Red Cloud Chief. Pl'IiLISIIHD WICKKLY. Kl'.l) CLOUD. . NLIIRAS.vA Ouu iiiiiii'h faults may be another man's virtues. The Huiircn of ninny u largo river Is but u Hiniill pprlnK. It's an easy matter to tnko a checr f til view of the troubles of other peo ple. It's foolish to worry about tho things you can help or the things you can't. A woman hns to be a lightning thinker If she thinks before Bho speaks. A grate many men nrvcr pay wot thay owe too tharself, let alono tho del thay owe too otherze. Grit Tho Transvaal government haa 26, 000,000 of bullion In Pretoria, and Is mild to 1)0 coining 35,000 sovereigns per month. l'nelp Sam's latest fashion for dress ing Hi-lnch guns Is a lose fitting steel Jacket with a pressure of live tons to the square Inch. Hope Is a flatterer, but the most up right of nil panislfs, for she frequents the poor man's hut, as well us the pal ace of his superiors. Hum men are proud ov the fact that thny never dun anything too be proud ov, wile otherze are proud ov dooln things that any deesent man wild be ashamed ov. (Jilt. "Discussions of the war nnd tho twentieth rcntiuy," reads a notice on the wall of a hotel In Glasgow, Scot land, "will not bo allowed until tho (lose of both." So far im this gener ation Is concerned that seems to he a piohlbltion until "the day afier never." Thrift can almost live on what ex travagance throws away. The dust fiom blast furnaces Is apparently worthless mateilal. but In France suc cessful experiments have been mado with It for feitlllzlng purposes. Tho land responded satisfactorily. The dust contains Ingiedlents which the earth linds to be stimulating. After nil, there Is little nn this world of ours that Is without value. The horrors of war In South Africa have been softened by many acta of magnanimity on both sides, and fierco foes In combat have foigotten animos ity when moved by tho appeal of hu man needs, llefore tho relief of Lady omit h a message went from tho camp of tho Iloers to that of the Hrltlsh. requesting, for the relief of men In hospitals, a certain kind of medicine, which tho Iloers medical department lacked. The request was Instantly granted. The Iloers' confidence In the humanity of their foes was as touching as It was creditable to tho Urltlsh who inspired It. The stajo of Massachusetts haa a holiday which, although It Is but seven years old, has attained great popular success. It Is called Patriots' day. and is celebrnted on April 19th. In com memoration of the battles of Concord nnd Lexington. In Massachusetts this holiday has a special reason for Its ex istence, aside from tho fact that Con cord and Lexington nre within the limits of the state. It takes the place of the old Kast day, which fell by custom on the first Thursday In April. Tho transformation of Fast day Into a day for baseball, fishing and merry making was a perversion of what was intended to bo "a day of humiliation, fasting and prnyer." The people were not willing to give up the vernal holi day, and the celebrntion of the annl versary of Concord fight gave an op. portunity for retaining It. A bill has been Introduced In Congress to make April l'Jth a national holiday. Arrangements nre In progress for the assembly at the City of Mexico next year of n general congress of all the Independent governments on tho American continent. The gathering will bo similar to tho "Pan-American conference" which met at Washington In 1889. One result of that conference was the formation of nn International Union of American Republics, with u "bureau" of gonernl information. Tho bureau, which Includes in its member ship u)l of the republics, is taking up the preliminary work of the proposed congress. The replies which Secretary Hay has received to his letter suggest ing the new conference Indicate that all tho American republics will be rep resented. The conference will hnvo no political alms. It will consider ques tions of trade, facilities for transporta tion by rail and sen, banking systems and customs methods, and perhaps It will discuss the feasibility of a per manent tribunal of arbitration to set tle disputes among tho republics with out recourso to war. That tho much vnunted common sense of tho American peoplo hns an othor side Is forcibly Illustrated by recent sales of a good luck box. ThU precious humbug is u little wooden ease containing n worthless three starred ring, worth In all about 11 vo cents. Hut within tho past threo months many thousands of persona have paid nlnety-nlno cents npleco for It, expecting It to bring good luck. In this and similar Instances the notlco might appropriately read: "Ridicu lous! Wo are giving ourselves away (or nothing!" - SIX PEOPll : KILLED. Footbridge at Paris Exposition Gives Way. VICTIMS ARE BURIED IN THE DEBRIS. Wm too Heavily WHKhtml by Nnndny Crowd Ilodlr Until? Mutilated Eiponltlon Authorltle Not Itcipoiiilble, A Paris, April SO dispatch snys: An accident within the exposition grounds caused the death of six persons and In jured about forty others. A temporary bridge, unable to withstand tho Sun day crowd, broke. The accident threw a pall over tho happiness of an im mense throng who had profited by the magnificent weather to visit the expo rltion. Today's was probably the rec ord attendance, The concourse was particularly great along the Avenue de Sufren, which forms tho northern boundary of tlve grounds. Here is situated n big sideshow, the celestial globe. A footbridge, on which the finishing touches were be ing put today, crosses the Avenue de Sufren, connecting the sideshow with the exhibition. It was constructed of wood with a stucco facade and with a plaster made tower nt eaeh end. Strangely enough the bridge has been condemned only tins morning as un safe by the exposition authorities. The public was therefore not allowed to go upon the structure and In tills way a disaster even more terrible than that which occurred was averted. The gay crowd was passing along the avenue and some hundred or more persons were walking beneath the bridge when suddenly an ominous crash was heard. llefore those under neath could turn aside the structure fell with a fearful crash, burying near ly fifty persons. A shout of horror rose from the spectators, mingled with the cries of tin; victims. Almost immediately the crowd at tacked the debris in an effort to re lease those lying beneath. The workmen within the grounds, the police and republican guards, to gether with quite a number of soldiers, joined In the rescue work. The prom enade forgot their .Sunday attire and covered themselves with dirt and grim In tearing away the rubbish with their hands. Messengers were dispatched to bring firemen and tappers with their equip ments, and the first body was found af ter a quarter of an hour's frantic labor. It was that of a little girl about seven years old whose head was horribly crushed. Victim after victim was brought to light until a row of six mu tilated corpses had been placed upon the sidewalk, and nearly forty other persons, some badly and others less seriously Injured had been carried In ambulauccs or driven to the hospitals. Carter In I'rUon darb. Obcrlin M. Carter, late captain U. S. A., has arrived nt the federal prison at Leavenworth, under guard of Lieu tenant Thomas Harker, Fifteenth in fantry, a corporal and three soldiers, lly special orders Issued from the de partment of Justice, newspaper men were not permitted to interview the prisoner, who was Immediately dressed in the prison garb of gray and assigned to a cell. His prison number is L'.liot and he is now nu occupant of cell No. 4'J5. Killed lly a Cab. Arthur II .lones, an artist of some distinction, was knocked down and killed by a cab while ho was crossing the street in front of the Waldorf Astoria hotel at New York. He was seventy years of age. He was recog nized as being one of the foremost en gravers of the world and was wealthy, living in a mansion nt Yonkers that contained a rare collection of works of art. Woman Koltl at Auction. A woman known as Margaret Con lette, was Bold at auction within a block of the federal building at (Sal veston, Tex., forSlO. The police and federal authorities nre searching for the parties involved. The woman is wild to have been Imported from Hol glum together with a lot of other Ilel- gminn anu trench women, and under contract to the man who her. was sold lloily Found In the IlUcr. The body of John Itlngg, a promi nent fanners' alliance lecturer, wns found in the Solomon river near Abi lene, Kan. The body had evidently been In the water several days. Wheth er It Is a case of murder or suicide is not Known. Iilagg was farmer. a prosperous At llrntrlre Thin Year. The members of the four companies of cadets comprising the university battalion will rejoice to know that tltey are ordered to hold their annual encampment at Iteatrice. The dato has been definitely determined upon and the encampment will open May 10 and close Mnv 82. .. Kye Itemovetl, JMrs. Wesley Forney, a ladv who lives bout six miles east of Hastings, was forced to undergo an operation and Lave an eye ball removed. Her little eon accidentally shot her In the eye with his ale gu,,, which destroyed tho sight. The shot was found imbedded In the eye ball. I'orter Seriously III, John Addison Porter, formerly private secretary to President Me Klnley, is retried to be seriously ill In New York. He went there to under go a surgical operation. SUICIDE OF LINCOLN GIRL Snppnrd to lln .TIN Minnie SI. Wrny Cue Itctnlter A Chicago dispatch of April 20 hays: a lasinonaniy dressed young woman, who registered at tho Palmer house Friday as L. dray, city, committed suicide H.iturday night by shooting herself In the head with a pistol, llct body was found In her room today. Scraps of a letter showed that sho had written to O. N. Ohlcr of Mollne, 111., Just before killing herself, but had torn up the letter. The police re ceived word from (). N. Ohlcr tonight that he would arrive in Chicago to morrow to Identify the suicide, if pos sible. He refused to talk concerning the case. It was learned late tonight that the young woman was Miss Minnie M. Wrayof Lincoln. Neb. A Lincoln, April 30 dispatch says: Oeorgc H. Wray, living at 881 North Tenth street, Lincoln, n llurlington brakeman, said last night that he had a sister, Minnie M. Wray, but he did not know she was in Chicago. She lived in Lincoln for a number of year and was a stenographer. She was n mailing order clerk for Miller & Paine of Lincoln for some time, and after ward graduated at the business col lege, taking the shorthand course. SPAULDIINOGivEN 5 YEARS Man Convicted of Itiipe Not Allowed a New Trial. Judge Cones held a special session ol district court at Madison, Neb., to hear a motion for a new trial in the ease of the state vs. Leland Spanlding, convicted of rape. There were thirty three objections and one point was the separation of tho jury. An old man was Indisposed and when others were taken up town to breakfast he was left at the Jail. The judge overruled the motion and sentenced SpauldiiiR to a five-year term in the penitentiary, but suspended the .sentence until June 1, leaving tlie prisoner in the sheriff' care. This case will go to the supreme court. COMMISSIONER SHOT Affray In Crunt County. Hut the Detail Are Lurking, Some excitement prevailed at Hyan nis, Neb., on account of the news received to the effect that Ancel Con nor shot Albert Calhoun, county com mlssloner, through the stomach. Whether or not it will prove fatal has not been ascertained. Tho trouble Is supposed to have arisen from a dispute as to the right of possession of certain property. The sheriff has been noti fied of the crime. Child llurucd to Death. The two-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Will Noble, three mile:, west of Peru, Neb., was so badly scalded bv upsetting a tub of boiling water over it that he died after a few hours of horrible suffering. Mrs. Noble had Just poured a boiler full of hot water over clothes in a tub which wan rest ing on a chair and had gone into an other room and while she was gone the little boy pulled the chair bo as to upset the tub. Drunken Mini Cued Itnzor. At Newark, N. J , F.dward Norley, forty-five years old, went to the home oi C. W. Stuart, where his wife is em ployed as a domestic, and inflicted seven gashes about her neck with a razor. He cut his own throat with the same weapon and died in an hour. Tho woman will recover. Norley was worth 818,000 a few years ago, but.lost his money and drank heavily. His wife left him two years ago. Hmall Ntrllta at Ncbi-HRka City. At Nebraska City, Neb., some thirty of the employes in the packing house agreed to strike for an Increase of 2ft cents per day in their wnges, but be fore time to begin work all but seven of them weakened and went to work. Three of the seven were granted the increase, but Inter were told their services were no longer needed. The result is seven men nre out of a job. lull Doe Utile Damage. Cuming county, Neb., has had a good supply of rain within the past week and the ground is in fine condi tion. The spring wheat and oats are growing finely. Quito a largo acreago has been sown. Plowing of corn la going on and farmers arc in fine spir its. Parts of the county,- was visited by a hail storm, but no'thing was dam aged. Jump In front or Train. A special from Mllllngton, Mich., says: Mrs. James Slmonds, who lived near Otter Lake, deliberately jumped In front of a Michigan Central express train with her two-year-old child in her arms. Roth were killed. Mra. Slmonds' mind has been unbalanced for several months. Cruihed lly Overhead Crane. The tumbling of a hoisting riiachlne nnd crane came from an overhead bridge work into Main street, Rich mond, Va., resulted in tho death of three men ami the injury of thro? others. Kills Hrlf nnd Wife. William llolyard, who lives seven miles from L'pper Sandusky, O., shot and killed his wife and then killed himself. The couple had separated and Mrs. llolyard refused to live with him. They came from Paris, Mo. rnrmt-r llrulully Murdered. Josinh Carr, nn aged farmer living five miles north of Ottawa, la., wae brutally murdered by unknown men. His body was found in a cellar where ifhad been dragged. Ho lived alone and was considered well to do. BOERS GET' AWAY Scamper to Safety When Darv gcr Threatens, PURSUIT IS LIKELY TO BE IN VAIN Hive Crafty Lender In Coiiiiiinmlatit I.ouU llotha. Murmur Acnlnut ItoberU Too I.onR Delay In Marching on I'relorln. A London, April 28 dispatch says: Tn Commandant (leneral Louis llotha tho Iloers appear to have found a capable successor to Joubert. As the result of his insight and quick decision it may be assumed now that the retreating commandoes have gotten safely away with the transport. It is true that Lord Roberts' dispatch leaves much unsaid as to the whereabouts of other forces than those of General French and (leneral Itundlc. Nothing is said about the troops of General Ilrabant, Pole-Carew. Hart and Chermslde, but the Indications from Allwal North show that several small commandoes nre still hovering in tnc vicinity of Springfield, causing a certain amount of danger, nnd the advices from Dcwet's dorp, outlining the duties of Ceneral Chermslde, jus tify the conclusion Hint it will still bis necessary to employ a considerable body of troops to keep the Free State clear of Iloers. The position is that the Iloers bn.mii their raid a month ago by compelling Colonel Hroadwood to retire on ltioem fouteln, and then got safely away to the northward, practically without loss, but with the advantage of seven Hritlsh guns, together with a hundred prisoner captured. Meanwhile the advance to Pretoria has hot begun. Small wonder Is it that mufllcd complaints and criticisms are beginning to be heard hero and there against Lord Roberts. Crscd to Take No l'nrt. Resolutions calling on its 20,000 members and their famillisnnd friends to refrain from taking any part in the Dewey demonstration at Chicago, were adopted today by the boord of bust nsss agents of the building material trades council. The action of the board is the outgrowth of the use of non-union labor in constructing tho parade grandstand. Mnnlpiilutrd Tux IterelpM. Edward lllnir. a former employe for years in the otllces of treasurer and county elerk, at Chicago, 111., was ar rested charged wit manipulating tax receipts and tax records, which may involve losses to the county and prop erty owners aggregating thousands of dollars. Lunir Sentence For Hoy. Sixteen-year-old Peter Goelotz, who hot and killed his father on the night of March 8H, at Hays City, Kan., was found guilty of murder in the second degree and sentenced to twenty-five years in tnc penitentiary at hard labor. At the trial the son confessed to shoot ing his father, giving as an excuse that the parent had been cruel. Kumor of Itevolutlon. A commercial house at Madrid has received a dispatch from Cuba saying that Jesus Rabi, tho Cuban leader has headed an "insurrectionary" movement in the province of Santiago, which the sender of the dispatch believes to be "supported by the chief towns of the province." Ilelloie He Wai Murdered. Adolph Spitzc), known in all sport ing centers of Americn, died nt Hot Springs, Ark., from concussion of tho brain, and it is believed he was mur dered. He wns found lying on tho steps of a resort with blood flowing from his mouth, nose and cars. A stone was found near by. THE NEWS IN BRIEF Reports reached Fremont that a tor nado wrecked several farm buildings between Wahoo and Cedar llluffs in Saunders county, Nob. A report from Fort Valley, thirty miles from Mncon, Oa., says a wreck occurred on the Southwestern railway and several persons were killed. Comptroller Dawes has authorized the Pender National bank of Pender, Neb., to begin business with 835,000 capital. John A. W. Waehtcr, presi dent; John Forrcbtj cashier. Henry Hocstctler, former treasurer Dodge, Dodge county, Neb., has been arrested at Oreen Hay, Wis., and will be brought back to Fremont, to nnswer to the charge of embezzling 82,100. Tho house Friday passed the bill granting a pension of 840 a mouth to Mrs. Stotscnburg, wife of Col. J. M. Stotsenburg of tho First Nebraska. An effort to Increase it to 875 failed. A flood at Waco, Tex., swelled tho streams flowing throng the eity, doing great damage. Three persons arc known to have been drowned. The property damage will amount to S50.000. llurglars broke into the general mer chandise store of Joseph & Orafe nt Wahoo, aud stole goods, bilks and jew elry, to tho amount of from 8500 to 8S00. Tho Lincoln bloodhounds were put at work on the case, but have given no satisfactory results. Tho town of Laurel Forgo, Cumber land county, Pa., was almost wiped out of existence by lire. Fourteen dwellings, two barns nnd two largo ieo houses wore destroyed. Forest Urea In tho vicinity caused tho conflagra tion. Tim los Is estimated at 850,000, partially Insured. HULL. ONTARIO. BURNED. Whole City I'lro Hirept and lliiinnRe to I'ropirly SMO, 000,000. An Ottawa. Out., April 27, dispatch savs: Five square miles of territory burned over more than 2,500 dwellngs, factories, mills, stores and other build ings destroyed, entailing a loss esti mated to reach 520,000,000 and between 12,000 and 15,00(1 men, women nnd chil dren homeless, is a summing up of the havoc wrought by the fire which has been raging at Hull and in Ottawa since 1 1 o'clock yesterday morning, and at midnight was practically under control. Most of the lumber piles in Ottawa and Hull have disappeared and arc now mere heaps of charred wood and ashes. Half a dozen churches and schools, a number of mills und the Hull waterworks, Hull courthouse and jail, postofllce, the convent, almost every butincss place and about 1,000 dwelling and shops In Hull have been destroyed. Indeed, practically noth ing is left but a church nnd a few houses beyond It. The fire nt this time also sprang neross the Ottawa river and caught the sheds in tlie rear of the Mackey Mill ing company on Victoria Island, and In a few mi mites the lumber piles on Vic toria. Chandiere Islands, one of the owcr houses of the Ottawa Electric company, Victoria foundry and half the buildings on the two Islands, were in Humes. In this eity it was estimated that be sides the mills, factories, etc., burned, 1.500 residences were destroyed. The total loss Is estimated at 8l5,o)0,000 and the insurance at 8.',500.000. MANGLED BY A HANDCAR- Vimiiik Man Ml Wyiunru Kerrlte latnl Injiirlrn. While returning to Wymote on 11 crowded handcar after his first day's work on the steel gang. Otis llrowii,' a young man who was married three weeks ago. fell from the car and was run over, receiving injuries which will prove fatal. Ills shoulder was broken, his head is crushed, and his body is paralyzed fiom the chest down. The Heavily loaded ear passed over his neck aid it is considered a miracle that his head was not cut off. The gearing under the car mutilated the body badly. J RUSH OF NEW BANKS a m ting llnuk for l.lmolii Among I ho Neuly Clinrterrd. Two more state banks have been or ganized, making six that have been in corporated within one week. One of the institutions whose articles of in corporation weie approved by the state banking board was the American Sav ings bank of Lincoln. Rev. Lewis t.regory is president and the directors arc S. H. Hurnhnm, A. J. Sawyer, Lewis Gregory. J. W. McDonald. N. A. Snell. II. S. Fieemanand M. Weil. The paid up capital stock is8'.'5,00O. Mr. A (In mt I Acquitted. Mrs. Jcannette Adams, who recently shot and killed her husband, the agent of the 1'nion Pacific railway, at Cin cinnati. (.. in the presence of their two children nnd her own sister, wns acquitted of the charge of murder. The evidence shows that Mrs. Adams has suffered from cruel treatment and was acting in self-defense. She announces that she and her chil dren would at once make their home with the parents of her deceased hus band at Omaha. North llend Klevntor lliirned. The Howling A. Purcell elevator east of the depot at North Rend, Neb., burned to the ground. A strong wind blowing from the south threatened the whole of the business district, but bv desperate work the flames were eon fined to the elevator. The Cherney &. Watson lumber yard, adjoining the elevator property, was badly scorched, but not a board was burned. There was a large quantity of grain in the building. The loss will be nearly six thousand, well insured. Knight of the Noll. The first lodge iu Kansas of a new farmers' organization to be known as the "Knights of the Soil," was organ ized at Abilene, Kan., with Samuel Landis as "Head Farmer." Similar lodges are to lie organized throughout the state and it is Intended that the whole shall finally form a farmers' as-H-iciation that will endeavor to in fluence the price of grain by regulat ing the acreage and controlling the quantity placed on the market at any one time. Michigan Foret Fire. Forest tires nre burning between Ne storiannd Karon, Wis., along the line of the South Shore railway , the most numerous being between Sidnaw and Lake Gogebic, where trains are rarely out of sight of the dames. The fires so far have not done great damage, but should the'dry weather continue for another week much valuable timber will be destroyed and several small towns endangered, Necured A.OOO. llurglars blew open the vaults of tho bank at Coulter villc, 111., with dyna mite and secured 35,000, neariy all in currency, nnd made their escape. Durhln Nominated. The Indiana republican convention nominated Wlnfield T. Durhln fot governor, a full state ticket, and dele gates to the national convention. The session lasted thirteen continuous hours. THE NEWS IN BRIEF It Is rumored that Gen. Joe Wheel cr will marry Mrs. George W. Chllds. Frank B. Ilundy, ex-city chamber lain of F.lmlra, N. Y.. hns been Indicted for grand larce L'liy. believed his shortuge will foot up S100.0U0. I'onllrr Note. One of tho experiment stations hns been conducting experiments to de tormlno whether a dirt or board tloor la best for poultry. Tho belief ex pressed by tho experimenters Is hat n dirt floor Is as good as a board door ao far as the health of the hens Is con corned. The suggestion Is mado, bow ovor, that the floor should bo built up by placing on top of tho natural ground n layer of six Inches of broken Btone and covering that with dirt. For ourselves wo can see no good In tho dirt floor, unless it bo Its cheapness. If the floor is compact there must bo a constant upward movement of Bull moisture, which 1b nut a deslrablo thing In a poultry house. Then, too, It must bo exceptionally well con structed not to become damp In wot weather. Too often when a dirt floor Is used, prowling animals dig under and get at tho fowls, which is not tho case where there Is n good board floor. The ubo of sand or Btrnw In tho .scratching pens may havo some effect on tho habits of the hens, as to their places of laying. There la a pieteronco to tho cut straw If tho hens do not get Into the habit of using It for laying their eggs. Where old hens are ac customed to nest boxes the chanceB are that they will continue to ubo them for that purpose. The trouble will bo with tho young pullets. They do not seem to be very well fixed In their Ideas as to where Is the best place to deposit their eggs, and it Is no un tisuul thing to find their eggs on the bare floor. Where there Is a scratch- ' lug pen with a good lot of cut Btraw they find It a very good place to drop eggs. In that case remove the straw for a few weeks or substitute sand for It. We bellevo that ns far as possible old hens should be used for the pro duction of eggs for sitting purposes. Tho result of using eggs from maturo hens Is to grow birds that will be naturally strong and healthy and nat urally able to overcome any bad sit uation they may bo forced to pass through. With other unlmals the off spring of the mature Individuals is hardier and generally larger In size than the offspring from Immature in dividuals. For Instance, In tho last Iesuo of the Farmers' Review, one sheep breeder reported Hint ono nine-year-old ewe had to be helped in her lambing, but her lamb weighed 17 pounds at birth. The man that wants to constantly Improve his strain of fowls will find the using of maturo birds one of the most potent factors in obtaining his ends. Ono method of fattening geeso In Franco Is to put the birds In a barrel, In which a number of holes are bored, each large enough to permit the birds to put their heads through. The barrel keeps them confined and thus prevents exercise, which Is the object of the confinement. Outsido of the barrel food Is placed In nbundance, nnd me geese spend most of their time eat ing. This food Is mostly a pabte mado of barley, buckwheat and sometimes Indian cornmenl. Milk and potntoes are also fed, where they are easily ob tainable. It is said that Paris restaurant Keepers nre drawing largely on stocks of poultry In American cold storage warehouses for the supplies with which to feed tho exposition crowds that will soon throng their city. Ono cold storage firm in Chicago hns al ready sent forward flvo carloads of broilers for tho Parish market, Tho "wlpg-covorts" aro tho broad feathers covering the roots of tho secondary quills. Two Good Com. S. Hoxle, superintendent of the nd vanced registry, Holstcln-Frleslan As sociation, writes to the Farmers' Re view as follows: Of tho cows tested, tho two most remarkable aro those of Beryl Wayne, a cow between seven and eight years old, with a product of 24 lbs. 3.8 oz. butter, 80 per cent fat, or 22 lbs. 9.9 oz. butter at 86.7 per cent fat; aud of Lllith Pauline Do Kol, a cow about three aud one-fourth years old with the unprecedented product of 241bB. 7.4 oz, butter, 80 per ccnt.fat, or 22 lbs. 13.3 oz. butter ut 85.7 per cent fat to tho pound. At my request both these cows were retested by Prof. C. D. Lano of New Jersey Station, and the first tests fully confirmed. Fertility of DooU Kjrg. A poultry writer tells of his experi ence in getting fertile duck eggs. He says that one yenr ho mated ono drake with two ducks and all tho eggs were fertile. Tho noxt year ho mated two drakes with four duoks and none of the eggs were fertile. He wants to know If one drake neutralized the oth er. The cattle business In Wyoming, which fell off during the years 1886 to 1898, Is reviving, the numbers re turned for assessment showing a con siderable Increase over laBt year. Similar Improvement Is noted in tho sheep Industry In that state. In 1888 there were but 308,977 head of .sheep. In 1899 tho total amounted to 2,164,701, nnd ahcep men prophesy that the 3,000,000 mark will be reached before 1901. The number of horses, accord ing to tho returns of 1899, wero 82,446, which is 10,000 more than In 1895. but leas than In 1891, Some horticulturists advocate spray ing pench trees with whitewash In win tor. Thoy say that It helps to keep the buds from swelling during winter aud protects tho twigs from too bright Bunltght. ,J?UKre88men nnd senators have 15, 000,000 packages of seeds to distribute among their rura.l constituents.