The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 06, 1900, Image 8

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Thcro aro fow women as beau-
5 tiful as they might he. Powder 5
and paint and cosmetics don't
make good lookH. lieauty is
n simply an impossibility without 2
health. Ileautiful women aro
few becauso healthy women aro
5 fow. Tho way to hnvo a fair 5
face and a well-rounded figuro
is to tako
i Braflliclds i
Female Regulator!
S This is that old and time-tried "
medicine that cures all femalo
troubles and weaknesses and
J drains. It makes no dilTerenco g
what tho doctors call tho trou-
X ble, if there is anything tho
S natter in tho distinctly feminine 2
: organs, Bradfleld's Fe
male Regulator will help
and euro it. It is good for ir- 5
regular or painful menstruation;
for loucorrhoca, for falling of tho
womb, for nervousness, head- 2
ache, backacho and dizziness. 2
Tako it and get well. Then
2 your old-time girlish features 2
2 and figuro will bo restored. 2
Sold bydrugglit lor$l a battle.
r. d. bedford.
Ri:ai - Esia'it, - Insukanci:,
Agent for tho KgnrAiii.K I.ikk Assimi
anckSociktv. FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D.
Surgeon B. ct M. R. R. ompany,
ad V. S. Pemtlon Surgeon.
City ami country calls promptly nil
swereri day or night.
OrriCKrnuLiNbsKr's Mkat Makkkt
Dr. K. A. Cri.igiiton,
Honoinry (inidiiato A: Silver .Medalist
t'htt'i n (Jinvoi ity, Cntiiiilii.
tf Ai.i.3 Anm l.u ami Night.
p rr r 0 tu Cook's I'iiaiimacy.
Cfiwog Bridge Work or Teeth Witheol l'lalcs.
And all the Intent Improvement lu deilal mech
I. 13. COLVIN,
Lock llox .''1 l.ulili' Hoik. Nil)
All kinds of pioperty Imiiht, sold ,-tnd
tkiims iii.asonaiii.i:
Hlce trer I'uit Oltlcc.
Chimney brick,
Cistern brick,
Ludlow Bros.
California randies.
TSTlUlltS WHtllt AK tlbl tASlS. ra
Zl lliut Ciuiuli tvruii. '1 lull' liw tm r?i
P3 In time Hold hv t)ruL'L'll. K I
asiii-i-iHW" tSr 1
Mrs Charles Watcrbtiry and cliil
dien mi' eiticns of Itlun Hill and me
wii'ii'i; :ii'M'iiily foi Charley to -tii
home f titu Iowa
(iiuuilpa ( li'ipinati In. - sold Ills house
anil block to Mr. Hunt-, the rattle and
hog Iiiijoi Mi and Mm. CIi ipinati
intend mo Ine, to l.uad villc, Colo, whci e
a dittiKlitt i lives, and may linally settle
in California.
.Miss Maud .Johnson of Hastings, is
visiting with Miss Miunii Armstrong
There was no school in dlsttiet -15, as
the teacher, V.(J Shannon was called
to Hi ley Co. Kansas, to attend the fun
iial of a bi othct -in-law who was killed
by an aii'iy bull
Miss .Jennie Kolaml is fount every
I' inlay and Saturday behind tho conn
tet at Mi Hot nbuigui'a store.
Tho fanners nrti all busy cutting;
stalk;, suwiiiK spring wheat, oats, cul
tivating in the garden. Others are
changing fences from stalk Holds back
to pastures so nil is a regular hum.
On Wednesday evening tho young
peoplo of this locality met and had n
general surpriso party at tho house of
Albert Kort it being hiselcvcntli birth
day. Mr. Harrcittof Hluo Hill tins return
ed from his visit throughout Indiana
and the oust
Mr. and Mrs. Chapman have moved
in with Mr. Itoland and family until
thoy go west.
Mr Mnlpert tho German teacher, of
Mine Hill school resigned, leaving nva
eaney in the faculty.
l'he teaehois of the Hluo Hill schools
attended the Teachct's Association at
Hastings Inst Thursday and Friday.
Another change in thu weather this
week, f i oni May to March, even bother
ing Hid wild geese in their journey
Tho greater part of the farmois have
their spring sowing done and now
think of planting potatoes.
Messrs. Holnnd nnd Chapman accom
panied by their housekeepers went vis
iting to Mr. Thomas Jones' of Adams
Co. Mrs. Chapman was taken with a
smothering spell and for n while they
thought her dead, but she revived tin
dor the care of Dr. Ftilkerson of Hluo
Mrs. Chas Hurger, who underwent
an operation in Lincoln last week, died
soon after tho opciation, and was but
ied in the Hluo Hill cemetery this
Mr. Hurt Hull af Hluo Hill has accept
eit a position in tliu it. vV .M. carpenter
gang and left us Al the I e-idenee of
Mrs .J .1. Mai tin the young peoplo of
Blue Hill Christian chinch tondeted
him a rcccptior, and it happened to be
a bitthday patty as well. One young
lady is .somewhat downcast on account
of his departure, but may feel better
after a while. "Cheer up lassie, Hert
will bo back."
Kd Itoland was helping It Armstioug
plough for oats, but was taken sick
and had to come home.
Mrs. West and Mis. Lockwood aro
improving lapiilly now.
Miss Carey of Oak Cieek i- at the
homo of Mrs ltoy (iiaudstall
Mr. Fan Held of (iuiilo ltock is tho
guest of Mr Rich.
.1 Rich and Will Stieokerdrovo over
to Campbell Sunday.
Prof. Unscl attended tho teacher's
association at Hastings last week.
(juite a number of our sports left
Monday evening for tho Platto River
where they expect to gut dead loads of
the feathery.
Miss Myrtle i.eeanil her sister Ida
of Lavvtenco were visiting friends in
this city since our last letter.
A young son ai lived at the home of
Mi and Mrs .John Halls last Monday.
lle (iie-.-. and wife of
Nobi., hpent a few days with friends'
last week.
Mis Emory 1-ish of near Campbell
wiii Msiting at the hoaio of Mis. V.
Fish neat I hi place.
Mi. Kobeit Itu-haid.sou ami Miss
Anna Lui weie united in marriage at
thu homo of the bride's parents Wed
nesday, Rnv Huinuiell olllciating.
Tlie band concert given Fiiday evo
iiiug was a success all around. Yet
there were many who did not patron
i.u this enterprise. Tbey are awaiting
soniu 2x4 medicine show to come along
thnt they can patronize and be sold.
Homo or erprises should bo patronized
tirst with every shoulder to tho wheel.
Rot. Bromwoll is holding a sarlos of
meetings at the M. lu church this week.
Farmers are busy sowing oats.
A forco of carpenters aro at work on
the building for tho Womer cronmery.
l'hoy oxpeet to have it comploted about
M-iy l"t-
Tin Womer Sabbath school has been
oiginl.ed, with Mr. Ed M allies super
intendent and Mr. Roencraus assist-
Mi W. 11 Houghton of Phillipsburg,
11 i 1 in tlie interest of tlie M. W A.
il is lie In mcnihcis enougli t or
1,1 a amp
The Lone. Star school w ill give an en.
teilainmoiit 011 Friday evening tho 10tl
REPAKB for the turn of life.
As indications of the change appear be sure your physi
cal condition is iroocl. The experience is n wonderful
one and under some cirt umstaticcs full of menace. Mrs. I'ink
linm, of Lynn, Mass,, will give you her advice without ihnige.
She has done so much for women,
I was troubled with profuse flow
ing nnd became very weak. When I wrote to you I was down
in bed, had not sat up for six months; was under n doctor's
treatment all the time, but it did me no good. I had almost
given up in despair, but your Vegetable Compound has made
me feel like n new woman. I cannot thank you enough. I
would advise any woman who is aflbcted as I have been to
write to Mrs. Pinkhatn, at
Lynn, Mass., and get her nd
vice and be cured as I have
Mrs. F. H. Au.hs 419 Ne
braska Ave, Toledo, Ohio,
"Dear Mrs. Pinkiiam.-
Change of life was working on
mc. My kidneys and bladder
were affected. I had been
confined to the house nil sum
mer, not nble to stand
on my feet for any
length of time. Terri
ble pains when urinat
ing nnd an itching thnt
nearly drove mc wild.
I had tried many reme
dies. I told my hus
band I had great faith
iV , V. T K . mL a 0ottIe! a,n now on my fourth bottle.
I feel that I am entirely cured. I can work all day. I can hardly
realize that such a wonderful cure is possible. Lydia K I'tnk
ham s Vegetable Compound is the best medicine for women."
Don t wait until you are prostrated with the mysterious con
dition known as "Change of Life." Get Mrs Pinkham's ad
vice and learn how other women got through.
Tho lepublican voteis of (iurlictd
precinct are lespoctfully requested to
nsscmbto in caucus at tho Pnpo school
house in Dist. 85, on Saturday, April
14, 1000, at 10 o'clock n. m. for the pur
pose of electing eight delegates to at
tend the lepublican county convention
to bo held on Wednesday , Apt il 18,
11)00, and for the transaction of such
other business as may come befoic tho
N. L. 1) Smi I'll, Com.
l'he Republican voter.sof Red Cloud
precinct aie iepectfiillj rrqitciUd to
assemble in caucus at the court hotie
on Saint day, Apiil lltb, at 1 o'e'oi k
p 111 , foi tho purpose of electing nine
delegates to attend the icpuhiicnti
county convention to be held on Sat
urday, Apiil 1 llh, 1!)00, and for the
ti nonaction of such other business as
may come before tho meeting.
O. D. llKixiK, Com.
'Iho republican voters of Stillwater
precinct aro respectfully n quested to
assemble in caucus at the Johnson
School House on Monday April Kith at
7 p. 111. for tho purpose of electing six
delegates to attend the lepublican
county convention to bo held on Wed
noMlay, Apiil isih, l'.)00, and for the
transaction of -uch other business us
may conn bef no the meeting
F. C. .Joiinon, Com.
Tin' rcpiililiciin votei of Hntiu jne
flnct areifipcetfully n quested to i
ht'inblo in entie us at the lliuiis -cliool
lnitise on Miuiilay, April Kith, ivt 1 p in.
for tlu purpoiu of olcetinn four dole
Hates tonttciiil tliu repuliliunn eottnty
coiivention to .lie held on Wednesday,
April Icjtn, 1000, and for the transae.
tion of siicl).)tliL'i' business s may foinu
beforo the meeting
.1 K. .IlAHitiNcroN, Com.
'I'lii' republican voters of Ited Cloud
lit"A:udaie iepeetfullj uqiiesiid to
I ... .. ..I. . .. .1. ..... r T
"'","lm ' fiuif if in inn oinee oi v.
n liony on rut'Miuy oveiiinn, Apiil li,
at S o'clock p.m. for tlic putposn of
oleetinu nine delfKiitcs to attend the
tho lepublican county convention to be
held on Wednesday, ApiillMh, 11)00,
and for the trati'-action of such other
liiisiness as may conic befoio the incet
iiiR. L. II. Fort, Coin.
Tho republican voters of Line pro
duct uro tcspoctfully requested to as
soinblo ;inj;caucufi at school house in
Dist. 4, on Saturday, April 14th, at 10
o'clock a.m., 'for tho purpose of elf oting
four delegates to 'attend the republican
county convention to bo held on Wert
nesday, April 18th, 1900, and for the
transaction of such other business as
may cotno before tho meeting.
Jos. Sai.aden, Com.
Tho republican voters of Klin Creek
precinct aro respectfully requested to
assemble, in caucus at thu usual voting
)la;oon Monday, April Kith, at!) p.m.
for the purpose of olectiug eight dole
gates to attoud tho republican county
convention to bo held on Wednesday,
April IS, HI0O, and for thu transaction
, , ., ,
of such other hiisuicas as may c 01110
liflfoui tlin mcetiiiL'
ouioio hid 1111 fillip
C K Fl'INAM. C11111.
Tho Ciiu'.k and CIiiuiiko Inter Ocean
0110 year for $l.'Jfl
Now is thu tiniu to subscribe.
It is n critical period.
sttiely you can trust her. Kentl
this letter from Mu. M. C. Gkif
I iso, of Georgeville, Mo. :
"Diak Mrs. Pinkiiam: Tho
doctor cnlled my trouble ulcera
tion of womb and change of life.
'v-. :.... -..-. ' ,.x4'UtMji)4UMI
W mss ,yfl
ms; ...H
Mi.s O. H. Harvey is on the iiek IWt
this week.
Mrs. Mnbel Kenynn and Mrs Car
rie Keiiyon who nine been quite sick
are improving.
Jim Ladhley'8 sister who is here on a
visit has a very sL'k child. We are
glad to note however thai it is some
what better at piesent.
Grandpa Pitney is n great deal bet
ter at present writinir.
Oitio 1'ituej's little hoy Geoige is im
ploding ripidly
Last Monday a uiimliei of the tela
thes and fneud of Grandma (!iho.
took well tilled Iiiiich b islets n lilroe
over to hei lioiiieon I.'i.if Cl eek, -olilli
west of RiVelloli, tiiking Iheidd 1-nl v
by -illlpIlM', the ncc'isiiiii being hei
seventy fom tb hiiihduy She wis
most agieenlily siiipnsul and all ie
porl n splendid time
Charley Hunter u.-ts called aa ibis
week to Nniton, K-himis by the .ser
ious illness of hi father ho 1 eside at
that place.
Mr Coplcv one of the eaily setlleis
of Webster Cmiiitj , dn d at bin home
mil t h of Inaxale J t . 1 1 ' 1 3 fouiiii
The fuueial -ciiui'ii wtis )icaeh(d
Tlllll slltlV lift I I III M ill III till I I' l.'i-IIH'k I V
' '
I!e liliipetiie, at till) IliChool house,
. . . ...
II (III I 111' If llflll)-. M I'll' III III If 'I ! Ill II 0
I'leasaiit 1'i.iii u-Iimi Mntr gn'iiif' '1 If
f('-fie u the ni.ix.-mie i nil llli led
liV the Masonic Indue 'l t liu'll I "' ill'
(ai it wa- a up nun i ii.- if v -ai
Ite 'inil -even ni '" li I I n I -!
I'lie bciillfilt -jlni'tiliN el the en in-i-ollilliiiniM
is c'i in1 I'd in I lie liffi ai d
I imil
4M ttt
There is inor illsaliillty and
helplessness friim
ilinn ntiy oilier muscular ail
ment, but
1 St. Jacobs Oil ;;
lias fouiiii it the rnsiest nnd
promptest to euro of any form
Notice of Guardian Sale
lu the DIMrlct Court of tho Tenth Judicial
IllHtrlct, lu and fur Welikter comity. Nebraska.
In tho matter of the ontate of Sarah C. Mur
phr, (leccatied,
Notice in herrhy Kheii that In puiNiiaiice of an
order of Hon. Kd. u. Ailanm JiiiIko of thoI)l
trk'i court of tho Tenih .ludlclnl IHntrlct, in and
for WehKtcr county. Nebraska, mink' on tho mh
lay of March, 11K10. for Ike-mle of real cutato
licrrlnaficr ilPhcrlliPil there will bo cold at tho
L'Hritilaornf iho oourl hoiihe. In Iteil cluinl. In
Mild county and Ntntc. at 0110 o'i lock p in, 011 the
'..NtlidnTof Ai.rli. IW), nt inibllovendiioto tho
lilKhust lihlili'i jcr (Htii, iiiu loiiawiiiK
hcrliieil teni etam u wu
An undUldi'il two M'M'iiihs Inloroi-t In fee
.iiimlt' of I li e follow ln trni't of I mil beKlniilm:
ut 11 point -tru.Ttim li'cl wito' tho iiurtlieiial
, cornorot thi't-oiiitiwesiiiimru'r of Miction two.
tow noli It. out- north ruiiKC t'lcnon wi-l o 1I10
J mi, pm' M webmi-r unnii Nuimikkn ihi'iico
1 niniiiiiif wt 01 uml ,'T iki feci. Hicik i'miiiiIi
1 nniidlMiiffft thrme titst inninl JT 1 11 u-et,
IliciiPOIiurlli tiHliiinl .11 IU1 fro! tti nlnioof lio
tiiiiuiiiK t uiiiniiiiuii "ti'- lit imirt nnin. ill) in
tiiiliM't iiinilt ruf m t .Inn 11111 luunt-lilp ttui
ntirili iiiiikii I'lptmi t'itii lotiiily. Nubrnsltii,
hii'd lu 1 0 open tor the M'iu- of 0110 Inmr.
I). I. Myhis,
(iiiiirdiau of Minor lielri- of nralic. Mtirpln,
CUANX1 A. .M Kill til, At'orill')rl.
L L Wat' hasbought the Montgom
ci building and will nunc his 1 (stall
rant then soon
It S. Proiidlit has u fuc( of men
at work building sheds, and m-mng
lumber When ho guts thiotigh he
will undoubtedly have one of the best
(quipped lumber yards In the west
Election passed on" vuietly heie
l'tiesday, A J, Hayuand J JS. Mirsh
wete elected trustees for two years,
and K S Proiidlit, N. M. Doudna and
Dwight .Jones weiu elected for one
Chas. Vtnoldwas in town Tuesday
Wu are Informed Huv J. M Steeley
bus purchased an eighty aeio faim
uuai North Hratich.
Albeit Horn is building anew fence
around his lot, making an improve
ment of elegance.
1 1) Colvin has n fow town proper
ties for sale, but they are gettingscarco
nnd higher prices.
I). O Loith bought 14 head of horses
.nd mules hero Friday.
T. J. Maloney has bought lots 2 nnd
3, In Block 11.
A Sunday School wns organized at
Plensant Dale last Sunday, with Hiram
Haskins as superintendent. All those
who do not attend S. S. elsewhere, are
earnestly requested to come and hulp
us make a good S. S.
There will be n social nnd supper at
Pleasant Dale school house- April lilth.
All come and have a good time
should always be kept in
the house for the fol
lowing reasons:
FiRST Eecause. If any member
of the farrily has a hard cold, It
will cure it.
SECOND Becaure. If the chil
dren are cl u.-'J and sickly. It will
make thei song and well.
THIRD Becaui if the father or
mother is losing flesh and becom
ing thin and emaciated, It will build
them up and give them flesh and
FOURTH Because It Is the
standard remedy in all throat and
lung affections.
No household should bo without It.
It can be taken In summer as web
as in winter.
,( and ii 00, all druggets.
SCOTT & HOWNI-, Chcmlsu, NtwYotk.
Iter's Ha)i
l"m IHlll
alone, be.
Clcviifi trid tK-Autlflci the tiilr.
rroinotcf a luxuriant proth.
Wflver Fail to Ilcntoro Oray
ltatr to Ito Youthful Color, i
Cure tea p ilurtntj &, hir taUujf, I
0c,niin j i ijin tin 71m 1
Nothinir hJko Bild
mom ur litiililtiir nx I hi a i i
to tiit iinrMtuf 1 t r
ant li,lit froniiUIUXn i ' i
! ...JllllllK ..' ...ll.lir 1 .
artlntlc juciti.' ui iiu 1 . i, 1..
I tr or dinner Tlii'l iM mur" '
(atullcm (or tint lmtit.t r !
luokt uliburnlu fmitliiin inr tut
tairenr tnAtitlon Maili in ill i-oloM
and thit moNt illicati. tlntn t
and aold rrrrwlier.
State or Nr.iiiushA 1
In the matter of the cbtatc of Luclnda Ajera
tlcccascd. ... , .
Notice la hereby ghen to all persom havlnc
clalnn and demaiidv aKalimt Luclnda Ayera, lato
of Webster county demeaned, that the tluio fixed
for lllliiK clalma aijaliift aald cttato Ih six
tnnnllmfrnm the 20th day of Ami). 100a All
mica pemoin arereiiulrcd to preaent their
clalma with tho vouchera to tho county Judge
of Bald county at hla of fire therein, on or before
theaithday of October 1IX1O, and nil clalmaao
llled will be heard before the aid Judge on the
Aid day of October, 1900, at 10 o'clock a m.
Jama Durrr. County JudRe
Dated March 21th. IDuo
in the Iiinrlct Court of the United Slntcn for
tho Dlktrlcl of Nebraska.
In lh matter of William O IHiiiiulfk lu
llniikriiptcy ,, , , . ...
Nntli'ii to creditors of Iho above nuincd bank
rupt of Ida application tor i1IcIiiukc In bunk
ruplc Ordered that thu Till day of April, A I).
lIKjn be and the Mime hereby Ih ilxed a the dnte
on or before which all iredltoreof and all alher
pcrr-oii" Interested lu sulil estate mid in tho
iimtler of tlUt harcu in bniikriiplcy of nild bunk
1 111,1. hinill ir the) tli'lrr to oppokp tho
Hiinii, lilt" In l') olllee lu IIitstliiKs. Neliriiskii.
tin I r niiiii'iiriini'L- In urlllnu in i.iiolll'iniii Ihu
criinlitiK tii hultl dlsilinivi' nnd nln within It'll
1 .. .. .1 .a- .1,.. 1.. .... L..I.I iillmfi k..n. III....
dnri Iheifiiilcr llle In io mid mlit'e hpet lllcit
n jQr vCCUd 3v
JjijY 8al;ir'j wlt arfjlirrantfj to rro-lntf. 9k '
&! lllhlou I Ulli r t Tro; I'k 101 l.lir Itlii utl!T
Mf It uruwiiirf ; .tiiiubri. lint It urdit. J Hrrtirr, K i
V nun i.-..i '"ii ii.itn, i 1 1 . ,j H
V ll)U ur liiin lycrulnit '.i)l.uli . rn K I
B . n 't H yu doilM wrln th.lll i.b Id gtlll B !
l ?i)iinii)uew cu.tomir. h-nf s.iift.i. I ru iru)
13k( of rare f.frn .ft 1 -tU l)u.b th 3 .Ar.J Hft
pH Crn ftlti i'riMluiiiuHil fw I hit i . ux.. Iiuy jH
Ifll lha ar. i .1 tr. in cft-ilii Stlltt .a). ,u of
v?V lli'- Hnrtiijt Wtiritt Ke , u.ciii1h.hc cur lutoi. Sf
w unit flan ) ruli.n I "m I Cl.!.',! tiiiiii X-jf
WQk h.utriiiei lirrat Million Ilollur AUm
yCf, I'.iiniii, nit m.n.'i ri ion (Htiiti yagw
UfP iiu.illTflr worth flOtn r.lB.'trt, JtW
l iiMi,iinoibi.. s.h I' jfSeJr
IPAIIA r. kt. mAm fll l.l. tT
.ii a inn -xnarur
iv. uii aiT3aiIaSP
e. to lrr. caafca
WPP f"
" Of IW, Ml mH Nf '
li J.U1-OTIM (3fl 'J5 w&
CriL 1 rs v 19 sui
U I r to the tiirmufih r ,
n I I room ur timiilmr 'it tin -i i i y
M antllalil rniiiiiOKPOV 1 H
I I. Nothiiitt wIlKotiirllt' ' t i .J
unlit, oi tut' Ktunim "i itHt ii i"ni"ii.
Wltnei-s my luind hfielo thin 'JTlh day of
March. IU 0
.1, A (1AIIIIIN1.II,
Iteferee In llankruptcy
Hon. II va Mem
Member from tho 24th
(Peoria Co ) Dbtrlct of
tho Illinois Houso of Rep
resentatives, Tells tho
People how Ho was
Northampton, Ml,, Auk. 12, 1H00.
The Dodil Medicine Co., Ilullalo, N. Y.
Ocntlemeni I had been Buffering from Rheu
matic palnsln my body and had tried many reme
dies with little satisfaction until I purchased
Dodd's Kidney Pills The relief was sometlilrtK
teyond my expectation and I am now cured and
heartily endorse Dodd's Kidney Pills to any one
with deranged Kidneys or Rheumatic pains.
Dodd'fl Kidner Pills cure alt
Diseases of the Kidneys.
Sold by all dealers In nirdl
cine, 50 cents a box or six boxes
for $2.50 Sent on receipt of
price br The Dodds Medicine
Homes for Millions
'G(5n: r
Acres Wheat and Grazing
Lands for Settlement In
h Manitoba. Asslnibola, Al-
berta and Saskatchewan.
lu. ttll v)l unliioil, umI. (
mll limliiil l luiliiiiiil Win n I ii
rririi!ltti3Mniliil tidlii ncu- u-i in
.nit ilili- Tcir tin- illi nf Kiiiiiaiul ixm
Mixk, etc, (t uiiuiriiiliil Iihiiiiii-i "H
Hi lili, Kiminntii Kit; tall llllniKnlili- HMI -r
(lniii (in I llicLuiu.llin (liiMllirmlil tilt
Free farms of 160 acres
tnrtrrr iiialpordxliliiii mr nuil toiM-rj fnnii1
licml of a family ultiilntr l.lrif nilriue Tur lift li
rvi-ryiinr with little in. nti, tint hat it( iittli l lit -
fruy liiMttlt- Clliiinli-lualllilt-.t In tliowiirlil r
inroriiinlKin HiinriK. -iiii in mi
mlKriitiiiti, OltnMa ('i.hnila ur
Ciui.nlliin (.nviTlillli'llt At'rtil,
H)l .New Vutk l.lfi; llut.diui,'.
Omiiliu, el.
1 5 Imkuiou, Landscai i ,
Animals, Spkci m. an'd
Commi lal.M. Wouk.
hor intei mrs ami for lame gioiips
J of stock and extended vieus nl J
buildings -is on fm ins mid
r.iiiclit's our facilities aie
J uiie.xcelli'd J
Developing, Finishing and
Printing for Amateurs. J
Camkuas, Pl.UKs,
Films, l)Kvi:i.oi'i:its,
Vl'.I.OX ANDl'l.ATINOTVl'K I'.M'Klth.
J St'l'I'UKs OK AM. KlSllS
ai.i:nt rou Tin:
'Alvista" Panorio Cameras, J
....... IU1 .1... I'. .. !- '
i-u'-ts iTi;nrj;in-, inr r;uin- lis in (
iM)l l.l. I'NMOlNrKI) 1' VIMIs.
Fli: I'll'Tt ItK FlIAMIM.
J H'tMMillf of the llfisl linelv II))- c
pointed dark rooiiH of its ie 111 tho
state in which you aie always will- J
come to cliaue plates and lit your
Wk o Nor no roinitAiTt'itr..
C Ml, DOlni.
IJIack.sinitliinjj - and - Rcpnirinj;
SAl'lhFAC IION (.I'AltANTr.l.D
TI10 host collars tiiadu are to ho had of
us. Nuck comfort, for your hoi sc u es
suntial, if you e.xpec.t him to do good
wotk. An ill IHtiiiR, poorly.iuado
collar i a snimn ot continual irrita
tion to the hnsi) Fur
aio made wnli a vi w to eninfoit, dm-
ability, -inn ! ml appeal iiiieo
V e ill scil t111
t vim 11111)1;
' . "
ll.l ' ' . t"l 1)111' lllll .1
liuiiti for
Ii ml Mm k, Kotiil tm U
". i"l Tr r l llTT TTT
& 320
.Tft.l firs r:
w .UJM W.i
If Wf 'Mk A
J. O. Butter, thejness
.' ni