The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 05, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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"It is an III Wind
That Blows Nobody Good,
That small ache or pain or
weakness is the "ill wind"
that directs your attention to
the necessity of purifying
your blood by taking Hood's
Sarsaparilla. Then your
whole body receives good,
for the purified blood goes
tingling to every organ. It
is the great remedy for all
ages and both sexes.
Dyspepsia " Complicated with
liver and kidney trouble, I suffered for
years from dyspepsia, with severe pains.
Hood's Sarsaparilla nude me strong and
hearty' J, B. Emerton, Auburn, Me.
3&CtCi SaMafxViitfa
Hood'a 11llieurellTerllltlii non Iff lutln nnd
only cathartic to taii with lfiK3'a HafiapatllU".
rtiHi.imiRii nr
l. momillan.
Jno jroar...
ilx monthi
.11 IX)
Bntorod at tho pout offlco nt Kcd Claud,
ocond class mall matter.
l.ornl iitlvcrtlnliiR 6 ccihh icr lino per luo,
Ucnl AilvcrtUliiR for unturtuliiinvntN, con
crlB.fOClnlB. oh:., idvcli by chnrclieH, clmrltMhlo
oclctlCN, otc, where nil luonujB rnUud tlicro'
from nrotiKvd wholly (or church or charitable
onlgtloB, drat ten Hiiun freu nnd all over tun
lines 'XVt ccntN per lino per Ihhiio.
Locnl ndvortlaliiK of oiiturlnliimcntft, concerts,
rcollnla, etc., wlioro pur cunt la Khun to pro
motura, r cents pur line per Ihmio.
tllat'LAV ADVEIlTlilMI.
Ouu rolnmn per tnotith 17 00
Otio lml f rolnmn per moiitli ') N)
Unu-fourlh rolnmn per inonlli...... 1 n
Ociicral dlapliiy nrirurtlHliiK 8i cents pur
iicli per Issue,
From (Hominl indlontioiiH it will In
.lames Dully, county jndpofor tbo noxt
two yours.
Tim cbairmnn of tho Roberts com
mittee says thu report on tint case will
tin made in about two works, unless
some tinoxpcetfd complication turns
up to ditliiy it.
The agents of tho South African re.
public are showing good judgment in
.sending to America for recruits. Tho
Britishers also have a great liking for
the American mule.
Bryan is at present busily engaged
in learning the r roper way to ride an
ostrich. Ho will no doubt prove a
big drawing card during thu coming
county fair season.
Tho amount of business done in this
city during the year 1801) exceeds any
year in tho history of tho town. This
mums all lines of business, and not
a few particular kinds of business.
And now Windy Allen denies that
anyone assisted him in seeming his ap
pointment as United States senator,
stories about having boon appointed
-011 account of a telegram from Hrynn
to tho contrary notwithstanding.
Whilo Senator llanna has signed tho
call fer tho national republican con
vontinn, as chairman of the national
committee of that party, it does not
follow from this that he proposes to
aot as chief manager of tli campaign
for noxt year
1 Tint wife of Aguinnldo, who was re
ported to bavo committed suicide rath-
or than fall into the bauds of the Amer
icans, gave herself tip to the American
authorities in the Philippines. She no
110 doubt concluded It safer to be alive
under our Hag than it was to be dead
under the Hag of her liege lord.
m w
Tho Nebraska congressmen have re-
iceived their garden seeds from the
.government, and are ready to send
them out upon request of tlieireon-
stituents at home. Any one wishing
siiih of these seeds should forward
thoir request to tho congressman from
their district befoie January 10th
1 m
As a member of the committee on
"coinage, weights and measures," II
D. Sutherland has at last an opportunity-to
learn that very little silver was
coined under freu coinage and sixteen
to one, whilo an immense amount has
been coined since 187!). It is not like
ly, however, that ho will admit any
such state of afTalts whou becomes
back to Nebraska.
"Inert, lethargic, doing nothiig,
waiting for something to turn tip, i-p-ullsts
bavo not availed thciuselv. s of
their opportunity," savs the Philadel
phia American, tho most prominent
populist paper in tint United States.
Just 011 tho ovo of choosing dates for
national conventions, this sort of talk
is significant anil creates an impiession
that things look bluo at tint pop head
qttaiv .
Tne county treasurer is doing a
good jib of collecting back person'
taxes, anil tho number of distress wm
rant'i Usuedjand served on people who
nro in the b 'it of letting their taxes
take c.ire oi 'inselvos is surptising.
There aio hoik pcoplo who t'lluU that
if they lot their taxe ru.i long enough
that tho county treasurer is suppposcd
to lot th "denil pnt bury its dead
taxi's" but tli present treasurer Hunks
different, If 3011 owo any pcrionul
lnxi'8 you bntttir sbow up around tho
county treasurer's oflleo boforo thu
mighty arm of tho law shows up on
your promises with 11 distrust warrant
Hrran hnving nunounccd Hint bo in
going east to make speeches, the pcoplo
are preparing to niaku him explain tho
failuro of his predictions recorded in
tho "First Hattlo." Ho may think that
ho is coming oast to dismiss tho oxpan
ion iiicHtion, but bo will find that
cmii'iiil Intel ust is centered around tho
money question, and that tho "enemy's
country" is thoroughly loaded with ar
guments and proofs. TI10 smoko from
tho numberless factory chimneys in
tho oast will cause William to bavo a
bud cough and will bring tears in his
eyes before ho gets through.
"A boy wont after a pail of water,"
says an exchango. "It was necessary
to prime the pump each timoaud givo
a dozen or liioro strokes at tho handlo
to start tho witter. Ho poured in Mm
priming and pumped out as much as
ho bad poured in. Then ho stopped to
rest and tho piiming ran down again
After two o" three boms of alternate
pumping and resting bo concluded it
did not pay to pump, ,nd therefore
quit in disgust. The story reminds uh
of tho merchant who ndvcrtiM-d a few
weeks and then stopped a while and
allowed tlie people to forget him and
bis business before he advertised any
more, and concluded it did not pay to
movement to place tho clerks of
members of the house on tho annual
pay roll and to require them to he
sworn in, which failed in tho last com
gross, is being agitated again The law
provides that each member be allowed
$1,1200 a year for the employment of a
clerk All the members draw this
money, but, it is an open secret that
many of them use but a small portion
of it to hire a clerk Sumo have
their wlve, daughters, sons, or other
relatives in some instances school
children -ign vnuebeis as clerks timt
they pocket the money themselves, and
many emplo cleiks as cheap as they
can get them and keep what remains
of the $100 per mouth, after paying
A complication litis arisen which will
no doubt keep .Judge Duffy in his pres
ent position for the next two years It
seems that the law requires tho newly
elected olllcers to tile their bonds and
bavo them approved by thu county
hoard on or before tho llrst Thursday
after tho llrst Tuesday in January in
order to qualify for and take tho olllce.
This has not been done by the newly
elected judge and thu prusont incum
bent retains tho oflleo as a hold-over.
James DulTy has been n just judge and
wn believe he is the choice of tho gen
oral public for this olllce. The machi
nations of a number in his own party
knocked him out of the nomination
last fall. They did not want him for
several reasons. Tho present status of
tho affair seems to suit a largo number.
Tho selection of a candidate for tho
vice presidency is at preterit agitating
the republican leaders. Sometimongo
it was concede I that a New Yorker
should bo chosen, although it was also
talked that a Nehraskau on the ticket
would add strength in the western
-tates. Since the failuro of tho New
Yorkers to agree upon a man there is
smmt liif ihium in tin N..I11 uubn IL'
.mil it is,... ti,,.. .1 r, ,
president may come from west of Iho
Missouri liver. Tin fact that Nobisu
ka lias two senators to elect makes this
all the more possible While the dec
toi :il vote of our state mav not be an
important factor in the selection of a
president, the possession of two sen
atorships is all important, and the con
test in Nohraska is to receive the ut
most attention from both cat tics, no
matter who is on thu presidential
Considerable is being said about tho
beginning of the twentieth century
as to whether il began last Monday
or whether it will begin one year
hence. There are some who still con
tend that December ill cloned the nine
teenth century. However, should you
meet one ol this kind just ask him if
lie would bo willing to tako ninety-nine
dollars for a debt of one hundred dol
lars and see how quick ho will change
his tune. Ninety-nine years don't
make one hundred years or a century
any more than ;iiitiety-niiio dollars
makes a hundred dollars. You can
tike ninety-nine dollars and add ten
Iiiikk in it and you will have 0110 bun
in it il liars, and you can tako ninety
nine ears ami add twulvo mouths to it
ami jou will have one hundred yeais
r a century. Tint twentieth cuntury
iliciefnie does not begin until January
1, 1901.
Oil). I if till. 111 1... list, ttinmt. lira nt nnn J
gtess trom the west has denied the ex-
isiiihk of piospeiity, and asks why it
is that so man) people aro adverti.-iug
for work in New York city if there is
so much to he bad. It would be just as
sensible for him low k why people in
)m' a aiiveitiM' ti, J mis during the
asuns when the NuOrasKu fanner I
cannot liud hands to l 'n gather the
corn crop. Mimv 'kwh people
nilloiisiiesji, hour oton
tlon ami nil liver Ills
lllllotisiif?!!, hour stomach, constipa
tion and nil liver Ills arc cured by
Hootl's Pills
Tho non-lrrltntltn: cathartic. Price
2.r cents of nil druggists or by mall of
O.I. Hood & Co.. bowcll. Mass.
congregate in tho largo cities and work
nt occasional jobs, rather than to go to
tho country where work is plenty. In
tho meantime those who have places
in tho city cro continually on tho look
out for hotter ones, and the "work
wanton" advortlsomonts como from
tho latter class. In tho city of Wash
ington thoro aro probably moro people
out of work than thoro aro jobless poo
plo in tho statu of Nebraska. Yet thu
advertisements for men to go out in
tho woods and down on the plantations
to do hard work would not meet with
a dozen responses. Thoy nro not look
ing for that kind of work. Thoy have
tho "town fover." This explnins why
tho pcoplo will bo out of woik in
Omaha, whilo other people will he
bunting for workmen at Arlington,
twenty miles away.
It is said that a majority of tho dem
ocratic national committee had a cau
cus tlie other day at. Washington and
decided to depose James K. Jones tho
chairman, ami put in bis place a now
management headed by ex-Senator
Gorman, and that Mr. Bryan is privy
to the arrangemonts The now man
agement is pledged to go on and nomi
nate Bryan just as if nothing had hap
pened. The deal will leave out many
great men who have waxed famous in
the last four years by their persistent
nomination of Mr. Bryan ouco a foil
night for president in HIOO. It means
tlie relegation to obscurity of Stone
and the Missouri ring, Altgeld of Illi
nois, Tillman of South Carolina,
and others of the same general de
sciiptiou. It means the surrender of
tho management to democrats who
have turned a very cold shoulder to
Bryauism in thu past audjliavo served
him under compulsion with a sour
face. It is a funny move, but is char
ncteristic of democratic polities in tlie
present ago A change of horses in
the middle of the stream always indi
cates that somebody is scared. It. is
probable that the liryauitcs are really
listening to the croakings of tho lank
and tile of tlie party and. the dismal
predictions of uttei failure on the Chi
cago pl.itfouu and have concluded to
unload the platform and tho men who
made it with one tilt of tho apple cart.
Whether Mr. Bryan is to fall out of
the vehicle at the same time is to bu
sucn by and by. Stato Journal
A.l'iiiladelnhia physician advances a
theory which, while given in a spirit of
jest, nevertheless is based upon authen
tic scientific principles. "It lacks, "
says the jocular medicine man, "as
though we doctors would be driven to
tlie wall, and by that humble but uso
fill fowl, tho hen. You see, its Ibis
wav. A Frsncli chemist has discover
ed that certain drugs, noticeably those
containing iron, can best bu assimilat
ed by thu human stomach when taken
in tho albumen of eggs. Ho has ac
cordingly mixed his medicines with
cracked wheal and corn, ard in this
form fed it to hens. The eggs laid by
these hens have been found to bo im-
preguatul with the medicinal qualities
of tiio drugs and are said to liavo been
very beneficial to patients Tho
Frenchman lias cxnciimcuud with
p-psin and camomile and say, he will
1'liis is a matter of
medical record, lint the point I want
to make is this, and it haunts my
dream: Is the time coming when a
in in can dispense with a doctor nod
keep a hour Wh. n lie lias a bad cold
instead of sending fot me will he have
his hen lay him a quinine egg? If ho
Iris indigestion will he take a pepsin
ecg instead of seeking my adviio?
When the waiter of tlm futuieasks you
how you will have your eggs the ques
tion will have an entirely new sigmli
canco I tell von the thing is appal
ing." Philadelphia Pies?.
Ilciiuty In lllood Deep.
Clean blood moans a ctean skin. No
beauty without it. CaBcarsts, Candy Catlinr
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities ftom the body. Begin today to
banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Casca rets, beauty for ten cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c.
Educate Your noweli With Caacftrati.
Candy CattaariJe, oura constipation frevor.
lOo, 2Sc. WC.CC.IUH, drucoiM refund mm;.
wl EAK Ivl DIM E S
arc favorable to the appearance of BHght'S DiSeaSCi
Prickly Ash Bitters
Heals the Kidneys. Cleanses and regulates
the Liver. Strengthens tlie digestion and
removes constipated conditions in .V'3 Bowel.
nici f I.M HI B0TTUC.
The Way to Go to California
is in a tourist sleeper, personally con
ducted, via the Builingtoti Route. You
inako fast time. You see the finest
scenery on the globe.
Your car is not so expensively fur
nished as n palnco sleeper, but It is
just as clean, jtist3iiB8eoinfortablo, just
as good to ride in nndj nearly $20.00
cheaper. Il has wllo vestibules!
Pintsch gas; higlij hacked scats; n uni
formed pullimtn porter; clean bedding;
spacious toilet rooms; tables and a
heating rnrgn. Being strongly and
heavily built, It rides smoothly; is
watm in winter atuljeool in summer.
In charge of each exclusion party is
an experienced' excursion conductor
who accompanies it right through to
Los Angeles.
Cars leave Omaha, St. Joseph, Lin
coln and Hastings every Thursday, ar
riving San FranciMto following Sunday,
.Los Angeles Mondny . Only three days
from tho Missouri river to the Pacific
coast, inoludieg a stop-over of 1J hours
nt Denver and 2 hours at Salt Lake
City two of tho most interesting cit
ies on Ihocoiitlui.nt. For folder giving
full informa'.ion, call at any Burling
ton Route ticKet olllce, or write to
(icn'l Passenger Agent Omaha, Nob.
Delinquent Personal Taxes Must Be Paid.
Delinquent peisoual taxes for tlie
year 1808, have lieeu delinquent for
some time ami must he paid at once,
otherwise I will proceed to collect the
same by distress warrants.
County Treasurer.
To Cure Constipation Forever.
Tako Cascarots Camlv Cathartic. lOo orSSo.
It C. U. C. tall to curi drmiclsui refund money.
is only a symptom not a
disease. So are Backache,
Nervousness, Dizziness and the
Blues. They all come from an
unhealthy state of the men
strual organs. If you suffer
from any of these symptoms
if you feci tired and languid in
the morning and wish you could
lie in bed another hour or two
if there is a bad taste in the
mouth, and no appetite if
there is pain in the side, back
or abdomen BRADFIELD'S
bring about a sure cure. The
doctor may call your trouble
some high-sounding Latin
name, but never mind the name.
The trouble is in the menstrual
organs, and Bradfield's Female
Regulator will restore you to
health and regulate the menses
like clockwork.
Sold by rirurglm for f i a bottle. A frei) lllu.triud
took will be tent to any woman If request bo mailed to
i m
Our Con! is SUPERIOR
Waqon Soales Back of Office.
Buy and sell Italed Hay, Corn, Oats,
Millet, Hurley, Etc.
Full lino of Flour and Feed on hand.
No. 1 Tnntn Av. Piionr No 51
ut 'kr'g"3" Kidneys fetcausc thty
Boils and Piiples
Give Warning.
help until
it. Iioils
the systom is accumulating impurities wnion
CflD I1CI D must bo gotten rid of j they are an urgent appeal for assistance
rUn nCLIi a warning that can not safely bo ignored.
To uoilect to purity tne niomi at ims
time moans more than tho annoyance of painful boils and
unsightly pimples. If those impurities uro allowed to
remain, tho systom succumbs to any ordinary illneBS, and Is
unablo to withstand the many ailments which are so
prevalent during spring and summer.
Mrs. L. Gontilo, 200 Second Avenue, Seattlo, Wash.,
says : " I was alllicted for a long time with pimples, which
wore verv nnnoylng. as they disfigured my face fearfully.
After using many other remedies in vain. SSS. promptly
and thoroughly cleansed my blood, and now I rejoice in
a good complexion, which I never had before."
uapt. w. 11 uuniap, 01 mo a. ur o.
K. It., Chattanooga, renn . writes:
" Several boils and carbuncles broke out upon me, causing
great pain and annoyance. My blood seemed to bo in
a riotous condition, nnd nothing I took seemed to do
nny good. Six bottleB of H S S. cured mo completely
and my blood has been perfectly pure ever since
is the best blood remedy, becauso it is purely vegetable
and is tho only one that is absolutely free from potash and mercury. It
promptly purines tho blood and thoroughly cleanses tho system, builds up
tno general neaun nnu sireugm. 11 cures scroima, uczema, cancer, itneuma
tism, Tetter, Boils, Sores, etc., by going direct to tho causo of tho trouble nnd
forcing out all impuro blood.
Books free to any address by tho Swift Spccitlo Co., Atlanta, Qa.
I Low Club Rates with all the
y Leading National Weeklies.
A good assortment of
Silk and Cotton Mufflers,
Ladies' and Gents Silk Handkerchiefs,
Laces and Embroideries,
Misses and Children's Hockls.
Many pieces of (
Woolen m Dress Goods !
All bought boforo tho advanco and will bo sold bolow cost. Como and
got get genuine bargains in Dry Goods.
j inrs. newnouse,
Ghieagoltambef Yard,
Lumber, Lime. Goal and Cement.
revxilcllrxa; material, Etc.
Red Cloud. - - Nebraska
Farm Wegons.
When Nattiro is overtaxed, sho has
her own way of giving notice that assist
ance is needed. Sho does not ask for
it is impossible to get along without
and pimples nro an indication that
kcq lioua, FNeD.