r , -i -. tfjwt" H ; I I j S .1 .1 i Stf" Red Cloud Chief. PU11LISIIBD WEEKLY. RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA 5, . a ,1C takes the tone fisherman to reel off i 'catchy ynrn. t 'NcrTntiMioBH 1h the bud1; and lunacy me.nower in run itioom,, ' I The British chnrge pell-mell, and tho Doers continue to Hhcll well. A "' The advanco agent Isn't nccrssnrlly t forward nuui, hut he usually la. '. - .The Indlvldunl who frequently goes Dn a tear Is seldom ablo to pay the rnnt., Taking a drop and taking a tumble arc, not synonymous, hut one may lead to tho other. Religion may have Its drawbacks, butxthe backsliders arc generally the victims. The happening or the unexpected nover worries pcoplo who nro not pre pared for anything In particular. If a man made no good resolution New Yenr'H day he would bo qtiito lonesome, liming none to break. A New Jersey boy" awallowcd a small reptile. This Is worse than swallow ing those Iloston sea serpent Htorles. It Is said that a man's declining ycurH begin at HO; but a woinan'B never begin while there Is an ollglblo man In sight. Chicago lady fanciers nro to have a pot dog club. Under no circumstnuccR will they hold n Joint session with the cat club. Political Issues nro horn In tho hearts of the pcoplo, but tho politicians keep right on manufacturing tho parlous article. The noers havo no objection to tho open door, but they don't want tho whole world coming in and sleeping In tho host bed. Cavalrymen scouting In Luzon the other day killed thirteen Filipinos. And yet some scientific pcoplo say that tho number thirteen Is not unlucky. A curious mnn bent over tho swiftly flowing Chicago river bo fondly that he foil In. Frco baths should be strictly prohibited In the river, admitting that tho temptation is now very strong. A series of experiments made at Kiel during the last two yearB have shown that of all metals used In shlp-bulld-Ing an amalgam of Iron and zinc Is least subject to deterioration from the Influenre of sea water. Fifty short, practical dairy rules for the production and handling of pure milk, printed on large cardboards, havo been distributed by the tens of thousands among American farmers by the Bureau of Animal Industry. In Slnm tho liquid measure used It derived from a cbronnut shell, which Is capable of holding 830 tamarind feeds, and 20 of these units equnl a ca pacity of a wooden bucket. In dry measure, 830 tamarind seeds mako 1 "k'anahn" and 25 "k'anahn" make 1 "sat," or bamboo basket; 80 ''sat" mako 1 "kvlcn.' or cart. Thin Is an example, of tho prlmltlvo' origin of most units of weights and "measures. Santo Domingo, hearing of the com ' lug of French warships as collectors, concluded to pay that bill for 20,001 francs. If it Is all the same to the warships, however, sho would like tc bo let oft from paying an apology. Santo Domingo, Nicaragua and some ol the other Central American republic will Jearn after awhllo that It Is easier simpler anil far more pleasant t,o pa their debts promptly than to havo them collected at the cannon's mouth. Thjn recent decision of tho Supreme court of Massachusetts In tho case ol the AttorneyGeneral tveHenry Blgo low Wllllarps holds that tho law limit ing tho height' bf-nitrildrnW around Oopley SquYtro. Boston, to nlnctyvfeol is constitutional. Tjia.court sald:,"Wc hold thihejAflgllJIII,. tho nature wriuf casemehrovor lands facing CppiejuSHiKVcNwWclr eaaorrionl is nnnexeu mou.aj&dflr tin? benoflt of tho public, "for Whgsse aninjpy. that these; .rights are similar In tholt nature to rights In highways, ln(greal ponds, nj4n jwaW watera dt,tk commonwiahh.iVTib S;iljroajV fylow which tV.' MnrfUTtook is !ndl-'; eated" byy-the following expression, appearing 'In the opinion: The grounds of Copley Square "aro to bt enjoyed by the people who use them; they , are expected to ralnjster; not onlj to the grdsser senses, bui aTsp jo tht lovo vof thoeautlful in nature, In th varied forms which the change In sba ton brings." let speculative financiers nnd race playing cashiers take notice. Tho last country of refuge for abscoundlm criminals has decided to becomo re spectable. Spanish Honduras has con cluded nn, extradition treaty with th United States, and there is now uc spot of earth where any brnnd of fugi tive from f justice Is safe, tho stato o! "Washington always excepted, of course A 'white man was lynched In Vir ginia. This should furnish tho race problem agitators with food for tho de velopment of common sense. The townmined Rumor That Dundonald Has Entered Ladysmith. mm is not (OfiriRMfD at London 4 - ' right Staged All pay flumlHj HrltUh Attacking Foroit Meat Stubborn t Beiliitanre, But Slowly , Gaining Ground Tho following dispatches from tho Mat of war In South Africa explain the situation slnco Ilullcr has started lo relieve Ladysmith: 'Durban, Natal, Jan. 22. Tho state ment comes from an excellent source In Plclermarltzburg that Lord Dun donald has entered LadyBmlth with 1,000 men. This Is not confirmed from my other quarter, but it is known that Lord Dundonald, s Hying column has been noting well to tho left of the lino of advance. London, Jan. 2.1. Tho Dally Mail has the following, dated Sunday night, from Spearman's camp. "There has been hot fighting all day. At dawn our attack was resumed ftiong tho entire line, all the brigades taking' part. Wo soon discovered thnt the llocrs still occupied thu range of hills in force, tholr position being very strong. Tho rango is intersected by deep ravines and many approaches very difficult of access. "Today tho Boers, who wero driven from their trenches yesterday took covor in tongas and behind tho rocks with which the hills are strown. Tho forces, therefore, commenced tho task of driving them out, and set to work with good heart in the early morning. Much llrlng took place, and pur pro gress was slow, but gradually British pluclt"told its-tale, and tho enemy foil back to another copje. We swarmed on and occupied it, and then tho at tack recommenced with gallantry. "The country simply abounds In hills favorable to guerilla warfare, and our task is an arduous one. Nevertheless, it is being gradually accomplished. Whenever any of tho enemy wore obi served taking up a fresh position our field batteries poured in showers of shrapnel and tho rapid movement of tho guns' followed by uccurnto shoot ing, must havo greatly distressed them. "The enemy wero on tho dofensivo almost the entire day, save onco when they attempted to(putilank our left and were algually checkmated. They ro lled almost entirely on rlflo lire. A few sholls wero tired from a heavy piece of ordnance, but these fell harm less. ' "Wo now occupy tho lower crest on the left, and aro converging slowly but surely to tho Boor centre. Tho Boer loss is unknown, but must havo been heavy. Tho killed and wounded aro carried away to tho rear rnpldly. Strong rumors aro in circulation that tho Boers aro retiring. The battle will be resumed tomorrow." Tho Dally Telegraph publishes tho following dispatch, delayed Uy tho ccn Bor, from Itensburg, dated Sunday afternoon: o "Last evening at 9 o'clock tho Boers began llrlng furiously all along their main position. Three tiers of rifle firo wero visible. Tho firing lasted threo quarters of an hour. Tho reason for tho alarm is not known here." Tho British In the other districts In South Africa continue) inactive. Lord Mcthucn's 13,000 men remain behind their vorks. General French's 4,000 at Kensburg wero roused on Sunday by a general alarm that tho Boers wore attacking, but it turned out that there was no basis for this. General Oatacre is quiescent at Colesburg. At Ladysmith tho deaths from en teric fovee and dysentery nverago ten a day. Some fears arc expressed that the garrison may bo fco worn by priva tion and disc tiso as to be unable to do much in the way of helping General Buller. Horn for Holdler und Sailor. The Bcnato committee on public lanas reported favorably Senator War ren's bill granting 00,000 acres in Wy oming for tho bcnctlt of tho state soldiers' and sailors home of that state, and a bill granting tho abandoned Fort Hay's military reservation to tho state of Kansas for a brauc)i of agricul tural 'college. -i i J'j ' f Street Cora Tied tip. ' -All tho street cars' in Troy, N. Y., ro tied up as a result of a striko of JOS moor,uJndr .conductors of Mo United Trdotton coinndnv. "The men l;dunmnd.20 centum hour and a ten- hour day, Montagu White In Wanlilngtun. Mr. Montana White, formerly consul of the Transvaal government at Lon don, and who, it is said will seek I this country this country to ' endeavor obtain recognition's the. diplomatic representative of tho republlo here, Has arrived in Washington. Kllli lllmieir. Sidney G, Hawson et Arllngton.Ore., a member of 'tho Oregon legislature, committed suicide by shooting himself is tho head. Drink and domestic t trouble aro said to bo tho causo of the lulcidc. Cage FalU Thirty Feet. The cage at the Spaulding Coal com pany's slmf t at Spaulding, fifteen miles east of Springfield, 111., fell thirty feot with eight miners, six of whom, Harry Ducker, Charles Mlnney, William Will ncss and Edward Btrlngham and two men, names unknown, were injured. Ducker being the worst. He sustained a. broken leg and internal injuries. When within about thirty feet of tho Japdlpg' Engineer Hackctt attempted to stop tho car, but tho velocity waa too great and it slid, striking tho bot tom heavily. AN EDITOR FOR ONE WEEK Opportunity Offered Itev. C. It. Sheldon hy the Topekn Capital-Newt. Tho Ilcv. Charles M. Sheldon, author of "In His steps" in to bo given nn op portunity to edit a dally newspapor as lib thinks a Christian dally should bo edited. For the week beginning' .March tfl, he will hnvo absolute control of ovary department of tho Topeka Capital-News editorial and advertising. At tho Detroit convention of tho Christian endeavor society, Mr. Sheldon asked what "philanthropic gentleman in this ago of munificent endowments to edu cational institutions would glvo 81, 000,000 for tho creation of "a great Christian daily." Tho philanthropic gentleman has not appeared with tho money, but, in re sponse to the appeals of tho. leading citizens of Topeka, Mr. Sheldon's homo town, Dell Keyscr, tho president of tho Topeka Capital company offered to glvo the paper to Mr. Sheldon for one week, nnd tho offer has been accepted. It Is understood that able writers are to assist Mr. Sheldon, and that states men, prominent divines nnd editors of some of tho dallies of New York, Chi cago and St. Louis will help him by suggestions. Mr. Sheldon has not yet given any intimation of his plans. CAPTAIN MILLS. ACQUITTED The Utah Jury Uphold the Killing or Wife' Seducer. Captain Frederick J. Mills, former lieutenant governor of Idaho, has been acquitted of tho charge of murder. The jury was out just long enough to elect a foreman and take n ballot. Captain Mills killed John 0. O'Mcl veney, chief engineer of tho Oregon Short Line, in Salt Lake City on Octo ber 30 last. The evldenco showed that while tho defendant was absent serv ing as an olllccr of tho volunteer army of tho United States his wife and O'Mclveney became criminally inti mate. Tho captain learned of these facts on tho day of the tragedy. Tho killing followed. The defendant pleaded tho Utah statute which justllles tho act of a husband who kills his wife's seducer. COLONEL COLSON INDICTED Grnnd Jury nt Frankfort Declares II I in Guilty of Murder. The grand jury at Frankfort, Ky., indicted ex-Congressman David (J. Colson, who was colonel of tho Fourth Kentucky regiment, for murder on two counts. The first charge is the wilful murder of Lieut. Ethclbert Scott, ono of tho principals in last Tuesday's triple tragedy and tho other with the murder of Luther W. De marec, one of tho bystanders who was killed. Tho grand jury was granted a further extension of time nnd is to bo heard as to the killing of Charles Julian, tho other bystander. GENERAL MERCIER BEATEN Falls In Election a l'resldout of Ecolo Folytechnlcjue. General Mercler received an unex pected rebuff nt Paris when tho old students of tho Ecolc polytcchnique, which furnishes a majority of trie ar tillery und engineer olllccrs to' tho army, met In tho school theatre to dlcct a president. Amid great excitement tho ballot was taken, tho result showing only 200 votes for General Mcrcier against 1,000 for his adversary. Uproar and a free flglifc followed. Favors the Metrlo System. Secretary Gago was before tho house committee on coinage, weights and measures recently, nnd spoko in favor of tho adoption of the metric! system. Mr. Gago also pointed out that nt pres ent tho demand for fractional coin was so urgent that tho issue ran consider ably beyond tho 850,000,000 authorized by law, and ho recommended that this legal restriction be repealed, leaving tho treasury to determine tho propor tion of fractional coin necessary. Tried to Hung Ills Hlval. Because he loved Bartholomac Pletas wifo John Stnczch, a farmer, near Chicago, tried to hang tho man who stood in his way at Pletas' home, near Rose Hill cemetery. Ho would havo succeeded had not his victim fonirht so Ifor his life that ho escaped from, tho house, witli tho nooso about Ills neck nnd the rope dangling him and ho fell unconscious in a ditch. Pletas is in a critical condition . , a t x " THE NEWS IN BRIER Tho fifth amvual cycle show is being hold in "Now York. Earthquaku shocks wero experienced in tho City of Mexico, FoufSlclllans wero burned to death- in a lire at Now Orleans. . Railroad workmen aro -trying to form a now brotherhood. The birthday "anniversary of King Oscar was celebrated at, Stockholm. , Joe vFalrburn and Marty McCuo fought a twenty-round draw at Now. York. Knights and Ladies of Fireside, a fraternal order in Kansas, has as signed. Lewis J. Monroe, a member of Paul Glim ore's dramatic company, died at Wichita, Kan., on a result of lockjaw. Ex-Congressman Honrichson will bo general traveling agent of tho national democratic ways and means committee. Filipino insurgents ambushed an American pack train, killing two, wounding four and making nino pris oners. ' , Costa Rica and Nicaragua are will ing to lease territory to tho United States for two hundred years to build the canal. . TOG ISLAND CAMPAIGN Borne Extracts from tho Eoport of General otis. PART THE NEBRASKANS PLAYED Datnll of Cot. Htotitnlurp to the 'l'timp In Station nnd the FlRht that Boon r olio ed Good limlRht Into' the Work that Our Troops Done. The report of Gcnernl Otis, detailing tho administration of military and" civil affairs In. tho Philippines up to August 31, 'ot Inst year, has been printed In pamphlet form by the gov ernment of the Island campaign. Tho' full details of tho Irritating conduct of tho InsurgcntB Is given nnd tho corre spondence with Agulnnldo had prior to tho outbreak of hostilities la printed In full In tho report. That part of tho report which refers to the Nebraska regiment Is cf spec ial Interest. Tho first mention of tho regiment Is made in tho copy of tho general order of October 14, which des ignates tho Nobraakans as part of tho guard and police force, to bo Ra tioned with tho Second division north of tho Paslg river. The next mention la on tho loth of December, whore ho notes that one-third of tho Nebraska regiment had Just sailed for home. The commanding general hero says that tho applications for discharge had becomo oo numerous that ho forwnrdod to tho adjutant genoral of the army tho fol lowing communication. "1 havo tho honor to forward here with 427 applications from enlisted men of this command lor tholr uis charge from tho service, somo on spec ially stated grounds which require con sideration, but for mo most pnrt on tuo plea that war department orders en tltlo them to It. They refer to para graph 2, general orders No. 40, current series, and think t.iat tho present ces sation of active hostilities between the United Stntes and Spain Is tho 'close of the war' within tho meaning of that paragraph; henco theso numerous In dividual applications which they con sider tho paragraph Invited them to make. "Doubtless tho end of tho wnr awaltB the proclamation of pearo, nnd In these Islands that day may bo some what deferred. '"ine number of theso applications Indicates the desire of tho enlisted men of tho command to escnpe the coun try, nnd shows .iow difficult it la to hold thorn In conditions of contsntel discipline. Much of this deslro to es cape their military obligations nt n time wnen their services aro especially demanded arises from homesickness, nnd that fact accounts largely for tho heavy percentum of sickness with which we havo been afflicted. "Under present exigencies I am obliged to disapprovo all of theso ap plications." STATION OF THE NEBRASKANS. Passing over me accounts of tho events leading up to tho commence ment tho next mention of the Nebras ka regiment Is found on page 92 of tho report, relating to February 4 as fol lows: "Several weeks previous to this dato wo nad moved i.io Nebraska regiment from Its barracks in tho tnlcn.iy set tled Blnondo district to the high, un occupied ground nt Santa Mesa, tho most eastern suberb of tho city, whero It was plnced in camp. This change waa made for sanitary reasons solely, as tho regiment had been Buffering from a very high rate of sickness, caused by unhealthy locality. The now location was within tno view nnd tuo range of tho Mauser rifles of the in surgents along tho San .lunn river por tion of their Hue. During the latter part of January I was Informed by good Filipino authorltyithnt tho Insur gents meditated nn attacn on theso troops nnd was advised to romovo them or, In their exposed place, tho insurgents would kill them nil. Uen ral WacArtnur, who commanded north if the Passlg, warned Colonol Stotsen mm. who commnned that regiment nd camp, and placed two guns of the. Jtnh artlllory In position a short dis tance removed therefrom. It was ex pected that insurgents would'mako the Initiative at tnls point anu they acted strictly In accordnnco wlh our antic ipations." STOTSENBURG '10 COMMAND. After describing tho beginning of the light the report continues: "Our immediate Interests lay to thr northeast und comprised thopumplng station and deposlto of tho water works' which lt"was necessary to so cure, although wo had 'provided for .thelr loss, Insofar as tho army was concerned, Dy orccting a number of distilling plants along the river banks, bj?whtrh-good water could bVobtalned. Stbtsenburg had attacked early In. the morning,1 'drove the cnpmy from tho bltjcJUiqu in tl3 front', and reported that he could capture tho powder mag zlno'and waterworks (deposlto imean lng, though pumping station under stood at the time) if desired. MacAr thur had been nresslnc back tho enemv 'in his onllro front; Inflicting' heavy loss.. He had cayeu for troops to flu a' gap onStotsenburg'sJeft, jvnd a bat talion of tho FlrstTenriossee regiment (of.tho provoHt, guard,', under tho.cora jimuu ui iiB i-uiuiici, wan buhl mm, aim' the fallowing correspondence' by tele graph ensued; iVQcnernl MacArthur; Stotsenburg reports: Havo captured blockhouses ' G and 7: burned' 6. Can' canturo now- dor magazine and waterworks it de sired. Sattallon First Tennessee has passed to report to you. Let Stotsen burg go ahead with 'aid of Tennessee, if conditions permit, and capture mag atlne. Waterworks must wait. Not prudent to advance small force bo far out OTIS." "General Otis: Am making Inquir ies at various parts of lino to deter mine oxpodloncy of moving Stotsen burg as you suggest, so ob to extend entire lino Maraqulna to Caloocan. Btotsonburg's success on right may havo Induced them to retire on the loft This I am now trying to ascer tain. Do you approve of this move ment It I find It oxpedlent? "MACARTHUR." "Genoral MacArthur: Do you think extension of our lino from Maraqlna to Caloocan prudent? Our flank would be greatly exposed at Marnquina. You haa nil your avntlablo troops under arms all night and portion of them must havo rest and sleep, so that you could not placo more than 3,000 mon on lino permanently. I think Stotsenburg meant reservoir, not waterworks. "OTIS." "Tho Nebraska regiment and Ten nessee battalion advanced rapidly dur ing tho morning 'and captured the powder house and t deposlto, and the South Dakota regiment on tho left droVc the enemy from all their in trenchments as far to the westward as the Ltco road, and about noon the following telegram waa sent to Gen eral .MacArthur: 'Reported that Insurgent troops were arriving all night and this morn ing for Bcrvlco In your front Think lino you suggest from coast to Chinese hospital your proper one, not permit ting Stotsenburg to exposo your right flank unnecessarily. OTIS." "Tho Insurgents hnd firm possession of tho railway and all of its rolling stock, nnd were utilizing it to the best ndvantngo In forwarding to Caloocan Its troops from tho north. To my dis patch General MacArthur replied as follows: "Hnve your dispatch. Will act ac cordingly nnd try nnd occupy Chlneso hospital and extend .the line to the left from thnt point. We have every thing now to Include blockhouso 4, and I havo no doubt when Colonel KesBler gets a gun, which I havo sent to tho front, wo will demolish and occupy tho hospital if it Is still de fended by the insurgents. At 11:20 a. m. Stotsenburg Is crossing San Juan river at the bridge; hnvo authorized him to proceed according to your ad vice, as tho left of tho insurgent line still holding on, or at all events not yet occupied by us. . "MACARTHUR." TELEGRAM FROM STOTSENBURG. At noon on February C Stotsenburg telegraphed from the water reservoir tho following: "General MacArthur instructs mo to wire suggestions about waterworks. They should bo taken nnd a lino of plpo occupied nnd guarded. I think I can do It from here nnd If necessary run tho pumps, occupying tho high ground In rear and connecting with tho loft of tho First division nt San Fedro Macntl. My command consists of tho l-irst Nebraska, Tennessee bat talion, tho two ' companies of tho Colorado regiment nnd four pieces of artillery. There Is no engineer at tho waterworks, and no coal. I do not think we shall find any difficulty be tween here and there. "STOTSENBURG." "Stotsenhurg's commnnd wns aug mented by n battalion of the Twenty third Infantry from tho provost gnard, under command of Major Goodalc, and I was directed to proceed and carry out his plan. Later that evening I sent for General Halo, who com manded the right brigade jot MncAr thur's line, informing mm "that I had just received information that a part of Stotsenhurg's command was In dif ficulty, having been attacked by In surgents, and that it was short of am-' munition and without water. Hnlo at once proceeded to the deposlto nnd wired mo t.iat Stotensburg upon leav ing tho waterworKs had ordered Good alc to take his battalion out tho Mara qulna road, extonding his right to con nect with his (Stotsenhurg's) left, and continued: "Although I had not contemplated sending my troops to Maraqulna, I did not consider It deslrablo to chango oruors and leavo Stotsenhurg's left flank without tho protection ho was anticipating, and as there was llttlo rcsistnnco mot througn xho district traveled, and as wo heard no firing on our left, thore appeared to bo no spe cial danger In Goodalo's position. Wo threw some shells Mn tho direction of tho npadqunrters at Marnquina to chow thorn that they were covered by artillery fire and to deter them from nny nttacK they might make on Goodalo's commnnd. H21L.&" "General Hnle ascertained that tho reportR which I nnd received wero greatly exaggerated and that no por tion of Stotsenhurg's command wns In any immediate dangor. Ho at onco adopted measures to keep open com munication with tho pumping station, which Stotsenburg had successfully reached by means of largo detach ments whicu patrolled the four miles of lond between uopoBlto nnd tho sta tion, nnd tho following morning I re ceived this telegram frcm uenoral MacArthur: "Stotsenburg Just reports that -.he hns found the 'missing pump machin ery, tnnt Insurgents havo abandoned Maraqulna, and that ten, companies went tofard Pnsig. This command has been actively cnga-ed slnco Fri day nnd wants to rest today nnd to morrow. I havo authorized him-to do bo nnn not to mnKe nny rurmor nctivo movement of nny klnti without specific ordors. ,, MAUAitTi-u. 'In tho closing nccount of tho early dnvs of tho Btrutrido. General Otis tnlln how tho iscbrnskana had fdiind the missing machlnory of the waterworks, and how stops wore nt onco taken to jiut tho machinery in order, so "thnt in a couple of davs tho city was again plentifully Hupplled with wnter. Uleirl Tit Uxnva llimln.. '" aMlajn j HASTINGS. Neb.. Jan. 23. Hastings !ls now, experiencing Us first mad dog scaro for aoveral years. From indica tions nbout half tho dogs on tho south Jalde of the city will have to be killed. A -dog' owned by. John Budnock went road and, after biting nearly evory dog In the neighborhood lt ran after and bit a Russian woman in tho foot As Boon as tho police wero notified of the affair several started in pursuit of the dog, but not until next morning wns It found and killed. High Trice for Farm Land. FREMONT, Neb., Jan. 23. An olgh-ty-acre farm situated in tho Platto bot toms about ten miles from this city wns sold at sheriffs salo for the lar gest prlco over paid for farm property 1 nthls county. It brought ?78 nn acre. Thore was considerable rivalry be tween two farmers owning land ad joining this, which Is largoly tho rea Bon for the high price. The land Is fenced, but has no buildings on It DEATH IN FLAMES Mrs, C E, Joyce is Fatally Burned THE HOUSE REDUCED TO Alf ASH PEE Woman' Clothing Catches Afire Bat are Snbdnedjky Hmband So ppdljr inraedhat Death ReitilU ; Later. C. E. Joyce's house, onc-lialf mile west of Weeping Water, was burned to the grdund with nearly alL, tho conr tcnls. It is not known how tho tire' stiirtcd. Mrs. Joico was in the house alone at tho time and Mr. Joyce was in tho barn about two hundred feet away. 116 heard Mrs. Joyce scream and ran out of the barn. Sho was run ning townrd the barn; her clothing all on lire. Ho met her, put out the Ore in her clothing, but by thnt timo it was impossible to tnvc the house. Neighbors soon gathered and by their assistance most of tho furniture was. saved. Mrs. Joyce was so badly burned that, in hpito of all that could be done by tho thrco doctors in attend ance, sho died. Mrs., Joyce was a daughter of James Cllbbcc, deceased, and was born and raised in tho vicinity in which sho lived, and wkb nbout thirty-three years, old. She leaves a husband, one son, her mother, ono brother and thrco sis ters, who feel their aflliction as doubly severe from tho circumstances attend ing it. The loss of property is about 81,000 with $500 insurance. DANGLE FROM A LIMB. K-iat Mob Makes bhort Work of Two Murderer. George Silbec nnd Ed. Mcekn, half brothers, who were convicted at Fort Scott, Kan., of murder, early in the week, wero lynched by a mob in the jail yard Saturday night. At a lato hour their bodies were dan gling from two trees in the yard, the authorities having been so completely surprised that no effort had been made to remove the ghastly evidences of the mob's work. The two men, who hailed from Kan sas City, had been convicted of mur dering a young German farmer named Leopold Edllngcr. They disposed of Edlinger's live stock in Bates county. Amos Philips, an accomplice of tho two brothers, was convicted of murder in tho flrbt degree Saturday. He turned state's evidence and said that tho three belonged to a regular band of thieves', Saturday night the brothers knocked Jown the turnkey, whMlipi"?n,0 thnt the cell-door hinges had been sawed' nearly off, preparatory to making an escape, and homo citiens decided It was tho right timo to dispose of a bad lot, and it wns douo so quickly nnd so quietly that but few realized what was up until tho work was accomplished. DENIES DESERTION, Orlle Mull Suy Ho Did Not Intend to Desert Ills Vllte. Orlio Mull, who was arrsstcd at Con cordia, Kan., was arraigued in tho county court at Hastings on the charge of statutory rape nnd perjury and was placed uuder, 8.2,000 bond pending a preliminary examination. Mull se cured a license and was married at Hastings on Dcccmbcr20 last to fifteen-year-old Sena Soucl of Franklin coun ty, from whom ho separated the fol lowing day. Mull claims that ho had no intention of deserting the girl, but had rented a house and was expecting her to join him at Concordia when ar rested. Tho day they parted tho girl went to York, where she was attending Bchool. Her father, after learning of tho marriage, came to Hastiuga and caused Mull's arrest. l'acnKtr Injured In Collision. Four of York otmnty's prominent, well to do farmers and stockmen nar rowly escaped being killed nt Thayer while riding in a caboose on an Elk- horn freight. The train was backed up on a side track and was going at a rate of fifteen miles an hour, colliding With two loa'ded freight cars, throwing passengers, seat htoves, lamps nnd desks in all directions. William Otto of Charleston was thrown on his head and was unconscious. 41. B. Test of York received injuries In the neck nnd rib. f Mr. Obricn escaped any serious injury. The Elkhorn officials dis- charged the entire train' crew. , Tragedy In South Dakota. A report hs just Yeachcd Chamber lain, S. D., from, Gregory county that a county rannofyromineWoVlledat the home of County:&'B5piaouer Nelson. Tho two men bcengaged In a bit ter controvcr&rjHfs74d to have reMiUe,lJ?eTtf)(irme.vibItor, after which ho 4K" suicide. Further details nre'iSvaitWuV Btove l'laU llurned. w The plant of the Buquesde, Manufac turing company of Pittsburg, Pa., makers of stoves and gnu appliances, was completely destroyed by fire. Loss fully 875,000. Ilarn Ilurna atNelion. The largo barn of Mr. Vare, living threo miles north of Nelson, was con sumed by lire, together with six head of horses and four cows and a large quantity of grain, hay and harness. Tho origin of tho Are is not known. Charged With llurglarr. Sheriff nicox has placed Thed Shol ton nnd Stephen Long of Wilcox under arrest on tho charge of stealing about fifty dollars from tho meat market of I red Fritz on tho evening of the 10th. A detective has been on the trail of the alleged robbers for sejeral dayj. J v .yfS,S ml l ftl iWjfMr JPT'