The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 05, 1900, Image 1

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FT i V "
As the beautiful season
of 1899 adyances we find
we have more
Ladies', Misses and
Children's Jackets
in stock than we wish to
carry over, and in
order to move them and
make room for the big
new stock for 1900 our
phenomenal trade demands
from now until these
goods are sold -we" w.
will cut the price
in the middle.
Our Prices are all in. t
i$S'n figures and
one-half of the regular f
price buys any of our ;
Ladies', Misses or
Children's Jackets
while they last.
City Dray and
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
"" Charges as low as the Lowest
The Chief is now
Located in Farmers
Merchants Bank
Building. Call
and See Us.
Express Line.
Weather warm nnii changeable.
Thos. Auld of Red Cloud linn bought
tho Marsdcn rnncli.
Dug Davis was on a business trip in
Lino ono day this wook.
Tho Sunday school at Dlst. 8 has do
oidod to continue another qunrtor.
Tlio oyster supper and danco at
Carl Uudd's was largely attended.
E. W Anderson and wife woro tho
guest of b. D. Hutchison this'weok.
Littio Blancho Aubushon is on the
sick list this week but is improving.
Mr. and Mrs. VVIIdoy Spent tho holi
days with friends at Bostwiok this
Thomas Brown has returned to An
selmo, Nebraska, to mako it his future
Hov. Nobln of Walnut crook proached
at Uist. No. 8 last Sunday to r small
Tho young pooplo of Lino gave Mrs.
Wm. Aubushon a pleasant surprise one
dav this week.
Bonj. and Mary VanDyko arc going
on a short visit to Danbury, Nebraska,
in the near future.
Ernest Benuchamp is going to Okla
homa with M. M. Fearn to make that
placo his future home.
Mrs. Frank VanDyko was tlio guest
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Noblo tho first of tho week.
, Robert Graham of Fountain, Okie-.
noma, was visiting friends in Red
Cloud this weok. Ho returns home
noxt wo k.
L. A. Hankins has movf d hit family
to Red Cloud. Ho stays on tho Shor
wjnd ranch to look after the stock be
is feeding.
Mert Fearn has his household goods
loaded preparatory to starting for
Oklahoma in the near, futuro where ho
will mako his future homo.
Wnlter Noble's and Hiram Boyco's
young folks spent Now Year' eve at
F. II. Hutchisons with a watch night
party. All roport a good time.
Invitation cards are out for tho mar
riage of S. C. Clark, a former resident
of Red Cloud now of Santa Ana, Cali
fornia, and Miss Hattie Smith of West
minster, California.
Wuilo Benj. VanDyke was doing
something with his shot gun it was ac
cidentally discharged. J.E. Fox and
Frank VanDyko were near by and nar
rowly escaped being hurt. Tho boys
woro excited for some time. Look out
boys or somo ono will be killed.
Our merchants aro all busy invoic
ing this week.
I. B. Colvin and Wm. Reevo woro at
Red Cloud on business Tuesday.
Jesso Garrison shipped 43 hogs Mon
day averaging 403 pounds in weight.
The west elevator has chaagod bands.
D. and R. McCallum are now in charge
Who wants to trade a Nebraska farm
for an Illinois faim. See I. B. Colvin.
The dance Now Years night at the
Montgomery building was well at
tended. Chas. Busheo and several others at
tended tho horse race at Holdrego Sat
urday. A Mr. Sutherland has ronted rooms
at tho Occidental hotel for a photo
graph gallery.
Tho Norton county, Kansas, visitors
havo all returned to their homes after
their Christmas visit.
L, D. Thompson and John Hagan
havo gone to Norton county, Kansas,
with the intention of locating there.
Saturday foronoon Frank Fisher's
two sons were out hunting when the
elder, agod 17, slipped and foil dischar
ging double barrel shot gun, both
charges striking him In tho neck and
killing him instantly. The funeral
took place at the home Monday at 2
p.m. conducted by Rev. Finch. About
fefty teamp followed the remains to
their last restingtplace.
w An TM KMaaya t
Dr. Hobba' Bpwtunu PUU euro ill kldatr UU. Bra
fU f rot. AM. WIW mwr Co.. CUmio or S. f.
After a week's vacation tho schools
aro in full blast again.
Winter has boon hero in earnest nnd
the ground Is covered with snow.
Tho rabbits, quail and other game
has to suffer now from hunters and tho
Mr. Rowland and daughter spent
two days last week visiting in Adams
. Hauling ice from tho Blue to'. (ill tho
Ico houses is the order of tho day. Ico
is about ten inches thick.
Mrs. Charley Watorbury of Iowa,
and her brother rt. E. Rowlands, ar
rived at tho homo of Mr. Rowlands
for a short visit.
Tho ofllcors elect in tho A. O. U. W.
lodge at Blue Hill were installed last
Tuesday evoning. Bro. Wilson of Red
Cloud was up and enjoyed it.
Frank S. Perdue, superintendent of
tlio schools at Madison, Nebraska, was
in this city for tho purpose of getting
scholars for the Intorstnto School of
Correspondence, 078 Wabash avenue,
Dr. Karnes tho presidunt of tho onti
Salooj Loaguo of Nebraska delivered
a grand temporanco lectin o. Ho was
pastor of the church in Grand Island
about two years ago, but gavo it up to
become a lecturer for the lenguo.
Lester Koontz wns in town Monday
from Indiana.
Bertio Newton of Franklin is visiting
friends near Inavalo.
Mrs. C. Fitnoy is convalescing under
tho skillful euro of Dr. Myers.
Louis Eddy, attending school at
Franklin, is homo on a vacation.
Tho prosont high price of corn and
bogs in Inavalo has mado business
lively tho past fow days.
N. E. Harvey's wifo and children
woro visiting in Missouri. Ono of tho
children was taken sick nnd shosont
tho other two home last Sunday.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of tho disease Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional discaso,
and in order to euro it ou must taku
intornal remedies. Hall's Catarrh euro
is taken internally and acts directly on
the blood nnd mucous surfaces of the
system, Hall's catarrh cure is not a
quack medicine It was proscribed by
one of tho best physicians In this coun
try for years, nnd is a regular pro
scription. It is composed of tho best
tonics known, combined with tho best
blood purifiers, ao'.ing directly on tho
mucous surfaces. Tho porfect combi
nation of tho two ingrodionts is what
produces such wonderful results in
enring catarrh. Send for testimonials,
freo. F. J. Cheney & Co.,
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by druggists, prico 7Cc.
Hall's family Fills aro tho best.
Koep in mind tho thoroughbred pout
try exhibit to be held in this city next
wook, opening Tuesday, Jan. 9th, and
continuing throe days. Several hun
dred of tho bcstspociiuensof thorough
bred poultry in nil tho leading varie
ties will bo on exhibition. If you are
at all interested in poultry, or tako
ploasuro in looking at tho real thing in
high class poultry, it will moro than
pay you to spend a fow hours at this
first annual oxhibit of tho Rod Cloud
Inter-Stato Poultry association.
An aching back, a disordered diges
tion, ohanges in tho nrine, headaobes,
nervous weakness, all points to Bright's
disease. Take stops to cure the trouble
before the diso&so develops Us danger
ous stagos. Prickly Ash Bitters is a
certain remedy. It boats and strength
ens the kidneys, regulates the liver,
stimulates tho stomach and digestion,
cleanses tho bowels. It has been used
in many severe and obstinate eases
with the most gratifying success. Sold
by C. L. Getting.
Examination Notice.
Regular examinations for porsoas
desiring to teach in Webster couaty
are held in the suporiatendent's office
at Red Cloud, the third Saturday ia
each month.
Eta J. Cam, Couaty 8t.
The Delicious
from a hot
Royal Baking
Powder biscuit
whets the
appetite. The
taste of such
a biscuit
sweet, creamy,
delicate and
crispy is a joy
to the most
Tho revival serviuos which havo been
conducted for tho past few weeks aro
to continue indefinitely each evening.
Services noxt Sunday as follows:
Morning sorvico at 10:00.
Biblo school nt 12 o'clock.
Evoning sttrvico at 7:80.
Special music nt each service.
Everybody kindly invited.
L. A. Hussono, Pastor.
Services noxt Sunday ns follows:
Morning sorvico at 10:80 Miss Clif
toua Deaconess from Omaba will
Sunday School at 11:80 a.m. Con
ducted by D. B. Spanoglt-.
Preaching nt Amboy at 3 p.m.
Senior Loaguo at 7 p.m.
Evoning services a union meeting in
tho Baptist church, boginningtho weok
of prayer.
Meetings will bo hold overy night tho
coming week alternating between the
churches and pastors.
Ladies Aid Society Friday aftornoon.
All are most cordially invited to at
tend. Roscok A. Uaiinks, Pastor.
Regular services noxt Sunday an
Regular morning sorvico at 10:80.
Sermon by tho pastor followed by tho
saoramont of tho Lord's supper.
Sabbath school at 11:40.
Proaching at Indian creek at 8:80.
Young People's Society Christian En
deavor at 0:80. Topic, "Prayer That
Obtains," Miss Mabel Howard, loador.
Sermon by tho pastor at 7:30. Sub
Joct, "Lessons from tho Life of Dwight
L. Moody."
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening
at 7:80.
All are heartily welcome.
Frank W. Dean, Pastor.
Next week will bo observed as a
"weok of prayer" by the Baptist, Meth
odist and Congregational churches, in
union meeting every night at 7:80.
The Christian church is in tho midst of
a special service, which it does not
seem bost to interrupt. Tlio topics
and leaders aro as follows:
Sunday at Baptist church, "Unity in
.'. x.mimmt flJ"V
w k t .rw'wHWwfa,;
ROYAL Baking
Powder improves
the flavor and
adds to the hcalthful
ncss of all risen flour
foods. It renders the
biscuit, bread and cake
more digestible and
Royal Baking Pow
der makes hot breads
wholesome. Food
raised with Royal will
not distress persons of
delicate or enfeebled
digestion, though eaten
warm and fresh.
Imitation baking powders almost invariably -contain
alum. Alum makes the food unwholesome. t. :itiou.
.vion, ui Cln-
kiiion has been
aOYAl BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. j,tcd States attor-
that'tha railroads
Monday at Mothooancu wm ylato tb
lossion ana J.imnKS(.1Ht jaw Thksi
Tuesday at Congt l..cnce be
"Tim fllmrRli ITnlvniiinl."'-EntfTV
Wedncsnay nt Baptist church
- --- --.-.-.. . v . , v
lions and Their Rulers," Ilov 1
Thursday at Methodist
"Families and Schools," Rev. De
Friday, at Congregational
'Foreign Missions," Rov. Edson
Saturday, nt Baptist church, "HoM
Missions," Rev. Barnes. ,''
Sunday at Methodist church, "Christ'
and tho Individual Members of the
Church," leador not yot chosen
A volumo of pruyer goos up these
nights from all tho world for theso ob
jects. All aro asked to Join in theso
Try Graln-Ol Try Gnia-OI
Ask your grocor today to show you a
packago of Grain-O, tho new food
drink that takes tho placo of coffoo.
Tho ohlldren may drink it without in
jury asjwell as tho adult. All who try
it, liko it. Grain-0 his that rich seal
brown of Mocha or Java, but it is mado
from pure grains, and tho most dolicato
stomach recoives it without distress.
Oao-fourth the prico of coffee. 15o and
25o per packago. Sold by all grocers.
".')oeds ore fruits, words nro but
loaves." Tho many wonderful oureg
effected by Hood's Sarsaparillaarotbe
fruits by which it should bo Judged.
Theso prove it to bo tho groat romqdy
lor all blond diseases.
Hood's Pills euro all liver ills,
,Wo reapootfully" invito tho members
of tho clergy of our city to send us in
notices of deaths and marriages vhich
occur, tho particulars of which thoy are"
conversant with, giving details as near
as prsslblo that wo may give appropri
ate mention.
Blankets, blankets, blankets. Have
you soon aiy large stock of blankots.
Square blankets, cutaway blankets,
wool blankets, 5-A blankets, Burling
ton stay blankets, bias girth blankots,
Storm King blankots and in fact all
kinds of blankets at' low prices at J. O.
Prlokly Ash Bitters cures tho kid
nays, regulates tho liver ami purl Ilea
the bowels. A valuable system tonic.
Bold by C. L. Cottlng.
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