rjHanasw'r 'r,Wr ,w' -ifc.nift. iimu iiw'i'uniunmy-a-Tyj-'3''8WMBiJfe '?"g.fc--f3wn rrsBgaTr: 3"aV l'gVty-tniryj.tawss., -?"?'": """"""" " " -m . w MWWIM mm M, a W VOLUME XXVIII. IlED CLOUD, NEISRASKA. MAV4, 1J)0(), NUMBER 18 m The Big Store Is quoted from one end of th country to the other as the store of the largest varieties. It is the basis of comparisons, the measure of money's worth; the store tliat is popular because it is the embodiment of every factor of superlativencss. SHOES. We have steured the agency for the celebrated lino of Ladies High Grade Shoes, "The American Girl." The laUf t in style. The highest in quality; uniform price, $2.00 every style. We place these goods on sale In about 10 days. Wolf Hros lino of medium price shoes excel all others. Special offer, mannish toes, $2 00 por pair. Vesting top, foxed kid, $2.00 per pair. Special values at 81..10 and 51.75 per pair. CAEPETS. Our carpet department ha showing of tho sun sun's bt'st styles. It is not Mylo ulono that mak'B our carpet room attractive, hut combined with economi cal prices it has enabled us to win such large patron age for tliis department. We guarantee lit. Make carpets same day of sale We sell direct from the pieco which means that wc can prico you carpets from re to ITn per yard cheaper than others. Ingrains, 25c, :10c, -10c. Cotton warp, wool tilling, 50c and 55c. Extra supers, all wool, 70c. Moquettes, Axminster and Brussels $1 per ynrdi Moquctte, Axminster nnd brussels made with tr without borders. DOMESTICS. Low prices aro hotter than arguments. Our values do their own talking. They appeal with stronger force to the economical buyer than pages of talk with nothing to back it. L.L. muslin at 5c. Lonsdale muslin 7J Shirting 5c, 7c, 8c, 10.', 12Jc unit loo. Calicoes to, 5c, GV, 7c to 13J A 1$. C. Germ-in calicoes at Sc. FURNITURE. Wo buy direct from the factory. No middle-man's profits. Wo ship in carloads only. The reasou we can mako these prices. Kitchen chairs 50c each. Full si.-) kitchen cupboard, $5.00. Iron Heels, $i. Lounge, $S 00. Ono set eaneseat diners, 5 50. We make no claims we cannot substantiate. Declare no value wc cannot show. I MINER BROS., I $, Red Cloud, Nebraska. $j DEALERS IN LUMBER and COAL B till dine: material, Etc. red Cloud. - - Nebraska JACK OF ALL TRADES OUR NEW "LITTLE GIANT" Ifc H. P. GASOLINE ENGINE, WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD TO EVERT STOCKMAN AND FARMER. How many of yon hnve lost ttio pries of this Rnitliia In ono day on Account of In sufficient wlwl to nperaio your wlml mill, iruvliiic jour h toe It without water, (let ono now to do your immpliiK wlitm tlioro In no wind or to ilo It n .-ularlv. Weutlior ilous not iillcct IIh work, hot or cold, rl or dry, wind or calm, It is ii lliu same to this machine, Will iiImi hIiuII corn, urlnd ford, saw wood, churn lmttor and Is liandy for a hundred otliur Joh-i, in th 1iuiio or on tin) farm. Costs nuiliing tu lcp mIiom not worlilnir. mid nly 1 to a rpiiift pt'r li'-ur wlii'K worklnir. shipped pniiipMiiiy tt up, rnnily to tun, no founda tion lidded, u Kii-iit lalxir niii) money -mvi-i- Id-quires practically no attontlon, ami lit atisolutt'ly wife. Wo tnnkii nil etta uT luMillnn CiiKliu-s. iroin 14 to7&lioru jiowor. Wrlto .. or elruuliir and special prleex. X Fairbanks, worse dt co omaHfl, Neb. BLADEN. Dr. Hall made a trip to Blue Hill Wednesday. O. A. Whelnn put down n now well (or Kov GrandstafT last wcok. Mrs. Will Hnrtlettof Cnnipboll visit ed with Grandma Hnrtlett Friday. C. K. Hicks put up a wind mill on Mr. Holton's farm northwest of town. Wnrrrn Davis and wife nnd Mrs. Will Davis wcro passengers to Hluo Hill Thurstlay. John Nevil and John Orecdotu" two of Campbell's business men drove Into town Friday. Gib Keith of Holdrcgo spent last Thursday nnd Friday with his parents north of town. J. E. Yost shipped live cars of stock to St Joe Tuesday morning, John go ing to the city with them. C. E. Hicks, L. B. and W. E. Tnornc, nro attending the republican state con vention at Lincoln this week. It has rained in theso parts nearly every day sinco Easter, but wc don't complain of having too much wet. Willie Hoffman, brother of Mrs. Will ltiggin, who was well known here, died at Dlller, Saturday, April 21st. Mrs. J. E. Yost and childien left Monday for the eastern part of this state "-iierc she will spend a couple of weeks with friends. Mr. and Mrs. l'helps of Hoseland drove down Sunday. Mr. l'helps has charge of the drug store during Mr. Hicks' absence at the state convention Mr, Kerr and family of Lawrence emtio hero this week to tako charge of the B. X- M. station at this place Wo welcome Mr. Kerr and family into our midst. The rain tho past week made our citizens feel like sowing grass seed and setting out trees. Bladen will have ono of the nicest main streets in this section of the state when tho trcesgrow up that have been set in front of the stores. TliH is a great improvement and will ndd much to our village. Mr. 1). P. Kimmel who has been station agent ill this place for the past ten years, has in railroad parlance, "oocn canned." He was a man who was always at his post and attended strictly to business, ami we regret that hehas lost his position. Hois unde cided as to what he will do. Last Friday evening tho Bladen band went over to Cnnipboll to give a con cert. After driving in their city, thoy found that tho peoplo had combined to "freeze them out," thoy soon took in the situation nnd refused to give the concert. When tLo Campbell Drama tic troupe (V) comes to Bladen with ono of their 'Jx-l plays, they expect tho patronage of the people, and the peo ple have always been generous in this way, but tho discourtesies shown the band shuws.how well they appreciate Bladen's patronage, guide'rock. Henderson the dentist is here thi week. Leith the hor.se buyer U hero this week. Grandma Watt is very low. Leo Detour lost a horse last week. Jerome Vance has purchased somo lots hero and will build soon. J. S. Largent's imported ahiro horse died the tirst of the week. A. Jack is now to be found at I. B, Colvin's bam.. Henry Bird nnd Miss Mabel Hutch- iuson were married Thurstlay night. Henry Brubaker wns in town Wed nesday. A.J. Hayes nnn I. W. Crary aro at tending the convention at Lincoln this week. Lovitt and Kirk pat rick had a colt break its neck tho other day. Amidown W Hi Hi tti Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Vii Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi BARGAIN - SALE. Prom Saturday, April 28th until Saturday Night May 5th, 1900. TAILOR MADK SUITS at Wholesale prices and less. Our suits are ail this season's styles and we will not ask more than manufacturer's cost for any of them and part of them will be sold at less than cost during this sale. SILK WAIST PATTERNS.- We have a large stock of new silks for waists and to move them quickly we will reduce the price from 10 to 20 per cent. FOR THIS SALE ONLY. We have secured 200 yards of good quality Oil Cloth at a bargain. This oil cloth is in 1 to 3 yard lengths and will not be cut. Price for this sale 100 yards at 12 cents. 100 yards at 15 cents. We secured 450 yards of a new dress fabric in Linen and silk mixture at about one half its worth, and during this sale only we sell it at 17c. Worth 30c. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. Just received another large invoice of muslin and cambric underwear at exceptionally low prices. Special values in Ladies Ribbed Vests at 5c, Sc. 10c, 22c, 15c and iSc. vi Fifty 10-yafd Dress Patterns at 25e Each. 0lte$ .ittern sold to customer. i ii't Special prices on ladies' and children's Fine Shoes and Oxfords during this sale. W wr.. 1 1..... 1: r ! c.it... v. -.... 1 ...i!.... !.-. ci 1 v e iiuve ti cuiiiptijiv: nur ti i-muw, oeiuy t.v u h. iitme rinu onous ami Oxfords as well as Hamilton-Brown Shoe Go's. WASH SKIRTS AND SUITS. Our slock is larger ever had in Linen and Duck Suits and Skirts, and we this department. We have 15 samples of Brussels, Moquettes and Axminster Carpets in i and iA yard lengths that we will sell at oSc. . INGRAIN CARPETS at 25c, 30c, 35c, 45c, 50c and 65c per yard which is from 5c to ioc per yard less than others are asking for the same grades. GROCERIES. Your attention is called to our dried fruit department. Fancy Hi t Hi Hi fc Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi mil better than we have can save you money in evaporated California Peaches at ioc; Extra fancy Evaporated California peaches at I2jc; Raisins fancy, Sultana's .j lbs. for 25c; Fancy Prunes 5c; Evaporated Apples 10c; three cans solid pack Tomatoes, 25c; Sorghum, good cooking, 25c; Sauer Kraut 25c per gallon. The inconvenience it caused to our customers who could not get waited on the past few Saturdays annoyed us more than it could you and we have made arrangements for extra help to meet the increasing trade, .which is 33 per cent over last year. TURNURE - BROTHERS "BIO 1MAI:i$ STORE." 9i ai 3 INSURANCE AGENOY I The republican state convention met a Lincoln Wednesday anil nominated a winning linkot headed by C. II. Diet-' 1 k)i (-it ui-riinr 'lb" delegates-lit- 1 ir" K HuM'water and John M. liiuiAionof Douglas John I1.M--llij.of Lancaster and John A. Klir J jhardt of Stanton. The Farmers (lataal Insaranee Go. Has over $34,000,000 Insurance in force with 10,000 members. Over 300 policies in Webster county. Organized in 1891. The cost of carrying $1,000 combined insurance in this company for 9 has been $19, which is less than one-half of Old Line Insurance. No Otiier Agent Represents This Company in Webster County. The German Insaranee Co of IiVeeiort, Illinois. Is the largest Old Line company in the west. Organized in 1865 and has paid over .$12,000,000 in losses. No company is more prompt in paying claims against it. For particulars call on or write to O. C.TEEL, Agent SUCCESSOR TO CHARLES SCHAFFNIT.) liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii liL! ir iW years $3&t i ' &B i. i m (f m n m m m m f.i m m ( (0 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to jk mi fcaBr -TT. 5J f xl ih vJi H hV m mi mi .' n (KtttiSiC liWillBBFW imipiMii 11 in I . vr