The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 06, 1900, Image 6

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    I J
i '
Red Cloud Chief.
pphlumed weekly.
ih:d cloi i),
It will bu observed Hint Chicago Is
tlio only city Hint will havo Dowcy on
Dowcy tiny.
If the sugar trust does not see what
It wnntH It will pleuto ask for It anil
not bo bashful, u
Lord IloburtH refers to lilm ns "Mr.
Btcyn, late prcsltlcnt of tlio Orange
Free State." Later on It will be "Into
Ornnge Free State."
Tlio lion. David Ucnnctt Hill 1b said
to bo negotiating for an Albany news
paper. PoHHlbly be InteiulH to show
Low Satan would do It.
Tlio famine In India Is appalling
Five million persons nro employed on
the government works, and Btlll
starvation exists among 20,000,000
more. The real "whlto man's burden"
doesn't seem to be In South Africa.
The general movement for tlio purifi
cation of our city from the vIpcrH that
linvo Infested It under what ever
names they are known should bo en
couniKcd and upheld by nil the people.
In fact It infill be suggested that mass
meotliiKs should he called for the pur
pose of strengthening tlio backbone of
the ofllcers whose evident duty It Is to
take the Initiative In the matter of
proceeding with all the machinery of
law against all Institutions of evil.
The most amusing featuie of the
present violent crusade bolus conduct
ed by the press of Now York against
immorality In plays, to those familiar
with Mich extravagant campaigns, Is
the probability that the newspapers
arc acting fiom anything but earnest
motives in so clamorously demanding
the suppression of "Sapho," "Znza" and
other plays of a like nature. It is a
mock campaign, seemingly conducted
Eolely for the notoriety and advertis
ing which the Individual papers can
uuueezo out of the affair.
Tlio Immcnso development of the ex
port trade of tlio United States and
tlio almost limitless possibilities for
Its further exteutlon nro Intimated In
figures given out recently by the
statistical bureau nt Wnshlngton
From this It appears that, In so far oil
n country ns Hussla, American manu
facturers nro competing successfully
with their Gorman and English rivals
and that American bicycles, agricul
tural machinery, steam engines and
tools in general nro extensively sold
nmong the Ulnck Sea provinces. The
figures given show that our sales In
Hussln In 1893 amounted to less than
two and ouo-hnlf million dollars and
thnt In tho year 1899 they exceeded
ten million.
The senate committee on commerce
lias reported u bill for tho establish
ment of a department of commerce and
Industries. While tho multiplication of
olllces ordinarily is not an unmixed
blessing, there Is sometimes a necessi
ty for It, nod at other times conditions
nro such as to Indicate tho wisdom of
making an oxpeiiment In that direc
tion, though It must be admitted that
there is little hope of abolishing an
otllco, howovor useless It may prove,
onco It Is created. Tho closer the gov
ernment can bo brought in contact
with Industrial activity, and tho moro
nearly it can bo mado a business enter
prise, as distinguished from n political
machine, the better It will bo as a gov
ernment. It Is said that mere are several so
cieties In this country that are organ
ized for the purposo of importing Eu
ropean birds, Tho announcement Is
somewhat indefinite, but If tho purpose
Is us stated, to liitruduco vnrlous kinds
of birds, tho sooner the government
puts a stop to such enterprises tho
bottor. Wo have suffered enough
though sometimes, as in tho case of tho
English sparrow, tho damage Is imag
inary wo think from such enthusiasm.
Musaehusetts has spent hundreds of
thousands of dollnrs to rid Itself of n
moth which n scientist Imported for
uso ns a silk worm. Tho English spnr
row has detled liberal unit perhaps mis
guided governments, states and towns,
to exterminate It.
The state of HesjiiknvschtHchiiin, In
Russia, Is probably the only place In
tho world that is run entirely by wom
en, sayB Tit Hits. This state Is mado
up of seven villages, each presided over
by a mnyoress, the whole under the
superintendence of a lady named
Baschka, who nets ns president. There
nro women magistrates, women preach
ers, women policemen In fact, every
capacity In tho state Is llllctl by wom
en. Tho roads aro mado by women,
and women bell milk and deliver let
tors. If you want to bring nn action
against your neighbor In this stnto, you
go to a woman lawyer; and If there Is
anything In your house to bo stolen,
then a burglar of tho weaker sex steals
It. No placo of any Importanco Is tilled
by a man.
At tho request of the general land
ofllce, Mr, Lester F. Ward lecently ex
plored the fossil forests of Arizona.
Tho richest deposit of slllcltled tres
covers nn area of about eight miles
square, In Apncho county. In some
parts of this area tho petilllcd logs llo
much moro thickly than they could
havo stood whllo living, and Mr Ward
thinks they must havo been transport
ed by swift currents of wuter In tho
Mesozolc era. Microscopic' Inspection
of tho texture of tho ngutlzed wood
proved that It rpsombled tho n'rnuca
rlnn plno of the southern hemisphere.
Boers Surround and Capture a
British Convoy.
KiirIIiiIi Troup WnlU Into Anihuh Pro-
pared for Them (Inn. Iliillnr'ii Anx-
loiiIriiilry Itcgnrdlng VhIiib of
Scouting llecnlled to .Mind,
A Ilushmnn Kop, Saturday, March
31 dispatch says: Tho llrltish force
commanded by Col, Ilroadwood, con
sisting of the Tenth Hussars, House
hold cavalry, two horNO batteries and
n force of mounted Infantry under Col.
Pitcher, which had been garrisoning
Thabn N'Chn, was obliged, In conse
quence of the near npproneh of ft largo
force of liners to leave last night.
Col. Ilroadwood marched to the
Itlocmfoulclu waterworks, south of
tho Moddor, where ho encamped nt 4
o'clock this morning.
At early dawn tho camp was shelled
by the enemy from a near point. Col.
Ilroadwood sent oft n convoy with the
batteries, while tho rest of the force
remained to act as a rear guard.
Tho convoy arrived at a deep spruit,
where the Moors were concealed, anil
the entire body walked Into ambusli
and wns.eaptured on the ground with
six guns. The loss of life was not
great, since many of the llrltish hnd
walked Into the trap before it shot was
(leu. Colvllle's division which left
Hlornifonteln early this morning ar
rived here at noon and he Is now shell
ing the lloers.
A London dispatch of April 2d says:
Lord Robert's report of the above af
fair, if received by thu war olllce, has
not been published, and no account of
the affairs Is available to the public ex
cept the dispatch from lliishmnu hop.
Nothing" can be said, therefore, regard
ing the exact extent of the llrltish
Six of twelve guns, comprising two
batteries, all the wagons, and It is
feared, many men fell Into thu hands
of the lloers, daring displayed
so near Illocmfoutcln, shows that they
uro rapidly recovering heart after their
recent reverses.
Seveio criticisms are heard regard
ing the renewal of the old mistake of
underrating the lloers and the absence
of proper precautions. No doubt the
affairs will revive lloer hopes and in
spire confidence among the enemy at u
critical moment.
Hued for .Mlcuntliig M. i:. IColiertHoir
Wife' Affection.
District court at York adjourned
Saturday until Tuesday. The past
week had been taken up trying the
case of Marlon E. Robinson vs. Hubert
llrown, In which the plalntlll' sued the
defendant for alienating his wife from
him, and for this asked SI.", 000 dam
ages. The jury returned a verdict for
the defendant. The case was tried
about five , ears ago with the same
verdict, but being canied to the .su
preme court, it was reversed and re
manded for a new trial.
To llo Hiiccd 111 Ayluin.
Miss Viola Horlocker, who was ac
quitted in distilct court at Hastings of
tho charge of attempting to poison
Mrs. C. F. Morev, departed Saturday
over too Hurliugton for New York eltv.
Sho was accompanied by her sister,
Mrs, II. Durant Cheever. Miss Hor
locker, It is stated, will be placed in a
private asylum near New York, this
action being taken on the advice of Dr.
Norbury, of Jacksonville, 111., one of
the experts who testified during her
trial. Mrs. Cheever .said that they felt
very thankful to her sister's friends
for kindnesses shown during her trial,
nntl that their plans for the future de
pended entirely upon Viola's health.
Order Men Duck to Work.
Tho Chicago machinists' strike Is
over, and all through the United States
where the union has ordered strikes
they have been called oil', and tho men
returned to work Monday. Tho con
ditions upon which the agreement be
tween the bosses and men was reached
was approved at a general nius'i meet
lug, the voto standing S.O-'S for its
adoption and riiio against. A formal
order was at once Isiueil by President
O'Connell of the machinists' union,
declaring the strike off and ordering
tho men back to work on Monday.
Header Verdict for City.
The jury In the ease of Scott Ulbb
vs. tho mayor ami oity council of Al
ton, 111., known as the colored school
school case, brought in a verdict for
tho city. 1 he case Is a celebrated o no
and Involves the question of separate
sciiools for white and colored children,
lllbb, who represented the colored
people of Alton, charged that tlio
colored children were excluded from
tho public rchools. This is the third
time the ease has been tried in tho
circuit court. An appeal will bo taken
to the biiprcnie court.
Ill l.lru Cruahed Out.
llert Hell, teamster for a coal and Ico
company at Omaha, fell from his wug
on and tho wheels crushed his head.
Ills lifeless body was taken to his
homo at 1103 South Thirteenth stroet.
Ho leaves a widow.
Fatal Stroke, or l'.irulynls.
J. O. Stelubneh, and old resident of
Ilcnedict, died at his homo as a result
of a stroke of paralysis, aged seventv-
f three, years. Mr. Steinbaeh has run a
hnrness bhop at Henedlct almost sluco
tho organisation of the town. v
Lincoln Hoy Killed nt I'lrat Volley of
Tho report of Lleutennnt Ollmorc,
which has so long been awaited, has
been filed with tho war department
and gives the full details of the enpturo
ot tho Yorktown boat crow. Tho re
port Is especially interesting to No
brasknns, wherein It tells of the death
of Private Morrlsey, whoso parents
live at Lincoln. The report tells of
how the boat crow was ambushed, tho
first notice of the presence of the
enemy being a shout from the outpost
in the bushes, Tho report tells of tho
death of Morrlsey, as follows:
"llefore I could answer tho shout a
volley was fired at us at close range,
fifty to sixty yards. The effect of this
volley was terrible. Morrlsey was
killed Instantly, his brains being scat
tered over the boat and crew."
After the capture tho soldiers who
were still alive were taken inland by
tho Insurgents, and Ollmoro docs not
know what disposition wns made of
tho bodies of Morrlsey and Dillon, tho
two dead soldiers.
Oil" C.nuulty I,lt.
Ocncral Otis' casualty list up to
March .10, is as follows:
Killed: Luzon Forty-fifth Infnntry,
Company M, James T. Hill; Forty
third Infantry, Company II, Elbrldgo
It. Webster; Company I, Ferdinand W.
Myer. Puny Eighteenth infnntry,
Company L, Max Holme, corporal.
Wounded; Luzon Twenty-second
Infantry, First Lieutenant Orrin H.
Wolfe, severe; Thirty-fourth Infantry,
Company C, James E. Murphy, severe;
Thirty-seventh Infantry, Company (,
Floyd Hummer, sergeant, serious;
Forty-fifth Infantry, Company A, Otis
Smith, corporal, slight; Forty-seventh
Infantry, Company C.Thomas J. (iould,
II. Moineny, corpoial; Foity-third In
fantry, Company C, James F. Hums,
serious. Fanny Eighteenth infantry,
Company L, John O. Carl, sergeant,
(let I'uy for (Hereout.
If II. II. Pratt, who In March, 180S,
took a trip from Chicago to Edgemont;
S. D., by way of Nebraska, had bought
his Pullman sleeping car ticket in Chi
cago for a berth across Nebraska, he
would now be mourning the loss of
two lino overcoats, valued utSTS, which
were htolcn from the car at Lincoln
while hu was lunching at tho railway
depot, lint Mr. Pratt bought his tick
et In Omaha, and ho gets S130 from
the Pullman Paluee Car company.
Judge Clifford, at Chicago, has held
that as tho contract was made In Oma
ha, and was to be performed In Ne
braska, the laws of that btato gov
erned. I.I Hung t'hmig Ag'tltcd.
The IVkiu eoriesp mdent of tlio
London Daily Mail hays: Li Hung
Cluing, viceroy of Canton, recently
wired the Chinese authorities that
ICang Yu Wei, the reformer, had or
dered 8.0UU uniforms in Hong Kong.
The empress dowager was much
alarmed by the news and LI Hung
Cluing has sent a fo.mal protest to the
Iltitish government of Hong Kong
against permitting Kang Yu Wei's pro
paganda. fell Under tlio Wheel
Martin Jensen, a baker, twenty years
old, who bus been employed tho past
six months at Humphrey, Neb., stole u
ride with u companion on tho Union
Pacific accommodation train, ami fell
under the wheels at Platte Center,
Neb. Hoth legs were badly mangled.
He was taken to a hospital at Colum
bus and the leg was amputated. At
tending surgeons hope to save the
other, but are not sure that they can.
Trump lliirned to Ilentli.
At Jackson, Minn., an unknown
man, supposed to be a tramp stealing
a ride on a Chicago, Milwaukee r. M.
Paul bo- car, was burned to death and
Night Operator J. J. Dolau was severe
ly burned by the explosion of gasoline.
The night operator, carrying a torch,
opened the car to examine its contents
and the explosion followed.
Hattln With Cuttle Thieve.
A battle between a sheritV's posso
and a gang of desperadoes occurred
near Navajo Springs, N.M., In which
two of the posse, (Jus Gibbons and
Frank Lesuere, were killed. Five of
the outlaws were captured, two badly
wounded. Three escaped and are be
ing followed. Tho gang hud been
stealing cattle.
Children Huriied In Home,
At Muscatine, la., three children ot
August Tobias, aged four years, three
years, and six mouths, were locked In
the house by their mother, and during
her absence the house was destroyed
by fire. The youngest is dead and one
of the others cannot recover. All
were seriously burned.
Humour Iteiidy To hull.
The United States transport Sumner,
which has been overhauled ut an ex
pense of S7.10,000, was inspected at her
pier in Hrooklyn by Secretary of War
Root, Surgeon General Sternberg
Quartermaster Ludlugton and Acting
Commissary General Weston. Tho
Sumner will sail for Manila.
.Miner lteiiiuo Work,
After being on a strike since Decern
bcr 11, all the miners in northern and
central Iowa will resume work as tho
result of an agreement signed nt Ft.
Dodge. The new scale mukes an in
crease of 3 cents per day.
Holler IXlode.
Tho boiler of a French torpedo boat
exploded during forced draught trials,
uear Cherbourg, France, uiul live of tho
crew wore terribly burned. Ono died
and another, unable to bear the agony,
jumped into the sea and was drowned.
Brooklyn Divine Quits Prcsby
tcrian Church.
Cannot Halncrlhe to 1'iiltli In Fnrcordlnn-
tlon lleiinmtimtloiiul Tenet I. our
Obuoxloti Labored to linvo
the Coufo'fttnu Kcvled.
A Chicago, April 'J dispatch says: The"
resignation of Hev. Newell Dwlght
Hlllls, pastor of Plymouth church,
Hrooklyn, from tho Chicago Presby
tery and the request that he bo allowed
to demit from Presbyterian church
wns today placed before the annual
meeting of the Chicago presbytery.
No action will taken on the matter for
two weeks, tho committee to which Dr.
Ilillis' letter of tesignatlon was re
ferred for consideration requesting
thnt much time on account of the
ninny important Interests Involved and
being unwilling to take hasty action
on a matter so important to the Pres
byterian church. Dr. mills' resigna
tion was lu the form a letter to Dr.
W. C. Gray, editor of tho Interior and
n personal friend of the Hrooklyn pas
tor, and when the aged divine stepped
upon the platform to present the let
ter to the Chicago presbytery the au
ditorium of Olivet Memorial church,
in which the meeting was held, was
crowded to the doors, nearly every
Presbyterian minister in Chicago be
ing president. The reading of the let
ter, which was a lengthy one, was fol
lowed with the closest interest.
At the conclusion of the reading of
the letter a motion to refer it to a com
mittee of three for consideration was
adopted and Dr. J. (!. K. MeClure,
president of Lake Forest university;
Dr. William it. Notinan of the Fourth
church, and Dr. W. J. Chichester of the
First chut ch were named.
The committee spent some time in
discussing the letter and finally de
cided to ask for two weeks in which to
consider the matter before making any
recommendation to the presbytery, and
the request was granted by u unani
mous vote.
llurcliKrovluk Expedition Return From
Southern lee. 1'leldn.
The exploring htcamor Southern
Cross arrived at Willington, New Zea
land, bearing C. I. Horchgrevink and
the survivors of the south polar expe
dition fitted out in lS'.lS by Sir George
Newnes of Loudon.
Mr. Horchgrevink reports that the
magnetic pole has been located. N.
Hansen, one of the zoologists who
started with the expedition, died on
the voyage.
The Horchgrevink expedition left
llobart, Tasmania, for the Antnretie
region on December I'.i, Wis. During
the latter part of February, lS'.Ki, the
members lnndei' from the Southern
Cross near Cape Adaii, Vietorlalaud, it
having boen arranged that the steamer
should leave them there with full
equipment of every kind and should re
turn for them earlv In I'.ioo.
Funeral Will Follow thu Kxperlmcut of
nn lllluoU Mini.
At Vienna. 111., Henry Dorst killed
himself by drinking a quart of whisky
without lemovtug his lips from the
bottle except to catch his breath be
tween gulps. He and some compan
ions had bought a quart of whisky,
and one of them said lie would pay for
the contents if would drink it
all. This he did.
Thrta .Men Hold ITp 11 Itrimor and
Take Ml. 0(10.
Three masked nen looted the safe in
the Star brewery of Helleville. 111., of
about 31,000, after first capturing anil
confining Secretary Hubert Hartmau,
his brother llanz, the watchman and
night fireman of the plant in an empty
refrigerator ear nearby.
Woman Killed llernelf.
Mrs. Kate Jordon, who lived with
her son, Milton E. Itoekett, secretary
of James J. Corbett, in handsome
apartments on Forty-second stiect,
New York, committed suicide by in
haling illuminating gas. Several days
ago Mrs Jordan wrote a number of
letters indicating that she intended to
take her life.
Chnrged With .Murder.
John Flicker, an Englishman, visit
ed his friend, William Elsonhoofor, at
the hitter's home in Cincinnati. Hoth
were laborers. Roth got very drunk
and engaged in a tight on tho second
story porch. The railing gave way,
Elsenhoofer fell to the ground and was
killed. Flicker is under arrest, charged
with murder.
Ilcdlriitcd Out of Debt.
The new 81,000 H.iptist ohurch at
Syracuse, Neb,, was dedicated Sunday
out of debt. The house was crowded
both morning and evening.
Reduction of Wur Tuxe.
A possible reduction of the war taxes
was foreshadowed in a resolution
adopted by the house calling upon the
secretary of tho treasury for informa
tion as to the probable surplus tho
existing revenue laws would create
during this and tlio coming fiscal year.
Huiluvii .Men to Orgiinlre,
A number of tho leading business
men of Grand Island have signed a
call for a meeting to bo held at tho
council chamber for a reorganization
of tho busiuess men's club.
Louie City of London Amid I'lnmllti of
Her Subject.
A London dispatch dated April 3
says that Queen Victoria left London
nt 0:30 Monday evening enrouto for
Ireland, accompanied by Princess
Christian and Princess Henry of lint
tenburg, and attended by Countess
of Antrim, Hon. Harriett Phipps, Sir
Arthur Hlggs, private secretary to the
queen; and others. The queen had
driven out to Froginoore during tho
afternoon amid much enthusiasm and
her departure from the state was com
paratively quiet.
Not lu tho history of tho Great West
ern and London & Northwestern rail
ways have greater precautions ever
been observed to protect the royal
train. The queen stipulated that
the trip should occupy eleven hours
although It Is usually covered in six.
This slowness, at a time when tratllo
is Ugliest, was one of the reasons for
deciding upon a night run.
Will Now Mute lteult of III Visit to
thu Trmintiiiil.
Hon. Webster Davis of Kansas' City
has tendered his resignation to tlio
president as assistant secretary of tho
Interior. Mr. Davis decided to take
this course as the icsult of his visit to
South Africa. He has decided to de
liver a public address at an early date
touching the entire scope of the pres
ent war uud believes that he can best
do so while free from any restraint
which his present position would Im
pose upon him.
When taking his departure for homo
from Pretoria 'J;000 pjople gathered to
take leave of him at the station. They
appealed to him in tears to state their
cause to the American people and Mr.
Davis says his conscience would haunt
him if he proved recreant to that ap
Koveritu the Order of u Ago In
Tom 11 of II rutty.
The election for city ollielals in tho
town of Heatty, Marshall county, Kan
sas, was a contest between tnou and
women, and the men won, A ticket
composed 'entirely of women was
elected u year ago. The women ofll
cers, headed by Mrs. Kli.abeth Totten,
mayor, were candidates for re-election.
Aside from the sex and personality of
the candidates the principal issue was
whether joints should be allowed to
run, the men favoring a wide open
policy. The men rebelled against tlio
strict prohibition enforced by tho
women and the entire men's ticket was
elected with the exception of clerk,
one councilman and marshal. Tho
later is a man.
Clinrili K.ilite .MortKUKe Debt.
Last Sunday the members of Trinity
M. 10. church at Grand Island fooled
the people holding the mortgage
against their church in nn exemplary
manner. The pastor, Hev. Dr. Hodg
etts. has for some weeks been working
hard to raise sullleieiit funds to release
the chin eli from indebtedness ati'l suc
ceeded to the last necessary dollar.
The details of releasing the mortgage
and securing the paper were arranged
lu time for Sunday.s's services and tho
mortgage was, in the presence of tho
congregation, burned. It wns mndo
the event of general rejoicing. The
various contributors were guests of
honor ut the jubilee.
Rmlly L'oRhlmi Iiihiiup.
Mis3 Kiuily Coghlan, sister of Hoso
Coghlau, the actress, and herself well
known on the stage, has been taken to
Hellevue hospital, New York city, ap
parently insane, .she has been ill sev
eral days, and became so violent that
her physician directed that she be sent
to Hellevue.
WnrruntH Culled For.
The state treasurer has Issued a call
for general fund wa.-rants from num
ber fi.",17l to rri,."i7o, amounting to
40,01I0. The call becomes effective
April 10. During the month of March
tho board of educational lands and
funds invested S.'il.O)) of the perma
nent scho'ul fund in state warrants.
Killed by nu Kxdimlou,
A boiler weighing several tons ex
ploded at the G. O. Williams Lumber
company's brick yard at Atlanta, Ga.,
killing three white men and injuring
five others. The dea 1 are, John M.
Smith, one of the owners of the yard,
James Perkins, engineer, and Wulter
SUbbed Ills Itrother-ln-Liiur.
At Dallas, Tex., W. II. Oliver and .1.
A. Castling, brothers-in-law, and their
wives were sitting up with the corpse,
of the fatlier-in-luw of the men. The
two men quarrelled and Castling
stabbed Oliver to death.
I)nmetle Tragedy.
At Kansas City John McKlinm shot
and killed Dr. 11. F. Shaw, his brother-in-law,
as the latter sat reading tho
Sunday school lesson to his four-year
old daughter. McKimm was insane.
Love is a species of heart discaso
when it is advisable to call in a clergy
DleH at Age of lllKhty-llvo,
Mr. Flizabeth Morrison died at tho
homo of her daughter, Mrs. Henry
Hrcnner, north of Humboldt, Neb., ut
tho advanced ago of oighty-llvo years.
Tho cause of her death was grip and
old age.
Mueh Jewelry Stolen,
Diamonds, jewelry, and money to
tho value of 810,000 wore stolen from
tho residence of Charles W. Smith at
Germautown, Pa., and suspicion rests
upon Edward Hrunnin, Mr. Smith's
coachman, who is missing.
Passage of Porto Rican Tariff
Bill Indicated,
rropoml to Strlko Out Uuty rlnils No
Fnvor Defeated by n DecUlvo Ma
jority of 10 to 33 Speech of
llevcrldge Dny'i Feature,
A direct vote wns taken by the sen
ate Thursday on tho proposition to
strike from the Porto Kico measure
the provision levying 15 per rent of tho
DIngley law duties on Porto Hlco prod
ucts. The proposition was defeated
by a vote of 1(1 to 33. While tho voto
Is regarded as presaging the passage
of the pending measure, it is not re
garded us indicating tho final voto on
the bill.
The feature of the debate was tho
speech of Mr. Heverldge, (Intl). While
he advocated reciprocity between the
United States and Porto Hlco, he an
nounced that if all efforts to secure
free trade .should fall, he would sup
port the bill. The bill was under dis
cussion throughout the session, sev
eral complete amendments being
agreed to.
InurKent Lender Attend .Mulied llnll
In llKule.
Captain Conrad! of the transport Ga
ronne, which arrived ut Tacoiua from
Manila, reports that Agulnalilo, ac
cording to reports current there, is
able to visit Manila in disguise almost
as often as he wishes. It is known
positively that ho attended a grand
masked ball at Manila on New Year's
night and has been seen there several
times since.
Conradi was told by American of
ficers that while the backbone of the
rebellion is broken it will be a long
time before guerilla lighting can be
fully stopped.
t'reildeut KrtiKer Suy tint lloer Will
Itotuku llloeiufoutuln.
A London. March 30, dispatch Says:
The Hloemfontelneoriespoiidcnt of the
Morning Post, telegraphing Wednes
day, says:
"President Kruger boasts his Inten
tion to retake Hloemfouteln within a
week, and it appears probable that
the Hoers are advancing in force south
ward. The Hoers are active north of
Glen, nbout fifteen miles from here. It
Is reported that they ateconcentrating
In considerable force."
Governor General Wood Hu New Heir
en In the llouehold.
A Havana, Cuba, dispatch says: Mrs.
Wood, wife of the governor general
gave birth to a ten pound girl at the
palace Thursday. Mother and child
arc doing well. The records of lifcvana
do not show the birth of nny other
governor geneial's child. Under tho
Spanish regime the wife of a governor
general invariably left for Spain that
the child might be born there.
Ulrl Commit Suicide.
Thursday afternoon Anna McMana
man, a prostitute, aged 10, living alone
ntTl'J M street, Lincoln, Neb., took a
teaspouful of powdered strychnine,
washed it down with a drink of water
and died forty-five minutes later. Im
mediately after taking it she called in
friends and told them what she had
done. Medical assistance was called,
but she was dying when Dr Holyoko
arrived.' She took tho poison In u flt
of despondency that had 1 sted several
George H. Leo Sentenced.
George S. Lee, who pleaded guilty to
forging an express money order whllo
night operator at the Huiiington &
Missouri depot at Louisville, was sen
tenced by Judge .lessen in the district
court at Plattsmouth, Neb., to llftccn
months' hard labor in the penitentiary.
Judge .lessen wns very lenient owing
to the apparently sincere penitence of
the prisoner, and It being Ills first of
fense. Organizing Telephone Compuny.
Local capitalists of Wisner, Neb.,
nro considering the project of organiz
ing a telephone company. Their, idea
is not only to connect the business
lion es of that town, but to run lines
into tlio country. Commlttois aro al
ready investigating the cost and oan
vassiug the territory to try and get
Agree on u Schedule.
A meeting of the trntlle gfllcinls of
the railroads west of Chicago and St.
Louis and of the trunk lines wus held
at New York. The qucstson of tho
division of through rates from tho enst
to the far west, which has been ngi
tuted for some time, was satisfactorily
arranged. The schedule of rates will
not bo ready for some time.
Il4Ulug I'lind for India,
The M. E. church of Rising City hns
raised S"i0 for the sufferers of India.
This Is a part of a sum to be raised by
tho various churches for the purchase
of a cargo of corn In New York,
whence It will be shipped to India,
there to bo distributed to the suffering
Auierleiin 1'ork Hurred.
Tho Turkish Porte has informed tho
United States legation that In tho fu
ture the Importation of American pork
will bo prohibited. Tho reason given
is that it is injurious to public health,