K a w X1K! nffT jip, i sjg t . - HVhAB iiiiiE JHv -H iLEkssssssV ssssssf H nB ,jkssssM9ts7t hdiV . .. i rf fc VOLUME XXVIII. KED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, MAHCI1 2JJ, 1 !((), NUMBER 12 Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, Veilings, Laces. Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Corsets, Hosiery. ",,v UNDERWELY Dress Goods. The purchasing power of c your dollar is greater here x 4 than elsewhere. The reason g m buying and selling for cash. H Cotton Dross Goods, 9c to 75c. 5 Serges, lOe to 81.00. C) M Novelties, Plaids, Etc., 10c to $150. H , Suiting, newest styles and patterns, 85 5 so 05 ' 1275- 1A .. 9) C II . Black Goods, 10c to 12.75. '"V Popular colors, GOc Jo 3100. I . - Ladies' Muslin Underwear. ALMOST FORGOTTEN. 7 ft Boots, Groceries, Furniture. Shoes, Queenswars. THE BIG STORE MINER BROS., Red Cloud, Neb. PIANOS and ORGANS ! At Wholesale Prices. Having disposed of my stock of Furniture I have made arrangements with several large factories whereby I can sell Pianoes & Organs at Wholesale Prices. ORGANS, $29 and up. PIANOS, $85.00 and up. F. V. TayU nrr Trn.n-im vvavmw nvrn SWBBT POTATOES FOR &AiT3. I bavo a fine lot of sweet potatoes suitable for seed or for family use which I desiro sell. The varieties are "White Cuban Queen" and "Yellow Jersey." $1.00 per bushel. 11 first qualities for raising plants. Parties desiring sweet potatoes for tbo purpose of raising plants or eating can got same by calling my farm four and one-half mtlos south .west of Ited Cloud, JOS. ROCHBR. Incidents of Every Day Life Which Very Few People Stop to Think About on Account of Their Littleness. Mardhficld, Mass., charges an even million dollars for ono saloon liconsc. Tho result is that the city has no legal ized gin mills and tho drug stores nro having a big trndo in paint noso paint. State Journal. This is tho kind of situation the Anti-Saloon League desires to place this city in. To vary tho program- a httlo wo will also bavo 11 few blind pigs whore you can lay down your money and tcceivo on a dumb wnitcr a cool and invigorat ing bottlo of ginger ale. Wo remem ber once when wo had no saloons hero of n Httlo drug storo incident. A man with an appnrcnt limp camo into tho diug store and complained that His rheumatism was very bad. Tho drug man said bo thought ho could fix him up and reaching for his bottle poured him out a generous glass of medicine noso paint. Tho man drank it, made a remark about tho medicine boing awful bitter, made 11 wry face and left. A short time after wo noticed tho man on tho strcot and tho limp had disappeared and the mediuino had evi dently done its work. If it bo possiblo that wo havo nn licensed saloons this year it will bo romarkablo bow many men nro troubled with rheumatism In that event also many packages of llayuor's sovon-yoar-old ryo will find their way to tho express ofllco billed to numerous young men of this city A boom will bo created in the sale of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey and Hos tetter's Stomach Bitters and our drug gists will bocome plutocrats. But this will not come to pass as the people by their votes will docido to have things run in tho present good old way. Now that tho approach of spring is at hand ono sees many rubbish piles afire throughout the city. Tho burning of rubbish is all right but in numbers of cases tho way it is dono is all wrong It is too often loft to bo superintended by a lot of kids who aro liablo to get burned themselves or olso set tho sur rounding property on fire. In this part of tho country where the state of the weather is so changeable from nico weather to that of high winds great care should be taken that fires are en tirely out before left. Tho usual school board tight which is always brought up by ono 01 two individuals is again in evidence. Tho present school board has been a very harmonious and efli- cientono and wo believe it is to tho bost interests of ourschools to keep tho board as nearly us possible as it is to day constituted. Tho two members whoso terut expires this year are T. C. Hacker and L. II. Fort. Mr. Fort was again nominated and Mr. Hacker de clined and 1. 11. Holmes was nominated in Ills steal. I'lio board as now con stituted is eno from tho district, two from tho second ward and two from tho first ward. Both tho terms expir ing being from tho first ward it is nothing more than right that this ward havo its share and bo represented by two members. Tho personal animosi ty of two or three Individuals who wish to get their stingers in on some of our teachers should not bo countenanced. Did you ever ootico how easy it is to stir up troublo and strife. One word soinotimes causes more trouble than a week's peco making will settle, This is true in both sexes. However the fair sex is the most inclined to forgive and forget. As a rule a man waits a long time for a chance to get even. Have you noticed how the town has commenced to pick up. New stores aro getting to be a common thing. And while everything else is going along at a lively rato why not fix up the sidewalk in front of vour ulace. Tbo kindling season is about over and it will bo safo to fix up. The kite sea son is hero. The air is full of them. The weather this week has commenced U make tho farmers wonder when they aro going to get at their spring work. Tho people who know most generally fay the least. This may bo an old saying, but it is a true saying. When a cannon goes off it generally makes considerable uoisn. After it is ail over tho peoplo wonder how such & ft c k c t r ? v r r fc b r r tr r v c v c v c s v? New : Dress ARE COMING NOW IN EARNEST, Goods, Wc are now showing the most complete stock of new seasonable Dry Goods that we have ever shown. Our increasing trade demands the large stock we have purchased for cash. Meing large buyers,, and paying spot cash, enables us to give our customers allthere is in it. SPEGIAIt SALE ?W PRGH 24 TO PRC(1 31 INCLUSIVE. ft 10 YARDS CALICO FOR 25c, l)j Special in Corsets at 25c, 35c, 50c and $1.00. ij Lace Curtains at .8c, 75c, &1.00 and up. va; Yard wide bleached Muslin, 5c, 6c, 7c and 8c. Oi to Tailor Made jj Silk Waists. f We call your attention to ili the large assortment and new and iasinonabie styles, vvc are offering these at extreme ly low prices. to to to to to to to to Silk Waist Patterns. In 3A and 4 yard lengths. We have an extensive line of the nobbiest patterns we have ever had. Ask to see them. 1 Tailor Made Suits. w rrospective customers tor a tailor made suit will be pleased when she sees our suits. The style and make is the latest and best, and the price is as cheap as others ask for old styles and cheap workmanship. Prices from $5.00 to $18.00. to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to ! Groceries. Oranges, per dozen, 10c to 35c. Kaisins, good, Cc per ponnd. Fino evaporated California Pencbos at lOo per pound. Evaporated Apples 10c per pound. White llussian soap, 8 bars for 20c. Lenox soap, 8 bars for 20c. Fidolity soap, 1R bars for 25c. Nice lino of Toilot soap, cheap. Tomatoes, 3 cans for 2Sc. Ginghams and Wash Goods. A beautiful line of Ginghams frm 4c to 50c per yard. Dress Goods Ginghams 7c, 8c and 10c. Apron Checks 4c, 5c, 6c and 7c per yard. French Ginghams 10c to soc A nice new line of new shirt waists. Come early and get a choice. Carpets. Get our prices on carpets be fore making a purchase. We will save you money. Shoe Special. Wn linvn hc'vi'mI linos of Shoes wo aro going to close out at less than manufac turer's cost. 58 pairs of Froodman Bros. & Schaeff er's Ladies fino 13.50 shoes, to close at II 95, in Turns nnd Welt solos, Kid and Vesting Tops, in O. and D. Widths. 0 pairs Ladies Fino Shoes at GOc. 10 pairs Hamilton Brown $2.00 shoos, pointed toe, laco or button, ut 11.48. 27 pairs Mon's Vici Kid, laco, coin toe, 82.50 shoes nl 12.00 per pair. All our Mon's colored shoes in Tans, and Chocolates, in all tho now toes at loss than manufacturers wholesale prico. Wo nro going to closo this lino out nnd quit handling men's colored shoes. Men's 3 00 Cbocolato vici kid at 82 20. Mon's 83.00 Cbocolato and Tan, vici kid at 82.10. Men's 14.00 cbocolato and tan calf shoes at 82.25. TURNURE - "33IO TLIAJlXE STORE." '3&&&m&&&&m&&&&&m&a&&&&&&3&&m&m&&& m m m n m m m m m m m n a little thing can make so much noise. There aro some vory pretty window displays noticeable along our streets tbe60 days. The now spring dresses displayed causa many hungry looks. The same holds true in rcgaid to cloth ing stores. . A Memorial Service Last Sunday evening tho Christian Endeavor Society of the Congregation al church held a memorial service in memory of their late president, Benja min F. McCuno. The church was beau tifully decorated with flowers and up on tho platform was nn easel holding an enlarged picture of the deceased. Tho service consisted of well chosen songs, bible and memorial readings. Following resolutions were adopted. WhereaB, It has plnai.4 Almighty God our Heavenly Father to take from our midst on March 22, our beloved president, Benjamin F. McCune, through the agency of death, therefore be it, Kesolved, that in the death of our esteemed companion this society has lost a usefnl and worthy member. That this society tender to the be reaved family our heartfelt sympathy and condolence. Mabei.O. flowAKD, Vice Pres. Mattie AiiKi-.Sec. There is a Class of People Who are injured by;tho use of coffee. Recently there lins been put in all tho grocery stores a new preparation called Grain-O, made of pure grains, that takes tho place of coffee. Tbo most delicatn stomach receives it without distress, and but few can tell it from coffee. It does not cost over one fourth as much. Children may drink it with great benefit. 10c and 25c per package, Try it. Ask for Grain. O. CINE Uichard Keaglo has not recovered as yet from the injurios rocolvod from tho runaway near tho railroad cross ing. The school board in Dist. 8 has tho now black board ready for uso. L. A. Haskins is not through moving his property from the Sborwood ranch yet. Ho has two teams hauling fo r him. Miss Molva VanDjke of Danbury, Nebraska, stopped off on a short visit with friends in Lino, while enrouto to Kansas City where she haa a position as short hand reporter in tho Salvation Army. Samuel Saunders of Red Cloud has moved on tbo Butler farm just across the state lino. Tho salo of Elmer Robinso 1 was largely attended and everything sold hiRh. Some of the farmers are cuttiug corn stalks this week, Sherman Fordyce of North Branch has moved on the H. H. Uaskins ranch. Jack Wilmot has bought eighty acres of land near the Goblo ranch. Mr. Mackev, who lives on tho Stroup ranch, has finished sowing bis oats. Mrs. Geo. Mountford and one of her children are on the sick list and the care of Dr. Damerell. under Will Galbraith is home on a short visit from Alliance, Nebraska. Ho re ports work plenty nnd wages good. Al Scriyncr sold his mules and bought a team of horses of Mr. May nard. Six of Clark Stevens' family are on the tick list. WILLIAM KELLOOQ, E PHOTOGRAPHER: Interior, Landscape, Animals, Special and Commercial Work. J For interiors and for largo groups ' of stock and extended viows of 1 buildings as on farms and 4 ranches our facilities are unexcelled. J Developing, Finishing and J Printing for Amateurs, j Camkkas, Platks, Films, Developers, 1 Velox and Platinotype Papers, J r "u ua.a ur Jil.lj lunuo, : AGENT FOR THE "Alvista" Panorio Cameras,! covers 180 degrees, five cameras in 3 ono. J SODEL UmMOUNTK PlIOTOO&APHS. I t ine t'icTDUE Framing . ft Have ene of tho most finely ap- 2 r-. .. .ww.... w. imj DIABIU IUg I state in which you are always wel-! come to change plates and fit your I cameras. f j We do not do portraiture. L Rooms evsn Pionkib Meat Markbt. riTs t ff tW rmMMMiycartf lanaityrwwmoy M. KLMK'C (MHUI- KRVEKSTOKR I i y i i i m 'j u - ? m-yr -, j, ., , ,,j,.,.. wWCIIliRn uv ! PIUP&PJUISI!? 1 n i i" ' IIKSjkv- fj( . ...AtmAsuiMfHsmmmSiMMw u mx&iks4 in 11 rn -