kamur VA. .- , I 'I p. - ! U t-- a Pstin iimi ii'i ..iii.i.1 I ' ' ' ' '"MHHi .S,'.il. . - aS I"M:m: 'iLa niH- '."',.. i" nit "r -i .li'iiii iti H1'" V" !"" i ; Bk. j r w iff mw vSpB 5rm .In " W . m Wl JP' Ha Itai 1 I I I 1 1L . tiw afe' jbi h n k - -tv. afr.prv- . .-. -ras;. - wn m wmm h m h jiw h h - rH hi iiim-1 I - Ji - v - -. aBkBmwaW,jlCrV ' "aa tl . aiAr ..-;bVM !i.V7B?BR mn Beat ", .:Wa.V!. 4 - - .a&MiBJ't&m rv ' m . ---jsMi&A:frv.vO'H& 's&mssmmmf&s&Jmm m-M-... -:;m - -wl H-faa -?-r j'ui'b-. . g rrfrir- -s. - .. '.;-- r"-ii -art TjJJjt- il ? pvt - m --- h h h-, - : .. .s S5" rLic -" "' ''ffi MT V .JlVilr .r - U-2K TTT t U. .f- tRYL.Ti I ' I II IM nilMlii II , ' ' L ,rt i s.. sav.s --.jb, -i-A,'' & j&mnm m;c-yrk -rv (: j-r jpi -, taj- t-,i s Awwiiij5a5jjfcWrt.? ....-iMn a .. . ! im - 1 'IHr; -I V V H ZT Tr.V -; T. VW fllA JT.l -btl 1 iM1 II- IT'I H ' -r a JW. , dL' . .MruuvvHiJ-rfTBA-klMiPfLft "f Jf..WTJt.MWV .-iic,i .' ! 1a ir: s i.- .fU i.fi t-w. v fmmmmmuyim- jnn. i-vrA-sr-- nrnirm rn imu ifff TTinwir mtim irrn r ' in i "iff" I mm illli riliBilPI hi i rim r:i"i7i:, .-6 a: ArOLTJLE XXVJ1I. UED CLOUD, NKUHASKA. MAIiCIl 10, 11)00, NUMBER 11 : !flS?iSiAlSlr5; i:SiSi l rwiiw :s: Ladysmith is Helleved at Last. But it cost Untold blood and treasure. The relief that the Big St ire affords its customers is the talk of Red Cloud and the surrounding country. The reason why the multitudes crowd at our store daily is because we do just as we advertise, and we ex pect here our unequaled facilities buying in large quantities and in the best markets for cash enables us to offer you the best goods for less money than you can buy anywhere in the Republican Valley and if you are buying anything in Dry Goods, Car pets, Furniture, Queenswarc, Groceries and all family supplies, you cannot afford to miss the Big Store. Below we quote a few of our prices. DEESS GOODS. Serges, 15c per yard. Palmer Wash Coods, 20c per yard. Novelty cotton Goods, gc per yard. Special value in Colored Dress Fabrics at 35c per yard. Twelve styles. Home Spun Suitings - - 75 to $1 50 Venetian Suitings, - - - 75 to 1 50 Spring Suitings ... 50 to 1 50 Cashmere, (full line colors) - 25 to 1 50 Black Dress Goods - - iajto 2 00 Black Crepons, $1 io"to 2 75 Our buyers visited the market early, thereby securing the best styles. Late buyers will have to take the cullings. WASH GOODS. Belvoir cords at 20c. Dimities in colors and plain white, 8c to 45c. Alberta Satines, 8c to 45c. Chambray Madras, 20c to 30c. Special Mash fabrics at 8c, 10c and 20c. PointelleJSoic Wash Silks, Dotted Swiss, Etc. We are showing the largest and finest line of wash goods everbronght in the valley. Bought early for spot cash. "PERCALES & GINGHAMS. Apron Checks at 5c to 7c per yard. EZZ1 Dress Ginghams at 8c to 10c per yard. CL French Ginghams at 10c to 30c per yard. The finest percales ever offered in dark and light D colors. Reds, blues and novelties. Colors guaranteed at 124c per yard. COURT PROCEEDINGS. ICBL-i SK Special values in German Calicoes at 8c. M M We nave added additional space to our store room jjg P and are now better prepared than ever to m Sk handle our rapidly increasing trade. M m WE ORIGINATE! - OTHERS IMITATE. m SS We guarantee prices. Produce taken. 5 I -Miner-Bros.- City Dray and Express Line. E, 3H. ROSS. PROP, Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAUS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONE NO. 62. A Summary oi the Cases Disposed of and the Decisions Rdndered at the Term Ending Last Saturday Cases disposed of at tho term of the dintiict eouit held lust week: dtateof Nebiasku vs. Geo. lleauehainp and JetF Ueauchaiiipi for buiglniy. 'a"-o dismissed. .State-of Nebraska vs. Oscar Wohler; Kiinid Intently . Plead nut guilty Trial to jury. Jury tetutiud verdict of not guilty and ptionci discharged. Chin. Leprn vm. Oeo. C Coon, fdioiilT; mandate. Judgment for plaintiff as per Htipulntions on file. PicHton 1J. .Sibley, Kec. of Maty 15. Knswoith, dteeasid, vs. John Zackery ct id: confirmation Order to show cause, by Wedmsday morning why sale Hhould not bo confirmed. P. & M. Untiking Co. vh. Lucius Piatt et al; creditor's bill. Caso dismissed. Now England Loan .V Trust O. vs. Henry C. Cutter et al; pending stay. Dismissed. Oarrow Kelley iV Co. vs. State Bank of Blue Hill; appeal. Juiy waived and case submitted to court on issues joined and evidence. Case taken under ad visement. Parties to file brief during term. John C. Hoso vs. Joseph Reese: appeal. Dismissed at plaintiff s cost. L. Bishop vs. H. M. McClure et al; pending stay. Settled and dismissed. F. M. Woodworth vs. Louis Hchttman et al; pending stay. Dismissed at cost of defendant. Tho Citizens State Bank of Cambridge, Neb., vs. J. A. Boyd et nl; petition. Dismissed at plaintiff's cost for want of prosecution. TraderslLnniber Co. vs. John Gilbert et nblfoieclosme. Dismissed at plain tiff's cost. N. S. Harwood vs. Red Cloud Power Co.; foreclosure. Ordered that this causo stand revived in the uamo of Ed win LCornlch, plaintiff, as substituted trustee in accordance with stipulation on tile. Dismissed us to Defendant Bed ford. On the issues joined, court finds there is drtejplaintiil from defendant on tntst deed $10,000, interest at 0 per cent. Decree of foieclosure nd order of sale. John Blame vs. John A. Poyer; re docketed. Demurrer wtstnined. Defen dant JohtJA. Poyer excepts. First Nat. Bank of Omaha vs. State Bank oflBlue Hill; emit on note Defen dant giver, leave to answer within 00 days. Caso continued for term, Nebr. Loan & Trust Co. vs. Alfred C. Jaoksonj'conflnnHtion. Order to show cause by;Wednisday why sale should nut lie confirmed. John P. Williiwtm vs. A. M. Walters Investment Co.; writ orr ttote. Motion to confirm suppbtnental report as to De fendant Grimes overruled. Motion to suppress deposition overruled. Jury waiwidjandjease tried to court. Court findmlue plaintiff from defendant $1270 with interest at jier cent. Judgment on findings. NeU. Loarr & Trr.tst Co. vs. John Oil-bert-ot nl.; pending stay. Settled and dlsmiwed. Harriet Dennison et al. vs. Sylvia O. Wnruor et al.j pending stny. Motion to 8triko .irt'errnled. Defendant excepts. Each party giveu leave to file additional uflldavitH by five o'olock Friday. Cause submitted to tho cottt on the evidence jrud taken ntnder advhement until June ierin, 1000. John W. Robinson vs. State of Ne braska; petition in error. Motion to tnx cot against defendant overruled. Alred C. Ifosuier vs. Bernard Mc Nouy and Thomas Logan; appeal. Dig missed At plaiutiiTs coats. Jainea McNtuy vs. Tiiouias Logan; appeal. Settled and dismissed. Anna fladley et nl vs. Morris M. Stern et h!.; for damages. Dismissed. Costs paid. The City of Red Clond, Neb., va. F. & M. Banking Co.; petition in equity. De murrer overt tiled. Defendant excepts. Motion to strike out pari of petition overruled. Defendant except and i given BO day to answer. Case con tinned, J . W. Moon s, Isadore Freyiuiirk; re docketed, Motion to strike out petition overruled. Demurrer to petition, Do- Mrrr auiainau. baava flva t amend by interlineaflon iiiHtanter. Special appearance as to Freyiuiirk sus tained. Mass. Mutual Life Ins. Co. vs N. L. D. Smith tt al.; pending stay Motion for n now trial overruled. Defendant excepts. Forty days to file bill of excep tions. Defendants given leave to file petition ro canet I lecotii ol this cause taken and had at the October teim, l'.UI. Tiio Muscatine Mottgage Co. vs.C. V. McDonald it al.: p tltluii on onti-n t Continuid to June teim to stand dial llrst day. Jury waived to betiitdbv eoutt. Jeter Jinsen vs. Andrew Errckson; tor damages. Dismissed. State of Nebraska vs. George Chnpnit; ie'ognizanee to kicp tho peace. Dis missed by motion of county attorney. Tootle Weakly Millineiy Co. vs. Al fred and 15. A. Ilndell; suit on account. Plnintiir given :!0 day- to lllo amended petition. L. J. Locktidge vs. Geo. Simon; ap peal. Trial to court. Court finds due plaintiff from defendant the sum of $!)(). Judgment on findings. Sale of attached property ordered. Legrand 13. Thorno vs. Jennie E. Thome; divorce. Divorce granted on petition of plaintiff. Allen II. Carpenter vs. Austin Jeffrey and Rose Jillre); appeal. Jury im paneled and sworn but could not agiec oir a verdict. Case continued foi the teim. Tho City of Red Cloud, Nebraska, vs. The Michigan Trust Co.. Executor et ill; foreclosure. Motion todisrrrissovetruled. Plaintiff ordered to file amended petition in accordance with former order of the court within !)0 days from adjournment of tliis term. J. W. Robinson vs. It. S. Proudflt et nl.; for damages. Dismissed at plain fill's costs. Roderick McBeath vs. Louis Harttnan et nl.; to quiet title. Judgment on find ings in open court in favor of defendants. Defendants pay nil their own costs. Nathan M. Doudna nna W. T. Auld vs. JeiTerson P. Vnrrell et nl,; confirma tion. Sale confirmed nnd deed ordered. SurpluB ordered paid to tho widow or her representatives. Joshua Weltzheitner vs. Frank P. Fisher et al; foreclosure. Motion to strike overruled. Defendant excepts. Leave granted plaintiff to correct copies of coupon notes in accordance with alle gation in petition. Defendant given 20 days to plead. Mary A. Starr vs. Webster County; appeal. Dismissed for want of prosecution. Citizens Stato Bank of Cambridge, by S. O. Simonds, Cashier, vs. J. A. Boyd and E.J. Overing; appeal. Dismissed at plaintiff's cost for want of prosecution. Luvice V. Pegg vs. On in Harvey; ap peal . Settled and dismissed. Popo & McClatcn vs James W. Bog enrief; appeal. Settled nnd dismissed. Straw Ellsworth Manufacturing Co. vs Wnyno G. Parker et alj'for receiver. rlaintilT given to March 10 to file ad ditional affidavits, defendant given to March 17 to file counter affidavits In the matter of application for receiver, sanio to be heard at Adams county terra .of court in Hastings, March 10. W. C. DoWolf vs Rono Russell, at tachment. Duo plaintilT from defend ant 1330 on note, nt J por corrt. Salo of attached property ordered. RosoUa liogott vs Martin Bogott; divorce. Dismissed at plaintiff's costs. Settled. Pottibooe & Nixon vs Christian ICoohloretal; foreclosure of tax lien. Default at all defendants taken; duo plaintiff 991.74, attornoy'a fees SO 17 al lowed taxed as part of costs; 10 per cent interest from date. Decree of foreclosure and order of a ale. PottiboneA Nixon vs Jounthau W. llarpham et al; foreclosure of tnx lirn, Default of all defendants taken excopt Nebraska Loan & Trust Co.; court finds duo plaintiff IMO 51 ; attorneys fees al lowed to bo taxed as conts 114 05; in terest 10 per cent; decroo of foreclos ure nnd order of sale. Pettibono & Nixon vs Geo. L. Gulli fordjforeclojuroof tax lien. Dofau.t of all defendants taken oxcopt Nebras ka Loan &Tiust Co; court finds duo plaintiff 819 51; attorney's foes 11.95 allewerf taxed aa part oaiti; iatarest at 1 11 S) -- g? II 1 L Pi PI GOOD judge must have both experience and learning. A housekeeper should be a good judge for she too must have experience and learning or she may think that the soaps made to look like Ivory Soap are just as good. With experience she will know that they lack the remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ivory Soap 994f per cent. pure. co.i.ioht , lf .aoctia . mn t umimmi ten per cent; decree of foreclosure and order of sale. Pettibono & Nixon vs Geo. L. Gulli ford ot nl: foreclosure of tax lien. Default of nil defendants taken except Nebraska Loan & Tiust Co; couit finds due plaintiff $27.27; attorney's fees 12.72 taxed as part costs; interest nt 10 por cent; decrco of foreclosure and order of snlo. Mnry E. Roberts vs Goo. W. Roberts; potition in equity. Court linds fnets stated in petition true. Prayer of pe tition granted. Jossio Pcggvs John F.Pegg; petition. Default of defendant ordered; default set aside; judgment that dofondnnt pay to plaintiff r on tho 15th of ench month. Tho Western Land Co. vs Win. li. Howe ot nl, foreclosure of tax lien. Demurrer of defendants withdrawn r.nd 80 days givonto nnswer by agree ment in (men couit. Tho Western Land Co. vs John Gil bert etnl; foreclosure of tax lien. De murrer sustnined-.plaintifrigivon thirty days to filo nmondod petition. Eliznboth Skaggs vs Russell Skaggs; divorce Leave granted defendant to answer instanter. Court finds facts stated in potition true. Decree of amendment granted. Douglas J. Myers vsGeo. L. Gulli ford et el; injunction. Plaintiff dis misses case as to R. T. Potter nnd B. McNony. In tho matter of tho estato of Stur geon Kerslrner deceased; license to sell real estate. Loavo to file bond nunc pro tune as prayed for. Clifford J. Popo vs State Bank of Bluo Hill; suit on noto. Continued for CONTINUED ON I'AOK FIVB. Boils and Pimples Give Warning. AN UNFAILING SIGN THAT NATURE IS APPEALING When Naturo is overtaxed, she hu her own way of giving notice that assist ance is needed. She does not ask for help until it is Impossible to get along without it Boils and pimples are an indication that the system is accumulating immiritiea which PAD HFI P muflt k 8tten rid of i thoy are an urgent appeal for awistanoo run nULIi a warning that can not safely be ignored. to no?ieot to purity trie blood nt this time means more than tho annoyance of painful boils nnd unsightly pimples. If these impurities are allowed to remain, tho system suooumbs to any ordinary illness, and is unable to withstand the many ailments whioh are so prevalent during spring and summer. Mrs. L. Gentile, 2004 Second Avenue, Seattle, Wash., says: "I waa afflicted for a long time with pimples, whioh were very annoying, as they disfigured my face fearfully. After using many other remedies in vain. 8 S. S. tiromntlv and thoroughly cleansed my blood, and now I rejoice in a good complexion, which I never had before," uapt. w. it. Dun lap, or the A. O. 8. R. It. Chnttanooira. Tenn.. writes: " Several boils and carbuncles broke out upon me, cauainjr great pain nnd nnnoyance. My blood teemed to be in a riotous condition, nnd nothing I took seemed to do uny good. Six bottles of S S. S. cured me completely and my blood has been porfectly pure ever since. S. 8. 8. FOR THE BLOOD .a i. ... i ..." utT.i:, ,"? ,:?u",,!,""MX vegeiaota BUU " "u "V "" "' ia """"ivijr iicd iiuiu jjuuujii nnu mercury, u promptly purifies the blood and thoroughly cleansos the system, builds up tho generftl health and strength. It cures Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer, Rheuma tism. Tetter. Boils, Pores, etc., by going direct to the cause of the trouble tat forcing out all impure blood. Beaks frea to aa? adarwa by the wift SjMeliia C,, Atlaata, Qa. 1 JmUk ! H & - . h'.' iBlS""' 'SLLa,aAaatta I'll H BBjMht'v 5WpawPWrWS -aL .MMMMwaaMMaiataaaaaitaaejMBMBiBiMtMBaWIBBBMiBi IH H