The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 27, 1900, Image 3

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The notions of lmuiy pooplo in
regnrd tn tlio use of glnsses
would lenil the informed to bo
lievo that their eyes were in the
back of their liend. because
they ticver look into the future.
In eye use ami abuse they go
year after year with never a Uok
ahead or a thought for the ills
neglect will bring They cling
to the old, foolish, erroneous tden
that it I j best to put of! the use of
glasses until forced to put them
on. They wait until their vision
so deteriorated thai even proper
glasses cannot enterely restore it
to its fornior acuteness, when, if
tnkon in time, glasses would give
the sumo easy, rodful vision en-
joyed in younger day.
3 Ke.)ovoxsfc ""Byos.,
Watch for the big show next week.
Harness repairs, Fogcl & Hutchison.
Charles Selmffnit of Lincoln was hero
last evoning.
. M. Phillips of Guide Kock was
hero Wednesday.
Clarence Stino of Superior was here
the llrst of the week.
Two residence-! for .-ale or rent in
city. See S. B. Liglitfoot.
Largest lino or heaters in tho valley
at Wright'', hardware store.
Jacob NiHieiu wiii a business visitor
to Lebanon, Kansas Monday.
Win. Webster of Ma'V.""'.!!."?.1?
visiting frietulsllie'lirst of Ihe wtuk.Jk
Walter Koby sells the Singer sowing
inachinc. i'licesrignt. (Jet tho best.
Amos Cowden spent a few days here
the'Jirst of the week visiting the folks
(Jeo. Hutchison was down from the
village of Cowles yesterday taking in
the sights of tho city.
Do you want a boating stove? Jf
you do go to Wright's. Ho lias a largo
lino nt tho lowest prices.
E. II. Marshall of the Union Fire In
surance Co. of Lincoln, was here a
short time tho first of the week.
Mrs. 11. 11. Hurley of Donver ar
rived in the city last Sunday for a sev
eral week's visit with her parents Mr.
and Mrs. 1). li. Spanoglo.
Miss Ella Cook returned Tuesday
morning from a several months visit
with hor brothor Edward and other
friends nt Now Whatcom, Washington.
Why should you buy a "New Homo"
Sowing Machine in preference to any
other? Because you know whon you
buy a "Now Homo" you have the very
best sowing machine that has over
been built. For sale by F. V. Taylor.
Homeseekors excursions on May 1st
and 10th, and Jubo Oth and 19th 1000,
to Arizona, Arkansas, Indian Territory
Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma
Territory, and Texas. For rates and
further information, apply to local tic
ket agent, A. Conover.
This is tho time of year when all
kinds ot peddlers and fakirs mako
their appearance among a gentle and
unsuspecting public and offor all kinds
of wares for sale. They hare already
begun to show up. Our people should
pass them along as fast as they come.
Our merchants have everything in
-stock that is needed and that is the
propor place to buy.
I When you Lie, Ut In be only a "white" ene. 4
When you Steal, (teal away from fod com- J
I rr.
J When you Swear, swear by your country, t
When you Drink, drink to the health of a 4
I friend. 4
J When you Eat, eat at the
sWzV -m. -a W. r. --"W 41 ' ' Si
J. O. WILES, Prop.
Heaters in endless variety a W. W.
All klmU of wire fencing at Wright's
hardware stole.
Full line of fresh bulk garden seed."
at W. B. Uoby's.
J M. Roland of Guiilo was on our
slrctts Wednesday.
Got Wright's prices and soo his lino
boforo you got a heator.
Wanted: Good girl for housework.
Apply to Mrs. A. Morhart.
If you waut anything in the harness
line sco Fogcl & llutchisou.
Wright has ovcry article of waro that
is needed around the kitchen.
Unr phone number is now T'J. C.ill
us up when you need job pi luting.
Samuel Dyer and Wade Kooutz have
associated themselves together and
will buy stock.
Will Parker left Monday morning
for a business trip to the eastern part
of the state atid Iowa.
W. A. Mitchell will move his hard
ware store to the building formerly
known as tho "rookery" on May 1st.
Wm. Lindlcy moved his household
effects to Buir Ouk this week where he
will engago ill tho restaurant busiucss.
C. T. Dickinson has added a new
1500 pound trip-hammer to his black
smith shop, which is to bo worked by
his gasoline engine.
Tho W. C. T. U. and tho Anti-S.iloon
League will unite iu the regular u.uar
terly mass uieitiug at tho Christian
church, Sunday evening, April .'0.
During the rain storm of last Monday
night, the granary of James Mcintosh
was struck by lightuiug and one cor
tier of the buildiugwas badly damaged.
Sin rill' Dow ot Harlan count was
here Sunday and took back the men
curt iud goods fiom the store of P. W.
Shea on Saturday a wrtk ago at Or
leans'. We notice by an Omaha paper that
M.M. Stern has j dned the Nebraska
llu'i.iii Liiioi Di'uleiV Aii'ialion, an
organization fur the mutual protection
of liquor dealers
W t) M fcS M J w to 2 t W k V fc
The Prices on them makes
pocketbook glad.
Clothing Company.
Largest Dealers in Men's Shoes in
Red Cloud
Jas. Burden, W. B. Koby, Jos. Sala
den, L. 11. Beck, Dan Garber, J. B.
Stanser, Thos. Aula, E. U. Overman
and A. Galusha were in Holdrcgo Wed
nesday attending tho Congressional
convention of the Fifth district.
A number of towns throughout tho
state have already commenced tho agi
tation of tho street fair subject. Wo
have not as yot heard of any ono who
is willing to undertake the job of man
aging a stroet fair or oven a Fourth of
July celebration in this city.
Tho ladies of the Episcopal Guild
gave a vory pleasant dance and social
at the B. & M. Eating House last Wed
nesday evening. Plenty of good mu
sio and refreshments was furnished
and ereryone enjoyed a good time.
The church realized a neat sum from
the occasion.
Hero is a good story: Scene, hotel
in a small town. Traveling man sit
ting on porch and cur dog lying closo
by. Landlord comos out and rings the
dinner bell and tho dog howls. "What
are you howling about!" asks tho trav
eling man of tho dog. "You don't have
to go in thero and eat."
Some miscreant who had nothing
else to do tore up tho paraphernalia of
tho young ladies basket ball gamo the
other night. Thoy pulled the posts up
and cut tho notting baskots to pieces.
Should the perpetrators of tho small
trick becomo known thoy will no doubt
bo amply rewarded for their meanness
by tho young ladies.
Tho rain of last Monday night was
one of tho heaviest downpours that
has visited tli is section for several
yean. Over two inches of water fell
in less than an hour Cellars in dif
ferent parts of the town were filled.
Too streets wero veritable rivers, and
in somo places tho water ran over tho
sidewalks. Tho hail which accompa
nied tho rain did little damage.
I Want Your Easiness,
and if fair tieatment and
quality of goods counts for
anything with jou I will
get it. The best class of
trade ccincs my way be
cause 1 sell the best goods
for the price that others
ask for inferior goods. I
am hero to back up any
goods that I sell. If there
is anything wiong 1 mako
it right. Come and look
my goods over. They ate
all up to date.
Jas. Peterson.
A girl wanted at the City Bakery.
Mrs. I. Shepherdson of Uivertou was
iu town to-day.
Hugh Giilllford
building a new
residence property.
Dr. Wcggniann of Blue Hill was here
the lust of the week.
Ed Moiin and Win. Lebeault of
Campbill wet cin tho city this week.
Mr. Palmer of Nelson, an old friend
of Joseph timber was here the llrst of
the week.
Miss P 1). Yeiser It fi Sunday f'jr Un
ion, Wisconsin, whole she will reside
iu tin future.
I will move to new quartcis opposite
the State bank on the first of May. W.
A. MlTCllEI.l..
Mrs. O. C. Bell after a visit with Geo.
J. Warren and family returned to her
homo at Lincoln today.
Fogel ifc Hutchison have a tine linn
of heavy work harness you should sco
before jou buy a new one.
Mrs. Suminy of Ciimcrou, Missouri,
wlni has been visiting relatives here,
left Tuesday morning for her home.
Win. Dickinson has placed in his
blacksmith shop, atrip hummer to bo
used by the power of his gasoline en
giue. Morris Stern this morning received
his certificate of membership in tho
Nebraska Retail liquor Dealers' Pro
tective Association.
Fou Sale, Ono brood sow will far
row soon, ono good work horso. Resi
dence three miles south and two miles
west of Red Cloud, Neb. F. E.
Next Wednesday the now council
goes in and tho old council becomes a
thing of tho past. Tho first mooting
of tho now council promises to bo an
interesting ono to spectators.
Chas. Mnranvillo and Miis Laura
Smith both of this city wero married
at Smith Center last Wednesday. Tho
contracting partiesaro both woll known
in this city. Tho groom is our well
known vetreinary surgeon and bride
is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. II.
Smith. The Chief takes pleasure in
extending congratulations.
W. H. Giwits died at his homo in
this city last Saturday. He was born
at Stark, New York, July 25, 1828, and
at tho time of his death was 71 years
8 months and 23 days of age. The fun
eral services were held from the resi
dence Bnnday afternoon at 2:30, and
the remains were laid f rest in the
city cometery.
Tho wife of a man named Moon pre
sented him with a fine boy. Thiswasa
now moon. Tho father celebrated the
ovent by drinking himself full. This
was a full moon. Whon ho awoko
from his drunkon stupor all he had loft
in his pocket was twonty-fivo conts.
This was tho last quarter. His mother-in-law
beat him ovor tho head with a
club, thus giving him a total eclipse.
John W. Beoman, the postmaster of
North Branch, Kansas, was in Guide
Rock Saturday evening ou his way
homo from Topoka, whero ho has boon
as a witness beforo tho federal grand
jury in tho trial of tho young follow
who attempted to burglaiizo tho North
Branch postoilluo last fall, at which
time Mr. Beoman shot and wounded
him in tho leg as a result of
which ho was captured a day or two
later near the Nebraska-Kansas line,
Tho prisoner plead guilty but at the
timo Mr. Bucmati left Topoka sentence
had not boon pronounced on him.
Guide Rock Signal.
All kinds of garden tools at Wright's.
Earl Pond was iu Uivertou the last of
tho week
J S. Dyer is home again after a trip
t ) Donver.
Do you want a naw cook stove! If
so see Wright.
Tho Chiek and Chicago Inter Ocean
one year for $1.'J5.
Charley Hazolton of Hastings was
here the tit sL of tho week.
Mrs. M. C. Rockwell was a visitor to
Campbell tho first of the week.
Will Tulluys was looking after busi
ness matters at Oxford this week.
J O. Caldwell and family havo mov
ed into tlio Yeiser property ou Seward
J. K Wall was in Norton, Kansas, the
last of the week visiting with his
Calvin Keuady of Holyoke, Colorado
visited the parental roof heiethe tirsl
of tho week.
1) M. Abel returned Wednesday
night from a visit with relatives and
friends in Iowa
Will Lindlcy has purchased a restau
rant at Burr Oak, Kansas, and has
moved to that place.
The telephone company lias had a
force of men at work this week stretch
ing wire and otherwise repairing.
You will find my hardwaro sloro re
moved to the building opposite Stato
bank, after May 1st. W. A. Mitchell.
Miss Belle Spanoglo who was called
here by the serious illness of her moth
er left for Beatrice Sunday morning.
Gold at Cate Nome. If you want
information about the Cape Nome
eoiintrj , how to get there and what it
coxt, write to J. Francis, Geiicial Pas
senper Agent, B. V M. railroad iu Neb-
iakn, Omaha, .Neb.
Indige'lioii is the direct cause of
ill-ease that kills Ihoiitauds of puisous
aiinuillv. Stop the trouble at tho out
set wtih a little Prickly Ash Bitters;
it slieugllieiis the stomach and '.mis
digoiion. SjM by C. L. Cutting.
Many so-called "bitters" are not
nii'ilieines, but. simply liquors dis
guised, so as to evade the law. Prickly
Ash Bitters is not one of this class. It
is strictly a medicine, acting primarily
on the kidneys, liver and bowels, and
for the dangerous diseases that attack
these organs it is a remedy of the first
grade. There is nothing objuctionablo
in its taste, it has a very agreeable
11 ivor, and is acceptable to the most
delicate stomach. Sold by C. L Cot
ting. The stale weather bureau in its re
port for last week says "Tho past
week has been warm and wet, with
more thai normal amount of cloudi
ness. The daily mean tomperaturefor
tho week averaged 5 degrees abovo the
normal in tho eastern and 3 degrees in
tho western counties. Tho minimum
temperatures for tho weok wero below
freezing in tho northern and western
counties on the morning of tho 18th.
The maximum temperatures occurred
on the last days of tho week, and gen
erally wero bofveen 75 degrees and 80
degrees. Rain fell quite generally on
tho first and last days of tho weok,
making a total for tho weok abovo nor
mal in all counties. Tho heavy rains
caused tho ground to bo too wet for
farm work tho llrst half of tho weok.
During the remaining days rapid pro
gross was made in preparing the corn
ground for planting, and a little corn
was planted iu southern counties. The
warm rain was very benclicial to all
grain. Oats and spring wheat are com
ing up evenly atid growing rapidly.
Winter wheat hns improved in condi
tion. Potato planting is well advanced.
Poach, apricot and plum trees aro com
mencing to blossom in southern coun
ties, and promises to be full of blos
soms. Wo havo a design suitable for any
room in the lieuse. We do not consid
er our Wall Paper merely as a sido
lino, but sojiothing that requires care
ful attontion and tho exercise of
In selecting. Our stock will please the
most fastidious. There are numerous
dainty patterns for lUo per roll and
many rich designs for from lfu to DOc
per roll.
Call mid see them.
The Druggist
Wu arc displaying this week a big lot of
New spring and summer NEGLIGEE
SHIRTS. The best assortment over
brought to town.
k Jttost Important Fact I
not to be overlooked is the
Style, Quality and Priee
the New Millinery Store.
Yours for business,
First door north of F. & M. Bank
Diamond "C" Laundry
For MTfcu BUMONB MC UMttr Ml
Drop a postal to Prelu Departaeat for Free
The Cudahy Packine Go, Soap
ehieagokumbef Yard,
Lumber, Lime
Tou will not see any men
dressed as well as the men
who wear Hart, Schaffner
& Marx suits and top coats.
The nobby style and neat
fit of these clothes recom
mend them to every man
who knows what good
clothes arc and who likes to
wear the best.
They're the kind adver
tised in the leading maga
zines and worn by goad
dressers everywhere.
Glothnig Go.
WrtMtrs. iHcrC'S 1 Simple PriZCl
Fpr Sack, finer mtn and
flU:Yfrrbandiomt (run with
Soelr colored picture, under
iromgina; imiim.
kU aim tad w will g tt him to pat
u in
M i
Goal -and Cement.
1 d