IS CUT TO PIECES Unknown Man Falls the Wheels. Under BODY IS FOUfID NEAR GRAKD ISLAND tVa Tramping to Ointlm, and Home I Huppincd to It" In Mlniirsiita ll- tleted lln ll .Stealing a Hide mil Fell from Hamper. A twin tramping Ills way across the ntat toward Omaha tni't with a horri ble death at Grand Island. His tinini. It nppcars, was Henry MeAtineny. and It Is believed his home was in Mimic Mta. the address, "tUO Winona street. Minn ." being found on his person. Ik was hotter dressed thtin the ordinary tramp and apcars not to have heen a genuine hobo. Wednesday he in quired whether an extra freight out of the city would be good for travel in his line and was told bv a linn whom he addressed that it prolnbly would not be very swift to get onto. It is be lieved he caught this train and settled himself on the bumper. The place where the body was found is je.M nt the foot of ii (rrade and it is believed that when the train pulled away from the slack in '.he curs it gave such 11 bump that he was thrown from the bumpers to the tr.ielt. The body was cut in two at the base of the spinal eolumi. the legs Ivmuv; about a hundred yards away from the trunk. Hlood anil particles of tlesh in dicate that the lower portion of the body was drained that distance when his feet became disentangled from what ever held them. The head and tipper portion of the body weio lying along the north side of the liaeU two telegraph pole lengths west of the limbs, the lattet lying in the middle of the track. The body was Hist seen by a farmer lad, who took stock to a pasture. A few minutes thereafter a freight train from the east came along anil the temains were eared for. REFUSES TO DIVIDE MONEY- Tonne nn Arnntnl In Omaha Loaded Down IV I Hi (iohl. F. V. I-'innegan. a young man resid ing in Colfax county. Neb., was ar rested at Omaha Wednesday afternoon shortly after his arrival in O'naha. and Is being held at city jail on the charge of carrying concealed weapons, hut back of this there is a serious uuurrcl In the Klnnegan family The young man recently became of nge and re ceived 87..VM) lis his .share of an estate. After dra-'ing the amount from the bank, he learned that a brother-in-law witlt whom he had been living was determined to collect S'.'.'OJ for his board. This proposition was not looked upon with favor by young l-'innegau, and he left home between two days, and came to Omaha. When searched at the city jail S7,27a was found on his person, nearly all In gold. SENT TO PRISON FOR LIFE- I'lm of Inutility for Iohii Murderer luttrTrrliial, A Muscatine, la., dispatch dated April S5 says: The jury in the ease of George Wright returned a verdict of guilty of minder in the (list degree and fixed his sentence for life in the penitentiary. This was Wright's second trial. Last July Wright shot and killed Mrs. Nel lie Crippen, the attractive young wife of Ids foreman, with whom he had maintained secret relations for some time. The crime was committed upon the eve of the departure of the woman mid her husband for a new home in another state. Wrlirht has a faiiiilv. His attorneys pleaded Insanity. Mm. I.ottrldgn Hiir Free. Mrs. Anna Louise l.ottridge was treed from custody and exonerated from all blame for the death of Million aire Kufus Wright by the coroner's jury In Chicago. The testimony of all other witnesses wlio spoke with Mr. Wright before he died In the room at the Leland hotel, where he was shot April H, agreed In that Mr. Wright repeatedly, when asked about the shooting, stated that It was accidental uud that he had been clear in his mind when he said it. Chllil Hie From 1'olion. A sad case of poisoning occurred at Creighton wherein three children of Sam Stewart were poisoned by eating wild parsnips. The doctors were called and the lives of two of two of the chil dren were saved. The other was too far gone, to be helped and died in a few hours. One of the sad features Is that the father is lying at the point of death with cancer. No Nil loo m for thl Ynnr. Kvery Judication is now that there will be no more open saloons in Des Moines Mils year. Judge Illshop lias ruled on the certiorari application asked by the anti-saloon people. He holds that the opponents of the saloon are entitled to have a hearing at the canvas of the petition and thut the court will review the proceedings of the supervisors in making the canvass. Will Not Mrry Kltrliunrr. Investigation of the rumor circulat ed in London and cabled to the United States that Mrs. James Mrown Potter, having been divorced from her litis bund by mutual consent, was shortly to be married to Lord Kitchener of Khartoum, shows the story to be en tirely without foundation, A. K, lUllull liil. A. S. Halladl, builder and Inventor of tho llrst cable cur system in the United States, which was laid down in San Francisco, died from heart disease nged bcveuty-three years. BOERS SLIP THROUGH Quietly llrllrr From Wt-peiHT llefor l.nril Hubert' Net Olinr l'p. A London April "i dispiteh s.iyi The warollice has Issued the following from I.ord itoberts. dated llloemfon teiu. April '.:.. 3:'-'.' p.m.: "The enemy retired from in front of We pencr last night and this morning lied northeastward along the Lady brand road. Their number was be tween 1.000 and :.0!)0." The Times' Lourcnzo Marques cor respondent, telegraphing Tuesday, say: "it Is asserted that the Ilocrs arc collecting enormoii.s quantities of pro visions at depots in the Lydenburg dis trict, with a view to a limit stand in tlje mountains. The district around Johannesburg and Pretoria are being extensively intrenched. I!egsbios' foundry at Johannesburg i.s turning out TOO shells a day. INDEMNITY FOR LYNCHING Famrable It-port on Hiiiimi Illll In lie hslf of Foreigner. The juilleiary e iinmitteeof the house has directed a favorable teport on the bill providing means of indemnifying foreigners Injured in pet. son or proper ty thiough nVi'i violence or otherwise in this country. The measure grows out of the lynch ing of Italians in Louisiana anil the representations nude by Italy through I '..iron Fuvu. the Italian ambassador. As affairs of this kind were of frequent occurrence, each time threatening dip lomatic complications, the president recommended a general measure of re dress and the bill now reported seek to cai ry out this recommendation. Three Hanged for .Murder. John Watson and Hill llrown. both white, and Sontiie I'rain, colored, were hanged at McMinnlville, Tenn. Wat son was convicted of having shot hi" neighbor, .limes llillis. from ambush, In la'.iS. Itrowu was charged with complicity in the murder of his wife. Crane was a double murderer, lie was convicted of having killed another negro, and while serving his sentence killed John I'rowu. a fellow prisoner Tornado Near Wymnre. A perfect tornado cloud passed through the air at a height of about a quarter of a mile some two miles east of Wymore. Hundreds watched it develop into a perfect funnel-shaped twister and plow its way through space. It was too high to do damage. Three miles east the air was full of dust and debris. No l.n of I. If ii In Hn'a. Latest reports from the scene of the bush tires near the Minnesota bounda ry line, show that there has been no loss of life. Several lumbering and tie camps were destroyed, hut both meu and horses escaped. The loss to Win nipeg. Manitoba, contractors in lumber and wood destroyed will amount to about Sino.OM). Ilunrn ll.ivn Unit l'.rtory. A Loureno Martic. correspondent of the Loudon Times says: "The for eign ordnance experts in the lloer war department have succeeded In equip ping a big gun factory at Pretoria. The llrst gun has been sent to the l-'ree State. Nothing Is known here regarding its caliber." rrmlilliiR th Su 1 1 II ii. The porte lias received telegrams from the Turkish minister at Washing to. All I'eirough Hoy, pointing out the bad impression created in the I'uited States by the non-payment of the indemnity due and announcing the determination of the American govern ment to insist upon a prompt settle incut of the claims. Muy KorrrliMH on llnrpttr. A suit for the foreclosure of a mort gage of S:i.00t),ooo has been tiled in the supreme court of New York by the State Trust company as trustee against Harper fc llrotlicrs, publishers. The property against which the mortgage stands consists largely of real estate. The foreclosure applies to the machin ery and plant of the linn. Two of the SU Html, Since the Wilcox, Wyo , train rob bery on the Union Pacific, aboutayear and a half ago, a never-ceasing search has been kept up by the Union Pacific to catch the six men who did the job, Two of the mx nre now beneath the sod and a third one is in jail at Chey enne awaiting trial. (ieiinrul ICIrrru KiMigim, A Havana, Cuba, dispatch tiny: Hen. Huis itivera has resigned the post of secretary of agriculture, industry ami commerce in tho governor general's cabinet. He has also announced to the citizens of Havana that he Is a candi date for the mayoralty. Arijulttt'il. Hveret Anderson, who was charged with attempting to rape Anna Ander son near llagan. Neb., was acquitted. Much Interest was taken by the citi zens of Hagan, but the case was high ly colored, the verdict being satisfac tory to the people In general. An KlRhtrrn Month1 Hrntniice. In district court at Nebraska City, In the case of the State of Nebraska vs. Oeorge W. Hall, tne prisoner pleaded guilty to forgery and was sentenced by Judge .lessen to eighteen months in tho penitentiary. Killed by Footpad. Andrew Stubbs of I'ittston was mur dered at Wilkesbarre, I'a., while resist ing two highwaymen who rilled his pockets of everything of value. Tho murderers escaped uud there Is no cluq to their identity. A Over Two Hundred Lives Go Out By Explosion. THE ACCIDENT HAPPENS IN UTAH Hrnre nf llrnil Hoillr Taken Out Al ready matting I'unilrr Ignite A Number of Krg SuppoM-il It Hutu Imploded Oilier Nimvh A Salt LakcCit.i. I'tah. May 1. dis patch say.s: l.y an explosion in mine No. t of the IMeasant Valley Coal com pany, nt .schulleld, c.-rtainly 200 men. probably more, have lost their lives. Hodies have been recovered and the work of ic.seue is still proceeding and will continue until all the bodies are brought to the surface. There un willing hands at work, and as fast as bodies nt c leached thev aie brought down to the boarding houses and other company buildings, where they me d'essed and prepared for the eoi oner's inquest. These buildiiiLTs are uuinci' ous and each are from ten to thirty live ImkIIcs. While the stench of smoke and ....... v.ll -blllv.1, 'II TI.C ,I.V 11,111 - i .. i : i ! ,i i I powder is sickening, resembling much Ii,,., ,.fn ; ... ., thatoia dissecting ronii. there are1 brave-hearted and brnivuv men of muscle who have been continuously at work since the moment of the explo sion. As sixin as the accident was known, olllcialsof the coal company at Salt Lake City and also the railroad company were untitled of the disaster and though the number of dead was reported lower than it really is. it would appear that everything by them that lies within their power has been done. The cause of the explosion is at- iriuuteo to tue niowiug up or a num ber of kegs of blasting powder. BIG FIGHT NEAR. A DerUlvn Kni;iii,f meat Ktprrtecl .Sunn In south Afrlci. A Loudon May '.'. dispatch says Fighting, heavier than any since Lady smith, seems to be imminent near Thaba N'Cliu The dispatches of Lord Huberts, dated Monday and Tuesday, show that the lloer rear guard, stub bornly resisting his advance, forced the Hritisli on .Saturday and .Sunday to act chielly on the defensive Ceueral Fre. h. who is directing the operations ha at least t.VOUO men. Some esti mates give him lO.oon The liners are estimated to he at least ti.Oil.i strong, and possibly Hi.ooii According to a dispatch fiom Preto ria dated April MS. they were expect ing to give battle and have numerous artillery So Ioiil' as the Itoeis engage the attention of half of Lord Huberts' force at Thaba N'Chu, his advance to ward Pretoria u ill be delayed. No one here, however, considers that tleneral liotha will be able to stand longer than n few days The feeling is that he must be beaten off bv the masses of Lord Hoberts. rroiiiollmi fur Slurlnlr. I. .Sinclair, a postolliee insnejtor. I). connected with the St Louis force, lias been appointed chief postolliee in spector of Puerto HIco K. L. McKee of St. Louis will go as his assistant Orders came from Washington to that effect, and the two otlieers have left for that city to receive their in structions before going to Puerto Hico. Inspector Sinclair is well known in Lincoln, when- he lived for many years. His present home is at Ne braska Citv. Onlor or ll'Nul It'ltlth At Tuesday's meeting of the hide pendent Order of H'Nai Hl.ith in ses sion at Chicago, the proposition of Des Moines M) to establish a permanent chair of Jewish literature in the He brew union college. Cincinnati, was voted down. Upon the pionositlon to incorporate the 'National Jewish hos pital located in Denver the vote was favorable. Soim of Atiiiirlrnii Ki'inlntlnn. The Sons of the American evolu tion in session at New York, elected (ien J. ( Hreeklnridge of Kentucky president, (ien. James II. liilbert (if Illinois, one of the vice presidents; dipt. Samuel F. (iioss, Illinois, secre tary. The banner of the Ohio state society was adopted as the national emblem. Itrroril-Ilriniker nt tho .Unit. The mouth of April was a record breaker for the making of coins at the Philadelphia mint. The total number of pieces nude was !),4:il.i);ij, tile value of which is Sl'.'.'i.M.lsii. In January. 1S!U), the value of the output was 81 t.0:".'.iM)i), but the number of coins stamped was not quite '.mmm.uoi). Council (irftiiU l.lrennen. The Nebraska City council met In special session mid granted fourteen saloon licenses and six druggists' per mits. TlK! chief of the city lire de partment and fire committee were em powered to purchase a lire team. Mayor Mattes also uunouueed his standing committees for the ensuing year. Hliug Hock lllonn Up. Shag Uock, large rock protuding from San Francisco bay and long a menace to shipping and especially to vessels passing in uud out of the Hid den Gate, was blown up Tuesday, nine tons of ultroglycerlne being used. Infant Found Demi In lied. The week old Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Lane was found dead In bed at the family home at Humboldt. The little one had been i i apparent good health and Its suddeu death was a decided shock to the fumllv. HORROR MINE CAUSE OF DEATH A MYSTERY IritFfttlKiitlnii nf Alleged roUonlng ut Vnrk. The mystery surrounding the sud den death of Charles W Frost nt York. Neb., Is stiil the topic of much dis cussion. The coroner'.- jury is still taking evidence, but as their sessions are in private only rumors are heard as to what is being ascertained. Mrs. Frost, wife of the dead man. has asked for a rigid investigation and has also employed counsel in the matter Many sens'itional stories are nlloat. but nothing of a certainty has developed or at least been made public. The affair is creating quite a sensation. The remains were buried the funeral being in c'uif.e of the Highlanders and Home Forum vieletlei. Mr. Frost carried two lhoiis;iud dollars in the former and one thousand in the latter. A Wednesday morning special says Mrs. I'rost has heen arrested charged with the murder of lier husband. She declares she is innocent. CAPTURE THE ROBBERS K.tiiMi 'I hlcie Kim tJnuii lii Nclinnlui liy Itlooilliouud. Recently the store of (irahain (.. of Snhethu. K'nn.. was entered by four men forcing t lie door The clerk, who .. . , ,. . , - . , u:'s iiwaUeiied bv the entrance of the ... ... . , . . .. ... burglars, took a shot at them with a . , ,. ... . sum mm. Mniiuiiii"; one m cscupcu leaving a nut and some lilooit stains as evidence of the attempt .The I'.eatrice, Nebraska, hloodhouds were put on the trail and started north into Nebraska stopping at the faim houses of (). Km inert. Joe Hunyou and Henry Morit.. wheie it was found that the men had been, obtaining a hut ut the place and food at tin- others. The trail was followed to ialem. Neb., where the four men were captured. The man who lost his hut was found to have been shot in the baud. It is thought they will be willing to return to Kan sas with the otlieers without a requisi tion. TRAGEDY AT PONCA AGENCY Tto 1 1 1 1 1 1 tt 1 1 IJciiil H4 the Kt'nult of n Drunken Iloir. As the result of a drunken carousal two Indians lie dead on the Poncu res ervation, two miles west of Niobrara. Tuesday Perry Lavtirle, a half-breed, shot and instantly killed Peter ltird head in his own door yard. He then turned the weapon over to the dead man's mother, who shot him in return at hi- own request. At the coroner's inquest the woman and Iter husband admitted their guilt and are now in jail awaiting the convening of court, .sensational reports were circulated earlier that relatives of Itirdliead had killed Lavarie and horribly mutilated his body with an a.e. but these re ports cannot lie continued. FUND FOR THE STARVING I'reinoiit I'lmrrlit-H Unite unil Halxe il'i1l.ll'4 for Inillu. A mass meeting of all the church congregations and eitiens in general was held in Love's opera house at Fremont. Neb., and a generous amount raised for the famine sufferers in In dia. A sum of 8 1 '.".). tW was raised by subscription and collection at tills meeting, which is considered excellent inasmuch as iniinv of the church con gregations have been called on ere this to make donations. Ciilhoiiu i:piTti-l to Iiltc. The sheriff of (irant county. Nebras ka, is holding Connor, for the shoot ing of Calhoun a( llyamiu. As yet no warrant has been issued for his arrest, no one appearing to tile a complaint. Judge Stllson and County Attorney Unkfer drove out to the Calhoun ranch, a distance of twenty-live miles, and a complaint was Hied charging Connor with assault with intent to kill, lie will probably b arrested. Calhoun is suffering considerably, but is ex pected to live. Truce In Kciitui'liy tYuil. It is stated that the White-Howard feud of Clay county. Kentucky, has terminated by agreement. The fac tious have made friends, have decided not to prosecute in the several murder charges against the Itukers and that faction will not appear against. James Howard, accused of the murder of (!eo. linker and the indictment is to be ills missed. James Howard is one of the men charge I with the murder of Wil liam (inebel at Frankfort. Many men have been killed in tills feud. Kpldemlc Among Children. Considerable alarm has been occa sioned at Long Fine, Neb,, by the out break among the school children of an eruptive disease, which some have thought to be scarlet fever. Outside physicians have declared it to be 'Ger man measles" of u mild type, but ow ing to the scare the churches and schools have been ordered closed until the excitement dies out. The nioodlo.t Jlnt'lf. The "bloodiest battle of the cod tury" was that of llorndlno, n miBntnn village, where Napoleon fought the Itusslans on Sept. 7, 1812. Nearly 80. 000 men were placed hora du combat. Fuvor Iiiipeiiililuenl. The constitutional committee of the Swedish riksdag has reported in favor of the impeachment of the ministry for violation of the constitution in ap pointing a Norwegian, Ditteu, to the highest departmental post in the for eign ofllcc. lupnnese NntuI Itevlewr, The Imperial Japanese naval review was held at Kobe, Mtys a Yokohama dispatch, In the presence of Emperor Mut so lllto. Thirty warship participated. IN THE ODD COHNEB. QUEER AND CURIOUS AND EVENTS. THINGS Queer IllriU mnil Infect of South Africa How Milk Riul Water din lie Made to Change Glue Kirtli'a WiloUly t'rtut Magic of Flcurei. I.lnm to m Hkrlotnn. (OM Favorite ScrltH ) The MS. of this poem, which appeared In 1S27. ivns mild to havo been foiltiil 111 the mu.eum of the Itoyal CoIIokc of Stir BeotiH, In London, near a perfect human skeleton, and to have bpen sent by tho curator to Hih Mornlmr Chronicle for pub lication. It excited so much iittirillon that every effort was muile to discover the author, and a recpon"lble party went co fur as to offer a reward of f) tfulno is for Information thut would discover Us origin. NotwItti-ttnnillnK this, the au thor's name remained u secret until near ly rlxty years hud pasned. when It was learned that the llms were written by Hubert Philip of (Jormyro Cottage. Scot land. Toward the end of the year HM he wrote the i-rs-e while wiitchltiK for body Miatcher In the pariah churchyard of Torpleheii, where, during the repairing of the church, the unenithlta; of a skeleton sutfijeMed the subject. The erse were nhown to Dr. John Alford. who procured a copy, nnd either by acrid nt or Inten tion dropped a copy In the Royal Col lee of SurKcons where they were tound. Heboid tills ruin' "Twiu a skull Onre ethereal spirit full: ThN narrow tell was life's retreat. This spuce was thought's mysterious at What beauteous vlIons lllbd this spot. What dream of pleasure lonij forgot; Nor hope, nor Joy, nor love, nor fear lluve left one trace of record here. Heiieath thl mouldering canopy Once shown the bright and busy eye; Hut start not in the dismal void If social love that eye employed; ' with no lawless fire It gleamed. but through the dews of klndncs beamed, That eye shall he foreier bright. When slurs and suns are sunk In night. Within this hollow cavern hung The ready, swift and tuneful tongue. If falsehood's honey It dWdulncd. And when It could not praNe was chained; If bold In virtue's cause It spok", Yet gentle concord never broke; Thut silent tongue shall plead for theo When time unveils eternity. Suy. did these fingers delve the mine. Or with Its envied rubles shine To hew the rook or wear the gem Can little now mall to them Rut If the page of truth they sought, Or comfort to the mourner brought. These hand a richer meed shall claim Than all that wait on Wealth or Fame. Avails It whether bare or shod. These feet the paths of duty trod? If from the bowers of on-'f they tl d To seek allllctlon humble shed. If Grandeur's gulliv bribe they spurned, And home to Virtue' cot returned. These feet with angel's wings shall vie, And tread the palace of tho sky. Uueer Creuturr In South Africa. Among the British soldiers who are righting In South Africa are many naturalists, umateur and professional, nnd the result is Hint the folks "at home" have heen in receipt of much Information thut was the more inter cresting because It was unwarllke. The first letters that arrived in Kns lantl tolling something about the country In which the troops were cam paigning contained many remarks on the fact that the soldiers saw the "real locusts" ull over the plains. Tommy Atkins shifd sticks at them, and men and ofllcers wore the big, bird-like Insects on their hats or pinned on their saddles. The birds surprised the Kngllsh pleasantly, be cause they found that many ICngllsh species migrated as far south as South Africa, among them particularly the English swallow and the English cuckoo. Shrikes, lly-cntchers and sparrows were among the familiar birds, and It was with surprise as well as pleasure that the Englishmen found these old friends mingling with strnuge, gaudy, tropical birds like the pin pie and green turueos or plantain eaters, and the grand sun-birds, which aro far more gorgeous than are the Brazilian humming birds. The queer work of the tailor birds has delighted Tommy wondrously. One variety stitches Its nest to the leaves of trees with silk stolen from giant spider webs, and another uses thread made from grass fibre. One shrike, which has been named "Fiscal," after a certain Dutch magistrate who had a large latitude In the matter of In- dieting capital punishment on negroes, catches smaller birds, tears their heads off, rips their hodies Into four pieces, and then Impales the frag ments on convenient thorns to wait until It needs them us footl. Two birds havo been called vultures In discriminately by the writers who describe the scenes on the battlefields. One of them Is not a vulture nt nil, but merely a carrion crow, known properly as the white-necked crow. The real vulture of South Africa, many of which were seen after tho big battles, Is a huge bird, believed to be Identical with the mighty grif fon vulture of Europe, which, In turn, is nearly the largest of the flesh-eating birds of the Old World. Then there are the stately snako-kllllng secretary bird and a curious shrike, which has acquired a taste for cooked food, and will follow a bush fire as long as It burns ln order to feed on the burned anlmuls. The worst snake In South Africa Is the "rlng-hals," meaning ring neck. It is white and black, nnd Its bite is fatal. Cobras of all sizes are common, and so aro horned vlperu and adders. Wrinkle ud Hollow on th Kth' Surface. Onco upon a tlmo, the learned men tell U8, this world on which wo llvo was a part of tho sun and was thrown off from It taking tho round form It has, as It whirled about through space. At that time It was torrlflcally hot, like the sun from which U was thrown out, and probably In Hit form of a gas. Hut being much smaller than the sun It cooled much moro quickly, and became white-hot liquid. And thlu, too, gradually cooled moro uud marc, until at In3t n thin crust began to form on all mound It, as a II I in forms on cooling molasses candy, when It begins to harden. The water In tho nlr about It frequently formed into rnln anil fell on the hot 'surface and helped to cool it, though, of course, It evaporated ngaln very quick ly, hut remained on the crust and gradually formed an ocean all ifround the earth. And the Inside of the earth went on cooling under thl.i hardened crust nnd shiuiik as It cool ed, for all things grow smaller in they cool off. You can easily prove this yourself by heating the end of a key that fits a lock snugly; and you will find that, when it is quite hot, you cannot get It Into the lock at nil, hut soon as it cools It will go In ngaln as before. So the Inner part of the earth went on ehrlnklng, and finally It shrunk so much Hint the outside crust, which was not so very thick, comparatively speaking, doubled up nnd cracked nt different spots nil round the earth, so that the surface, which must before have been pretty smooth, lifetime rough with high cle vntlons nnd deep depressions, and naturally nil the water flowed into those deep depressions nnd formed oceans In spots where there had been before a single ocenn reaching all around the globe. An Odd Kxperlment. A pretty bit of sclentl"c recreation, which comes In handily after dinner, is sometimes called by the high-sound-ing title of "The Revenge of the Dan lades," In allusion to the daughters of Danaus, who. us a punishment for their crimes, were condemned to for ever draw water with leaky vessels. Fill completely two glasses of exactly the same size and shape, one with water, the other with milk. Stretch over the mouth of the glass contain ing the water a circular covering of tulle or other thin goods, somewhat larger than the glass, and previously moistened. Now smooth the lapping over tulle as closely to the glass as possible, and holding the palm of the right hund squarely to the mouth of the glass, seize the stem with the left and turn It quickly upside down, avoiding the entrance of nlr. Next slide the right hand softly away from underneath, und, much to your as tonishment, the tulle will remain sticking to the glass, while not a drop of water will fall out through that ex ceedingly leaky tissue. You will very soon succeed In this experiment. Heieon follows the second part: 1'lace your full, but not dripping, glass of water, thus turned upside down, hut not Inside out, over the full glass of milk, and you will soon see little Jets of white liquid penetrating the tulle In every direction. It Is the milk, pro gressively mounting the superior gluss, which In the same proportion yields water to the lower glass In tho opposite direction. At tho end of about a quarter of an hour the ex change will be complete, and you will see the lower glass tilled with pure transparent water, while the upper ono will be full of white milk. Mathenuttlcnt Mnclo. You can never tell what figures will do. Of course they are truthful If properly handled, hut some of them 1 ure capable of the most bewildering antics. Here is a method by which I llgurcs may be made to tell secrets In a way that will astonish thoso who are ' not informed about how to do the "figuring": Ahk some person to put down un known to you a uumher composed of three llgures (say 702). Tell him to 1 transpose the llgures (making 207) and to subtract the lesser from the great j er. Then ask him to tell you the Hist ' llgurc of the result, nnd you can tell I him the entire number. For instance, ' your llrst number In tho present ex 1 ample is 702, which transposed makes i 2G7. Subtract 207 from 702 nnd you j have I'.Ci. The only figure that you aro told Is 1, the llrst of the resuU. AJ1 1 you have to do Is to subtract 4 from 9, I which will give you G, tho last figure, I and tho central flguro Is always 9. So your number will be 495. This Is true ! ln n11 ca8e8 wnere onl' tll,ee "Bures are used In malting up a number. Tho central figure will always be 9 when the transposed number is subtracted from tho original number, nnd the two end figures when ndded together will make 9. So, knowing cither tho llrst or the lust figure of the result, you can glvo the entlro number. TrlcU Playeil Upon a Waller. Liquid air is perhaps the coldest thing in the world. It Is so cold that a cake of ico Is n fierce fire compared with It, for a kettle of liquid air placed on a cake of ice will boll Just as water bolls over a hot fire. It freezes mer cury so hard thnt one can drive nails with it. The story Is told that Mr. Charles E. Trlpler, the experimenter in liquid air, recently took n quart can of tho romarkable substance with him on a visit to a friend. On tho way ho stopped In a restaurant to eat a beef steak. The waiter brought a hot broiled steak and placed It in front ot Mr. Trlpler. As soon as the waiter's hack was turned, Mr. Trlplor hastily opened tho can ami exposed the meat to tho liquid nlr. Instantly tho steak was frozon na hard an a rock. When tho waltor came back his customer complained that tho steak was frozen. So tho waiter callod tho head waiter, and tho head waiter blamed It nil on the cook, aud tho cook was at n loss to explain, and the result was that tho frozen steak was taken hack Into tho kitchen as a mystorlous curiosity. A new steak was broiled for Mr. Trlpler, and this ouo ho uto with much relish. u