. --$- MORE OR LESS PERSONAL. LOCALLY. PEEK'S HAPPENINGS. u.. ' 1 . i bmr pt. yt w. fe & t A. "SwXtvs Stos " I when not brought about through violence ii a pronounced symp ton, shoeing need of glaiies. Bright, flashing, fire-like atari and spots, that occasionally float before the vision, mran sour thing; mean there is some con stant, wearing, insidious drain on the snrplns norvo forco of the physical system. Nino times out of ton, this drain comes through defective eves. If jou'"sco stars" do you not see also that the sensible course is to ascertain tho causer We can toll you if the trouble be in your oyos. Consultation froo. T&waViwisfc "Bros., tli Hi Hi til Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi H Hi Hi Hi H Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi s I I 2 JEWKLIHS AND OrTICIANS. w ttt(tt Kttftrti GENERAL CITY NEWS. C. T. Hazolton was in Hastings Wed nesday. J. R. Mercer and wlfo were in Hast ings this week. The CniBr nnd Chicago later Ocean one year for 11.25. Robes, robes, robos. All kinda of robes at J, O. Butler's. Largest line of heaters in the valley at Wright's hardware store. Miss Lillie Smith made a visit out the valley the first of the week. A. H. Kaley left last Saturday morn , -ingjto look after business interests in Teenmseh. Mis Cadman who has been visiting -friends here has returned to her home at Bloomington. Do you want a heating stove?. If you do go to Wright's. He-has a Urge lime at the lowest prices. A. W. Vetter and wife after a pleas ant visit with relatives and friends at Tecumseh returned home Tuesday. 'Will Kuehn and brother Carl were , in Gage county this week looking. at land with the intention of purchasing. J- -GW Ball after a several weeks stay with relatives and friends jbere left for her home at Akron, Colo rado, Wednesday night. Rev. A. R. Graves will hold services, both morning and evening, Sunday, February 4, at the Episcopal church. Xveryane is invited to come and hear him. If you are thinking of putting a tele phone ia year home or place of bail aaes, do not delay yoar order too long. Bat a few numbers remain vacant on the switchboard. One night the first of the week one of Fred Brad brook's boys on going to she. barn discovered a man there. The man took to his heels and escaped after giving the boy a scare. He was prob ably in questof yellow legged chiokens. Miss May Story of Cowles, daughter of Clark Story of that place died on Wednesday of lung trouble. The de teased was about seventeen years of age. The funeral took place to-day, Friday, and interment was made in the Bed Cloud cemetery. The preliminary hearing of Oscar Wohler the party who was in posses sion ef Oliver Hedge's stolon team and uggy was held at the court house on Wednesday before Judge West. After considerable evidence bad been taken the prisoner was bound over to dis trict court in tho sum of 1500. HERE'S TO THE IIINOES OF ' I FlilKNDSlIIP I M V THKY NKVE It nDST." i LIE. T-JRL, SlUtffR, DRINK WIND BKT, 1 Whin rmi U, I i In le iiil ' wlill" one. 'When; -ii -leu), -ifil uvrny from b.U com Whin you Swear, ure' l.ryourcoanttr. 2 pany. When yo Drink, dilntr to the few-th of a 3 lIHUUi Waen joa Kat, eat at the Star JEtaUi&vir J. O. WILES, Prop. i Supplies for gas Inmps atCltv Bakery. Losllo Graves was in Hastings this week, Hoatera in ondloss variety u W. W. Wright's. W. O. Dlramick of Bluo Hill was here this week. W. N. Richardson was in Gage county this week. Clarenco Riser returned from a trip to Superior Monday. Miss Nettie Postle wait of Guide Rock was hero the first of tho week. Our phone number is now 72. Call us up when you need Job printing. Walter Roby sells the Singer sewing machine. Prices right. Get tho best. C. T. Hazolton and wifo after a pleas ant visit with rolatives and friends at Kansas City returned homo Sunday morning. J. T. Rossiter, a former resident of this city several years ago, has estab lished a shoo shop two doors south of tho F. & M. bank building. Fidelity and accldont insurance writ ten in the Employers' Liability Assur ance Corporation, Limited, London, Eng. R. D. Bedford, Agt. A license to wed was granted to Mr. Horwerth Mueller and Misa Emma Schumann, both of Blue Hill, by Judgo Duffy, on January 80th. Colts for sale I have a largo pair of bay mare colts, weight about eight hundred pounds eaoh, ninoteen months old, for sale E.L. Fawoett, Cowles, Nebraska. A gospel mooting for everybody will bo held in Dtmoroll's Hall in Moan block, Sabbath, February 4th, at 8 p.m. Subject, "The Power of tho Cross." Please remember the time and place and come. A gospel invitation to all. Hugh Miner Jr., will be in Chicago seon to buy spring goods for the Big Store. 8pecial orders solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed. If you want anything in dry goods or furniture not found in this market come and see us Mikes Bsos. Valuable farm for sale on reasonable terms; 40a plow land; 110 in pasture Fine spring, never falling water in pasture. Improvements nominal. This is a fine stock farm five miles from In- avate. Have half section adjoining. All can be bought at reasonable figures. R. D. Bedford. ' Bright' disease Is moro dreaded by physicians than any of the serious dis orders with which they have to deal, beoauseof its insidious and malignant character. If prompt action were tak en when headaches, urinary disorders, digestive troubles first appear much suffering and sorrow would be averted. Prickly Ash Bitters will quickly stop the spread of the disease, quiet the in flammation, heal the kidndys and bladder, strengthen and regulate the liver, and drive poisons and impurities out of the system by cleansing the bowels. Sold by C. L. Cotting. The local board of the Children's Home Society met with the district president, Mrs. Qalvey, on January 15, for the purpose ef reorganising. The beard consists ef Messrs. B. Cochrane, L. P. Albright, I. H. Holmes and Mes dames G. W. Lladsey, E. B. Knight, Wm. Parker, 8. F. Spokesfield, H. E. Howard and I. H. Holmes. Ten chil dren have been placed in good homes and have been adopted. Three are still on trial. The local board meets regularly on the first Monday of every month. The next meeting will be on February 5 at Mrs. H. E. Howard's at 7:30 p.m. R. M. Cochrane, president; Mrs. E. B. Knight, vice-president; Mrs H. . Howard, secretary. The firm of Mitchell Bros, was this week dissolved by mutual consent, the two Junior members of the firm, Rob ert and James retiring, and beace forth the business will be conducted by Wm. A. Mitcholl at the old place of business. The new management has the best wishes of The Chief for suc cess. The name of Mitchell has been connected with the hardware business in this city, with tho exception of a few years, since tho town was started, Will's father having been our pioneer hardware man, and tho probabilities are the natuo Mitchell, and hardware and Red Cloud ia a feature this place cannot and does not caro to escape from. The cases of the United States Mu tual Hail Insurance company against about twenty-five of the citizens of this county, brought to compel them to pay an assessment of four per cent wbioh was levied against the stockholders, or policy helders, to enable the company to pay its losses, was brought before Judge West this week. After a con sultation the attorneys on both sides agreed to try one of the defendants and permit the decision given in the case tried to apply to the balance of the cases, as a suit had been brought against each defendant. The amounts sued for range all the way from SU to 175. The case was tried yesterday but the Judge will not ronder his de cision until tomorrow, and in the meantime some twenty-five persons ara sitting onthe anxieas seat. M.S. Marsh of Hastings was in tho oity Tuesday. R. D. Bedford mndo a business trip to Hastings this week. Get Wrlght'H prlcos nnd see his lino boforo you get n hoator. Miss Tilla McClelland was in Bloom ington the last of the week. L. H. Blaokledgo was looking after business matters at Bloomington tho last of tho week. Fur robes, goat robos, dog robes, buffalo robes, and in fact all kinds of robos, at J. O. Butlor's. Will Wolf went to Kansas City Wed nesday to look after a shipment of Iron he had made to that place. 0 Is your narao written thoref Whorot On our subscription books for tho last year in the 10th century. It should be. Mrc G. W. Houghton of Norton, Kansas, arrived in tho city lastSatur day and is the guest of H. P. Sowter and wifo. Don't forgot that tho Chief has moved to tho basement under the F. M. bank and is ready to do Job print ing of all kinds. Frank Cowden of tho Cowdon-Kaley Clothlne Company, accompanied by Harry Letson left Sunday forChlcrgo. During his stay thore Mr. Cowdon will insnect and purchaso a large invoice of spring nnd summer clothing for the firm. On Thursdays. February th and 20th, March 6th and 20th, the Burling ton routo will sell round trip excursion tickots to Hot Springs and Custer, S. D.. at tho rato of one standard fare plus 12 for continuous passage with a roturn limit of thirty days from date of sale. A. Conover, Agent. Rev. Hustons-, who Is now a state evangelist for the Christian church aid now holding meetings at Kiting City, this state, was here Wednesday, having been called to Inavale on Tues day to perform the last sad rites of burial of William Irons Jr. Blankets, blankets, blankets. Have you seen my largo stock of blankets. 8quare blankets, cutaway blankets, wool blankets, S-A blankets, Burling ton stay blankets, bias girth blankets, Storm King blankets and in fact all kinds of blankets at low prices at J. O. Butter's. Geo. A. Ducker, accompanied by his wife and two children arrived in the city from their home at Joliet, Illinois, Saturday and visited with L. H. Beck and family. Mr. Ducker was for a long time interested in the dry goods busi ness in this city and still retains prop erty interests here. . SCHOOL NOTES. NORTH WARD. , James Mitchell was a caller at the high school Tuesday. Hagb Reed has been debarred from school because he went to Guide Rock one day last week. The third and foarth grades ara mastering large problems ia mental arithmetio. The steve ia the high room expleded causing quite a good deal of comma Hon. ' Misses Mabel Howard aad Mattte Able were callers in the north room Wednesday. ' sodtb WARD. Tilda Nelson is absent this week en account of the sickness of her sister. Mr. Crone and Dr. Cook were visit ors at the south ward one day this week. Mr. Groat wants one of the stoves to take the'Keeley cure. It is a habitual smoker. The pupils of the filth and sixth grado take great interest In making their room look attractive. j What Does It Cost to Feed j International Stock Food ... At $14.00 per Hundred. The tm ge feed of "lateraatleaal Stock 1 Fattealag Hogs U two iblrdi of I per mouth. Only Cost to ceaU I Foot" f- r 1 one Dound jr noath. Par 100 to 1 as Sheets, the areroge feed la is one intra ut one pouna per moom. Oaly costs s coats per meatfa. i For se-le. Plf , the ayerai ft reed Is one- . Oaly Costs fifth of one pound per saoutl 3 emu per saeaia. To use one f 1 ed per day for Secklag Sow t oaly costs 7 seats per Meat. It Is not only j far the cheapest to ate, I but It Is sold under the strongest printed re-1 liable guarautee of any similar preparation I in the world, our guarantee is as good as E gold. Oa account at sat all iUd feed It la aaaca cheaper for stocksson la nee at SU.09 per hundred pounds than aaeay other kiads I would be at 17.00 per hundred. Do sot be J deceived by largo package at assail artae. They always requires very large elaed food to cue results. Alwars ceaiBere auabar of reaa - Mdf rof I pet J foods to the pound as well as the price per nnttful. kjarOwlngUvery euHrier vegelabJ a&edl-1 cation we obtain belter results b nslaa a k small slaed feed than other preparations J caa show with a large slaed feed, I am now Helling 100 poands for 12.00, but it wilt undoubtedly be higher when the next shipment ar- rives. I C. L. COTT1NQ, I The Druggist Marvin Marsh of Hastings is in town this week. a Shtrlilnti Francis is visiting in Blad en tht week. N Mrs. Julia Merrlmnn returned home from Oxford Tuesday. Harry Kngols has gono to Omaha to learn the Jewelers trade. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Francis are visit lag in Cowles this week. Jos, Warrun is laying a gravel walk on the east sldo of his promises. Will Wolfe Is in Kansas city this week looking after business matters. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Uaxolton re turned home, from Kansas City Sun day. S. A. Tomple was up on tho St. Fran cis branch looking after cattle inter ests. A. H. Kaley has been in Tecumseh tho pas', row days looking after busi ness matters. Beth Sboppard has returned to her school in Line township after a two month's vacation. Mrs. Rossiter of Suporior, formerly of this city, was in town Tuesday the guest of Mrs. Gulliford. M. W. Dickcrson, W. A. Maynard and J. A. Mc Arthur were attending a sale of rod hogs this week, Mrs. Dr. Roed returned homo from Edgar last Friday, where aho has1 been visiting for tho past month. James Mitchell left Wednesday for Hastings, whero ho goes to team the Jewelers trade under L. M. Vance. J. A. Forrior tho message boy of the B.&M., wentta McCook Wednesday to take a professional examination. Miss Hattie Morrison left Monday fir her home at Waaau, this state, aft er a month's visit with relatives and friends. ' Mr. and Mrs. I. P. Williams have returned from Kansas whoro they have been visiting with relatives and old friends. Mr. Ulllers and sen arrived in the city Monday morning from Indianola, and are visiting with his daughter, Mrs. O. C. Teel. Lewis Burt. Ed Scoutea and Earl McCoakey left for Humbolt. Mondav. where they will visit with relatives aad friends. Frank Mcintosh returned Tuesday to his home ia Tin Cup, Colorado, after a month's visit with friends and relatives here. The schools having (been closed on account of smallpox, Miss Guela Reed has returned from her school near Guide Rock where she has been teach ing. , The trial of Oscar Wohler for the theft of Oliver Hedge's team and buggy was held Wednesday. He was bound over to the next term of court in the sum of 1500. The aew Advent church la the aorta part of. town will be completed aext week bat it cannot be dedicataeV'aatil coafereaee meets, which is the first ef March. The oost ef the oharea was ksaivMMWaadNOt. Vhe.Jnaior class gave a hard times seeial in Dr. Damerell's hall last Fri day evening. A prise was given to the "best dressed" boy and girl. Miss Bonnie Emigh aad William Overman reoeived the prizes. The aet proceeds amouated to 117.50. The yonng people of the Baptist church gave a surprise party oa Edwin Emigh last Saturday evening at the home of his parents. The evening was spent in playing charades and solving conundrums, after which oys ters were served. About twenty young people were present and all enjoyed a very pleasant evening. Monday evening a very pleasant crokinole party was given at the home of Will Mitchell as a farewell to bis brother James. Those present were Miss Florence Cotting, Tilla McClelt and, Msme Beale, Mabel' Howard and Messrs." DeLong, Sherwood Al bright, Will Auld, Robert and(James Mitchell. The Ladies Clio Club will meet with Mrs. Hlatt next Saturday. Topic "Elisabeth and Robert Down ing." Mrs. Cotting. Discussion "My Last Duchess." Mrs. Dean. Paraphrase and critique of "Plppa Passes." Mrs. Cowden. Reading "Evelyn Hope" Miss Mo Clellaad. JyLa. Following is the list of Jurors drawn for the term of court which will be held ia this city commeaelag March-5. O. G. Edgerton, R. W. Koonts, Wm. Eagels, Clarence Wilson, Joseph Herbarger, August Buschow, Amos Dillon, T. D. Fell, Winfield Palmer, H. A, MoCune, David Paul, A.W. Harrington, OnierGagaon, Grant Houohln, J, E. Hlrues, W. R. Anderson, A. C. Halo, Chas. Zslman, M. M Miller, J. D..tvy, Alf. McCall, Y4W R. Armstrong, M'A m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m , m m m m Cheap Reading for 1 poo. From the present date to February 10th, we will send The Red Cloud Chief and the Chicago Weekly Inter-Ocean both one year for ONE DOLLAR. This is a striotly oash offer and your back subscription to The Chief must be paid up to take advantage of it. FOHHITURE - Have left a few pieces of furniture eonsistlng of Bed R-om Suites, Dressers, Commodes, Rocking Chairs, Dining Cairs, Iron Beds, Mattresses, Sofas, ltc. whloh mast be olosed out at ones aad everything will go at cost. Aayoae neediag or InUaditg ia the near future to purchase aaythiag the faraitareliae sheald call aad sea what I have left before making aay purchases. CeiJi smre you 40 pit cent oa Furniture Also Several alca Wall Paper patteras at oast. F. V. T&ylorf : nrni it-n. hluuulu I A good assortment of Silk and Cotton Mufflers, Ladies' and Gents Lac s and Many pieces of 2 ' "Woolen " Ii?sb - Goods I S All bought before the advance and will be sold below cost. Cofne and ' w I get get genuine bargains in Dry Goods. w Mrs. Newhouse, Kikwirmvriwwwmmmm4kmmtk4kjAmmm4kmmmmmMaikmmmA Job - Printing of all kinds neatly and promptly executed. Estimates and bids given on anything you may want-in the lime of Job Work. We do nothing but first class work and use nothing but first class material to do it with. THE - m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m i AT - GOST - I The Purmlture Mmn. tmsie nnir-o - rniucio, Silk Handkerchiefs, Erabrc?id ris, Miss s and Clildr n's Hoods. tj- -. Red Cloud, Neb. V CffWF. !& ' ''o i 'f H i '4 i u u r ;