-id-rii i.MPTn'iTfW V 1 in a s. SOI PICTURES TWO PROSPEROUS LOOKING PRESIDENTS. - Uneasy rests the head of a South American president, for, hb a rule, the most that la heard about such per sonages Is that they have been either deposed or shot. The two robust-looking gentlemen shown In the accom panying Illustration, however, although PACIFIC FISHING INCIDENT. Narrow Kit-ape of rt Smnll Hoafs 1'arly from a Whale' Mail Itiuli. The theory that whales refuse to at tack men unless they themselves .ue assailed Is exploded. A monster whale not less than sixty feet In length made n vicious charge at a boat anchored off Point Cavallo and badly frightened its occupants. Hut for the coolness of the man who had the boat In charge the re sult might have been disastrous. Tho boat, containing tho fisherman and his threo children, was pulled to a point about 1,500 feet oft Point Cavallo and dropped anchor. Tho party were flail ing Industriously, when a whale en tered tlio Golden Gato and speeded to ward them. Tho spectacle of the ani mal excited tho curiosity of the young er llsher folk.but caused no alarm. Sud denly his whaleshlp caught sight of the boat and he reared his majestic pro portions aloft until he seemed to tower in tho water llko n six-story building. He was evidently getting his bearings, and as he caught sight of tho boat he spoutod fiercely. Then he sank with u huge splash, and came up again and dashed for tho boat. Happily, tho aim of tlio leviathan was bad, for In his rush ho missed tho boat by some three or four feet nnd passed on like a whirl wind a considerable distance beyond. Tho raMd passage of tho wbalu with lialfrjbs huge body abovo tho water imo imiied tho water into a mlnla turo tidal wave, which swung the boat as though In an eddy and all but cap Hizcd It. Tho chlldicn screamed in terror and gave themselves up for lost. The fisherman did not lose his head, however, and by a Judicious uso of his oars brought tho boat about, and, mi nus somo fishing tackle which w.is purloined by tho whale in his passage, ho headed for tho shore. Tho whale turned as If to renew the attack, but, apparently thinking better of it, ho flapped his fins and tail and dove out of sight. Later ho was seen off Al ectraz, whore ho remained for an hour or two observing tho fortifications. What bocamo of him after that nobody knows. San Francisco Post, THE KHAKI UNIFORM. Tho accompanying picture shows the much-talked-about khaki uniform, in which both officers nnd men of tho British army In South Africa aro dressed during uctlvo servlco nxalnst tho llocrs. This khaki uniform Is a dun, earth-colored stuff, with nono of the regulation tinsel and martial trap pings of the parade ground about it. It has' however, proved very sorvlccablo In active duty, and has tho further ad vantago of not proving a glaring target or Boer marksntcn. vz s-'ftKl.rW wAilASSi 0 I PDFNT one is President Itora of the Argentine Republic, and tho other Is President Uuestas of L'ruguay. do not seem In any way to have suffered In health on account of the troublous scenes around them. They have been exes for sev eral years. SSNASS A New Orruputliin for Women. Prom the I,oiidon Telegraph: Pony farming Is an alluring occupation for women who have a fancy for horse flesh. One lady In Devonshire has for years bought llttlo Dartmoor ponies, trained them and sold them for high BOER PORT AT That the Hoers have for mouths and oven for years been ultlclpatlng some flual struggle with tho British has been well demonstrated by tho thor oughness of the preparations for war which the government of the crafty Oom Paul has been making for some time past. Tho samu might he said of tho doughty burghers or tho Orango Tree State, for Bloemfonteln, tho cap- prices. Since polo became of such im portance she devoted her attention to breeding ponies suitable for the game, and has had great success. Ladles Mary and Dorothy Hope devote their attention to little Shetland ponies, nnd havo their farm at Bdenbrldgo, Kent. Both ladles have a wonderful power over little animals, and understand their ailments. Their vcntuie. besides affording them Immense Interest, Is very successful. They havo gained many prizes. They are capable whips, and drive mlnlaturo teams and tan dems with great skill. Success In such a scheme as this demands a lovo for horses and knowledge of them, as well as capital, energy and patience. Jn this last-named commodity It Is neces sary for a pony farmer to excel, since miniature horses are exceedingly 'difll cult to train. Needed u llulr-L'ut. Short slgbt Is not toleiatcd In a com mon soldier, but sometimes It Is neces sary to tolerato It In nn officer. Fur thermore, there aro many short-sighted olllcers who aro unwilling to wear glasses. Such a ono was a certain captain in tho Hrltlsh army of whom a story is told In an English paper. During a kit Inspection a mop had been left propped with tho head up permost against a spare bed cot. Tho short-sighted captuln entered and glanced at tho mop. Then ho snapped his fingers. "Color-sergeant!" ho ex claimed. "Yes, sir," said tho sergeant, saluting. "Seo that that man has his hair cut immediately!" said tho cap tain, pointing at tho mop. flinull Arm for the Kilt)', Now York Press: I do not under stand why thero should bo so suddon a chango in tho navy small arm. He ports from Washington stato that tho service will bo equipped aa soon as posslblo with tho Krag-Jorgensou rifle; and that, In fact, 1,000 of theso weap ons havo been ibsued by tho ordnnnce bureau to tho Kentucky and Kenr sarge, with fi.OOO rounds of ammuni tion. Only two years ago tho Win chester Repenting Arms company MSI. tu side and delivered to the government 10.000 Lee straight-pull rifles, which, nfter critical testa, hud been adopted as tlie model small arms for the naval soivlec. In substituting the Krng-.lor-gensen for the l.ce one advantage will be Rained, at least, and that Is uni formity of ammunition, the army cart ridge and the navy cartridge being Interchangeable. KEPT THE WINE TOO LONG. When III ('liunipHsno Win Opened It Va Not I It to Drink. "There Is such a thing as n wine being too old," said a member of the board of trade to a New Orleans Times-Democrat reporter. "I hud that Illustrated at my houso the other day under rather Interesting circumstances. Hack in ISIS Gen. John M. Lewis, who was t lion sheriff and afterward mayor of New Orleans, gave my uncle a bas ket of four-year-old champagne. My uncle afterward moved north, taking that and other wines with him. and on his death. In the early 'M, tho basket was still Intact. The cham pagne iiMiiiilned in the family cellar untouched and only last mouth my cousin, now In New York, broko the lot and sent mo down four bottles. I w:m iinttinillv uriou: to know how the old wine would look and tasto and a few days ago, on tho occasion of a little anniversary at our home, 1 open ed one of the bottles. 1 had consid erable dllllculty In lemovlng the cork without breaking It, but it filially gave way. There was not a vestige of pop and the wlno ran out perfectly dead and limpid, it was pale amber In col or and had a faint, pleasant bouquet, but the imprisoned gas that had onco given It life and sparkle was gone for ever. It was Interesting as a relic, but not fit to drink, nnd some friends who are connoisseurs said that it had evidently been deteriorating since 1870." Initrnuituit to Locale Hound. A new Instrument has been designed BLOEMFONTEIN. ital of tho little republic, was carefully fortified and garrisoned for many months before tho actual outbreak of hostilities. Tho accompanying lllus tiatlon will give a very good idea of tho Hoer fort at Hloemfontcln, a spot which, In view of recent events, has an especial Interest to all followers of the piescnt struggle between the Hoers and the Hrltlsh. by .Mr. Cowper-Coles of London for readily locating tho direction of sound and for projecting sound long dis tances. It consists of a reflector mounted on an arm which can be LAURENCE IRVING AND SARDOU. Mr. Laurenco Irving, tho favorlto son of fMr Henry Irving, has found his nnmo a good deal beforo tho public of Iuto becauso of his successful transla tion nn.l adaptation of M. Sardou's "Robespierre. Tho accompanying plc turo shows Sardou, tho shorter figure, and tho young English nctor and au thor nt tho Chateau do Marly, Sardou's Btimmor residence In France. Evon ns an undcr&rnduaU of Oxford icadlly tinned on Its center nnd de pressed or elevated by the operator. When It Is desired to ascertain tho exact direction from which a sound emanates the apparatus Is turned on its axis, and as noon as tho reflector is opposite the rource of the sound It Is beard much more Intensified In tho receiver. Two Instrumentn are used to carry on the conversation between two distant points or chips. Tho sound waves mo thrown from ono reflector to the other, the sound being focusod in one instrument in the recelvor when the operator speaks Into the flexible tube, uhllo the operator working tho other Instrument places the lube at tachment to tho receiver to his ear. THE VALLEY OF GOLD. Here Is tho famous Pintail waterfall in Rhodesia, which ruin over some of the richest gold-bearing rock In tho world. A few years ago this particu lar part of South Africa wan thought to be nothing better than a barren wil derness. Now it Is realized that when once this country, which Khodc3 and his company fliol opened up, Is prop erly exploited, It will prove one of tho world's now Bl Dorados. Art nnd Nnlurr. The perfect blcirllng of the real and Ideal has recently been advertised by Paris milliners, who han come to uso oats from the fields to trim the bon nets of tnelr fair curtomon. The nd venture which be.'Ml one such bonnet and Its wearer Is related by a foreign newspaper. A lady, dressed beyond the reach of criticism, was crossing a broad boulevard. A cab bore down upon her and she stepped harilly back and stopped In front of tho curbstone, unmindful of a horco and cart stand ing immediately behind hor. Tho horo quietly sniffed the oat3 and then, de ciding that they were genuine, began to munch. He was thus engaged when the lady, quite unnware of the pleasure slio was affording the hungry animal, started forward. Hut tho honso was far from satisfied, and planting his fore feet on the lady's skirt, continued his repast. The lady, supposing tho homo about to devour her head, promptly fainted and was removed to a drug gist's shop near by. where hnpplly sho soon recovered. The moral of the story Is that oveiy field of oats should havo a fence about It. Heady Ainwrr, Everything possible, of course, is named for Admiral Dewey in thesn days. There aro "Dewey" hats, "Dewey" shoes, collars, neckties, nr tlclea of furniture, clgara, nnd no forth, to an cndlea'j extent, and even certain dishes at restaurants are named In his honor. A guest nt a lunch-counter ou the day tho admiral landed nt Now York observed "Dewey cakes" on tho bill of fare and called for some. "Walt er," ho said, after he had taatcd them, "are these your Dewey caken?" "Yes, sir." "They tasto very much like tho 'General cakes' I got here not long ago." "Oh, no, sir," replied tho waiter. "Thcy'c got lets more ginger In them." A Haptlst church hns been organised nt Skaguay, Alaska. Laurenco Irving showed great dra matic promlso, and was nlways popu lar at thoso numerous amateur per formances which aro given each year for tho delectation of tho students of tho old university on tho Isls. Almo3t his first professional lilt was made In tho rolo of Svengall In Du Maurler'a "Trilby," tut since then he has boon dolug excellent work In tho English provinces. GRIGGS 10 DEC I Right to Raise Freight Rates Left to Him, FORMAL COMPLAINT IS ALREADY FILED Pro! rut of .Shipper Hrnl lo Attorney Gen eral - liilcmtatn Commerce Cnmnili- Ion Arts In Their llelmlf, lint .Make no Iteruruiiieiid.illon, At Washington Friday the Interstate commerce, commission, in compliance with the icqiicst of the freight ship pers and icptesi'iitutlves of the com mercial interests, transmitted to At torney General Griggs a transcript of the evidence taken at the hearing last week respecting the new classification of freight made by theolllclal clnssltl cntlou committee. The proposed elassl Heat ion is to be inside elVcctive on Jan uary 1 by all railroads using the olll clnl classification. These include more than sixty lines east of the Mississippi nnd north of the Ohio and Potomac I ivers. The petition of the shippers was that the commission should trans mit the evidence taken before it to the attorney general, with a rccomnu'ii la tion that he, institute legal proco.-d-ings, by injunction or otherwise, lo restrain the railroads from putting the new classification into effect. To the request of the shippers the commission in pari complies. The evi dence and arguments inc. transmitted to the attorney general, but without lccommeudatlon. The letter of transmittal is long1, the eoniinis-don desiring to place the case, fairly before the attorney general. It reviews the proceedings which led up to the hearing, the taking of testimo ny, and the receipt of the protests. Attorney General Griggs, who is ill, has given no intimation yet us to what action, if any, ho may take in the premises. Necessarily lie will have to review the testimony before he can reach an Intelligent conclusion. In any event, It is said, it will bo suvcnil days beforo the matter can bo deter mined. FIVE MEN TO BE GARROTED laprrnie Court of I'nrto Itleo Infill'! Ilenlh 1'rnilly. Tlie supreme court of Porto Htco, at Ponce, lias sentenced five men to be garroted. In October, lSOS, twenty men, heavily armed with guns and machetes, robbed a house at Yauco, province of Ponce, and murdered a man named Priidcuclo Meude.. They also danced nrounil the body with his daughters, who were under compulsion. Seven of the men were cnucht, but subsequently one of tho prisoners es caped and one died in jail, Kindt V'ii o:u of .Murder. At Chlllicotho, Mo., n reporter has found a blood-smeared ax in the ruins of the farm houso where William O. Thomas and Ills three children were cremated last Sunday. There appears no room for doubt thut Thomas mur dered his children and then set flro to tho house, afterwards killing himself and falling into tho flames. The coroner's inquest disclosed no new in telligence. The bodies were burned beyond recognition. Ilrynn Cnri for lllg (lame. Hon. W. J. Bryan was the central tlguro tn a big panther hunt in tho mountains near Austin, Te.x. Tlie hunt had been especially arranged for him, and something lllcu .100 sports men, headed by Mr. Iiryan ami e.x Governor Hogg, left Austin early for scone of the proposed hunt. They re turned with a Hvo panther in their possession, having captured the animal during tho day. Full or l'lnnacle Itoek. The celebrated Pinnacle Hock, which overhung Cumberland Gap, Tonn., and was a noted natural spectacle, fell from its lofty height recently. The town was awakened as if by an earth quake, as the iminonso mass, weighing hundreds of tons, came tumbling down. The course of the rock was from the town and no lives havo been reported lost, although considerable property was destroyed. Nc-ro KIIU the Nhfirlft. Will Gorman, a negro, shot and in stantly killed Sheriff T. H. Siuipklns six miles north of Montlcello, Fla. Gorman was wanted for murder and Simpklns and a posse went to arrest him. As Simpklns pushed open the door of tho cabin Gorman shot him twice in the brcafl. Tho murderer es caped from the rear door, but he was bhot down and killed. Suffocated by foul (Jan. Peter t". Schrocder, a w ealthy whole sale grocer, with a number of stores in Ilrooklyn, and a young woman, be lieved to be Tillio Flyiiu, were suffo cated by escaping gas from defective stove connections in n cheap lodging house in Brooklyn. Scliroeder lived with his wife and tvo small children In Willinmsburg, was a member of tho various German societies and bore a good reputation. riulTiirlni; I'riim 1'nrenU. Congressman Itoutello is now in the McLean hospital for insane at Wnvcrly seven miles out of ltoston. When he was brought to lloston last Monday night it was tho intention of tho at tending physicians to pluco him in tho Clianding sanitarium at Ilrooklyn, a private institution. Ho was refused admittance thero, tho Inference being that his case was a uioro ilesporato ouu than the managers cared to bu respon sible for. From a thoroughly reliable source It Is reported that the congress man Is suffering from paresis. TWO MEN KILLED IN A FIGHT Tulnl Affrny Among tionlheriicrt I'rouil1 lent In TollUm. A serious fight occurred nt Deposit, a small town near lluiitsvlllo, Ala., in which two men were killed and a third probably fatally wounded. .lames llarden's throat was cut from car to ear by his nephew, Jesso Hard en. The former is dead. John C. Harden, a brother of tho dead man, seriously cut .lesso Harden nnd in the light was drawing to ti close, Mao Ktisscll discharged n load of btiskshot into Hie abdomen of desso Harden, causing death Instantly. All the parties are well known and prominent in politics, ltusscll has not been arrested. The cuuso of tho flgh' is not known. STORES DAMAGED BY FIRE Itlnrn nt 1'roinonl, Noli., Ciituei a I.nns of Nix Thmi'iind. A lire which started In the rear of I). Gannon's grocery store on Main street at Fremont, caused considerable) damage, while tho dry goods store of Thud Qtilnn. directly north of tho building, suffered greatly from smoko which poured in the store In cloud. The lire alarm was sounded and tho department managed to keep tho blar.o I'oiilliicil to U.sstarllng place and event ually quench it. The tiro was directly over a large oil tank in tho basement and for a time fear was felt that an explosion might result. Mr. Gannon'o damage will be about 51,000, while Mr. Quinu reports that his damage may reach as high as Sr.,000. PAUL FULL OF CONFIDENCE (nicer Jlellete llrrut llrlliiln Will Konn Hut) for I'eaee. Winston Churchill, on arriving at Durban, Natal, after his escape from the Hoer.-i, received u tremendous ova tion, lie says that from conversations with tho Transvaal executive at Pre toria he learned that tlie Hoers began the war with trepidation, but that President Krugcr is now confident that Great Britain will .soon sue for pence. In Hie highest Trausvaal circles, M. Churchill asserts, there is serious tall of compiomisc, by which Great Hritaiti would cede the territory now occupied by the armies of tho two republics, pay an indemnity of iiO.OOO.OOO pounds (S 1 00,000,000), and acknowledge tho complete independence of the Traus vaal. It Coil lllm llli Mfe. A. L Haylcs, while shucking corn on his farm near McKlnley, says a Guth rie, Okl., dispatch, was shot and killed by Charles Thomas, aged fifty years.1 Haylcs, who was about sl.xty-livc years old, married Thomas' twelve-year-old daughter last summer against tho father's wishes. Family quarrels have been frequent since. Thomas ap proached Haylcs witli levelled Win- onrsier nun reuiariting tuat, iney nan had trouble enough fired. Thomas es caped to Guthrie, where ho was aK rcbtvJ. Wnn!s Itullrottdn Itcitrulnctl. Secretary B. P. Wilson of tin utlon al niiimifuutitrt,r.s association, at Cin cinnati, says that a petition lias been drawn up to tho United States attor ney general asking that tho railroads be restrained front raising their freighfc rates tin .lanunry 1, on tho ground that this proposed advanco will v lulu to thtr" Sheridan anti-trust law. This is tho result of tho conference between ship pers and tho interstate commerce com mission at Washington on tho 20 and JI Inst. i -""- "-' tat Ileuit In a ltnvklns; Cliatr. Mary Heck, aged forty-two, of Ellin wood. Kan., was found by ono of her ; four children dead in her rocking chair, her throat cutand her forehead bruised. , Ono of the children said ho had heard his mother say sho had killed someone nnd would kill herself. Ilcr husband has been in the insane asylum for two years, and Mrs. Heck supported her family by following tho plow during tlio day and performing her household duties al night. fat's lllte Causes Death. Ahram I. Lefcvre, a farmer of Green laud, Pa., aged forty-five years, died from hydrophobia. He was bitten on the hand by a cat about four months ago, but did not feel any effects from the wound until last Saturday when his arm became stiff. Tlio following Sunday ho became violently ill and it was necessary to keep him under tho influence of opiates. - i UlichurKeH Itccolveri. At St. Paul, Minn., Judge Sanborn in the United States circuit court filed an order discharging tho receivers of the Northern Pacific railway company. Tho property and affairs aro turned over to tlie stockholders in tho reorgan ized company, which succeeds tho old corporation and bid in its holdings. THE NEWS IN BRIEF. A report is current In San Francisco that tho bubonic plagua exists in Hawaii. Tlio 1,800 men employed by tho Lo high and Wilkcsbarro Coal company and tho Silvcrbrook coal company, of Hazcltou, Pa., wore notified of au in crcaso of two pur c t in their wagos. Tho Bngllsh government has just placed a large order for meats with the various American packing houses. ( Tho National Card Hoard nnd Paper company, at a meeting held in New York, decided to iidvaiico tho price ol card board S'.'.SO per ton. Comptroller Dawes says there Is no cause for alarm over tho monoy situa tion. From a banking standpoint tho situation is sound and stable. Tho Japanese army is buylug up arms and ammunition, and is other wise preparing for war it expects to have with Uussla sooner or later. ' ;l Vi A i i :' I )' kl KflsMiw.5arwvw OTSEftg gumsmstssi "4W,K MUffiumwwmin m a