1 n f i. n ? T i 1 i i 1 i i i n 11 v. n i T 1 I, n n ft n fi H m ft "With this ring I wed thee." Shakc-pente The ring of love mid the ling of goodness should ho lili'inleil m tlio .vcminitig ling A 111:111 wtints nothing in life that ln wants tc hi' 11s suit' of us liu tlocs tin1 quality "f liis wedding or en gigeincnt ring Hi wants tho liest he wants just what In-pays for, anil lie wants to Ituv it qui' etly nnil secretly (Sooilnts ami s 'crcsy arc two strong points in our wedding ami en gagement ring soiling, T&ewVouse. T&vos., jr.wni.nts and (ii-riciANs fifttttffrftfrtttfttfttrtft- i GENERAL CITY NEWS. Harness repairs, Fogcl & Hutchison. Sam Spry left Tuesday morning (or Lincoln. James Morrison of Superior was here this week. Bert Waldon of Ileatrico was here this week. Mrs. L.I). Oattnati visited in Oxford the last of the week. Northern grown Mower and gardeu seeds at the llioket Store. Two residences for alo or rent in city. See S. H. Lightfoot. Largest lino of heaters in tho valley at Wright's hardware storo. Miss Maud Uoss ha- taken a position in the millinery stoic of U 1. .Moise. Walter Unity -ells tlm Singer suwing machine. 1'iiee.s rignt. (Jet the best. KlnnT Crone and hi- "lie-t pill' Miss Myrtle llcdilen weie in J(iuide Hook Wedne-day. Do you want a heating stove? if you do goto Wright's, lie has a largo 11 no sit the lowi-t prices. Seed o.it- for -ale. Norway and Sil ver Mine, g'nid clean -ceil. Apply to K 11. (i"ine. K'd Cloud, Nell. Levi Miller and wife who have heen visiting relative- heie left iheliistoi the week for Kiuporia, Kansas. Harold Turnure, the young son.of 1). V. Turnuro was kicked in tho face by a horso on Wednesday and quite badly hurt. Goo. Morhart who has boon living at Uutte, Montana, arrived home Thurs day and will again take up a residence here. High time you niadea display of your appreciation of our new jeweler. Hon est work at honest pricos. C. I). Morse tho Jeweler. Thomas Kralik on la3t Tuesday re ceived the sad intelligence of the death of his mother at IVeseott, Iowa, and left that evening to attend tlio funeral A force of men have been at work this week cleaning out tho street and gutters in the business sfctlon. The change in the appearance of the street is worthy of mention. Let tho good work go on. Infractions of the law by csmmon ereryday citizens are always condemn ed by tho preachers and tho offenders aro generally severely dealt with, but when a preaehor. knowing tho election law, swears in his vote when ho has no vote, ho is lut alotio. Wo oelievo that a preacher should bo arrested for law in fractions just ns quick as anyone else. II KICK'S TO TIIK IIINOE8 OF J rKir.Mioiiu MAY TIIKY NKVKIt 1CUST ' LIE, STEHL, SWEKR, DRINK KISD EKT. When you Uo. let In te only a "while" ono. Wlicn you Stcnl, tel awy from bid com- . 1'iuiy. When you Swear, nwear by yourcotinlry. I When you Drink, ilrluk to the health of a I frlciKl, When you Kat, cut at the r J Star 13olcer9 ; J. O. WILES, Prop. ir Northern grown seeds, Racket Stote Heater.-in endless variety a W W Wright's. Walter Warren was up from Superior Thin sday night. full line of fresh bulk garden steds at W. I) Kobj's. C F. Gather and wife went to Lin coln the (irstof tlio week. Clias McOitrk was here from Camp bell the fust of the week. T. .1 Turner the Kama City mule buyer was heie this week. Frank Ktehardson returned Thursday night from a trip to.McCook. If you want anything In tlie harness line see Fogel A: Hutchison. It II (i.iston has moved his Iioiim uold goods to Concordia, Kansas. Our phone number is now 72 Call us up when you need job printing. Fred Bradbrook was looking after ou-ine-s matters in lilttu Hill Monday Mrs. Fannie Haney has gone to Wa ello, Iowa for a visit with her daugh ter. Foit Sai,k Chkai'. An lvigloLi-.tor, two cultivators and a top buggy. Mils. 1 Conovkii. (Jiiti. Wantkd. Knquiro f Mrs. F. l lladley, 2nd door south of Dr. Mor nnville'sofllce. Mrs. William Ducker and daughter Hessio of Lincoln are visiting in the city this week. The Misses Kubieck of McCook aro visiting with their sister Mrs. James Moranvillo this week. Bert Ducket returned Thursday night from a month's trip in the north ern portion of the United States and in Canada. L. II Fort has erected a barn at his residence in tho south ward to take the Dlace of the ono destroyed by fun a short time ago. Fred I'etcrson has purchased tho Kat.mtyer property next his own property in the south ward and is now making improvements in both proper-tics. V 0 If " " fc fc O M r W V fc j O t. v. n 7 r.v 1 , ft -'ii r "A , v. V ". t. , 4 v y h r. . . r. ". The Prices on them makes your pocketbook glad. Cowden-Kaley Clothing Company. Largest Dealers in Men's Shoes in Red Cloud n jtjtjjojjtjtjjjtjjtjtj A newcomer, Mr. J. O. Caldwell has purchased the poultry business of Sam uel Dyer. Mr. Dyer, wo understand is thinking of locating in Denver. Tho uncertain state of affairs in which our city is in regard to tlio pol icy of license or no license has robbed us of the prospects of ono brick build ing this year. At tho council meeting Wednesday evening tho committee appointed on water works extension woro instructed to go ahead with the wells. Thero will probably be no shortage of water this year. Alfalfa soed for sale. Guaranteed to bo clearof Russian thistles, sweet clo ver or mustard. Price $0 per bushel, at farm of I. B. Hampton on bottom road on south sldo of river, three miles west of (iiiidu Rock. A largo number of tho friends and relatives ot Mr. and Mrs. Win. Kuchn, living south of tho river, treated them to a very pleasant surprise last Wed nesday evening, tho occasion boing their tenth wedding anniversary. Al though taken completely by surprise thoeouplo soon recovered their senses and right royally ontortaincd tho crowd till a lato hour, when all de parted for their homes wishing the couple many more happy anniversary o casions. Wo call the attention of our readers ' t the generous premium offers nindo in this paper lor saving Di.imond "C laundry soap wrappers. This laundry soap is manufactured by the Cudahy Packing Company, at their big soap works in Sott'.h Omaha, Neb Wo uu dcis'and lln-i company is one of tlio stioiigest and most tuli.ibio of its kind in tin- United Stales Those who haro received premiums t o they are greatly pleased with them. Tho Diamond "C" propi'Mlion is all right and worthy of mi ones attention. Pleaso look these ad-up and read what they offer. Be aure to aniii for prtmlum catalogue, a I Want Your Easiness, . ' it f iir 1 1 1 1 iiieni ami quality nf g"inl e.iunis for aiitliini! xv 11 ti iuii I wnl get it. The lie-t clas of Hade ci inc.- m. way lie-ciill-e 1 -ell the lic-t goods fir the price that others iik for infci lor gnoiU. I nut lii'ic to hack up any goods that I -ell If there is anything wioug I make it right. Come ami look my goods over. They are all up to date. J as. Peterson. LOCALLY. A girl wanted at tho City Bakery. DM. S. Marsh of Hastings is in the city tod a j. Med Lavallce of Uiverton was lioro last Sunday. C T. lla.'-Iton returned from Hast ings Monday. Nato Piatt was a Hastings visitor tho first of tho week. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Peterson a boy, April 1st. Albdoing weil. Mrs. Harry Bealo of McUook was visiting relatives liore this week. 11. 0. Cutter returned the llrst of the week ft nin a trip to Kansas City. M. It Bontley wa. looking ufter bus iness matters at Cuide ltock Wcdncs day. Vein Bishop, formerly of this city, now of Long Island, Kaunas, was hero this week. James Bennett of ButteMontnnu, eon in of the Gilliam boys, i- visiting in tho city. A new plank walk has been placed in front 0 tho Holland House by Land lni (I ltuiichcy Fugi'liVr Hutt'hi-nii have a line line of heavy work harness you .should see befoioyou buy a new one. Rev. L V. lMson was in Lincoln tho first of thewcok. Wo understand that ho will remove from this city to Boat rice. Mrs. Weideman and Mrs. Satnuol Templo and daughter Mary arrived homo Thursday night from a visiFin Iowa. Wji. McKimmoy and family have ar rived in the city from Norton, Kansas, and havo moved into a property on Jaaksan's hill. ""For Exciianok Brick block, three rooms, to trado for small farm In Web ster county. For particulars call at oflico of J. S. White. Tho pooplo poko plainly their de sires on election day anil it is nothing more than right that the vanquished forces respect these desires. The James Peterson property famil iarly known as the "rookery" is under going rdpairs and will be straightened up nnd gotten in shape for occupancy by Goo. Morhart with a stock of hard ware. T. C. Hacker, Madison Finch, Al. Galusha, Rob't Cochrane; C. W. Kaley, and C. H. Kaloy of tho Masonic lodge of this place attendod the funeral of II. W. Brewer at Kansas City, Kansas on last Sunday. John Copley an old and respected oltinen of this county for many years passed quietly away at his homo near Inuvale, at fi o'clock a 111. on Tuesday, April 3rd, aged 54 years, 1 month and 4 days. Ho was born in Austerlield, uoar Bawtry, Yorkshiro, England, Feb ruary 28lh 1810. Ho camo to America in the spring of 1871 and remained about fivo years when ho again return ed to England and was united in mar riage to MiflB Mary Blakowoll, at Man chester, England, on the first day of January 1880. He returned to Ameri ca and secured a farm in this county, and has resided here ever since. Eight children, all boys, were born of this union, all of whom but ono, with his widow remain to mourn his loss. The funeral services were conducted at the sch ol houso in District 41, Rev. ltippetoo and tho Masonic order of this city conducting the services A large concourse of neighbors and friends in cluding about twenty of the order from this city wore present to witness the last sad rite of burial. Henri Warren Brewer, aged 5l years 7 tn-inths and !! days died Tuesday morning March U7, 1U00 at the home of his daughter in Kansas City, Kansas1. After an illness of one week he hud coineto Kansas City iutetidicg to enter one of the hospitals for medical Ileal me nt. He died before lie had au opportunity . hi carry out his purpose. The post 1 in. (item disclosed that lie died of intes tinal obstruction ! Mi. Brewer was born In Cistuiuvia, New York, Aug.'JIth, 1810. Tlii-Jfunii-M moved to Mansion, Wis., where his h'iliooit days weie passed. Deo. :10th, l!!'!, he was nrirried to Martha L Pill log. Mr. and Mrs. Brewer moved toStark, County. Illinois whete the, lived for ten Jeais. Since lySJ their home ha.- been in Itod Cloud, Neb., where Mr. Brewer wu- engaged in the grain husitic-s Mi Brewer leaves a wile, daughter, and iwo .sous, Mjia B Kurighl, of Kansas City, Kansas, Henry A. of Port laud, Oiegon and Charles. . ol Kan sas City, Mts.sotui. lle-tdes these he leaves a twin sister Mis. Win. Buttei Held, of Houston, Tc and two biotheis, L. W. of Dresden, Kansas, and ). 1). of Albion, Nebraska. The funeral .services weiohold Sun day afternoon at It o'clock in the Peo ple's Methodist Prolestatil Church. The services weru conduciedBuiider thd auspices of Ihu Masuuiu fraternity. The deceased was a Knight Templar and a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen. He was also a mem ber of l'riple 1'ie Benefit Association. The following delegation of Masons and friends from Bed Cloud, Neb. tit ended tho funural services. A. li.iiusha, M. Finch, T. C. Hacker, It. M.Cochrati, C. W. Kaley and C. H. Kaley. After the Masonic services at the cemetery thu body was placed in the receiving vault at Woodlawn. Thu funeral services over tho re mains of 11. W. Brewer uf this city were held in Kansas City, Kansas, at 'J p. in, Sunday, Apr. 1st, 11)00. Thu servicu was in charge of Wyau- dotto. Lodge No. It, A. F. & A. M. of the lallD' place, who escorted the remains from the residence of Mrs. Eiiright daughter ol the deceased to the family chinch where an appropiialo and iui- prcaiivc service was rendered by the pastor and a select double quartette, after which the remains weie taken to Woodlawn ceineleiv wheio the full .services of .the Masonic order was giv en by aliotil fifty inuinber.s of Wyan dotte Lodge, accompanied by m ev coil of Knight l'ciuplnrs in full uni form numbering about forty. ( h'niiv I. in !! of licit UloiHl was 1 repcmciiy Madison Finch. W. and A. G.iliisha, Sec. Red Cloud ,.. ... . . ,n ...., nf l.-. 1.... i. wnapier o. i. oy -, i.iaiij, "-oik, Cyreno Coininiiudery No. II by ltob'l Cochran, who with Brothers McGregor and.O.lell of Kansas City, acted as pall bearers. T. C. Hacker ami Chas. 11. Kaley of Red Cloud were also pies u .t. Tho llorul offerings were numer ous and uuusually beautiful, promi nent among which was a largo anchor and shield design In pink nnd white roses from Red Cloud Lodge A. O. U. W. Tho dosign sent by Red Cloud Or der of Eastern Star and tho one from the business associates of Mr. Brewer in Kansas City were aho very notice able. Tuore are two places iu this city at least where city water should bo used iu tlio summer time for lawn purpose. Tlio places wo mean aro thu school house yard and tlio eourthou.se yard. Both of lho.se places havo good lawns started aiidthuy should bo improved Why docsu't'.lhoecoool board make ar rangements with the council for .sprink ling thu school houso lawn mid thu commissioners also make arrangements to sprinkle tho court nousu la vu. Theso are two places which could bo made into handsome parks with the proper care. B We have addod to our stock ti complete lino of tho latest 1 Magazines and i Story Papers. Wo solicit your patronago. Wt carry the largest stock of ! Books and Stationery ; in the city. . C. L. COTTINQ, i Jlr:i' Young Men "Wc get the young man's trade because wc have the clothes that please his taste, nt prices that fit his pocket book. There's a smartness and style about our Hart, Schaffncr & Marx tailor made clothes that appeal to the dressy young men. College men wear them, young business men wear them, men of every trade nnd profession are asking for them. IwnJamQP'BTiiiH 'IfJl lilliVl They're the kind advcr tiscd in all the leading magazines and worn by good dressers everywhere. COMPLETE LINE OF MEN'S AND HOY'S NOHliY SPRING HATS. ALI THE LATEST STYLES AND COLORS. Gouiden-Haley LEADENS 'WmWmmmimm& & Wl Easter Display of- $ u Pattern Hats and Novelties At the New Mitiinery Store .J. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 5th, 6th and 7th, ipoo. C. D. MORSE. First door north of F & M. Bank flhffltiaygli"iliiffi'aatt3KW:tf FOR 1 immi 1 y "i" 1 i'waaiawBariaaalMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaa L'a7flfiHaaiEfrL "v aaai-VvaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH aaV -aEMr vflaVv r .alaaaavj flHaaaBMa'a'l 'aa Kag5gjBw5rBw,aWSPlau3li -XiaBaaMaitaBaawaia,aaaWa,a,aIB THIS IS ONE OF THEM... ' 1 on roe (olil I n e pock it on m era; take a I Irtiirn 2 I'J'i tlio oiii' cimora (n lrf ptiitra tliat onn bo roiivrnlcntly carried In tho pockrt; Id. so ot llnestdtintitr.iich- SAVING Diamond "C" Laundry Soap Wrappers "toinatlc, This Oinprn unit 2M other iirlzPR kIvpii ntvny to the mem of Dm iiinml "C" Laundry Soap. Drop a postal cant lo (Specially (or tlictu camera, lias crout puwurolfncui. kWIiii? a wonderful d o II n 1. I 4 i i i i i s I J Th PREMIUM DEPARTMENT, a CUDAHV PKO. CO. SoipWki. So. Omihi, Nb. J:&umM U ruir iraotr iai ooi knp Ulimon J "O" Hoa plaiu PLATT & ebicago Itamber Yard, I KKU CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Lumber, Lime. Jlililm IBflilili JmMk I fi i'M 11 ill J ClothnigGo., IN LOW PRICES. Building. and mnilo lion, ''quipped with flew tinder; mada of thoroughly neainned cherry wood, cotere d with black aval morocco leather; wa furnUh It complete with one doable plate holder. wnd u hli nam and wa will it klat U aat It la atada FREES CO., Coal and '.Cement. ?h 1-3 II I t