tjie imsd cloud oiiJEir, prtmy, dec. 2d, ison. Ji 44 The 'Best is the Cheapest tt Experience teaches that good clothes wear longest, good food gives best nutrition, and a good medicine that cures disease is naturally the best and cheapest. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best medi cine money can buy, because it cures when all others fail. Poor Health "Had poor IwtSth for years, pains In shoulders, and hips, with constant headache, nervousness and no appetite. Used Hood's Sarsaparilla, gained strength and can nvork hard all dayt eat heartily and sleep -well, J look It because it helped my husband to whom il gave strength," Mrs. E. J, Glffcls, Moose Lake, Minn. JweeCS SaMafiatitlh ft. Jlood'e WIU enro liver III, the lion Irrltatlnn end nnfir ctthtrtlc In tale wltii llooil'i 7friiirlll- THE CHIEF runt.immi nr w. l. McMillan. no jesr... Ilxmonthi 1P V) HJM.IHIIBD KVKIIY Kill DAT Bnterod At thopoitniucont Hod Cloud, Noli. h ooond elm mull matter. ADVKUT1SI.NO KATKS: l.oenl ailvurlltitiiK ft cviiIh ir line per Ikkiio. Local AilvcrtlMiiK fur ontcrtnliiinuiitii, con erm.Koclnln, etc., given by clilirclif", clmrltnblo octette, etc., nlicru All inonejn ralu'd there from me inert wholly fur church or chntllHtilo oalolloi, flrnt ton line free- ami nil over ten linen !)Ji rents cr lino per Inane. Local KilvortlKliiK of onturtnlnmenti), concert, reoltal, etc., vvliero per cent la h'voii tu pro motcra, 6 cents per lino per Ihmic. liinn.AT AtivEiiTlalNd, lino column per inonth................ .......... 17 (10 One half column per month ........................ 3 Ml i inofoiirlti column x;r nionlh... ... 1 75 Oeneml illiplny mlrortlnlng 8U coat per .Inch perlstnc. Dwlftlit L Moody, tho evangelist, whoso fame is world wide, died tit li is Itoiuo In East Nortlillcld, Mush., Inst Kridny. ' Aliout 8,000 Diltish soldiers have so f ir boon roportud killod, wounded or captured by tho liners iu tho South Africnn wnr. Writing tho ditto next year will lironk up a llfu long habit and tho It iniiin numerals will loonk strangely abbreviated as MOM. m Kich cold bonrinK quartz has been found in Snlino county, Kansas. Stops have been taken to have the quartz as sayed and to ascertain tho extent of tho deposit. m Tho exporters along the Pacific coast cannot get fdiipi enough to handle tho business offert d. 'J'he new era on that ldo of the world moves, forward with rapid strides. m In the speed contest to Maniladiti twecn thu Brooklyn nnd New Orleans tho Brooklyn made tho trip in two davV less steaming time than tho Now Orleans, Tho Urnoklyu made the six teen thousand miles in forty-six days. m i Now that' tho Brooklyn has joined . tho Oregon and tho two double tur ro'ted monitors at Manila, our out posts on the I'acllic aro properly pro tected. Thero is no belter way to cul tivate peaceful relations with every body in that region. Next year promises to see tho hottest political light ever waged in this state. It will be presidential year, stnte of tiuers, congressional, and two United states senators to elect. Eanli party has already commenced tho conducting of nn aggressive nnmpalgn of educa tion. The Nebraska expurimeut Station has just issued Bulletin No. 01, treat ing of Hungarian bronie grass. Ills a dry-weather grass, imported from Bus Bia, and has been found admirably a laptutl to the semi-arid region of this Oountry. The subject matter of tho bulletin comprises (1) tests of the grass on the experiment farm, (3) tests by various persons throughout the state, and (!)) directions for sowing and car ing for the crop. The bulletin may bo obtained free of cost by writing to tho Agricultural Experiment Station, Lin coln, Nebraska. "Lest wo forget" tho annoyances of var the revenue department insists that iu addition to licking and cancel, lag stamps of a larger denomination than ton cents tho sticker "shall mini lato said stamp by cutting three par allel incisions lengthwise through tho stamp, beginning not more than one- fourth of au inch from one end thereof and extending to within ouo-fourth of an inch of tho other end." This now regulation is niado necessary by tho pernicious activity of offensive patriots who attempt to "do" your nncli by lauiidrying revenue stamps. Thu Bleeders Gazette In speaking of cures for hog cholera say: "The ab soluto acluntillo fact that stands out bodily in tho consideration of this problem is that' thero is no euro for hoc cholera. Provontivo measuros may bo adopted; inoculation hns prov ed successful iu a large degree; sani tary conditions conduce in I wiltli, tonics uiuy so strengthen tho system -uimiiimmss as to furiilh giiit'i t iiitniH t dt e to , lint ii fni a i iiti' f"i lint: ell ill i a tln'ie N none, Mini tin' nttiti wlm liuv tho advortUed cities is sinking his inoiiej in tho pit In which ho buries his hogs " Tho bii-it-enacted cure-all scums to b patronized by nearly nil tho long bailed male and short-haired female reformei a of tho United States When ever any economic evil troubles, or n social iiiiiiatico bothers tho community tho professional reformer proposes cor tection by an enactment. They de clare money to measure all Ytilties, can ho matin by statute out of irredeemable paper. This they call scietililio money. And tho shadow of an egg boiled live minutes would boscientlllu nutriment, Why not. enact that all solid ice in the Missoittl liver shall bo chuese, and all snow on thu plains flour! Such an otiactmoiit would have the same elll tiiiuy as one declaring forty-eight cunts w.irth of sllvcrtho (qua) of one hun dred cents worth of gold. Conserva tive The people of Itcd Cloud aro as a rule loyal to their home tut t chants ami home enterprises. Cheap John fnklisj have almost without exception received the iti'trblu henit iu this town. Our people believe iu pationizlng the busi ness men who assist iu the upbuilding of the town, county and state l'licio have been a few instances where tiau sient concerns have succeeded in bun coing our peoplu, but they are rare. Thei o have boon cases of rug men, cur tain men, book agents, gasoline lamp agents, etc., but then no doubt a few could be caught on a three caul mouto game or a sale of unclaimed expiess matter. But a majority of the people are "next" to most of the coutideueo games. For this reason bankrupt stocks anil other schemes have but lit tle allurement iu our community. Thu act passed by both houses of congress, creating a commission to ro vise and modify the pension laws of the United States, has placed nt tho president's disposal live oftlucs in thu form of appointments to the com mission. The bill provides that the president, with the advice and consent of the senate, shall appoint a non-partisan commission of live mombeis, at least one of whom shall belong to the Grand Army of the Republic, whose duty it shall be, under the direction of the socrotnry of the Interior, to revise and codify tho pension laws. The commission is required to submit ro ports to congress, which shall indicate any proposed change in tho substance of existing laws, and shall be accom panied by notes which shall stnte tho reasons for such changes. The ap pointment of a pension commission was m ado imperative by the many bills that aro being submitted to congress providing for various changes in the pension laws, either to adapt .hem to special cases nr to bring about general innovation. Thu commissioners ap pointed by tho president will make a thorough investigation of everything relating to pensions, and will submit for congressional approval such sug gestions as may appear to them t'j b desirable. The Way to Go to California is iu a tourist sleeper, personally con ducted, via the Burlington Route. You make fast time. You sen the liuest scenery on the globe. Your car is not so expensively fur nished as a palace sleeper, but il is just as clean, jiist(.iscoiufortable, just as good to ride in and nearly $20.00 cheaper. It has wi le vestibules; Pintsch gas; high backed scats; a uni formed pullmaii porter; clean bedding; spacious toilet rooms; tables and a heating raego. Being strongly and heavily built, it rides smoothly; is vvaim in winter andcool in summer. In charge of each exclusion parly is an experienced, excursion conductor vlio accompanies it right through to Los Angeles. Cars leave Omaha, St, Joseph, Lin coln and Hastings every Thursday, ar riving San Francisco following Sunday, Los Angeles Monday. Only threedayj from thu Missouri river to the Pacitiu coast, including a stop-over of li hours at Denver ami 2J hours atSaltLako City two of thu most Interesting cit ies an thocontiubnt. For folder giving full information, call at any Burling ton Route ticket otllce, or write to J. Fkancis, Gou'l Passenger Agent Omaha, Neb. Statk ok Onto, City ok Toledo ) q Lucas County. j ss Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ho is the senior partner of tho firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing btislnesa in the city of Toledo, county of Lucas, stnto aforesaid, ami that said llrm will pay the sum of Ono Hundred Dollars for each aud every cuso of catarrh that cannot be cured by tho tiso of Hall's Catarrh Cine. KltANIC J.Cll"NIJY. Sworn.) uofoiu mo and subscrilad in my presence this 0th day of Decern li r, 1880. A. W. (Jliiason skalI Notary Pi 'ibo Hall's Catarrh Cure is tak.i inter nally ami acts directly on tho blood and mucous sut faces jf Mio system. Send. for testimonials, free. F.J. Ciibnky:& Co., Toledo, O. Sold by dru I? UlStS, 700. Hall's Fnuii rills aro itiu uest lleratiso purely vwtnule yd tlior otiKl'i prompt, licnltliful, satisfactory Hood's Piiis LEGALIZED SLAVERY. Services of Negroes in the South Sold to Farmers. Whom Gnlltr of Minor Crimes Tlielr Fines Aro Worked out with Those Who Come Fortym-il nd rr Tli cm. ConditiotiH much like slavery linvc been brought about among the negroes in this state by the tlne-alternntlve sj s- J torn of punishing minor crimes, and the grand jury of this (Anderson) county, In Its presentment just made, directs' attention to them. A negro Is arrested for some offense gambling, fighting, resistance of o Ul cers, breach of contract, violation of the lien law, helling liquor, or any one of a dozen other misdemeanors. He is fined W5 to $5(1, with the alternative ofvvork Ing 01) or 0) days, or even six months, on the chain gang. Then u white farm er talis ami looks him over. If he ap pears to be tin able-bodied farmhand, the farmer oilers to pay his fine to be "worked out," and the negro usunlly consents. As farm wages are from six to eight dollars a mouth and board, ami In hitch eases arc fixed nt the lowest rate, the negro's ehnnces for working himself nut of servitude In a year or two are slim. He does not ilnre to vio late his contract. If he has a family, he cannot get nway, and even If he is a single man he cannot go far before he is captured, nnd breach of contrnct menus another long term on "the gang." The grnnd jury in its report saym: "There are 1 n't he county to-day a num ber of these unfortunates who, under terror of conviction for crimes ranging from the most trivial of which the law takes notice to ginver offenses, have bound themselves to landlords for- n period of service ranging nil the wny from one yenr to live or more, having In some Instances three or four years' srrlee for the nthnnecinent of a fee of $.10 or less. Worse thnn nil, many worthless negro men, who hnvc neg lected their wives nnd helpless chil dren and have got into the clutches of the law, have bound these wives nnd children to n stnte of servitude to pro cure the payment of some sninll fine. We are told that in some Instances children senrcely out of their Infancy have been thus bound out, sometimes during the whole of their minority, In order to pny n fine of n few dollars, the price of their fathers' crimes. In othr Instances these contracts are obtained in order to nvohl prosecution." The presentment names one lawyer of the local bar, who, it chnrges, regu larly visits the county jail and offers his services to friendless negro prison ers, his fees to be "worked out." With the men once bound to him, he can let them out to farmers to "work out" what they owe him, presumably mak ing a profit on the transaction. Wheth er convicted or acquitted, the prison ers nre In equally tint case, the term of their servitude depending on the con science of the landlord. The improvi dence nnd Ignorance of the negroes innkcs It easy to hold them Indefinitely with sninll advaneis of provisions nnd clothing at tremendous prices, nnd in terest charges on the money, the sys tem expressed iu the familiar lines:" "Ort's er ort an Aggers er flggcr; All fur dc white man; none fur de nig ger." The grand jury makes no recom inendntlon except to suggest Hint It would be more merciful to punish of fenders with nn absolute sentence of imprisonment or labor on "the gang," that they might serve out and be done with. Anderson (S. C-.) Cor. N. Y Times. THE MOON OF MARS. A Satellite Tlmt HeKularl- (iiiti Through All lis ClmnKi-n or "Quar ter" liver? Nlulit. The Inhabitants of the planet Mnrs If there are any witness every night a spectacle the like of which, the as tronomers tell us, may be seen nowhere else iu the universe. They hove a moon that rises In the west nnd sets in the east, and Hint goes through all Its phases In a single night. This moon, which is called l'hohos, is only about seven miles In diameter, nnd is less thnn 4,000 miles dlstnnt from Mnrs. l'rof. Hall, who discovered it nnd Its companion, Deltuos, In 1877, found that it revolver around the plnnet In seven hours aud :S minutes, and as the planet itself rotates in 234 hours nnd 37 minutes the moon makes n little more 4 4 SLUGGISH BRAIN .... Is caused by Imperfect Digestion and Disorder in the Liver and Bowels. PRICKLY ASH BITTERS IS A BOON TO BRAIN WORKERS. It purifies the bowels, stu igthens and regulates the ' liver, aids digestion, promotes vigor of body, cheerfulness and mental activity. i SOLD BY ALL DRUQQI8T8. npqppw .' II ll ' ' I ..' us vl , I l Is ruliiimt. It Is lepi'l mo tion that (.'ittt 'hobos Its unique tl In duction. It moves toward the east, the direction In which Mars rotates, but tt goes so fast that it disappears above the western three times while Mars Is turning over one time. Thus the MnrllaiiK hne a new moon, n cres cent moon, n half moon, a gibbous moon, n full moon and a new moon again nil In one night. In the wee of the enrth nnd its moon the eondilt' ns nie reversed. The earth turns over on Its own axis about 27 times while the moon Is going nroitntl It once. The motion of each is townrd the east, but the more rapid movement of the earth makes the moon appear to be moving toward the west. That It Is really going eastward Is shown by Its rising from IS to fiO minutes later ' every night and by the daily chance of Its M)sltlon nmong the stnrs. Cin cinnati I'nqttlrer. O nili nut fliionKe Cnkc. Three eggs beaten light, one and one half cups of sugar, onc-hnlf cup of cold vvnterj ndd two rounding cups of Gra ham Hour in which has been hlftetl two teaspoons of baking powder, nnd one 8nltspoon of snlt, flavor to tnste. Heat hard for n few minutes, then bnkc In n rather quick oven. Home Mnrn?lne. What Do the Children Drink. Duii'lgivo them tea or collec. Have you tried thu new food drink called Gi'hIii-O. Il Is delicious and uoiirWh lug and takes the piaeo of coffee. The mole Grain-0 ,vom give thu children the moii) health joii distribute through their systems. Graiu-0 is Hindu of pure grain1), and when properly pre pined tastes like the choice grades of coffee hut ciHts tibotti oue-fotirth as much. All grocers ell it. 15c ami 25c. r.'ilnriHo Your tlnwt-l Willi f'nrur-u. Candy Pntlinnl euro toimtlpallou former. I0c,25e. IfO.CC f.vll, ilniKglKlN refund niutiov fine figure Many women lose their girlish forms alter they become mothers. This b due to neg lect. The figure can be preserved beyond question if the ex pectant mother will constantly use IfloilKr's ifrkitvl during the whole period of pregnancy The earlier its use k begun, the more per fectly, will the shape be preserved. moibtr's Trleri not only softens and relaxes the muscles during the great strain before birth, but helps the skin to contract naturally afterward. It keeps unsightly wrinkles away, and the muscles underneath retain their pliability. mcttrtr'l TritM Is that famous external liniment which banishes morning sickness and nervousness during pregnancy? shortens labor and makes it nearly painless; builds up the patient's constitutional strength, so that she emerges from the ordeal without danger. The little one. too, shows the effects oi ItUtbtt'l TritHfl by IU robustness and vigor. Sold at drug- stores for S I a bottU. Send for our finely illustrated book (or ex pectant mothers. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA. OA. .' - w.r. : SEE THE OYSTER KITCHEN IN THE WINDOW AT THE Star Bakery J. O. WILES, Prop. PRIOE tl.OO PER BOTTLE. Fl iMb jiMia wiuhu.uiuj mK.i. iiinuuuum iiB.auiiu'JU'.'w'i'.tjin. 7mauuuuiiwuimA , BL JJtM Fno ornnnn a T V!! l HSirlll A - UIl oyRUrULfii L . , ' J S. S. S, Is the Only Remedy Equal to ilils Obstinate Disease. Is equal to any blood troubk, and never fulls to euro Scrofula, becnuso it goes down to tho sent of tho disease, thus pcrmnnchtly eliminating every trnco of tho taint. Tho serious conseouencos to vv hich Scrof uln. snrelr IpihIb should Impress upon tljoso nfllic led with it tho vital im portance, of wasting no timu upon treatment which can not possibly eirect a cure. In many cases where tho wrong trentmcntlias been relied upon, complicated glandular swellings havo resulted, for which the doctors insist Hint n dnngerotis surgical operation is necessary. Mr. II. K. Thompson, of Millcdgevillo, Gn.. writes: "A bail caso of Scrofula broko out on tho glands of my neck, which had to bo lanced and caused mo much sufTering. I was trcatetl for a long while, but the physicians were un ablo to euro mo, ami my condition was ns bad ns when I began their trentment. Many blood remedies wero used , but without cfTect. Soma ono recommended S. S. S., nnd I began to improvo as soon ns I hnd taken a few bottles. Continuing tho remedy, I was soon cured permanently, una liavo never had a sign of tho disease to return." Swift's Specific S. S. 3. FOR THE BLOOD Is the only remedy which can promptly rench nnd euro obstinato, deep-seated blood disoasos. iJy relying upon it, and not experimenting with tho various so-called tonics, etc., nil sufferers from blood troubles can bo promptly cured, Instead of enduring yenrs of Buffering which gradually but Bttrely undermines tho constitution. S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetnblo. and never fnila to euro Scrofula, Eczema. Cancer, Uheumatism, Contagious Blood Poison, Boils, Tetter, Pimples, Sores, Ulcers, etc Insist upon S S S. ; nothing can tnko its place. Books on blood and skin diseases will bo mailed free to any address by the Swift Specif lo Company, Atlanta, Georgia. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE - CHIEF ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. Low Club Rates with all the Leading National Weeklies. R. I. BEDFORD, j Lands, Insurance & Collections, j RED CLOUD, Among my special bargains for this week I am offering for sale 300 head of Good Colorado Range Cows, FROM TWO TO EIGHT YEARS OF AOB, Good colors, avoraging in weight around 850 fiounds. Will sell on six months time, good secur ty, delivered nt Red Cloud or vicinity. Further particulars can bo had by calling on or writing me. t K, PLATT & Ghieago Lumber Yard, RED CLOUD, Lumber, Lime. 1M3 ADOrejS IVIJMBI&re 00, DEALERS IN LUMBER l 4 lBtjiilcliixt: material. Etc. RED CLOUD. JAMBS PBTBQSON, DEALER IN NEWTON and SMITH ALSO A FULL LINE OF BUGGIES and DEffiPSTEft WlflDIHILliS. Thero nri'dozens of remedies recommended for Seiofula, Homo of thcni no doubt beitit; ablo to nlford temporary relief, but S. S. S. is absolutely tho only remedy which completely cures it. Kcrofula is ono of tho moat obstinato, deep-seatod likod diseases, und U beyond tho rench of tho many so-called purilierrfntid tonics becnusosomo tlunt' more tliim n mprn tnnii in rinnlrid. R. H. H. IB NEHRASKA. FREES CO.. NEURASKA. Coal and Cement. and COAk Nebraska J 1 f n 1 4 A1 5& 1 1 M i Jv , , A I . ..M IK t fSJi