J itre figure Many women lose their girlUh forms afltr they become mothers. This is due to neg lect. The figure can be preserved beyond question if the ex pectant mother will constantly use moor's f r during the whole period of pregnancy. The earlier its use is begun, the more per fectly will the shape be preserved. mother's Trlend not only softens and relaxes the muscles during the great strain before birth, but helps the skin to contract naturally afterward. It keeps unsightly wrinkles away, and the muscles underneath retain their pliability. mother'! Trlend is that famous external liniment which banishes morning sickness and nervousness during pregnancy) shortens labor and makes it nearly painless builds up the patient's constitutional strength, so that she emerges from the ordeal without danger. The little one, too, shows the effects ol mother! Trlend by its robustness and vigor. Sold at drug stores for $1 bottle. SenJ for our flatly Illustrated book for pecUnt mothers. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, UA. r. d. bedford. Rkai. - Estate, - Insurance, AND COU.KCTIONS. Agent for the Kqtitadi.k Lift. Austin- ANCK SOCIKTT. FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. Surgetw B. tf M. R. R. ompanjr, ae) V. S. Pmtlen Suriean. City ad country calls promptly an swered dny or night. OrriOKATIRlilNUiUY'H Mkat Makkkt NiailT CALLS AT OFFICD. Dr. E. A. Creigiiton, Honorary (iiudtiuto & Sijvcr Medalist Western Univciity, Canada. Calls Answi:ht.i Day and N'kiiit. rrrcr. Ovcu f'ooK't I'lumiAtT. J. S. EMIG-H, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WANT IT. Crown Bridge Work or Teeth Without l'lates. l'OUC'Kl.AIN INLAY And all tbo Intent Improvement lu dental mecb aulsra I. B. COLV1N, REAL ESTATE FARM LOANS. Lock Hoi in. (initio Hock, Neb. All kinds of property bought, sold and u.xcliiiugcd. COU.KCTIONS MADE. TKKMis KKASONAIII.U OVERMAN if- UhACKlAUiQll KTTORNEYS - HT - L.7XW. Ulcc trer Post Oltlcc. RED CLOUD, NKHIIASKA. Chimney brick, Cistern brick, AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros. DRS. SEARLES Si SEABLES MulnOlllco llth.V. OSta LINCOLN, NEB. I'i yritr In Omuliit and Lincoln, Sl'KCIAI.ISTH In NtirvoiiH, tllironlc and 1'rlvMto msKASKsj of MEN AND WOMEN All Private Diseases and DISORDERS OF MEN ElictricityMiTuioiNic enables us to rnarantoe to euro all curable cases of the Nose, Throat, Cheit Btomach, Ltrcr, Mood, Bklnand Kidney Distunes Lost Manhood, Nltht Emissions, Hydrocele, Var ieoeele. Gonorrhea, Uleet. Flloe, fistula and cecUl Ulcers, Diabetes ami Ilrlj-ut'- Disease. Hr$100.00 for a case ot CATARRH. RHEUMATISM, DYSPEPSIA, or LOOD POISON w cunuot cure If curable -Striotur and Gloft Cured at Horn. XzamiuatTon aud (.onsullutiuii IIU.L. Home treatment by mail in oil illKeur.es u vimolalty, oAll medicine fornulml, Cntl or inldross with stamp tor circular, (run ImuW.iuhI recnliits wrlto therm today P.O. Box 224. o"(' Jp Klolilinls lslk., 1 till A' o, l.llii'iilii, Ni'k mm act I I J n "-tX I El Bast Own Byro. TmImUihhI. Vse ("J 3 ta Ums. BolJ hydruKnltti. Pf PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS. First Wnlter "How's the new guest?" S'cond Walter "Tip-top." 'I own 'topics. 'Mom l very Miper.stitious." "Whv do von Uiliik mi?" "lie owes me $1.1 i.i.d won't pnj, lt."-.V. O. Tlines-JleiP- enit. Huron- "You nv your mm at. college tvrlte n bold hand'?" Egbert "1 fhould nay m. lie's just, written for f 150 more." Votikers Statesman. On the Itoail. "And w lint does the lienl erltie wiy of me'.'" asked the tiliont. "Oh! he lets you down easy," replied Iliimlet. "lie merely wiyn that tin (.IickI wasti'l true to life." I'tick. Senility. Mr. Dullerhy "I wonder whv tlie.v cull those lull, old-fnuliloneil In' K1- iinulflitlieiV elneki." Mi. I'nll'iln "Oh, I MippnM' If'n. lieeiiu.-e tliv'ir yi nff.'illy run down." ,lewl . i - ' i I I v . II mi te and Safe. "Our liter iry i lull ik piing to lltid. the Ellalii'llinn ei i." "Im'l that rather liiu-knc.vdV" "W-; lull in ilNeiihsiug people who are dead, .Mill know, wi' won't, lie t mpted to gossip." Detroit Free Press. A sehooltnaster i-eiids us an answer given 13 a boy in a "general In forma tion" e.aiiilmitioii. Asked who Tom Mann was, the boy replied: "Tom Man is what one calls a woman who hchaw's like a man, as one calls a boy ish girl n torn boy."--London Truth. "Can you trace the rcsemhliinc" of a baby to anything under the sun but another baby?" "Oh, ye, indeed," re plied the social diplomat. "To what?" "To whichever parent asks me about It." All the masters of illplotnaey are not In public life.- Detroit Journal. HIT EVERY TIME HE MOVED. Unt'livlnlilc ICxiicrli'iipp of ft tinrtltin lllirlilniitlrr In n Fight it till liners. A privnte soldier in the Second lint ti. lion, Gordon Highlanders, recounts an experience in the following letter, Indicating that the marksmanship of some of the liners at least is better than has been alleged: "We, the Deuins, Imperial Light Horse anil others, had a fight, at Eland rlaagtc with the Hours, and 1 never en joyed myself so much before. You ilrst have to get christened to Ire, and then win think nothing of the shells bursting about you, and the bullets which go whistling past like bees. "We went forward by 50 yard rushes, and at every rush you could hear a groan, nnd down would go one of our comrades, either killed or wounded, I our chap! "When we weie miles from the ene my the, opened lire on us with shell, and as we were going tilling in niii "lie of the shells burst on the left of the eiiiupnn. and one of our men of tn.V section - I lobby Mall got shot dead with a piece of the shell going straight through his head. That was what made more than one wish to turn and run. Hut what would Hritaiu do if her soldiers ran from the enein.x ? "At last we got to where we could get a shot at the Itoers with our rilles, and inn may bet we gave them more than one, as, perhaps, the papers have told you. "I got through the rifle fire down ti. the liayouet charge on the hillside, when I felt a sting in the left arm, and looking down found I was shot in the wrist. In changing my posi tion I got shot in the center of the forehead. The bullet did not go straight through. It glanced otT my nose bone and came out above my right temple. . . . On looking round I was Jim in time to see the blood siuirt from the first wound. "I shifted nij position n.iiiifk time, for I did not want another from the same rifle. 1 lay still after doing this for awhile, when the thought came to me to get my wrist bandaged and try to shoot again. On changing my posi tion I got a bullet right in the 'nan- jier.' I was out of action then, for all was dark. I heard the olllcer I was going to get the bandages from say: 'Poor chap, he's gone.' Hut no, I am still kicking."-N. Y. Herald. (rimtli of l.itiiKiuiKe. The principle of growth in language, as In all else ib variation. And when the eail races felt that variation had been carried far enough within the limits of the vi.vvel laiiguagi , rich as it wait in tone and mclod.v.n new direction for growth w.ii iiiLconcJnul sought. It was fourd b adding semivowels to ihe tilritui t iilng iiwelt. that Kbv p..ni.i.l i losing the lips, or bunging il i mi gue mar tl e tmh. nr pal.iti. or iliiu.it. wh.U the vowils wire being poKtii. this would give words like Wiiwawa or aaya, and the like, and -o with other vowels. Let me give n few words which still survive from this ipoeh, in Po'i.viiesiati, which are rich in pure vowel words: ahi, alio, halt, lilhl. hu, hae, wa, wai, which mean fire, light, wind, ray, breath, envy, expanse, water all dements or elemental emotions. Charles Johnston, In Contemporary. TaJclriK tkr Clinnrra, ' Mien In doubt a, to whether to go on or to go back think of that, and of the Zulu saying: "If we go forward we die, if we go backward we die; better go forward und die." It is also like n. game of footbnll. You are beleeted as a forward pluyer. Play the game; piny that your side may win. Don't think of your own gloriflention, or your own risks our side tire Imekiug you up. Play up nnd make the best of every chance you get. Football Is a good game, but better than It, better than ail other game, is that of man-hunting. Hut, like nil other games, it is no use your going in for it without previous training, and 1 hope that what 1 have sad above may be of some use in help ing you to take a distinguished part In the BICYCLE - IRL$ Are apt to overdo thur otungth. The rivalries of the road, the chetrful com panionship, the exhilaration of the swift movement on the machine, all tend to make n woman unconsciously overtax herself. The results are often serious, nnd may affect the whole future of wife hood and motherhood. Ivvcry woman who is conscious of feminine irregularities or disorders front strain or any other cause, should bejjin at once the use of Dr. Pierce's Ivuonle Prescription. It promptly correct all female irrcf;ul.iritj dries the drnins which are so ilebilitnling, and tones the nervous system. It makes weak women strong nnd sick women well. I lud filling of In ternal orK.iUHaud lind to go to bed every month, had Irrtgiilar m out lily period which would some times Inst ten or twelve days," writes Mrs. Alice I,. Hol mes, of Coolspriug St., Uniontown, Pa. "Had also indigestion so bad that I could not cat anything hardly. Dr. Pierce's Favorite I'rcscrintion and 'Golden Medical Discovery ' cured me. I toolc three bottles of the ' Pnvoritc Pre scription ' and one of the 'Golden Medical Discovery.1 " Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter, free. All corre spondence privnte. Address, Dr. U. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. American nnd Australian butter is rapidly crowding the German article from the English market. The production of prunes is Increas ing rapidly in Oregon, the annual shipment of the dried fruit now amounting to 500 cars. The production of soap in Great Urltain is about 15,000 tons per week, oi which between 3,000 nnd 4,000 tons are made in London. America sells nearly three times as much as she buys; Germany buys over C. "0,000,000 worth more every year than she sells; while Great. Hritaiu last year actually bought twice as much as she sold. Were it not for nintter floating in suspension in ea water minute liv ing organisms and air bubbles due to the brt a king of the waves, all of which lellcct liirht the ocenu, lookeil down 'r tc w iiih! be as I.': el .is i'k- M e ' i -1 J -1 ntl . 1'i.r it that ! !!. the sun's ra.vs, having once penetrati: it. would return to its stiitaee. Alcohol and vinegar are ciTeetivc an tidotes for carbolic acid poNoning, n New York doctor announce. What, ever quantity of the poison ha iieen swallowed, four times as much wln Ky or five times as much vinegar should be administered iinmedhitvly. No oil of any kind should be given. "Thus treated early enough," he adds, "all eases will recover." That consumption does not run in families, but does run in housus is the theory of Sir Itiehard Thome, who ad dressed the London Medical oeiet, re cently, "liefuse to live on n damp ntli-oll," was his advice; until people ceased to live tinier unfavorable 'on ditiotis, the need hope for little diminution in the consumption death rate. The improvement of sanitary appliances had. in the last i: years, reduced that rate nearly 00 per cent. A 1'nniiieri'tl Cow. On their recent visit to the ancestral home of the carina at liesso Dram stadt, there was attached to the impe rial train, the luxuriousness nnd com pleteness of wlfleh have never been sur passed, a coach occupied solely by a splendid cow and her attendants. The matter of pure milk for the roul youngsters was one of vast importance, and so It was decided to take nlong the best cow to be found. N. Y. Journal. Republican Cuticuses. Tito republican voters of the First Wind, Ked Cloud Nebrnska, tiro here by notified that n caucus will bo held nl V. .11 Knbj's i ilieo on March lit li tit 7:!10 p. in., for the purpose of electing thirteen delegates to attend the city convention to be held at the court house on March 1 lt.li . for tho purpose of noiniimtiiig candidates for tho vari ous city ofllcos. W. H. Hour. Cotnmittcotnnn. Tho republican voters of tho Second Ward, Red Cloud, Nebraska, nro here by notitlcd, that n caucus will bo hold at tho Fireman's Hall on Mnrch 0th, 1000, nt 7:30 p.m. lor th puaposo of electing tlfteen delegates to attend tho Hod Cloud City convention, to bo hold at tho court house March 14th, for tho purpose of putting in nomination can didates for tho various city ofllcos. C, li. Ckonk, Committeeman. Graln-OI Grain-OI Homcmbor that name when you want a delicious, appetizing, nourishing food drink to take tho phco of cofTeo. SoW by all grocers nnd liked by all who have used it. (.rain-O is made of puro grains, it aids digestion and strengthens tho nerves. It is not a stimulant but a ho,tltlKjiujldor nnd thu children as Y$)pij?flia adults enn drink it wMtlriitjJiolit. Costs about one fourth-pBlcli as coll'uo. 15o and 'Joe per p:tel-ag Ask your grocer for (i rain-O. YaPx VW CHURCH SERVICES. I'll ItlSTIAX CltUItCII. Regular services next Sunday as fol low": Morning sorvlcn at 10:!I0. Ililile school nt 12 o'clock. Young People's Society of Christian Kniiunvor tit fl.JIO. Evening service at 7:!i0. Special music at each service. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening tit 7:.10. Everybody kindly invited. L. A. Ht;s30N(, Pastor. MKTIIODIST Service next Sunday as follows: Class inn-ting at 10 iiih, 1. P. Mc Clint ic, Leader. Morning uriec at 10.110 Sunday School at, 11:1") a.m. Con ducted by L P Albright, superinten dent. Preaching nt Amboy at .'I p.m. Kpworth League nt 0:!IO p.m. Miss Christie Woidcman, president. Evening service at 7:80. Prayer mooting Wednesday evening at 7:30. Ladies Aid Society Friday afternoon. All aro most cordially invited to at tend. Roscoe A. Uaknks, Pa9tor. CONOItKOATIONAL. Regular services next Sunday ns fol lows: Regular morning servico at 10:30. Subjoct, "Overcoming." Sabbath school nt 11:15. Preaching nt Indian creek at 3:30. Young People's Society Christian En deavor at C.S0. Evening servico tit 7:30. Subject. "A Mystery Solved." Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. All arc heartily welcome. Fkank W. Dean, Pastor. The Way to Go to California is in n tourist sleeper, personally con ducted, via tho Uttrlington Route. You make fast time. You see the finest scenery on the globe. Your car is not so expensively fur nished as n palace sleeper, but it is just as clean, just ns'comfortablo, just as good to ride in and nearly $20.00 cheaper. It has wi lo vestibules; Pintsch gas; high backed seats; n uni formed pullmtin porter; clean bedding; spacious toilet rooms; tables and a heating rargo. Heing strongly and heavily built, it rides smoothly; is vvatin in winter andcool in summer. In charge of each exclusion party i an experienced, cviir-don conductor viio necompanic'' it right through t Lo Angeles. Cars leave Omaha, St. .Joseph, Lin coln and Hasting every Thursday ar riving San t'raueiM'o follow ing Sunday, Los Angeles Monday. Only .IiicimIuvj from the Missouri river to the Pacific coast, iucludir'g a stop over of 1 bouts at Denver and 2 bouts at Salt Lake City two of the most interesting cit ies on theeontitii nt. For folder giving full infonna'.ion, call nt tiny Burling ton Route ticKct olliec, or write to J. FltANCtS, (icn'l Passenger Agent Omaha, Neb. Order of Hearing on Original Probate of Will. . Statu or Ni:uiia-ka i. V' W'r llaTMl t'ot'.MV. 1 Atai'ount Court. Iicld nt the County Court Itootn. In niiil for said County. Monday, .March blh. A I) IWKi. In the mutter of the vvtnte of I.nclnilii Ajers dereated. On icnitl k and iiiiiik tnu peutlon (it A T Avert-. liravliiK taut tliciin-iriiincut llleil on me rah dny of .March. I'.iOO. ami purpurtliiK to be tho last will ami Tehlauu-nt of the Mild dcrensci, innv iin nrnved. annroTen. nro oaien. n loweu. . . ... .. .. noil recorded aa tho last Will ami Testament of I the fald I.uclnda Ajcra. de((acd, and that (hot. VAt'Cllllull til piiii. iiiriiiiii,--iii, inn i'i-uuiiiiiiiiiru and tho nilmlnlMratloii or bald vtatc may he (granted to Allen T. Ayerc, the petliloncr us cz eeiitor. Ordered, that Saturday. March 21th, A.I) 1000. at la o'cloek a m. la aaalRiied for hearing m-Ii! petition, when all pcrsonx Interested In ald matter may appear nt a County Court lo bo held In ntiil for bald comity, ami ahovv cause why tho prayer of petitioner should not bo granted; and that notice of the pendency ef until petition and tho hearing thereof, be Riven to all percoiiB Inter rhtcd la K-lit matter by publlxhliiK n copy of this order la the lted Cloud Chief a weekly now paper printed In sntd county, for three Mice i-lvc vvcekx, prior to said day of heartnu (At uucupy) iIamkh Durrr County JiiiIko. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TnAOE Marks Debions Copyrights &c. Anyono sendlnn n sketch and description my quickly nsccrtuln our opinion free whether an Invention Is probably jmtontablo. Communica tions strict IjrcontldontMl. Handbook on 1'atents sentfroo. Oldest asency for securtnirpatenu. I'atnnta taken llirouuti Munn Co. recelre ifxeUitnottit, without chamo, In the Scktttific flmcrican. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Larsest elr. eolation ot any aclentlOo journal. Terms, S3 a yean tour ruonms, si. Branch Offloe, Ob V ear! rour moiuns, i. ouiuuyaui newauoicfj. 361Brodw.r.NBWTarK BC Washlugton. D. C. C. , DO--, BlncksmithirtK - and - Repairing OK AI.I. KINDS. HORSBSHOEINC. SATISFACTION UUAItANTKKD. 41 bWJHm it lltl UHHBS-iT9lHTLmmM Thousands Have Kidney Trouble nnd Don't Know it. How To lMiufout. Fill a bottle or common class with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a mrti sediment or set tling indicates an unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; If It stains your linen it Is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass it or pain In the back Is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. What to Do. There a comfort In the knowledge so ; oiicn cxprcssca, mat ur. Kilmer s swamp ' Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every I wish In curing rheumatism, pain In the . back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain In passing ' it, or bad effects following uso of liquor, wlnoorbeer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity oi Deing compelled to go often during tho day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and tho extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of tho most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should nave the best. Sold by druggists In 50c. and$l. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery and a. book that tells more about It, both sent absolutely free bymall,5! address Dr. Kilmer Be rtome of Bwip.rtoot Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. When writing men tion reading this generous offer In this paper. Eureka Harne.B Oil li theliest preiorvnllve of now loutlier nnd tho best renovator ot old leather. It oils, softens, black ens and protect. Use Eureka Harness Oil on your best harncm, your old bnr new, and your carriage top, ami they will nut only took tetter but wiar longer. Hold everywhere In ran"-oll lies from half pint to five uatlon-. Utit bj HTA1D4RU OIL (U. WILLIAM KELLOGa, , IpHotoghapheh! Inteiuok, LaNDSCAI'E, 4 Animals, Special and Com.mkucial Work. Fur iiiti.'iiotH anil for largo Rfottps ' J of stock anil I'xti'tiiU'il vii'vvs of liiiililiuc.s as on fai ins ami raiiclii'i our fu'-ilities aiu iiiii'M-i'licd. Developing, l:inisliiu anil (..:.. :..... r.. a ...... .... I lulling 1(11 MllillCllI S. c L'AJII.ItA-, I'l.ATK!-, c I'll. ms, Di-.vr.i.di'iuts, Vi:i.o. and i'l.ATivdi vim: l'.ri:i:s. Siim'i.ik-ok ai.i. Kinds AtSKNT ton Tin: J"Alvista" Panoric Cameras, J covets 180 l-pi i'i-?, live r-aincriib in mil1. mmmmmmmm SOUKI. U.MOl!NTKI I'llOTOtlltAl'lIS J i Kink I'iptukk Fiiamino Havcono ot tin; umst finely ap- pointed ilni k rooms ot its M.e in tlio state in which yon nro always vvel- J conn-to ('limine plates ami lit your cameras Wi; no Mir nt roitntAiTLKK. J i ltooMx ovni I'ionpkii Mkat Maiikkt J tuiemiuiro SDltS What tl lit ,rt Vatalo "" isus. - Tho host collars made aro to bo had of us. Neuk comfort for your horse is os sontial, if )ou expect him to do good work. An ill-tilting, poorly-mado collar in a miurco of continual irrita tion to the hrrso. For HORS-COL..CRS aro mado with a viow to comfort, dur ability, and good nppoaranco. Wo will sell you THE PINBST HRRNGSS uvflrythlng cntnploto, for your horn. Good for hard vvhi-k, good for show occasions J. O. Butler, THENESS flUR HANDSOME ILLUSTRATED U 10pOOATALOQUetirhiSlua.( fifactiialiwultrtoformaUoa. Ill.lr, ll nia.f you a price on tbs beat laeabator aae Broader eoaauraclarod. VTo raf Ua roeabl, S-wsta-.l8rslilirU.,asyt--TJis- 0vtflMiiirMct Bl P'lli ''I'm i HI lcui .rJAkaWaVl(irIlsw arSVIS l-aHM -fl'f - JSr QFPnS tv JWU$lttt' totAt trtjfarraited U Fndae. RV MwHhlon Lutber, F.Troj.P., titonWbcd Iht wotlttTfA aslBSaT tv ! nut lk-i-iii s.-., .o.i.. tat-.iJ.. tatBim m Mbklmll, Wit.. IJJ bin. b.tl.jl nill.Lo.fl.T, H II 1 I 1 11 PI 10 DOLLARS WORTH FOR lOo. Q ! 10 cl. f rart rarm it.n, Hall Both, iht i art4 H i WAVU rM TAD B Ooid Hpalii.proJuclmiiObu.li. ri4 aoJ i Um Say jfgfM AljVYftlO UIN I At , B Htitri-alMitaoati anil barley. Ilromuiltiernils Mm aSaa tb imtnl gran od earth! Satitr mil o. MSm Yfa. Rape. HprlojVVbeal, ., Inelmlloi our niam. JWf . S, mothFiant.rrnllan.lSee.lCalaln.(i-lllriall X3 QL almul HaUer'e tlrral Million Hollar Jmm r Oa yCfk. 1'olalo, all rnalleil ror 10c. riiat AT -TVV maSsV lOilllttlT worth 110 u irlaelarl. MfW li Abw I oo, (wo Mil'. sx Potii jnjtW i Jf'llTsVTlTaw lease Xsljllkswjbu edi, -vo.4Kgr , , Js-T r. l-Cri v-wi,n EBiwEsf it??'' t4ntll i p i?Sv J&Js C 7LVrr''--. 1 1 1 PV TIMETABLE. B & M. R.Y II III) CLOl'l), NIMH. LINCOLN UMJIIA C1I1CAUO SI. JOE KANSAS CITY S'l. LOUIS and nil points cast and south. DENVKli HELENA IIUT'JE SAL'l LAKE CY I'OltTLANJ) SA, FlUXCISUO nnd all point west. TUAIN LEAVE AH rOLI.OW"! No. 13. I'ivDiiRcr lnlly for Oborlla Hint St. rriiiielsbriiiit'ho'.o.x font, Mci'ook, Denver nml nil ioltitn ivu't - T'lriiitn No, II. rn"cii!cr daily for St. Joe. KnosrtR city. Atclilvm, m, I.ouK Lincoln vlu Wymote mid nil points cr1 nii'l Ninth S 1," i m No. IT. I'rtH'iiRLr. iliilly. Duiivcr, all points in Colorado, L'tiili and I'nllfortiln T.'lop m No is I'nwMKcr, dully for St. Joe. Imuika- Cllv. Attlition, ,st. I.onls nnd all point eiiKt and outli - 10 'jo n m Nn. 111. Accommodation, dally except Sunday. llHstlnuf. (Irntid U laud, lllnck Hills ami all points In tho northwest I :UJ p m So. 113, Accommodation, dully except Sunday, Obcrlln, Kniiaft, and Intermediate fctatlons, via Ho publican 1 2 130 p. ta, No. 01. Freight, dally, Wymoro nnd St. Joe nnd Intermediate Junction point.... 13:4Sn,a. No. 63. Freight, dnlly for Republican Orlean-.Oxfordandnll polnti wct, .... lOMOn.m. No. 66. Freight, dally except Sunday for wymoreand nil point cntt ; No. 173. Freight dally to Oxford and Intermediate nolnt" .. 1 :30 D.ta Bleeping, dining, nnd reclining chair rare, (ocala free) on through train-. Tlckcu told and Sleeping, dining, nnd rccllnln uaggago cnccxcu to any point in tho United Statca or Canada. For Information, tlmo tables, maps or ticket call on or address A. Conover, Agent, Ked Cloud, Ncbr. or J. Francla, General Pansenger Agent Omaha, Nebraska. Caveats, and Trade-Mark obtained and all JPt- ent buunes conducted lor Modmiatc Ftca. Our O-ricc is Opposite u, 8. Patcnto-fic. ana wc can secure jKiicniia icss umc man ini remote from Waihintrton. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-' Icturge. Our fee not due till patent Is secured, i A Pampmiit, " How to Obtain Patents," with cost oi same In the 17. S. and foreign countries ion. nc iutuc. 11 naieniauie or nor. tree at sent iree. jiauress, C.A.SNOW&CO. , PATCNT OrriCC, WASHINGTON. D. C. Pennyroyal pills I7K-.-.,,H,B-'""'' w"'r rBl-e. L if UAU rA, tf-lflf flltirui-Vlttu Mfll u i In ltKD o4 Uold ml4llle boiM k.1.1 iu tin ribbon. Takeaa thr. KtruM I Iaacraa NabUtUoa ud ImlU Ua Hn- or yoar llrijtcUl. or .end 4r. la unii i for "rtlulara. Teatt-aonlala aal "llf ll-r for .dl. . 11, kiiv. h, .. r larnMall. lo.Ollo Tr.UraoDl.li. Hollbj HttonlUip.t,r. Madl.opl'rl..-l.A.. 1-AV STOPPED FREE " Permanently Cured IminlltPreventtdby DR. KLIhE'S CIEAf RERVE RESTORER A-iw- and .s iru.' itanr .. hoi lla pf NtrvuQ.a.ia P.,(tl...w,a , tr. ii i. fw....... I... I'.nH, i-rlmilij'-o.i.. IrcallaeanJCairialbottls rrrfll 1 11 tkUanU, Uir7ii,jluf r.rr..cLiir-.ori1)-'.li-n r I. Hon I la IT. Kilt , Itl I !.ti In 'i- .lkl.r.un Ar.tiHi rr.ll.i 'tiu. I'.. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM ClfUUfi and t-rantirics th titlr, I'romutta a luxuritnt tfrnwth. Navcr Fails to Ucatore Oray 'uir iu ii xuuiiiiui buiDr Curt, icalp diirtui k hair UUio. fig, anil 1 mat DrufgiiU tinnrn I SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN FOLNICKY, I'KOI'KIHTOIL DEALBK IN Wines, Liquors, California randies. ifr Our Coal is SUPERIOR COLORADO COAL. STILL SKLL AL THE SAME OI.I I'll ICES. Waqon Soales Back of Office. Buy nnd sell Dalod Hay, Corn, Date Millet, Harloy, Etc. Full lino of Flour and Feed on hand. W. B. ROBY, No. 1 Tumi) Av. Phonic No, ot BOOK AGENTS WANTED FOR the grandest aod faiUiHolUni book ster pubUihed, Pulpit Echoes nit i.ivimo TittrrtiH rou hkau am iikaiit. ConUlnlci Ur. MIHtlt'it ben ermoDi. vrilb. bitu 'ItjiUlioe stories, Inelilenu, IVnonal Einorlencra.etc, as toUl By 2. L. Moody l mwJf-.WIlhsfomptflohlitoryofhUlirebyHf.T.i'll VH.K. I.Or-N, l'.ikir or Mr .Mmxljr a C'liic.zo I'hurrli (ur fire yrare, ant an Intnxlucliou bjr Itrv. I.VMA.N VIIIIOT r, 11. II. llrandnew, no pp., (xauiifuUv xUiumunl. Oj'1.000 mere AUKNTS VVANTKII-ten and Women. ' 03Hilea luminis a harreet llmo for AxenU. Hend for term. Ui A. 1. WUMTHXM0T9N UtJ., Martfsrd, t'aiui. j-.- v-r.-