'! A Wife Says: "We fiave four children. With the first three I suffered almost unbearable pains from 12 to 14 hours, and had to be placed under the influence of chloroform. I used three bottles of Mother's Friend before our last child came, which is a strong, fat and healthy boy, doing my housework up to within two hours of birth, and suf fered but a few hard pains. This lini ment is the grand est remedy ever made." Mother's Friend will do for every woman what it did for the Minnesota mother who writes the above let ter. Not to use it during pregnancy it a mfcUkc to b paid for in pain and suffering. Mother's Friend equips the patient with a stroof body and clear intellect, which in him are imparted to the child. It relaxes the muscles and allows them to expand. It relieves morning sickness and nervousness. It pub all the organs concerned in perfect condition for the final hour, so that the actual labor is short and practically painless. Dan ger of rising or hard breasts is altogether avoided, and recovery is merely a matter of a few days. Druggists tell Mother's Prlend for $1 bottle. The BradflcM Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. Bend, (or our free Illustrated book. r. d. bedford, Rkai. - Kstatk, - Insurant!-:, ANlt C'OI.LKCTIONH. Afuut for tho Kjtitaui,k I.ikk ANOK SOUIKTY. Asstnt- FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. Surgetn B. & M. R. R. ompaay, Mad U. 5. Ptmtlon Surgeon. City and country calls promptly nn swuretl day or night. UrriOKvicuLiNisKr'y Mkat Maiikkt NIOtlT CALLS AT OPFICU. Dk. E. A. Crkighton, Hounrnry Crnilu:ito iV Silver Medalist Wt'Htcni CJnivi'iMty, Oiniulii. Uau.s ANbWKitKi) Day ami Night. rrrcE Ovkii Cook' I'iuiihacy. J. S. EMIGH, DKNTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WANT IT. Crown Q Bridge Work or Teeth Withoet 1'lates. I'OKCKLAIX INLAY And all tho latent Improvement lu dental mecb atilsm I. 13. COLVIN, REAL ESTATE FARM LOANS. Lock llox 1. (iulilo Hock, Neb All kinds of property bought, sold and cxi-liaiicil. COLLECTIONS MADK. TKH.Ms IIIIAhO.NAlll.i: OVERMAN it UI.ACKUWOE RTTGRNEYS - RT - UKHi. Ottlce ever I'ost Ottlcc. RED CLOUD, NKHKASKA. Chimney brick, Cistern brick, AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros. nil .111.1?. SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNIOKY, 1'llUPUlKTOK. DEALER IN Wines, Liquors, California randies. PABnWAUKffl'Bm ALWAYS ON TA1 PTU'JTs-TraWOTl r.UHt , l A (lit I ML-,. i. t .'HJLZl,UAZJ I lki i.iMu,i - p : j, lit in mu Le 1 n rmftfk ' mErarj Lsmaj, In tin r i .1 Iw i.ruk'uiM. - DLUE HILL. .Mr .McCoy mid fiimlly spontn day nt I'miline viltliif Air. I'ostmid family. Tlicy report tin1 illiiesi of .Mr. Post and the tun luiyx with .t touch of pnutiuion-i.-i. (irmitliiia ('liiipniiin tins rccovcri from lii-r attack mid t. itiltc well again Mini Mary Uolatul, who has been at tending .school at (Jcnrva, had to lo tion home on account of illness and may bo detained thereby tho greater pat tint this term which will be n great loss to her as she expected to gradtiato in sonio of her branches at the close of the school year. Mr Herl Armstrong enme from Ken- e.:iv last Friday evening to visit for a few days His father and brother took the oppoitunity to visit at Kent-saw while Kert remains here and departed Sattudar Will the gentlemen who slept in the school house of Dist.-iO, please call and pay their fuel bill and bed fees. They can have the documents they left be hind. It gives the name of James Lan caster of Newcastlo as one of tho par ties. Charles Waterbury arrircd in Bltio Hill and la now one of its honored res idonts Mrs. liornberger come in Friday on the morning train from Hastings. She has been absent since last December nursing an invalitl mother. She re ports her mother a little better, but she being worn out witk nursing camo homo for a change of air and a few weeks tost. Mr. Hornbergor smiles broad and long now to think he has a housekeeper and don't have to board out. Iter. Lockwood of Blue Hill and Rev. Hromwell of Hhdcn exchanged pulpits last Sabbath. Mr. West of Blue Hill was attacked by la grippe but after n tussel came around all right again. Mr. Armstrong arrived from Kenc saw Monday and reports no place like homo. Dcrt Atmstrong loft for Kene saw Wednesday morning accompanied by Mcbsrs. James, Roland, Williams, and Simpson who went up to have n wild good chase after ducka. Bays bring back the feathers. Miss l'va McCoy spout Saturday night at the homo of Orandpa Water bury at Blue Hill. Charley Waterbury and family spent Sunday afternoon with K K. Uowlantls :uul family. Mr. Alex James anil family visited with .1 oli n Simpson at tho Corners, and attended church there last Sunday. Mrs. (Jregga cousin of Mrs. Julia Ho gate is visiting with her and in a few weeks expects to go to Oregon. INAVALE. Chailoy Hunter returned Sunday from Kansas and reports his father somewhat better. Mrs.C. L. Kddy drovo to Franklin last Friday afternoon, returning Sat urday in company with her son, Lewis Kddy, wlio is homo on his Knster re cess. Rev. Ball is hero visiting his son Agent Ball. Mr. Ball preached at the Methodist chinch Sunday night. Rev. Sayles of Red-Cloud preached at the Methodist chinch Suiidaj after noon The .-.totiny weather Tuesday put a stop to the Sunday school convention at the church. The preachers failed to make connections anil the crowd didn't come. That was quite a show Tuesday. Red tulips, green grass and snow makes I'uito a contrast. Chas. Hunter went to Kansas City with stock this week. Wednesday evening tho neighbors gathered in and surprised Walter and Kiiima (iarner who lately moved on the farm foimcrly occupied by Kd. Sherer. l'he Miiorise was coninletu and the well lilted lunch biiskuto, liriKlit faoo.s and hearty laughter all told of a very pleasant evening. A .splendid time was enjoyed by -ill. O. B Haiveyluiit in two acres f early potatoes Mrs. Chili Joigenson has ninety live young chiokens and thirteen hens setting. Who can beat '.hat? Robert and Ada Newton are homo this week from the academy at Frank lin. A beautiful fable for womon readoi a only: Once there was a woman who was very ill. Tho doctors shook tholr heads andjlookod serious. When medi cines failed and hope had gone, tho woman's husbaad bethought himsolf of a bright idea. Ho bought her a dream of a tailor made gowu and a love of a bonnet. And the next day was caster anil she was as strong and husky ns a hired man, and sailed oil to church in the new bonnetand gown. There is a moral to this but it would not bo appropriate to print it until after ouster. j Card of Thanks. Wo desiro to extend our Miicon' thanks to the many kind friends ami ueighlioi.s who so kindly assited us in ' oiii l.uo bereavement, the illness m d il i'Ii ul iir liuiii'.iml and fiiiliei-, Mic. John Coi-j.lv and children. EALTH and benuty are hood. Women who suffer to their sex cannot retain H pretty features and rounded form is a duty women owe to themselves. Tho mark of excessive monthly suf cring is a familiar one in the faces of young American women. Don't wait, young women, until your good looks arc gone pnst recall. Consult Mrs. Pinkham at the out- start. Write to her at Lynn, Mass. Miss Udna Ellis, Higgtnsport, Ohio, writes: "Dear Mrs. Pinkham I am a school teacher and had suffered untold agony during my menstrual periods for ten years. My nervous sys tem was almost a wreck. I suffered with pain in my side and 131 number & k fmXffiSEB$M ( rTV, i f dison St., Mt. Jackson, Ind., writes: "Dear Mrs. Pinkham I am by occupation a school teacher, and for a long while suf fered with painful menstruation and nervousness. I have re ceived more benefit from Lydta 15. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound than from all remedies that I have ever tried." CAUCUS CALLS. Tho republican voters of (Jarlield precinct are respectfully requested to asscmblo in caucus at tho Pope school house in Dist. 85, on Saturdny, April 14, 1000, at 10 o'clock a. m. for tho pur pose of electing eight delegates to at tend the republican county convention to bo held on Wednesday , April 18, 1000, and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. N. L. D. Smith, Com. Tlie Republican voters of Red Cloud ...!.,.. ,., u...w.if..1l,. .., ......1 i.. '"- "- "'!'-"" ..M - '' assemble in caucus nt the court house) on Saturday, April 1 lt.li, at 1 o'clock i . ' I p. in , for the purpose of electing nine delegates to attend the republican county convention to be held on Sat urday, April 1 lib, lDOO, mid for tl c transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. O. D. llKDiiK, Com. 'Ihe republican voters of Stillwater precinct are respectfully requested to assemble in caucus at the Johnson School House on Monday April 10th at 7 p. m.. for tho purpose of electing six delegates to attend the republican county convention to be held on Wed nesday, April 18th, l!00, and for the transaction of .such other business its may conu betore the meeting F. ( Johnson, Com. The republican voters of Batiti pre cinct ate respectfully u quested to a.s semble in caucus at tho Harris school house on Monday, April Kith, at I p m. for the purpose of electing four dele gates to attend the republican county convention to .bo held on Wednesday, April 18th, 1000, and for the transac tion of suchother business as may come before the meeting. J. It. kllAllltlN(STOK, Com. The republican voters of Red Cloud 1st vtird are respectfully ri quested to assemole in caucus at tho ollice of W. it itony on liicsuay evening, pi n ii, at 8 o'clock p.m. for the purpose of electing nine didegates to attend the tho republican county convention to be held on Wednesday, April 18th. 1000, and for' the transaction of such other business as may comr befoie the meet ing. L. 11. Fobt, Com. The republican voters of Line pro. cinct aro respectfully requested to as semble Jin caucus at school houso in Dist. ill, on Saturday, April 11th, at 10 o'clock a.m., for tho purpose of electing MfEAK . PIM E S itt fxronbit to the appearing of Bright't DiteaSCi Prickly Ash Bitters Heals the Kidneys. Cleanses and regulates the Liver. Strengthens the digestion nnd removes constipated conditions in the Bowels. IT IS TOUR MEDIUMS IN ONE. A SYSTEM TONIC PAR-EXCELLENCE. t; PRICE SI.00 PER BOTTLE. PREPARED BY PRICKLY ASH BITTERS CO. NOI.1l IIY A I.I. nUI'dUINTH ( the glories of perfect woman constantly with weakness peculiar their beauty. Preservation of THE MARKS OF SUFFERING had almost every ill human flesh is heir to. I had taken treatment from a of physicians who gave mo no relief. In fact one eminent specialist said no medicine could help me, I must submit to an operation. At my mother's request, I wrote to Mrs. Pink ham stating my case in every par ticular and re ceived a prompt reply. I followed the advice given me and now I suffer no more during menses. If anyone cares to know more about my case, I will cheerfully answer all letters." Miss Kate Cook, 16 Ad four delegates to attend the republican county convention to be held on Wed nesday, April 18th, 1000, and for tho transaction of such other business as may cotno before tho meeting. Jos. Saladkn, Com. Tho republican voters of Elm Uieek precinct are respectfully requested to asscmblo in caucus at tho usual voting pla:oon Monday, April 10th, at. 'i p.m. for tho purpose of electing eight dele gates to attend the republican county convention to bo held on Wednesday, April 18. 1000, and for tho transaction of such other business as may come before tho meeting. C 15 I't-iNAM, Com. rim iifi.iiililiiin .i ..r ii... I it i ..."" - . I"""""" ""i-iii iu-ii vimm - jii waril are tcpecl fully n qncstcii to assemble in caucus at the Fiiemin's hall on Tuesday evcninir, April 17. at U ..'..l.w. t I ' . . a i clock p. m for the inn poe of elect ing tlin-'een delegates t attend the republican county con vent ion to U held on Wednesday, April 18. 1U0O, mid for the tramaction of such other busi ness as may come before the meeting. W. A. Mitciii:i.l, Com. What Do the Chtldren'.Brink. Don't give them tea or cnll'ee. Have you tried the new food drink called (it'iiin-O? It is delicious and uoiuish ing and takes the place of enllco. The more Crain-0 ou give the children the more health you distribute throtuli their system-, (train O is niado of pure grains mid when properly pie pared tastes like Ihe choice grades of coll'ee hut costs about one fouitli as much. All grocers sell it. 15c and ',Vic The other evening in taking a stioil we noticed two of our voting people on the front steps eiijojing tlieiiisuhi s While to a passei by it might seem disgusting, to the oiing people it was "awfully nice," and reminded us of the following-. "They sal on the steps at midnight two fools that wore bolter In bed. niur muring honeyed nothings, .vtiilu tho moon in a cloud hid her head. 1'wo fools with joyous elation swapped tho microbes on their lips, mid thrilling with a queer sensation from their toes to their linger lips. Telling the same stuff over that was nothing when it was now, giggling and gushing ai d burning vet frozen through ami through This is the fond atllietion i hat .young fools have to bear, they think it is love undying mid tho Illi nois In envy stare. The bachelor sas it isnotisen.se and the old maid says it is vice, mamma says it is naiiuhtv. but the youngsters know it is nice " - - Many so-called "biltein" me ni medicines, 1 j 1 1 . simply liquoi dis guised, o as to evade the law. l'l it k y Ash Bitters is not oik of this class. It is strictly a medicine, acting primmi" iiii the kidneys, liver and bowels, and for the dangerous diseases that attacK these organs it is n mined v of the tirst grade. Themis nothing objectionable in its taste, it has a very agreoablo flavor, and is acceptablo to the most delicate stomach. Sold by C. L Cot ting. ue AnCtf0u KUotyt btcamc they LINE. Sno v and ram this week. Clint Henderson of North Branch was the guest of Win VnnDyko Sunday. Miss Mary Henderson of Noith Branch was the guest of Mif.s Marv VanDyke this week. Tho lower Penny creek Sunday school was largely attended last Sun- lay, mid organized a singing class which will meet at Jos.Saladon'seveiy Wednesday evening at 7:JI0. Mr. mid Mrs Jason and Mr and Mrs. Reynolds of Walnut Creek were tho guests of Mr. and Mrs Frank Van Dyke last Sunday. 15. W. Anderson moved to his new home on State creek this week. Frank Kuelin was attendiiiff to busi ness in the north part of tho county tins week. Mr. Whitsollof Lebanon was iu Lino this week, lie reports tho death of his oldest daughter from pntumonia last week. Tho U. B. will hold tholr secoud quarterly mooting at Diet. No. 8. Sun. day April 15th. A cordial invitation is given to nil. Plunting potatoes is tho order ot the dav. Tho Sunday school at Ploat ant Dale was organized last Sunday and Hev 11. 11. Haskins chosen superintendent. Tho Sunday school at Penny creek district eight, was reorganized last Sunday. Mrs. Aubushon was chosen superintendent. Tho school meets Sundays at 10:30 a m. Tho family that keeps on baud and uses occasionally tho celebrated Prickly Ash Bitters is always n well regulated family For 9alo by C L. Cutting How To Gain Flesh Persons have been known to gain a pound a day by taking an ounce of SCOTT'S EMUL SION. It is strange, but it often happens. Somehow the ounce produces the pound ; it seems to start the digestive machinery going prop erly, so that the patient is able to digest and absorb his ordinary food, which he could not do be fore, and that is the way the gain is made. A certain amount of flesh is necessary for health ; if you have not got it you can get it by taking y oirs pulsion You will find it just as useful in summer as in winter, and if you arc thriving upon it don't stop because the weather is warm. Soc. anil fi.oo, all druggists. SCOTT .V nOWNE. Chemists, New York. FOR 14 CENTSX Wu uUli In italntlii year 'JM,il V iii-w i-HBiuiiirrn, nun lit'licd ollf r i i-hk ! nirmii iipvi, He .Larl l l-.uiirHiil(-iipiiiiilic.tr- l.aUriiKHii .Mnrki 1 1.1-tttm- 15c htrnwlicrry .Melon, Ho II Hay Unilc-li, lie Knrly Hipii I'nlitiacrr, uo Korlj Dinner ((Minn, li'o UriUiant I'luwi-rhniU. Ho Murtl. MI(I, lur I 1 Kill.. fHTi AIiotuIU Tkk-a. ifnrlli (l.u.i.wo will null you (rev, tiit'i llier wltli our fireatl'lautatid rieed Cntalntr.trll. hi all about Snlzer'a .Million Hal. lor 1'otuto, upon receipt of this iiollrn.t 1-lr. utampx. Wi'lntlte vonrtrade and know when vou cmci ' L try Siil.rr' Mi-cilHyou wlllnetir i 'bearall.iimnuartstwlcoyearly. Hi4,in no wirnnnt. ine lm Mlraulierrv i JOHN A. BtLZKH Ittll ( (I., La ( RIISSE, KIH. m ESI PARKER'S U&ID R&l .QAM Cltir.if, and brautldc, the ball. I l'rasTTtiilai am tfiaiitlaint rrtiiwlli vviuiti aa laiviiaui tivauh N'ver Falla to llestoro Oray Bir .u .in iuuiiiiui buiori Cure, rralp duraiet ti hair lall.ng, Pic, and I IW at llninglm IPS W v. wax (-s.i. Nottilnir elitH add m inni'iinrmor -lie i room or tumdolr n-. the . - nt ilclii fnnii cuiiiim a i NoUiiiik mill tutilrlliiitcii r artlHttc Auceea. of tlm un ii i tenor dinner The Im.t iiin-nr.fi.i randies for tlie. liiinlpi-t or n... inoit elaborato fnnetion fur ...i taaeormanaion. Mado In all eulora aud tnaruoBt delicate tlntaliy NTANDAHUOILCO, and aolrt ererywhera. Statk or Nkiiiuhka i WKBtTEII C'OUNTV, f "" In the mutter of the estate 1 ori.uc ucluda Aj-ers Notice ii bereby given to all ticmoiiHiiavine claims and derotnda ag&lnat Lucluda ATerx, late f Webster county deceased, that tlie time fixed tor tlllne datum ngaliut raid eatutu Is ix montbH from tlio 20th day of April, lDOO. All hucIi iienonH are reijulred lo jirenent tlioir clalmn with tho vouchers to the county ludire of eiaiil county at Ills office therein, on or before the loth day of October 19u), and all clalma bo tiled will be heard before the raid Judge on the 23d day of October, 1900, at 10 'clock am. . . .. u ... i4"" Uuwr. County Judge. Dutetl March 24th, 1KUU yiwii Ztg8b&$ HQR 1 1'k HFSfl WArm m Ccti ii 1K i j h I j i In the nietrlct Court of the United Stales for the District of Nebraska. Iu (hi matter of William Q, plmmlck. In lliinkruptcy. Notice to creditors of tho af(Vii iinmeil biuilc ruiit. ofhls apiillcHtlon tor dtsehurKu In tmnlc rnptcy ordered that IhoTll'ilay of April, a I) 11KJ, be and the Kanie hereby Is tlxed iih tin. intn on or before which all creditor" of mill all uihcr leroiih liilcreiilcd In mid eniito and in ihe niiitlcr of dlxrliNrKO In buukrupicy oi mu.I imi,!, nipt, Hlmll if ila iltvlre l.i oppove iK auu.llle In my ulllcu In IIrHkkm X.lt,,.j their iippenr.turo III wrlllnt In pn.i:,,i, ., ,i. Iirrtnlliii: nt xiibl lNciari:e. unl iImm.,ii i ( ,. ilil'Mlii'ieafler file In in) .,iu ,ii, , -i,,,,,, , tlim uf the Krtiiiiiilx oi in li nii toiilii-i Wllni'rN III) llllllll hvltlil lllU 'ii l.l) Pf .March, IWO. ' J. A. RiimiNKii, Iteft-reelii llmikruptcy. MODERN SLAVERY Caused by Weak, l.'xhausted Stomach. I Almost UnUersal. You. render, would not penult vour neighbor to call you out of bed at "mid night and oblige you to walk the pave meat for two or three hours every night. You would not allow him to burn your hand wilfully, nor to cut y,0,"r linger on", just to please him. My, then, do you allow your stomach to cause you loss of sleep, nightmare, and continual suffering? Every dys peptic, every sufferer from indigestion, biliousness. luvit-Hm.-.! ......... i.....i. catarrh of the stomach and other stom- acn diseases, is a slave to his or her stomach. There is one way only one ui ua-iinmn me cuains oi tliis slav ery. That is by using Dodd's Dvspep sla Tablets. ' ' Thesedigesttlie food you have eaten. They don't need aid from the .stomach, wliich is therefore given time to rest and gain .strength. They regulate the bowels, which carry off the waste mr tlon of the food not used iu making blood. Thus the stomach is emptied and prepared to receive the next meal. No foul gas can form in the stomach if you use Dodd's Dypcpsia Tablets, for the food Is digested by them at once and docs not remain In the stom ach to rot and cause disease. Are You A Renter? 'QS&'dll p -. it (limit r Miii nn nlm tu incciiK a fAthi runt Inline or lninlrMivl With tUXCP lid tIMil ttfUKl' In I'liwiMiul on Hh-l filltirr -r IMOi IF SO the miIiiiIuii tu 1 1 tioiililt-s i- . ti'leil h tlit-1 aiiftilimi Uotcrnim .' ever) bmm IM- rrlllvr K'ttlnx I' Free Homestead of 1(10 llc-r-H uf Hip Let Inml mi tin- nm thifiit for irialn iiiMnif mill itilinl running No I llaril Win at l ral.nl In Wr-trtu Canada lln arpraKe yield la (turn 'J.I to It. liunlii-N to I hi. acre. Hallway. m-IiouIp, ahurrlHf i-tr., i-unwiilctit climate Is tht-ln-altlilit the Mill tin- lii-.t r'nrlnfnr malum a'ly to supt Iminlsr.i lion. Ottawa, ('anaili. urtu W. V. 1IENXETT. CunadlHn (invcrnim-m AKcnt, (01 Now York I.I IV Itulldluir. Omnhn, !Veli. WILLIAM KELLOCJG, IPHOTOGKAPflEfli Inikkiok, Landscmm-:. For Animals, Spkciai. anm Co.MMi- uciai. Work. interior- nnd fur 1:u-l'h I'lnim. of .stock nnd u.t(ii(lc(l views nt J buildings :s on fmins ami ranchi's our facilities are unexcelled. Developing, Finishing and f D.lnl( A. t i iiiiliiik lur Mmiicur.s. Camkiias, 1'i.atks, Films, Dkvki.oi'imip, J Vki.ox and I'i.atinotvi'i: r.vi'Kiti,, SriTf.iF.soK am. Kinds I AliKNT I'OUTIIK "Alvista" Panoric Cameras, J covers lhfl degrees, live cutneriis in I one. !rori:i. Unmoi ntkd I'lUtioiiitAi'iis "Fink Pic-ithi: Fkaminij Have one of the nmsi linely ;,,,. pointed dark room.s of its -ii-in tho I state in which you am always we.1- J coiini to change plates and lit your J cameras. Wk no Nor no i-outkaitukk. J ItOOMn OVKll I'lONEEB MKAT MAIlhKT. 4 t C. A7v, DOin. Blncksmithing - and - Repairing OT AM. KINIIS. HORSESHOEItNC. SATISFACTION (ifAltANTKKD ,,txmv. W? m (TtJKJttSZ ri sT Viw'.NiWVr'-'Vi,:- WPKiA-lffs?'--"' LUOi' usiRirs. WMm ruyBRjtpiwi Iho bost collars mndo are to bo Inul of us. Nock comfort for your ,or.so Vcs. sontml, if you cxppct him to c lo Jood work. An ilMluhiR, poorly S oollnr is n Hourc. of oonthui. f lr" tn" tion to tholirrso. For " HORS-COUL.7TR? nromiilUwltliiivli.wiot.,nfr, (U7. nMli.yunil ,,,,,, (1I,,),illr!;,,1,(:rt,,,'- II Will m 1 yon THE FINEST HRRNeS3 1-VCI-MlllllLr fillilij, ', . , 1":S' (i ' '- ...:, :,:;;- "i-i'it-ions J. O. Butler, the$Rness X! Now is tho time, to subscribe. T trWiwM"' IS "lf T v mMISkSSMii. P