The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 20, 1900, Image 5

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"With this ring
I wed thee."
Slitikespunro. J
'I'lin rinir nt lilt-n mil! I lilt 1'ilwr (if U
goodness should bo blended in
n tliu weintnitig ting. A m:n
J wants nothing in lifo that ho
wiinls to uu nsstirunf nshu does JJ
r tho quality of his wedding or on-
J gugenient ring IIu wants tho
best ho wants just what ho pays J
! for, nnd ho wants to buy it qui- u
J ctly nnd secretly. (Joodness
and sccresy aro two strong
r points in our wedding and on-
JJ gagoment ring selling,
5 "fetevoxsfc "Bvos.,
Harness repairs, Fogel & Hutchison.
Jcsso linker of Superior was hero
Sunday visiting.
OJ. C. Wolf & Son have a complete
lino of furniture.
J. A. Boyd after a trip here returned
to Oxford Sunday.
Two residences for sale or rent in
city. Seo S. B. Lighlfool.
Largest lino of heaters in tho valley
nt Wright's hardware store.
J.S.Dyer is looking after buincss
mutters in Denver this week.
B. F. Mizur is putting a new walk in
front of his grocery store building.
Walter Hoby sells the Singer sewing
machine. Prices right. (Jet tho best
W. A. Seeley and I. W. Crnry of
Guide llock were in the city Wednes
day. Mrs. Clam Jackson returned Wed
nesday from a several week's stay nt
Mrs. J. F. Glenn nnd children loft
Wednesday for the home of her mother
nt Urbana, Ohio.
Do you wnnt n heating stovo? If
you do go to Wright's. Ho has a largo
lino at tho lowest prices.
Miss Bollo Spanoglo canto up from
Beatrice Saturday on nccount of tho
severe illuoss of her mother.
Wash Reed of Campboll, father of
Mrs. George Nowhouse, visited in this
city this week. Ho wont from hero to
Why are "New Home" Sowing Ma
chinos tho best in tho market? Be
cause they never "get out ol fix," nnd
ao always rondy far work of any kind.
For sale by F. V. Taylor.
Homescokers excursions on May 1st
nnd 15th. and Juno 5th and 19th 1000,
to Arizona, Arkansas, Indian Territory
Louisiana, New Moxieo, Oklahoma
Territory, and Texas. For rates and
further information, apply to local tic
ket agent, A. Conovor.
This week wo nt'opli uvd to chronicle
the opening of another new store in our
midst, tho furnituio store of J. C Wolf
& Son, in tho room next to Tope's Ini
I'icmentstcre in tho Moon Block. They
have a nice lino of now nnd up-to-date
goods in their lino.
There nre a largo number of people
iu this vicinity who purchased Easter
bonnets and hats who did not get to
show them on Easter Sunday. And
it might bo said that there were also a
niimbor who didn't have new hats who
woro glad that it rained.
iikku'sto Tin: IIINOKS
U 111! J M M I! Ill VI '
When jou, Ift In bo only n "white" one.
When jm Meal. Henluwuy from hit! com
Whon jou Swear, tivenr liy your country,
I When yoil Drink, ilrlnk to the henth of a
When you Ent, out nt the
Heaters in endless variety it W. W
L II. Thorno of Bhden was in tlio
city this week.
Full lino of fresh bulk garden scedp
at W. B. Uoby's.
Harry Beale and wife of McCook are
in tho city today.
Got Wright's pricos and see his lino
boforo you get n heater.
Will Yeiser came down from Oxford
Thursday night on a visit.
If you want anything in tho harness
line seo Fogel & Hutchison.
Wantkd: Good girl for housework.
Apply to Mrs. A. Morhnrt.
Mrs. Michael Berry of Oxford wns in
tho city the last of tho weok.
If you want anything in tho line of
furniture go to J C. Wolf & Son.
Our phono number is now 72 Call
us up when you need job printing.
New lino of furnituio at J. 0. Wolf
& Son'j Moon Block furnituio store.
OWill Tulleys vas looking after busi
ness matters in Guide Bock Thursday.
Anything you want in tho lino of fur
nituro at J. C. Wolf and Sou's, Moon
Gim, Wantkd. Enquire of Mrs. F.
P. Hadlcy, 2nd door south of Dr. Mor
a'lville's oillce.
llWm. Tothpfer and Kosn Fussier,
both of Blue Hill, were granted a li
ceuso to wed on tho 13th.
C D. Morse left this noon for a visit
with his family at Osceola this state.
Ho will return next week
Walter W. Fordyce and Miss Lottie
Davis, both of Jewell county, Kansns,
were married by Judge Duffy on the
Abo li. Burr of Smith county, Kan
sas mid Miss Clara Eriett of Webster
county, weic granted a license towed
on the lHli.
J. S. Hoover, A M. Walters, W. A.
Sliottenkirk, A. 11 Ktciggsman and
W. II Scott of Blue Hill were in the
city Wednesday.
tj s tfi V 4j fc If lv t fc.
The Prices on them makes your
pocketbook glad.
Clothing Company.
Largest Dealers in Men's Shoes in
Red Cloud
Istar Bakerx.
( J. O. WILES, Prop. J
Mrf. Blanche Yargor whojhas been
visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. M.Sollnrs forsomo time, his return
ed to her homo at Rochford, South Da
kota. Walter H. Cox of McCook nnd Mis
Lottie M. Cooley of Lebanon, Kansas,
were married by Judge Dully on tho
UJth. The couple will make their fu
ture home in McCook.
Alfalfa seed for sale. Guaranteed to
bo clearof Russian thistles, sweet clo
ver or mustard. Price $0 per bushel,
at farm of I. B. Hampton on bottom
road on south side of river, thrco miles
west of Guide Rock.
Sovoral complimentary remarks wero
heard this week in regard to tho con
dition of our streets nfter tho recent
heavy rain. Wo think it has been
fully demonstrated that gravol makes
as good paying as we want. Notwith
standing nbout four inches of rain fell
there wns no mud.
Mr. George G. Holt and Miss Bessie
J. Poyer were married Apiil 15, 11100 ut
the Mi'ihiiiit pni'smingi at Cowle.
I! J ini (i. Day olli i ning '1 he
In lib am! gi""in mi- iM-11 kiiuAii and
higlili ii'spnud young people of
Cowli'S Nebraska and wu nroglad'to
learn they expect to mako Cowles their
homo. May they have a long, happy
and prosperous lifo,
Elsewhere in this issue will bo found
a proposal for bids for tho connecting
of tho now wollsat tho water works.
There are nine in'W wolK ach twelve
inches iu (linuulei ami eaih containing
sixteen feet of water When theso
wells are coi nrcted it is thought
that there "ill be an ample imply of
vator toatippli nil 1 no now
wolis are all lnj. go d gmvol bed which
contains no gumbo The timo for
handing in bids, el(us on May 4th at
0 p.m. Tho work will then be rushed
to completion and will bo ready for
uso by tho lime tho usual summer dry
8etsonsets in.
I Want Your Business,
ami If fair licalmuntatid
quality of goods counts for
anything with ou 1 wilt
get it. Tho best elas of
trade cunes my way be
cause 1 sell tho best goods
for the price that others
ask for inferior goods. I
nin hero to back up any
goods that I sell. If there
is any thing wioug 1 make
it right. Come and look
my goods over. They are
all up to date.
Jas. Peterson.
A girl wanted at tho City Bakery.
Bert Blair was iu Guide llock Sun
day. Mrs. John Wegmann is visiting rela
tives at Blue Hill this week.
J.S. Marsh, the Guide Hock hard
ware man was in the city Wednesday.
Mrs. Win. ZelulT left Thursday morn
ing for a visit with her parents at
Geo. Morhnrt and C C. Cutter left
Thursday night for a business trip to
St. Joseph, Mo.
W. N. Richardson and wifo and
Gladys Garber went to Kansas City
Thursday morning.
Fogel & Hutchison have a tine line
of heavy work harness you should see
before you buy a now one.
Jcsso Baker has sold out his barber
shop at Superior nnd wo understand
ho will return to this city.
Miss P. D Yoisor returned Snturday
from Belcit, Wisconsin. Sho will ro-
turn to that placo to reside in tho near
Word wns received by Geo. W. Blnir
of this city of tho denth of his niece
Mrs. Geo. D. Fletcher of Chicago, of
C. D. Morse, of tho Up-to-date milli
nery store haa placed a show case in
front of his placo of business in which
to show specimens of millinery.
S. I. Cozad and wifo, former resi
dents of this city, but of late years Br
ing in Ohio, returned last night and
will make this placo their homo.
Fob Salk. One brood sow will far
row soon, ono good work horse. Resi
dence threo miles sontb and two miles
west of Red Cloud, Neb. F. E.
Tho city has hnd the stroot grader
and tennis at -vork on Fifth avenue,
this week, and ns n conscquonco that
street presents n much improved ap
Sheriff D iw of Alma, was here Sun
day Ho brought a couple of men bote
for safe-keeping w ho carried out a lot
of goods from tho store of P. W. Shea
at Orleans on Saturday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. A. Pope nnd daugh
ter Lois returned Sunday morning from
Hot Springs, Arkansas, where they
have boon during tho winter months
for the benefit of Mr. Pope's health.
He looks much improved.
Mr. William Draper of Elwood, Ind.
and Miss Maud Fuller of Red Cloud,
Neb. wore married Sunday at 2 p.m.,
at the homo of tho bride's sister on
East Main St., Elwood, Ind. Tho
groom is a well known tin plato work
er ofELvood, whilotho brldo is'well
known in ll'd Cioud and is only re-i-cinly
of K v o d.
luis eoi'iitj in 1 1 ii ular, and tho
n ate in general, was the fmo part of
this week, tieateti to one of the best
soakings that it ever icccived at this
time of the year. Close to four inches
of water fell during tho thrco days nnd
fell in such a way that it all went into
tho ground. Tho wheal crop is now
practically assuied.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at tho postollice at lied Cloud, Neb
raska, for tlie week ending April 19th
1 000:
Brown, K. Burkhoad, John
NMxon, Jennie Ogg, Oliver
Porter, '. Pruitt, C. P.
Sharp, Lawn Weaver, Maggio
Wilson, Robert Wood, W. N.
Wright. S. J.
These letters will bo sent to tho (load
loiter otllco May !lrd, if not called for
before. Whon calling for abovo pleaso
say "advertised." T. C. Hackkb, P. M.
Gold at Capk Nomk. if you want
information about the Capo Nome
couutt-, how to got there and what it
costs, write to J. Francis, General Pas
sonpor Agent, B. & M. railroad in Nub
laskn.Oinaha, Neb.
A man by the name of Corn was
married lecenlly in u neighboring
town to a lady by the name of Wheat
At tho co iclusion of the ceremony the
fool choir sang"Whnt Shall the Har
vest Be'" and n small boy in tho rear
of the church jelled "nubbins. ' Ho
wa foieror ejected from tho syna
gogue V.x.
Services at Congregational chuieh
next Sunday as follows Mniuiog at
10:!t0, sermon by llev. Ira .M'-Conaughy;
sabbath -.ehool at 11 Ifi, lMcu-hing at
Indian cieek at it HO; Y. I'. S V E. at
7; preaching by Mr. McConaughy at 8
p.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8,
and ladie'.s aid society Friday af tcrnoon,
at 2 o'clock. Everybody invited. -Kcv.
F. W. Dean, pastor.
Many so-called "bitters" ate not
medicines, but simply liquors dis
guised, so as to evade the law. Prickly
Ash Bitters is not one of this class. It
is strictly a medicine, noting primarily
on tho kidneys, liver and bowels, ami
for the dangerous diseases that attack
theso organs it is a remedy of the Hist
grade. There is nothing objectionable
in its taste, it has a very ngreeahle
flavor, nnd is aeceptnble to the mosi
delicate stomach. Sold by C. L Cot
ting. Rev. Ira McConaughy, n grndunte of
Princeton University, who spent eight
months on n bicycle tour of Continen
tal Europe, Palestine and Egypt will
give his "Illustrated Travel Talk" at
tho Congregational church Satin day,
(tomorrow) night, introducing more
than n hundred lime light pic
tures of celebrated places ami person
nges, and recounting an interview with
the Sultan of Turkey just after the Ar
menian Mus.sacict. No student and no
ono interested in matters oriental can
afford to miss this Admission 20c;
children 10c.
Chas. Sfhultz, who hits been ill ful
some time at his residence one inilo
north of the city, died last Sunday,
April lath.
Mr. Sehtilt. was born in Germany,
on October 7th, 18.10, and at thetimeof
his death was forty-nine years, six
mouths and eight days old. For sev
eral years past ho has resided in this
county, nnd through thrifty and caic
f ul business methods became possessed
with n goodly portion of this world's
goods. He leaves a wife, two sous and
four daughters. The funeral services
were'hcld at tho M. E. church Tuesday
under tho auspices of tho I. O. O. F.
iodgo, nnd tho i cumins were laid to
rest iu the city cemetery.
Mrs. Win. Lindley went to Denver
last Sunday night in response to a tolo
gram announcing tho death of her
daughter Mrs. Corn Charleston at that
point. Tho Denver Nows in spenking
of tho event, any s:
"Coroner McGovern was called to
1123 Thirteenth street yestorday morn
ing to take chargo of the remains of
Mrs. Cora Charleston who had expired
in an epileptic lit. Tho woman was
about twonty-livo years old, and she
came to this city with her husband
about a month ago. Two weeks ago
the husband deserted hor without mon
ey sufficient to pay for hor food and
lodging. Sho obtained employment nt
1820 Sherman avenue, and while tbert
was nttacked by fits of epilepsy. Her
employer sent her to St. Joseph's hos
pital Mrs. Charleston left the hospi
tal Saturday and returned to 1121!
Thirteenlh;.street. Yesterday morning
she arose at tho usual hour and Ml in
a lit aboiil !) '10 o'clock. A young man
living at the Iioiim' ran tlnoebloiks lo
tho police station for medical aid He
was told by Dr. Miller to apply to Dr
Brown, tho county physician. When
tho latter appeared at tho house the
woman had been dead five hours.
Tho deceased has relatives living iu
Rod Cloud, Neb. Sho, had made sev
eral attempts to locnto hor husband
but met with no success."
Wo have, n design suitable for any
room in tho house. We do not consid
er our Wall Paper merely as a side
llnef but bo.uothing that requires care
fill attention and tho exercise of
in selecting. Our stock will please the
most fastidious. There are numerous
dainty patterns for 10c per roll and
many rloh designs for from 15u to COe
per roll.
Call nud seo them.
The Druggist.
Pjf.vj U v 111 luiiuCV
IH t IMfi 1 1 M it
HI Bill
Ton will not see any men
dressed as well as the men
who wear Hart, Schaffner
& Marx suits and top coats.
The nobby style and neat
fit of these clothes recom
mend them to every man
who knows what good
clothes are and who likes to
wear the best.
They're the kind adver
tised in the leading maga
zines and worn by good
dressers everywhere.
Wcnre displaying this week a biff lot of
New spring and summer NIGLIG1K
SHIRTS. The best assortment ever
brought to town.
Gouiden-Kaley Glothnij Go.
A JWost Important faet I
not to be overlooked is the
Style, Quality and Price
the New Millinery Store.
Yours for business,
First door north of F. & M. Bank Building.
1 a
A Diamond "C" Soap
Manicure Stt, In a handsome
ria4 Up hex, with cxmaaaiM
I SSSM4MMJ iuii mwrer in ni (wuwu 4 rum-
Jet. TMs li cm ( SM beautiful a4
I ftmtatt given away fit savlaj mtt nf
Diamond "C" Laundry Soap Wrappers
Btjin now by sending postal to PREMIUM DEPART.
Hi' II your cwrr Join luaiiic Diir.-c:il "C .rsp Id ul injw, inJ we ill tl licnl 1 keep ll In HocV.
ehieago lumber Yard,
Lumber, Lime Goal and Cement
I r