It -- ..fv V,if jTact--- r3j"S'5ll5?g!sig5fei -CTTtyglWB'jgd """ - -h r,:" -aaa TOLTJME XXVIII. i CLOAKS FOE 50c i ON THE DOLLAR ! 8S As the beautiful season m P of 1899 advances we find j 5 we have niore M $ Ladies', Misses and f$ Children's Jackets $ in stock than we 4k V, carry over, and in & order to move them and make room for the big1 HAM fjjj new stock for 1900 our If phenomenal trade demands H from now until these W goods are sold we jj will cut the price JH in the middle. g Our Prices are all in H plain figures and W one-half of the regular 1 price buys any of our m Ladies', Misses or Children's Jackets M while they last. 1 JSioep Bros., Hed Gloud, Jleb. 1 I& City Dray and E, JftC. ROSS. PROP. Goods Delivered to any part CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONE NO. 62. PLATT & Ghieago Itumbef Yard, KIEIJ OLOUD, Lumber, Lime, wish to 1' Express Line. of the cky. Charges as low as the Lowest FREES CO., nkuuaska. Goal and Cement. m S.!SSg iSiZ- KKD CLOUD, NEBRASKA, JAN. 12, 1900, ALMOST FORGOTTEN. Incidents of Every Day Life Which Very Few People Stop to Think About on Account of Their Littleness All kinds of NowJYear's resolutions wore inado on the beginning )ftho year and it a snruco of much amuse ment to see the resolvers in their on doavors to llullill their solemn obliga tions uiailu to themselves. Tho fellow who solemnly vowed ho wouldn't smoke again can bo seen going around chewing the cod of an unlighted cigar. Whether he lights it or not when ho gets away by his loneliness or not wo cannot say Another is tho linn who ' vowi (I and declared ho would never, , never moie touch a dtop of anything IVi! in nlc his In nth smell hid In m i'iy in l-uioi s the ale all i eyes lieu i mill or anyone else go,- in turn v r a i U an leaf on the Ix-ginuing jof the new ytar Ihcy g ni'inllj turn to one th it is considerably mlr h-d. l Tim i IncKcn show was a dandy. '1 ho j exhibits weto nuinetous I'lm main i double was tho people didn't know tlieio mis going to be n chicken show. Advertising pays in anything of that kind. The advertising in tho present case was very, veiy mengio. llowover tho show whs n grand success. Now is tho titno to subscribe. What are you going to do about that canning factory. Don't go to kicking it and crying it down beforo you know what kind of a proposition will bo submit ted. The weather tho past weok may bo nil right for tho average person, but it is rather hard on the ico man and tho coal man. Thero arc a:me fol lows in this town who are always hunt intra job until one is offered them. Then tho; havo something elso to do. Some time in tho future thoy may tako a tumble. At least it is hoped so rno evening wail muu rooms are getting to be quite a resort for our citizens. Tho members enjoy all sorts of innocent amusoment. Tho ladies now and then take a turn at enjoying themselves in tho club rooms too. It is a good thing and should bo main tained. One of John (Jrifllth's "him" cows got loose last Saturday and you should havo seen tho gang on tho corner scatter. Thero aro pome deliv ery horses in this town which should bo placed on tho rotiicd list and given a liberal pension of liny and oats. It is now time to store away surplus toys .and arrange an exhibit of tiro works. Tho county board aio now tho victims of much criticism. Tho county judge question is tho cattso of it all The people havo begun to re cover from the iff cot a of tho holidays Why not havo a dog show. This would be iutcicsting and theie would bo no need of goiug out of town to get oxhlbits. About every kind, size and breed of dogs known could bo found inside tho city limits. Tho revival meetings closed last Friday night, Tho church added about thirty mom bors, mostly children, and tho revival ists addod about 9140 to their bank roll. This might bo termed another caso of "boughten religious experience" "Houghton experience" is always the best although it is a little oxponsivo. Why is it that Homo churches can got money to pay a non-resident revival 1st a good salary, when they always havo to give sociable, suppers, and even pass around a subscription pa pei to rniso their regular minister's salary ! 'JHiis question is uow open for discussion. Tho early closingnove has struck us in shape and everything now closes up when the twilight falls with the exception of tho postofUco. Now if Postmaster Hackir should decide to closo tho postoflico at 7 p.m. matters would bo all right. Ho should not bo compeHcd to keep open any longer than anyone else. And then too, it weald not compel tho business men and Ierks to stay down town a couplo of houts aftur business hours. Now, if tho worthy postmaster wants to do a good dead which will make every ouo feel gout! (?) Kiwa'rd him ho will ohso thu pokk)llico in the fit urc at 7 p.m. lie oiijht not compel our busi ness man and eh il.s toAtund around n couple of hunts ufti'i i lining time wall ing for a letter tlml didn't come Tho biuinofcu men clout up to gut lust autl the postmaster should havo a tost, r T- CANNING FACTORY. An Enterprise Vich Might Be Built in This City Which Would fle Beneficial to Everyone. Mayor White this week received a letter from Messrs. Hastings, Press priou & Co , Chicago, builders of com plete canning factories, regarding Hit building of a canning factory at this place. As far as location goes Itcd Cloud is as favorably located for such a projeot as any town in the Republi can valley, and n canning factoiy .votild undoubtedly bo a good thing. Some of the benelits to bo derived finm such an institution, as stated ty the b lt m ulil bi i lie employment t from HffPTil to 1 Mi hand, moty uc tki'lfd tat i, I m-, giiN, iikii nnd won eiia J lit . im an thu"tiiiU of dol Inis piipJaM mi Inn nhu h m now loM tliWuli idltmxs. Ituw material h riiiojr! by f minis mid gmdi'tier', packed by homo labor and shipptsl away fot money, while ue ale now .sending our mi.iicy away for canned goods, and thmeby doptiving the peo ple of cash they might spend at home Hvery farmer living within ten miles of a canning factory has a ready cash market for nil his sweet corn, toma toes, apples, poaches, berries, pump kins, Equashos, etc , much of which is now lost for tho want of a market. It increases tho valuo of land, as tho val ue of land is based upon its productive qualities or earning capacity. An aero of good land will produco from 300 to 400 buBhels of tomatoes, at SO cents per busb-vl, or 860 to 180 per cere. The usual prico paid by individual factoi ies is 20 cents per bushel, but whon pack ed on the Toll Co-oporativo system tho prico is increased to 30 cents per bush el. Stock in a canniug factory will pay a dividend of from ten to fifty per cent on the capital invested, as one-half cent a can toll is sot aside to pay dividonds on tho capital stock, and cannot bo used for any other purpose So if a factory packs tho small amount of 500,000 cans at one-half a cent toll per can it will amount to 12,1)00, or 25 per cent on 910,000, which is much in exc ss of thu costof a complete can ning factory. Tho incroaso in the valuo of proporty, and increased bene lits derived therefrom, would exceed tire cost of tho factory many times. Tho only question is could our citizens bo induced to subscribe tho necessary stock for the erection of such a fac tory. As yet no delinito plan has been advanced by the builders, and until a proposition is submitted that will in sure the building, maintaining anil op erating of suuh a factory nothing will probably bo done, but should the mat ter bo bi ought before tho people in a manner that will insure tho building and operating of tho factory theiois no doubt that tho necessary stock can bo sold. Our pcoplo havo mouoy to invest in homo enterprises whoto tho money will bo a safo and sound invest ment but otherwiso tho people will have nothing to do with tho project. Letter Lut. List of letters.romaining uncalled for at the postoflico nt Hod Cloud, Neb raska, for tho weok ending Jan. 11th, 1000. Ileyd, W. O. Campbell, A. M. Goorge, P. J. Hutchison, Thos. Lea, Jas. 13. McMurray, A. D. Hamsey, E. It. Castoll.G.I. Uow, John K. Good, John S Jones, Albert Littlo, Hiram Olmstead, J. It. Smith, Honnio These letters will bo sont to the dead letter oflico Jan, 2SUi, If not called for before. When calling for above ploaso say advertised, T. O, Hackek, P. M. The Wolf Hunt. Tho big wolf hunt took placo as ad vertised last Tuesday, but was not as much of a success as it should havo been. Tho troublo was that too many wanted someone else to do tho round ing up and as n consequence the wolves escaped through the lino owing to a lack of mm Had those who went to tho t loMiig-up ilnt mid united to mo Inn rit mil Mint liitiit Ilium In itliH ieult would haiubeou moie satis factory. $oniu twenty wu!vm wore I chased up but out.) two wotu killed, ROVAL BAKINCr POWDER Imparts that peculiar lightness, sweetness, and flavor noticed in the finest cake, short calce, biscuit, rolls, crusts, etc., which ex pert pastry cooks declare is unobtainable by the use of any other leavening agent. Made from pure, grape cream of tartar. ROYAL 0AKINQ POWOCH CO., NfW YORK. The Chicken Show. Tho chicken show which was held in this city this week whs a success far ahead of the anticipations of thu pio joctorsof tho show. Tho exhibit was as lino as any that could bo seen at a state fair, and somo of tho poultry on exhibit resembled ostriches more than chickens if judged by size. There wore in all forty-six exhibitors, one hundred and thirty entries made, and four hundred and sixteen birds on ex hibition. Tho scoring was dono by an expert judge, and his judging was crit icised by some who had hints disquali fied, but ho knew his business and could toll a blooded chicken whon he saw it. We had intended publishinga completo list of tho exhibitors, together with the kinds of fowls exhibited by them nnd tho as awarded, but were unablo to get tho secretary's en try book in time. Tho managors aro highly elated over tho success that has crowned their first ellottof hav ing a poultry shuw in Itcd Cloud and will no doubt receive a moro hearty support iu ther next attempt. DUTCH FLAT. Chas. Hilton is sporting a new gun. Guy Merrill has been on tho sick list tho past weok. Corn husking is over and tho hum of thu shelter is hctud daily ThuM.K. Sewing Circle will meet '1 hurmlay at Mr.s, Ida Kent's. Grandpa llcnrdslcy vWited Den Gib sou last Friday and batuiday. Many hogs ai o dying in tho western part of this neighborhood with cholera. Krvin Collins is building a now house and it is almost toady to bo occupied. Church set vices next Sunday con ducted by llev. Horton of Itcd Cloud. Mrs. J. S. Wagoner and daughter Lena attended church at Ash Creek Suuday. Will Gibson loft last week for a visit with friends and relatives near Frank lin, Nebraska. Grant Christy's shattered hand has almost healed and Grant says ho has lost no moro rabbits. Miss Josie Wolf and brother Onar spent Friday and Saturday with their aunt Mrs. J. S, Wagoner. Tho Sunday school at this placo is progressing nicely under the superin tendency of Prof. Shannon. Most of the farmers of this vicinity have cribbed their corn and will bold it for a hot time next summer. Thomas Hrown formerly of this placo returiiad to Custer comity, Neb raska, whero ho will mako bis future homo. Stray dogs got in Jos. Wagonor's stock pens and crippled ono hog and a calf. Peoplo owning dogs should keep them at hnmo or see that thoy aro niu.led, Mrs, Albert Sluby returned homo froHi an extended Kaj in I uliun wliero sho went v. mo time ago for her lienl'h nud ruptuts hei phytlrnl condi tion mttoh Improved. J no. Wagoner has been cloning up .., T4-"r -yhMj?- '?' "'-w 5 . NU1CBEH 2 ono of the poiches of his new house and repainting tho whole building with tho aid of John Young, hut Yotlng took tho loothaeho and neuralgia and has too much cheek for anything at pres- ont. John Witwer our well man has been using his big gimlet and yaller mule on tho farmers north of Red Cloud for tho past two weoks and never failsto make them happy. Hoeu. . An aching back, a disordorod diges tion, changes in tho urine, headaches, nervous weakness, all points to Ilrlght's disease. Tako steps to euro the trouble beforo tho disease develops its danger ous stages. Prickly Ash Bitters is a certain remedy. It heals and Rtrength ens tho kidneys, regulates the liver, stimulates the stomach and digestion, cleanses tho bowels. It has been used in many severe and obstinato cases with tho most gratifying success. Sold by C. L. Cotting. Blankets, blankets, blankets. Havo you seen .ny largo stock of blankets. Square blankets, cutaway blankets, wool blankets, S-A blankets, Burling ton stay blankets, bias girth blankets, Storm King blankets and in fact all kinds of blankets at low prices at J. O. Hutler's 1 OPEN NIGHTS UNTIL 7 P.M. CLOSING SALE! OUlt ENTIKK STOCK OV BOOTS, WARM LINED SHOES,! RUBBER GOODS, HEAVY GLOVES and MITTENS, 1IEKORK KKBItUARV 1st. aae commences iow l j Jannary 12th. 1 llatrlnn lmtfr.l.f l.nnll. tnm .I.a .111- w ....... uuuh" iiu.lllll lUl mo tail O trade, all of Stock is new and 3 4 4 S Up to-Date. All nn. AA,la mnaf . i uuv uuua til it it; ju at a Mi vat k nn.tHti.Iii '11 I . Ik .f - W nuuiiiiuu, j.1113 ia u geuuine cios ing out salo of those lines 4 3 J ALL wuoreDy groat bargains aro to bo had. AltE IKVITED t'O ATTEND THIS SALE. 1 Berg Smith, f FIRST CLASS SHOEIyJAkER , AT YOUR SERVICE, I l' V i I l J- I Y ra vssammmmmm kXeS&SOES vrf-'' ittaVTVM -ri 4 JMrt'4'irrnMfr'iim , iMA44"'( f Mf i' WMPWmnn