The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 20, 1900, Image 4

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T lc Rionifiriint that
? the very best is
used in the nursery. At the same time, in
hundreds of families where economy decides
the choice, Ivory Soap is selected. Thus its purity
attracts the rich; its economy attracts the poor. High
quality and low cost: is there any better combination?
rimnnHin nr
Oop year
Six mouths
Butcrcd at tlic jiomI nmrc at Itcil Cloud, Ncb.ns
ecoml clam mall mutter.
AI)Vi:i(TlhINfl ItATKb:
l.uonl advertising 6 iculs per line per Ihmiu
Local Admitting for entertainments, con
jcrlK.MKlnl. eli1., glcti by churches, charitable
societies, etc., where nil inouoj m nil nil there
from nreuscd wholly fur church or charitable
societies, tlrst tun Hues freo nml nil out ten
lines '-"4 cents per line it Iksiio.
Local advertising of entertainments, concerts,
rccllnls, etc., where per rent Is given to pro
moterti, f centH per line per Ikhiiv.
One rolimin per inontli 1" Ci
one half roliiiiui per inontli ') to
One fourth column per inontli 1 76
(leneriil display nihertlHlng HU edits per
Inch per Issue.
Bryan is expected to return to No
brnska the lirst of next week and will
soon thereafter sound another keynote
or foghorn.
ltosowaler may conclude before long
that it takes morn than Omaha and
Douglas county to elect a delegate at
large to tho national convention.
Populist conventions this year nie
doing some very funny things. In
Missouri they absolutely refuse to fuso
with their democratic allies and in
Iowa thoy adopt a batch of resolutions
that don't say a word about "stoon-tu-wun."
Tho domocrats havo given it out
that thoy will not bo satisfied with less
than throo of tho seven places on tho
fusion state ticket. Thoy want attorney-general,
aulitor and lieutenant
governor, and it is said '.hoy aro pre
pared to flght for tho other atato offi
cers. p
All tho farmers in tho world in a sort
of international trust to restrict tho
production of wheat and laiso prices
is the plan which it is hoped to cany
into effect at the international tigu
cultural conference in Puns July II 10.
It is pioposed to ask the fanners ot
tho woild to reduce their wheat output
by 20 per rent, and not to sell a bushel
for less than $1.00
Secretary Long, who somo months
ago announced thnt ho would rotiro
from tho cabinet with tho expiration of
this term, has informed closo personal
friends that no man could afford to de
cline the honor of tho vico-prosidontial
nomination. Ho said this in speaking
of tho high complimont ho felt had
been 'paid him in the montion of his
, i
Last week wo said that this week wc
would bo ablo to name the ntxt county
attorney and we made no mistake in
the prediction, His name t. K u. I
(homiin, a ni'-mb1 r f ti.e tin .i
Ovuniun A: H.aeUu .!,,. ot i In.
He iiui-ds no iiitruilut timi in tin , i
of this county, at hmvoi km tin- i iiit
has given him u reeouiiuonil.iiwiii ami
ictroducti jii to all. Ho is air- ablo and
competent attorney and after next Jan
uary the people of this county can rest
assured that tho legal business of this
county will be well looked after.
Chas. E. Hicks thu republican noiiii
neo for state representative is just tho
kind of a man that the people like to
voto for. Two years ago Mr. Hijks
was a candidate for II jut represonta
tlvo on tho republican ticket, and was
nboutlho only republican who came
out victorious, lie is no politician, he
is just a plain, holiest business man.
Ho did not seok tho nomination, it
came to him without a dissenting voto
:from a body of mon who knew
in nntripc n( nrtmUU nrttf
demanded, Ivory Soap is
worth, nml wc feel perfectly safe In
(linking the prediction that when tho
vote is counted next November ho will
havo been elected by n largor majority
than nnyonu else on tho ticket.
Tho county convention Inst Wednes
day did :i good thing when they voted
down n motion to instruct the dele
gates to tho congressional convention.
A motion to instruct delegates tdinuld
always ho voted down If a man is
capable in tho estimation of his fellow
men to bo n delegate to a convention
lie is certainly capable of voting to tho
buHt interests of the party when lie
gets to the convention without having
to be instructed. We had a sample of
that last year whu.i delegates were in
structed for one man, and the result
win a tie-up which was not broken un
til after bcveiul hundred ballots had
been taken.
Claimed by Death.
MissIIulda Cost, daughter of J. I).
Post living .south of town, died Wed
nesday evening at the homo of her sister
Mrs. II. G. I'udigo. She was nineteen
years of age and hail been sick for about
one year.
Deceased was born in Webster county
Nebraska, anil came to California with
her pnrents about ten years ago and has
sinco resided near Solum. She was of a
quiet, reserved disposition whoso refin
ed tendencies won for her a wldo oirclo
of friends. Sho leaves a father, sister
and four brothers as chief mourners, all
of whom havo tho sympathy of a com
munity of friends a flower witherodjin
tho springtime of life.
Funeral services will bo conducted
from tho Christian church, Friday
morning nt 11 o'clock, with Rov.T. P.
Hied, pastor, in chargo and remains
will bo laid to rest in tho I. O. O. F.
Indigoetion is tho direct cause of
diseaso thnt kills thousands of persons
annually. Stop tho trouble at tho out
set with a little Prickly Ash Hitters;
it .strengthens tho stomach and aids
digestion. Sold by C. L Coiling.
He lows use?
The dainty flower oracle may tell her
true or false, but some day the prince
will come and she'll dream the dear
dream of home life and motherhood. In
that dream she will see herself always
happy, always with a smile for the hus
band and a kiss for
the baby. What
a pity to wake from
such a dream, to
almost loathe her
husband and hate
her child, because
cruel pain has
blighted her body
ana warped her
mum. now many
a woman has had
this sad awakening
from her dreams
of home and love '
Theie's help and
la iiiti j for ewrv
v I..II llO Slllli-I.s
i it wuiii.iuK til.
.iis, caused liv
girlish ignorance,
wifely neglect or
the strain of ma
ternity Doctor
Pierce's Favorite
Prescription makes
weak w o m e n
strong mid sick
women well. It
heals diseases of
the delicate oruans.
practically does away with the pains of
maternity nml gives the nursing mother
igor anil vitality.
"Two eaii ago "write Mrs K-tltte Atiliker
of 7M l'.it Street Alliance Ohio. "I utd two
iKitltcH o favorite Prtxcrtpliuu ' ami In April a
nice liorn bifore Hit doctor came I
was not er sick. Ilah) is now- lourtitn
months old iitul weigh ,(' ikmiiuU lie fort
commencing Ilr 1'icrce's I'nvonte Prescription
1 Iml to vomit every day hut ufler. I got the
medicine, from the firt spoonful that 1 took, I
stopped vomiting It is n Ood-eiiil for women "
When a laxative is needed, use Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets with "Favorite
HfisC val
i N$yrv i
Incldenti ol Every Day Life Which Very
Few People Stop to Think About on
Account of Their Littleness
All this cry about blid's feathers on
hats Is weal isonio bosh. To bo consist
ent thu sentimentalist should object to
tho wearing of gloves matte of tho skin
of nu "innocent kid "And furs strip
ped from tho backs of mink, snblo
nml other beautiful nnim lie Thoy
should also eat nothing but vegetables.
It's no worso to wear tho feathers
than it is to eat tho animnl. Tho mar
hie season is again on ntnong tho smnll
boy. Hut, boys you should not play
marbles It is bad If you do you will
learn bad words. You say "vent,"
"pix,""roundces," "dubs" and other
wicked woids Hut it don't nibke
much diiTorcnco what tho men do
though They can Undo or swap
horses on Sunday, go hunting nnd
shoot inbhitsnntl birds, go llsliing and
drink water (?) out of a bottle, or do
most nny old thing Hut boys must be
good. If you enn got out on Sunday
nnd make n dollar it is all right, but to
enpngein tho low vulgar amusement
of playing marbles. A Kansas editor
is in n lienp of trouble. Ho recently
printed nn item stnting that a certain
resident, whoso namo ho did not give
hotter stop kissing the hired girl.
Tho next day twenty men called and
stopped the paper and accused tho ed
itor of meddling with their domestic
affairs. Thnt's iisunlly tho ense If
nn nttompt is made to givo someone a
"littlo dig" thoro nre generally all tho
way from ten to a hundred around tho
next day to confess that thoy too nro
guilty. Did you ever notice how amus
ing it is to watch some young ladies
whilo tnlking into a tolophone. Tho
bows nnd gesticulations nro very forc
ibly received nt the o.her end of tho
wire. Also tho bewitching smilo and
tho pretty pout. And last but not
lenst tho pucker that appears on the
lips when tho "good-bye" comes
Wc aro not positive of the truth of this
but it was so reported to us by it man
who professes to have made a careful
study o the subject Did jou ever no
tice that in the spiing when tho young
people's fancy lightly turn to thoughts
of love it gives some old gossips some
thing to talk about. Tins spring has
been no exception. The worst of it ib
that nothing is too mean for thein to
say. They appear to take a great de
light in repeating a story that is in
tended to besmirch the character of
somo young woman or man. Every
time n story is repeated it is stretched
and in one day's time a young lady's
or n young man's reputation will be
transformed from a spotless white to
tako on tho appearance of n printing
oillce towel. Tho reputation nnd char
acter of anyone is neither a football or
a brickbat. Hy law you cannot handle
it to suit yourself No two or three
ohl smut mills can "cronoy" together
liko tho toothless old hags or witches
in tho cave of Mncboth and consign a
porson's moral standing to tho ash
pile. Shun them always and give no
crodonca to thoir stories a id presump
tions. Try and mako them believe
that that they havo fallen several de
grees in your estimation for repeating
stories which you know havo no foun
dation and only besmirch someone's
character. We may, if things keep up,
publish a gossip column. If we do
anyonn can write up and send in any
story thnt is told thtni, together with
tho names of all parties mentioned in
tho story, nnd who told it. The writer
need not necessarily givo his or her
name, Jus , givo tho name of the
party who tells tho story Wo would
have to have some authority to pro
tect tu from libel suits.
Papers were served bv the shetiil
last night upon the city otlieeis citing
them to appeal before the judge if the
district court on the 1st day of May, j
1000, anil show cause why they should
not bo icstrained from paying certain
warrants issued at tho last meeting.
It appears that somo time last summer
certain ot mo city officers employed
somo "professional spottots" to come
here from Topekr. and secure evidence
against violators of the prohibitory
law. Tho bill: of these nun amounted
to tho sum of (71 which was allowed
by tho retiring council at their last
meeting. A temporary injunction tins
been granted nnd attorneys employed '
to represent tho eiti.ens The quos-'
Hon fur the emu t to dc lei mine w c pi e
stiuie is wln-tiii'1 Hie I'Diiiu'U ilnl i.i mil
mil is 1 1 il nn ii ..ii Inn u h ii ,
l l 1 1 1 n 'l! li I tl llllt I g tn , , ,
men i in nt iln- iii ..- 1iiiiI "s i
County l'luiii 1 1
- - - -
Try Grain-O! Try Grain-O!
Ask j our gioeer Unlay to show ou a
package of (iiainO, the new food
drink that takes the place of collet)
Tho childicu may diink it without in ,
jurj iii.woll as the udult. All who trj
it, like it (iiaiii-l) h is thai rich .sea
brow n of Mm-hit or .lava, hut it Is made
from piitcguiiiis, and the most delieatt
Aloii.aeh leivives it without distress
One foiuili Hie price of entice. 15c and
25i! per pack igo Sold bj all grocirs.
The famil) I iat kei s mi hand and
use.snecasioiiall tin-it-iibratt it Pnekli '
Ash Hitters Is alwajs a well regulated!
fainilj . For sale by C. L, Cotling,
Thu Ciukf and Chicago Inter Ocean
ono year for 1.35,
Nebraska Idereantile Co.
v) cauty, elegance, style, harmoniously combined with high quality and unap
pxproachable low prices is what is getting us the lion's share of the spring
uJ trade. Our big opening last week was visited by hundreds of people.
Every lady present was surprised at our fine display of wash goods, silk waist
patterns,, embroideries,
has been, "How much nicer your spring dress goods are than those shown in
any other store." Try us. It will pay you to give us a share of your trade. A
little saved in price here, a little under any one else in every line of goods
makes you a big save at
Special Sale on Shoes.
Wo offer wondeifnl inducements in shoes Satur
day. Kvery basket wo place on tho sidewalk wi 1
ho tilled with shoes, oveiy pair ( which will be
from 10 por cent to 60 per cent below cost.
BASKET NO. i AT 99c.
Will contain pairs of shoos ranging fiom $1 25 to
$3 00. Some nro out of style, some are mid pairs,
som.1 are outy small sizes, but all will wear.
Basket No. 2 at $1.25.
Will contain pnirs of our $1 75
and $2 00 button shoes which wo
sell nt the pricnonly because we
nro overstocked in button shoes
Basket No. 3 at $1.50.
Contains pnirs of our best $2 25
92,50 and $3 00 shoes, good styles
but wo hnvo only 3 or 4 sizes of n
Basket No. 4, $1.25 $1.50.
KEI) TAOS 81 25
Will contain Paits of low shoes which retail
from $1 50 to $2 50 per pnir. They arc new styles
sizes from 2 to 5. Wo wish to clean up all the
broken lots of shoes wo have before bofdre tho
balanco of our new shoes come in.
50 Dozen Wrappers.
Direct from the factory. Calico, Pel cue and
I) itted Mull Wo sell them cheaper than you can
mako them 50 j to $1 25 See thein We are show
ing a now wrapper with corset attachments.
Nebraska JlefGaotlle Go.
School Examinations.
The term examination shows the fol
lowing results in tho A Class in Hoom
2. Lida Gilliam, fust; James Galusha
aud Ethol McKeighan second.
In tho H class, Gertrude Ulackledgo
has tho highest average, aud Carrie
Steflln issocond.
In tho 2nd examination held in room
3, Bruce Uockwith ranked as lirst, and
Generva Lightfoot, Lloyd Wells and J.
11. Kellogg as second in 4th grado.
In 3rd grado Earl Dickerson averaged
highest and Maudio S eeper has second
In room 4, Mabel VanBaren avoraged
highest and Juliet Galusha and Lloyd
Bradbrook ranked second in the 6th
In tho Gth grade, Eva Mitchell rank
ed highest and Florence Potter and
Walter White second.
South wauu.
A Class, room 1, Floyd Wilburn, 04;
Bonnie Williams, 01.
It Class, Jesse Swearingen, 91;
Graeu Perry, !3.
(iiade 1, 100111 2, Maiguerile Rich
anl.soii, Jl(!, Miner Shei wood, 01.
Grade 51, Elmer Eihurton, 03; Mary
llallock, 05.
Gratle 5, room 3, Mabel Evans, 02;
Dorrnnco Atherton, 00.
Grado (i, Frankio Ward, 02; Norma
Kichardson, 88; Andy Kumpoltes, 88.
Grade 7, room 4, Myrtle Ethorton,
03; Edna Williams, 02.
Grade 8, Frank Hallock, 03; Dora
Potter, 80.
ldue' 'in if 1 1 ouison winch
ori.imt't nviff .ml keep the s
r. ?Jw tlirotlgll till. J,i
-.!.. :r..i wi. '....a.o
K II I U III ft 1 1 If I
Tl ..jr.'"; .vut.
nuivviii, jiiiito n i"i'Y,"v"! - ".v. ..,-.... ... v.iv. ,,K.,i ,, ., , , U1C nK,u piace tne itiooii and ouickly neutralizes
the acid and dissolves all poisonous deposits, stimulates and reinforces the overworked, woru-out oruans and clears the svinm
of all unhealthy acctimttlat oils. S. S. S. uires permanently and thorouehlv.aud keens urMus, " clears tne system,
the blood in a pure, healthy slate.
Mr J O MniU-y wjW iMtiStrett ludiauailis, Iml., for elRlitccii months was so terribly aillcted
with Klieiiiiuitisiu he was unable to feed or ilrcs li If ItonrsMld hisrnse uashopelos lie had
tried lifty-two preacrlpltoiis that friend lmd glM.i Him, without the Miglttcsl relief A few tattle uf
b. 8 S. cured him permanently, and he ha never had a rheumatic pain since ThUwa five year ago.
We will send free our special hook on Rheumatism, which should be in the hands
of every sufferer from this torturing disease. Our physicians have made blood and skin
diseases a life study, and will give you any information or advice wanted, so write them
tuuy ana ireeiy atxmi your case, we mate no cliarge whatever for this ervice.
tucking and lace yokeing, etc.
the end of the year.
Here are Cool Tilings at Kcd Hot prices.
Something New in Wash Goods
Silk L'U'U insertion Stripe Motilino. Wo havo
evi'inl piece of this haodsoine texture in pink
white and yulo blue Ymi will not lied it dis
played anywheie in town.
Our handsome line of S Ik Ginghams nro going
fast at 82c nnd 17c Hotter than others 35e and 50c
patterns. You Miould chooo your dres at onco
as theso ginghanif cannot be replaced when pres
Our grociry ilepaitnient is fast climbing up to
the top place. New fresh stock constantly nr-
'wifhaveOVKK 150 CONTESTANTS for the $5
hill viiieh wo will givo away freo ts thu farmer
bunging us the nio-t eggs in thiity days, fiom now
until May 12 It is not too late for you to get in
thoMvim. We paid a much higher price foi good
butter than any other met chant in the city all hist
week. You always get tho top pi ice f 10111 us
Notice of Guardian Sale.
In the District Court nr tho Tenth Judicial
DMrlct, In nml for Wetiter county, Nclirimlcii
In tlio mutter of tlic cstutu of sarali v. .Mur
j)hy iliccau'd,
Notice Is hereby Klven Hint lnpiimimnceof nn
order of lion Kit. I.. Ailnius Judge of the Dis
trict court of the Tenth .liullclnl DUtrlct, tti nnd
for WebHter county. Nibrnska, nnule on the Vth
day of Mnrch, 1900. for the ula of rent eMnte
hereinafter leseribed.liere will bu sold nt the
cantduorof tho court house. In tied Cloud, In
aid county and state, m ane o'clock p m, on the
2Hth day of April, 1900, nt public rend ue to the
hlghem bidder for caib, the follawliiK dc
scribed real estate to wit: 1
An undivided two sevenths Interest In fee
Blmple of the following tract of Und. beginning
at a point 4(6 3.MU0 feet west' tlia northeast
corner of the southwest (juatter of Section tw.
township one north, ranga eleven wet at the
Clh p m. In Webster county Nebraska; thence
running west S3 and UT 1(0 feet, thence sontti
460 and .15 in feet, thenco east 93 and 27 1 0 feet,
thence north 460 aud 35-100 feet to place of be
ginning, containing one acre more or lens, all In
southwest qusrterof section ono township two,
north, range eleven. Webster county. Nebraska.
Said to be open for the apace of ono hour.
I). J. Mtrs.
Guardian of Mlnorhelrs of Sarah C. Murphy,
Cbanit i Mercer, Attorneys.
Application for License.
Notice Is hereby given that a petition signed
by thirty or more resident freeholders of the
Second wnrd of tho city of Ited Cloud, Nebraska
Iibn been lllod with the city clerk of kM city of
lied cloud, pricing that 11 license bo granted to
Morris Mem for (lie nile of malt, spirit us and
vIiioiih lntiors op lot three (.1). bhii k one il)
Williams addition to lhett uflted loud Ne
brasLn, that union will betaken on said e
tllluli i the Major and l 1 'miiicil on the :nd
dii of Mm u) i. or nt tho lirst nieelinj. uf the
conn II thereafter
.1 i: Keslkh, tlt Clerk
Dated at Ited Cloud, Nebraska, April II. lino.
WJ,fiiTSMATK. La4lw, u limf rlrt
or uiiiuucicu-.l JUI'lUl.lAtl
la UXD u4 !! mililllf bom mM
wlifcblMribbM. TkaoUtr. lUHiu
Baaaarvu nakrtilalUaa aa4 lml Uv
tiMM. ! hi Unmn. h ml 4mi
PartMalan, TaattaiaalaU
taraMaM. lO,0OTUaaUla. S.l4t;
DraftaM. .Oklaaaalar Vktaalaal Oal
Mini rut, ruiLJU, tA.
ir-,t,thehliK li!
rv-r au
r i;U failure of the prwier
r i i j . 1i Di ,ur Tl.i . tiiii .. i
- . '
... x'liuiM .. -,. ti... tin UK 101IHS, lnusil. 3,111.1 lien es. call .nu the most inti'iise.n.iin.
Klieiiindiis ii in .y att.iik Willi Mielt btbldeiiiicbs and heent ., tunukc within a few days a healthy,
active person lulp!..vwi!id hed-ridtleu, with distorted litnhs and hhattered nerves; or it may he slow ill
developing, wtth blight wamlcriiiK pains, jitstbevere enough to make one feel uucoiufortahlo : the ten
deucy in such cases is to ijrow worse, nnd .mall v lwconte chrame. '
n KB Uu.r iiiuuii u M.-aM.-a, luie i ..ausi u isoiteii itincnieii.ntul exposure to datnporcold, want of proper
food, usiiihcient clothing, or anything calculated to impair the health, will frequently cause it to dive on
aCuSwl or ' IIU,re "l "" " "ge r ,a,Cr' IU w,,ateer SiwAx
"nfferitelj Rhoumatism is Strictly a Blood Disease,
and no liniment or other external tteatment can reach the trouble. NeiUter do the preparations of potash
and mercury, and the various mineral salts which the doctors always prescribe, cure Rheumatism; hut
ruin the digestion and break down the constitution. .uuiuiiiu, uui
A remedy which hutliU up the general health and at the same time rids the system of the poison is
the onlv safe and certain euro for RlieiitiintUm S i Q ..,..,1., r ,., '. . . ' i I""?"". ?
...;i..n i...:;,r" ;;...:"'. :.r:,w: "-. ""
i ne invariaoic pnrase
ent siock is exuaiisien.
Percah s at 8', 0 ', 10, lie.
Cmded Madra, extra quality
at 15c.
Dimities, nil colors, 12c.
Figured dotted Swisses in tho
lai si colors 15- anil lOJe.
Zephyr ginghams 10c, 12c and
Kelso cords, something now, nt
12o per yard.
White Dimitieo, in checks nnd
stripes, 15c to 20c.
Plain India Linens nt 8c, 0c,
10c, lie, 12c, 131, 15c to HOc.
Our Coal is SUPERIOR
Waqon Scales Baok of Offioe.
Buy and sell Haled Hay, Corn, Oats
Millet, Barley, Etc.
Full line of Flour and Feed on hand.
No 1 Tiiuiii A PiioniNo. Tit
Application For License.
Noilru Is herobv given thnt u petition higneil
b tlilrtj or more resident freeholders of the
1 Irst ward of the city of Ited Cloud. Nohnukit,
has Men tiled with the city cliru of mid city of
Ited Cloud pra) Ing that n lleciisa bo granted to
John I'olnlcky by the council of said city for
tho sale of malt, splrltous and vinous liquors
on lot six (fl), In block thlrtyono (.'111, original
town, now city of Ited Cloud. Nebraika, in the
Hrst ward of the city of Ited Cloud, that action
will be taken on said petition by the Mayor and
City Council on the 2t day of May. 1W0. or at
the first meeting of tho council thereafter.
. . .. , J-K. KrsLEn, City Clerk.
Dattd at lied Cloud, Nebraska, April tl, 100.
Msiorts Muscles,
Shatters Nerves,
r- u ". os ami uarKs 01 wonuenui
y A