S" r ( ; 1 1 IV, ! 8 Red cioud chief. I pfblisiiiid wkhkly. Ill-ID CLOl'D. NKIIRASKA The proposition to control tho trusts by publicity Is clearly tin Infringement on-Edltor Pulitzer's copyright. Nervous IntllvlcluiilK, with 11 tendency, to hysterlcH, nro warned to look out for n new romance which Marie Co rcill Is about to launch. It Is proposed to hold another Pan American congress, this time In the City of Mexico. If anybody can show the world how to run things success fully It Is President DIu.. Senator Hoar of MussaohuprttH has Introduced a bill Into the senate of the PtiUcd States, which. If It becomes u law, will prohibit the Importation Into the United States of birds for orna mental purposes, but birds for food and for museums, zoological gardens or vclentlllc collections are permitted to bo Imported, as well as living birds whose feathers can tie lemoved. or feathers taken from living birds with out Injury to the same. This story Is told of Prof. Prltehard. who recently opened tho sixth Interna tional otologlcal congress. Reviewing tho progress of the last thirty years, tho professor referred to "chronic win tmpptirntivp disease of the middle ear" as being the supreme mystery at pres ent to students of otology. "What Is this middle ear?" a lady asked a sage physician. "Madam," he replied. "It Is the ear with which we do not listen." In other words, the nose. Prof. Ficdorlek von Martens, who holds the chair of International Inw In tho St. Petersburg university, Is a notable linguist and author, and at the Venezuela arbitration conference In Paris, where he read the decision of the commission, be had a pleasant fashion of addressing each delegate In his own language. One of the Nngllsh Jurists wondered bow tho piofessor was able to keep up bis knowledge of so many modem tongues. The pro fessor replied: "It Is self-defense. You see, in case I lose my chair I wish to be prepared for any offer you foreign els may make." "The nrlnclnal sufferers," said a New Yorker, "from the railroad discrimina tion as to the rates on freight east bound fiom Chicago to Atlantic ports are not the few large shippers, but the numerous class of small importers whose orders urn brought from Chi cago In lots of one to five carloads. Houses whose ordeis loqulro a train 'of twenty or more enrs have no dlfll eulty in getting grain in ChicaRo at a price, Including its transportation to an eastern port, which leaves them without complaint as to discrimina tion. It should be observed that tlu bargains with the railroads aie con ducted chiefly through freight brokers a practice which aids In concealing tin secret cutting. Americans going to Paris, who ex pect to live In anything but the grand est hotels, will do well to accustom themselves to running up and down stairs. Most of the apartment houses have their best tenements on the fourth and tlfth tloors, and many of them have no elevators. Those that have them provide no attendant, ami tho dweller or visitor has to run the machine or walk. They arc usually daik closets, and the finest look like cabinets for china and glass, being three-cornered and cramped and hav Inc "shrine" doors. Accidents are fre quent, tnough not serious. Kvery new comer looks upon the French ascenseur with horror. Even In houses supplied with lifts and attendants the passen gers walk downstairs. Few ring for tho cupboard to come up and take them down. It is considered superfluous lux iirlnusncss and Is rather resented. In many apartments there is a rule Hgalust It. Vice Consul Morrison of Dawson City reports to the department of state relative to agricultural experiments In the Yukon district of Alnska: "(Jraln hus done exceptionally well, being well tilled, and I sec no reason why It should not be extensively and success fully grown here. As far as my obser vations go, the climate Is as suitable for raising winter wheat as In any place in the north western or the not th em states of America. Fiom my ex perience of the last two years, I see no reason why this country should not be nblo to produce Its own vegetables and grains. As for Mowers, the success I have had proves that all hardy annuals will do well. Tho coming years I lu terd planting several hundred hybrid rosea; also bummer 'lowering bulbs, a lurge variety of other hardy and half hardy annuals, and some of tho hardj perennials. Small fruits, such as straw berries, currants, blackberries, ami raspberries, should do well. Currants, raspberries, cranberries, strawberries and blueberries grow wild hero li ubundauce." There Is certainly no monarch In nl the world who is In so many different places in the course of the year as the Germnn emperor, so It Is rather dllti cult to say where he Is most "at home." But perhaps the honors of Jilt domesticity may be pretty equally di vided between the Hoyal Schloss of Uerlln and the New palace, Potsdam, which might he called tho Hampton court of Prussia. Tho latter, about halt an hour by rail from Berlin, Is the summer residence of the Imperial fam ily while from November to Eastei thf court generally resides In tho capLal. NEWS OF II STATE Ordinary and Extraordinary Happenings, HIE PAST SEVEN DAYS IN DETAIL ilrlef s'iiiiiiihi-) "f Mnto lolin; Htute, County Mini Mtiiifrlml Nett of Ini- piirtnme In Our llimy Hrmler III.' I tcmn llnlleil I'mtii. Tnrnlitj, I'elirmiry ','0. Luwicnco Monisscy, a fanner near 'IVemiiM'li. Neb., got his left hand caught in acorn shellorund the thumb and forollngor bad to be amputated. State TiciiNurer Mescrve lias issued a call for !J 11.000 worth of general fund state warrants for February VI. This makes four calls for the month, the total amount being Sl.'l.l.ooo. Some one who evidently bad" revenue in mind, killed a beef in I' rod Fritz's stock yaids at Wilcox. Neb. The ani mal was struck In the head with some blunt instrument. Mr. I'"rlt. recently had some parties anosted for bt caking into his butcher shop. After an absence of ten years, Frank Crane loturned to his home at Wake Held. Neb. U disappeared In 1S0O, lo cated in Pittsburg'. Pa., where be be came connected with a furniture factory. During' his absence his mother died, leaving to him an estate valued at $70,000, and provisions wore made in the will that in the event of his death '.'. 000 was to go to each of bis seven cblldien. Ills return bus prevented what promised to lead to much litiga tion In the settlement of the estate. At the populist convention at Lin coln. Nob.. February IP, the middle-of-the-road members of the populist na tional committee displeased at what they bolloed"to be the intent ion of tho fusion members to oust them from the meeting-, and angered at the action of Chairman I'utloriii appointing- a one sided committee mi credentials and In arbitrarily adjourning the session to await a report, organized a bolters' national committee, appointed a com mittee on resolutions and took other nieasutes to carry on an independent -ession. Wetlneiiilii, IVhriiiir.v "il. Dewitt Lager and son of Seward count v have arranged for opening a lank in llemlngford. Neb. Minor Fagor has already located at that place ami will bao charge of the concern. Tho remains of Sergeant Charles Molliok of Company II. First Nebraska, who was killed in battle in the Philip pines, arrived at Nelson. Nob., and were buried there with military hon ors. Auditor Cornell has received notice fiom several companies that they are ready to comply with his ruling n (lulling an allidavlt sotting forth that applicants for license will comply with the resident agency law. The old St. Charles hotel at West Point, now being used as a laundry, caught tire and was partially burned. The structure is a relic of the pioneer days of West Point. The insurance would have run out within a fc hours. Wavorly lias been seized by tho era of prosperity and the oitions aie con sidering the proposition of an electric light plant and waterworks system to be owned by the town. The citizens feel somewhat elated over the pios poets, as it will give tone to the town and hi 'leased value to their property. The remains of 11. (Suy Livingston, who was a member of Company M, First Neb.-aslca infantry, and who died in the Philippines, arrived at Plutts mouth. Neb., and wore burled there. lleforo being interred tho body was wrapped in an American Hag. Many of his comrades lu arms wore piesont. Tliiirnduy, Peliruury '1'!. Tho populist national committee concluded its session Tuesday by se lecting Sioux Falls, S. I)., as the place for the ne.t national convention, and named May 0 as the date. This date is tho one named by the iMilting faction of the committee that split off on the previous niglit and decided to hold a convention at Cincinnati. The Ne braska delegation, together with Ne braska men holding proxies, wore largely instrumental in designating Sioux Falls as the convention city. The bodies of Sergeant Walter Poor and Private Milton F. Lynde have ar rived at York and wore conveyed to King t Wynian's undertaking rooms by an escort of their late comrades of company A. The Hugs on all the pub lic buildings we ic raised at half-mast. Inasmuch as the body of Private I'd ward Day was shipped from San Fran cisco the l'.th Inst, and Which Is ex pected to arrive Thursday or Friday, union services will lie held lu tho an dltorium Sunday. February '.'il. Chap lain Mailley will probably conduct the services. A man between fifty and sixty yours old, supposed to ho John La.arus of Mount Carmel. Ph.. jumped from the lioat Island bridge into the upper rap Ids of Niagara and went over the falls. Alaska. W. Va . is quarantined on account of smallpox by the ollleials of the Chesapeake A Ohio railway. Oscar lllucklan attempted to break through the quarantine guard and was shot dead. (Seorge Thomas, a eattle dealer of Creightou. Neb., mid the proprietor of the "Plum Dale Stock Farm" was quite badly hurt by his horse falling upon him. His arm was broken and the muscles wore very badly lacerated and torn, lie is suffering intensely and It will be some time before he will be uble to attend to bis business. I'd ward Lawrence of Lal.evillo (or nor. Nov. Ilruiiswiok. ni.d his wife and thrtv child vii. were burned to death in tlie i homes at that place. A repoit reached Lincoln Tuesday morning that the residence of Lee John son at Mead. Saunders county, had been biirglarlod and 87.000, lu cash taken. Illoodlionnils wore put on the trail, and they wont to the stock yards about throe blocks away, where Mr. loliiiMiu's trousiirs were found, but the money was gone. From this point the dogs wont back to tho house and gave up the chase. t'rliliiy, I'eliruury '-III. Ill the federal court at Lincoln in the suit against Peter .lanseii for judg ment on notes given to pay for options purchased on the board of trade the jury returned u verdict in' favor of the defendant. The buttoriuakorsof the nation as sembled in Lincoln the past week for the purpose ' holding their .niniial convention. The sessions wore hold in tho new auditorium which proved ample lu capacity to euro for the groat numbers which wore in attendance (lovernor Poyntor's private secre tary. Fred .lewoll. road the governor's address of welcome, the governor be ing at Washington, and tills was fol lowed by the address of Mayor Win nett. The distribution of prizes was made as follows: Separator class-First II. T. Sunder guard: Litelilield. Minn., score OS. prize solid gold medal and SI00 in cash: see mill. Martin Mortenson. Willow Creek. In., score 117',, prize silver medal and SMI in cash. (Slithered cream class First. M. Mag nusson, Hco, Minn., some 01. prize gold medal, second, It. A. Carpenter. York, score Oil. prize silver medal. The Hist individual prize went to Minnesota and the second to Iowa, for butter of the separator class. For but ter of the gathered cream class Minne sota again took tirst place and Ne braska was next. Illinois, as the state whoso delega tion had the highest average score, took the beautiful silk banner. The national creamery bnttei-niak-ers' association adjourned without day Thursday night after a session lasting almost till midnight. Tho election of ollicers resulted in naming (Scorge Haskell of Lincoln president and in the lo-olcctiou of the vice piesldcut and secretary and treasurer. The last day was made prominent by the parade of 'the afternoon in which there was a coinM'titlou for a SMI prize for the best appearing delegation, the Iowa delega tion being the winner. -in! until), February '44. Leo llordiiian of Omaha has boon appointed cleric of the supreme court. rojMirtorof the court and state librarian Ills deputy is to be l'lon W. Nelson, at present deputy land commissioner, .fudge Wilbur F. Bryant will prepare the supreme court reports for publica tion. The remains of Sergeant .lames A. Storoh and Myron Sterns, late members of Company I'. First Nebraska, have readied Fi'illorton. Sergeant Storoh was killed in battle near Manila some months since, while My ton Stearns died of fever contracted soon after his regiment arrived In the Philippines. The store of ChasuolV .V Kichards. at Shelton, Neb., lias boon closed on a chattel mortgage for 8111,000. given to the Shelton bank for the bonollt of their creditors. The failure was pro oipitated by several wholesale houses that hud claims urging the payment of the same. The tlrin has been doing business tlieie for about two years and it was generally supposed that they were making money. .Mniuliiy, I'elirimry '-ill. A telephone message from Fiireka. Colo., conveys the Information that Chris Ihinsen. one of the Owners of the Lucky Friend Mine of Picayune gulch, lost ills life in a snow slide last Mon day. A party has been organized to search for the body. Kdwin C. Vance, manager of the Un ion i levator of Decatur, III., died of irus-suffooatlon in an unsuccessful at tempt to save the life of Irvine (5. lid gar, a laborer. F.dgar was discovered in the bottom of a big tank in a help less condition. Vance went into the tank to rescue the man. but was imme diately suffocated by the gas. Fred Pionstedt, city engineer of Lin coln, lias left for llovana, Cuba, to accept a position in the civil engineer ing corps of the war department, and will be engaged In the street improve ment department of Havana. Mr. Ilonstedt saiil that he had secured a good position tluougli the efforts of Prof. (). V. P. Stout of the state uni versity, and that ho preferred to take It to dabbling in city politics and light ing for a re-election. Mrs. Mamie Hayes was uiurdeied in her sleeping apartment in the Hotel F.iulieott, at Now York, by Dr. Frank lin Caldwell, who then shot and killed himself. Tho woman was shot in tho head. Caldwell was employed as an as sistant by Dr. F.phralm H. Hayes, bus baud of the dead woman. Ilayoscaiue from Chicago four years ago. lie had been a demist well known In Chicago and when he left there he placed his otllce lu charge of Dr. Caldwell. Out of a total of llfty-one cases of bu bonic plague at Manila there Iiiino been thlity-two fatalities. Kdwln Mayo of the Pudd'iihead Wil son company dropped dead in the Frou tenae hotel at Quebec, Mr.1 Mayo was the son of the late Frank Mayo, for whom the. play "Pudd'nliead Wilson" was written, A somewhat bloody battle took place at I'll Paso, Tex,, between a mob of negro soldiers from Ft. Bliss bent on rescuing a couple of comrades and the police who hud the prisoners in charge. I One man on each side was killed. CROWE dlYES UP Boer Commander Surrenders to Lord Roberts. NOTHING ELSE LEET FOR IIIM TO DO Itiipclewnly Hemmed Iri li.v il Superior force rood supply Itiiiiulni; l.uw I'nrtluT ItciWImirt! .Merely s Suerlllrc of HIh Mm. The London war olllce bus received the following dispatch from Lord Unb olts: "Puardebcrg. February '.'7. 7:1.1 a.m.: (Senoral Cronjo and all of his force in pitulated unconditionally at daylight and is now a prisoner in my camp. The strength of his force will be communi cated later. I hope that her majesty's government will consider tills event satisfactory, occurring as it does on the anniversary of Majuba." A Loudon. February 'JS dispatch says: From John IS rout's to Land's Mud there bus been cheering today for the queen, and a universal singing of the national anthem, This, with mu tual congratulations, is the Briton's way of celebrating the most cheerful day of the war. Already he Is taking stock of the sit uation and measuring the future. There Is no disposition to overestimate the success. The government enter tains no illusion. s announced in the house of commons Hi, odd additional troops will immediately go out and the effective force will be kept near 'JOO.OOil. Lord Uoberts has done more than to capture -1.000 Itoers and a few guns. Ho is within striking distance of one of the Itoer capitals, and is master of a large district of the Free State, lie has given a shock to lioor confidence and immeasurably restored the spirit oi ins own troops, in capturing i ronje he has taken a leader whose presence alone was worth thousands to the Itoer cause. THE RECEIVER MUST QUIT fudge tllt'klninn Uri'liIcK Hull Aftinelu Hon Docnu'l Need One. Judge Dickinson of the equity court At Omuliu lias decided mat tile (.nun (S rowers" Mutual Hail association doesn't need a receiver. This decision came us the result of an application tiled several days ago asking the court to discharge J. J. l-'vcringhnm. who was appointed receiver last mouth. Judge Dickinson heard arguments in the ease Saturday afternoon and Mon day morning he handed down ills de cision. Ueceiver llveringliam will step down and out as soon as be can com plete his report, willed will probably bo In two or throe days. This places the hail association in the hands of a new lot of officers, who were elected at a meeting held Feb ruaiyti. The list follows: S. Carpen ter, president; S. S. lUaiichard. vice president: L. A. Williams, secretary, and Watson Tyson, treasurer. Ituodn In Control. Biitish influence and prestige in Per sia lias now completely vanished, says a Teheran. Persia dispatch. Uussla is victorious in the diplomatic contest so long continued, and the shah whose health is now bettor than for some time, is making hasty warlike prepara tions in Ills anxiety to demonstrate his antipathy toward (Sreat Britain. The grand slrdurla has ordered the speedy completion of the recruiting of soldiers throughout Persia, according to the pluns, the eurrying out of which lias bcrn delayed for years. The reservists also will be enrolled and all ollicers and privates now on leave of absence will be recalled. I.ritten l.urca Fortune. The will of the late Phillip 1). Ar mour, jr., has been tlle.l for probate at Chicago. The Instrument disposes of property valued at 88,000,000, 9(5,000,000 In personal property and the remain der in real estate. One-third of the rotate is left to the widow, Mary V.. Armour, and two-thirds is giVen in trust to three executors for the two surviving sons of the testator, Lester and Phillip D. III. VIhIi Truil C'utlliiK Prleen. The fish trust, organized a year ago las,t August by sixty-five of the tish dealing concerns of the country is now engaged in cutting of prices. In localities where the trust lias absolute control it is stated an advance of about 40 per cent has been made, while in territories covered In part by Inde pendent companies prices have been cut to water-edge, prices. Itelraiie of Life Couvlrt. Henry Donald, colored, will be re leased from the Jollet, III., peniten tiary, having served twenty-three years inside Its wulls. He was sen fenced for life from Kane county on May III, 1877, for murder. Last Sep tember the sentence was commuted to expire February 28. Donald had charge of the prison chapel and was a "trusty" prisoner. I'rlxouara Uurii to flentli. Frank llogan tfnd Charley Norrls, prisoners at the htatlon house at For est City, Ark., were burned to death In a lire supposed to have originated by the men starting a lire to keep warm. The men were imprisoned for minor offenses. Student Charged TTftli I'll ferine. Albert Col son, a student in the col lege at York, Neb., was arrested on the charge of pilfering from other students. A bicycle lamp belonging to the persons ho boarded with wus found in his possession. PAYING MOORE'S SHORTAGE One InMirniMT Co In puny I'uyi Its' full l.l.ilillllj. Auditor Cornell has commenced to collect a shortage of SJ'.'.OOO left over by former Auditor Mugoiio Moore of Nebraska. Monday ST1.' of the amount came rolling into the auditor's otllce nt Lincoln and Mr. Cornell feels quite en couraged, lie believes lie will get the other S'.M.O'.'H lu due time. The Ham-burg-llreincn Fire Insurance company of iSeriminy. represented by general agents at Chicago, was the llrst to pay their share of the Moore shortage. The linn of agents made a sour face over the bill, but forwarded the money and registered objections. They volun teered a little advice in the way of a suggestion that t he Nebraska legisla ture ought to reimburse the insurance companies that pay the shortage. Au ditor Cornell is trying to collect the money under a decision of the Nebras ka supreme court, which holds that the fees paid by insurance companies to Mr. Moore was not the money of the state, t lint Mr. Moore hud no authority under the constitution to receive it. in short that tlu insurance companies aro liable for the amount. Wnoliliigltiu Note. Senator Chirk of Wyoming has Intro duced a bill for the admission of Ari zona as a state. (Sardner ("owles lias been awarded the contract for carrying the mail from Westcott to Comstock. Nob. I'rnost L. (Sustnfson and Uupert O. Walters have been appointed substi tute clerks In the South Omaha post olllce. Nebraska postotllces established: Coy, Nuckolls county. Kd Fisher, post muster; McCuuu, Cherry county. David Henderson, postmaster. Tho senate has confirmed the follow ing nominations: To be major generals by brevet: Col. O. Summers. Second Oiegon volunteer infantry; Col. II. C. Kesslor, Flrt Montana volunteer in fantry. The monthly statement of the col lections of Internal revenue shows that the total receipts for January, 1000. amounted to S'.'.I.OIS.SS.I. an in oroase as compared with January, IHOO, of S-.'.VOii.OT'J. During the lust seven months the total receipts exceeded those for January. lS'.Mi. by 8l..(iiil.l.V. A memorial of "protest and petition' from Porto Uioatts was presented to congress. The petitioners u.sk the withdrawal of the military; that Porto Uico be declared an Integral part of the Fulled States; that unrestricted free commerce be established: that American money be substituted, and that a commission bo appointed to codify the laws and oonsnlar inteiests. In the ease of the I'nllimnrc Ohio Southwestern liailroud company vs. William Velght. th" 1'nitod States su preme court decided that an express messenger who was injured in a rail road aoeident after signing an agree ment to relievo the railroad company from responsibility in case of accident, could not claim damages. The court held that there was no principle of public poliey preventing a man mak ing such a contract. i'uiiiiol Itn CniUinl. Montagu White, ollicial representa tive of the South African lepublie, was the guest of the Independent club at Buffalo, Uelativo to the surrender of Cronjo and the probable outcome of the war, he declared with evident feel ing that Cronje's stand had been most heroic, but that inimitably the little republics in South Africa would be erushed. lie said, however, that ling land would never conquer the Itoers, and that eventually they would rise again anil drive the British from Soutli Africa. Whatever the outcome of the struggle might be, he said that one thing was assured, and that was that it would lay the foundation of liberty in South Africa. For Killing- HI fMrlner. Sundy Calhoun, an ex member of the Twiuitieth Kansas, was run down on a Memphis passenger train out of Fort Scott, Kan., by ollicers on a switch en glue, and arrested, charged with the murder of his business partner at Yale, Kan. He was apprehended when the train reached Fort Scott, but the ollicers thought he was a smallpox patient and released him. Shortly after the train left they were notified that he was, wanted for murder The company tendered the use of a switch engine and Calhoun was caught at the cross ing just out of town. Cowl Thief rieiulu iullly. J. W. Brown, recently arrested at Long Pine. Neb., forsteullngeoal from the Hlkhorn road, pleaded guilty and was lined SMI and costs. Hrown was a ranchman living some twenty miles soutli of Long Pine, and Is believed to be a member of a gang that has been engaged for some time In a wholesale and systematic theft of the company' coal. I'liul ThlevliiR Trenrer. Charles Ingersoll, ex-trcusurer of Tompkins county, New York, wanted on a charge of embe..l I ng county funds has been arrested at lola, Kas. He had lived at a local hotel for live week under the name of McClary. UtMiiandu Not l.'mrliltmit. The llrst important strike, among Puerto Uiean laborers began Tuesday morning when .100 men who had been constructing the military road from Ponce to Adjutantus marched Into the latter town, waving flags and carrying banners with tho inscription: "We workmen demand Hve cents an hour." The strikers were orderly. The pres ent rate of pay Is II cents an hour and tho men complain that they are com n'ellcd to work from sunrise to sunset I for 110 cents. HE (AWESCAPE Fifty Guns Arc Bearing Upon Cronjc at Short Range, HIS SURRENDER IS EXPECTED SOON (liillnnt Hut (llumlly Dcfeuie Already Too Lone (Iruplile Drurrlptlon of Trrrllilu I'lclit Sent (o London by n t'orreiponileut. Mr. Balfour announced in the hoife of commons at 4:1.1 Saturday morning, February "I that no further nmvi re garding (Scneral Cronjo had been re ceived by the government. He had sent to the war olllce during the hour and he assorted that nothing had come to hand there. (Scucral Cronjo, therefore, is still un beaten. No other construction 1 placed upon the three days' silence of Lord Uoberts. Yet no one sees how it Is humanly possible, judging from the descriptions of Ills situation Wednes day morning, for him to resist so long. (Sr-ut Britain does not withhold admi ration for the valor of a losing Uglit against such odds, "Knglishinen feel something like pride in Cronjo, even us iv foe," says the Dally News. "In a position cov ering only a square mile, hemmed in on all sides, cliHcd with a chain of fire from rifle, Maxim and llowit.er, played on by deadly lyddite, bursting in its own sickly light, his hastily built trenches entlludcd by a stream of lead sweeping down the river from the north bank. (Senoral Cronjo still elects to light. It is a magnificent courage.'' (Senoral Cronje's wife is described by prisoners as urging him to surrender in order to save the lives of his men, but he would not. The British caval ry patrols- sent by Lord Methuon north of Klinboiioy discovered tho Boers concentrating, whether for of fense or defense is simply conjecture. Durban Crt Wild Humor. A dispatch from Durban says: The rumor gains credence that LadyMiilth has been relieved It is also reported that (Senoral Cronjc Iihs surrendered 8,000 men and that (Soneral Kitchener has been slightly wounded in the left arm. Crowds throng the streets sing ing and cheering because of supposed victories. Seventeen hundred loci's have been killed or wounded, the lat ter, it Is reported, Including (ieneral Cronjc. WILD DAY IN COTTONTRADE be n ul I ii iml Ailtiiiicfl nt l.lwrpnol Srti .Market Aro. A New York dispatch, dated Febru ary '-H, says: The wildest excitement prevailed on the ootton exchange to day following an erratic, sensational advance in pi ices at Liverpool, the lat ter market closing today at a net rise of 3(Tr 3 10-il4d on the future list and fl-niM in the spot quotation as com pared with the closing of Wednesday. The Liverpool advance, according to private cables, was to a considerable extent on the report then in circula tion to tlie effect that Cronjo had surrendered. But apart from the South African situation the ilnglisli cotton trade manifested alarm in consequence of the arbitrary attitude of holders of cotton lu this country, with their own stocks down to (50,000 bales against l.s(il,000n year ago, ami 1,170,000 bales two years ago. Yet they are talcing only one-third of the exports now in progress- from the American seaboard, the other two thirds going to tlie continent. Thero was a large amount of selling, but everything offered was promptly ab sorbed, and the market closed practi cally at the highest point of the day, an advance at 0 to "7 points. The best advance had been "0 to 'JO points. LEE HERDMAN APPOINTED Secured the Supreme Court Itepnrtershlp NeUon to He Deputy. Lee Herdmun of Omaha has been Appointed clerk of the supreme court, reporter of the court ami state, librarian His deputy is to be Mlon W. Nelson, at present deputy land commissioner. Judge Wilbur F. Bryant will prepare the supreme court reports for publica tion. Wreck of u tr'relKlit Trnln. Big Four freight train No. 0(5. east hound, went through a bridge over tho Wabash river nt the western limits of Torre Haute, I ml., resulting in fatal injuries to Fireman Huddle of Indian upolls, I ml., and llrakcmuu John Whlteuianof Matt ion, 111. The train consisted of forty-nine cirs and thirty eight of them went into the stream. They were loaded with lumber an. I wheat. Loss S'.'OO.OOO. KiikhIiiii CruUer Appcur. The Times of lloinbuy, India, an nounces that a large Russian cruiser 4 has arrived ut Bandar Abbas, on the Straits of l'lrmnc, which connects the Persian gulf with the Arabian sea. The llritlsh third-class cruiser Pomona and the Hritish gunboat Sphinx huvo pioceeded thither. I'liul u f.onK-MlMliiK llndy, The body of Thomas M. Atkinson, in a bubly decomposed state, has hcev found In the TancurvUle canal at Havre, France. The remains have been identified as those of a marine of tho United States ship Prairie, who had been missing since December 'JO last. Hrmlon Vulli. Owing to tho successful tactics of filibusters the Texas legislature was forced to adjourn after a thirty-days special session without having accom plished tho object for which it wa called the passage of a tax adjust ment law, , "f " KSTrW -'Ttriai" ...ii.igw-ai.siJ-'m'a.',i.a'a"'''