The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 16, 1900, Image 4

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i I
PERFECT womanhood depends on perfect health.
Nature's rarest gifts of physical beauty vanish befor
Swcot dispositions turn morbid and fretful.
The possessions that win good hus
bands and keep their love should be guard
ed by women every moment of their lives.
The greatest menace to woman's per
manent happiness in life is the suffering
that comes from derangement of the
feminine organs.
Mnnv thoimnnds of women have realized
this too late to save their beauty, barely in time to save their
livos. Many other thousands have availed of the gcycrous in
vitation of Mrs. 1'inkham to counsel all suffering women free
of chprgc.
Mrs. H. J. Garrf.tson, Hound Brook, N. J., writes: "Dkar
Mrs. pinkham i nnve occn uik
ing Lydia B. Pinkhatn's Vegetable
Compound with the best results
and can say from my heart that
your medicines arc wonderful.
My physician called my trouble
chronic inflammation of the left
ovary. For years I suffered very
much, but thanks to Mrs.
Pinkhatn's Vegetable Com
pound and kind advice, I
am today a well wo
man. I would say to all
suffering women, take
Lydia B. Pinkhatn's
medicine and your suff
erings will vanish."
Mrs. Maggie Phil
Lirrn, of Ladoga, Ind.,
"Dear Mrs. Pink
ham For four years I
suffered from ulcera
tion of the womb.
I became so weak I
could not walk across
the room without help. After giving up all hopes of recovery,
I was advised to use Lydia E. Pinkhatn's Vegetable Com
pound and wrote for special information. I began to improve
from the first bottle, and am now fully restored to health."
W fSzMi 21
Hood's Pills
Do not Krlpc nor Irrltnto tho alimen
tary camil. Tliey net Kditly yet
1 1 ro 1 1 i i 1 1 y , clcanso cITectiinlly unit
Give Comfort
Sold by nil druggists. 25 cents.
'Strike For Your Altars
and Your Fires'
Patriotism is always com
mendable, but in every breast
there should be not only the
desire to be a good citizen,
but to be strong, able bodied
and well fitted for the battle
of life. To do this, pure
blood is absolutely neces
sary, and Hood's Sarsapa
rilla is the one specif ic which
cleanses the blood thorough
ly. It acts equally well for
both sexes and all ages.
Humor " When I need a blood puri
fier I like Hood's Sarsaparilla. It cured
my humor and is excellent as a neme
tonic." Josie Eaton, Stafford Springs. Ct.
MQGtCS (Vtdat)(Viim
trndo between tho islnmls of Porto
Uico and the United States.
1 1 F.I Pi. I J,fr&&Prmrr
... -.-..-,,-,. ...,.....-
Ilood'i I'llli cure Mvtr llli.tlia mm Irritating and
"only f atliartuPlii Ukowltli ifuwl'a Wararlll.
ruiLumi) BT
w. l. McMillan.
Oat year II no
IxhmUi 40
atr4 at the rt oMoe at IUd Cl(rad, Nata. m
delta mall matter.
Leal adTatUilng h cent ir line per lamte.
Local AdrertMng (or entertalntuanU, oon
MrU.tocUli, etc, churehea, charitable
MCleUea, etc, where all menejre raited there
fremareuecd whally for church or charitable
aecleUea, tint ten linen free and alloTerten
Unee 8H rente per line r laauo.
Local adrcrilHltiR of cutortalnmciitK, concert,
recital, etc., where por cent In given to pro
ten, b cents cr line jior laauc.
One column rriiumtli .. tin)
One half coliinin wr month . . . . . 3 Hi
One-fourth column pur month . .. .. .175
Generttl illHplny ndvcrtUIng MV cetitn per
Inch perlKsuc.
Titer publicnn city tiukot which was
nominnicd last Wednesday nftcrnvon
while it Is strictly partisan, can also
bo considered a strictly high llconeo
one. Tito ticket moots with our tip.
provul and will receive our hearty sup
port. It might bo inferred that when U. 1).
Sutherland in his eight minute speech
in congress the other day used tho ex
pression "wo democrats" that ho was
simply trying to head IT tho boom of
a genuino democrat who was after his
m "
Among other amusing sights is that
of democrat, who used to abuse Ab
raham Lincoln, pointing to Lincoln as
tho nemo of American statesmanship.
It has been thirty-live years sinco Lin-
'coin died. And it usually takes dc
I niocracy thirtylivo years to rccogni.o
I 1 ho good Kx
As a rnlo on a presidential yoar tho
business of tho eountry becomet upset
and pnridjr.ed beuatiso of a doubt as to
which party will win and as to what
tho financial policy will ho. This year
as yet thrro nppentM to bo uo stagna
tion of bttsinoss and no fear of any rad
ical chacgo in the financial pollsy nor
any fear of a change of administra
tion. It has been a lung time since a
presidential campaign uai caused so
small a ripple upon the commercial
W. J. Rryaa la ipoakiagof tho date
elected by tho doaoarala for bold-
Rcpubllcaa Convention.
A Republican county convcnllun for Wcbutur
ountr la liereby called to meet at tho court
apune In Krd Cloud. Wednemlay, April IS ll'.',
at 11 o'clock a.m., for the purpose of aclrctlug a
enntj central committee; for nominating a
andldale for comity attorney ; for nominating a
eandldale fer the atate leglilature; for choice of
delegate! to the repnbllcar. coaTentlon for the
Twenty alilh Sanatoria! DUtrlet and U the re
VUeaa oonTeatiea fer Ike forty-Sixth Leg la
taUTe DUtrlet; fer delegatee l the republican
eeavenUon for the Fifth OengTteelenal DUtrlet;
fer ehalc ef ttlegalta U the BepnbUean Bute
MrenUen and feraeattaaUog a caa4KaU fer
Oewmleeloner f ros Coatntitlonar Dlit. Me, L
11 U reeeaaended that ne prexlee be allowed.
Am lnvlUtton It extended to all legal rotera who
df lire to afflltate with the republican party to
atteud and participate In tho republican cau
antes and primaries to be held under thin call.
The Tftrlous townships and vtardsaro eutltleJ
to rcereicntatton ai follows, oanod on thn vole
eait for W. n, Ely, candidate for regeut In 1609,
allowing ono delegate for each ten votei and
anajor portion thereof to cast, and oue at largo
fer each township aud ward.
ingthecotiTontian layi: "The party
will proclaim a second declaration of
independence this year, aad I deem it
especially appropriate that this be
donoon tho tinlioa's day of freedom."
It may be, howorer, that tho peaple of
the United states aro perfectly satisfied
with the Declaration of Independence
which (Jflorge Washington and his col-
leagues signed long ago, and are will
ing to stay witu it tn prniurencn to one
which Hryan would dictate. Bryan's
Idoas, engrossed in a declaration of in
dependence would bo a curiosity
term. Defendant t3 have statutory
time to answer after notice of tiling
amended petition.
Thomas Kniigh v William S. (father
to quiet title. Default of defendant
taken. Prayer of petition and relief
prayed for therein granted.
Miner Bros ts B ift.M. It 11 Co ;
appeal. Leave given plaiutill to filo
amended petition by March 0 h
I). M. Osborne & Co. vs A. 1) Mc
Neer et al; sale on execution; by eon
sent of all parties sale continued ami
deed ordered lo the assignees of claim
State of Nohtask'i Kx. Bel. Isaac W.
Kdson, relator vs James Duffy, re
spondatit; petition. Cent liutls for
the relator. Jtidgnent on finding
Respondent excepts; exceptions al
lowed; supersedeas bond fixed at $2000,
to be filed within ten das Relator
excepts; 30 days to file bill of excep
tions. Mabel Krwin vs Cornelius Krwin;
divorce. Dofault of defendant taken.
Petition dtsjiissed as to claim for ali
mony. Eridonce submitted to court
taken under advisement until Juno
Moses Stern vs Louis Schumann ct
al; foreclosure. Continucdfor term.
Douglas J. Myers vs Webster County
Agricultural Society ot al. Attorney
Potior allowed to withdraw his ap
pearance for defendants heretofore
represented. Court finds due phtintitT
on notes nud mortpage $'2021; interest
at 10 per cent; first lion; decree of
foreclosure aud order of sale. M. L.
Fiukeubii.der appointed receiver of
proporty; bond lixed at $100; required
to report at each term of court.
John S. Hoover ys The Incorporated
Town of Bluo Hill Nobraskn; to quiet
title. Briefs to bo submitted within
sixty days. Suhmittedto court.
Carl M. Person vs Helena L. Person-,
divorce Dismissed utplainlitl'd costs.
John McMann & Co. vs W. H. Wal
ter and Mary Waller, appeal. Judg
ment for plaintiff for $U0.!J0 and costs,
Interest at 10 per cent.
Pettibono& Nixon vs Amos Gust et
al; foreclosure of tax lien. Motion for
security for costs sustained; plaintiff
given ten days to give security. Caso
continued for term.
ClilToulJ Pope, Adinr., Do Bonis
Non, of the Kitate of John Shelton,
deceased vs Margaret J. lteed and J
W. lteed; foreclosure. Dismissed and
costs paid.
Carrie Hathwny vs Mark M. Million
and Felix A. KilUiugli; petition. De
fault of all defendant served. Com I
finds facts staled in petition Hue.
There is duo from Felix Killotigh to
Citrrio Hathway $140.25; interest al 7
percent. Judgment on findings.
Wallace W. Wright vs Aaron Con
over ot al; foreclosure of mechanics
lien. Defendants given leavo to file
petition to eancol the record of action
taken at October, 1899 term.
In tho matter of tho eatato of Sarah
C. Murphy, dectasud; license t soil
real estate. Liconio to sell ((ranted as
prayed for in petition.
John D. Mver va James P. Hale,
clerk, et al; mandamus Special ap
pearance overruled; defendant excepts;
demurrer sustained.
United States Mutual Hail Assocta-
Par tost Dress Goods Sale I
Saturday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday,
March 17, 19, 20 and 21, wc have concluded to give one more Dress Goods
sale which will surpass all former ones.
Will Give
(2 yards LINEN DUCK.
Away Free 6 yards cambric.
With every dress pattern at 50c per yard or better, including Henriettas,
Serges, Crepons, Novelties, Novelties in Colors and a fine line
of Broadhead goods.
Will also have on sale at challenge prices
Blm Creek ... 8
Stillwater 0
Cathrrton a
WnluutCrcek 6
Line 4
(larneM o
(lulde Hoci 14
Be arer Creek 7
Pleasant XI til H
Oak Creek &
nienwoedl T
Harmony . r
Inavale 7
Ited Cloud tp U
ilea ciotm, ii w.. . v
Ktd Cloud, saw . 13
A tuovcui ul is on foal tkroughout
to raiie a popalar aaicriptiaa far Mra.
Joha H. BtoUeaberf , wUon af tka lata
Colanel HUtaeaWerf ofaa First Ne
araika. BUtMobarg waa a Bar, waa,
like Lawlaa, tltW at tka e( kla
traopi, aa4 tka poa4 W lakraika
ara doing tka Bra?r iklag la raialig a
(n.dfor tka wWaw aa4 karakildraa
wha are at praiaatllriag witk ralatlvia
In Wasklngloa. Bar kaaltk ii ba4
that she is under tho care of a physi
cian all of the time. Tho proposition
to grant her a pnnslon line boen defeat
td for tho present by the inovo of Sena
tor Allen, whointroduat-d a bill in the
senate without consulting either Mrs.
Stoteenbcrg or tho introducer af tha
house bill, the intention being to get a
V. U. ItoBT, Chairman,
I. J . Otirino, Secretary.
Tho republican congressional con
vention will ho held at Holdrcge on
April 25.
Tho peop'o of ll.oomingloii mmU a
petition which wa- hignod by tho rn
publican business men of tlial place to
J, M. Thurston, asking him to iisy bin
influence aud volo to defeat any bill
whioh imposes any taiill' ilutiea on
little cheap aarortiiing, aud at the
sama lime interfere with tho honse bill, '
whieli should have bad the right of.
wav. Tho two bills onll for different I
MM riJuMbr
Dccquic they think it is
naitvood bitw;di5TCQbte
amounts, ami it is not prokablo that
either will get thronult It will he a
good idea lo watch Senator Allen and
his bosom friends aud tee how much
they donate to tho popular fund.
On Thursdays, February Gib and, March G-h and 20 Ii, tin Htrliog.
ton i onto will mII iniiu.l trip oxeut-ion
ttt'lu'ts to Hot S)tiint and Custer, .
1) , at tho rale of one standard late
pltii 82 for continuous pasagn with a
rottirn limit of thiuy days fiotn date
of salo. A. Conotuu, Agent.
They will Tellyouifia
'notatall disagreeable.
LConstfpntlor), Kidney
.uisoraer'sii is un
Ten yards good calico for 25c.
All other Calicoes b stock 5j per yard,
liltck and While, Red ami lllack.
Blue and White, White aud Yellow.
Above is less than wholesale cost.
1,000 yard Apron Cheek Amoskeag Ginghams at
S cents per yard.
Remnants at Half Price.
Homnants in Silks at Half I'ricu.
Remnants in Woul Dress Goods at Half l'rico.
Remnants in Calicoes at Half Pi ice.
Remnants i 1 Percales at Half Price.
In fact all our remnants have been gathered from
every department and will be sold at Half Price.
Colored Chair Throws, 10c.
jYXo olciixt oshe s
A nice line of Wool Mackintoshes.
$5 00 Garments for $100.
$1.50Garmi'ntsatt3 50.
1013 e jstxrie -
7.1c for 90 j Hltu, Red and Gold Tapestries Yel
low figured, ttied for uuliolstering ami draperies.
3oc Ingrain Carpet, good value, 25c.
40c Ingrain Carpets at 30c.
55c All Wool Carpets at 47Jc.
75c All Wool Carpets nt 69c.
Brussels Crrpet nt 44c
Straw Matting nt 12ic
Ribbon Remnants.
A basket full of Ribbon Remnants any old color
at 4 cents.
Men's Clothing - Department
We want to close out our entire line of clothing consisting of 50 Men's Suits
and 65 pairs of Men's Pants at the following low prices.
Men's $4.00 Suits, $2.00 Men's $1.00 Pants 79c.
Men's $5.00 Suits, $2.50. Men's $1.25 Pants Scjc.
Men's $7.00 Suits, $3.50 Men's $1.50 Pants $1.19.
Men's $10.00 Suits $5.00. Men's $2.00 Pants $1.69.
Men's Jeans pants Sc, cheaper than overalls. Men's $2.50 Pants ; 1.89.
Don't forget that at present our Groceries are in the back part of or our Dry
Goods room. Highest market prices paid for produce.
We are prepared to redeem the old firms coupons from Saturday morning, flarch 17th, to
Saturday evening flarch 24th. No old firm coupons redeemed by us after these dates.
Nebraska Mercantile Co.,
lion v W. A. Carpcit or, nppet'. Dit
misM'd at deletidnui'M cost.
Geo 11 Han is vs Samuel II. Suit ley,
et ul; on inundate. SlietilT otdetr-d to
make di ed to ptiieha if teim (f sale
and put chase were complied uiihus
nmiin d by law.
F. Fisk vs V. 11. Gullifoid el al;
equity. Continued for term
Phoenix Mutual Life In Co. vs
Branson H.'Gray et al Present snerifT
ordered to execute and deliver deed as
per order s'gned and liled.
The Weekly
of All Political
Papers in West.
Is Frequently Caused by ths Worry
Attendant On Dyspepsia.
If you would win In the Battle of Life
you must have a clear brain, keen
aenaes, perfect vigor, shrewdness, en
ergy and ambition.
Dyspepsia kills these needful quali
ties. You can't succeed if you arc con
stantly tortured by dyspepsia or indi
gestion. But you can get rid of dys
pepsia, indigestion, uiliousncss, sour
stomach, or any other ailment of stom
ach or digestive organs by simply
taking one or two of Uodd's Dyspepsia
Tablets after each meal.
With a perfect digestion go a strong,
healthy body, a clear, capable brain,
vigor, ambition, determination, ener
gy, activity, keen, alert senses. Dodd's
Dyspepaia Tablets ensure all these.
Dodd's Dyspepsia Tablets have nev
er failed to cure any or all of the dis
eases named when they have been
fairly tried. They cannot fail.
'Dr. R. B. Strong, New York City,
writing in tha American Journal of
Health, describes Dodd's Dyspepsia
Tablets as a remedy which could not
possibly be more efficacious though It
taanatsd from a council of tke leadiiur
yhyslcians of ths world.
The InterOoean'i
Telegraphic Servies
is Exclusive. Every
Column is Bright, Clean
and Packed with News.
The Literature if its col
umns is equal to that of
the beet magaainea. It is
interesting ta children
as well as the parents.
1 he - Inter-Ocean - is - a - Western - Newspaper,
and while it brings to tho family tho news of tho world nnd givea
its readers tlio best and ablest discussions of all questions of tho
day, it is in full sympathy with the idoas and aspirations of west
ern people and its discussions aro from a western standpoint.
Prico of Daily by mail, II 00 pel year.
Price of Sundav by mail, $2.00 per year.
Price of Daily and Sutidny by Mail, W 00 por year.
Tho Daily and Sunday editions of the Iuter-Ocoan nre tho best in
tho World
The Chief mmd Imtcr-Occmm Both one rear. $1.24.
MJ C. L. COTTING, Spooial Auont.
Excursion Rates
and particulars as to how to secure
160 acres of the best Wheat growing
land on the Continent, can be
secured on application to the
Superintendent of Immigration-,
Ottawa, Canada, or the undersigned.
Specially conducted excursions
will leave St. Paul, Minn., on the
first and third Tuesday in each
month, and specially low rates on all
lines of railway are being quoted for
excursions leaving St. Paul on March
2SU1, and April .j t ri, for Manitoba,
Assiniboia, Saskatchewan & Alberta.
Canadian Government Agent,
fcOl Ken York UfWIMf.,
OlUlli, HKU.
Ghieago IiambenYafd,
Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement.
n. .1 .".". 'I111 ' J""1""1' o-t Iho iiiI.m of llils Kiigimi In unit day on nc-ount of In
1 snnviMit wiii.1 i) i,m ii.ii j..ur iviiiil ii.iiu, ii-.tvim; jour hio-K WIi..ui Vi ." lut ono
I i.ll.ot Us t..rk. hoi ur i-.-lil. tt.t 1.1 .'..,. ' , r .ul .ii. 11 W ... tin;, t-i ilus nili.'liln.'.
I ) " i .".'I ". '"'"''rl";'i'i'V'1, h"w "',"" ': 1'iitUM- im.l ih l.nnily f.n .1 1. .mlro'l '.llii'r
I . i,,. in ii. 1 ... , r 1.11 Hi., firm. ( rts 1, .ih,.,-,- t.. I, ,-p wIiph .voriuif. 1.11 1 ..illy I
, .1 ' ri-in-. 1 r whj.ri Mor.lmr .,ii...(' m-i up, -,.j,.y 1,1 r 1,,, ,,,, founilii
, tlon i.iTiliil. 11 hum t labor mill iimnm wi,-r. Iti-qulti-s i.nuMI illy ,T, UU iifliiii. 1 Is
I or,!,cirmilu"r8i!n:i BlH-chil'IVrhMls.'"0" "f UttuUm ,:"""lU!" ,rom ' '" ;" "0"h & Wrlto
FAIRBflfiKS, MORSE St. CO., omflHfl, Nhb.