fimf - --8 , ,wn,rn. Wl iMPMMIMlJllWf.'' l -C?' n n !"!" ' B'Ort f- . tfV.V stel. "3i iS-i05. 'v ffr "" - . r ' B 1. HnM VOLUME XXVIII. KED CLOUD, XHISltASKA. AlMilL 127, 1JK)0, NUMBER 1 flSSIf.lli Water Finds Its Itevel. k ALMOST FORGOTTEN. Truthful advertising wins Success. Hence the overwhelming patronage of -Sk the elements of humanity who reject the misleading advertisements and who trade at the BIG STORE because our statements of facts appeal to them and we never disappoint. We have what we advertise and call things by their right name. ifi 71 Ii u.xxi it XXTCG Kitchen Cupboards nt 85 25. 0-foot Extension Table nt S4 CO. Kitchen Chniis nt 50u each. One Lot, 5 bod room suits nt 917.00. A f 20.00 bed room suito for $17.00. A cobbler sent Kocker, pood size $2. A goad Lounge (or only 7.&0. We arc always glad to make new acquaintances and meet old ones. Come in and look around the Big Store and don't feel under any obli gations to buy a cent's worth unless you see exactly what you want at the price you want to pay. We are not afraid of that MONliY BACK proposition, and if we are not you need not be. FURNI'I UKK-Seeond Floor DHY GOODS First Moor, Main Room. OAKPEl'S Second Floor. CLOAKS First Floor, Mnin Hoom. GltOCKUIKS First Floor, West Hoom. QUKKNSWAHE-Deck, West Hoom. SHOES Deck, Fiist Floor, Mnin Hoom. Sk h 4. ay Ik t ZlZ I MINER BROS., ft Red Cloud, Nebraska. "fy mm if 'WS1 ii--v wjw atfiftibK. Kaw. I To the Business Jlen and People of Red Gload and Vicinity. 1 0NK C. D. MORSE, Tin:, awaits your welcome and appreciation of his services as a Watchmaker and Jeweleu. DOOH NOUl'H OF F A: M HANK BUILDING. rnsm TRADBRS IXXJVTRIDTfc CO. UEALEHS IN LUMBER AND COA1 Buildiixe; material, Bto. red Cloud. - - Nebraska JACK OF ALL TRADES OUR NEW "LITTLE GIANT" U H. P. GASOLINE ENGINE, WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD TO EYERY STOCKMAN AND FARMER. How mnnr of jou linvo lost tlio iirlro cr this HiiRlno tu mm lny on nrrotint of In sufficient wlrnl to operate your wlwl mill", ii-uMiu' jour nock without water. Hot ono now to do your piuiitiltiK whim thorn lx no wind or to do it v 'iilurlv. Weather docs not iilTect Its work, dot or cold, wet or ilrf wind or cnltn. It Is u hn miiiio to this mm hint'. Will ill-- l"'ll emu grind fi fd, saw wood. ti irn I.iimci n I i hiindy for u hundn-il cither Julis In tli.i h '00 i r on tin- fuilii C it- i, ilnn; I I vti n nm woiknii. und nly I . i ii's IX r In or lu I. wulklDir Miipui I llii ' I Ui. ri alv t run, n i f itindv lion lucdi'il. ii wr it IiiIhii mid luoiicy imr Itiiimic- iiriotlcully no utti ntinn, und Is absolutely s.ife. Wo nmUo nil bIl-s of U.itulluo KiiKitmi. trom Hi to 5 liorsu jiowui. Wrlto or clroulur mid spcclul prices. enTOftnrtKc: MOftSG St CO.. OfTlAHn. NEB. '.f T -- . T -, -. , Incidents of Every Day Life Which Very Few People Stop to Think About on Account of Their Littleness If rain counts for tinythinfj tho bluo grnss croj) in this city is nssurctl. A lain like Inst Monriny night's niny bo n little inconvctiiont to somo persons having low rcllnrs, but it wns gootl thing ncvt'itholess. Did you notice how nice the sti cuts and gutters wet o :lciuu'd out Rubbish piles that have laid around sincn last fall aro now on their way to tho Missouri rivpr.Lnst Monday was tho day to plant trees, but we don't mind seeing many now ones in our travels about. It would prob ably ho a good plan for somo of our people to cut down somo of tho old cottonwoods and plant shade trees in their place. This applies to the coutt house yard also. Wo haven't the slightest doubt but that tho board of commissioners could get someone to grub out tha old cottonwoods for what wood theie is in thorn nnd furnish tho maples and set them out instead. They might not give quite as much shade for a few years as is now nfl'ord ed but in time they would makoa grove that could not be excelled And we believe it would not cost the county a cent At least not more thnu the ac tual cost of the trees As far as that i concerned the eountycllieeisiiiight set them out in their leisiuo moments. They are an industi ions lot of fellows who would no doubt be glad (?) to get aehaueotodig holes for tices. That would save tho county money. Then the county could buy a fow axes and lot them cut up tho old cottonwoods. That would be just fun for them. When a person becomos possessed with the belief that ho is tho great "I nm ntn ho" and wishes to dictate every thing morally, physically, spiritually, politically and otheivvise it is about time for tho people tu liso up and mito him There aio somo in all towns who should bo smote lied Cloud is no exception A man who has not the capability of that ivciy man is entitled to his own belief be it religion, political, aiiti-saloouical or anything eUc, is too infinitely shoit on bums to be considettd a poison of sound mind. Wo believo everyone is entitled to their own opinion One man's opinion is all i ight necm ding to his way of thinking, nnd another man's opinion may be all right according to his way of thinking But it does not necessarily follow that ono man's opin ion should contiol tho minds nnd ac tions of n whole community. There is one nice citilied tiling about Kcd Cloud now and that is "tlio club "A plnco to entertain stiangum when vis iting in this city It also furnishes n good excuse fot mat tied men who stay out late nights The old rookery will soon bo convened into quite a respect- able looking building. Ollieis who own old tumble down shacks nlnnc main stteet should take a model fiom this It shows what n little enoigy nnd enteipnso will tto.-'I'ho lioublo scorns to be a lack of faith or something else What's tho matter with that canning factory. Wo had hoped that after tho city election tho peoplo would again couclude to look out for public improvements Tho more improve ments nnd business houses wo have the more money will bo in circulation, And money is what wo aro nil after. It is what we print a puper for. It is what a business man handles goods for. It is what a saloon man sells whiskey for. It is what politicians talk for and it is what preachers pray for. It is tho root of all evil and we aro nil looking for it. Money. What is money 'It is tho Archimcdinn lever that lifts tho ill bred man into select socioty and places tho ignorant sap head into places of which ho is un worthy. It makes directors out of stufTcd prophets and dictators out of intellectual geese. It makes philoso pher out ol fools and gilds infamy tv ttli Mipoiiintiual glory It wrecks altnis of iiiiiieenee and pollutes tho I icu . f llie pi uple - It blinks the s.Miiil I jtisiu e Mini bituls the goddess of libei ly in chains ot shame It is tlio lot d of the laud; tho uncrowned king of the commonwealth. Anl we aro . , MP w ft it BARGAIN - SALE. g From Saturday, April 28th until Saturday Night May 5th, 1900. tt i t il i 0 l ft id illi Hi mi IS TAILOR MAIJIi SUITS at Wholesale prices and less. Our suits are all th . . . . season s styles and we will not ask more than manufacturer s cost for any of them and part ol them will be sold at less than cost during this sale. SILK WAIST PATTERNS.- We have a large stock of new silks for waists and to move them quickly we will reduce the price from 10 to 20 per cent. FOR THIS SALE ONLY. We have secured 200 yards of good quality Oil Cloth at a bargain. This oil cloth is in 1 to 3 yard lengths and will not be cut. Price for this sale 100 yards at 12 cents. 100 yards at 15 cents. We secured .150 yards of a new dress fabric in Linen and silk mixture at about one half its worth, and during this sale only we sell it at 17c. Worth 30c. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. Just received another large invoice of muslin and cambric underwear at exceptionally low prices. Special values in Ladies Ribbed Vests at 5c, 8c. 10c, 22c, 15c and iSe. fifty 10-yard Dress Patterns at 25e Eaeb. LTKSo' ft mi ma mi mi ij mi mi 0 mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi 11 mi mi mi mi u mi sold to mer. md better than we have can save you money in Special prices on ladie's and children's Fine Shoes and Oxfords during this sale. We have a complete line of Drew, Selby & Go's. Ladies Fine Shoes and Oxfords as well as Hamilton-Brown Shoe Go's. WASH SKIRTS AND SUITS. -Our stock is larger ever had in Linen and Duck Suits and Skirts, and we this department. We have 15 samples of Brussels, Moquettes and Axminster Carpets in i and iA yard lengths that we will sell at 9SC INGRAIN GARRETS at 25c, 30c, 35c, ,15c, 50c and 65c per yard which is from 5c to 10c per yard lefs than others are asking for the same grades. GROCERIES. Your attention is called to our dried fruit department. Fancy evaporated California Beaches at 10c; Extra fancy Evaporated California peaches at i2Ac; Raisins fancy, Sultana's . lbs. for 25c; Fancy Prunes 5c; Evaporated Apples 10c; three cans solid pack Tomatoes, 25c; Sorghum, good cooking, 25c; Sauer Kraut 25c per gollon. The inconvenience it caused to our customers who could not get waited on the past few Saturdays annoyed us more more than it could you and we have made arrangements for extra help to meet the increasing trade, which is 5 per cent over last year. TURNURE - "BIG 1MA.IE STORE." wy m m n m m m m i m (0 m t (t m e m m m nil, tho big, tho little, the gt eat ami tho small, aft r it. No one can say he has all ho wants Tho mote one gets the mote is wanted. The Way to Go to California is in a tout 1st sleeper, personally con ducted, via tho Hitilington Hotite. You make fast time. You see tho finest seciieiy on tlio globe Your car is not so expensively f 111 nislied ns a palaco sleeper, but it is just as clean, just nscomfortablo, just as good to rido in nnd nonrly $20.00 chenpor. It has wiio vestibules; Pintsch gas; high backed soats; a uni formed pullman portor; clean bedding; spaciouB toilet rooms; tables and a heating rargo. Being strongly nnd heavily built, it rides smoothly; is warm in winter andjcool in summer. In charge of each excursion party is an oxperiencod excursion conductor who accompanies it right through to Los Angeles. Cars leave Omaha, St. Joseph, Lin coln and Hastings every Thursday, ar riving San Francisco following Sunday, Los Angeles Monday. Only three days from tho Missouri river to tho Pacific const, including it stop over of 1 hours at Donver and 2J hours nt Salt Lako City two of the most interesting cit ies on tho continent. For folder giving full infm mation, call ul any Hitiling ton Route ticKol oflice, or unto to .1 rltANdS, (Jeii'lPi ii'iigi 1 Agent Oinahtt, N b The family thai keeps on hand mid usesoccasiotially the eelebi ated Prickly Ash Hitters is alwayH a well regulated family. For sale by C. L. Cotting. Sunday April '.'0th, important changes will bo mado in tho running tune of tho following Hurlitigton trains No 0 Denver to Omaha ami Chicago, No. II, Oxford to St. Joseph and St Louis, No. 17, Kansas City and St Jos epli loOxfonl and Den vet, No. 11, St Joseph ami Lincoln to the Black IlilU, Montana, Washington audOiegon.No. 12, Hillings to Lincoln, Omaha, St Jos eph, Kansas City and St Louis; No -in, Lincoln to Alliance mitt Kdgemont. Seo nenrest tickot agent and'got do tails of the uow schodulos. This will prevent tho possibility of missing trains. J. Francis, Gen'l Passonger Agent, Omaha, Neb. Half rates to Lincoln via tho Hurl ington Houto May 1 and 2, account Republican State Convention. Pay you to take ndvnntago of this rate and be in Lincoln May 1, big colouration that day in connection with unveiling of the Spanish cannon presented to the city by tho Government. Proposal for Bids. Notico is hereby given that sealed bills will bo leccived by the city clerk of the city of Itul Cloud. Nebraska for tho puiposo of extending the wntor works system in this city of Hud Cloud ar.d connecting sanio with tho city wu. tor works l'lans and specifications can bit seen by applying 10 tho city oletk. No httls will he uiceived after the hum of (! p m , of .May Ith, 1000 1 he may a m.d city council icservethe right to iej.'i tany and all bids. Sue icfsful liiiider mini kivc. agoinl .,i,, siit1i it in bond iiiioiii all uwik ,iinl mateiial Dated Apt 1120th, 1000. John K. Kesi.kii, City Clerk. Examination Notice. Regular examinations for persons desiring to tench in Wobstor county aro held in tlio superintendent's olllco at Kcd Cloud, thu thiid Saturday in eacli mouth Kva J. Cask. County Supt. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood in your body passes through your kldney3 once every three minutes. i ne Kianeys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or Impurities In the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fall to do their work. Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid in the blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working In pumping thick, kldney polsoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning In kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy Is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and Is sold on Its merits f-'KZ by all drurjflsts In fifty- rvtrtaf SslSrs ert and one-dollar sir- BnaNfiaitE flrHiSj c-. You may have a SSifiirfflg sample botle by mall iiomuof bmunp-itoot. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr, Kilmer & Co., Blnghkmton, N, Y. I ).