tu K9raxv3xmGvx9 12 -.tta(si9rinuur'a. nAx!ucMm.azv. " l'f-lf',;jf'y- it. . . . . -.&. M.ir. :i!:S:I V ' 1-,'"''u,--i's. .. ..... . ..rn ir, .wiuiMnim i ,wmCTamaam-- m-m,...-. &,. ----: mir' Fes - . sa'K' ' --- - ,iSEPsf3j - -. --.-.--iv-m,-".--- umi . "w--"-.-.- a-.i-,. .. f ':,) .sass-. .&& -" Mmm$w'j$m: .mB?jrr&&Fttsmt. .mm. i--Lr &. !:?--:iffiiiEK : mm-s3m&xw M-m . , -srri&ar;1 rfc ?-;.. -shb KS.wsisafflsrru ..ws a nit 'jaaeiiHaBeWAsaKSffl ffinjH.tfaiy?v 4&&JsMnss83s'M BKt &Kaassife .-kc a 'SSSESsm sS&ksssk '....: j,2Bmm&Awm8mmB&mfri2m, ay &-ttxyrwmttm&&!tzisaL -A6 ,: -- .fff-ft ' 57-wiaBK2i3 ;i" c? ijSrfcs.. i 1 - , w.$vw$v-mf3'(mm.:x-- ',r Trtox&ms&xvra&tfiyjxj. m aH'Mm4 f 7' w-uvf $&tr m!r;vrr. . ..r'-a" t"" '.,teBsf'Hlss laMCTiw.! .iw't ,?'.. warnm-, l:. , KCW-fJ b...',!lj Iv - EtAffi? bBL I k &&; fc Vi. -. r-. '"" ., -"- .5Ss$s v-r- -.r- ' " Fml. .T2wV -:: ""JtH"- flS? ' ' " -"--' . '?7?' - , !-"-.. - '!2i TOLUIJS XXVII. 1 CLOAKS FOE !$ - ft ON THE DOLLAR ! IS As the beautiful kAl of 1899 advances we find we have more M tea Ladies', Misses and H Children's Jackets M I in stock than we wish to carry over, and in . $$ aa order to move them and M 1 make room for the big new stock for 1900 our 1 phenomenal trade demands H from now until these goods are sold we m I will cut the price I in the middle. IS sa m Our Prices are all in M W plain figures and W one-half of the regular 11 M price buys any of our M M Ladies9, Misses or &s V Sp while they last. ii IVliner Bros., Red Gloudjeb. aRwsa City Dray and Express Line. B, SAC. ROSS. PROP, Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONE NO. 52. ?Ae Chief is Mcfcated in Farmers l n'flSto' mcrununzs BKp J Bmldmg Ca and Sae 7s. 50c season M now aanK KKP CLOUD, TsMCHRASkA. Kf i). IS)J). BLADEN. A lniij- imm fiir. ( J'rul Unvl lut Lliii'Oln.iliiMri-ck. , (5!K. Cluiii U nt liutiiii iliirinn va-l cauua. V. H. lldllM'lloitlt'l la vl-lllii IiIh pa. ICIIl.s ill lllWH. Pint. Mnoii' kient Mivi'iul ilnys ut liiDitnu. this u'i'k, .Mish AlcCiiM'ki'ii is I'njiiyiii Iht vit- t'llllOII III llUIIIO ill JtlllilltU, U.K. Ulcus umi t tit it i 13 utu Clnl.-a-tiiun tt in nit null .Mr. una .Mis. Iil-uIc-i. A umiiuut uiyjminnmsiuiit Cliiist- IllUS III 11113 IIUI1IU 1)1 lililltl unit I'.stU suilur. .Uias liuii who itliuiul.t ouliuol ui iriuiuiiii 1.1 siiuiuliiig ut-r vacuiiwii wuii liut paieuiB. Alio, biiuuui, son ill mid OutiKlilui' omiiuuvur tiuui illuu liul 1'iiuatluy lo vih tnoiHls. 'I'nu Uiizaui' mul supjiui' luoi Wuiliifa- iliij uVuiiliiy una u jluul lilt mul u uuxi aiini wus ruiUi.iul. 1'iul. bruumui'a lieu luuiuiu ill llio Coiiyn.'niiuuiml cliuicMi Fnim uvvuiui; wus very luiciehiiu. Dnixmsi t'Uuliis is lukiiiL' 11 lay oil (lining Uiu liuliilaj o mul ia ai uuinu wilU Ilia Iutiiil 111 ltusuiituu. J. K, Yoalmul duiiily pmtook ut tur kuy ut the lioinu of Mia. Yual' (alliur 11 nil nioiUuf uorlli u( town. Mr. Juliu KuulTmaQ v.-ho wua.uin cried last Suuiiuy ut Lincoln is spuuiting bis houuyinoon with his pmonta north of town. Williu Thurtiu nml his siitur Hose cuinu homo Satunlny evening to spued the huliduya. They uro nttuuditiK soliool at liincoln. The Bludeu bund furnished liiualo for the enturtiiintnent Saturday even itiK mid' they are making rapid prog ress. It will not be long before Bla den will have u first class band. Hur rub f ir the band ami hurrah for Bla den. The Christmas trees Saturday even ing at the hall and Sunday evening ut the Uaptist church were well attouded and pronounced a graud success, everv- 0110 doing their part, and the trees were just loaileU with presents. All seemed to enjoy themselves and csnec- iully the little folks. It was rather hot weather for Santa but he made his up pearance just the same. INAVALE. Clyde Fitney is all smiles now days it's tt boy. Mr. Eddv aud family nto Christmas dinner at J. M. BroomlielU's. Clarence Jones and wife and little ones spent Christmas in lie 1 Cloud. Orrin Harvey aud familv snout Christmas day with Mrs. Hedge of Bed Cloud. A number of relatives and uolehbora ate Christmas dinner with Mrs. Ellio Harvey. Miss Ethel Harvey leaves for Frank lin Friday noon to visit relatives and frionds. Mr. and Mrs. Churly Palmer of Bed Clouu spent Christmas with Mrs. Eflle llarvoy. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Grossman havo moved in with Mrs. Efllo Harvey the mother of tbo latter. Louis Eddy camo homo lastnicht from Franklin to. spend the holidays witn nit parents. Tho .Christmas tree at the church was a decided success. The tree itself was lovely, Sauta Claus was uresont. and everyone was roraombored. Last Friday evening tuo three vear old boy of Mr. and Mrs. Vance McCall died of membranous crdup. The fu neral sermon was preached Saturday forenoon at tboHummoll sohool house by Roy. Rippetoe. The heartfelt fym. patny of tbeir many frieads is extend ed to tbo bereaved family. m DelinquMt Penonal Taxes Murt Be Paid. delinquent personal tiiXMn for tko year 1898,, have been dt-llnq iHnt far some time and must Im jitin iitonce, otherwise I will proceed to olli-ct the same by distress warrants. , C.D.B0BIN8ON, County Treasurer. 2 LUE MILL. '51it',MhiM. in in im mi M, , ,s u, ,. quit.) again for 11 wt-i-k or nn,ii Mr. and .Mra. Cliapmnn ChriatmiiM'd xl.ih tin- Howlnii'l family. Qitiildrivcrftdl mIci', laat wi-ol; and lofgiit In sunil in It i. Items. .Mr. and Mis Armtioiig nad ti visit fi'ini liireoii.ii ncm (iuiiUi Hock Mr and Mrs Williams of Adam ruiuity wniv veiling m .Mr. UiiwIuuiI'h litht week. l.i! .linnet wliii has been dou u with pneumoniii for miiiio time is nblntolie mound again. Mrs. Port mu; family and .Mr. and Airs W.itcrliury nto Cliristmas dinni-r with Mr. McCoy mid family. .IrsM! MctJoy has Ihmui very busy sini'ii im sold his mules Hying to break his black cults for n tit iving team. B. Armstrong, after a visit of sevnral days with his son Charles at Kuimihuw has ret ui ned homu. Wo were about to advertise him as lost. The Degri'iiof Honorhait bigdoinuH on Tuesday evening. The installation of Die officers of the A. O. U. V. takes place next Tuesday evening. Preparations for tho past two weeks have been very tedious to those who havo been busy with Christinas tiers anil other things pertaining thereto. A lino program was rendered in the Methojlist cjiurch after which Santa Clafla aipcal:ed aifrf 'numerous gifts were given to Sunday school scholars and others. Programmes somewhat similar were rendered in tho Christian and Presbyteriati churches. On Sab bath evening the Lutherans hold their celebration all in Gorman and even Kris Kringlo talked German and tho Quilldrlver could not understand what it meant but he supposed it was all rinht by the way tho others enjoyed it. m fc LINE. Regular Nobrasku winter. Snow but not very cold. Mrs. I. F. Hutchison is on the sick list and under tho care of Dr. F. E. McKccby, Tho Christinas tree entertainment at Dist. 8 was largely attended. All re port n good time. V.Il. bcrivner lias been suffering with rheumatism for tho past mouth so that ho can gel around but little. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van Dyko were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas Isom Christmas and report a good timo. Ihe Sunday school in Dist. 8 lias closed until April 1. The uverngo at tendance for the last quarter was twen ty-tivo. Mrs. Ida Horton, of Bod Cloud, will preach at Pleasant Dale, Dist. 39, on Jnnuary 7, 1000, at 7:30 p.m. A cor dial invitation is given to all. Thomas Brown, an old settler of Pleasant Grove, Kansas, now living near Ansolmo, Nebraska, was in Lino o jo day this week visiting old frionds Uev. Horton of Rod Cloud is holding a series of meetings at Pleasant Grove, winsns. Thoy will continue, fur soimi timo. A coruial invitation is extended to all. Benj. VauDyko of Fountain, Okla homu, is visiting frionds in Lino this week and toports crops good and tbo people well satisfied with thoir now homes. Try Graln-OI Try Grain-Ol Ask your grocer today to show you a packugo of Grain-O, tho new food drink that takes tko plsso of coffee. Tho children may drink it without in jury asjwell as the adult. All who try it, like it. Grain-0 bus that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, but it is made from pure grains, and tbo most dolicato stomach receives it without distress. Oao-fourtb the price of coffee. 15o and 20o per package Said by all grocers. Maw Are Yar XMitt f ' Dr. nobb' Bpanni PIIU care all k tdpr 111. Bam. To Car Cotutlpatloa Vornet. Take Caacareta Candy Cathartic. IOo or Ho. I If C, C. C. fall to ewe, druacUU refund nmnor Edaeat Yonr Bowel With CascaraU. Caaay aMaartte, cecsUpaJloa tarorer. Ue,M. K1aV.m,aTUatwriBaaanaoy. - ;Q Hwc jn R y-XJm 'Jjh '.. -iTti W Ivory Soap costs a little more, but it takes less to do the work, and how much whiter the clothes are when they have been washed with it. A WORD OF WARNING. There are many white soaps, each rep resented to be "just as good as the 'Ivory';" they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for .'Ivory" Soap and Insist upon getting It. COrmiOHT MM IV THt PKOCTtR a QAMILK 00. CINCINNATI GUIDE ROCK O. A. Kdgerton in out from Hamburg, Iowa thit week Mr. Mm Held a friend of the Hunter family im vUiliug ihein this week. Tho Cliilsimac i'xereii'H at the ohurehes went well attended and nice ly conducted Tho Chi islmns hall at 1 1 1 Moiilgoiu cry building was well attended and all report a good time. Sam Hagan and wife aid J. Holler and wife were down from Norcalur, Kansas, Christmas visiting friends nml relatives. Kit. GutitHchy was among those who came to Guide Bock to spend Christ mas. He went to Norton couuiy,'Kun sas five years ago and hii.vh he has raised fivo crops. Miss Myrtle Jnuctt has resigned her placo as teacher in our school and Miss Kaloyof Bed Cloud will take her placo. Miss Jones was a good teacher and had the good will of all her pupils. II. N. Vier.i and Kd. Hill started for Oklahoma Wodnesdny morning with a view to locating there. Amidown. Pkndkic, Virginia, Dec. 21, 1800. Bkd Cloud Chirk: I thought for the benolitof my frionds in Nebraska I would write n fow lines through your paper. I left Bed Cloud on the morn ing of the Mth at '2 a.m. and readied Washington, I). C. at S a.m. on tho 10th without acoident except breaking of nxlo-tree under engine at Falls City, Nobrasku. Struck snow nt Wymoro, which continued until reaching east ern Ohio. From there on no snow ex cept on top of mountains. Crossed tbo mountains in the night so did not get good view. I reached Vienna, Vir ginia, tho ond of tho railroad at 10 a.m. seven miles from Pender. Am located on eastern part of Chantillia battle hold one-half mile east from whero Genl. Phil Koarney was killed. Tho face of tho country is notnour so rough as in Webster county, nor is thorn near so much waste land here as there, but considerable land is covei wl with tim ber. Tho weather is warm; has beou no snow. Tho cuttle get their living in tho pastures here now tbo grass being green in tho fit Ids. Anyono looking at tho soil would bo surprised to soo tho crops raised here, Tho corn hero boats tho corn of Nebraska so that she don't know where sho is at. All this coun try needs is capitnl to mako it tbo bost country in tho United States, Mild XtJMKIOK fiii climate, good water, fair soil, healthy locality, fine laying laud, plenty of timber. All it iiuimIh in yiinkee push and got there li. F. M. Bkach. School Apportionment. Following is the semiannual appor tionment showing thn amount nch district is entitled lo. Total amount apportioned, $,'l,!J8fi.OO. 1.. t 01 97 15 . 9 87 74 2. ... 1U0 Hi M. 3IJ 08 JJ. . .. !HJ 157 -17 14 10 4 . . 2ft !I8 48 39 03 0. . 40 70 40 20 55 0. 40 70 50.. 30 01) 8.. . 37 75 81 i8 H'i ).... 28 32 02 23 CO 10. 20 32 53 . . 48 90 11... . 21 81 ft! 38 81 12 43 00 50 34 81 13 . . . 31 80 50 40 70 14 20 55 58 83 01 15 33 Ol 50 41 88 10, .. . 40 00 00 ... . 51 00 17 44 21 01 . ... JI3 01 18 31 22 0i.. 2ft 38 20 21 70 03 ftl 30 21. . . 83 Ol 04 24 78 22 34 81 05 34 22 28 28 01 00. ., 83 44 24 27 73 08 48 04 25 88 03 00 30 09 20. . 41 80 70... 29 50 27 33 04 71 23 02 28 27 73 72 18 30 20 80 07 73 01 33 80 30 00 71 210 40 31 .. . 75 49 75 2ft 00 82 a,. 43 04 77. . . . 28 82 83 31 80 78 41 28 34. .. 37 78 70 14 70 85, . 44 28 80 30 67 80 87 17 81 25 00 87 31 23 82 25 38 38 38 03 93 40 11 89. . 15 37 81 44 23 40. . 40 70 8ft 42 4'. 41 .... 39 53 80 0 49 42 40 70 87 21 8ft 43 22 43 Examination Notice. Regular examinations for persons desiring in teach in Webster county are held in the superintendent's ofllce at Red Cloud, Dm third Saturday in each month, Eva J. Case, Coualy Suat. Bcaatr la Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean akin. No beauty without it. Cascareta, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keen it clean, b stirring up tho lazy liver and driving all im purities from tho body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that aickly bilious complexion by taking CftscareU, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists! tatiifaction guaranteed, 10c, 85c, 60c. .JjiiBUU.i. ',';