The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 09, 1900, Image 4

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THE constantly recurring monthly suffering gives women
ttic blues I
How hopeless the future appears, month after month
me same siege with menstrual pain !
Comparatively few women understand that exesssive pain
uiiiiviuus in-iieniui, or some
serious derangement of the
feminine organs.
A million women have been
helped by Mrs. Pinkhnm. Read
what two of tliim tnv
Mrs. Lizzik Coi.kma.v, of Wayland, N. Y., writes:
"Dkar Mrs. Pinkham For years I suffered with painful
menstruation and falling of womb. The bcaring-down pains
In my back and hips were dreadful. I could not stand for
more man nve minutes at a tune when menstruation bcean
But thanks to Lydia K. 1'iukham's Voce- bbbimim
table Compound, my sufferings are now
a thing of the past. I shall gladly
recommend your medicines to all my
Miss C. D. Morris, 3 Louisburg
Square, Boston, Mass., writes
"Di:ar Mrs. Pinkham I have
been using Lydia U. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound and it has
helped mo wonderfully. I was
troubled with headache, backache
and that weak and tired feeling. I
cannot say enough in praise of your
medicine for it has done me so much
good. I shall recommend it to all
my friends who suffer."
Despondency is a dis
ease. Nervousness and
snappishness come with
4t Will r.-.,..... It
overcome it. The fetni. fffrml9l
nine organs are con- 'i'i'7?
nected by nerves with f f
the brain and all narts
of the body. These organs must be healthy or the mind is
not healthy.
All low-spirited or suffering women may write to Mrs. Pink
ham at Lynn, Mass., and rcceijtp her advice free of charge.
SeTalce It UfC JS W"Cked by "eIcCt and &
44 Actions of the Just
Smell Sweet
The fragrance of life is
vigor and strength, neither of
luhich can be found in a per
son whose blood is impure,
and whose every breath
speaks of internal troubles.
Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies,
vitalizes and enriches the
blood, gives a good appetite
and makes the weak strong.
Run Down " My luisb.xnd was run
down in health And all tired out. Those
excellent medicines, Hood's Pills andSars.u
puriltA, built him tip Again." Mrs. 11. L.
Mown, Tmv.mda. Pa.
3(boti S(iUal)auffq
Hootl' I'llli cuft liver til
imfy cutfiartlu to Uh will
I v lit li lllltlltlllg HII'l
l(iur h-r.ii.irtll.i.
I'unuKiiin nr
w. l. McMillan.
One year 1100
llx month W
tutored at the poit oSIco at Hod Cloud, Neb, a
oond olaai mall matter.
Local advertliiliiK & centa r lino r iMiie.
Ixical Advertising for enU'rUlninnla, con
ferln, voclali, etc., given by churchca, rharltablo
ioclelleii, etc., whero all money! raided there
from are awil wholly for rliurch or charltahlo
ioclelleii, llrat ten linen free and nil over ten
Hue HV, cent ier line er Imuio.
Local ndvcrtlnltiR of oiiturlnlmiicntR, concerts,
reeltalH, etc., vrhero per cent In given to pro
molem, ft retita ht lino per Unite.
iimi'i.Ar Amr.imMMi.
Ono column for tuuntli T U)
One lmlf column per month ') W
Ono fourth column per month 1 75
(Icncml iIlKPlny advertising Hy cents per
Inch perUmie.
Bryan says ho is healthy because liu
in active. Tho hituut cannot bo snlil of
his presidential boom.
Tho candidates for nuiTor arc, somo
of them telling what thoy would do if
thoy are elected, and somo who hnTu
Ween tlu' 10 nienly wink nntl pass on.
Tlio opinion soeius toj bo provalont
among our townspeople that some,
thing ouuht to be donn to help I ho town
along, but there appears to be a back
wardness about starting tho bull to
Somo of the opposition papers which
woro howling two or three years nRO
that tho dollar was going up and all
commodities going down aro now
shrieking that tho dollar is declining
and everything else is increasing.
Tho "wo view with alarm" party
will meet in contention at Bluo Hill
on tho 14ths The objoot of tho meet
ing is to oloot fourteen delegates to tb
'wo douounco and condemn" state
convention to bo hold at Lincoln.
Tho democratic legislature of Ken
tucky decided to ohatigo tho election
laws, which thoy did by repealing tho
olauso providing for a party emblem
at tho head of each tickot. Howevor,
the (loubul law still romains unchanged.
Wo havo not tlio slightest doubt that
Mark Hunna Is a groat man, hut still
wo don't think It just to our Creator to
asstiruti that Mark Is responsible for
rain. However, wo think thai thanks
should bo extended to Mark for the
ablo manner in which ho conducted
tho campaign which put in power a
party that was able to make a market
for tho good crops when they did conic.
A local announcing meetings ol tho
Anti-Saloon League was handed in
i hi week for publication. While this
paper in fairness prints tho notice, we
wish to state frankly that we are not in
sympathy with this movement. Tho
C'lltur has, we believe, always advo
cated the high lieetisn policy and will
omliuiiti in that line. Olhci papers
may try to cany water on both shoul
ders, hut not this No limit in tho his
tory of our city has there existed such
a sentiment of harmony as al the pres
ent time among our business men. Wo
do not with to see this harmony di
mpled Im a lUht for something that
1 lets tepentrdiv piow-d a (tiilmo. Our
'Ider ciiizi'tis it member the bind-
1 tigns and hole iu-tlie-Aails of 1SS7 and
will inn ciiMly bo led into the sniiic
condition of all tits again.
I About four yeais ago our democratic
and populist fiieuds, through their
campaign orators and pi ess, made a
grand stand play to convince the peo
ple that unless tho cause of "free sil
ver" was successful thoy would get
hcarccly nothing for their prodHcts.
Kvon yet wo can romombor tho ban
ners which our discontented brothers
thon carried which read: "A vote for
McKinley is a vote for 9c corn, 25c
wheat, 2o nogs and lo cattlo." "A
voto for free siver is a vote to double
the prico of your farm products."
And what has it all come to. The
oauso of froo silver is nearer dead to
day than it evot was. Kvery prophecy
used to further tho cause of free silver
hns proven a fallacy. All people havo
prospered. Why if ono of those fol
io ,vs who did his utmost in '1)0 to con
vince us that without froo tilvor we
would all be reduced to lit subjects for
a poor house, was to visit us today and
advance tho same argument ho would
bo consideied of unsound mind.
Itlllousncss, sour ston
Hon and nil llvor Ills
Hood's Pills
Illllousncss, sour stomach, constipa
tion and nil llvor Ills aro cured by
Tho non-lrrltatlns cathartic. Price
2.') cents of all drnculsts or by mall of
CM. Hood tt Co.. Ixjwcll, Mass.
tho history of Bed Cloud, or very fow
other towns of its size. In fact, as a
rule at this lime of tho year tho treas
ury is empty and a lot of unpaid war
rants aro outstanding. Tho record
certainly speaks woll for the present
city ofllcinls when it is tnken into con
sideration tho largo amount ofstteet
work that has been done and the oilier
additions to tho engine house, etc.
Tho republican city convention will
moot at the court house next Wednes
day for tho purposo of placing in nomi
nation city officers. In naming tho se
lections they cannot ho too careful.
One particular man on tho ticket, tho
mayor, should bo carefully considered
boforehand. This city is now at a
point whero a mayor who has the in
terests and upbuilding of the town at
heart can do much for tho town. Wo
aro In favor of a young man, just old
enough to havo good sound business
sense and judgment. A man who is not
possessed ofttho idea that as long as he
lokB after matters insldo tho corporate
limits he has dono his full duty to tho
peoplo, but ono who is willing and able
to look out for now enterprises which
will bo of benefit to tho town. In mak
ing tho choico the convention there
fore should not act hasty, and nomi
nate someone who would simply look
after matters within the corporation
but ono who is capable of looking aftor
tho city's interests elsewhere. One
who could go to other cities and talk
up now enterprises should such bo nec
essary; out who could go into nny
commuuitv of business men or capital
ists and command a respectful hearing
of a project in which he desires their
assistance, and last but not- least, one
who has the ability and inclination to
entertain and interest visitors in our
city, whether there is any prospect of
securing a new enterprise thereby or
not. It is now up to the convention
ami wo await their decision with Inter
e t What will they do
The peoplu of this city are again
asked to put up a bonus toocntcun
enterprise. Whether they will comply
or not wo cannot say, but we rather
think not. The bonus asked for is
rather steep. The gentleman who pin
poses moving the mill hero admits that
ho is at present in a poor location. If
such is the case he can well atloid t"
male1 the move to thi- city. A locality
which otl'eis as mtny advantage and
indue mints to a ll nir mill a- B d
Cloud docs sit picioiit nIiov1! i i i
c.nupilled to p.iy aW.lKJO bono- to g.-'
one At pnneut seven-tenths of the
Hour sold by the Bed Cloud merchants
is shipped in, and with an agreement
be ween tho merchants and miller to
handle nothing but tho homo product
this in itself would be a good sized
bonus. And together with our ontiro
Hour market, tho city would probably
give a mill site nnd froo water, but
we havo our doubts about anyone be
ing able to pull a :ash bonus out of our
citizens. If the gentleman was unior
tuuato in solectlng his lirst site he
ought to bo glad to net into a loeation
that oilers every advantage for a miller
to make maney. If the fgentleman
hasn't tho money nocessary to inovo
hero ho can readily got it by forming a
stock company and disposing of part
of the stock to our busiucss men who
would readily lake it under such cir
cumstances, but it is our candid opin
ion that a $'2,000 bonus could not be
pulled out of Bed Cloud for as largo an
enterprise ns a beet sugar factory.
m., at tho court house in tho city of
Bed Cloud, Webster county, Nebraska,
there will bo held a convention of dele
gates from tlio 1st and second wards of
said city of Bed Cloud, representing
tho republican party.
Tho object of said convention is to
placo in nomination candidates for the
following city officers, viz:
Ono candidate for City Mayor.
Ono candidate for City Clerk.
Ono candidate for City Treasurer.
One candidate for Police Judge.
One candidate for Alderman of the
First Ward.
Ono candidate for Alderman of tho
Second Ward.
Two candidates for members of Hie
school board.
All to ho voted upon at tho city oloc
lion, on the 3d day of April, A. 1). 1900,
and for such other business as may
properly come before said convention.
C. W, Chairman.
C. B. Chunk, Secretin y.
Wednesday, March 7th, 1000. at tho
homo of the bride's parents Mr. and
Mrs. A Homy, living !J miles east of
Bluo Hill occurred tho marriago of
Miss Margaret E Henry to Mr John
A.James. Promptly as the clock was
striking the hour of noon the young
people took their places in tho parlor,
when tho solemn words were spoken
byBev. G. W. Hummel which made
them husband and wifo. Tho bride
was beautifully attired in a gown of
cadet blue handsomely trimmed in
satin and lace; the groom was hand
somo in tho convontional suit of black.
Immediately after tho coremnny tho
guests partook of a bountiful wedding
dinner consisting of all the luxuries of
tho season, to which thoy did ample
justice.' The bride is a charming and
highly accomplished young lady of
noble christian character. The groom
is the oldest sou of Alex .Julius one of
Webster county's most iilluentinl and
prosperous farmers, a young m-tii of
sterling worth and lino gentlemanly
principles, one of our be-t boys They
received many useful and valuable
prcsoni, 'bowing me high iieemin
which they are held by tin ir fi it-tuts
and relatives The hippy couple wil.
immediately tcmi'Vo t a turn 14 mile.-,
fiom B tie Hill wh'ii- w wilii'n a
. 1 u -ui. I lni p if
W III"1 M"fl
a a
will answer, "Cod-liver j
Ask your physician this ques
tion, ' 'What is the one great
remedy for consumption?
. 1
Oil. Nine out 01 ten will
answer the same way.
Yet when persons have
The democrats arc getting themselves
in a worse plight as each presidential
campaign approaches. In '02 they
succeeded in crawling in on tho
"free trado" policy. Tlio peoplo hid
an idea that under free trado thoy
would get Bomothiiig frco. Iu 1800
after It had boon thoroughly demon
strated that tho peoplo wanted no
freo trado thoy decided to give
them something else freo, and hung
out a "free silver" sign. But it would
ot pass, Tho peoplo had had enough
of tho democratic free list. Now that
the people havo turned their "free
trado" and "freo silver" ideas, nothing
daunted, thoy propose to havo some
thing "freo" to talk about as a cam
paign issue for the next six months
and will take up tho cause of "freo
fill ill n no II llinrn la nv unrr nl ..-
iniiilUK u live jiuna iu iuu Willi
h uso which can bo secured "without
tho aid and consent of tho governed"
tho democratic party may yet bo in
On the 7th day of March tho city
treasurer reported to tho city
council that thoro was but ono warrant
outstanding against tho city of Bod
Cloud, atid that was for tho sunt of
ten dollars. Thoro was iu tho various
funds .cash to tho amount of $710,00.
This is the condition of this city's
llnaiiees just at tho close of tho present
administration. Tho report speaks
for itself. It is somothiug that has
Try Grain-O! Try Grain-OI
Ask your grocer today to show you a
package of Graln-O, tho now food
drink that takes tho placo of coffee.
The children may drink it without, in
Jury asjwell as the adult. All who try
it, like it. Gt ain-0 his that rich ioni
brown of liochaor Java, but it is made
from pure grains, and the most delicate
totnach receives it without distress
One-fourth tho price of coffee. 15o and
35c per package. Sold by all grocers.
I consumption thev loathe all
j fatty foods, yet fat Is neces-
cnrr far their rornvprv and
tney cannoi lane piain coa
liver oil. The plain oil dis
turbs the stomach and takes
away the appetite. The dis
agreeable fishy odor and
taste make it almost unen
durable. What is to be done? ;
This Question was ans-
f wered when we first made
Republican City Convention
Thooleclois of tho republican party
of Bed Cloud City aro hereby notiliod
that on March 11, 1900, at 2 o'clock p.
the bountiful crops which havo blest the
country through the aid of plenty of 'never, to our knowledgo, happened iu
jM A
of Cod.Liver Oil with Hvdo- 1
phosphites. Although that
. t M
was nearly twenty-live years j
ado. vet it stands alone to
day the one great 'remedy i
tor all affections ot the throat
and lungs.
The bad taste and odor have been
taken away, the oil rbctf has been f
partly digested, and the mod ten I
: atttve stomacn oojecw 10 n raray.
Not one n ten can tale and dice
the plain oil. Nine out of ten can f
take SCOTT'S EMULSION and di
est K. That $ why H cures to
many eaie of carry cotwanpUon.
Even in advanced catet H brings
contort and greatly proioagi ute.
SCOTT&BOWSe, CfemlMs, Ktw York.
b cawed by Imperfect Digestion and Dbordct
ki the liver and Bowels. Hlx
It purifies the bowels, strengthens and regulates the
liver, aids digestion, promotes vigor of body,
cheerfulness and mental activity.
S. S. S, Is the Only
Remedy Equal to this
Obstinate Disease,
There aro dozens of remedies recommended for
Scrofula, hoiiiu of them no doubt being ablo to
nflord temporary relief, but S. S. S. in absolutely
tho only remedy which completely cures it.
.Scrofula is ono of tho mostobstinato, deep-seated
bkod diseases, and is Iwyond tho reach of tho
mniy so-called puriliers and tonics because sonie-
t.lilnir tnnrii f.linn n mnrn fnnln In nxiiilfi'il . S. S. M.
Jb equal to nny blood trouble, and never fails to euro Scrofula, because it
goes down to tho seat of tho disease, thus permanently eliminating every
trnco of tho taint.
Tho serious conseouenees to whlnh Snrnf ula siirnlr Inml
should impress upon thoo nfllieted with it tho vital im
portance of wasting no time upon treatment which can
not possibly effect a cure. In many cases where tho wrong
treatment has been relied upon, complicated glandular
swellings hnvo resulted, for which the doctors insist that
a dangerous surgical operation is necessary.
Mr. II. 13. Thompson, of Millodgevillo, Gn., writes: "A
bad case of Scrofula broke out on tho glands of my neck,
which had to be lanced and caused mo much suffering. I
was treated for a long while, but tho physicians wero un
itblo to euro me, and my condition was as bnd as when I
began their treatment. Mnny blood remedies wore used,
but without effect. Somo one recommended S. S. S., and
I began to improve as soon as I had taken n few bottles.
Continuing the remedy, I was soon cured permanently.
and havo novor had a sign of tho disease to return." Swift's Specific
Is the only remedy which can promptly rench and cure obstinate, deep-seated
blood disoases. By reiving upon it, and not experimenting with the various
so-called tonics, etc., all sufferers from blood troubles can bo promptly cured,
instead of enduring years of suffering which gradually but surely undermines
the constitution. 8. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable, and never fails to
ouro Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer, Kheumatism, Contagious Blood Poison, Boils,
Tetter, Pimples, Sores, Dicers, etc. Insist upon S S S. ; nothing can take its place.
Books on blood and skin diseases will be mailed free to any address by the
Swift Speolflo Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
The Weekly
of All Political
Papers in West.
The Inter Ocean's
Tnle graphic Service
is KteltiMvo. Kveii
Column U Bright, Clean
and Packed with News.
The Literature if its col
umns is eipial to that of
the best magazines. It is
interesting ta children
us well as the parents.
The - Intei-Occnn - is - a - Western - Newspaper,
rind while it brings to tlio family tho news of the world and gives
i's readers the best and ablest discussions of nil questions of the
day, it is in full sympathy with the ideas and aspiration-, of west
ern pop( urid its diseuss!on are from a western .standpoint.
1'iu-i-of D.iily h iiiul, irl Oil per i-r.
lr iv .f .Sn -il-iv l ni'iil. $.'.no per var
Pi i "f I) ii and miimIii) n Mail, '. 00 per year.
The. 1) illy an,l Siu.ln i iinn of the lntt r lk-oati n the best in
the World
The Chief and Inter-Ocean Both one year. $1.24.
13 till dine: material, Btc.
Farm Wagons,
Ghieago kumbeiYard
Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement.