7 t; i B '! X ' ! , h .. i' ' ' i .l t! , 4 J ft Word to Doctors Wo havo tho highest regard for tho medical profession, Our preparations nro not sold for the purpose of antagon izing them, but rather as an aid. Wo lay it down as an established truth that internal remedies nro positively injuri ous to expectant mothers. The distress and discomforts experienced during tho months preceding childbirth can be al leviated only by external treatment by applying a liniment that softens and re laxes tho ovcr-stralned muscles. We mako and sell such n liniment, com bining the ingredients in a manner hitherto unknown, and call it Mothers Friend We know that in thousands of cases it has proved more than a blessing to expectant mothers. It overcomes morn ing sickness. It relieves the sense of tightness. Headaches cease, and dan ger from Swollen, Hard and Rising Breasts is avoided. Labor itself is shortened and shorn of most of the pain. We know that many doctors recom mend it, and we know that multitudes of women go to tho drug stores nnd buy it because they aro sure their physicians have no objections. We ask a trial just a fair test. There is no possible chance of injury being the result, be cause Mother's Friend is scientific ally compounded. It is sold at $i a bot tle, and should be used during most of the period of gestation, although great relief is experienced if used only a short time before childbirth. Send for our il lustrated book about Mother's Friend. THO BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, OA. R. D. BEDFORD, Rkal - Estate, - Insurance, AND Col.l.KCI'IONS. Agent for tho Ktitaiilk I.ikk Assuu- ANOK SOCIKTY FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. Surgeon B. & M. R. R. ompaay, and U. S. rVson Surgeon. City and country call? promptly an swered day or night. OrriOKOVHIlLlNDgKY'3 Mkat Maiikkt NIOIIT CALLS AT Or-FICB. Dr. E. A. Creiguton, Houornry (irmlmitu & Silver Multilist Western University, Canndu. Calls Answkkku Hay and Nioiit. rrrci Oviii Cook's I'iiahmact. J. S. EMIG-H, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IV YOU WANT IT. Ctowd Bridge Work or Teeib Without Plata. POKCBLA1N INLAY And til the litest Improvement la dents) mecb anlsm I. B. COLVIN, REAL ESTATE FARM LOANS. Lock lioz vs. Guide Hock, Neb. All kinds of property bought, sold and exchanged. COLLECTIONS MADE. TKItMS HKASONAHLE OVERMAN BLACK LEDQE RTTORNEYS - KT - LKlfti. flee tret Past Ottice. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Chimney brick, Cistern brick. AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros. NAiifrri fl in mu SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNICKY, PROPRIETOR. DBALIK IM Wines, Liquors, California randies PABST MILWAUKEEiBeer ALWAYS.ON TAP. O Omjk tjnm. TMi UqL GmN Q katfaM. Iliilli lusjlin Ml Kqgfcwi tiUU BLADEN. Mr Hubert llnll of Lincoln Is at homo with his p:iicnt.s I) H. Pliflps was it Sunday vWtr r nt' his homo in Rosomont A 1' Johnson was transacting btisi ni-ss at Who 1 1 til Monday. Miss Oraco Hicks spent Saturday with friends at Muo 11111. Rev. lltitiiniel preached in tho no. v church Saturday overling. Mrs N.W.Hall of llluo Hill attond cd dedication services Sunday. Tho Misses Day and Konntly ol Red Cloud visited tho llladcii school Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Hlnksnnd Mr. Franco and wlfo drove over to Ulue Hill last Wednesday Mrs. Rich received a tolcgrum calling her to her father's bedsido, who is dan gerously ill. Mrs. Dr. Swignrt and other relatives visited at the homo of her daughter Mrs. O. A. Whelan. Mr. and Mrs. Laird of Negunda vis itcdovtr Sunday with their daughter Mrs. Hoy (irandstaff. Mr. and Mrs. Collier of Campboll wore among thoso who nUondod ser vices horo on Sunday. Wm. McDonald, Wm. Morrow, H 0 Rest, Joo Krall, and C. C. Stout attend cd tho populist convention at Blue Hill last Wednesday. Eli Cox, W. II. Huffman, V. S. Hall, J L. Grandstaff and Y. K. U Homo tooK tho passenger train Monday for Mil- coin and Onmba. Kred KaulTman who went to St. Joo a short tirno ago to seek employment returned last week and will work on his lather's farm this year. Mr. Chas Best and family, Mi. Burt TihhnttH and family and his mother, Mr. Parks mid his son Claronco, all leave this week for Washington and tho coast. Their many friends wish them a safo journoy and that thoy may find happiness and wealth in their new homo. Tho now M. K church was dedicated Sundby, tho day boiug pleasant. There was a largo audienco, inoro than tho church could accommodate Several ministers from abroad besides the Elder were hero. Iho singing was lino and tho sermons wore good. A statoment was mado by tho treasurer which showed about $130.00 still duo on church and furniture, hut in a very few minutes this sum was raised and tho church was free from debt. INAVALE. Miss Mamie Myers has been working for Mrs. Davis tho past week. Mrs. Edith Millor is steadily gaining strength these days. Mrs. Sadie Holdredgo is much im proved also at present writing. O. C.Tcel was transacting business in Inavalo Monday. Rev. Hussong is conducting somo very interesting sorviceB at tho church. The sermons nnd tho music nro fine. Tho crowd however is somewhat lack ing. Everyone should attend the church rally next Sunday morning at 11:30. Everett Bean's children aro quite sick this week. Mr. and Mrs. Pitchier are both sick, she with pneumonia nnd ho with measles. Mrs. Maud Garner is quite sick with catarrhal fever. CAUCUS CALLS. Tho republican voters of tiartield precinct nre respectfully requested to nssumblo in caucus at tho Pope school house in Dist. 85, on Saturday, April 14, 1900, at 10 o'clock a. m. for the pur pose of electing eight delegates to at tend tho republican county convention to bo hold on Wednesday , April 18, 1000. and for tho transaction of such other business as may como beforo tho meeting. N. L. D. Smith, Com. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. I Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order or dlseasftrl. iJ VNn.il M.tl tin.. become so prevalent that It is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an ago when it should be ablo to control the pusage, It Is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of trie diuicuity is Kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs, mis unpleasant trouble Is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the Immediate effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It Is sold by druggists, In fifty cent and one dollar sires. You may have a sample bottle by mall tree, also pampniet ten- nm ot Bwamp-iioot. in? all about It. Including many of the thousands oi testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writlne Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Blnghamton, N. Y., be sure mention this paper. HfanmmiKiATirasir; f afaamvsi 1 Bjjlf BT CTJCrffii a A Woman's Face Tells its own story. A laugh is often a y. ,1 lips. lie on n woman's lips. It Dulles tiic pain which is tearitii' nt the nerves. But the eves have no Dart in the laugh. Their purpic rings sihmk hi miuuiiiik. are lines too nlxnit the mouth wli There tiich only pain can give. Jinny women look lor wnrd to a week of such misery each month. Three months of each year are given up to suffering. It weakens them. It ages them. It robs them of social pleasures and family joys. Can there be any excuse for such women who fail to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription? It has cured thousands of such sufferers. Cured them perfectly and permanently. It cures ninety-eight out of every hun dred who give it a fair and faithful trial. IV s sure to help. It's almost sure to cure. "I had falling of Internal organs nnd had to go to lxrd every month; had irregular monthly period which would sometimes Inst ten or twelve days," writes Mrs. Alice L. Holmes, of Coolsjiring Street, llniontown, Pa. "Had In digestion ra bad that I could not eat anything hardly. Dr. Pierce's I'nvoritc Prescription and 'Ccldcn Medical Discovery ' cured me." I'rcc. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 2t one-cent stamps for paper-bound lxxk or 31 stamps for cloth binding to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. The Way to Go to California is in n tourist sleeper, personally con ducted, via the Butlington Route. You make fast time. You see the llucst scenery on the globe. Your car is not so expensively fur nished as a palace sleeper, hut it is just as clean, just as'comfortable, just as good to rhlo in and uenrly $20.00 cheaper. It has wiio vestibules; Pintsch gas; high backed scats; a uni formed pullman porter; clean bedding; spacious toilet rooms; tnbles and n heating rargo. Being strongly nnd heavily built, it rides smoothly; is warm in winter nniljcool in summer. In charge of each excursion party is an experienced' excursion conductor who accompanies it right through to Los Angeles. Cars leave Omaha, St. Joseph, Lin coln nnd Hastings every Thursday, ar riving San Francisco following Sunday, Los Angeles Monday. Only three day j from tho Missouri river to tho Pacific coast, including n stop-over of 1 hours at Denver and 2J hours at Salt Lake City two of tho most interesting cit ies on the continent. For folder giving full information, call nt any Burling ton Routo ticket office, or write to J. Fiiancis, Gon'l Passenger Agent Omaha, Neb. OFFICIAL STATEMENT of tbc flnnnclal condition of the Nebraska Mer cantile Company of Hod Cloud, Nebmska, at the close of biuiness March 14th, 1900 nstouncm. Merchandise on hand... t SoGI 26 Fixtures 707 00 Total resources 110371 SO LIABILITIES. Capital Stock $10000 00 Surplus .. 271 oo Owing on Opeu account, not due 100 10 Total liabilities... 110371 So I,A. ll.Kuley, president of said company do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowlcdfo and bellof bo help me Ood. A. II. KiLcr, President. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1Mb day of Murcu, 1900. (seal.) D. J. Myeiis. Notary Public. Correct Attctt: Walter II. Kalkt, I ni.p, ,rs KLMEn V. Kalby, f U'fcctns. Grain-Oil Grain-Ol Remember that namo when you wnnt a delicious, appetizing, nourishing food drink to take tho pLco of colTee. Sold 'by all grocers and liked by all who havo used it. Grain-0 is made of pure grains, tit aids digestion and strengthens the nerves. It is not a stimulant but a health buildor and the children as well as tho adults can drink it with great benefit. Costs about one fourth as much as colTco. 15c and 25c per package. Ask your grocer for Grain-O. Try Grain-O! Try Grain-OI Ask your grocer today to show you a packago of Grain-O, tho now food drink that takes tho place of coffee. Tho children may drink it without iu jury a8woll as tho adult. All who try it. like it. Grain-O has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, but it is mado from pure grains, and the most delicate stomach receives it without dlstross One-fourth tho prico of coffee. 16o and 85c per package. Sold by all grooers. Where can you invest money more profitably than by buying a bottle of Prickly Ash bitters, you get four for ono. A kidney medicine, a liver tonic, stomach strengthenor and bowel cleanser. Four medicines for one dol lar. Sold by C. L. Cotting. Examination Notice Regular examinations for persons desiring to teach in Webster county aro hold in the superintendent's office at Red Cloud, the third Saturday in each month. Eva J. Case, County Supt. -. i i Is your name written there? Where? and On our subscription books for the last year in the 10th contury. It should bo. CHURCH SERVICES. ClMtlSTlAN CilUItCll. Regular services next Sunday as fol lows: Morning service nt 10;!10. J 1 1 1 j 1 o school at 12 o'clock. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor nt 0:30. Evening service at 7:30. Special music at each service. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. Everybody kindly invited. L. A. HussoNd, Pastor. MKTIIODIST Services next Sunday as follows: Class meeting at 10 a.m. I. P. Mc Clintie, Leader. Morning service at 10-30 Sunday School at 11:15 a.m. Con ducted by L. P. Albright, superinten dent. Trenching at Amboy at II p.m. Epworth League at 0:30 p.m. Miss Christie Weidetnan, president. Evening service at 7:30. i'rayor meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. Ladies Aid Socioty Friday afternoon. All aro most cordially invited to at tond. Roscok A. Haknes, Pastor. CONOIIEOATIONAL. Regular sorviccs next Sunday as fol lows: Regular morning service at 10:30. Sabbath school at 11:15, Young People's Society Christian En Evening service at 7:30. Subject, Prayer meeting Wednesday evening nt7:30. Ladies Aid Socioty meets Friday aft ernoon at 2 o'eloek. All aro heartily welcome. KitANK W. Dkan, Pastor. GUIDEROCK. Benjamin 11. Crow is very sick. Ho was taken Wednesday of last week with a severe chill and hemorrhage of tho lungs. W. H. Sawyer is moving a house at Burr Oak, Kansas, for J D. Coy this week. At a caucus held in the Montgomery building last week A. J. Hayts, J.S. Marsh, R. S. Protidlit, D. Jones and N. M. Doudun, were nominated as can didates for village trustees to bo voted for Alril 3, 1000. E. J. Mom e found one of bis horses dead in the stable Iho other morning. It had eaten up its feed as usual nnd no signs of a struggle, having nppnr ontly died from bleeding at the nose. L. J Wert of Grand Island, Nebrns ki-, representative of tho Mutual Life Insurance Company, of New York, wns here concurring with I. B. Colvin on Tuesday. I. B. will .look after their interests in the future. C. N. Crnndnll, special agent of the Phoenix Insurance Co., of Brooklyn wns hero Wednesday. Danger Signals! Do you take cold with every change the weather? throat feel raw? And do sharp pains dart through your cheat? Don't you know these are danger signals which point to pneumonia, bronchitis, or consumption itself? If you are ailing and have lost flesh lately, they are certainly danger signals. The question for you to decide Is, Have I the vitality to throw off these diseases?" Don't wait to try SCOTT'S EMULSION as a last re sort." There Is no remedy equal to It for fortifying the system. Prevention Is easy. Scott's Emulsion prevents consumption and hosts of other diseases which attack the weak and those with poor blood. SCOTT'S EMULSION Is the one standard remedy for lafUmed throats and lungs. for colds, bronchitis and con- .aIab I la a fnn1 smjulla clneefreaMrkablepewer. A S IQOQ, vecauac u nuurwuw body; and mediclae, be cause It corrects diseased coadUloas. Me. and il.to, all drantsts. SCOTT 4 BOWNE, Chmlt, Wsw York MSm CHICHtMrrt-.'B JtJJQI PMHYR9YMa K"7aPSS)ATK. AlwiaralUM. U cHicHKarrcn's cnaiiaH A PILL3 lv (J.aBla. lfrt KNGLIHU Ib IUU ul Uld mttillL hiM Ml vlik Mm ribb... Take a -taw. 9nu Butw.il HaWtltaUM aa latltf iUSt; hr PaWaUra. TaallauaUl u4 fttl!r IWr La4la,aM Mtar, St ra. tara Mali. 10.OOOTr.UaM.IU.. B.U.T all DraailMa. Cal.aaakv Uhamlaaioa. HMiniiuw. fl9 MsMMialtt P AlyPFR IV Plr filil Y I I 1 ara m aS G F! n H u i)i!u 3 S h iria MSB m Results Fatally In Nine Cases Out of Ten A Cure Found at Last. poison in tho blood, circulating throughout the system, and although tho sore or ulcer known as tho Cancer may bo cut away, tho poison remains in tho blood, and promptly breaks out afresh, with renewed violence The wonderful success of S. S. S. in curing obstinate, deep-seated blood disease which were considered incurable, induced a low de spairing sufferers to try it for Cancer, alter exhausting the &kill of tho physicians without a cure. Much to their delight S. S S proved equal to tho diseaso and promptly effected a cure. Tho glad uows spread rapiuiy, aim n was soon uuiiiuiisuiiu.-u beyond doubt that a cure had at last been found for deadly Cancer. Evidence has accu mulated which is incontrovertible, of which tho following is a specimen : "Cancer is hereditary in our family, my father, a sister and an aunt having died from this dreadful diseaso. My feelings may be imagined when the hor rible diseaso mado Its appearance on my side. It was a malignant Cancer, eating inwardly in such a way as to cause great alarm. Tho disease seemed beyond the skill of the doctors, for their treatment did no good whatever, tho Cancer growing worse all the while. Numerous remedies were used for it. but the Cancer grew steadily worse, until it seemed that I was doomed to follow tho others of tho family, for I know how deadly Cancer is, especially when inhoritod. I was advised to try Swift's Specific (S. S. S.), which, from the first day, forced out the poison. I continued its uso until I had taken eighteen bottles, when I was cured sound and well, and havo had no Bymptoms of tho dreadful nflliction. though many yenrs for Cancer. Mii3. S M. Idol, Winston, Our book on Cancer, containing other testimonials and valuable information, will be sent free to any address by tho Swift Specific Company, Atluuta, Georgia. FREE "O 22 Popular Monthly Magazines 22 Given to readers of this paper for saving the wrapper! from our Diamond "C" Laundry Soap. Included in our Prize List abe Mandolins, dultara. Violins, and hundreds of Splendid Gilts (or Everybody. Drop a postal card for Fret Catalogue to Premium Pepawtmknt The Cudahy Pkg. Co. Soap Works, SOUTH OMAHA, NEB. IfSP'If roar (Tocr do not kp Diamond '0 ' 8op pleue Mod ni hit nam and w will get him to l? pot It In stock. I Ciy Dray and Express Line. E. inC. ROSS. PROP, Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONE NO. 62. 'TRADERS rvXJMBEM CO, DEALERS IN LUMBER Buildinc naterlal. Etc. RED CLOUD. PL ATT & GhiGajo Itambep Yard, RED CLOUD, Lumber, IliHie, JACK OF ALL TRADES OUR NEW "LITTLE GIANT" I! H. P. GASOLINE ENGINE, WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD TO EVERT STOCKMAN AND FARMER. How many ot you linvo lost tho prlco of Oils Hnxlne la 0119 day on ncoount of In. sufflclent wlml 10 iipi-nito your tvlml mills, iphvIiii; jour sto:k without wutor. Oct on& now to do your innnpltiK vrlion thuro In no wlnn; or to do It rt-Kulurly. Wuuthur doos not affect Its work, hot or fold, wut or dry, wind ve calm, It Is nil tho sumo to thin machine. Will also hhcll com, mind feed, kuw wood, churn butter and is handy for h hundred other lobs. In tho I10111.0 or on tho farm. Cost nothlnic Ui keep when not worklnir. anil only 1 to 2 cents per hour when workluir. Shipped completely not up, ready to ruii, no founda tion needed, a Kre.it labor and money wver. Ki;iilri; pmctlcully no ultontlon. and la absolutely safe. Wo make all sites ot Uasollno KiiKinex, from 1H to 75 horso power. Write or circular and special prices. ,py FAIHBHHKS, MOUSE CO., OmnHH, HEB. This fearful dteenso often first appears as a tnero scratch, a pimplo. or lump in tho breast, too small to attract any notice, until, in many cases, tho deadly disease is tully developed. Cancer can not bo cured by a surgical operation, because tho disease is a virulont aaV 'jl MAS. 8. M. IDOL. havo elapsed. 9. S. S. is S. S. S. is tuo only cure N. C. AND COAI Nebraska FREES CO.. NEBRASKA. Coal aild Cement. If V 4TI I t it j J ''I .u 1 k- -'"WT?'""" - t1l.tonm:L