The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 26, 1900, Image 1

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VOLUME xxvm.
p Combining many lines of merchandise under the
afitt same roof and management, our extra facilities for
SS handling merchandise in large quantities, our experi-
W cncedbupers, BUYING and SELLING for CASH,
5r and our large and ever increasing business, enables
S$ us to sell merchandise on a smaller margin than mer-
& cnants running single lines and doing credit business.
Ml We sell you high quality goods at prices asked by
jS competitors for inferior grades. We guarantee sat-
a,T.! isfaction or money refunded.
Dress Goods.
On our cantor table wo havo placed a numbur of
4 pieces of dross goods wliioli havo sold regularly for 15a
to tJOo, Wo nro closing these goods out at special
prices in order to iiiuku room for new goods.
Regular 15c goods at gc. -
Regular 20c goods at 12AC. f
Regular 25c goods at
Regular 30c goods at
A lame dlsiilavof
Serges, Cuslimores, Imported Novelties, Cropons aud
Broadcloths , .
Hoaulify the lionu'. (Jut one of our carpets. Wo
carry the largest stock of carpots in the Republican
valley. All carpets can be nindo day of sale. Wo
guarantee lit as per measurements given us.
' Cotton Iugralns at 25c, former price 40c.
Union Ingrains at 33c, former mice 00c.
, .. Cotton Warp, wool tilling at 50c.
; Two pattorns all wool carpet at 42e.
lV!.iv Extra Super all wool at 70.O. ?'--
,-(r : Special ValllcHtn Bitisacls and ;loquottos,
t Our largo sbow room full of goods, purcbased bo-
foro tho raise in price. Furniture piirebasod in carload
lots direct from tbo factory. BOUGH! AND SOLD
Iron Beds.
Bodroom Suites
Dining Tables
Dining Chairs
Rocking Obairs
Wood Beds
! Kitchen Chairs
Novelties in Shelves, Wall-pocket Mirrors, otc.
Window Shades.
The best values in all cloth shades, with and with
out fringo, complete with spring rollers, ten colors at
30o to 00c.
We have open stock patterns that we have sold
very low on. Wo havo decided to close them out and
replaco with new patterns. In face of tho advanco in
this lino, tho following numbers are exceptional values.
Brown Print Pattern, 100 piece sot, regular prico
99.00, spoeial prico $6.00.
Blueprint pattern, English ware, 100-picco set,
regular prico $10.00, special price $7.00.
American Filled-in and Hold Traced patterns,, 100-..
piece nets, regular price $1U 50, special price S'J.&O.
Special values in 0 and 10-pieeo toilot sots, glass
ware, and 100-picco Sronstono dinner set.
The most up-to-dnto grocery storo in town. Our trade in this
department has doubled during
lowest price our standard
14 bars Magnot soap
11 cars Santa Clans soap
4 cakes Toilot soap.
1 can Salmon ..
Corn or Gloss Starch.
Lemnu extract, 2 ozs .. ..
Vanilla extract, 2 ozs,
Mixed candy.,
Stick candy.., ,.
.. Bo
Good Bulk.'CofToV, guaranteed better than package coffee at lOo, 124.
Got a sample paokago of Winslow, Band & Watson's celebrated
coffees. The finest on the market.
. Special valuosJn Bottle Pickles, Chow Chow, Onions, Catsup,
oto. Wo recently kurchased a largo order of these goods at a special
prico. Guarantecdtho best. Wo place them on sale at 10c.
1 gallon pan nyMipoou.
Jllinep Bros.,
City Dray and
. b, ma ross. prop.
Goods Delivered to any pVt of the city.
I' Charges as low as the Lowest
, H.l'l k'llll'..l
lm - . .A .........
ll!- V TCI PPMnUC MO R- Wtro
lM - f 1 l ifimt m - i um liwi t
rmtmjumMuua.wntrKnmjmu4ijilivs.Kmtrin)t ma.n
"r ' ".tpWP'1- :--?-
22c. '
Black Dross Goods, Henriettas,
$3 20 to $18 00
:t 50 to
9 00
8 00 to
10 00 to
5 00 to
1 00 to
1 25 to
G 85 to
13 00
40 00
16 00
12 00
15 00
2 CO to
15 00
.OOo each.
the past yoar. Highest quality and
few of our regular prices; compare
Mixed nuts 10c
Extra Fancy Prunes, 3 lbs 25c
Boston Baked Beans 8)
Canned Pumpkin 8
OnocanJam 5o
Star tobacco, per pound 40n
5 oans Lvo for . ., .. 25o
lib can Baking Powdor, war
ranted, 30c
Hed Gldad, Heo. I
11ED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. JAN. 20, 1000,
Mrs. Livingstone is still improving,
but rather slowly.
Mrs. Picrson's No. 2 is reported to
havo gone visiting.
Mr. aud Mrs. Henry visited in Bluo
Hill last Sunday with hor sister.
There is a new houso boing built on
the William Tupper farm) also a barn
aud wind-mill.
Mr. McClarfu, tho Blue Hill livery
man, kas sold bis barn, horses and
buggies to Art Burgc.
Hev. Lockwood, tho pastor of tho
M. K. church, is holding revival serv
ices northwest of Bluo Hill.
Miss Buwlatids and Mrs. Walerbury
and children wero visiting in Bluo
Hill with Mr. aud Mrs. Waterbury.
It. E. Howlauls, Jr., was assisting
An Burgu haul hay from the farm to
his livtry barn Monday aud Tuesday.
Teachers' meeting in Bluu Hill next
Saturday. The bachelors feel quite
olalud to think the fair sex of this lo
cality will bo in atleudauce.
Mr. Meyers may be seen fixing up
the farm bought last spring from tho
White estate, aud some imagine that
ho is not going to "bach," either.
Uev. L. E. Horton, of Red Cloud,
was in Bluo Hill last Friday on his way
to tho Five Star school house, south
west of Bladen, whero ho intends to
hold a revival.
Mr. John Bostock is at present in
DIuorHin at. tliti-jfctidencoof Mr, Gimp
man, whero the doctor can treat him
more advantageously for tho hip dis
ease which has silllictod him for sev
eral years.
W. 11. Bombard, a convorted Jew,
preached in tho Christian church last
Suuday evening and lectured on tho
Jowish rites, ceremonies and pooplo
on Monday1 evening. Tho lecturo was
vory interesting and much could be
learned therefrom.
Thero was a general surprise at Mr.
Rowland's last Saturday on tho birth
day of Miss Jennie, when tho Welsh
neighbors took her by surprise and
spent a very delightful day. They
presented her with numerous hand
some presents, Mr. Evans gavo her a
vory handsomo bible. Tho others
gave various household articles. There
wore twenty-eight, besido tho fam
ily, in tho crowd.
Weather warm and windy.
Ed McCrillis was doing business iu
Line ouo day this weok. ,
Mrs. L. Aubushon was visiting her
sstcr Mrs. Wittwerthis weok.
Mrs. Uuuvos bus bought the quarter
section oast ot L. Aiibubhou's.
E. W. Anderson has bought the An-
drow Berg rdneli ou State creok'lTor
Allen Carpenter was called away
last week to doctor hogs iu Franklin
county. '
Louis Soderlind is under tho doctor's
care, caused by falling against a post
in the barn.
W. J. Hiibkius attended the meeting
at Mt. Hope last Sunday aud reports a
good meeting.
Carl Budd is going ou the railroad
this summer. Tho place he lives on
has been sold.
Mrs. Frank Vandyke was visiting
with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Harris
Noblo this week.
Bey. King of Lebanon will preach at
Dist. 8 on Sunday January 28 at 11
a.m. and 7 p.m. A cordial invitation
is given to all.
The revival meetings conducted by
Hev. (. W. Hummel at Mt. Hone
are still in progress and will inliuue
for unethcr week,
John Aubushou gave a pleasant
party at his home Saturday ovening
Alargu orowd was prc6tnt and all re
port a good time.
J. O. Parkinson has moved to his
farm ou Louisa creek near Alf MeCall's
and has bulk a new barn. 1 iu formerly
ilvfid in Hit noi'ilieaM eoitier of Web-
Kiivi -kit- lum .)... t
Vr. llobli.'Himrui.iu 1'lll.curuull kidney Ills. Ha.
i tuutuMmi(,n:w uiwmmwHucjifciftaMuiwm
-,' 'SWEMM'VV "9.V
Flno yciuher for January.
Ed. flancko is visiting in Fonnsylvn
.WNMKillouiUhaa lost nearly all of
WlUaJamos left last Thursday
Coultervllio, Illinois.
Boy Mottor is visiting his sister Mrs.
Nelson Stono at Juniata this wi ek.
Wra. Finnoy is building a house on
tho eighty ho purchased of J. W. Smith.
M. B. Houso loft last week for Indi
ana whero ho expects to visit rolatives
until April.
Mr. LntH from near Boatrico was via-
itiug at, Will Croziors last week. His
llttlo boy lives there.
Uraiiilma Ilaught who has been in
failing health for sometimo is reported
to bo conn) better at preseut.
Elder A. I). Finch of Guide Knck is
holding u revival at Prairie Center.
Tho meetings are uitn interesting aud
singing good as they havo au organ.
Aud still we have lluo weather.
Wm. H. Bosencrans sold his calves
to Chas. Davis, Stock cattle sell high.
Stock of all kinds is luokiug better
thau It usually does at this soasonof
the year.
There is quito a revival meeting bo
ing held at Mt. Hope by Hev. Geo.
frvin Colhns llou-o1rIricJaT(9R'tonJ-pleliou.
It has been plastered and Is
now being painted.
Andy Citeron's boy fell over a stake
last Monday aud was quito badly hurt.
Ho was sonic bettor at last accounts.
Harp Zook, a rolativo of tho Uavises
and a brother of James Zook who now
lives in Colorado, is visiting hero with
For tho last woek tho farmers havo
boon taking advantage of tho lino
weather and havo finished gathering
corn. Soveral aro now shelling out
tho largo heap :L..t ie lying on tho
Quite a moving will tako place soon
as soveral farms havo changed hands.
Quite an accidont occurred at Mt.
Hopo recently, although fortunatoly
no ono was hurt. A team bitched to a
buggy containing a young man and
two young ladies became uncontrol
able, throwing tho young man out and
tho young ladies aftorwards jumped
out. Tho team ran about a half mile
and turned and came tiack to tho hitch
rack, whero they collided with Hov.
Hummel'H buggy, breaking up ono of
the wheels aud also breaking the
tongue out af the buggy 'u which they
wero hitched.
Mis. Louisa Sabin is on tho sick litt
this week.
A. 11. Jones has gone to Colorado to
sell groceries.
Mrs. L. Sabin has had her house
nowly painted. v
Wm. Heed, Jr., is visitiug iu eastern
Nebraska this weok.
Charles Brubaker and his father
woro down from Willow Creek Tues
day. An agent was selling newspapers ou
tho street Monday, and throwing in a
Lovltt & Klrkpatriok havo about
llfty head of horses on hand and still
Married last woek I). Stunkard and
Mlnnio Tompkins. Jesse Corwin and
Bortha Davis. gl
Wo aro informed there is to bu a
foot-race botween loiul men hero in
tho near future.
11. L. Horner, of Bun Oak, shipped
a car of goods to his ranch near Beaver
City, starting from here Tuesday.
The suhools, churches, etc., are all
closed on account of a smallpox scare.
N. 11. Viers recently roturncd from
Oklahoma sink and his house is quar
antined, wailing developments,
Examination Notice.
BeiMilai- uXttll.Mlallt'ii for IM-'eoii(
'd"-'l'!lg t, tf'UOll 111 NVlll t9(Jtll-
' r- ii'lii i'i tin Kupi imUiniiM''-. i tli -at
H.hI Cloud, tlii third Saturday in
j each month
i Eva J. Case, County Supt.
V. S. Hall took atrip to Missouri
this week.
O. A. Wholan is putting down a now
well for V.S. Hull.
Dl'tltigl.ttl'llflp rflllnliiitil With Ills
family at Hom-Iuiui.
TIii'mi linn days wuiud bo a good
time to u.nk (tie ioudr.
Several hui.tu uuyerb hi town and
prices of horsii aro advancing,
John Stout of Haptingi was in thl
vicinity lining piMilliythu iIim id i.iis
Quito n number of stranger nro in
inese pai is auekiiig UiVuainieuiN in
Hov. Krpp, i- aud nou is visiting his
father nnl brother who live In Oula
huma. Mr. aud Mrs. Wheeler aud Min.
Hicks drove over to Bluu Hill Tuesday
Twin buys aiTivt-d at tho homo ul
Mr. aud Mrs. John Souder one day
last week.
C. W. Caldwell will have a public
sale January 30th. Ho contemplates
moving to Oregon.
Tho moving pictures aud talking
machino did not draw much of a crowd
at the hall Friday evening. '
A subscription list has again been
started for tho erection of a Methodist
church four miles south of Bladen.
Too parpoators aro .finishing up O.
A. WholuuV) new houso. It will bo
ouo of tho neatest cottages Iu town.
Homo talent from Campbell render
ed "Tony, The Convict" to a small au
dience nt the (J. A. H. hall Tuesday
TuoM. W. A. lodgo had an oyster
supper at tho G. A. B. hall Saturday
evening for thu members and their
Tbo A. O. U. W. lodge at this placo
initiated six candidates at their meet
ing Monday evening. Tho Bluo Hill
toam camo over and astlstod. Oysters
woro served and a sociable time was
The Way to Go to California
is in a tourist sloepor, personally con
ducted, via tho Burlington Boute. You
inako fast time' You son tho finest
scenery on tho globo.
Your car Is not so exponsivoly fur
nished as a palace sloepor, but it is
just as clean, just as'cotnfortablo, just
as good to ride in and nearly $20.00
cheaper. It has wile vestibules;
Pintsch gas; high backed seats; a uni
formed pul lin an porter; clean bedding;
spacious toilet rooms; tables alid a
heating rargu. Beiug strongly aud
heavily built, it rides smoothly; is
warm iu winter andjcool in summer,
In charge of each excursion party is
au oxperieucedi excursion conductor
A'ho accompanies it right through to
Los Angeles.
Cars leave Omaha, St. Joseph, Lin
coln and Hastings ovory Thursday, ar-
rivingSan Francisco following Sunday,
Los Angeles Monday. Only threoday-i
from the Missouri river to tho Pacific
coast, including a stop-over of 1) hours
at Denver and 2 hours nt Salt Lake
City two of tho most interesting cit
ies on tbo continent. For folder giving
full information, call at any Burling
ton Boute ticKet ofllcc, or write to
J. Fkancis,
(Jeii'l Passenger Agent Omaha, Neb.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
with local applications, us they cannot
J reach thu seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease,
and iu order to cure it you must take
internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Curo
is taken internally and acts directly on
tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho
system. Hall's catarrh curo is not a
quack medicino. It was prescribed by
one of thu best physicians in this coun
try for years, and is a regular pro
scription, It is composed of the best
tonics known, combined with the best
blood pui illere, ao'.ing'dircctly on tho
inueotittHurftoes. The perfect eombi.
nation of tho two ingredients is whui
pniiluecs Midi wonderful resulu i
inning i-ntniTh- Send fortesiiiimn;.,;
Juc K.J. Chknkx V (.ii .
Toledo, Onto,
Sold by druggists, prion 70e ifSftj
Hall's futility Pills are the best.
?v -TTtKfi
v 'V
' K
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar
Safeguards the food
against alum
Alum baking powders arc the greatest
meiuccra to health of the present day.
Wlnil Siini-rnliil)- In,
In n ppoi'i-li I'i'llviri'd nf I rbi-ontli,
Scotland, oi .Si ptiinlm-. lnM, .lolm
Morloy, tho grunt liberal lender, Mild:
"And this brings me to the word Hiizer
aluty. It is said that we hnve mizer
atnty owr the South Afrleuii republle.
Sir Alfred Mllnur mild thero Is nothing
iu thin eontroviTHy as to whetlier e
have Biizeralnty or not- nothing ma
terial. My own view of suzerainty
that It Ik a word which nobody of
course can define, but It has got a llaor
of sovereignty in it, and jet It Is uoi
sovereignty; and that the'. Boers hate
the word because it him got that thmir
In It, and the war ptirty In the Cape and
In other places like the word because
they hope to Impart Into it something
or another whieii may eimnie mem un
der a musk of sovereignty to do things
which I think thev had iwtter not do."
.V. V. World.
Jniian l.iHikliiK Alit-nil.
Women journallstH must avoid Jnpan.
The new press laws for the empire of
the mikado prohibit women from b
eomlng publishers or editors, as the
"discharge of such work by female Is
neither becoming nor ilesirnble." The
frnmers of the law are certainly look
ing very far ahead, for as yet Japanese
women have given no sign of emulating
their western sister In newspaper
work. N. Y. World.
Delinquent Personal Taxes Must Be Paid.
Delinquent personal taxes for the
year 1898, have been delinquent for
somo time and must bo paid at once,
otherwise I will proceed to collect tho
samo by distress warrants.
County Treasurer.
1 k
! Smle Commences Now I
I Jannary lath. I
I Having bought heavily for tho fall's K
i trade, all of Stock Is new and
Upto-Date. J,
All new goods must go at a groat
sacrifice. This is a gonuine clos
ing out sale of these lines
whereby groat bargains
aro to bo hud.
Berg c& Smith,
4Vw w vwvwwvww wwow wwAf
'.I'I, .'ii. ,' . ' 1....1 . ' V.. . ., ' . ' .!.'. i.)flkTkTkTkB
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