The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 23, 1900, Image 4

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IS i
im vtmt. .!. JWxia
ACKACHK is a symptom.
boinething makes the backache and tliat something
requires attention or the backache can never be nermn-
ncntly stopped. " I suffered for years with a long list of
troubles," writes Mrs. C Ki.kmk, of Wells, Minn. (Box 1511. to
Mrs. l'inkhatn, "and I want to ,
thank you for my complete re
covery. Lydin 12. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound is n wondejful
medicine for women.
" 1 had severe fcmnlc complaints
causing terrible backache and ner
vous prostration ; was dizzy most of
the time, had headache and such a tired feeling. I now have
taken seven bottles of your Compound and have also used the
Sanative Wash und feel like a new woman. I must say I never
had anything help me so much. I have better health than I
ever had in my life. I sleep well at night, and can work all
day without feeling tired. I give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound all the
credit, for I know it has
cured me of all my
troubles. I would not
do without your reme
dies for anything."
Mrs. 15. Fukton, of
Meade, Mich., writes:
Two years ago I was
troubled with constant
backache and
headache and
was very nerv
ous. I resolved
to try your medi
cine and took two
bottles of Lydia
E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Com
pound, and on taking
the third a tumor was
expelled. I was a little
frightened and sent for the doctor; and ho said that it was for
tunate for me that it came away. I got quite well after that
and have your Compound alone to thank for my recovery."
Multitudes of women suffer constantly with backache. Other
grateful multitudes have been relieved of it by Mrs. Pinkham's
advice and medicine.
HnSv "SJ &
K n "
Easy fo Tfc
HwuiM' iturr-lv vir table ti thor-j
biih'li. rout)t, lie nltlif'.il. j"Btlfictory
Hood's Pilfe
runLiKiiKi) nr
w.i,. McMillan.
One your 1100
Blxmnnthx &0
Kutorod nt tho pout otllce nl Ituil Cloud, Nob.n.
.couilcUmmnll mntiut.
Al)Vi:itTlSlN(I ItATKS:
Local aaverllxliiK 5 cimUk ier lino per Ihriio
Local AiUertlshiR for iMitertiiliimwiitN, con
IcrtH.bociiiln, etc., rIvcii by cliurchuH, cluirltiililo
ificlotleK, etc., whore nil inoneH mbcil llioro-
from arc used wholly for church or chnrltnljlu
oclctlox, llritl ton IIiicn frco mid all over ten
linen Uli cent per line per Ikmic.
Local ailvortlslug of onturtiiliitnciitR, conccrtB.
recltalH, etc., where per cent In Khen to pro
rooter., 6 cents per lino per lntnc.
Ono column per month IT on
One half column per month .1 Ml
Ono fourth column er month 1 7ft
General display ndvcrlluliiB Wi ccnta icr
Inch perlBsuc.
was too hnct however, and self-styled
consecration would not save it.
Bryan has concluded to .stop at his
hoiitu in Iiincoln during the campaign
nnil lot the people eomu ntid .see him,
providing, of, lie receives tho
unminulinn, which ho undoubtedly
will. In 1800 when tho lepulilicau
party assumed theso tactics tho pops
and democrats loudly proclaimed that
Mark llanna paid tho bills for excur
sion trains out of his barrel. Now ac
cording to the foiiucr theories of de
mocracy and popoeracy tho Brynnites
have found a "barrel" sonio where
which they intend to use in buying
excursion trains.
Republican City Convention
Tlio electors of tho republican party
of lied Cloud City aru hereby notified
'that on March 14, 1900, at 2 o'clock p.
m., at tho court house in tho city of
Red Cloud, Webster county, Nebraska,
there will bo held a convention of dele
gates from the 1st and second wards if
said city of Ued Cloud, loprosenliug
tho republican party.
Tho object of said convention is to
place in nomination candidates for tho
following city oflieors, viz:
Ono candidate for City Mayor.
Ono candidate for City Clerk.
Ono candidate for City Treasurer.
Ono candidate for Polico Judge.
Ono candidate for Alderman of the
First Ward.
One candidato for Alderman of the
Second Ward.
Two candidates for members of iho
school board.
All to bo voted upon at the eity elec
tion, on tho 3d day of April, A. 1). 1900,
nnd for such other business as may
properly eoino befoiu said convention.
C. W. Kai.kv, Chairman.
C. 1). Chunk, Secrotnty.
Now wo aro told that since 1800,
William J. Bryan lias traveled 03,790
miles. But ho has not yet reached tho
whito house. William McKinloy must
have taken a more direct route.
. -
The report that Aguinaldois in Hong
Kong may or may not be true, but he
might just as well bo there or in South
Africa so far as regards any influence
ho can have in the Philippines again.
It has probably been noticed that tho
rebel chief has been keoping shady for
a long timo.
Placo a populist platfotm of WOO
alongside of a populist platfoi in "f 190
and tho wnter of the hitler wiuld
novel be urciiicd of Mealing a plank,
a paragraph or i lino f"" the f"i" '
Vn ehaiiieUon ever changed hi- i
more t'nphWy than populists have their
It is almost i filial to a jike to ha a
convention on the Fourth of July, the
delegates to which will lepiesml a
conglomeration of fien trade, flee nil
vor, free Filipinos, and (ioebelUin. A
declaration of independence written
by such an assemblage would no doubt
boa great curiosity
A Washington man who has boon
looking up sonic ligures regarding tho
progress of prosperity in tho west hns
made public what ho considors some
extraordinary ligures about Nebraska,
lie tinds that under tho last three years
of the democratic national administra
tion tho real estate ownert In Nobraska
inci eased their mortgages $0,517,0115,
being an increase of debt of W per
capita on land alene. Under three
years of McKinleyism tho Nebraskans
reduced their mortgage indebtedness
19,307,007, being a not reduction of
$19 per capita, and fairly representing
tho difference between republicanism
and democracy. It is also remarked
with much wonder that tho individual
I bank deposits in Nebraska amount to
nearly 150 por capita, being an increaso
of fully e2: since 1890. Add tho 135
increase in deposits to the $19 repre
senting tho decrease in land mortgages
and it is found that the people of the
state are $44 per capita, or about forty
four million dollais better off than
they were in 1800. It is such ligures
as theso that will worry tho calamity
howlers in tho coming campaign.
Henry Mortisou is able to bo out
with the nssistnuco of two canes.
J. M. Holand's fathor started for his
home In Iowa Monday.
Ceo. Copelen's salo wns well at
Warren ,')enny was distributing sale
bills Monday.
It. S. Proudfit attended the ictail
lumber dcalci's convention in Omaha
this week.
Word has been received hero that
Chas. liagan a former Guide Hock boy
had his leg ciushcd by a train.
Mrs. M. I). Sheeloy's father ariived
this wick we are informed, to make
this placo III! future home.
Loron Andrews is shipping to Hitch
cock county, Nebraska this week,
where ho expects to make his future
C. B. Uodgors of Wymoro, superin
tendent of the B. & M. K. H. was in
town this week.
Ceo. Potter through tho agency of I.
it. Colvin sold his residenco hero and
will ongago in hog raising in the
northern part of the county.
Tho hail insuranco agent from Has
tings wns in Lino this week tho guest
of Win. Uosencrans.
Moving is the order of tho day.
Some changes aro being made in the
the way of tenants.
Lee Poscn was In Line doing business
ono day this week.
Mr. Uochcr, the Aubushon boys nnd
Mr. Mackoy have improved the time
by putting up ice. They believe in
keeping cool.
Wesley Throekinoi ton Iris moved on
tholSlierwoodraticli this week. L. A.
Haskins has moved on the school sec
tion near tho river.
Mr. Brunei' has moved to Bed Cloud.
Jeff Buauehamp lias moved on tho
place near tho river bridgojfoiincrly
occupiod by Al Decker.
The Kcaglo brothers write that they
will ship a carload of oro iu the near
News scarce this week.
Mi ing is tbi oidn of thi d i in
around Itiavnle
Pliiln Ivldy and Miss M.ibel Lilly
left Tuesday morning fui the ohm
Mis Sidle lloldi'ege who lias been
quite sick is lunch inipioveil at pie"
C. L. Eddy had the misfortune to
sprain hi nnklo on Thursday evening
of last week.
Mrs. Mary Luco drove out to tho
home of Miss Geri io Harbison last Wed
nosday to witness the hatching of an
incubator of eggs.
State Evangelist llussong will com
mence n series oi meetings at tno
Methodist church about Match 20th.
Lewis Eddy came home from Frnnk
lin last Sunday morning, returning
Sunday evening.
James Gilroy nnd mother Mr Kittle
Gilroy, who live south of Uivertotij
spent Sunday at Patiick Gihoys
News reached us last Sunday that
Mrs. Black well, wife of our former pas
tor A. G Blackwell, now residing at
Ayr, Nebraska, has been seriously ill.
1 lie prayers of their many friends arc
extended for her speedy recovery.
Herbert Luco sent off a big bill for
strawberries Wednesday.
,; O A Hi florin
lli Pb Pa tllJLy
Have You
better at
Tho democratic national coinmitteo
decided on Kansas City as the place
aiid tho Fourth of July as tho date lor
tho holding of the convention. Oneo
boforo tho democrats selected the
Fourth of July as a convention dale.
Thoy mado up whnt thoy called a"con--socrated
platform," and nominated a
consecrated candidate" to defeat U.
8 Grant. Tho record of tho party
(Jus Prill's child was no
Inst accounts.
Some, sickness in our part and Mr.
Filn Boardslee died Friday.
Thos. Hatnor has had a novoro attack
of pneumonia fever, but is improving.
Chas. Barrett had a vory sick child
last week but the up and around
We have tome mud but the soil is
well wot up and in good condition to
commence farming in the near future.
J. W. Corbett has roturned from his
former homo in Illinois. Ho says the
winter has boon wet and cold back
Harvey Graham lias returned from
Muscatine, Iowa, his f inner home.
He say ho came home to gel i it of the
mud and hud toaiN
I Bev Geo Hlimiliell wh i li i " n "11
a circuit in Nebraska f"i in i- .'u
trnvoled 12,000 miles, fi.OUO uf w in. I. 1 1
di ove in n buggy. He had 'J0' uim i
siniis, or over one eaeli wet k
L N Filielllld ishoilie on a i tl.
causid by being hurt mi tin- i ulu ad
where ho lias been working with a
bridge gang for the past two jcnis.
This is the second time huhai been in
jured. DuiiiigBev G W. Huniuiell'n revi
val meetings at Mt Hope ho had sev
enteen additions to tho chinch, and
succeeded iu raising a subscription list
of ?;ifi for tiie purpose of building an
M K. church. U is thought that 9700
can be raised with which to commuiee
the woik.
The teachers' reading circlo last Sat
urday was another grand success ow
ing to the labor bestowed upon it by
Prof. McCrary atid others to make it
B E. Bo viands visited at Paulino
last week.
John Bostoek lias so far improved as
to be nblo to bo moved to his own
house in town.
Mrs. West is still suffering with that
dread disease, rheumatism.
The blizzard still holds BIuo Hill in
its icy grasp.
Mrs. Hall who recently lost nor hus
band had n salo this week. Some
things did not bring as much as at a
private sa.c, others sold well.
Several young ladies were initiated
into the mysteries of the Degroe of
Honor last Tuesday night.
Schools aro rather slim tlicso days
owing to blizzards and snow drifts.
Mr. Bowland and family spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Chap man.
It is leporto I that wo are going to
havo au-inereaso of pleasuro in Blue
Hill iu the near future.
may have neard
and have a vague notion
that it is cod-liver oil with
its bad taste and smell and
all its other repulsive- fea
tures. It is cod-liver oil, the
purest and the best in the
world, but made so palata
ble that almost everybody
can take it. Nearly all
children like it and ask for
looks like cream; it nour
ishes the wasted body of!
the baby, child or adult
better than cream or any
other food in existence. It
bears about the same rela-
tion to other emulsions that
cream does to milk. If you
have had any experience
with other so-called "just as
good" preparations, you
will find that this is a fact.
The hypophosphites (hat are
combined' with the cod-liver oil
give additional value to it because
(hey (one up (he nervous system
and impart strength (o the whole
oc. ami tl oo. ill druusHti.
SCOTT & I10WNE, Chemisti, New York.
Mr. Mandelbauin is taking his stock
of merchandise to Bosemont and will
there sell it as ho has decided to go
onst to reside.
William Dellahoy and wife are again
at home aftor visiting with Mr. Hummel.
Now it tba tin tasubseribe.
' 'Jft-"-
C. W., DOUtf.
Blacksmithing - and - Repairing
These symptoms mean torpid liver and a dogged condition in
tuc bowels, rhcy also mean the general health is below
par and disease is seeking to obtain control.
In every test mado S. S. S. easily
demonstrates its superiority over other
blood remedies. It matters not how ob
stinato the case, nor what other treat
ment or remedies havo failed, S. S. S.
Promptly Reaches the Seat
of all Blood Diseases and
ij linmipny reacnea anu cures any
filirflQ thfl WnrCT RaQOC disease where the blood is in any way Involved.
UUIBd HID TfUldl UdOCOi Everyone who has had experience with
bh"xl diseases knows that there are no ail
ments or troubles so obstinate anil dillieult to cure. Very few remedies claim
to cure such real, deep-seated blood diseases as S. S. S. cures, nnd none can
offer Mich incontrovertible evidence or merit. S S S. is not merely a tonic it
is n cure I It goes down to the very seat or all blood diseases, and gets nt tho
foundation of tho very worst cases, mid routs the poison from the system. It does
not, like other remedies, dry up the poison nnd hide it from view temporarily,
only to break forth again more violently than ever; S. 8. S. forces out oven
trace of taint, nnd rids the svstem of it forever.
Alrs.T W Lee, Montgomery, Ala,, writes: "Some years
ago I was inoculated with poison by a nurso who infected
my babe with blood taint. I was covered with sores and
ulcers from head to foot, and in my great extremity I prayed
to die. Several prominent physiefnns treated me. out all
to no purpose. Tho mercury und potash which they
Save me seemed to add fuel to the awful Hamo which was
evouring me. I was advised by friends who had seen
wonderful cures made by it, to try Swift's Specific. I Im
proved from the start, bs the medicine seemed to go direct
to the cause of tho trouble and force the poison out. Twenty
uutiiuauuruu mu completely." awiics Dpeciuc
is the only remedy that is guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains no
mercury, potash, arsenic, or any other mineral or chemical. It never fails to
cure Cancer, Eczema, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Contagious Blood Poison,
Tetter, Boils, Carbuncles, Sores, etc.
Valuable books mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga.
The Weekly
of All Political
Papers in West.
' 3
Tho Inter-Ocean's
Telegraphic Servico
is Exclusive. Every
Column is Bright, Clean
nnd Packed with News.
The Literature if its col
umns is equal to that of
the best magazines. It is
interesting ta childreu
as well as the parents.
1 he - Inter-Ocean - is - a - Western - Newspaper,
and while it bringi to the family the news of the world and gives
its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the
day, it is in full sympathy with tho ideas nnd aspirations of west
ern people nnd its discussions arc from a westem standpoint.
Price of Daily by mail, 81 00 pel year.
Price of Sundav by mail, $2.00 per year.
Price of Daily and Sunday by Mail, $0 00 per year.
Tho Daily and Sunday editions of tho Inter-Ocoan are tho best m
the World.
The Chief and Inter-Ocean Both one year. $1.24.
Building material, Etc.
Farm Wagons.
Quickly removes thtse Symptoms, Strengthens the Stomach,
Cleanses the Liver and Bowels and Promotes Func
tional Activity in the Kidneys. A few doses
will restores Health and Energy
in Body and Brain.
Price $1.00 Per Bottle.
Fur robes, goat robes, dog robes,
buffalo robes, and in fact all kinds of
robos, at J. O. Butlor'a.
Ghieago ImmbefiYard,
Lumber, Lime, Goal and Cement.
miiw m' Hinwoua1 wwa1rreTJMtrreg'7ff'?7T"Vta'w"'' "
n niinBHBirr,in'irMiuji