The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 23, 1900, Image 3

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In a Tight Place, But Fighting
to the Death,
rllng, lluwntt-r, Not t'uiulti-il With
Anilely unit I'Rl.r riiri-litiilliiK in
to Hik 11 mt I Slnuil r I lir I'lipn
Colnuy Duti'li Oilier New,
lVrlmps never before In the course of
the present oiiiiipalffii have such crowds
visited tin- war olllee as went there
Sunday. No diminution of confidence
in Lord Roberts Is felt, however, and
the public Is ready to believe that lu
hasgood reasons for nut mentioning
(icncrnl Tronic in the olllcial liis
patches. Probably In- Is in no hurry
to cud a situation uhlcli Is daily bring
ing small patties of liocrs In a vain en
deavor to reinforce ticticrul Cronje.
These lie can deal with in detail. Lord
Roberts has already captured over Mill
liocrs, and at this rate he will soon
have quite a respectable array of pris
oners to hold as hostages for the .1,(1(10
lirltlslt already in I'letoria.
(icncral Cronje, reported to have cut
his way out. is still surrounded, but
lighting desperately to hold his own,
against Roberts' superior force. Cronje
refused Lord Roberts'otl'ci' of safe con
duct for the women and children Is
Interpreted to mean that his position
is less desderate than believed, or that
lie has been able to provide a safe place
for them.
The campaign is now approaching a
most intccsting phase. In about a
fortnight the congress of the Afrikan
der bund will m n't. an I it is rumored
that Mr. llofmeyer will then propose
peace terms on th c basis of the repub
lics retaining absolute independence,
but ollcring to disarm' If these terms
are reject eil it is understood that a
manifesto will be boldly issued to the
Dutch throughout South Africa, call-in-.'
upon them to throw oil" their al
lenience to (Ireat ltritain. I'robably
these rumors arc cxagg crated, but
there Is no doubt that the greatest
anxiety prevails in Cape Town regard
in if coming events.
Spender Wilkinson, reviewing the
military situation in the Morninjf Post
"Probabilities arc that the I loci's
have not been able to collect a la rgc
force to at tack Lord Itobcrts. Cieneral
Cronjc's surrender may occur at any
moment. Hut the Hocr commander
knows what he is doing. He is not
(acrilicing lives for nothing, livery
day he can hold out means the delay
of a day in Lord Roberts' advance a nil
the gain of a day for the besiegers of
Double Truei-ily In Hut Hulrl Kiullciitt
of Nut York.
Mrs. Mamie Hayes was murdered in
her sleeping apartment in tin; Hotel
Kndicott, at New York, by Dr. Frank
lin Caldwell, who then shot and killed
himself. The woman was shot in the.
liend. Caldwell was employed as an as
sistant by Dr. Ephraini II. Hayes, hus
band of the. dead woman. Hayescame
from Chicago four years ago. He had
been a demist well known in Chicago
n ml when he left there he placed his
oilicc in charge of Or. Caldwell.
lloufttrilt (Soi'N to Culm.
Fred Itonstcdt, city engineer of Lin
coin, has left for Hovana, Cuba, to
accept a position in the civil engineer
ing corps of the war department, and
will be engaged in the. street improve
ment department of Havana. Mr.
llonstcdt said that he had secured a
pood position through the efforts of
Prof. . V. P. Stout of the state uni
versity, and that he preferred to take
It to dabbling in city politics and fight
ing1 for a re-eleotiou.
llrltUli Flag; Asmtultril,
A crowd of about fifty boys made a
determined onslaught on a Hritish Hag
which was thrown out from the resi
dence of William Wyndhain, Hritish
consul in Chicago. The Hag was put
out by Wyndhain In honor of Washing
ton's birthday and at once excited the
bo.s, who arc enthusiastic Roer sym
pathizers. They pelted the house with
know-bulls until driven away by the po
lice. Captain Wyndhain expressed re
st the incident.
Morn Cloned by Crt-illton.
' The store of Chasnotr A- Itiehards. at
fsiiolton, Neb., has been closed on a
chattel mortgage for SI', given to
the Shelton bank for I lie hcnctlt of
their creditors. The failure wan pre
cipitated by several wholesale houses
that had claims urging the payment of
the same. The linn has been doing
business there for about two years ami
it wan generally supposed that they
were making money.
IVnnt mi Imetl;iilloii.
The Frankfort, Ivy., city council
passed a resolution authorizing the
mayor to appoint a committee to Inves
tigate the alleged presence in the city
of armed mountaineers charged with
having threatened the lives of judges
of the court of appeals.
Solillrra' Uoillm lleuch Fiillerton.
The rcmuins of Sergeant .lames A.
Etorch and Myron Stems, Into members
of Company E, First Nebraska, have
reached Fullerton. Sergeant Storoh
was killed in battle near Manila some
months since, while Myron Stearns
died of fever contracted soon after his
regiment arrived in the Philippines.
Funeral of Dr. Keeley.
A blmplc. funeral service over the re
mains of the lnte Dr. Leslie 1-3, Ivceley
fv was held at Los Angeles Sunday. The
body was whipped to Dwigbt, ill.
Cubans Cannot Change 'I heir Cltlcu
ship at I'li'.Miirc.
(iiiMM'iior (lencral Wood has decided
to issue an order that persons. Cubans
by birth, who t enounced their nation
ality during the Spanish regime In or
der to become American citi.ens. but
who arc now ready to fill 111 the re
quired citizenship, may vote at the
coining elections, lie also points out
that It Is generally recognized that
these men became Americans only for
the purpose of self protection, and
that they now desire to resume theii
Cuban nationality as soon as they can
legally do so. The order will affect
more than thirty thousand, and It ina.v
result in a complete change In the con
stitution of political parties, although
It is believed that the Cuban merieans
will be fairly scattered among those
Tlirt'o .Mi'ii Kllli'il mill I'll ii VVnuuili-il
lit Piilliiniii. Ark.
The bolter of the Pullman Lumber
company's saw mill at Pullman, Ark'.,
exploded with terrible results. The
following Is a list of the known dead
and wounded:
Hoover Thompson, llreman, killed.
Al 1 1 nt ton . trucker, killed.
.1. W. Dieus. will die.
Taylor Itrown.
Lloyd Rushy.
Ilui Itusbv.
Dr. Raldwin.
lames Crown.
It Is believed three bodies are mulct
the wreck yet. but it will he Impossible
to reach them. Thompson Is said to
have allowed the water to get low in
the b illcr and the explosion followed.
All the killed and wounded are white
Mhi'IiIiiNIh Nlrllu-.
Machinists employed by Frazer fe
Chalmers and Crosby X- Co., at Chicago
struck on account of the refusal of
their employers to recognize the union.
At Frazer A- Chalmers It.'id men went
out and at Crosby A n.'s '.'.Ml men
were affected.
Nearly '.'.Ml machinists employed by
the Western Electric company failed
to report for work, but later returned
to their positions.
There arc apprehensions of a general
strike in all the big electrical plants
resulting from the strike of tle machinists.
Will Si-rw China Willi Warning.
The Tinted States government pro.
poses to send some war ships into
Chinese watei'ssliortly, as the tsung-11-yamen
does not heed the collective
notes sent by the 1'nltcd States minis
ter and other powers' ministers a fort
night ago, in which they demand that
measures be taken to insure the safety
of missionaries. (icrmuny designs to
send ships for the same reason.
Two .Mm Still I'mlilr.
The Kentucky republican senate and
democratic senate convened simultane
ously again and Lieutenant (Jovcrnor
Marshall and President Pro Tern Car
tel' again presided from the same
stand. The clash over the chair, how
ever, lasted only a few minutes, the
republican senators, presided over by
Marshall, voting to adjourn ami leav
ing the democratic senators in session
Anxious to I'lflit Willi IIiiith.
The (icrmau steamer Admiral, from
Hamburg .lanuary :.'(). has arrived at
Lorenzo Marquez. with I Id passengers
on board. They arc mostly (lermnn
subjects and are anxious to join the
Hocr forces.
(ovcrnnr Tanner Ilt-lter.
Ciovcrnor Tanner's condition is re
ported as improved. He was able to
sit up a little. Dr. L. C. Taylor states
that while the governor is very sick
he does not consider his condition as
KlRlit I'lruiK llurneil (Int.
' Eight llrms were burned out at Chi
cago In a tire which destroyed a four
story brick building at M to !. Jeflfer
strcet. The loss on the building was
SIIO.OOO and on the contents S.'I.'.OOO.
Klllril InNnir Defeimr.
Elsie (ini'diier charged with the mur
der of Tlus. Haas on Feb. II, was dis
charged at Sioux City, the couit hold
ing she committed the crime lu self
Another Alliance Likely.
As a result of a secret meeting of the
woodenware association at Cleveland.
().. it is said there in likely to be an
other advance In prices of Id percent.
Many a man resembles a rooster. He
docs the crowing while his wife docs
the work.
Word from Dubuque, la., says Arch
bishop Hennessey's condition is such
that hopes of his recovery have been
abandoned. The physicians expect
death within a day or two at the long
est. A mob of Musselmaiis has wounded
the son of the Hritish vice consul,
Abcla, at Sldou, and has surrounded
the consulate. Troops have been dis
patched and the consul general has
gone to the scene of the disturbance.
The. remains of the late Leslie 1-3.
Keeley, who died suddenly In Los An
geles, are to be. taken to Dwight, 111.
A man between fifty and sixty years
old, supposed to be John Lazarus of
Mount Carmel. t'a,, jumped from the
(oat Island bridge Into the upper rap
Ids of Niagara and went over the falls.
At London Madam Patti sang for the
war fund at Covent garden, the scene
of her former triumphs. The Prince
of Wales and other members of the
royal family were present, together
with an Immense audience. The gross
receipts were "1,000 pounds.
Wealthy Farmer Kills Wife
and Suicides.
Wll-oii Whsi-IIh of HriM-U tines Wrong
wml Afler Klltlui: III Wife, (lorn
to t'rmclery mill sulilili-s
on I'lrnt Wife's flrnvc.
A telegram from 1 1 rock. Neb., says:
WIImiii Wakclln cut his wife's throat
shortly after II o'clock Monday night
ami proceeding to the cemetery tlrst
cuts his own throat ami then blew out
his brains on the grave of his tlrst
Wakclln Is a farmer living three
miles north of Hroek. Ills. wife was
widely known all oer the state, hav
ing for some years been president of
the Nebraska Woman's Christian Tcin
pciance I'lilon. anil a well known
worker lu that organization. Al the
time of her death she was general su
perintendent of the division of work
known as "Mothers' inetings."
About llilld Monday night S. P. Rob
eitsou. a fanner living near the Wake
lin place, was aroused by a knocking
at his door. Opening his window he
found Wakclln outside. The latter
told him that his wife, who had been
ill for some time, was worse, and asked
him if he would go over and tell his
son-in-law. who lives close at hand, to
goto town and get a doctor.
Wakclln seemed to be in much dis
tress of tni nt I that Robertson got up
and went over to the Wakelin house,
lie found a light on the sitting room
tabic, but no one in sight. On the
table, In plain view, was a note, which
read as follows;
"11:0.1 p. in. Am going to kill Mary."
Appended was the following line:
"11:1.". Have cut her throat. She is
.ntlicly dead. You will llud me at the
Mr. Hobcrtsou went for help at once.
On the bed in Iter usual apartment lay
.Mrs. Wakclln with her throat cut. the
windpipe having been severed by a
razor's stroke.
There was very little blood on the
bed or about her person. About all
the blood visible was in the slopjar,
over which, it is presumed, he held his
wife's throat, after he had cut It. lie
seemed to have taken special pains to
wipe from her person all blood-stains.
A searching parly started for the
cemetery at once. There, on the
grave of his tlrst wife, they found the
body of Wakclln -dead, lie had taken,
the razor with which he had cut his
wife's throat, made an incision in the
jugular vein on either side of his
throat. In order to make sure that
death would ensue he had taken a re
volver, placed it against his right tem
ple and pulled the trigger.
No other note or writing to Indicate
why he had done the deed was to be
found. Wakclln ami his wife had been
married about six or eight years. He
had never shown any symptoms or
signs of insanity, anil everything in
dicates he committed the deed coolly
and deliberately. The razor and re
volver were found by his side in the
Coroner's inquests were held on the
two bodies and a verdict rendered in
accordadcc with the above report.
line IIiihIi'ii to llefi'iiil I'ri-c Slnle
A dispatch from Lorenzo Maiqiez
dated Friday last, says:
"It is reported here that .".000 burgh
ers have left Ladysuiith for the Free
State. The liocrs arc concentrating
their forces thirty miles outside of
lllocinfnntf in and the Free State gov
ernment is moving to Winburg.
"Reinforcements from all parts are
passing through Hlocmfoutcin hourly.
President Steyn has telegraphed Pres
ident Kruger that Lord Huberts Is
within a few hours of Htoeinfontciii.
and he urges that every male, irre
spective of nationality, should be com
niaiidccred. Crnnjf' rimltlmi Htroiiff.
A dispatch from the neighborhood of
the investment of (ieueral Cronje says
that a baloon has discovered that the
liocrs are well covered by a system of
burrowing in the river' bank, which
resembles a rabbit-warren and n (fords
shellproof positions.
This, perhaps more than any other
clicunistauce, explains why wiiaf has
been regarded as Cronjc's death strug
gle has been prolonged.
As Ceiieral Cronje Is reported tohavc
plenty of food the plan of starving him
out can scarcely avail, so Lord Huberts
must either wait until his ammunition
runs out. or those of (lencral Cronjc's
forces who are counseling surrender
prevail, lu the meanwhile the Hritish
are gradually drawing the cordon
Cloth riHiit llurneil.
A portion of the Minctto Shade Cloth
company plant, at Minctto. a suburb
of Oswego, N. V., was destroyed by
lire. Loss S'.'OO.OOO. The (Ire wa's
caused by friction in the plant mill.
'ntl- In Chin lo 0iiuki Further
Itiillroml llullilliiK,
A dispatch to the New York Herald
from Pekln, China, says: John Fow
ler, I'nited States consul at dice Foo,
province of Shan Tung, reports that
, ooo armed natives have, gathered on
the Hue of the survey for the new (ler
man railway to await the arrival of
the Ccrman troops. The natives arc
determined to resist the construction
of the road.
Coui'Ue Ciiuili'iKiillou o( Hie liiiiortiiut
i:ti'iil tif the l mill.
Another ease of bubonic plague has
ileieloped at S,dncy. N. S, W.
The Philtsvllle. W lv. powder mills
were wrecked by an cvplosloii. killing
three persons and seriously injuring
Fire in the Paris house and the big
dry goods store of L. D. Newell .V Sou
at Pioviileiiee. I!. I. caused an esti
mated loss of Kid. noil.
The liillueiiza is still raging In Iter
llu. Princess Frederick Charles and
the Italian ambassador line. Count
Lanza ili Itiisca hac been attached.
At ( hicigo. Rev. Charles Paliucrtsou
AndiTsMi was consecrated bishop-coadjutor
of the l3plseopal diocese of
Chicago b llishop McLaren, assisted
by others.
Miss Lillian, daughter of I .mil
Paumvfia'. Hritish ambassador to the
Culled states, was married in Wash
ington to Hon. Robert Hromlcy of
Stoke Hall. Newark. Nottinghamshire.
At a meeting of the executive com
mittee of Tammany hall a resolution
was adopted denouncing the lluy
Paiiiiccfotc treaty as a violation of the
Monroe doctrine, establishing an en
tangling alliance wit'iOrcat Hritam:
An ordinance has been Introduced lu
theelt.v council of Nebraska City. Neb.,
lev.v lug an annual license of S.'i on each
lire insurance doing business in the
city, the proceeds to be used lu caring
for sick tlremeii anil those Injured
while on duty.
Thomas Roan died in the
jail at Auburn. Neb., from the
of excessive drinking. lie
was a
painter by trade and liad been a tee
totaler about seven yi nrs past until
about two mouths ago. when he again
began drinking, since which time he
has drank very heavily.
Shortly after midnight last Saturday
the express on the Lehigh Valley rail
road struck a carriage eoiitainlugseveu
persons at Tut tie's crossing, about
twcnt.v-llvc miles east from Rochester,
N. V.! instuntuntlj killing live of the
occupants, fatally injuring another,
and badly bruising the other.
A dispatch from New York says that
Nellie (Srant Sartorls is no.v convalesc
ing from an operation and will be
about in a lew days, tin account of
public statements that her malady
was cancer. It Is stated that an evauii
nation made after the operation shows
that thcic is no evidence that a cancer
has ever existed.
The executive committee of the na
tional association of democratic clubs
met at Washington today. Chairman
McMillan presiding, and decided to
hold the next meeting at Indianapolis,
I ml.. September .". Joseph C. Sibley
of Pennsylvania tendered his resigna
tion as member of the executive com
mittee, and it was accepted.
It has been olllctally announced In
Washington that four of the live mem
bers of the Philippine commission have
been selected. They arc .luilge Tuft of
Ohio. Luke 13. W right of Tennessee, II.
C. Ide of Vermont and Dean Worces
ter of Michigan. The fifth member
will be announced later. It is gener
ally believed he will be He ruanl Moses
of California..
A Herlin dispatch says that Huron
Hesse Wart egg. writing from Singa
pore, in the Cologne Volks .eititug. In
which the writer says that an expedi
tion Is being prepared in the French
Indies for the purpose of seizing Hain
an and therewith threatening the In
dependence of Slam. The Huron adds'
that the matter was brought to the at
tention of Prince Henry of Prussia
when the latter was at Haugkok.
It is said that several thousand more
men will be thrown out of work dur
ing the week at Chicago, and the tlc.up
of the building industry of city will be
further complicated by the action taken
at the meeting of the building material
trades council. Its decision that
the delivery of brick from all yards in
Cook county to buildings under con
struction by the united contractors
where non-union men were, employed
be stopped will make Idle 1,000 brick
makers, and the order extending the
strike of the machinists toother trades
will call out at least II.OOI) others.
Cruwln u Mile for Help.
A New York, February ','i dispatch
says: The residence of Robert Johnson,
a retired dry goods merchnnt on the
Hudson at Mount St. Vincent, New
York, burned to the ground. The
damage is SlOO.onn. Johnson, who
lived alone, was asleep on the top
Moor. He escaped down a surveyor's
chain which he fastened to the win
dow. In juinlng from the top of a
storm door to the ground he wrenched
his back. He crawled over half a mile
on his hands and knees lu the snow to
the house of a gardener, and after tell
lug of the fire fell unconscious.
I'llulKliliieut to I'll Crime.
Albert llosklns, in the criminal
court at Kansas City, pleaded guilty to
"holding up" a street ear conductor
one night last September and was sen
tenced to twenty-one years lu the pen
itentiary, lie is a widower and has
two children. Two weeks ago a jury
in the same court ussessesscd a forty
year sentence against a negro high
wayman. Major Ennls, Sixth artillery, com
manding Camp McKlnlcy. Honolulu,
II. L. reports to the war department,
under date of February 1.', one
death at Hilo from plague. He says
there have been no new cases at llouo
lulu for eight days.
One. of the fiercest snowstorms of
the winter prevailed throughout north
ern Ohio the forepart of the week. A
forty-mile gale froii the nortwest was
accompanied by a heavy driving snow,
causing big drifts to form everywhere.
The temperature fell rapidly.
An hour later Edmund llackott Rnt
n thin ilenk In the department of the
Heeictury of the Treanury. counting
anil recounting a packet of I.Odd-dollar
IiIIIh. They were old and frayed, rag
Bed and discolored, anil belonged to
the Issues of long uc,o. They were only
half notes. moreover the lower
halves; and each fniKiuenl of paper .
had two lilg holes punt lied In It by a
blunt Instrument, tnt.illy destroying
the Hlu.iiutmc!i which had made ill
iiuitiov . and at the same time icdiielng
the half-note to the merest lemnant.
One by one Edmund turned over j
thecc morsels uf dirty paper, count- i
Inn them most carefully.
Torlv-one. forty-two. rorty-threp.
foit-four. forty-live, foil-nl. forty
seven, fiitty-clght. forty-nine! There
me not fifty here! And yet they've
lieen passed as llfty In the Redemption
Olllee. Humph! AwUwaid for one or
those clever Indies. A thoiisanil-dollar
bill iiiIhsIiik. Pdor Mis. Law-sun. In
fallible Mrs. I. aw son! It must be she
who's lu for this."
Taking up ills pen to make out the
report, he glanced al the wrapper upon
which appeared the number of bills It
was supposed to contain anil the inl
tlnlswof the lady-eMiuilner who lu the
Redemption Olllee had counted ami
made heiself icspoiislble for the pack
et's accuracy. "What!'' The pen
diopped from his lingers. "11. II. (5 real
Heaven!" That was the signature or
his own wife.
Now this error would mean more
than discredit ami a consequent check
lu Hertha'H future promotion. It was a
rule that the examiner who overlooked
a counterfeit or missing bill should
make good the value of It. To make
good a thousand dollars would pretty
well ruin the llacketts and old father
Caleb into the bargain. Hut It was IiIh
duty to make, his report Instantly to
the Secretary, and with painful reluct
ance he tilled up the prescribed but
seldom requisitioned form. With slow,
dragging steps, he proceeded with It lo
the Secretary's private room, but halt
ed with his hand on the door. Sud
denly that filvolous gossip on the ver
anda rushed into his memory. Had
Wilton Lorlng had Hertha herself
stole the missing bill? What then?
.Should he turn conspirator anil cover
the fraud? No. no, his duty was clear.
He would not allow himself to hesitate,
hut knocked at the door and entered.
Hut then' was no respite for him and
for his wife. The Treasurer himself
was closeted with the Secretary.
"One moment, Mr. Ilackett! I'm en
gaged," was the sharp peremptory dis
missal, nml he perforce withdrew post
poning tho declaration. As lie return
ed stupefied to his desk a clock struck
the hour of his luncheon Interval. It
was the. custom of the family to meet
at home for their midday meal. He
locked up the report and rushed out
of tho Treasury. Flying home on n
cable ear, he found his wife there be
fore him. Herthn sat at the table like
one in a dream. She did not raise her
eyes from the food that stood untouch
ed before her. Ednioud himself could
not swallow a morsel, but furtively
watched his wife while the negress
who waited on them tarried lu the
toom. The moment they were alone he
leant nrross the table and whispered
"You passed a pneket today n pack
et of Thousands."
Tho young wife looked up with a
start of surprise. The fear that was
written In her troubled face gnve way
to a flash of desperate hope.
"It came to you?"
"One hill Is missing."
"Thank Rod you can pnsR It!"
No word of denial. She caught his
recoiling hand across the table.
"For my sake for your Ilertha's
sake you will, you will!"
Edtnond Ilackett raised his other
hand to his damp forehead.
"Impossible, child Impossible! You
must be saved another way If It he
not too late. Find the missing hill
among some papers, as If an accident
had placed It there. Hut, whatever you
do, put It forward Instantly, In
stantly!" "I cannot, Edniond. I haven't the
"You did not steal It? Oh, forgive
me! Heaven he thanked for that! It's
an oversight, then? Bad enough, but
not beyond repair. Make out your re
port at once, and send It In, You are a
novice, the dolay may 'he overlooked."
"I cannot do that, Edmond. It would
bo to cast suspicion upon the cashier
who forwarded the hills to the Treas
ury." "That Is his affair. If the packet was
short when you counted It"
"Edmond, why will you not Ignore
tho shortage? Hy a miracle It is In
your power to prevent the discovery."
"It Is not In my power."
"How not In your power? The pack
et will go from your hands to tho com
mittee, who do not count It again; and
hy them it will he deposited In tho
mnecrntor, to he ground Into pulp. It
would never be known that forty-nlno
Instead of fifty hills had been destroy
ed." "nerthn, you forget tho other half. I
have only a portion of tho hills. The
upper section of your packet went to
tho Register's office to bo counted
Bertha Ilackett grew white as death,
and hot tears sprang In her eyes.
"We nro ruined!" sho cried, "unless,
unless" Her glance from the win
dow perceived Caleb Lorlng entering
tho houso. "Hero Is father! Ho will
find out who had tho count at tho Register's."
Hut the old man knew already. Thoy
read It In his fare as he confronted
them, closing the door. Wh.itevor
hope he had cherished on his home-'
ward way that he might find llertha
unconscious of the storm that threat
ened was dashed to the ground tho
moment he perceived her and her hus
band's agitation. The memory of thai
evening tin the veranda burned In hl
mind, and In a fury of rage he de
manded, fiercely:
"Daughter, what Infernal thing If
this you've been doing? Are yon mad?
Have you turned thief? Is Edmund lu
If For Hod's
sake don't tell me It Is my son!"
Then llertha, to her husband's
amazement and dismay, fell down at
her father's feet and confessed that
she. she had yielded to temptation and
stolen the missing hill. She hurriedly
stated the miraculous clianeo that had
put Edniond In a position to save her,
ami Infeirliig from her father's knowl
edge of the affair, that tho man who
had detected the shoitago had confided
to htm his daughter's responsibility
with a view of screening her, besought
him to accept tho friendly overture.
"I would permit no man's dishonor
for the sake of me or nilno," he declar
ed. "For what you have done, you
must pay the penalty. Your Impossible
combination has actually come to pass.
As the counter-check came to your
husband In his department, so It has
come to me In the Register's. It wiui
I myself who caught the short packet
which you had signed for.
llertha clasped her hands lu thanks
giving. "Then, father, you alone know?"
"I and one other."
"One other?" repeated Hertha,
aghast. "Who In your department
should know besides yourself?"
"My chief," replied the old man, -with
a face of adamant.
"You have reported It, knowing that
your own child"
"Certainly. Fraud or oversight;
yours or your brother's; It was not for
me to consider. I am, II rut of all, a
servant of the State."
They went back to tho Treasury,
wheie Edmond at once delivered IiIb
llertha found Mrs. Luwson Impa
tiently awaiting her. The Treasurer
had sent for the Head of the Redemp
tion Division to Investigate an error In
one of the packets which llertha had
made up. Mrs. Ijiwmoii was highly In
dignant. "I counted the Ranchers' packet my
self,' 'said shv. "I am positive there
were exactly a hundred lillls."
"If one Is missing." began llertha,
but tho senior lady Interrupted her.
"Missing? No, nothing Is missing
nt nil. There Is said to have been
one too many." .
So many mlrarles had happened that
tiny that poor Hertha could only gape
at her In astonishment. It was an
anomaly In arithmetic that one taken
from one hundred should leave ono
hundred and one. There came anoth
er summons to the Treasurer. Another
report hail coino In of an error from
Mrs. Lawson's desk. Tho old lady was
almost In tears but she carried It off
with a show of Jocosity.
"Either there must bo sonio con
science money knocking about, or Mrs.
Herthn Ilackett brings a mascot to tho
treasury," said she. "Is this another
surplus thousand-dollar bill, sir?"
Dot this was the shortage which Ed
mond nnd Mr. Lorlng had reported,
and It was happily met by tho excess
In the other packet. So, beyond an
admonition tempered In mercy for tho
manifest distress of the girl, Hertha
got Into no trouble. She held stoutly
to n theory of the intervention of
providence when discussing the matter
at home, and her husband swept the
pious fancy away.
"I reckon Provldenco . don't supply
cheating clerks with thousand-dollar
bills," said he. "You divided the pack
et of 100 In two of r.O, as you thought.
Dut you counted the first backward,
from 100 to SO Inclusive, and that left
only forty-nlno for tho second packet.
Uut why didn't you tell Mrs. Lnwaon
you made one short?"
"Fact Is, Edmond, that combination
chatter of ours had got into my brain.
I thought Wilton had pinched a bill,
and I reckoned to do moro for my
brother than Daddy would do for his
little girl."
"Ha!" observed old Caleb, filling hlB
pipe. 'Duty Urst, fntulfy afterwards,
nnd roguery never at any time, under
any circumstances."
(Tho end.)
ImpruTed th Opportunity,
Peter Foote, long slnco dead, used
to bo n police Magistrate In Chicago.
Footo was Intensely Irish and loved to
show It. Ono day a dudlshly attired
young fellow calling himself Frodoricki
Edwards, nnd plainly betokening by
his speech that ho hadn't been long
from the shores of England, was ar
raigned before the Justice charged with
lounging nhout the parks. When ho
was arrested ho showed light and had
to be dragged Into the patrol box.
'"E 'nrted mo feolln'a badly, your wor
ship," said tho prisoner, when In tho
dock tho following morning. '"E 'It
mo on tho solo of mo futo an" "I
don't think you'vo any feelings In your
soul," growled tho sympathizer of
downtrodden Ireland. "And, another
thing, you must remomber you're In
America now. In England you objeofc
to an Irishman wearing the green.
Here wo object to Englishmen lying
on It; $1 and costs." And the Justlo
pinched himself to look uuconcernea
while the Drlton begged tho clerk to
cut tho lino down to a "bob." Chicago
Chronlcls. '
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