The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 09, 1900, Image 5

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f j i
,1 .r
m a,
"With this ring
I wed thee."
Shakespeare. JjJ
2 T ho ring of lovo and tho vine of
m goodness should bo blended in 'T
tho wcmmlng ring- A man
I wants nothing in lifo that ho J
-. wants to ho us euro of ns ho dous JJ
tho quality of his wedding or on-
I g.igomnnt ring. Ho wants tho J
best bo wants just what ho pays JJ
for, and ho wants to buy it qui-
2J ctly and secretly. Goodness
and aecresy aro two strong Jj
points in our wedding and on
JJJ gagomont ring selling,
s Tteftiowse 'Rvos.,
Tiik Chief $1 per year.
Harness repairs, Fogcl & Hutchison.
Supplies for gas lamps at City Uakory.
Ben Ludlow was in Hastings Tups
Jos. Garbcr was a visitor to Superior
Tho CliiKK and Chicago Inter Ocean
ono year for SI. 25
A. 1). McNoor of Mine Hill was u Red
Cloud visitor this week.
Carl Martin of Wjmorp was hero
thii week visiting friend.--.
Largest lino of heaters in tho valley
at Wright's hardware stoic.
K. A. Simpson of lilun Hill was at
tending court hero this week.
.1. W. Vest and wife arrived home
this week from a tiip to Mi.snoiui.
Walter Itoby sells tho Singer .-owing
machine. Pilees rigiit. Out thu bctt.
Mrs. Samuel Temple and Mrs Weide
man left W dnrsday niglit for Atlantic,
1. A Ycl.. former lied (Jioud al
lorney, now f South Oiiiaha, was
lit it; this week.
An elegant line of Homo Spun Suit
ing for spring suits at the Big Store.
Minimi Hnos.
Do you want a boating stovo? If
you do go to Wright's. Ilo-hns a largo
lino attbo lowest prices.
Park and Georgo Perry who were
culled to Michigar. by tho death of
their father returned homo Friday.
Gospol service at Moon block hall,
Sabbath, March 11th at 3 p.m. God
willing, Mr. Horton is expected to be
County Attornoy Ranney of Blue
Hilt wn9 looking after Webster coun
ty's intorcsts before tho district court
this week.
Percy McBrido loft Saturday morn
ing after a visit with tho folks hero, for
Chicago, whoro ho will take up a
course of instruction in ono of tho op
tical colleges there.
Tho Uescuo Circlo will meet with
Mrs. Cotting, Thursday, March 15th, at
2:30 p.m. Ladies pleaso bring carpet
rags, as a part of tho hour will bo de
voted to sowing. All Indies of tho town
are inritod.
Lost: Between Minor's storo and
roBideaco of W. V. Boat, a small pack
age containing small pair of shoos and
dry goods, on Monday night. Finder
will be liborally rewarded by leaylng
at this office.
When you Lie, Ut In be only a "white" one. I
I When yo SU1. eteal away from bid com- J
I Pny. J
J When y.u Bwcar, swear by your oountry.
When you Drink, drink to tho hea-th of a J
I friend, J
When you KaI, cat at the J
Star Bakery,
, t J. O. WILES, Prop. 4
!ssBBstMK!2affiiizr'SSAi MJmg&i'M-L.'Ji 'nf vJv vlt-i iKSIyv r-r t-i,-.m r, -.. .' dm .t
Now is tho time to sublet bo,
Heaters in endless variety n W. W.
I. V. Crary of Guido Hock was in
tho city Tuesday.
W. U. Dimmick of Blue Hill was in
tho city yesterday.
Ed. Young of Norton, Kansas, was
in tho city this week.
If you want anything in tho harness
lino sco Fogol & Hutchison.
Wanted Good girl for general
hottsowork Mus O. C. Ti:ki..
Our phone number is now 72 Call
us up whou you need job printing.
M. W. Dickerson lias rented the Star
barn and will run it as a feed stable.
C. F. Kvans has built a brick walk in
from of his resilience in tho south ward.
Mrs. Amy Teelof Indlanola was here
this week risking with O. C. Tool and
Mrs. Van Camp and son Goorgo re
turned from a trip to Denver Sunday
Fred BraUbrook was in Guide Hock
Thursday to take the picture of a mar
riage group.
James Mcintosh and family returned
tho first of the week from a visit with
relatives at Wymore.
Uavo you examined our line of wash
fabrics for summer. Thoy are going
rapidly. Miner Biios.
S.C. Smith of tho firm of Smith
Bros., Boatrico, was looking after bus
iness matters in the city this week.
C. F. Morcy, G. W.Tibbitts, M. A.
Hartigan and J. S. Logan of Hastings
aro in tho city litis week nttcuding
court. '
Mrs. S. F. Spokeslield returned Sun
day from Do? Moines, Iowa, where she
had been purchasing her spring stock
of millinery
W. B. Koby was in lloldrego the fust
of the week attending a district meet
ing of the chaii men of tho republican
county cent nil committee.
A warrant was sworn out on Wed
uosday night for John Galhrnlth .Jr,
on a charge of having stolen $155 from
Amos (Just He was arrested and
placed in jiil.
Forty styles bedroom suits, 20 .styles
couches, 15 styles dining room chairs
A few items from our big furniture
shipment to be placed on sale next
week. Mineis Hko-s
KiangcliMs Mr. and Mr L. A. Hits
'nn ar soon to -irriw :U homo again.
nicy arc to e.untiui si mmics i gn-wi-i
meetings at Inavale beginning on the
evening of March 15th.
On Thursdays, February Oth and
20th, March Gth and 20th, the Burling
ton lotito will sell round trip excursion
tiekots to Hot Springs ami Custer, S.
D.. at tho rato of ono standard faro
plus 12 for continuous passage witli a
return limit of thirty days from uato
of sale. A. Conoveh, Agent.
F.V.Taylor last Monday received a
handsome new pair of chnrch truoks,
to be ised for moving coffins through
the aisles of churches, etc. The now
trucks aio a good thing and will be of
great benefit in stopping the crowding
nocessary for pall boarers to get
through a small church aisle with a
On Wednesday night burglars forced
an entranco to tho residences of G. W
Lindsey and Al Galusha. AtLindsey's
thoy got somo money, ono of his lino
gold nuggets, and a receipt for money
paid on his ticket to Capo Nome. At
Galusha's they secured a gold watch
and chnin. No cluo to tho robbers
has as yet been secured.
In district court this week tho caso
of Oscar Wohler charged with the theft
of Oliver Hedgo's team and in whoso
possession the team was found, was
heard before a jnry. Although tho
casoagalnst the young man wns deemed
a hopolesB ono by attorneys and those
who wero conyorscent with the case,
tho Jury roturned a verdict of acquittal.
Tho Duff Elevator Company who
havo had a foundation laid for an ele
vator building for several months past
havo a forco of mon hero and will be
gin tho erection of tho building at
onco. This is another good movo in
tho right direction and with a pood,
onergetic manager Red Cloud ought to
buy her sharo of tho grain which is
now boing hauled to nearby towns.
A little competition in this line will
not bo a bad thing either.
The;Cowdoa-Kaley Clothing Co. now
hnvo their house cleaning done and
tho first consignment of their now
spring stock in sliapo. Tho store room
has boon newly papered and painted
and with tho now and bright spring
stock prosouts an elegant appearanco
which is attractive and ploasing to tho
uyo. This firm has a reputation for
running a first class storo whoro updo
dato clothing and gout's furnishings
can nlwayi bo found and a glanco
through their storo and over their
stock will convlnco anyone that they
uro justly entitled to tho reputation
tksy kav gaiuttl.
a yi i lawawawa,
mm vHC
friend, it will pay you to buy your
at Peterson's. You will find the goods
tho best and prices right.
Yours for business,
Jas. Peterson.
E. O. Parker of Guide Rock was in
tho city yesterday.
Got Wright's pricos and seo his lino
before you get n henler.
H. A. Simpson of Blue Hill was a
business visitor here this week.
Will Yeiser after a couple of weeks
stay hero went back to Oxford Mon
day. Attorney John (). Yeiser of Omaha
was here this week looking after legal
M. B. Edlemaii, formerly of this city,
was hero looking after business matteis
on Thur-day.
We buy and sell for spot cash. Wo
purchase our goods in carload lots. Biios.
Dr. J. W. Moranville this week had
city water put in his ofiico building on
north Webster sticet.
Fogol & Hutchison have a fine lino
of heavy work harness you should see
before you buy a new otic
Julius Grimingpr of Wymote was
here this week looking alter business
mattiMs and visiting iclalivi".
Mi", ilefi Mtitti. and family and Lew
Matlix and family left Sunday ovening
for Montana where they will make their
future home.
Carrie A. Odell who has been visiting
for several weeks with W. H Koby and
family left Wednesday morning for
her homo at East Dubuque, Illinois.
Mrs. Baum left Wednesday for Lin
coin having received the nows that her
mother was very ill with pneumonia.
Later news announced that she had
suceumbed to the disease on Thursday.
A tnrkey dinner was given at Guide
Rock by Mrs. A. J. Hayes and a largo
numbor of guests wore presonl.
Among those from this vicinity present
were Mrs. Geo. J. Warron, Mrs. L. P.
Albright, Mrs. I. Frisbio and Mrs. Mil
ler. At tho regular meeting of tho lira
department last Monday cvoning the
following officers were elected for tho
ensuing year:
Chief J. O. Butler.
Asst. Chief Benjamin Pegg.
Secretary J. II. Wegniann.
Treasurer Wm. Wolfe.
Trustees-W. 1. Elliott, I.H.Lud
low, L. A. Aulte.
We have added to our
stock a cotaplete
line of the latest
Magazines and
i Story Papers.
Wo solicit your
We carry tho largest
stook of
Books and
Stationery l
in tho city.
The Druggist
Gustlo Moeiio left Thursday morn
ing for Illinois.
A. M. Wallets of Blue Hill was in
tho city this week.
Mark Parkes was hero from McCook
the lit st of the week.
Head Cudahj'.s prize ad in this paper;
then scud postal for 300 page prize
1) Jones sou Ernest of Guido
Hock were in the city this wek at
tending coml.
F. A Swee.y of Blue Hill was in the
city the fore part of tho week attend
lug district court.
Turnuro Bros, are this week having
their store rooms papered and cleaned
up preparatory for tho spring trade.
Is your name written there Where?
On our subscription books for the last
year in the UHh century. It should be.
Wn enn sell von nnv foods in our line
and iruarantee in ices lower than any
cnlaloguo house In America. Mineii
Fon Exoiianuk Brick block, threo
rooms, to trado for small farm In Web
ster county. For particulars call at
office ot J.S. White.
Tho sidewalks and everything olso
wero covered with a coat of ico last
Monday and Tuesday and tho small
boy with tho skates was very much in
Aoents Wanted for tho best type
writer on tho market, the "Pittsburg
Visible," writing in sight at all times;
lusivu territory given. Addrcai
Bradloy Uardwaro Co., Pittsburg, Pa.
Goi.n at Cai'K Nome. If you want
information about tho Cape Nome
countrj, how to get there and what It
costs, writu to J. Francis, General Pas
senper Agent, B. it M. railroad in Neb
raska, Omaha, Neb.
J B. Zook, the new stock buyer ar
rived in this pity f i om Dillcr the fote
paitoftho week, and since then the
hog market has been on the boom.
The gentleman is here for business and
lied Cloud can now boast of as good a
m:uk t as can bo found any win re
Mi. A Teel, n lcpicMMitative of tin-
KiiMil Nriirhlints lodge which is the
ladies iitixiliaiy to the Modern Wood
man, is in the city this week etideavin
ing to establish a lodge here. She has
been faitly successful m far and the
lodge will be soon organized.
W.S. BoiiM! this week received his
new soda water fotintt.iii and as soon
as the weather .vaims up will com-
I inetiic serving the public with ice cold
'sodas. The fountain is a hnndsoiii.'
!..r... .....I ...I. I.- l.'..fl,lv f. Ilil lllll.flllv
IPIH- illlll H,II- mvnnj ... ...i ..'. j
complete re.staiuaiit.
A change of tune will go into effect on
thii B. it M. Sunday. Passenger train
No. 11, from the west will now arrive
at S:15 p.m. instend of 8.15 p.m. as for
merly. No. l.'l passenger from tho east
will now arrive at 8.05 a.m. instead of
7:35 a.m. as formerly. No. 00, freight
for tho cast will loavo at 0:45 a.m.
The regular March term of tho dis
trict court convened in this city last
Monday, with the new judge, Hon. Ed.
L. Adams presiding. A largo nuiibor
of cases have been disposed of and the
judge has given gaaeral satisfaction to
the attorneys. Owing to the long and
continued hours the court kept in ses
sion wo woro unable to secure a list of
tho cases disposed of this week.
Tho following was handed us by
Hov. Roscoo A. Barnes for publica
tion. "Anti-Saloon Leagun mooting.
Tho saloon must go. Mr. J. B. Carnes,
state superintendent of tho A, S. L. of
Nebraska, will lecture in the Congre
gational church on Monday evening,
nnd in tho Christian church on Tues
day evening of next wcok All citi
zens aro requested to bo presont.
Como out and hoar tho best lecture of
tho year. Seata froe."
Some aro of tho opinion that as tho
Nebraska Moreantilo Company has
sold ontthoir baaineis in this city that
tho city would lose ono of its former
foremost baslneis mon, Mr. Alfred
tladell. la this they are mistaken.
The large room in the Moon block,
formerly occuplod by F. T, Taylor as a
furniture store, is now beingropapered
and paintod and will bo occupied by
Mr. Hadoll in tho noar future with a
full lino of dry goods. Tho public will
bo glad to know that Alfred (will still
contintio in business in this city, and
The Chief wishes him success in his
now venture.
This week tho dry goods andgroceiy
stock of the Nobraska Mercantile Co.
was sold to A. II. Kaley & Sons. The
former proprietors, Olnoy & Gaston,
will in the future dovoto tholr time to
tholr musical instrument businoss.
Tho new firm noeds no introduction to
tho people They have boon connected
with many business ventures in this
city, and tho junior members havo
lived in this community since child
hood. Tho now firm intends to con
duct tho business in tho satno manner
as it was formorly conducted. Tho gro
cery stock, which is al proaont in tho
snmo room with tho dry goods, will bo
transferred back to tho room in which
it formorly was, as soon as tho remod
eling is finished. Tho now firm has
vur hast wiihei for success.
fuSfctw-ls- f
Hats Stacked
to the Gelling.
Hem and Hobby
Spring Styles.
Our Spring Stock of Hats is now in.
Also showing new spring styles in
Shoes, black and tan.J Big line Nobby
Gouiden-Kaley Glothing Gompany.
The Red Cloud Chief
Prizes Free
for saving the wrappers off of
DIAMOND "G" Laundry Soap
These prizes Include over
and hundrtds of other useful and
handsome gifts.
Pries List mailed free on laqulrj.
Drop a postal sard to...
Sy-lt raw Qrr torn ul kp DUaarf fl
f ftoip. W4M-ad u-kWnimauidw wUi
t4 Mm to pM la Heck.
I have a tine lot of awoot potatoes suitablo for seed or for family use
which I desire sell. Tho varieties aro
"White Cuban Queen
and "Yellow Jersey."
$1.00 per bushel.
All first qualities for raising plants. Parties desiring sweot potatoes
for tho purpose of raising plants or eating can got samo by calling
my farm four and one-half miles south-west of Hod Cloud.
The Chief Costs
U ..-, . . ""TSKSIIUJmBii- SSVX&SSSBttffSVZ' f.-a"'
The Weekly Inter-Ocean 2J
FOR $1.25.
but $i per yeati
99 BV
j'. 1 n
I i ) ' 1
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1 n .a
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) :rn
M 4
I I.
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iSSSEB3mssBmaimssx y -- .... .