cm I V; r M tllllMIIIHIIIIIIHMIMIIIIIIIIinlllllllllllllf HEADACHE is only a symptom not n disease. So nro Dacknelic, Nervousness, Dizziness nnd the Bines. They all come from an unhealthy statu of the men strual oralis. If you suffer from any of these symptoms if you feel tired and languid in tiie morning and wish you could lie in bed another hour or two if there is a bad taste in tho mouth, and no appetite if thero is pain in the side, back or abdomen BRADFI ELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR will bring about n sure cure. The doctor may call your trouble some high-sounding Latin namo, but never mind the name. Tho trouble is in the menstrual organs, and Hradficld's Female Regulator will restore you to health and regulate the menses like clockwork. Sol.UrJtuirnlm for i bottle. A (if llluiiutnl bouk olll I icnlto my nmin If liquet! I millf J In THE BRADriELD REGULATOR CO. ATtAHTA, CA. r. d. bedford. Rkai. - Estate, - Insukanc-k, AKI Col.l.KCriON.1. Agent for the Kqtitaiii.k I.ikk Assuk anck Sociktv. FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. Surgeaa B. & M. R. R. ompany, V. 5. Pemtlon Suricm. Vity and country calls promptly an swered day or night. Qrri9Kvnt Liwbuky'h Mkat Maiikkt NIOIIT CALLS AT OFFICB. m -! i ! i. . i . i. . aj Dr. E. A. Ckkigiiton, Honorary Graduate & Silver Medalist Western University, Canada. Walls Answered Day and Night. rrrccOvin Cook's I'iumiact. J. S. EMIG-H, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WANT IT. Otiwd Bridge Work or Teeth Without I'lalet POItUKLAIN INLAY Aid all the latest Improvement la dental mech anlim I. B. COLVIN, REAL ESTATE g FARM LOANS. Lock Uoi -a. Guide Hock, Neb. All kinds of property bought, sold and exchanged. COLLECTIONS MADE. TBHMS ItKASONAULK MERMAN t BLACKLEDOE KTTORNBYS - RT - LHW. ItUe rcr Put OtUcc. RED CLOUD, NKBHASKA. Chimney brick, Cistern brick, AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone lending a iketrli and deecrlptlnn may IcklT ucertaln our opinion free whether an iTantlon leprokablf patentable. Communlr. omeitiictlrronflMntlil. Handbook on I'etent mt free. Oldeet acenor (or leourtngpatente. Patent! taken ibroiub Munn AiM, receive Metal notiff. nlthaat oh arse. In the Scientific flmerkaH, A handaomelr tllaitraicd weekly. r llluitrated weeklr. Tneit elr. nj ectentlBa lonrnal, Tertue, i wtlu, L Bout brail newedealere. Co Mis,,.,. New York loe. m r BU Washington, D. C. flHRUNOSIMEILLUSTRATEl U lOOO.OATALOQUKiiilMeattllw tmmm. w raj w ,. ,H7HMraa nuunsi jjjmjra MM oJC - -V M GUIDE ROCK. Mi Steailtnan came with a ear of i I. ami good from Otoe eoun' N '. l i n, last wtcl. anil Is inoUi ; o.i ' tin f it in lit piirt-liti'totl, knotMi litti.i, (Si ay farm. . I) 0 Lfith and J. JunU weio both hern recently looking lot horses to buy. This week ami but is moving tline. Many changes nic being made. People aio moving in dliTcrcnt directions. Dr. Htadhhaw it Son have their dt tig More lilled with a nico line of good.". Geo. Potter has gone to tho north part (if the county. Quite a number fiom here attended court at Ketl Cloud Inst week. Archie Viers infant on died of pneu nionia Satin day and was buried Sun day. Win. 'arsons aecidentally shot his sister with a target ride, causing a painful wound, whilo visiting at Mr. MHTords Saturday. Kd 'arkcr is moving to tho farm this week. Tho Viera brothcra will niovo to Nor ton, Kansas, next week. A. I. Carpenter was in town Wed nesday. Deputy Sheriff iurdick was in town Tuesday. Nervous weakness or palpitation of the heart indic.tto disorder in tho stomach and digestion. Prickly Ash Hitters is a wonderful remedy in such cases. It cleanses, strengthens and regulates tho stomach, liver and bow els, teinovos the eouso of the heart symptom?, and builds up a strong unit vigorous body. SoldbyC.L (Jotting ELM CREEK. The health of the neighborhood is improving. jMablo Mills is on the hick list this week and the father of Mrs. White is not expeeletl to recover. Tho Sunday school has a good at tendance. Miss Pearl Korshncr will seen closo a successful term of school in Dist. 13. Getting ready for spring farming will soon be the order of tho day. On March 10th many of tho friends of Mr. aud Mrs. J. llidy, assembled at their home to celebrate tho sixty-fourth birthday of Mrs. II. Among tno old settlers present were Messrs. T. Law ler, L. I). Thomas, K. H. Foe, Kd. Me (June, K. K. Conrad, and Mesdames Lawler, Thomas, Foe, Mediae and Conrad. These have endured hard ships of Nebraska for twenty-live years and more and s ill pin their faith to the Sunflower State. The friends of more recent date were Mr. irnd Mrs. S. Hillor, Mr. and Mrs. lioitlcr, Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas, Mrs. Iiranhurst and the Misses Clatto. An abundant dinner was provided and a most pleasant day was passed in remembrance of old times. Mr. Spilker is building a uew house on what is known as tho Yciser farm. Frank Slater is building a houso on tho old Homer Hayes farm. Uoth will be occupied by the owners in tho near future. Old Timkk. BLUE HILL. Changoablo weather, generally three or four kinds every day, but still the sound of tho seeder is heard. Several aro putting in spring wheat whore fall wheat failed or else whero they did not sow last fall. A few talk of putting in their oats but tho change of weather may iuterforo. Hain, hail and snow, ull inside of an hour, with sunshine on both ends and a little in the middle. Boat that if you can. Tho yung ladies from over east came to serenade Mr. aud Mrs. Johu James the other ninht and made a whole lot of noise. Mr. and Mrs. Waterbury wore visit ing atMrs. McUoy'H tho lattc r part ol the week. Mr. McCoy and family visited with the Andrews family at Prairie (Jem on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John James art- at home now to their friends, on tho farm adjoining A. James on the east. Mr. Rowlands fixed his chimney which was struok by lightning, and hopes lightning will not play so near him in tho future. Thojsiek are still improving with the tiuo weather. Mr. Armstrong would much ratuei bo at homo than in Red Cloud if you oau judge anything by the smile. Ur.sMaxel and family are preparing tomovto Wisconsin in the near fa turn. Kverrbody is very busy just now and news is a little short. GrlnO:i Graln-OI Remember that name whon you want a delicious, appetizing, nourishig loon urinK to take the of coffee Sold 'by all grocers and liked by all who nave used ft. Grain-0 Is made of puro grains, it aids digestion nnd strengthens the nerves. It is not a stimulant lot a health builder and tho children as well as the adults can driak it with great benetit. Costs about one fourth as much as coffeo. 15o and 25o per package. Ask your I grocer for Graia-O. v CSriY"V"' "XX"" v SjjU) f-r v ,vx , l fSja . &&? .. !C Ttist iug in the rain nud so ninny things to talk about. That means wet feet and a ucclcctcd cold. Then comes the hneking.liiigering cough, nnd the doctor looks serious and talks of pine woods or mountain air. That is the time when Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery proves its value. It has cured hundreds of cases of "weak lungs," obstinatv, lingering cough, bionchitis, spitting of blood, and other forms of disease, which if neglected or uuskillfully treated lead to consumption. " Attout clslit yenrs jiro I liml n tlicmlnit coitjili ntul lio.irsciicw," wtlttt Mis. Mn t'. KdunnKuf htctlliir. tt.intctc Co, t'tah. "I tried scum! kind, of medicine lint s Itliout nnv rlTHt; nt last I tried Or. t'icrcc'it (ioldcn Medical I)lcov try, of which I have IiUcii four ho'llctt, ntul my coiirIi 1 entirely cured " Sick people are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All correspond ence private. Address Dr. U. V. Pierce, Iluffalo, N. Y. HBi'OIlT OK Till: CONDITION' or Tin: PEOPLE'S BANK of RED CLOUD t MAUTKitxo am. Ht Iteil ( loud In Itic Stntt! of N'clinivku nt tliu cloe of ljuinens .Mhrcli ISth, 1W). UKSOIHICKK. I.ohiih and l)lir(iutils SM,f3" Til ovutdraft. M'curud Hiid iiui'ecuri'il . . IS! CI WiirranlMiuid liitvriinl IIuvlmiiicSIhiiiiis -VI C Kiiriilturuaiid llxtureN nil ."ti I'll runtcxiaMiMCH mid Iiixch pnld .... 2.0SS HI Clireks Htiil otlivrrtiKii llcmH nI T.1 lluu from Natlunnl and Slatu llnuki flLnno-.' Hills of other binikH .,Kl'.i 00 NivkvlH mmiI cciito "S : a Sicli- 815 0(1 l.i'Kal Iciulcr noteH 3,(100 00 Tolnl cash on hand 40,530 37 Total tiai.Krt 57 I.IA1IILITIRM. C'npllnl Hook .',,nxi on SmiduNfimd 10.00 to Undivided profits 0,5s;i 15 Individual l)cpoltH Ktibject to cheek !S3, 100 !,T Demand Certllleateii of de poult 10,1.10 H7 Time Cerlllleat.B of depoHlt 41 75 - 0tl,5S2 1'.' Totai 1131,101 57 S3TATK or NeIIIIASKA, I . Counly of WcliMcr, f'" I, V. A. Mienvood, cnHhler of the ahovc tiaincd bank, do xolemuly Hwcar that the above utatemeut In true to the hc of my knowl cdKcand belief, lATrraTl W. A Sheiiwooii, Cathlcr. J. I.. Mineii. Director. (,'. II. Mineii, Director. SiitiKcribcd and sworn to before me thla lClli dav of Dec, 1900. I). J. Mren, Notary Public. 1U5POHT OK Till: CONDITION or THE STATE BANK OF RED CLOUD, CIIAIITKR. No. 315, at Hed Cloud. In the State of Nchraaka, at the close oi uuHinesa Marcn ism, ivuu. HKROUIICIf. Loannaml DIkcoiiiiIh 184,816 61 Overdrafts, secured anil unsecured 401 09 Current cxpeni-cH and taxen paid I 000 00 Check! anil other rath Iteinb 5 00 Duo from National State and Private banke and bankers 32 050 40 Hills of other banks V.448 00 Fractional currency, nickels and cents 28 85 Specie 3,556 25 I.eal Tender 1,50 00 Total cash on baud 39,589 10 Total 1127,863 47 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In 115,000 00 Surplus fund lO.oto oo Undivided prollts 4,605 39 Individual deposit Biibject to check 80.376 77 Demand certificates of de posit 13,513 58 Time reitlllcates of deposit.. 4,407 73 Total Deposits 198,358 08 Total 12T,C3 47 Statu or Neiiiiaska, I ... County of Webster. ("" I, W. T. Auld, cashier of the above named bank, do aolcmuly swear that the above statement la true to thu best of my knowl edge and belief, (atthst:) W. T. Auld. Casnlcr. W. T. Aulii. Director. M. Finoi, Director. Sulixrrlbcd and sworn to before me this lOtli day of March, 1 WO. C. V. Kalbt, Notary Tubllc. OFHCIAL STATEMENT of the financial condition of the Nebraska Mer cantile Company of Hed Cloud, Nebiaska, at the close of business March 14th, 1900 HRtouncri. Merchandise on hand I 96C4 6 Fixtures 707 00 Total resources 110371 2fl I.UBtLITIItS. Capital Stock I100OO 00 Surplus . 271 00 Owing on Opeu account, not duo 100 0 Total liabilities f 10371 90 I,; A. M.Kaley, president of said company do solemnly swear that tho above statement I true to the best of my knowledge and belief so help me Clod. A. n. Kalit, President. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1Mb day of March, 1900. (sial.) D. J. Mtim. Notary Public. Correct Attest: KLm w. Kalbt, f Directors. Try Gr ain-Ol Try Gnln-OI Ask jour grocer today to show you a packago of Grain-O, the now food drink that takes the place of coffee. The hlldren may drink it without in jury aawell as tho adult. All who try it. like it. OraJnO h that rich seal krntnn riff UriAltn fiittn Kt4V tf In J M from puro grains, and the most dolicato stomach receives it without diatraaa no-fourtlt the price of ootTee. ISoind 25a per package. Sold by all grocers. THE WAV IT v v) BEGINS sH,Ci 3fivVH' Ttist a chance meet- JPl Enmlnatioo Notkc. Regular examinations for persons desiring to teach in Wobstcr county aro hold in tho superintendent's office at Rod Cloud, the third Saturday in each month, Eta J. Cam, Couaty Supt. CHURCH SERVICES. OIIIIISTIAN cillltcti. Regular hi vucs m .t snml ij is f , lows; .Morning sertico at 1U..1U. Itible .school at 12 o'clock. Young People's Society of Cluistian Kiulcavor at OiliO. Kvening service at 7:30. . Special music at each service. 'raycr meeting Wednesday evening nt 7:30. Kverybody kindly invited. I. A. IIussoKO, Pastor. MKTllODIST Services next Sunday as follows: Class nit eling at 10 am. I. P. Mc Clintie, Leader. Morning service at 10:00 Sunday School at 11:15 a.m. Con ducted by L. P. Albright, superinten dent. Preaching at Ainboy nt II p.m. Kpworth League at 0;.10 p.m. Miss Christie Weideman, president. Kvening service nt 7:30. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. Ladies Aid Society Friday afternoon. All aro most cordially invited to at tend. Hoscok A. Uaiinks, Pa9tor. CONQUKUATIONAL. Regular sorvices next Sunday as fol lows: Regular morning service at 10:30. Subject, "Itnilding the Temple," fob lowod by collection for the ehurch building society. Sabbath school at 11:15. Young People's Society Christian Kn- tieavor nt o :so. A inonioiiul service for Benjamin V. .MeUunc, our late president. Kvening .service at 7:30. Subject "Chiistian KssentinK" Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. Ladies Aid Society meets Friday aft ernoon at 2 o'clock. All are heartily welcome. Frank W. Dkan, Pastor. Whero can you invest money nnre profitably than by buying a bottle of Prickly Ash bitters, you got four for one. A kidney medicine, n liver tonic, stomach strongthencr aud bowel cleanser. Four medicines for one dol lar. Sold by C. L Cotting. Tho passenger department of the 1'. & M. R R. offer thirteen cash aggregating $115 for letters about Ne braska. Particulars about the content, which is open to all, cm he had by ad dressing J. Francis (J P. A., Omaha, Nebraska (Jold at Cai'K N'omk. If you want information about the Cape Nome country, how to tret there and what It costs, write to J. Francis, General Pas sonper Agent, 11. & M. railroad in Neb raska, Omaha, Neb. Prickly Ash Hitters euro disease of tho kidneys, cleanse and strengthens Ihu liver, stomach nnd bowels. For sale by C. L Cotting. ' Is your namo wi itten there? Where? On our subscription books for the last year in tho 19th century. It should be. Help... Nature I Babies and children need I j proper food, rarely ever medi j cine. If they do not thrive j I on their food something is j wrong. They need a little J J help to get their digestive j machinery working properly, j rnn I IVE.R OIL WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES of LINE "4 SODA -I will generally correct this j difficulty. 1 If you will put from one fourth to half a teaspoonful 1 in baby's bottle three or four I times a day you will soon see a marked improvement. For tarter children, from half to a teaspoonful, according to atfe. dissolved in their milk, if you so desire, will very soon show its great nourish ing power. If the mother's milk does not nounsn tne baby, she needs the emul sion. It will show an eireci at once both upon mother and child. !yx. nd i.oo, all drugU. SCOTT & BOWNE, ChemUtt, Ni M ' W " Ntw Yk. Over-Work Weakens I Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Iiumtrc blood. All the blood In your body passes through vour kidneys once every three minutes - , . i no Kianeys aro your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or impurities In the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fall to do their work. Pains, achesandrheu mattsm come from ex cess of uric acid in the blood, due to neeleoted kidney trouble. . Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and make3 one feci as though they had heart trouble, because the heart Is over-worklnrj in pumping thick, kldney polsoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swnmp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and li sold nn Its merits ft-vA7v' by all drueclsts In fifty- cent and one-dollar slz-tjStBH es. You may have aaiyi sample come D-y man itomo of Bwamn-rtnot. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer fit Co,, Blnghamton, N. Y. -B ?! ... ft'Bflii -' I i, fl v v- I rvCS-" Nothing r-Un aiM 'I o Uir ,-linr ti, (.fit. ant iiibt irrnn f'OUDOV i i Nothing will lunirlliuti' innr. r tm r nrmioira Hit h T in i . li "n, tali ir Mi r -il WILLIAM KELLOQG, IPHOTOGRflPHEHI Inthriok, Lakdscapk, Animals, Sphcial and Commurcial Work. Km' inlei'ior.'i mill fur liiro-ii otoiiiih of slock and extended views of biiildini!.s us on faimsand ranches our faeilities aio unexcelled. Developing, Finishing and i-riniuij; lor rtniaieurs. 4 CAM Kit AS, Pl.ATKS, I Films, Ukveloi-kiis, J Vki.ox AND PI.ATINOTVPK Pai'khs, 41 c....... ..... .... ... I.'......, 4 OIJl'l' ur Il,r.1 AliKNT FOIt TDK "Alvista" Panorio Cameras, J covers 180 degrees, live cameras in t one. J J SOUKI. UnMOUNTIC PlIOTOdllAPIIS J I FlNK PlCTUHK FltAMINn i Have one of the most finely up- pointed dark rooms of itn size in tho stato in wliicli you aro always wel- J i come to change plates nnd lit your cameras. WK DO NOT DO POKTIIAITUKE. 1 ( Hooks ovin Pionkeh Meat Maukf-T, The best collars mado are to bo had of id Nnk comfort for vour horse is es. sential, if ou expect him to do good work. An ill-fitting, poorly-made collar is a source of continual irrita tion to the hrrso. For Horese-coL-t-rcRS arc made with a view to comfort, dur ability, ami good appoarance. Wo will soil you THE FINEST HRRNSSS everything complete, for your horse. Good for hard worn, good for show occasions J. O. Butter, THErMR?ESS FOR 14 cents; Wa with to Kiln tblt r SUO.0UO ' n cnituinrrf. aud li.ncsoRsr ' lPkff.Uldr UtrdrnU.M. loo i lPk(.Bul'stKmrldCnrnrabirlie i 1 " LOroMMtrk,lLltiiM,Uo , I ' HtrtwborrT Malon, Uo 1 Li r KJlh. loo 1 UsrlFnipsUstibSf, tuo 1 " Karl Uluner Onion, JCo I I Hrllllint Klowr Btd. M i Wrt 1.Q. fr 1 U. fUC AboT 10 Pkgi. worth 91.00, w will mill vou tttt, to(tbir with onr f:rt VUnt mt Hetd Utlo, Mil. na-all about Hatttr's Millie; D. ar l-otatf, upon rcctlpi of (bis BotlcnA 14r. tnip fe Id?iu roartraa ana snow wnu ju uut. r. Malur'i Mud! won will ntTf T "." :- -. ". :-. I and I at. TI uauar 14P.aiaiup wi v "tti rr f.r- ta ..k...i leedaronwuii bsarall.uuu quarts twice ftarlr. Hi i3S Wlinoul. la. iw oii.wi'm. 'ha tain Htrawtitrrr UL1IB MID CO., LI CROSS K, WIS. ruiruiiTts's rNnLiatu LtKaAS-B. I iiiiK.Miiuimirt IXlV k. CUICIUCSTKKti ttiaiABH WlsBBBml aUCO J OoU BM4U1 Wsw, ! "sl ltk mh rlkk. Taka ether , BUraM fAlH faaartrnt KaeeMtaUeae aad Iadla HeMe. B.J r jMir uraauk w w ekuaM ' Partlealere. TaaMaiealala u4 Halter IWv La4efc M WHr, 7 re. term Mali. l.0o Tu.l.. ttltht all Drewtwi. .VkWkeee.teaaIealCe jgm en Tti' iTJTr7Trr4. '"Tff rliU!iujFMH P-i.. . "t-iTr'li Urdova 3.: r '-' k -1f- IV. A v niKifj7 '. i Ui.2. r imr nrii.iio micivh oi tin iut r C "TS tiKordltiuiT TIii l,.it nnurnli f 1 V " latj.llct for tliu flniilrl nr Mi I S ri-f m" i vniHirniu inniiiuii- lur '! S 5 1-Z-.A l.n-onr mnnsiini. Mili l-i ml . i ri ,1 r, YtT7 tid lliinioit ilillratt lima )f )-l M'l'AMIAItll (III. 'l, ij f Jil nd sold iTorywhere. J aa i X 'IhM I 'flsiiiiB 1 'BW i il I Hjl , , mat m I ti 9 J A. JT TIMETABLE. M & TVI. R.Y llh.D CI, 01 I), sum. I ht'( ol.S UhSVhl. Mil. US A 11 VllH SAI.'l I.AKKVY VUllTLAS'l) S,l. Fti.J.YCSCO nnd nil point) west. UMAllA CMC Alio s'j. ,jui: KANSAS CITY S'l. l.OVIS nnd ull points cast nml south. TI1AINH I.KAVK AS rutlOUC No. 1.1. I'nsMMiKer dally for oburllii mid M. l-'mticli iiMtirhu. Ox lnnl. MC'euk. Duuveriiinl nil points wet 7:55 am No, It. I'rtfseiiKtr dally for bt. .loo, Ktitit'ii I'liy. AtclilMin. St. l.dlll", t.Illl'Olll Vhl WMlllltP and nil point cal h ml mmiIIi 8:10 p m No. 17. I'liHuiiKi'r. dally, Denver, all points In C'Dloradn. t'tuh and 'iillfoilila 7:3Up.m No, IS. ncll;or dally fir St. Joe. liiiiiMis lit;. Alrhl'on, St. I.ihiIh and all point eatt and Houth lO.'.'Oa.m. No, 141. Accommodnlloii, dally except Mnnday, MnMliiKs. Grand is land. Illack Hills and all tioltil in thu nortliwcvt i :io p.m So. 143. Atdiiiiiiiodatlon, dally except Sunday, (Ihcrllit, KaneaH, and Intermedial!! station, via Ho tmbllraii - 12:3(1 p. in. ao. oi. rrcigiii, dallr. Wvmorc and St. loe and Intermediate junction point" 19MS no, m, rreigni, uaiiy lor iiepuiiiican tm . .. ... m ... OrlcaiiB.Oxfordnndall point" west 10:40a.m. No. 60. Freight, dally except Sunday for Wrmoro ami all nolnt cafii 7 .:Lri a.m. No. 173. Freight dally lo Oxford and Intermediate points 1 :3o p.m Sleeping, dining, nnd reclining chair rarr, (teats free) on through trains. Tickets sold aud baggage checked to any point In the United States or Canada. For Information, tlmo tablis, maps or tickets call on or address A. Conover, Agent, lied Cloud, Nebr. or J. Francis, General Pat senger Agent Omaha, Nebraska. I SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNIOKY, PKOPHIKTOK. DKALEU IN Wines, Liquors, California randies. Ml 111 ill) i ALWAYS.ON TAP. Our Coal is SUPERIOR COLORADO COAL. STILL SELL AL THE SAME OLD PRICES. Waqon Soales Baok of Offioe. Buy and sell Baled Hay, Corn, Oats Millet, Barley, Etc. Full lino of Flour and Feed on hand. W. B. ROBY, No. 1 Thikd Av. Phone No. 51 C. IM, D03AC, Blacksmithing - and - Repairing i)V ALL KINDS. HORSBSHOEING. SATISFACTION OUAHANTEKI) Ordtr of Hearing on Original Probate of Will. State or Nkuiiaska I Wmsteh Countt. s At it county Court, held at the County court Room. In ami for said County, Mouilay, Mari'U uth A. Ii 1900, In the matter of the CBtatc of Luclnda Ayern deceased. On readli'B and HIIiik the petition of A. T. Ayers. praying that tho Instrument Uled on the oin uuy ui .imri-u. iiMj. aim purporting to be toe last Will and Testament of ut said deceased, may he proved. approTCd. -probated, allowed, and recorded as the last WUIiand Testament of the said I.uclnda Ayera. dertaied, and thntthe execution of said Instrument way be committed and the administration of said estate maybo granted to Allen T. Ayers, the petitioner as ex. ecutor. Ordered, that Saturday. Marsh Jltb.A.I) 1 Dot al in o'clock a.m. It atslfiied for htarlnr silcf petition, when all persons Interested In mid matter may appear at a County Court to be held In and for said county, and show cause why llio prayer of petitioner shooldnotbe granted, nud that notice of the pendency at said petltltu and the hearing thereof, be given to all personslnter ested In said matter by publishing a copy of thla order In the lied Cloud Chief a weekly news paper printed lu said county, for three nieces- if c wccis, unor iu wg oay oi Hearing. (Atiuecopy) Jahis Dvttt, County Jitdg. TS TIPPED fhU rMmMMiycirtf sawawTy rrsiHHH M BR. HUM'S tuft RERVE RFSTflRFR WI--. M ni au.- hT Jmiwi ,. raw ! halluerh.riMieui iZT'XV.i'.:' ,IreaUaeaadCttrialkettl wb.e rMtltl, In4 w Dr. U... l.u, n.iime leillail. ..I llrdklaa. Ml Arch Bl , i'kll4.l.lil, re. .. PARKER'S MAID RAI D1U OlatBMt and. Uautirhe tha dabs, rromotej a mvuri.nt m.h Heir to u Toathful Ooler7l m - Vl 1 . I ltMaar. anna ran. rmu.. r ju ISe.seMHjuai fwatrtajT '.? Tr V - AeellMWArfMaeVVwdMI