The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 09, 1900, Image 7

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Marguerite Matthews In New England
Homo Magazine.
Ono of the moat remarkable thliiRa
nbont society at the National Capital
in the fact that an official social code
la operative for the guidance of the
principal officers of the government
and their wives at social and diplomat
ic functions. It Is a thing which the
ordinary everyday mortal can scarce
ly conceive of, and yet It Is true, nev
ertheless. For years this dellclcncy
caused endless controversy and worry
In diplomatic and life, and at
various times there was correspond
ence between the United States and
other countries, to say nothing of dis
agreements between members of the
Cabinet and high olllclals generally.
In tho administration of President
Harrison tho Secretary of State. Mr.
Foster, had prepared for his own guid
ance by a clerk of the State Depart
ment from tho best established prece
down to the Assistant Secretaries of
the various departments, in the same
order as heads of departments.
The order of precedence for ladles of
tho ofllclal circle is tho tunic as that
nrovldcd for the ollli'liila thoinwolvrH.
In eases where the officials are unmur
rled their nearest relative, should sho
preside over the household, has by
couitesy tho precedence which would
bo given the wife of the ofllclal. At
functions nlvon bv the officials of for
eign Governments at the Capital tho
wife of tho Secretary of State takes
precedence over the wives of Ambas
sadors, including the wife of tho Dean
of the Diplomatic Corps.
Custom docs not icqulre that the wife
of the President should return official
calls, except In tho caso of visiting
royally. She may limit her calls to
personal friends. It Is expected that
tho wives of foreign Ambassadors
should mako the first official call upon
gross makes the Initial call npon the
wives of tho Representatives already
In office.
Tint! Iiitmkltril tho Yrllnwutnlio 1'nrk,
Ktei tijr w Trielcr.
Ernest Seton Thompson, tho author
and naturalist, gave some thrilling
stories of animal life In his talk on
"Some Animals 1 Have Known," tho
other night nt the Peabody Institute,
In the course of lectures given by tho
Public School Teachers' Association.
An Interesting part of tho address was
the lecturer's imitation of the calls and
cries of the different animals. Mr.
Thompson told somo of tho comedies
and the tragedies, too, of animal life.
One of the latter was tho story of
"Noble," tho king of the pack of wolves
who for live years were supremo In a
section of Now Mexico. Noblo resisted
every effort to kill or capture him.
Poisoned bait, traps, had no affect on
him, but at last ho was brought low
factory study. So ho took tho rather
novel method of seeing them at shorter
range by digging a hole in tho dump,
setting his camera ond his sketch
hooka squarely on somo old cracker
boxes nnd then covering himself ngaln
with the refuse. In this malodorous
hole he remained all day. He took
several pictures, made a number of
sketches of the bears who catuo to
feast on the remnants of canned goods
and other delicacies found In tho dump.
He watched with much Interest and
somo anxiety a "scrap" between a
mother bear and a big grizzly. Mr.
Thompson was entirely unarmed.
While the fight was going on the lit
tle cub apparently a typical sore
headwas watching the light from a
place of safety In a tree. The branch
to which he hung was directly over
Mr. Thompson's hole. If It had broken
Mr. Thompson would have not been
alone In his retreat. The bear
got the better In the fight and tho
mother hear and the cub withdrew. The
A Mmi Who. Willi" NiihoMnsr from
lUlliioliiHllitna, Kllleil i Wiinimi mill
Commuted Anon, Hrt l'ree Hnmn
HtriiliK lining.
jMHfe s-
Miil; , s&Q&rm&g
pr gpyw " V ' 'J toy 0r
The plea of Prof. Alfred Morrison of
Mount Veinon. N. Y., who Is now on
trial for the murder of Ills wife, that
tho deed which resulted In her death
anil his arrest was done while ho was
In a somnambulistic stato brings to
tiilnil other cMHOrt III which hoinnatn-
hulltftu was used as the defense In
l rials for crime. Probably the most
remarkable case on record In thin
country wai tried In lloston In 181.1.
Tho defendant, Alfred .1. Tlrrll.
charged with murder, was convicted In
tho public mind before the trial be
gan. Tlrrell was of good family, but
had vicious habits. He was separated
from his wife and was living with ono
Maria lllckfonl. Ono night the In
mates of the house whero they were
living heard a cry, a sound as of a
heavy body falling to the lloor, and
of someone descending the stairs. Then
fire was discovered, and when It was
extinguished the lllckfonl woman was
found among the emberH, her throat
cut from ear to ear. A woman In the
house next door had been awakened at
the time by the cry of a woman. At
tho trial It appeared that from his
outh Tlrrell had been subject to som
nambulistic paroxysms. On the morn
Inn the lllckfonl woman was found
killed he appeared nt a friend's house
as If In a stupor, so much so ih to
frighten his friend. Expert testimony
was given showing that the prisoner
was evidently a somnambulist, and It
was stated while In a somnambulistic
Ktate a person could dress himself,
commit homicide, set lire to a house
and run Into tho street. Tlrrell wn.i
pronounced not guilty, and was also
acquitted on the charge of arson.
Slcep-wnlking was the plea set up In
defense of George Wilson, an Indus
trious (Milcnuu mechanic, who was
charged with numerous burglaries
three years ago. It appeared that Wil
ton followed his calling honestly In
the daytime, hut when night came on
and sleep overtook him his nature un
derwent a radical change. Wilson, the
honest mechanic, became Wilson, the
housebreaker and thief. One of tho
most singular, and at tho sauto time
sad cases of somnambulism occurred a
few years ago near Hakcravllle, N. 0.
A young man there named (Sarland had
been In tho habit of walking In his
sleep from childhood. Finally he be
gan to stay away from tho house long
er than usual, and always returned
(Ilrl Attempt! Kcfnrm, ltrrntnfa Urgrnited
nuil Kirn.
Flvo young men are now In prison In
Philadelphia, to await the action of
the grand Jury, as a eoimcquonco of tho
death a few days since of Miss May
Blhlghuus, n young and pretty girl,
who died under lamentable circum
stances. Miss Hlblghaus belonged to a
highly respected family, and at ono
tlmo was an enthusiastic church work
er. Last May sho determined to bring
convortfl Into tho church, and offered
lwr services to Mrs. J. I). Nash, su
pavlntondont of tho Chinese mission.
Shrt entered on her labors enthusiastic
ally, and apparently was so dovoted to
the work that sho had tlmo for noth
ing else. During daylight hours shn
was almost always absent from her
home, and even her evenings worn
spent out. Her mother and sisters no
ticed that tho bloom was rapidly
fading from her face, and nrged her
to abandon tho work nt least for a
tlmo. Rut she would not. Meantime
Miss Hlblghaus, Instead of making con
verts or endeavoring to do so, was fast
going to ruin. She had contracted mo
opium habit, and Instead of reforming
others she was degrading herself. Rut
of this her people were Ignorant. A
few days ago the girl went to rooms on
Vino street, where, with live young
men, sho spent several hours. Sho
smoked opium, and llnally beeamo sick.
A physician was summoned, nnd as her
condition was serious sho was sent to
ii hospltnl. whero tho next day sho
died. Now tho young men, all betwean
211 and 28, nro held for tho grand Jury.
A Leader at Washington Society Functions.
Another Leader In Capital Society.
dpiitH. n cnldo. ns nuthoritatlvo as pos
slble. to proper official conduct in
"Washington functions. This memo
randum, though incomplete, was used
liy Mr. and Mrs. Foster, nnd was hand
ed to Mr. Olney when Mr. Cleveland
came Into power. Mr. Olney declined
to have It undo public, and although
ho himself used it for Ills own Informa
tion, ho refused to give It official rec
ognition. And yet, there Is no really
official sanction to this set of rules, but
they have been followed for eight or
ton years by tho various Secretaries of
State, and thus, by usage, claim the
right to official recognition.
Shortly after President McKinley
came into power thero arose a con
troversy between tho late Vlco Presi
dent Ilobart and Sir Julian Paunce
fote. tho British Ambassador, as to
which of them preceded tho other at
social and diplomatic functions. Tho
argument bocamo so heated that Sec
rotnrv Hnv received a personal let
ter from Mr. McKinley asking him to
obtain from tho proper English au
thorities a definition of tho stand
ing nnd rnnk of Sir Julian from the
point of view of tho soclnl authori
ty of his own government. It de
veloped that the British authorities
did not consider Sir Julian's conten
tion proper, and a note was dlspatc
ed to him with tho result that
next morning tho Ambassador called
upon tho Vico President at his home,
and tho matter was nmlcably settled.
Under President Cleveland tho
Vlco President, Stevenson, declined
to nBsert his prerogative, and when
tho men met tho Vlco President gave
way. Thero was much correspond
ence, nnd tho matter was finally com
promised. At the houso of n foreign
er tho Secretary of State took prece
dence at dinners, and nt tho liouso or
nn American tho highest foreign offic
ial had tho placo of honor.
It Is interesting to know that tho
codo of official precedency at present
used in Washington is based mainly
upon nn act of Congress, approved Jan.
19, 1890, providing for tho succession
in the event of tho disability of both
tho President and Vice President of tho
United States.
Tho order of precedence Is ns fol
lows: Tho President, tho Vlco Presi
dent, Ambassadors of foreign PowerB
in tho order of their formal recogni
tion by tho government, tho Secrotnry
,t ntntn Mm Secretary of War, tho
Attorney General, tho Postmaster Gen
eral; tho Secretaries of Navy, Interior
nnd Agrlculturo, tho Chlof Justlco of
tho United States, tho Assoclato Jus
tices In order of nppolntmont, the Gov
ernors of the States of tho Union in
order of their admission, nnd bo on
through tho Hat of Senators and Rep
resentatives, In order of their election,
samo Rrlzzlv went too near the hotel
ono day nnd nttempted to take pos
session. Ono of tho attendants tele
phoned to headquarters for permission
to shoot the animal tho law against
shooting the animals In the parks is
rigidly enforced. Tho answer enmo
back, "Against tho law to shoot. Use
a hose." The hose was used. Tho
bear retreated.
(Sister of tho lato Ensign Worth Bagley1, Prominent in Washington Social
tho wife of tho Vlco President. This
is nlso truo in tho caso of tho wives 01
tho Associate Justices of tho Supremo
Court, tho wives of members of tho
Cabinet, of Senators and Representa
tives, as well ns tho wlfo of tho Major
General commanding tho army.
Pnnvorsolv social etlnuetto has do-
creed that tho wiveB of Representa
tives should mako tho first call npon
tho wives of Senators, aa well aB upon
tho wives of members of tho uiuinei,
of Foreign Ministers, tho wlfo of tho
Chlof .TiiBtlco of tho Associate Justices,
tho wlfo of tho Major General com
manding tho army, and tho wlfo of tho
Admiral of tho Navy. Tho wlfo of a
uowly elected Representative to Con-
throuch his affection for his little Rid
dy mate, who wandered around and
cot cnucht In n trao. While search
ing for her ho was caught himself. 'AH
night long ho called, hut sho did not
come. Food nnd drink woro placed
near him, after ho had been taken from
tho trap. Ho refused them and died,
It Is belloved, of his griof for tho loss
of his mate. Several interesting
Btorlea wero told of Mr. Thompson's
special rrioniia, tno Dears in tho yei
lowstoiio Park. To study them more
closely, Mr. Thompson went to tho
gathering plnco of tho hand, tho gar
bage dump near ono of tho hotels. Tho
lvsars woro rather shy, and remained
nway at too great a dlstanco for satis-
A I'retljr Custom Olmorvrd In llerlln to
Welcome In Urn New Yenr.
It was with much pleasant anticipa
tion we nwalted tho approach of "Syl
vester Abend," as they call New Year's
eve in Germany. About 10 o'clock, sup
per being ended, wo all adjourned to tho
parlor, where they danced until almost
midnight. Then refreshments wero
served. Thcso consisted of queer llttlo
cakes made especially for tho holiday
season.apples, nuts nnd Berliner pfan-
kucnen, which nre perfectly delicious,
Tho latter look like largo brown
doughnuts covered with sugar; on
opening them they nro found to bo
filled with Jam. Our Chrlatmaa tree
was relighted, having been furnished
with new candles. The rlnulntr of tho
bells announced tho beginning of tho
New Year. Guns wero fired, nnd from
tho church lofts bugles sounded, La
ter all tho windows wero flung wldo
open, nnd standing within them tho
pcoplo held up their glasses and yelled
out, "Prosit Ncujahr" to every ono
who passed by. People on tho street
called In to us; even tho Droschky
coachmen, ns they drove by, called out
"Prosit Noujahr." Of all tho pretty
customs In Germany I thought this
tho prettiest. Not only to your friends
do you wish a happy new year, but to
nil. At a window In tho liouso oppo
site stood a lady dressed In white; be
hind hor was tho brightly lighted room
with its Christmas tree. Smiling nnd
holding up her glass alio called over
to us, "Prosit Neujahr." Never again
did I seo tho lady of that houso, but a
pleasant recollection of hor always lin
gers In my mind. BcsbIo Burnable, in
tho January Woman's Home companion.
Hcnrlet Paver Hhuut the Tropic.
A medical paper directs nttcntlon to
the curious fact that scarlet fover haa
nover been observed in nn epidemic
form in tho tropical or sub-tropical ro
glons of Asia or Africa.
Tim Suit of tlm Oci-un, .
Tho ocean, It la estimated, contnina
7,000,000 cubic miles of Bait, and if it
could bo taken out at onco tho level of
tho water would not drop an Inch.
soaking wet. His wlfo followed him
ono night. Ho went along tho hlghwny
until ho camo to n narrow trail lead
in i tn tlm river. For more than a
mllo tho sleeper trudged on, until ho
camo to n largo poplar tree which had
fallen with Its topmost branches far
out Into tho river. Wnlklng on tho
log until he camo to a largo limb, ho
got down on his handB nnd knees and
began crawling out on It. Tho fright
ened wlfo screamed and called to him to
como back. Ho was awakened by hor
cries, fell Into tho river and was
drowned. It 1b almost certain that
each night for weeks he had taken that
perilous trip, leaped into tho river,
swam ashoro and returned homo un
.nn!fiiiH of anything having hap
pened. Negrettl, an Italian sleep
walker, Bomet lines carried a candle as
If to furnish him light, but when a bot
tle wns substituted ho carried it, fan
cying ho had a candle. Another som
nambulist, Castolll, wnB found trans
lating Italian and French and looking
out words In his dictionary.
It is a remarkable fact that In the
caso of some somnambulists tho same
ear which mny bo deaf to tho loudest
noises will perceive oven a whisper
from ono particular with whom alone
tho Bleepcr appears to bo ablo to hold
communion. There aro Instances of
murderers hnving been detected by
talking of their crimes In tholr sloop.
Experts claim that tho truthfulness of
Bleep-walking may nearly always be
relied on.
Smallpox Tlmo Ifavr,
Tho statistics of smallpox show that
this ailment la more prevalent from
January to Juno than In tho latter half
of tho year. Measles show a descend
ing curvo In Jnnuary, a rlso In May
nnd Juno, n fall from August to Oc
tober, and then a rlso In Novombor and
December, carrying us on to tho Jan
uary fall. Scnrlut fover Is low from
January to July; It rises In August,
Mid Is high till tho ond of December.
Typhoid fover Is typically an ailment
of tho autunm.
I'ntleiit In UniM.lml to Vlult Her Home
unit Nee Her Kelittlto.
"I know n physician In this city who
has a patient, a young woman whom ha
hypnotizes, and whoso Intelligence
tin. fliililltnliinl self he then sends t
her homo, hundreds of miles away.thus
learning what happens thero, who has
called, what was said. Sho tells him
thcso things. Tholr accuracy Is posi
tively verified subsequently by the per
sons In that homo." This Is ono of
several remarkable assertions mado
last evening by Dr. John quackenbos,
emeritus professor of Columbia univer
sity, who has studied and practiced
hypnotism for years and who Is a rec
ognized authority on tho subject. "I.
Is not nt all wonderful that a clair
voyant should toll you what Is In your
mind," he said. "Any decent olulr
vrivimt can do that. Rut It Is won
derful, but true, that nn Intelllgonco
can be sent far away. 1 am now pre
paring a woman to bo clairvoyant In
order that sho may assist a physician
In Tennessee. Such things as this fact
of a young woman In a hpynotlc. stato
telling what transpires In hor homo
hundreds of miles away Boeing and
hearing tends, I think, to provo tho
Immortality of tho soul, since It Is sco
Ing without eyes, hearing without cars,
for tho eyes and ears aro hero, lot us
Bay, yet actions, nppoaranco and con
versations arc seen and heard else
where." Dr. QunckenboB believes from
his own experienco that many forma
of disease, many tendencies townrI
evil, such as drink and cigaretto smok
ing, and oven degenorate traits mny bo
cured by hynotlsm. New York Horald.
Why Homo Clmrehe Fall.
Rov. Dr. W. S. Ralnsford of Now
York referred to tho work of tho
church at a recent Episcopal gathering
In Philadelphia in tho following words:
".urn church Ib not fitting Itself to now
conditions. Tho pcoplo don't want her,
becauso away down In her boiiI sho
don't want them. Our clergy aro nar
row and Ignorant. If wo aro going to
bo ablo ministers of tho Now Testa
ment wo hnvo got to know our country
for ono thing. Whoro.'er I go I seo
churchcB that aro failures. You novor
seo printed recorda of tho falling, but
you hear of tho sudden collapse. What
causes thcso failures? Bocauso tho
churcheB do not hold tho fact that now
times bring now duties. You don't
supposo tho church Is absolutoly right
today. It Ib that spirit of life which
means growth that tho church wants.
Church failures result not from lack of
zeal or lack of earnestness, but becauso
again nnd ngaln tho thing that is good
in ono ago Is not good in tho next dec
ado. New occasions havo not taught
tho cliurch new duties. Growth or
death, chooso which you will havo. The
living God s organization lias to ue tno
most vitally Instinct with mind of any
organization in tho world. But It is
The Hour of fate.
Dr. RIchardBon tells us that in tho
period botween midnight and six in
tho morning the animal vital processes
aro at their lowest ebb. It is at thcso
times that thoBO who aro onfeoblod
from nny cause most frequently die.
Physicians ofton consider theso hours
ns critical, nnd forewarn auxloua
friends in respect to them. From
timo immemorial those who have bee
accustomed to wait and attend on tha
sick havo noted tho hours most anx
iouBly, bo that they havo been called
by our old wrltors tho "hours of fato."
in tiiin Rnnco of tlmo tho influence of
tho life-giving sun has been longest
withdrawn from man, and the hearts
of even the strongest beat with sub
dued tone. Sleep Ib heaviest nnd death,
is nearest to ua all in tho "hours of
Miwtn Nn Difference.
Clerk You can't get a room for him
hero. He's drunk. Wytto (supporting
Ills "weary" friend) I know he la.
What of that? Clerk (scornfully)
This Is a tomperanco hotel. Wytto
Well, he's too drunk to know tho dif
ference rhlladolphla PreBS.
I '1
i n