. Stern to soil malt, spiritous,
and vinous Illinois as prayed for in
liis petition
.). K Mercer, attorney for rcmon
strators gave notice of appeal.
Council then adjourned to meet on
Satin day, May 5.
Council met on Saturday pursuant
to adjournment, and tlieio being no
quorum present adjourned to meet on
Tuesday, May 8th.
Council mot pursunut to adjourn
ment on Tuesday, May 8th.
Minutes of tho lust meetiug were
read and approved.
T. .J. Ward appeared boforo tho
board and requested that some action
be taken in regard to city scnlos and
motion prevailed that it bo declared
the sense of this council that the loca
tion of ajnihlie scales on he streoto of
the city of Red Cloud be granted, the
ONnct loealion thei rof to be determined
by the council as soon as funds am
raised to buy same.
I.. A. llaskins appeared before coun
cil and leqiiested permit to build shed
to his bant Permit denied.
Request of .Ins. Peterson for a per
mit to build extension to his building
on tho corner of Fourth avenue and
Webster street was donicd.
Council adopted cstimato of expen
ses for ensuing year which will bo
found in nnothor column of this issue.
Tho mayor and ojty clerk woro in
structed to correspond for prices on
material for the water works exten
sion and the time for receiving bids
was extended to May UUIi.
The stteet commissioner was ordered
to have all fences removed which were
M't out in the street and have the -.nine
put on th- collect line
On motion tho water commissioner
was itisiiueted to collect tho annual
water rates by June loth, and to cut
oil the water in all, cases where full
.settlement i not modo on or befuro
that date.
Council adjourned to meet Saturday
May 12th.
Thirty years ngo tho 10th day of tho
picsent.nionth the first houso was built
in Webster county. It was located
southeast of town near tho Republican
river about twenty rods east of the
oriugo. u was outu by wbat was
known as tho Rankin coony, of which
I). McCallum and E. Peters aro the
only inombcrs remaining in this vicini
ty. It has been suggested to tho Sig
nal that it would bo a good plan to
have n picnic annually on tho abovo
date in celebration of tho occasion and
wo beliovn if a littlo active work was
done tho first one might bo held this
month nnd arrangements made for a
more elaborate allair next year and
tho following years. Tho Signal would
suggest that Messrs. McCallum and
Peters form themselves into a commit
tee to give the matter a shove mid see
what can bo done toward a celebra
tion tins year. (iitide Rock Signal
ki.i Ami Hit ikiis cures tlie kut
(leys, icgul.itcs (he nver, tones up the
stomach and pun lies tho bowels'. Sold
by C. h. Coiling.
lALESWOMEN understand
Constantly on their feet whether well or ill. Compelled
to smile nnd be agreeable to customers while dragged
down with some feminine weakness. Backaches and head
aches count for little. They must
keep going or lose their place.
To these Mrs. Pinkhnm's help Is
offered. A letter to her nt Lynn,
Mass., will bring her advice free
of all charge.
Miss Nancib Show., Florence,
Col., writes a letter to Mrs. Pink
ham from which we quote :
"I had been in poor health for some time, my troubles hav
ing been brought on by standing, so my physician said, caus
ing serious womb trouble. I hnd to give up my work. I was
just a bundle of nerves and would have fainting spells at
monthly periods. I doctored nnd took various medicines, but
" li-'rk'cOaHii J? ni
T cnnMM fit uVttrJl-
4 i3 Mmm
. for
. 1 KW VI 1 1 11 BaaaaaaaaMaaM
v. - rsivvsui
mTt "k7nk lO-Iiaaaatfl
mk .aaaaaaBPSMRaSrYVVMrXa
left ovary being so swollen and sore that I could not move
without pain. Now, thanks to your wonderful medicine, that
tired feeling is all gone, and I am healthy and strong."
Mr. Rowlands visited with Rev. Geo.
Hummel last Thursday nnd Friday and
brought some Lino seed corn home
with him.
John Picl is busy listing and will
soon havo in over 100 acres of corn.
Jesso McCoy has his ground all
disced ready to list and in this way has
it in better shape for a crop.
Mr and Mrs. Waterbury spent Mon
day with Mr. McCoy's family.
The Welsh people of Blue Hill neigh
boihoud who were intending to visit
Wales aro about to tho end of their
We still have grand showers-. If we
have such showers in July and August
wo will have to build extra granaries
and corn.cribs. Wheat is getting over
tho "la grippe."
There was a social in tho M. K.
church Tuesday evening Ice cream
and cake were served and af tet wards all
visited the art gallery in connection,
which was a grand success as it brought
many lino ideas into-play. Tirey real
ized from tho supper about seven dol
lars. Tho school teachers wero very
prominent at tho ico cream socials,
The pupils of tho Bluo Hill high
school aro beginning to talk of the
coming examination and outsiders of
tlio closi ig exercises.
Charles Waterbury is busy putting a
brick foundation under his residence.
Some of tho fai mors tako advantage
of tlfO wet- weather and are taking
their hogs to market while they are a
good price.
Special Exclusions- Juno 21st,
July 7 to 10 inclusive, July 18th and
Pueblo nnd Glcnwood Springs, Colo
rado, Salt Lake City and Ogdeu, Utah,
Hot Sprincs, Spcattish, Dcadwond and
Custer, S. 1)., and to Sheridan, Wyom
ing. Ono faro plus $2.00 for round
trip, final return limit October 'list.
F.stes Park, distant from Denver lifty
miles as the crow Hies, is readied by
top lsiirlington uouto Denver to iyons,
thenee stage into the park. The park
itself hemmed in by big snow-capped
peaks ami laced with siheiy trout
streams l an ideal resoit. Fare Di-n
vet to Kstos Paifc .111(1 tetuin 'i OK A
CoNOVLit, Agent.
5100 Reward $100
Tho readers of this paper will bo
pleased Jo learn that there is at least
one dreaded diseaao that science has
been ablo to cure in all its stages, and
that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
isthe only positive euro known to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional disease, requires a con
stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting direct
ly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces
of tho system, thereby destroying tho
foundation of tho disease, and giving
tho patient strength by building up tho
constitution and 'assisting nature in
doing its work. Tho proprietors have
so much faith in its curative powers,
that they olTcr Ono Hundred Dollars
for any case that it fails to cure. Send
for list of testimonials. Addtess, F J.
Chunky & Co .Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75o
Hall's Family Pills aieihe best.
A pretty down east young school
m t'uiii Imping to M-ciire nn ctilur .it
ti ii!-ti'.( i- .it Keliodl, pioimi d I. :i
tbe Hi's' c!mI:ii at sebool eiy linn n
ing and now the big boys havo taken
to t ousting on the fence all uight.
what torture is.
got no relief, nnd when 1 wrote to you
I could not walk more than four blocks
at a time. I followed your ndvicc, tak
ing Lydia E. Pinkhnm's Blood Purifier
in connection with the Vegetable Com
pound and began to gain in strength
from the first. I am getting to be a
stranger to pain and I owe it all to your
There ij none equal to it,
I have tried many others be
fore using yours. Words cannot
be said too strong in praise of it."
Miss Polly Frame, Meade,
Dear Mrs. Pinkham I feel it
my duty to write you in regard to
what your medicins has done for
me. I ennnot praise it
enough. Since my girlhood
I had been troubled with ir
regular and painful
periods and for nearly
five years had suffered
with falling of the
womb, and whites. Also
had ovarian trouble, tho
Last Friday the base ball nine of our
high school went to Guide rock and
played with their nine, but returned
homo with tho news of their own de
feat. Lnwrcnco Pierce mndo his appear
ance on the bull ground tho other day
and atetmpted to bat up a few llies but
rtc y all turned into fouls.
Karl Pond gavo the seniors a very
pleasant reception last Friday even
ing The time was largely taken up in
erokinolo playing. "Ethel Hosmer was
champion. They weie well enter
tained ami all report a good time.
The scniots have Miccetdcd in h1
curing tint &ci vices of Rev. Hussong to
preach their class seinion which will
take place tho first Sunday after com
mencement in the Chiistian chinch.
The seniors are btiy picpniirg their
hoi'b.irittius and botanical specimens to
hand in.
A Sotkn Indian printer, in making
up tho fcrms one day got a marriage
notice and a gtocery stoic local mixed
and it read something as follow;:
"John Knox and Mary Beau wero ono
dav last week united in bonds of holy
saner kraut by the quart or band.
.Mr. Knox is one of our well known
codfish at tin cents per pound, ni d
thc.lnide Mi-s Iti-ttn hits some til o
pigs feet which will bo sold clieapir
than at any store in town "
What Do the Children Brink.
Don't give them tra or crtl'eo. Have
3 on tried t li- new food drink called
Grain O? It is delicious and noutish-
inir and takes the place of colTco. Tho
more Grain-0 you give tho children
tho more health you distribute through
their pystenis. .Grain-0 is mado of
pure grains and when properly pre
pared tastes like the choice tirades of
coffee but costs about one-fourth as
much. All grocers sell it, lflc and 25c.
Kilurnto Your Ituwrls M'llli C uieurotn.
Cumly Ciitn "-til care Ion forever
lOc.i'ic lf( P C fail, lMi.vihisrir"tiii money
In every town
and village
may be had
that makes your
horses glad.
H1 fltV
1 Wit 3. v
I' Hlundurd
(III lu.
The Way to Go to California
Is in a tourist sleeper, personally con
ducted; via tho Burlington Route; You
make fast time. You sco tho finest
scenery on the globe.
Your car Is not so expensively fur
nished as a palace sleeper, but it Is
just as clean, just as'coinfortnblo, just
as good to rido In and nearly 820.00
cheaper. It has wile vestibules;
Pintsch gns; high backed scats; a uni
formed pullninii porter; clean bedding;
spacious toilet rooms; tables and a
heating rargo. Being strongly nnd
heavily built, it rides smoothly; is
warm in winter andjcool in summer.
In cliargo of oach excursion party is
an uxpcrlusicod excursion conductor
who accompanies it right through to
Los Angeles.
Cars leave Omaha, St. Joseph, Lin
coln aud Hastings every Thursday, ar
riving San Francisco following Sunday,
Los Angeles Monday. Only thrco days
from the Missouri river to tho Pacific
coast, including n stop-over of 1 hours
at Donver and 2 hours at Salt Lake
City two of tho most interesting cit
ies on tho continent. For folder giving
full information, call at any Burling
ton Route ticket office, or write to
J. Francis,
Gen'l Passenger Agent Omaha, Neb.
Shake Into Your Shoes.
Allen's Foot Ease, a powder. It
cures painful, smarting, nervous feet,
ingrowing nnils, and instantly takes
tho sting out of corns and bunions.
It is tho greatest comfori discovery of
tho age. Allen's Foot Ease makes
tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a
certain cure for sweating, callous,
and hot tired, nclting feet. Try it to
day. Sold by all druggists and shoo
stores. By inril for 2!io in stamps.
Trial packago free. Address Allen S.
Olmstcad, Lcro.y, N. Y.
Try Graln-Ol Try Grain-Ol
Ask your grocer today to show you a
packago of Grain-O, tho now food
drink that tnkes tho place of coffee.
Tho children may drink it without in
jury asjwell ns the adult. All who try
it, like it. Grain-0 has that rich seal
brown of Mocha or Java, but it is mndo
from pure grains, nnd tho most delicnto
.stomach receives it without distress
One-fourth tho price of coffee. 15o and
2oc per packago. Sold by all grocers.
,s,?.J?t. -?.?. VamsVi.s-n. 'A
need not lose flesh in summer
g if you use the proper means
! to prevent it. You think
j you can't take SCOTT'S
i EMULSION in hot weather,
but you can take it and di
9 gest it as well in summer as
.' in uinfpr If ic not like the
$ " : ; ,. . " ". v"l :
piain cou-uver on, wnicn is $
J difficult to take at any time.
' If you are losing flesh, '4
you are losing ground and a
ie you need ?
Scott's Emulsion
1 and must have it to keep up
2 your flesh and strength. If
you have been taking it and
prospering on it, don t tail to
I continue until you are thor
9 oughly strong and well.
50c. and J1.00, ill druggists.
jK SCOTT & BOWNE, ChtmlsH, New York.
Clfinin aud brtuiinct tb hair.
1'rmm.t.i a luiurljnt crowth.
Mover i'.IU to llcstore Oray
iinir to ita loiiuiiui voior.
Curt, .rain ditB.ti ft liair talhDg.
.. l !.CI, A-;.
. . -
1 1.I.7.I
St. J OK
S'l. LOUIS utul
all points ana
and' all points
THaiMa leave as rotLowg;
No. J3. IiuetiKer dally for Oberlln
anilHt. KrMiclibraiicb.ei.Ox,
ford, Mccook, DcuTerand all
polnti wct 8:15 a.m.
No. 14. Pacnger dally fpr St. Joe,
Kama City. Atchison, at.
Louli. Lincoln via Wymore
aud all polnti cast and noutb 8:40 a.m
No. 17. Pttenger. dally, Denver, all
polnuln Colorado, UUh and
California..-..-........- 8:40p.m
No. 18. ttpwr.""..-.". Jo'
inula and all uolnti east and
outb -.- 10 :S0 a.m
No 144. Accommodation, dally except
Sunday. Haatingi, Grand U
land, Olack UUIi and all
point In tho northwest. HOOp.m
No. 143. Accommodation, dally except
Sunday, Oberlln, Kansai, and
Intermediate statlotis, via Ho
publican - .la.oup.m
01. Krclgbt, dally, Wymore and
St. Joo and Intermediate
j miction polnti isiiap.ra
KrclRbt, imlly for Hoptibllcnn
orlinim. Oxford ntulall point
No. 63.
No. BO. VrclKlit, dally except Suiidny
for Wymore nnd all point earn a . I.r a.m
No, IT3, Krolslit dally lo Oxford and
Intermediate points li.Tup.m
SlecpliiB, illiilnif, and reclining ctmlr rare,
(n'HtH free) on through trains. Ticket t-old nmt
Iihrkoko checked to any point In tho Unite)
For liifnrniuilon. time tatilfH, map or ticket
cull on or ntlilrt' A. t'unoer. Agent. Hed
Cloud, Nelir. or J. KrauolB, Ceiicrul 1'iun'tigct
Agent Omaha, Nebraska,
Is Frequently Caused by the Worry
Attendant On Dyspepsia.
If you would win in the Battle of Life
you must have a clear brain, keen
senses, perfect vigor, shrewdness, en
ergy and ambition.
Dyspepsia kills these needful quali
ties. You can't succeed If you arc con
stantly tortured by dyspepsia or indi
gestion. But you can get rid of dys
pepsia, Indigestion, biliousness, sour
stomach, or any other ailment of stom
ach or digestive organs by simply
taking one or two of Dodd's Dyspepsia
Tablets after each meal.
With a perfect digestion go a strong,
healthy body, a clear, capable brain,
vigor, ambition, determination, ener
gy, activity, keen, alert senses. Dodd's
Dyspepsia Tablets ensure all these.
Dodd's Dyspepsia Tablets have nev
er failed to cure any or all of the dis
eases named when they have been
fairly tried. They cannot fall.
Dr. R. B. Strong, New York City,
writing In the American Journal of
Health, describes Dodd's Dyspepsia
Tablets as a remedy which could not
possibly be more efficacious though it
emanated from a council of the leading
physicians of the world.
nave tlmp nd
money ami Im
prove iliplr con-
AMPfli.'teK? r
INK r. W:
r k1i"'1 I lrlrrt rnri If t1nm tn ttiu
union ir ineir
in wtaitrtn uanaua
Secure for youm If ami j our fond n lierlt
Kf, coKilnit )ni iiothlntf In tliecourto
uf nfr-)iarnlt lll
an It linn done tliomnnili nf others who
fnlllnK cNcu hcle, today hurt- comforta
ble liorncK Yield of wheat l ihenonicnal
and prlcct thn hlifhcat, owing to eitra
quality of irraln and
CUmato healthy, fuel plentiful and taiefl merely nom
inal. Write for particular and experience of farmert
to thencarett aeent of the Canadian flovemment or
Supt. or ImmlKiatlon, Ottawa,
Canada, or to
Canndlan Government Aiient.
o)l .Si'" York J.ifu lliilUllliK.
Omnhfi, Neb.
Pennyroyal pills
jVV u ...,,r,l,"' ""d ""I (Jenulne.
W-'.JfPHVlU Al.mniiiii. I.H.tlr. OriKflit
r.r i;muni.M'.s i;.(;i.lN!I
lu I(K1 ittil (ic.1,1 mtuliu- tot,, aeil.)
wlihLliMtlMain Tiil.r no other. Itcru.o
Iaii3i-rnu Suh.lllutlnna und Imlln-
llnw. IluT nl vttur Ilruff.tif aw tn, .In. in
lamn. 1 f.r I'urt leiilp.ri. Tr.tltnnnlnl.
0 1 " It, lit t l.u.lli , ttlitr, I). r-
lUPlI f.tll. I ll.llill, I i.lllriinUli hl-l . ...
afciHonlMucr.,url-.1'IIII.A.. l-.V.
Our Coat is SUPERIOR
Waqon Soales Back of Offioe.
Buy mid sell Buluil Hay, Corn, O.its
Millet, Barley, Ktc.
Full lino of Flour nnd Feed on band.
No. 1 Tiukii Av. Phone No. Gl
MM) '?,?
O. A, OOAnZ,
lilacUsmitliiiiK - find - Repairing
S.VTISKACriON (St'AltANTi;i:i).
Tlio best collars mado tiro to bo littd of
us. Neck comfort for your horse is es
sential, if you expect him to do Rood
work. An ill-liuing, pomiy.miulo
collar is n sotirco of continual irrita
tion to tlio hrrso. For
tiro mndo with a vlow to comfort, dur
ability, and jjooil nppoarance.
Wo will soli you
nvorytlmij fompUti', for yfiur mi .
Good for hanl worn, good for show
J. O. Butler, the harness
- lis
m, -ra-'. rSnl.h Um . I-
1 H7 kii'lif Minkki,
i. IP I ,.tfi, dtK-hU.aW-l 1 1 in-' . ",'irri 3 .1 1 aa I
t 1 1.1 M.Pi."irjftrii irnirxii 11U1".1 r
i umcLWMmnrn
, . zac2mmw&r "ara-: r
MmfmeWrW i
1 &t&smmi&3
1 -isSSSiC--'