The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 02, 1900, Image 1

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    I -
volume xxvin.
Combining many lines of merchandise under the
same roof and management, our extra facilities for
handling merchandise in large quantities, our experi
enced bupers, BUYING and SELLING for CASH,
and our large and ever increasing business, enables
us to sell merchandise on a smaller margin than mer
cnants running single lines and doing credit business.
WTn coll imn Vitrrti niinlifw nrnnrlc ut rrirR aclfprl hv
HHl w Ki V J a Sew i MtAB ft w v at wi4M w w w huivv J
K competitors for inferior grades. We guarantee sat-
Dress Goods.
On our contor table wo havo placed a number of
pieces of dress goods which have sold regularly for 15a
to 30c. Wo arc closing these goods out at special
prices in order to muko room for now goods.
Regular 15c goods at 9c
Regular 20c goods at iajc.
Regular 25c goods at iSc.
Regular 30c goods at 22c
A large display of Black Dress Goods, Henriettas.
Serges, Cvshmeres, Imported Novelties, Crepone and
Beautify the home. Get one of our carpets. We
carry the largest stock ot carpets in the Republican
alley. All carpets can be made day of sale. We
guarantee fit as per measurements given us.
Cotton Ingrains at 26c, former price 40c
Union Ingrains at 35c, former price 60c.
Cetton Warp, wool filling at 50c.
Two patterns all wool carpet at 484c.
' Ixtra Super all wool at 70c. ,. . ---
.. 8pedalTlueeiBBriMaiIeiit.
Oar large show room full of goods, purchased be
fere the raise is price. Furniture purchasod in carload
lots direct from the factory. BOUGHT AND SOLD
Iron Beds 7. 18 36 to 118 00
Cupboards ,.. 8 50 to 9 00
Lounges .- v.. 8 00 te 13 00
Bedroom Suites ... W 00 to 40 00
Dining Tables 5 00 to 16 00
Diaing Chairs 1 00 to 8 60
Hocking Ohairs 1 25 to 12 00
Ohtffioners 6 85 to 16 00
Wood Beds 2 60 to 15 00
Kitchen Chairs 60c each.
Novelties in Shelves, Wall-pocket Mirrors, etc.
'VVixxciO'w &li..a.cleeu
The best values in all cloth shades, with and with
out fringe, complete with spring rollers, ten colors at
30c to 00c.
We have open stock patterns that we have seld
very lew on. We have decided to close them out and
replace with new patterns. In face of the advance in
this line, the following numbers are exceptional values.
Brown Print Pattern, 100 piece set, regular price
9.00, special price N.90.
Bine print patten, English ware, 100-plece set,
regular price $10.00, special price 17.90.
American Filled-ln and Gold Traced patterns, 100
piece sets, regular price 118.60, special price 89.60.
Special in 6 and 10-piece. toilet seU, glass
ware, and 100-plece Sroaitone dinner set.
The meet up-to-date grocery store ia town. Onr trade in this
department has doubled during the past year. Highest quality and
lowest price our standard. A lew ot our regular prices; compare
14 bare if afnet soap M .2o
11 cara Santa, Class eeap, .25c
4 cake Toilet soap. Bo
loanBalmon Bo
Cora or Gloss Starch.. 80
Lemon extract, 2 ozs 4o
Vanilla extract, 2 ozs 4c
Mixed candy 5c
Stick candy 7
Goed Bulk.Coffee, guaranteed hotter than package coffee at 10c, 12f
Get a sample package of Wlnslow, Band & Wttson'a celebrated
coffees. The finest on the market.
Special values in Bottle Pickles, Chow Chow, Onions, Catsup.
etc. Wo recently purchased a large order of thesegeods at a special
price. Guaranteed the best. Wo plaoe them on sue at 10c.
1 gallon pail syrup 86c. .
JVIineF Bros., Red CloktleD.
City Dray and
Goods Delivered to any part
j-- 'St ? S- .V
r wk4nll - f ns tstiSW' r 'l4" t' f 'Li V j ( M
fflLnnvk' , .,f.AliAtU-,J.SkiiA V" A f - - "r-' -frl iiiM.frknnMfilCT Ittf I MfT IT ninrT"V n 1 nfir "iiriirr 1 -- .
Mixed aute 18o
Extra Fancy Prunes, 8 lbs 25o
Boatea Baked Beans . .. 81
Canned Pumpkin 8J
One can Jam.... 5o
Star tobacco, per pound 40o
5 cans Lye for 25c
IK can Baking Powder, war
ranted , 80c
Express Line.
of the city.
Charges as I
kw as the Lowest
Incidents of Every Day Life Which Very
Few People Step to Think About en
Account ef Their littleness.
Today (Friday) was ground-hog day.
From all indication the pesky var
mint came oat and saw his image re
fleeted on mother earth. And also ho
cordiug to tradition he crawled back
in his holo. lie is at present supposed
to be enjoying a peceful slumber which
will last until the middle of March.
Ot courie you don't have to believo
tho story about the ground hog unless
you want to. Another thing is did you
ever see a ground hog in this country?
As far as we are concerned we don't
take any stock in ground-hog. That
is with tho exception of the kind usu
ally found in butchor shops. This
kind we find very acceptable and pal
ntable at times. As far as the weathtr
is concerned, the ground hog baa
about as much to do with it as the Ken
tucky gubernatorial fight. By the
signs of the zoidiao spring doea not
commence until the 21st of March and
we dont think the ground hog has any
right to beat the coal man out ot six
weeks of pleasure. Did yon tver no
tice how some of our young girls like
to showithemselves to the young gen
tlemen from the country on Saturdays.
They put on their best "bib and
tucker" and yon bet .they make the
boys look at them.J-The Bed Cloud
girls are noted for their good looks
ad winning ways anyway. We bob
estly believe they can make a "mash"
as it ia commonly called, anytime they
want to. Last Saturday we noticed
ene of them stop and talk to eleven
different fellows in going one block.
If yon can beat that yon are a daisy.
The ice man has been wearing a pleas,
ant smile this week. The small boys,
and the big ones, around the school
house, can get more enjoyment out of
a small block of wood and a shin
ney club than anything else Just at
present. The winner is generally the
one who can stand tho most pounding.
There are a number of people in
this county who have como to the con
elusion that mutual hail insurance
don't pay. If yon have a. lot of old
rubbish you don't want laying around
your plaoe den't get a notion that it
is worthless and bum it up. Just load
it in your wagon and bring it to Uwn
and sell it at public auction on the
street corner. There is always some
ene in the crowd wno has mere ateney
than sense.
port of school taught in Dist. 88
for the month of January, 1900.
Number of pupils enrolled, M.
Average attendance, Si.
Papils who were net absent daring
the month were Eddie Brinkman,
Carrie Goble, Bertha Beaachamp, Ma
bel Artist, Claud Artist, Boy Kralik,
Halla Thomas, Sella Heffelbower.
Pnplls who were neither tardy ner
absent during the month were Carrie
Goble. Bddie Brinkman, HaUa Them
and Stella Heffelbower.
Edith Thomas, Teaoher.
Quite cold Bgain.
The meetings at Eckley closed Sun
day night.
Will Carswell and family visited at
J. R. Crozier's on Monday.
Mrs. Vanco of Beatrlco !b visiting
hor brother, John Ogilvlo, and sister,
Mrs. Jeromo Vanco at presont.
Miss Addlo Gordon, of Rod Oak,
Iowa, is visiting at her mother's Mrs.
D. H. Robinson') at present.
R. S. J)enney and wife recently took
a trip to Decatur county, Kansas, to
visit their daughter Mrs. Rolla Far
quharand family.
Tbo Sunday school workers of Eek
ley will, hold a Sunday school rally at
the Bonnell school bouso on Sunday
next, Pebruvry 4tb, at3:80 p.m.
Eaves Dboitbb.
Examination Notice.
Regular examination-, for persons
desiring to teach in Webster county
are held in the superintendent's office
at Red Cloud, the third Saturday ia
each iBODtli,
Kva J. Cask, County twpt.
KA. FEB. 2, 1900,
William LutUin Irons, Jr., the only
son of County Commissioner and Mri.
Carrie Irons of Inavale, doparted this
life on last Monday, January 20th, at
11 o'clock a.m. aftor a brief illness of
one week. On March 16th ho would
have been twenty years old. His do
mise was wholly unexpected. Tho
best of medical skill could not cenquer
the fatal and complicated ailments.
The bereaved paionts wero prostrated
by the awful visitation of death, and
the betrothed of the deceased, Miss
ilattlc Olmstead, Ih crushed under tho
sad disappointment. "Willie" as ho
was familiarly known, was the lifo and
mainstay of Inavale and a wido circlo
of acquaintances in that part of tho
county. Christianity, business and so
ciety knew him as a manly young man
f sterling worth. Many homes and
hearts will miss his cheerful helpful
ness. "Willlo" waB a devoted member
of the church of Christ. Stato Evange
list L. A Huasong, who so recontly
ministered at Inavalo, was called to
conduct the last sad rites from the M.
E. church at 8 p.m., January 81, 1000.
An able discourse was delivered from
Rev. 14:18. A double quartet furnished
the music and a Itting hymn at the
cemetery, fonr and one-half miles
northeast of Inavale. A great con
course ft friends attended the services
among them being many of the county
ofBolals, and clergymen living near.
The leeal order ef which the deoeased
was a-member, attended ia abodx
The choicest lowers and white lined
grave spoxe of the tender affection in
which be was held by kind friends.
He will ever be remembered as a Chris
tian who was ever ready for this great
change which came to him.
Weather cold.
Bev. Kiagsalver preached in Dist. 8
Sunday. -
h. A. Hasklus sold his fat cattle to
Mr. Hunter of Inavale.
Benj. and Mary V. Vandyke have
returned from Danbury, where they
were visiting their sister Mrs. F. W.
Weaver. They report a good time.
Mr. Wilder was on a business trip to
Bostwick this week.
Bev. H. H. Haskius is ea the sick
list with la grippe.
Louis Beauchamp was hauling corn
to Bed Olond fer Gus Boats.
Miss Sarah Haskins was the gnest of
L. Aabushoa this week.
u. A. Haskins, Joe Bent andK.W.
Anderoen were the guests ef Frank
VanDyke one evening this week.
Mrs. Wildey and daughter were the
guests of Will Aubushon this week.
Kd Lane of Red Cleud was doing
business in Line this week.
Ben. Vandyke is the owner ef a new
Line was well represented at the
BeaucbsjB and Aubnshoa trial Thurs
day. Louis Soderlind is up and around
Benj. VanDyke reports John Mars
den getting along nicely.
Mrs. Ed Henry is quite sick.
Only ouo caso of what is supposed to
bo a very mild kind of smallpox hero,
and that has been closely quarantined.
Wm. Sawyer, Dr. Pace and 11. S.
Proudlit have boon appointed a board
of health for tho village and arc taking
every precaution against tbo spread of
Mrs. Jessio Mefford is atlllclod with
erysipelas. Dr. Robinson was called.
Ed. Trobnrt is improving.
Gus Pundt is reported seriously ill
at Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Wichman
went up to see him Tuesday.
Card of Thanks.
We thus extend our heartfelt thanks
to the many friends who were so kind
and helpful during the siokneis and
death ef our beloved son
Mb. amu Mits. Wm. Iuons,
Inavale, Nebraska.
jwryyTy '.WflE ,)vT
5gSSKGi3--?r'fp ..,
Mrs. Livingston Is still improving.
Mrs. Boron of Pawneo has boon very
111 with npponutcitls nut is nowonni
fair wny to recovery.
John llostm'k nndciwunl nn opera
tion toward tho c).mi of the wcok. Dr.
Fulkfnm.11 pet foi mill tlm opcnuim of
laying open the thigh, tiikinn out the
diseased lioim unci tu'wlnu up ughln
The tmiiuut U Improving, nicely, Mrs.
John Moslock ussistod by his fathor
and mother wait upon him.
Capt. Houehin nltondud W. A. May's
sale of live stock and was selling his
famous book en bonds, imperialism,
and trusts. Novora woid to hurt your
feollngs on religion. His sonorioua
voieo at times drowned that of Cnl.
John Bronnan tho auctioneer. Como
again Cap.
Theteachorn' reading circlo met in
tho town of Bluo Hill last Saturday.
Notwithstanding tho inclemency of the
weather quite a numbor of tho lady
teachers and ex-teachers were present.
Rev. Mo gave us a grand talk on the
duties of the teacher and brought ont
many good points for the teaoher to
consider. Mrs. Laird an ex.teacaer
gave a good discourse on the "Doctor
of the Old School." The absence of
the stronger sex was vsry noticeable,
only some six and only abont one-half
of those being teachers. Bather bad
for the reading cirole folks as the nro
grass was only half rsndered.
JHVtt. Shannon attended theeirsle
and did not go hesne on Saturday? '
The f elks of the Presbyterian eharcY
rendered some f ne musio vocal and
instrumental at their masicale last Sat
nrday evening. Miss Kittie Smith, a
little tot, played a tae selection on the
W. G. Shannon was the gnest of
Prof. MoCrary Saturday evening and
dined at the Hotel Bogott. Rowlands and W.G. Shannon
dined with Mr. and Mrs. Chapman en
Sunday and attended Sunday school
and church twice oq Sunday.
Saturday and Sunday was a great
change in the temperature from the
preoeding week.
Mr. Waterbury was called to Omaha
to the deathbed of his brother-in-law
and went on to visit friends in Harlan
Iowa after the funeral.
For driving ont dull, billions feeling
strengthening the appetite and -in
creasing the capacity of the body for
work. Prickly Ash Bitters is golden
remedy. Bold by C. L. Cottlag.
A Perfect Mtacc
Of. awad.Mid nodv was the :
idea of perfect health. Tfaeyde
fsed this Balance as "a sound
mind in a aouad body," A weak
or sickly body tends to drag down
tse mind to its own level. K.e
the body in health and the mir.
will take care of itself. The health
of the body depends mainly on two
things: A sound stomach and pure
blood. Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery preserves ,the bal
ance of health, because it makes
the stomach strong and the blood
pure. People who had not had a
well day iu vcars, nervous of body,
depressed of mind, have been per
fectly cured by the use of "Golden
Medical Discovery."
"During the summer and fall of i86 I
became all rnn down," writes Charles II,
Berceant, Isq , of I'lain City, Madison Co.,
Ohio, "nerves were out of order and stom
ach was out of order. I wrote to Doctor
I'lerce for advice, He said I had general
debility, and advised Dr. Fierce' Oolden
mcuicai inscovery i i
used six bottles, and
since I stopped taking
it, about one yearago,
I have not taken any
medicine of any kind,
and hat btrn ablt la
work rvtry day. My
appetite Is good. I do
not feel that burning
in the stomach afler
eating, and ray blood
and nerves are In good
Dr. Pierce's Med
leal Adviser, paper
covers, is sent free
on receipt of 31 one-
cent stamps to pay
expense of moil
:pcnse 01 moiling
onty, Auuresa lit.
Fierce, Buffalo, N.Y.
aw . v-MsvrM-siisA-
iEnnPnRPJr ft
wnnnnnW snnnnRK&lnwnnBnw 11
: - ...
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
AJum taking powders are the greatest
mensem to neakh of the present day.
wruww WBca.iwvott.
Interior, Landscape,
I Animals, Special and
1 Commercial Work.
J For interiors and for large groups
l of stock and extended views ot 1
buildings as on farms and
ranches our facilities are
Developing, Flalshlng and
I. . Printing fer Amateurs. 1
w-vmmmmo, . &. -.. j
Fecms, DxvELerxns, 2
Vmhv AtratP .wtwnwnw PlMIH 1
, fjtuA Mn. & .jift.nv. m mm.,
I DU1TLIKB OF AW. minim.
"AlvisU" Panorio Cameras.
covers 180 degrees, five cameras in
i socxl umxeumtkd puotoorafhs. j
! FihbPiotdbkFkamimo.
, Have one of the most finely ap-1
pointed dark rooms ef Its size in the 1
I state ia which yon aro always wel 1
S come im caaua plains nnu at jvur 1
We do mot do pobtkaitdbk.
t Booms evaa Piombbk Mt aUakir. 1
Boots Shoes. 1
Call and See Them.,
Having purchased at a low price a!
stock of boots and shoes consist-
ing of all styles of footwear made
from I860 up to the present time l
will Mil them at a great reduc
108 pairs Ladies Low shoes, sizes 2
! to 4, 000 per pair,
25 pairs boys' low shoes, sizes 1 to 4 f
at GOo por pair.
. 31 pairs of men's low shoes, sizes 5 -,
I to 11 at 70o to 11.50 per pair. I
81 pairs of men's light shoes, laco or
J congress, sizos 0 te It, 00c per pr. f
j70 pairs of ladies' cloth top shoes,
sizes 2 to 4. at 30o Dor nalr.
J 17 pairs ladles' loathor top bIiocs, s
2 sizes 2 to 4. 40o DorDair. i
a .ri nnlra Mlfirn'n Incn ahnra null.
4 hln tnt nf. idnnor nslr. f
4 41 pairs of baby dhoes, lace, size
n U1U KUAli ai. 1UV
.- r r -- ,
to 3, at lOoper pair.
j 00 pairs lauios uuuon o, i. imuu k
Jiuron suu wuiib, ni sea s i" i, t
tl.OO to 11.50 per pair.
3 03 pairs ladies shoes, button and l
4 lace, A, 1), O, D and E lasts, latest I
stvlea. sizes 2 to 5. at S1.25 to S1.50.
" ' .... -
IlED Cloub, Nekraska.
: - Cl--.- ., .
Ins-iieluHiltrtaitpnnalion. MNIrr i I
ItltftI serial IX.
umat oa tjprlre tmthe Ut Iucaltr I
r-MMivr UhrkurMi, if mj in mmu.
w-litriJvl'ii.l.-i--. ''1
J i-iTor
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snawsnnnnnnnnnnnnnnin sTiri inn TTT,iTTisa'srT"iwnsri'iisnnTir,r-rT--r1 1 n rirrTTnTaaiTBii aiiiaaif-Tii 11 mnir rTTsBBBWssBWsnnnnnrirriiTsrrTTisnrisnni TnrnnnTBnTTBWT-riT i nanntr TsTsnssSsW -snaMiT-1 rnsr n-rn-Tr i-t-nr 1 1 a. - www-.wr.wii.-.iMi - - - - - . - . .
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