TRY IT Women stifTer- iti from f utnnlo troubles and weakness, and from irregular or painful incn- .ses, ought not I to lose hope if Icloctors cannot lliclp them. Phy sicians are so busy with other 1 diseases that they do not un derstand fully the peculiar ail ments and tiie delicate organism of woman. What the sufferer ought to do is to give a fair trial to BRADFIELD'S Fcntafc RcsguS&lor which is the true cure provided by Nature for all female troubles. It is the formula of a physician of the highest standing, who devoted his whole life to the study of the dis tinct ailments peculiar to our moth ers, wives and daughters. It is made of soothing, healing, strengthening herbs and vegetables, which liavo been provided by a kindly Nature to cure irregularity in the menses, Leu corrhoea, Falling of tho Womb, Nerv ousness, Headache and Backache. jn fairness Jo herself md, to Brad tfeftrs PcrnaleReauIator, every Buffering woman ought to give It a trial. A large bottle will do a wonderful amount of good. Sold by druggists. Bend foi nicely Mutinied fret boak on tho mtject. The Bradfleld Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. r. d. bedford, Real - Estatk, - Insurance AND COLLECTIONS. Agent tor tho Kqtitah.k Like Assuk anoe Society. FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. Sargeta D. & M. R. R. mptny, tut V. S. Pmalu Sorcn. City and country culls promptly nn swered day or night. ryQKVKIlliIMB8ET'8 MEAT MAHKKT NiailT CALLS AT OPPICD. Dr. E. A. Crkigiiton, Honorary (Jrnduato it Silver Medalist Western University, Canada. Calls ANswuitr.D Day and Nioiit, arrrcK Ovm Cook'm I'lumiArr J. S. EMIGH, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WANT IT. CrowD Bridge Wirk or Teelh Wiihont Plafei. l'OHOKLAIN INLAY And all tho latent Improvement lu dental mech allium I. 13. COLVIN, STATE FARM REAL ESTATE FARM LOANS. Lock llox .!, (itildu Hock, Noli. All kinds of property bought, sold anil ONi'liaiiKed. COI.LKCTII1N MADK TIJUM.s lli:.M)NAllLi: OVERMAN iX- liLACKUWQE KTTORNEYS - HT - LKSftZ. Itlce rcr Mif Ottlce. RED CLOUD, NKURASKA. Chimney brick, Cistern brick, AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros. SOUTH SIDEi SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNICKY, PROPRIETOR. DBALBR IN .Vines, Liquors, California randies. PMHILWADKERiBw ALWAYSiON.TAP. H-JM$2kKiH33flbG r.nftis tVHU 111 HKJ IBIS. Uvt Ufxwtn a J run. iiuv, wi- M urn, pom try urutuni. hi I Hl'lihi 1 aLLLLBLL BaaLLLLV iHSi p-7 aiJaHp wry BLUE HILL. Tho convention at the Christian church of Ulun Hill had a grand pro Kintn ntid somu very able spnikers It was a success tojtidco fiom the to port of those altuntling especially in the evening, notwithstanding tho in clemency of the weather. A great number of those who came on Monday evening were compelled to remain all night owing to the I'lin. Tho small grain and grass is growing in line shape at present. Farmers are busy ploughing for corn anil tho voices of the ploughmen, prai rie chickens and ipinils keep the day full of music. Mr. Helmuts necotupnt led by his ill lighters .Jennie and Mrs. C. Water iniry, took Mi and Mrs Chapman to Hastings on Wednesday, front which place tho old people took the evening train for l.eudville, Colorado, where they will mnkc their home during the summer nn I in the fall will go to Cali fornia to take up their residence. Alborl Henry's family are all well again. Mrs. Albort Kort is rather poorly at present with la grippo. Mr. and Mrs. West are feeling sonio what better, but unable to bo out around town. William Dclahoyd has left this sec tion for tho grist mill. Wo are euro of his Hour anywny. Tho young mon who accompanied tho remains of Miss Jcanctto I'aluicr home, droro to Hastings Sunday and took the train for Mhlugan that eve ning. Mr. Robert K. Rowlands Jr. lias bought a sot of blacksmith tools and will work at his trade on tho homo placo. Tho grantor part of the news has got damp this week, but will send mors next week if it keeps dry. INAVALE. Herbert Luce is putting out n bill of strawberries this week. Mr. C. L. Kddy drovo over to Hum mel Sunday forenoon with tho county Sunday school organizer, Rev. Raid win. Mrs. (Jcorgo Garner was calling on Mrs. O. R. Harvey Tuesday forenoon. Mrs. Hall left last Friday for a visit with relatives. Chancy Miller who has been away for a week returned Tuesday. Mr. Rail is moving into tho Ayres houso this week. Herbert Luce and family tookdinnet with 11.. Jones and wife Sunday. Grandma Holdrrgo visited across tho river Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. .John S'.ory and daugh ter F.tlith arrived in Inavalo Saturday CToning on a short visit with Sadie Holdrege anil family, l'hoy returned to their homo in Cowles Monday. Mr. Monro and family aro moving on their farm northwest of town this weok. At Sunday school Sunday, C. L Kddy It. K. Orchard and Miss Ktliol Harvey were elected delegates to tho Sunday school convention to bo held tho 1st and 'Jndof May tit Rluo Hill. The Master concert last Sunday ove ning was a decided success. Tho chil dren all did their parts well and overy one enjoyed the well rontlernd program Row Sailes of Red Cloud pi cached church Sundnj after noon GUIDE ROCK. L. L. Watt is repairing tho Montgom ery building in good shape, dividing tho upper room into a hall and seven nice sleoping rooms. Cutis Rlaydoll of Rolvidoro, Nebras ka is hero visiting his brother hero this week, and a jot her brothor is heio lathing for Watt. Jako .lohnson of Superior bought a lino driving Iioimi of Kirkpatriek vV Levitt. Another rain Monday night. U taincd u;i 100 inehc. Dr. Robinson is repairing his stoie (tout. Lightning struck a treo near Win. Hall's in tho east putt of town Monday night, Wrd was received Tuesday that Chns, Hagtin was much worse. J. F. Rradshaw has purchased tho largo houso in tho west part of town, tho house known as tho Roberts house. (ico. Simpson has bought lots 1-10 & 11 of Vance's addition to Guide Rock. Arthur Walker of Clay Center, Kan sas, bought several hones hero Wed nesday. 1 1 Amidown. Shake Int Your Shots. Allen's Foot Kaso, a powder. It cures painful, smarting, nervous feet, ingrowing nails, and instantly takes th sling out of corns and bunions. It is the greatest comfori discovery of the ago. Allon's Foot Easo makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It Is a cortain euro for sweating, callous, and hot tired, selling feet. Try it to day Sold by all druggists and sh.iu stores. Ry nii'il for 'J.v in utiimp 1 1 nil package ftee Addtesi Allen S Olnihtcad, Loroi, N Y. Now is the time to subscribe, PAINFUL PERIODS NO MORE MRS. GEORGE OSMl'N, of Relviderc, Warren Co., N. J., writes: '. Suffering as I hnd from weakness. Irregularities and backache for several years, a release from this suffering was a blessing. Oh! how I wish more suffering women would accept your kind offer and be relieved. There la no need for women to suffer. Mrs. I'lnkham's advice and Lydla K. tj l'inkhtun'.s them." Mrs. H. A., la'-iS. Cedar Street, Owosso, Mich., writes: ' Nearly three years ago I wrote to you asking advice in regard to my health. I was so miserable; suffered from painful menstruation and backache, was nervous, dl.y and faint. I received such a kind letter from you, telling mo just whot to do. 1 followed your advice and I now am recommending Lydla E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I thank God for this pain destroyer." WORKED IT BOTH WAYS. A Neat Swindling Scheme That Fleeced Ilacket Shop I'ntrons. "If the real Inside workings of the average bucket shop were laid bare," said a telegraph operator who has had much experience In such establish ments, "the revelation would open tho eyes of the young donkeys who Imag ine they can beat tho game. Just to Illustrate the point I'll tell you a little slofyT "Some time ago there were two rival bucket shops In a certain southern city, supposed to be run by northern operators. fiusTncsswas a llttTeMoiv, ami it wns evident that tho specula Mm ..l.,....n ....... i,w.ii.w,.i ,., 1... ,.. 1 . ' ....... in. i-iiu.i- oftoth IsLuiiyiuK 5no ilnv flu. tniiti,if,.i r,P..n ,.f tl... ,.r.,,nnm,c ' imiito.i 11,1 n vnin,,. I-..H..... ...i.,. i,...i .... v.. ..,. .. ,.,. 1. .V..U1 I.IIV (I. lit more money than brains and, handing him .?."(, asked him, as a special favor, to go over to the other house ami make such and such a play. 'It's a private speculation of my own,' he said, 'and I have a straight tip, but I can't very well placo the money myself on ac count of my connection with & Co. If I did they'd get suspicious right nwny.' "Tho young Idiot supposed, of course, that he had struck a bonanza one bucket shop mnn playing against an other! It must be n sure thing! So he not only placed the .?."(! as requested, but played the tip hard himself, and so did all Ids ft lends, whom he ptumptly let into the secret. Needless to say, they were all eventually skinned out of every cent they put in, but the remark able part f the story Is that the same tactics wiic worked back and forth by both managers on at least a dozen different occasions. Kneh time It was done they gathered In a lot of new clients and made a big haul. It de veloped not long afterward that tho two bucket shops were run by the same people." New Orleans Times Democrat. HE ROUSED JEFFERSON. Why (he Hotel PorOr Waked Jefler noii From Ilia bleep. Leslie's Weekly tells this story about Joseph Jefferson: A number of years ago lie played a one night engagement lu a small Indiana town, appearing In his favorite part of Rip Van Winkle. In the hotel at which bo stopped wns nn Irishman "lecently lauded," who acted ns putter and general assistant. Judged by the deep and serious inter est which he took in tho house, bo might have been clejkj lessee and pro prietor, rolled inlo one. At about t o'clock In tho morning Mr. Jefferson was startled by 11 vloleut thumping on his door. When iio strug gled Into consciousness mid renllzed that he had left no "call" order at the ofllce, he was naturally Indignant. But his sleep was spoiled for that morning, so he nrose, and soon after appeared before the clerk. "Sec here," be de manded of thnt Individual, "why was I called at this unearthly hour?" "I don't know, sir," answered the clerk, "I'll ask Mike." The Irishman was summoned. Said the clerk: "Mike, there was do call for Mr. Jefferson. Why did you disturb blmr Taking the clerk' by tho lapel of the coat, tho Illbcrlan led him to one side and Bald, In a mysterious whisper: "He were shnorlng lolke a horse, sor, and Ol'd heerd the b'ys say ns how ho were onct afther sblaplng fur twluty years, PRICKLY ASH BITTER CLPANRrs THE LIVER AND BOWELS ATO FOKTIFIES TITE STSTEH ,C. L.. COTTINC, Vegetable Compound will relieve Mrs. Ida Peters, Milan, Tenn., writes: "DrahXIiw, Pinkiiam When I wrote to you the first time asking your advice I was a great sufferer. Menstruations were irregular, some times a week too soon and then a week or two late, and when they appeared were very prof use; rent pain and tenderness in the bowels, pain in buck and limlis, kuiconhiea all tho time. 1 was weak and nervous and had no appetite, Riirnmg and chobing sensation In my throat. I received jom tvplv ami followed all your instruct ion-, and now I am cured I owe my eoicrvnii to Mrs. PinUham's advice and her 'omli rfiil it medics." Ei i a E. IJRtVNru, East Rochester, Ohio, writes: I liuu hi en thankful a thousand times since 1 wrote to you for what your Vegeta ble Compound has done for inc. I followed your advice carefully and now I feel like a different person. My troubles were back ache, headache, nervous tired feeling, pain ful menstruation and leucorrheca. I took four bottles of Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound, one box of Pills, one packago of Sanative Wnsh and am now well." Mrs. Maggie P. Stine, New Berlin, Pa., writes: " I have suffered with terrible backache in the small of my back for about seven years, and could never gctnnythlng to help me. I tried several physicians, but found 'no help. I have now taken three bottles of Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, und feel like a different woman." so 01 sez to niosllf, sez 01, 'Molke, It's a coomlng onto him ng'ln, and It's yer Juty to git the crayther out o' yer house Instantlyl' " llnd Driven Mulea Before. Daniel C. Pomeroy, once a prominent New York criminal lawyer, In bis ear ly life was a stage driver on the old Rutterfleld line and gleaned his legal education largely upon the box seat of his coach or while change of horses was being made nt the stations. Ho was associated with others In tho de fense of one Mrs. McCarthy on her trial at Utlca for th,e murder eff a man named llnll ot Ogilensb'urg, who win killed by a bullet from her revolver ,,1.1,1. .., i ;, r ,, .. "'I!'." "? uiiucii ill iiiiuiiier iiuir Jl,,!" D00,!,1; V.leSm.C, th, U """ v"v" ' m-'iiiMU m irnr iinsuiiei s -'lilt. i lie Jud go was outer, and so was I'omeroy. The latter made an ob jection and Insisted upon It lather , strenuously. 1 "Mr. I'omeroy," said tho Judge, "1 am not a horse and can't be driven." "Well, your honor, I learned In my early experience to drive mules, and I will try to keep up my former reputa tion." Philadelphia Call. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollais R ward for any cae of Catnrth that can not bo etiied by Hall's Catniih Cure. F J Clli'.NT.v & Co , Props., Toledo, O. We tho uudcrigucd, have known F. J. Cheney for tho last in jear', and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all Lusuies tt'itisactions and linaiieially iihln to cany out any obligation marc l.v their lit in. Wi.sriV J'ni'.w, Wholesale Dinggtsi-, Toledo, Ohio. Wai.iis;. Ki.nnas iV: Maijvin, Wholi sale Dittggiits, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Ctitui ih Cuio is taken inter nally, acting ditcetly upon the blood anil mucous sntiices 01 ii'e symciii Price 7.1c per bottle. Sold by till drug gists Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Iend Pencil of Ola. Ancient writers mention the use of lead mid graphite for ruling papyrus, and pencils fashioned rather crudely In the Dimmer of those now used were made In the sixteenth century, the graphite coming from the Iiorrowdule mine nt Cumberland, England. Chica go Chronicle. lui'VpeiiMlvi'I' MuiiliKtMl. "Your capital Is not Iiiikc." "Hut quite sulllclent. You see, our business In peculiar In that It does not necessitate auy ovnslon of the laws." Detroit .louriinl. State af Ncbmt'kn. I . M WebMerCotmii, I . , . , At n fount' ( outt, held Ht tho rotuity roiut room. In unci for mhl county, Mittmlny. April 20th. A. I). 1000. . , , . ,. In tlio mntter of the ettnto of Cliarlcs hchult, decented. On reading ana tiling me re"""" " 'VfBi Srhaltf. rraylnR that the InitriiMeiu nieu on the UUtti day ol April, iw w. ni'i I'r pu; uus u m ,1... iui will and TeHRintnt with codicil there April. 10 0, li'l PiirportliiK to be to attacticit of the l(l dcccaictl. may nrored. approTeJ, probated, allowed una tooled a the latrV-WIU and Teitajnent of re tho ..ih f'torUatirhftlli ilereated. and tlltt the ! eeutlon of iald Instrumtnt mar bo committed and tho admlnltlratlon of Bald estato may be granted to Hobtrt Damerell aa executor. ordered, that Saturday. May l!th. A.D. 1000 at 10 o'clcck a.m. la aMlgncd for hearing sh d iietltlon. when all ieriona Intereated In aald, mav ,nnr at a PonniT Court to be new In and for aalil county, and show cauee why the rajer of petitioner ihtuld not bo urantedtatid that notice of the pendency of aalil petition and the bearing thereof, be kIvoii to all pcrtons tntercnted In said matter by publlhlni? a cpy ! IT of thin order 111 the Ited Cloud Chief n weekly uoMHpnper pntr nrlntcil in unui rotiniy ror nino mh i'o wecln. prior to mM day of heitrltn;. no copy ) Jameh Hurry County .Itnluo ccniv (A true TO RESIST PREVAU.IKG PISEASES T wSPEOIHL KCBNT, LINE. Rain ami some hall this week. 1) 0 Norn's antl wife and Win All btishon and wifo were the guests of F 1) Hutchinson Sunday. Mr. Melntyro was around on olllcial business this week, assessing M10 far. met s. Jack Wilmot talks of going to Lin coln for medical treatment in the near future. The Sunday school at Pleasant Dale was hugely attended Inst Sunday, and 1 good time was repotted. Planting cjrn is tho oidernf thoday. Mr Mackoy has planted 1 10 aeies of corn on tho Strotip Rothrock ranch. (iti' lloats of Red Cloud has fenced HiO aen s of land fust east of the Ciui". Kaley ranch on Penny deck. Mrs. Albeit Seiivuer was the ge."-t of Miss Mary YunDiku Suiidni. Benjamin VatiDyko was on a bsu' ucss trip to Ctiidu Rock and North Branch this week. Tho Reynolds and Miss Mablo Noblo of Walnut Creek were tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank VnnDyke Easter Sunday. Mr. Walker of Red Cloud was in Lino this week. Mrs. Reeves has returned to Guide Rock after nn extended visit with ftiends nnd relatives in Lino. Tho small grain is looking lino sinco tho rain. Pastures aro coming on fine. Benjamin VncDyko had the misfor tune to havo his eye almost put out by getting some lime in it. What Do the Children Brink. Don't give them tea or coffeo. Havo you tried tho new food drink called Grain O? It is delicious and nourish ing and takes the placo of coffee Tho more Grtiin-0 you givo tho children the more health you distribute through their systems, Grain-0 is made of pure grains mid when properly pro pared tastes liko tho choice gratles of coffee but costs about ono-foitrtb ns much. All grocers sell it, lftc and 25c. rMnrnto Your liowels With CinciirctH. Cnnily Cnthartlc. euro constipation foroicr. 10c.'J5c. UGC.C fall, UruKKlstsrctuml money GRANDMA HAD CONSUMPTION and I am afraid I have in herited it. I do not feel well ; I have a cough ; my lungs are sore; am losing flesh. What shall I do? Your doctor says take care of yourself and take plain cod -liver oil, but you can't take it. Only the strong, healthy person can take it, and they can't take it long. It is so rich it upsets the stomach. But you can take SCOTT'S EMULSION It is very palatable and easily digested. If you will take plenty of fresh air, and exercise, and SCOTT'S EMULSION steadily, there is very little doubt about your recovery. There are hypophosphites in it ; they give strength and tone up the nervous system while the cod-liver oil feeds and nourishes. yx. and $ 1 00, ll druggists. SCOTT in HOWNH. Chttnlsts. New York. FOR 14 CENTS! Wa with to (tin tblt ttt 200,(X)0 nw ouiiomort. tna 11 enc ontr ll'kK.UitrOtrtlenllfiet. Iim Pkg.Ktrl'tt KmcrtMOncumbtrlto " I-UroB.eMtrkFt Lettuce. 16o I Htrtwbrrrr Melon, l&a I ", luo I " Ktrli HIpeCtfibiKa, too 1 " Ktrlr Dinner Onion, loo H llrllfltnt Flower 8,-eili. lfta Worth H.00. for 1 1 cent., JTiu AboTSlO Pkir. worth (1 CO. w will tntll rou free, together with our srett Vltntaml Seed Otttlo.tnll Cno all Minut Hilzer'tf lll lur I'otaio. onnn receipt of thft . notion. t 1 r. tttmpn wn invito: fourtrAOO tmi Know wnonron oner ' rr Halir'M xrrilnrou wlllnerer I 1I11 without. Thn 1.4NI HtrKwhcrrr botrt ll.UK) antrta twice retrlr. II 1 iJi !) jnm i. HiLiEit sur.iMo., ucitostr, tmh. m PARKER'3 HAIR BALSAM , CTtanKi and bctutltlca tot btlr. lnimAt., a tn.uriant erowth. Mover Falla to lteitoro Oraj uair o lis sou.uiui uiur. Currt eealp diKteti k htlr lilllog. aOo.apdtl'iOat Dnifilrtt r Candles Nathina' elta addt to mneh 1 10 ma cntrmor me nrawinv or lioadoir aa the aolllj rtilt ht from C'OUIMIVA Candle.. will contribute more to tha artlttlc incceta ot the luuchenn. etudlet for th Imnle.t or th 1 ainner. Jne ne.l ueioraute iltnorata fnn.tlonHir eol. roaaiiort. Made In ill colon nio.t delicate unit hi HTANUAItOOII. H). and told ererjwbara. Statm or Nt.urtASK I WkbsTeii County f" .. ... IuthemAtterof the cstnto of I.uclrtiln Ajcrs dereated. . . ,, ' , N'litli'. is lierebr Elvea to iilLrcrsoiin linvlnc rlitluib nnd ilPinnuiU KKnWiet Itclinlit Ajers., lalo tif WeliMor roiilit) ucci'tteji'iimi wiu nine nieu for lllliu: I'ln lin k HL'iilliet hiilil estate In fix uionthx from tlip2ctiniAy or Aptu. law. All ticli peronio ri'iinlri'il to pretent their (latirkuliliihe iuihera 1; tho count) Judge ofn,i.liouul)aihlnftl.elli.relii ; or .ofnro UieSulidH) of itttcr iUio.aiid all ihilini.O tllfd will lie hcnnl liofuie the mid luilco on tlio 2.1d da) of October. Iiwa, hi m 'clock n tu. Jam(h uvrrr, County Judge, Hated March 21th. 1V0I. mjmosiM V flBaV Wi bW I i I ! i I ant i I Nnl mmf IQOet i LSI taaaor Y-rf and th H J I KIDNEYDISEASE Capt. W. H. McComb. First Illinois Volunteers, Says He Was Cured by DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS Chicago, III., Aug. 29, IS99. Tho Dod Js He Jlclne Co., IJuf lalo, N. V (lentlcmcn: During my cnmpuljn In Cuba I WASComptlledlotlrlnk the unhealthy water l thnt cllmateanJcnuntry, which Rot my Kldne it In very serious cartilitlon. I began to take Ilodd'ti Kidney Pill itputi my immediate return home nnd (omul them tube a sure cure for Kidney Cninpl.ilnt.nnd recommend them to nil sulfrr era of this terrible nlacr.e. ? DODDS ..n.T...V HMUUKlti Dodd's Kldncv Pills cure all Dlscascsol the Kidneys. Sold by alt dealers In medi cine. SO ccntsaboxorslx boxes for $2-50, Sent on receipt of Erice by Tho Dodds Medicine CltuQalo, N.Y. .PILLS, Homestead m in Western Canada Itenttrt. farmers eon nnd farmer burdened with tac, mortKaircs, Impciv eiislxil mil mid ciopfullureii innyricurc frro iKiiiii-atrniH of ISO iirrta In t lit Cnnndlan Wrt, the Inml (if Ho, 1 Hard Wheat, ti tu S) ImshelM to tho Acre, Low est rallrond ratim ieclal ailvantagei tu prospector. Tho bct craln and cattle country In the world Oood water, low taiee. abundant fuel The Mlnne.ota rill torn, who recently mado tho Wcetcrn Can ada trip, rpeak of It nt the home for imall farmer? The ofllclal reiwrt rayn "To the email farmer seeking a new home V ettern Canada otf ere great Inducement,, While It icemn a lon(r way north, the Canadian 1'aclllc Hallway line Is far louth of Kdlnburgh, the cllmatw that ot Northern Minnesota, and the land raleet mien did and nre crop." For inapt and full Information apply to Hiipt. or immigration, I Ottawa, canaua, or to W. V. HEXXETT, Canadian (iovernnient Ancnt, BUI New York Life llulldlUK. Omaha, Net. " WILLIAM KELLOGG, 4 4 C PtlOTOGHfl?HEHi i Ixikrior, Lanixscai-i;, Animals, Si'Kcial and Commercial Work. For interiors ami for lartro groups J y of stoek anil exteniletl views of buildings ns on forms and nineties our faeilitles are unexeelletl. Developing, Finishing and Printing for Amateurs. Camkkas, Plates, i Films, Uevklopeks, VEI.OX AND I'LATINOTVI'K l'Al'KKS, J I SUTI'MES OK AM, KINDS. I i : AdENT FOIt THE J"Alvista" Panoric Cameras, covers ISO decrees, lite cameras in onu. Son;!. UN.Mor.Ti;i I'iiotoisuaimis Fini; 1'irrtiti; Fiiaminc Have one of the most llnclv tin-1 pointed tlar!; rotund of its ioin tho state in wliieli yon are always wol- J come to change plates and lit your eaineras. We do not no i'outkaitukk. J I ItOOMN OVKU 1'IONEKII MEAT MAItKRT. J C inZ, DOW, BlncksinithiriK - and - Repairing OK AM. KINDS. HORSESHOEING. 8A riSKACTION (IfAKANTEKH S??iii 51 rlrw'l mi 1 mmA jjM Ba A ' e Wil I A Tho best collars made aro to bo had or us. Nock comfort for your horse Is es sontial, if you expect him to do good work. An ill-llttlnff, poorly-mado v collar Is a sourco of continual irritiie tion to the hrrso. For HORSe-COt-LKRS nro matin with a view to comfort, dur ability, anil pood appearance Wo will sell you THE FINEST HKRNSSS tivorvtliillff entnidi to, fur your hont ;00li f,. ,inl hihk f.nn.1 f,,i . .v ouu ,,u """ "t"iK, ROuti lot sliow occasions I O Rtttter "THE HARNESS J J DIM Iter, MAN. tm.lM. k'HW''i""''"'a-