The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 16, 1900, Image 5

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s 'TvevouV1
JJ In tho sliutt of gold orsil- Jjj
n ver Hint .you have around llu l(
1 house, inn- be exchanged here
JJJ for something new mid atjlish.
i u
$ In many families, theie lie
" cumulates inoic or Icis old gold
IJ and silver, in tho shape of um-Ic.s J
Hi ling, cliaillS, Wlltl'll I'llM'S, j,
.spoons, etc' so battel cd ntul u
of date as to be wotthless foi the JJ
l uses intended. b
n Or
Why not exchange this old u
S metal for ft csh, desirable goods, Jjj
m or have it made into new mid
" stylish articles Von can have
I anything in our stock for our J
n old gold and silver. If we have
i nothing to please you take cash. u
Z .IKWKI.fillS AND nt'riCIAN's y
flfv W
Tiih Cinr.i ! t -r veil
Chat ley l.imllev was in II i-'.ingt this
C T. II. 'ltmi went to !lili"gs
Tho 01111:1 and Chicago later Ocean
onuyuur for 81.23
W.T. Auld was in lUooiulngtoii the
first of the week.
H. 1). Hctlford Hindu a business trip
to Omaha this week.
Hobes, robes, robes. All kinds of
robes at .I.O. Uutler's.
Largest line of heaters in tho valloy
at WrighlV hardware store.
Miss Ilessiu Carpenter of Franklin
connty visited heie this week.
Andrew Herg is quite ill at his resi
dence in the south part of the city.
Fred Kiokerson formerly of this city,
now living near Kearney, win here
this week.
Mrs. William lltirnctt of MeCook
was here thi week visiting relatives
and friends
Do you wind a boating stove? If
you do go to Wright's Ho has a largo
line at tho lowest prices.
Mrs. Clara Jackson and daughter
liuolah loft for MeCook Thursday
whole they wsll make their homo for
omc time.
Tho sad news wns roceived hero this
week of tho denth of a sister of Mr.
Chas. Wiener of Now York City, oar
former townsman.
The prospects for a full crop of win
ter wheat havo been increased about
no hundred per cent by the snow
tornis of tho past week.
A now tinio card will soon take effect
en tho Burlington which it is said will
mako sovornl changes in tho running
of tho trains in and nut of this city.
Lost, Sthayki ok Stolen: Ono
cream colored horse about 8 years old.
Finder will please return sumo to my
homo at the old Coble lannh and re
co'ito reward. A. Sciuvnku.
Tho stockholders of tho Interstate
Fair association held a meeting at the
ofllco of the secretary, D. j. Myers, on
Wednesday evening, at which timo it
was decided to hold tho next annual
fair on October 2, 3, 4 and 5.
A number of tho young friends of
ttoorgc VnnCamp congregntcd at his
homo at the 1). & M. eating houso and
participated in a party given in his
ionor Wednesday evening. Tho usual
pleasantries of such occasions were
Indulged in up to a late hour.
I When you Lie, 1st In te only a "whlto" one
I Wbart you Stial. ateal away from bJ com
, When yeu Swear, swear by your country,
I When you Drink, drink to the health of 1
a ineuu,
When you Bat, eat at the
J. o
WILES, Prop. 1
Heaters in endless variety a W W
') .,ie Shcpheidson of KimiIoii was
lieu- Satuulaj.
W . N. Kichatdson made a trip lo
K City Sunday.
I". V.Taylor returned Tuesday limn
ing from a trip to Kansas City.
Our phono number is now 71! C ill
us up when you need job pi luting.
Mis. Cert Ni whouse is vMting with
her patents in Campbell this week
Walter Koby sells the Singer ewing
machine Piiee.s lignt. (Jet the best
C L Winfiey went to Cubic Koek
Monday having a sale to cry near that
Airs Aifhur Co.,id after n visit with
Mends heie I. ft for her home in Kan
sas Friday
CMr.s Hrice, who has been visiting
with Mrs K. S. Heed, has returned to
her home in Hastings.
Morris stern after a visit of several
weeks at his old home in Philadelphia,
aimed home Monday.
QMioha Oris .void after a several weeks at her home at Davey, this state,
returned Sunday night.
Henry Nowhousc was in Cuide Hock
Monday looking after the optical pint
of the bminess of Nowlioti-c Bros.
Bishop A H (Slaves will hold ser
vices both morning and evening, Fob
iiiary 18: h, 1!)00, at tho I'jiM'upal
Lee Venue of Smith County, Kansas,
and Mis Mollie Heee of Webster
coiimU w,ii ni'titied by .Judge Huffy
mi 1'. biii.ti 11 ! 1 I
1 1... ('...,. 1.... I:.. 1... f-i..ii..n.. i.. ; I
huMiig their Mio-e ruoin re-papered
and painted preparatory to opening up
their new stock of piing goods
Tho populist county central commit
tee is called to meet in this city next
Tuesday for tho purpose, of deciding
on u date to hold their county conven
tion The Woodmen lodge at their last
meeting initiated twelve new mem
bers. The lodge has added thirty-six
new members to its rolls in the last
four weeks.
The case of the State of Nebraska vs
Albert Mellord, which came up for
heating befoie Judge West last Wed
nesday wa dismissed upon riiiiest of
the complainant.
The wcither man is getlin a little
too much in the habit of j iking these
ln)s. Within the past week he lias
been guilty of running the mercury
up to 30 01 (10 degiees and then let it
drop to the y.eto mail;.
T. K. Horton has been called to
Grand Island to conduct an evange
listic meeting. Mrs. T. E Horton will
conduct tho gospel meeting Sunday
afternoon, Fobrunry 18 at 3 p.m., in
the Moon block hall. C01110 up and
oncourago her. Subject, "God is Lore."
Some have an idea that the weather
of the past wees is a usual thing. In
this they aro rniitakon. It is a special
batch ordered by tho Red Cloud con
tingent that will go to CapeNomoin
tho near future. They wnnted to get a
little used to cold weather before they
On Thursdays, February Gth and
20th, March Gth and 20th, tho Burling
ton route will sell round trip excursion
tickets to Hot Springs nnd Custer, S.
1) , at the into of one standard fare
plus 82 for continuous passage with a
return limit of thirty days from date
of sale A Conovkk, Agent.
John Gratis who has been running a
lunch counter in tho Lnngtin billiard
ream has disposed of tho same to J. E.
Ryan and Bert liatBold. John will on
tho first of the month take charge of
the kitchen at tho Holland House and
help Landlord Runchey to got started
into tho ways of hotel lifo. Ho will
remain with tho hotel until tho timo
comes for his departure to the Cape
None gold ficlJa.
Now thai the days of winter are fait
going it gins rl to the thenght of
wbothsr there will be any building
done in tho spring. It is almost a sure
thing that soon the old rookery on tho
corner will go and a brick be put up in
its stead. There are other buildings on
our main street which would be a dis
graco to Hogan's alley and which have
boon fire traps and eye-sores for the
past fifteen yoars. Better far would it
bo were their sites vacant lots where)
tho boys could play marbles.
On last Saturday night the resideace
of Charloy Ourney north of town had
a closo shave from being burned down,
Some of tho boys had been in a bed
room in the upstairs part of tho house
in tho early part of tho evening and
had lator camo down town. About
nine o'clock the little girl hoard a
noiso upstairs nnd upon investigation
it was found that tho bedroom was on
tiro. Mr (itirnoy promptly secured a
largo milk can full of water and dushod
It onto tho buruingnrtioles in tho room,
l'ht bed and other articles of furniture
wero badly scorched but the loss was
oYcrtfd by insurance.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum.
Alum baking powders are the greatest
menacers to health of the present day.
(let Wright's prices and see his lino
before you get a heater.
Jay Olney arrived home the first of
the week from a ttip to Chicago.
Sam Temple made atrip out the St.
Francis branch the first of tho week.
JatntM Chancy and wlfearriveu home
Saturday evening from a trip to Supe
rior Miss Tilh McClelland visited with
relatives and ftieiids at Bloomingtoii
on Sunday.
Don't foigct the public sale of J. W.
Kiinehoy at the W. N. Richardson
much next Tuesday.
Fur robes, goat lobe, dog robes,
hiilV-ilo lobes, and in fact all kinds of
robes, at J. () Builei's.
Don't forget that the Cllir.r has
inn 1 il In the Ivtocmmt nnd r the F. it
M bank and is 1 i-idy to do j li print
11 g of all Ui'ids.
J. L. Miiiet and sou Hugh arrived
home foin a trip to Chicago Sunday
night and .soon a Inige invoice of new
goods will begin to ariive for the Big
J. L. Fuller of Cowles was in the city
Wednesday making arrangements for
tho public sale of tho personal prop
el ty of K. M. Beach, which will take
place at Cowles on l-ebruary 21th.
A telegram announcing the sad news
of the death of Carl Final ty at his
home at Knoxville, Iowa, was received
the first of the week by his undo W. T.
Auld. He was well known hero hav
ing made several visits to this city.
Blankets, blankets, blankets. Have
j 011 seen .n huge stock of blankets.
Squute blankets, cutaway blankets,
wool blankets, ,VA blankets, Burling
ton stay blankets, bias girth blankets,
Storm King blankets and in fact all
kind" of blankets at low prices at J O.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at tho postoflice at Red Cloud, Neb
raska, for tho week ending Fob. 10th,
Carroll, Richard tiilbort, A.
Flack, Mrs. Jones, Mr.
Johnson, Gust
These letters will bo sent to tho dead
letter otlico Mar. 1st, if not called for
before. When calling for above pleaso
say advertised. T. C. Hacker. P. M.
Married, at tho home of the bride's
parents, on February 7, 1900, Mr. Frank
Cliag to Miss Addiu Harpham, all of
Webster county, Nebraska, Rev. James
G. Day officiating. Tho bride and
groom nro well known and highly re
spected young people. Wo bespeak
for them a long, prosperous and happy
life. Tho occasion was enjoyed by
many friends and relatives, who when
invited to dinner, found that all things
had been prepared. Nothing was lack
ing, except ability on tho part of tho
guests lo get on tho outside of all the
good things presented to thorn. Yet
they did their part nobly and were sat
isfied. J What Does It Cost to Feed
J International Stock Food"
j At $14.09 per Hand red.
1 Tha TraK feed of "lateraatlMal Meek
J Faed" fur PatUalac Hm U two tbtrdi of
3 one pound per month, dely CaU lamata a
par montbv.
I Por lao to us Shoata, the averotce ferd li
la one third of one pound per month. Only J
j coita f ccnta per month. t
For so-lb. Plsi . tho average feed Ih one
flflh 11T one pound per mouth. Only Coita f
j j ccnta per month. J
4 To mo one feed per da? for Sucking; Sowa
only coita 7 cent! per Month.
1 It li not only by far tho cheapont to uso,
J but It li aold under the ttrongatt printed re I
2 liable guarantee of any ilmllar preparation 1
In the world. Our guarantee la ai good aa a
ROld. I
On aoeouat of am all itaed feed It la much
J cheaper for itoekmen to me at 114.00 per J
Z hundred pound than many other kindi I
would be at 17.00 per hundred. Do not be f
I rf"0"1" t0 vcrT auperlor vegetable modi-1
4 cation we obtain better results by using a
4 small alied feed than other nreparntlam
chii show with a large sited feed.
I nm now soiling 100 pounds for
lg iw poands for
ill undoubtedly bo
next shipment ar-1
sitj.ou, i) in it win u
J higher when tho next
4 livuo.
The Druggist
; rieceltrd uy large pacaage at small price. :
They alwaya requires very large alaed feed :
1 togtrereaulta. Alwaya compare number of f
2 feeds lo the pound aa well as Uie prlco per :
Geo J Wan en made a trip to Mu
coid lliii week.
(5 M Camei of Rivet ton was In the
city 1 hi wet k
Mis .1. A 'Pulleys Is visiting with
flielldi In I l.l-l 111 U- tllir uet-k
Mrs Geo W. I.indcy letiuned Wed
Nosday f ! m a visit at Kansas C ly.
Mrs Isiac Shepherdson of Rivortnn
was a visitor to our city Thursday.
Mis V V. Talor retuined from n
visit at Kansas City Wednesday even
ing. Krcd Wedmaii and Miss Jessie Unlck
weie gi anted a license to wed on Feb
1 nat) tHh.
F.ltnei Crone. Andy rotten and Clin.
Gaiter weie taking in the sights of Su
perior last Sunday.
Ritftts, manager of the Superior
telephone sjNtein, was in the city on
business the fore part of the week.
Is your name written there? Whet e?
On our subscription books for the last
year 111 the tilth century. It should be.
This ollicc this week printed some
sale bills for the public sale of I'. M.
Beach which will be held at Cowles on
tho'Jtth of this month
Miss Nellie Fort entertained the
pupils of her class and the high school
teachers at her home last Wednesday
evening. A very enjoyable timo was
Alfred Hadell, manager of the (Ne
braska Meicatitile Co'.s. More in this
city, who lias been sc rinu-Jy ill with
typhoid pneumonia for some lime, U
slowly imputing.
Goi.n v Cai'b Nomi: If you want
inform it ion alioiit the Cape Nome)
cotintn , how 1 ;eii!iiie nulwliiti ,
eosts.wiiti 1 1 J. Fianeis, (! 111 tal I'.is-
.senpei Aetit, 11 St M. 1 In Neb
raska, Omaha, Neb.
Guide Rock, we are pleased to state,
has about rccoverul from her small
pox scale. The authorities success
fully quarantined the malady and con
lined it to the house in which it lirst
made its appeal auce.
Those who lllled their ice houses a
few weeks ago with live inch ice have
a right to feel a trillo sole. The ice
now being cut is nine or ten inches
thick, and the prospects that it will
yet bo twelve inches are good
The Gaylord Heiald scribe lias dis
covered that the easiest way to retain
the fticiiilsliip of his acquaintances
is not to loan thein money. This is
the litt time we have heatd of a short
grass editor having money to loan
Mrs. Kiln Sheppaid recehed the sad
news of the sudden death of her hus
band, Jackson Sheppard, at Detioit,
Michigan, whom he has been employed
for several years in the "Salvey Fac
tory Works" The deceased was the
father of Miss Elizabeth Sheppard.
Everyone who is interested in dairy
ing should attend tho Iiuttcrmnker's
convention to bo held at Lincoln, Feb
ruary 19th to 23d. The cost of reach
ing Lincoln need not stand in your
way as tho Burlington Routo has made
a rate of on fare for tho round trip
from all points in Nebraska and Kan
sas. Tickets on salo (February 18, 19
and 20.
A very ploasant party was given at
the home of Lowis Clnpp on Monday
evening to a number of young folks in
honor of Miss Buolah Jackson. The
usual games of amusement wero par
ticipated in during tho evening. Re
freshments were served. Those pres
ent wero Chnrlny nnd Vera Crabill,
Adair and Juliet Gnltishn, Minnin and
Roy Foam, Louio and Ollio Beck, Geo.
VnnCamp, Anna Tulloys and Lloyd
During the past month wo havo boon
confronted with tho following in our
exchanges no less than a dozen times:
"Lot farmers who believo in signs
make a note of the direction from
which tho wind is blowing on the 18th
of February and plant accordingly. If
It blows ditect from the north you will
raiso a full crop; if from the southeast
a half crop, aud if from tho south
west there will be a total failure." If
there is anything to the above we are
billed for a crop in this section at the
country this year.
The Boatrico correspondent of tho
Stato Journal says: "Emll Lang in
forms ub that ho has 0110 million cans
and several now pieces of machinery
on the road from tho oust for the can
ning factory." This certainly is good
nows for tho peoplo of Boatrico and
vicinity. It certainly makes them feel
good to think that ono million cans of
tho products of that immediate vicinity
are to bo sent to various parts of the
United States and they in return aro
to havo fifty or sixty thousand dollars
put in circulation in that immediate vi
cinity. Would it not bo a pleasing
thought to our business mou and citi
zens generally if thoro woro one mil
lion tin cans on the road which would
bo lllled with tho products of this im
mediate vicinity and tho money accru
ing from tho salo of such was to bo put
into circulation here. Pleasant pic
ture is it not. How much stock would
you take in a projoct which would
briug about such a stato of affairs?
TIII5 ills of women conspire ngninst domestic hnrmony.
Sotno ilcrniigcinctit of the generative organs Is
the main cause of most of the tinlmppincBS in tho
The husband can't understand these troubles. The mnlo
Mrs. I'inkhr
tins been
these serious ills of women for
quarter of a century. Failure I
secure proper advice should not
excuse the women of to-day,
the wisest counsel can be
without charge. Write to
Mrs. I
rinkhum for it. Her address
is Lynn, Mass.
Among the multitude of wo
men helped by Mrs, I'inkliatn
nnd by Lydin 10. Pmklmtn's -!:
Vegetable Compound, is Mrs. Joski
Kino, Sabina, Ohio. She writes
Dkau Mks. IMnkiiam Will v
kindly allow me the pleasure of ex
pressing my gratitude for the wonder
ful relief I liavo experienced by taking
Lydin 15. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound. I suffered for n long time
with falling of the womb, and those
terrible bearing-down pains, nnd it
seemed as though my back would never
stop aching; also had leucorrlnea, dull
headaches, could not sleep, was weak
nnd life was a burden to me. 1 doctored
for several years, but it did no good.
My husband wanted me to try your
medicine, and I am so thankful that I
did. I have taken four bottle'; of the
Compound nnd a box of Liver Pills, nnd
can state that if more ladies would only jrive your medicine a
fair trial they would bless the day they saw your advertise
ment. My heart is full of gratitude to Mrs. Pitikliam for what
her medicine has done for me. It is worth its weight in gold."
- 1 '
$$ r .;; z ' :- : :t- $
JjkJ lltvo left a few pieces ol
lied Riom Suites, Dressers, Commodes,
Rocking Chairs, Dining C.'tirs,
Iron Beds, Mattresses, Sofas, Etc.
which must he closed out at once, and everything will go at cost.
pi- Anyone needing or ititendii g in the near future to purchase
W3 anything the furniltitc lino should rail and see what
I have left liefore making any purchases.
$. Can save you 40 per
yW Also Several nice Wall Paper patterns at cost.
i ft V. TaylO Jhc Furniture Man.
Till it.-"'' :' it"' A- t y tc-'A " t ..' ' v"-;,''i t-ii"-! '."-.'.
te 2 id M Ad
A Tho undersigned will sell at public salu at his residence, (known as JfR
'Mil tho W.N. Richardson ranch,) two and one-half miles west of -tjgj
m lnavaio ami inret aim ono-naii miles east 01 luverion on
I Tuesday, February 20
'Mti commencing at 12 o'clock noon, tho following described
Wl property to wit:
MSB Consisting of three milch cows, 2 yearling bulls, 1
zA yearling steer, 2 yearling heifer, two calves.
pj weight 2800; one mare and one horse each weighing
&j 1250, eight years old; one span driving horses 4 and
;jj 5 years old; 2 new McCormick mowers; one new Mc-
Cormick hay rack; one Acme hay stacker; 2 hay
JM sweeps; 4 corn cultivators, two new; 4 stirring plows,
mj two new; 1 harrow, 1 land roller; 1 corn planter and
M check row, 160 rods check row wire; 2 lumber
tit wagons; 1 two-seated buggy, canopy ton; 1 hayrack:
1 hog rack, 1 sickle grinder; 2 sets work harness, 1 set
DUBgy harness; 20 feed bunks; 12 dozen chickens;
household furniture and other things too numerous
to mention.
TBR7UTS OP S7XL.B. A credit of nine months will bo
given, purchaser giving note with approved security bearing eight
per cont interest from date of sain Uim'ouui at tho rale of 0 per
cent for cash in baud. All suras of $1 and undor cash. No property
to be removed until settled for.
COL. C. L. WINFREY, Auctioneer.
T " . -, mm
A.Tl kA',1
A good assortment of
Silk and Cotton Mufflers,
Ladies' and Gents Silk Handkerchiefs,
Laces and Embroideries,
Misses and Clildren's Hoods.
Many pieces of
'VToolen. r Dr3 - Goods I
All bought boforn tho advanco nnd will be sold bolow cost. Come and
got got gonulno bargains in Dry Goods.
I Mrs. Newhouse,
physician only knows of them theoreti
cally and scientifically, and finds it hard
to cure them.
But there is cure for them, ccrtnin,
m mm- mm
AT -G0ST-!
futiiltiiie consisting of
cent on Furniture, m
,-.a -SflBBarBj) , -BBBBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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SsiA T lV-Vlf2--""Yuv' M
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Red Cloud, Neb. j
; y