The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 26, 1900, Image 5

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!l'llifi Kill!) UJLUUb Uinjd', JJ'illOAx, ,Jjvh. fco, lwlw,
W. I 111
e. t Mp sssssssssn"-.
5 "Sw& - SavC :
J when not brought about through
J violence li a prenounced symp- w
ft torn, shoving need of glasses.
5 Bright.flashinR, firo-liko stars
JJ and spots, that occasionally float
m before the vision, mkak some
5 thing; mean thero is some con- JjJ
JJJ stant, wearing, insidious dhain u
ft on tho surplus nervo force of tho
J physical system. J
e tb
J Nino times out of ten, this ta
ut drain comos through defcctivo
5 eves. If you "sco stars" do you Jjj
not see also that the sonsiblo
t course is to asoertain tho cause? It
5 We can toll you if tho trouble bo Jj
5 in your eyes. Consultation frco.
5 Ke.vois& Tiros., s
Clarenco Kizer was in Superior this
Walt Roby left Thursday night for
Tho Chief and Chicago Inter Ocoan
ono year for $1.25.
Robes, robos, robes. All kinds of
robes at J. O. Butler's.
Largest lino of heaters in the valloy
at Wright's hardware storo.
Thomas Anld returned Thursday
evening from atrip to Lincoln.
H. W. Ross, formerly of this city
now of Campbell, was hero this week,
Walter Roby sells the Singer sewing
luachino. Prices right. Get tho host.
Isaao Hummel of Sylvan Grove, Kan
sas, arrived in tho city Thursday morn
ing. Arthur McKco 1ms been at Nelson
this week ns u witness beforo the dis
trict court.
A good gill WH'itfd in section house
nt Kneiic,, C-i'fi Ftee :',inwpoit:uim
Alr ,t Ui t-
hlvi UukIi Bel, r, who has hi on un
dergoing nirtflici: trtttnue ' Lincoln
lms returned home, i
Do you want 'u ho'iting stove? If
you do go to Wrltfh He has it Inriro
line utlho lowest prices. '
Fur robos, gout robes, dog robes,
buffalo robes, mid in fact nil kinds of
robes, nt J. O. Butler's.
Miss Nellie Kaloy hns returned from
GuidoRock on account of tho schools
being closed by the smallpox scaro.
Mrs. Richard Gray, who has boon
visiting friends and relatires hero, has
returned to her heme at Norton, Kan
sas. Jack Pegg returned last Friday from
Allianco where ho has been working
on tho new extension of tho B. & M.
W. P. Kenady has our thanks for a
couple of cart whools which came in
just in time to koop our hard coal stove
from going ont.
If you are thinking of nuttine a tele
phone in your homo or placoof busi
ness, do not delay your order too long.
Bat a few nnmbora remain vacant on
the switchboard.
Mrs. Mary' Sebultz, mother of Chaa.
Schulta, of this city, and John Bchultx,
of Glide lock, was brought before the
insane bard en Wednesday and was
adjudged to be insane. She was com
ttitted to the car i her mi at Guide
Star Bakery,
J. O. WILES, Prop.
gJay Olncy wns in Superior this week.
Supplies for gus lamps at City Bakery.
Horace Spanoglo was in Supciior
Heaters in oudloss variety a W. W.
Ernest Jones, of Guide Rock, was
here Monday.1
Miss Mario Moranvillewas in Guido
Rock this week.
Anthony Green, formerly of this
place, was here this wcok.
W. R. Parker aud T. E. Penman
made a trip cast Wednesday.
C. II. Potter and wifo returned from
a trip to Lincoln Thursday night.
Our phono number is now 72. C.iil
us up when you need Job printing.
Mrs. A. J. Hayes of Guido Rock vis-
itcd friends in tho city last Saturday.
Miss Carrio Udell of Illinois, is hero
visiting with tho family of W. B. Roby.
Will Wolf is having his rosidonco in
tho south part of tho city neatly paint
Bon Ludlow has roturncd from a
trip to Hastings whoro ho want on bus
iness. J. H. Weggman was looking after
business matters in Bluo Hill tho latter
end of the week.
Deputy Rovonue Collector Stewart
was looking after tho business of that
ofllco horo Thursday.
Carson Hlldreth of Blooniinaton was
looking after business matters here
tho first of tho week.
Herb Couoyor left Monday morning
for McCook whoro he will enter the
employ of tho B. & M. railroad.
Austin E. Ayors, of Nelson, and Miss
Jennie M. Moorcs, of Holdrego, woro
granted a license to wod on the 18th.
Mrs. Oscar Yargcr, afUr a visit hore,
ha returned to her home in South Da
kota, accomponied by her sister Lulu,
John Corbett, after a several week's
visit with friends and rolatives at Ar
thur, Illinois, returned homo Wednes
day night.
C. E. Woscott of tho firm of Wescott
& Galushu, who has been hore for tho
past week has returned to his homo at
A liconso to wed was issued to jesse
K. Corwiu, of Guido Rock, and Miss
Uurtlia M. Davis, of Mt, Clare, ou thu
18th of January.
Wm. Enguls was a pleasant caller at
thuie headquarters this week and or
dered the Ciiikf sent to bis address
hi iiU'itU r j( .w.
Heniy Duidericli lus it ('iuioiiy
t-agd nt It i h shoe store iu thu iiaturn of
a 'possum, which was captured in Jo.
Hen bin gel's baki-ty
Mis hul.i1 Ovpiuig ntiiMiBil Wed
ilea iu) u.nrniiig fioni ttie western pail
ol the statu ulluro slid lms been mi
gaged in teaching school.
Fidelity and accident insurance writ
ten in tho Employers' Liability Assur
ance Corporation, Limited, London,
Eng. R. D. BicuroBD, Agt.
Wm. H. Bachman, of Adams county,
and Miss Mary Boettcher, of Nuckolls
county, wore granted a license to wed
by Jukgo Duffy, on January 24.
Colts for sals I have a large pair
of bay tnaro colts, weight about eight
hundred pounds each, nineteen months
old, for sale. E.L. Fawcett, Cowles,
The restaurant of Louis Munger, at
Riverton, was discovered to be on tiro
last Sunday ovoning about 10 o'clock,
but tho tire was extinguished with but
little damage to tho building or stock.
A very ploasant social dance was
given at the residence of Jos. Polnicky,
northwest of. this city, last Saturday
evening. A number of this city went
ont, and all 'report a very enjoyablo
Hngh Miner Jr., will be in Chicago
aeon to buy spring goods for the Big
Store. Special orders solicited, ana
satisfaction c aaraateed . If yon waat
aaytkiag la dry goods or furaitare aot
found la this market oosae and see vs.
Minna Hbos.
B. B. Ward, the mole buyer who was
seriously injured by having bis leg
broken several weeks ago here, and
wb went to his home at Kansas City,
has returned. He is compelled to walk
on crutches but is baying the long
cared animals as usuaL
Blankets, blankets, blankets. Have
you eeea my large stock of blankets
Square blanket, cutaway blanket,
wool blankets, B-A blankets, Burling
ton stay blankets, bias girth blankets,
Storm King blankets and in fact all
kinds of blankets at low prices at J. O.
J. W. Johnsen, deputy head consul
of the Modorn Woodmen who arrived
in tho city last week for the purposo of
agisting the lodgo horo in securing
now mombors, has been doing some
good work. In ono week's time ha has
succeeded in getting soventcon now
members and roports several more in
Joe lilair was In Huldrego this week.
Will Ward visited at Superior Sun
day. R.L. Tinker of McCook was hero
Fresh milk cow for sale. 11. L. Luce,
Inavalc, Nobraska.
Ed Story has takeu a position at tho
B & M. eating house.
Got Wright's pricoH and soo his lluo
before you get a heater.
Gravonor Stanser has our thanks for
an advance on subscription.
C. T. Uazelton loft the first of the
week for a visit at Kansas City.
Mr. Hughos, of the B. & M. eating
house, was in Hastings this woek.
Mrs. Cadman of Bloomingten was
visiting rolatives and friends here Sun
day. R. D. Bedford was looking after bus
in ess mattors in Omaha tho first of tho
Mrs. E. Rife loft Tuesday for a visit
with relatives and friends in the east
ern part of the stato.
L. E. Tait, of tho Argus, attended
thcmoetlng of the Nobraaka Editorial
Association at Lincoln this week.
Is your namo written thero? Whoro?
On our subscription books for tho last
year in the 10th century. It should bo.
A. W. Upp of Sherwood invaded our
wigwam this wcok and ordered tho big
Injun sent to his address for nnother
Mrs. L. W. Brewer of Drcsdon, Kan-
sas, arrived in the city on Wednesday
morning on n visit to H. W. Brower
and wife.
Don't forget that tho Cinir has
moved to the basement under the F, &
M. bank and is ready to do Job print
ing of all kinds.
David B. Slunkard and Miss Minnie
Tompkins, both of Guido Rock, woro
granted a license to wed by tho county
judge on the 18th.
Prickly Ash Bitters cures the kid
nays, regulates tho liver and purifies
tho bowels. A valuable system tonic,
gold by C. L. Cotttng.
Tho peoplo soem to bavo come to the
conclusion that ppring is horo and have
accordingly commenced tho work of
cleaning up their property.
This city seems at present to bo en
joying nnother famine in rontablo
houses. Several parties mo Inquiring
(or houses, but nono ato to bo had.
M i' n , mi W 'I' -tti-t , .Iriiu!; j,
l'ji 0, Mi J ,iu M (ir ix, "f Ui'i'uliiu
t-t lint, Kansas, and Mim Ida M Fni
zir,it Smith county, Kansas, Judge
Duffy ofhVintiHg.
As noun h tlio tveither become
(lnliiugiii,V Mettled as u ill nirtiii e no ID
teiiupttou, tho "loukeii" will be lorn
down and tho consti notion of n brick
commenced on hi, situ.
J. S. Parkos, a former old residont of
this city, now living at Stotts City,
Missoori, will keep posted on tho do
ings at this place for the coming year
by reading the Great Family Weekly.
On Thursdays, February 6th and
20th, March Gth a'nd20tb, tho Burling
ton toute will sell round trip excursion
tickets to Hot Springs and Custer, S.
D., at the rate of one standard faro
plus 13 for continuous passage' with a
return limit of thirty days from date
of salo. A. Conovkr, Agent.
Tho farmers as a general rulo are
pleased with this kind Of weather, but
just wait until wo got our regular
February freeze-up and you will see
snmo long faces. Tho winter wheat is
getting a good start, and a good heavy
freezo will do an unlimited amount of
J What Des It Coat te Feel
4 ulamUnal wlr KUl4 I
At S14.M pt If Maitrael.
The are
wii tt of "leltwilwiil Mask
rtMtag Mm,U ! thirds ef
4 par . dhly CeeHieeaartj
Fm4" for I
one poaad
J Par im to m 8fcrt4, tka atarott raal U
li on third af ona pound per month. Omty
1 aaata f eoaU par Heath.
' Par serk. Flge. the average food la one
i flf lb of oae pound per -month , Oaly Ceota
J j oeata par aaaetfe.
j Ta nee aaa feed par day for taeHaa aawe
t oaJy aaata 7 aeerta par MiaeE. "
It ti aot onlr bjrfeiUackeapeet togie,
bat It Is eotd udet tka etreanet prlatad re
UftbletaaMataeefaay elaiiUr praparattea
in tka world. Oar caaraalae la aa good aa
geld. '
On aecanat af eeaell ilaad feed It la sack
J cheeper for eteekaien to nee at SM.OB per
hundred pounds than aaany other kinds
3 would i be at S7,90 per hot dred. Do aot be
deoelred by large packet et satell prlea.
IDtrMnjinHi"! T7iiiiHa ioa
to gtre results. Always compere number of
feeds to the pound as well m the price per
1 arowlnitoTcmnperier rentable medi
cation we obtain better reiulti br uttna a
S small sized feed than other preparations
S can show with a large slsed feed.
S lam now selling 100 poands for
4 112.00, but it will undoubtedly be
3' iiiguor wuen tuo next sinpmont ar
The Druggist
The Ladles Episcopal Guild gavo a
musicale Tuesday ovoning, January
23, nt thu homo of Mrs. VanCnmp (B.
& M. Eating House.) An ndmlsslon
fee of ten cents was charged at the
door. Refreshments woro served dur
ing tho evening consisting of ices and
cake, cocoa ntid wafers. Tho program
was well rendered and enjoyed by all.
All report a good tlruo.
List of lettersromainlng uncalled for
at tho postoffice at fX Cloud, Nob
raska, for tho week ending Jan. 2Slh,
Rudie Adams, E. Brown,
Wm. Cartor, J. H. Davis,
John Lewis, Nettio Mitchell,
S. A, McClanahan, James Paul.
Those lotters will bo sont to the dead
letter oftlcol Feb. 8th, if not called for
before. When calling for above ploaso
say advertised. T. C. Hacker, P. M.
Last Friday evening, whilo going to
a social gathering at tho residence, of
Thomas Kralik west of town, J. C.
Myers mot with nn accident which
will probably keep him in tho house,
for some time. Himself and wifo and
Miss Bertha Talbot wero in tho buggy,
and while goln up tho hill near the
Barber place the king-bolt broko,
allowing the buggy to como apart, and
Mr. Myers, who was driving, was
thrown out and suffered a dislocated
shouldor. Tho ladies escaped with a
few bruises und scratches.
Wo notice several peoplo havo cut
down their cottonwool! shade trees
this winter nnd mado firewood of
thorn. From our own observation this
is a good move, if they will only got
some morn suitable kind of shade trees
and' replant whoro tho "pioneer of tho
plains" onco stood, Cottonwonds may
bo all right for shado whon you cannot
get anything else, but they make life a
burden to tho average person when
the cotton oommences to flj, and espe
cially to the honsekeopor Just after the
spring houso-oleaning is done. Cut
them all out and plant maples in their
places. Get ono step nearer to civil
ization. Wo would like to securo a good cor
respondent at Cowles and one at Roso
mont. Also at any other locality in
tho county from which wo aro at pres
ont not roceiving any regular news
notes each week. If you know of any
happenings in your locality, writo
them up and send them in. That is
what we want. That is what makes a
nowspapor. If you want to act as cor
respondent from your locality, let us
know nnd wo will furnish tho neeec
saries. There is only ono restriction
on correspondents, iinn tuni is, mm 1
get petfloiitt and ronnt your iieighhorx
That in- , kmut ei emu'!.
1. A l!n.- iitf, tvho li'n 'lev 'utm
of tin- I''lH ehllich heje ful some
three jmk, Ums been appointed jtnt
pvunffliit tiy tho tate board, and ban
aliviidy cumiiit'iiefd liH labnn nnd is
at pi i'-n hi eiiRiiRed it. rj-inhu'iinK a
veil Muenvi-fnl in cling nt
D.tiiil 9ity. Whilo wo nio swny to
Iomo Mr. und Mrs. Hiissnug from our
midst, wo wish him success in his new
field of labor. As 1111 earnest christ
ian worker ho has greatly oudeitrcd
himself to tho peoplo of this commun
ity, and especially to the peoplo of tho
Christian church, and regrets of his
departuro aro many.
Tho Oliver Hedge team and busrgy
which was stolon on the night of Jan
uary 9tb, together with the party who,
until he proves otherwise, is the thief
were brought in by the shoriff yester
day. They wero located at Sylvan
Grovo, Kansas, by parties thero and
tho authorities hero wero notified.
Shoriff Wells and Hedgo went down
andfounditho property. Stories are
so conflicting in regard to tho matter
that u truo story of tho facts in tho
case cannot be ascertained until tho
preliminary which has been set for
next Wednesday at ono o'clock. The
man who gives his name as Oscar Wal
ler is said to kave been here on the
evening the team was stoten.
The Christian ckuroa aaa done a
great worn, this winter. Iafactdariog
the lesUhrea -years the werk baa lane
vrered war the leadership at u. A
Heseeag. Others.aave reeegnlaed kis
ability te do a goed work fer the
church, aad we we,re not surprised t
learaefk-ls recognition lest week. At
the meeting af the state board of the
Christian churches on January 15,
1000, L. A. Bussong and Mrs. Lena A.
Hussong, O. O. Atwood and Mrs. Alice
1 Atwood were appolated as. state evan
gcllsta. They are aow la naetlage at
David City aad Summit. Red Cloud
will be. their headquarters.
Tka case of the State vs. Jeff and
George Beauckamp, for barglarising
tbe barn of Wm. Aubnshoa about a
vear aco. was called before Justice
West yesterday. The -trial attracted
more than ordinary attention, nnd it
was found necessary to hear the case
in the court house, as the office rooms
of Judge West would not accommo
date tho crowd whloh wanted to hoar
the proceedings. From appearances,
everybody in tho township In which
tho defendants lived was present, nnd
standing room was at a premium. Tho
county attornoy dismissed tho cnoo as to
Jeff Beauchamp, for want of evidence,
and Goorgo was bjucd over to the dis
trict court in tho sum of 9500, which
was given.
From the present date to
February 10th, we will send
The Red,Olotjd Chief
and the
Chicago Weekly I
both one year for :
This is a striotly cash offer
and your back subscription
to The Chief must be paid
up to take advantage of it.
5 r - UHIillUKc -
f lltvcl'tt t fn-v pitiv-t of furniture ooiWtMg if
Bed Rioni Suites. Dressers, Commodes,
vS' Rocking Chairs, Dining Chairs,
fff Iron Beds, Mattresses, Sofas, lite.
which must bo closed out nt ouoo and everything will go at cost.
Anyone needing or iutondit.g in tho uuar future to purchase.
anything tho furniture lino should call and boo what
I bavo left before making any purchanes.
Can save you 40 per cent on Furniture,
Also Several nice Wall Papor patterns at cost.
F. V. Taylor, The Furniture Man.
A good assortment of
Silk and Cotton Mufflers,
Ladies' and Gents Silk Handkerchiefs,
Laces and Embroideries,
Misses and Clildren's Hoods.
Many pieeewef
Woolen - Xr3MsB - GoodB t
All bought before tka advaaoe and will be sold below test. 'Come ard
get get geaulae bargaiaa 1st dry Goads.
' . . . ..." 1 "
Mrs. Newhouse, Red Cloud, Neb;
Job m Printing
of all kinds neatly and promptly
executed. Estimates and bids
given on anything you may
want in .the lime of Job Work.
We do nothing but first class
work and use nothing but first
class materiai to do it with.
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