iiXi THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, DEC. 22, 1899. m n M Kit ' BF Ennxcrrrrra TURNTRB BROS'. BIO TRADE STORE (s headquarters for Holiday Goods. Santa Clnus Is going to mako Turntiro Bros., Rig Trade Storo headquarters 4bc cause wo have tlin largest untl best assortment of Christmas - Goods. and glvo mom for tin) dollar than any other aloro. We have been fortunate in securing CANDIES of excep tional values, and If Quality and Price figure we will sell all the CANDIES and NUTS Santa) Claus , is Looking for. Collarettes and Huffs. V Iiavo Justrecoived anothor largo shipment of the latest styles, that wo are ottering at bargain prices. Jackets and Capes. Wo have u few loft that w o will sell regardless of cost. If you have not bought you can save about one half by making your purchase of us. Handkerchiefs. Handkerchiefs are vorydosirablcChristmnsprcsontB and we want to call your attention to the largest and handsomcht nxsortment in town. We have a beautiful lino of Toilet Sets. Handkerchief Case, Necktie Cases, Collar and Cuff Sets, Albums, Etc., TOWELS, TABLE CLOTHS, BED SPREADS and many othor article that are the very thing for Christmas presents that wo aro making special prices on. Shoes and Overshoes. Wo aro soiling a good ovorshoo for $1, 91.25 and f 1 GO, HamlHon'Brown and Drew, Solby & Co's shoes aro the best on earth. Wo sell them. Blankets. Wo will sell blankets cheaper than anyone. Try us. Constipation Headache, biliousness, heartburn, Indi gestion, an J all liver Ills are cured by Hood's PHI Sold by all druggists. 25 cents. rlntlons in its light. It belongs to the same type of valuable stars nn the cele brated Algol, but Its variation Is larger. Its period is four days, 13 hours nnd 45 minutes. When at n minimum it Is three magnitudes fainter than when at a maximum; In other words, it period ically loses nnd then regains so much light that at one time it is 10 times brighter than at nnother. In stars of this type the changes of light arc sup posed to be caused by a dark body re volving around the star nnd producing eclipses as it comes within our lino of sight. Youth's Companion. PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS. Groceries. Would-be competitors say, Bros." 'Hint is a good joko. YOUKS FOR A BIO XMAS, "As good as Turnuro The Way to Go to California is in a tourist sleeper, personally eon- ducted, via tho Burlington Route. You make fast time. You sco the tlncst scenery nn the globe, Your car is not so expensively fur nished as a palaoo sleeper, but it is just as oloan, just)s"coiufortablc, just as good to ride In and, nearly 120.00 cheaper. It has wi lu vestibules; I'intsch gas; high backed soats; a uni formed pullman porter; clean bedding; spacious toilet rooms; tables and a heating rargo. Being strongly and heavily built, it rides smoothly; is warm in winter aiidjcool in summer. In chargo of each exclusion party is an experienced' excursion conductor who nccompauies it right through to Los Angeles. Cars leavo Omaha, St. Joseph, Lin coln and Hastings every Thursday, ar riving San Francisco fallowing Sunday, Los Angeles Monday. Only three days from the MisHouri river to the Pacltic coast, including a stop-over of 11 hours at Denver and 2 honrs atSaltLako City two of tliu most interesting cit ies on tliocontintnt. For folder giving full information, call at any Burling-, ton Route ticket oflles, or writo to J. FltANCIS, Oen'l l'.tssengcr Agent Omaha, Neb. What Do the Children Drink. Dnti'tgivo tliiiin tea or coffee. Have you tried tlto now food diink called Grain-O. It is delicious and nourish ing and takes the place of coffee. The more Grnin-O J oh give the children the more health you distribute tnrougb their systems. Grain-O is made of pure grains, and when properly pie pared tastes like tho choice grades of coffee but coils nliout one-fourth as much. All grocers sell il. 15c and 25c. m S. S. S. GOES v. TO THE BOTTOM. Promptly Reaches the Seat of all Blood Diseases 2nd Cures the Worst Cases, d Turnure Bros. DDDDDDmrrrri Abrahams "Ikclstcln has lost IiIb wife." Solomon "Ynas, an' it's a total loss. Derc vas no insurance." Phila delphia North American. Running No Itlsk.-Maud'Td hate to think that you'd throw yourself at Fred." Mamie "Why not? He's a good catch." Brooklyn Life. Maude "They say there Is no longer any man in the moon." Kdith "H'm! They have made a summer retort of it, I suppose." Boston Transcript. A Mean Insinuation. "Yes, I'm only L'O. Ask Dr. Pellets my age if jotnlou't believe me." "is he the oldest inhab itant '."'--Cleveland Plain Dealer. Subbub "Beastly weather! Mud a foot deep." Mrs. Subbub "Oh, I'm so glad! Pei haps we'll be able to keep tlfe cook mcr night." Town Topics. lie "I think, dear, that you ore say ing things you will be sorry for." She "Well, if I'm saying anything I'll be sorry for I'm glad!" N. Y. Press. McSwat "Me son, Tim, bus 500 A nice rocker would make a suitable men workln' under him." McTush Chriiinias present Only a few left. 'That's he doln'? Puttln' a roof on a' All go at cost at Taylor's, tlncnient house?" Boston Herald. The Idea of her having the nerve to claim flic first saw the light in 1878." M M M MfffJ4yJ Jlf "I would not judge her too harshly. &mmUm wWJmWMmmKW Hiixlmtiu ultn trwinttt tin nm Ittrht ' J .tlllljll nill. IHVIIHI . MB , Stray Stories. "What puzzle me," murmured Choi lie, as he found the other fellow Tind .reached the house of the adored one ahead of hlni and was monopolizing her attention, "what troubles me Is the question whether I am this evening more of nn outlnnder or a bore." In dianapolis Journal. AGREE. A drueelst in Macon. Ga.. says: "I have sold a large quantity of Mother's Friend, and nave never known an in stance where it has failed to produce the eood results claimed for it. All women l agree that it makes labor shorter and less i painful." In every test tnado 8. S. 3. easily demonstrates its superiority over othor blood remedies. It matters not how ob stimito tho caso, nor what other treat ment or remedies havo failed, 8. S. 8. nhvnvq t-oimtlv rpnntmn nnit mim n- disease wlicrfl the blood is in any way involved. Everyone who has had oxpenonco with iKoixi ukcmds Knows that thoro nro no ail ments or troubles so obstinato and diflicult to cure. Very few remedies claim to cure such real, deep-seated blood diseases as 8. 8. 8. cures, and nono can offer such Incontrovertible evidencoof merit. 8 S. 8. is not morely a tonic it is a cure 1 It goes down to the very seat of all blood diseases, and gotB at tho foundation of tho very worst cases, nnd routs tho poison from the system. It does not, like other remedies, dry up the poison and hide it from view temporarily, only to break forth again more violently than ever; 8. 8. 8. forces out ovory trace of taint, and rids the system of it forever. Mru T YV T.nn li. .... ........ il. ..,-!..... ago I was inoculated witli poison by a nurBe who infected my babo with blood taint. I was covered with Bores and ulcers from head to foot, and in my great extremity I prayed to dio. Soveral prominent physicians treated me. but all to no purpose. Tho mercury and potash which they Save me seemed to add fuel to the awful flamo which was evourlngme. I was advised by friends who had seen Wonderful cures made by it, to try Swift's Specific. I im proved from the start, as the medicine seemed to go direct to txo cause of tho trouble and force tho poison out. Twenty uubwescureu mo completely, owui's opecnic S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD is tho only remedy that is guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains no mercury, potash, arsenic, or any othpr mineral or chemical. It never fails to cure Cancer, Eczema, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Contagious Blood Poison, Tetter, Bolls, Carbuncles, Sores, etc. Valuable books mailed free by 8wift8pecilio Company. Atlanta. Ga. ft 44 The Vest is the Cheapest Experience teaches that good clothes wear longest, good food gives best nutrition, and a good medicine that cures disease is naturalh the best and cheapest. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best medi cine money can buy, because it cures when all others fail. Poor Health "& poor htdihfw years, pains in shoulders, back and hips, aMth constant headache, nervousness and no appetite. Used Hood's Sarsaparilla, gained strength and can work hard alt day; tat heartily and sleep well. I took it because it helped my husband to whom it gave strength." Mrs. E. J. Giffels, Moose Lake, Minn. ZnbctES SaUafmh ll Hood's Mils cure llrar III, nlia nop Irritating and only cathartic totUayrl tlTl food's KarisparlUsy THE CHIEF ) year. 4lx months runumiEi) nr W. L. MCMILLAN. .1100 PUIIL.ISIIKI) EVKUY Kill DAY Knterod at tho post offlco at Red Cloud, Neb, as econd clan mall matter, AUVKUTISINO UATKS: Local advertising & cents per lluo -or Issue Local AilvortUItiR for entertAlmuvnU, con Jens, socials, etc., Riven by churches, charitable JoeJcllcs, etc, where All moneys raised there from aroused wholly for church or charitable vjolutloi, first ten linen free and all over ten line a (4 cents cr lino per issue. Local advertising of entertainment!, concerts, recitals, etc, where per cent Is Riven to pro moters. t cents per lino per Issue. IMSrLAV AUVKnTIBINCl. Due column tor month.. ...... 17 00 One hair column per month ........ a N One-fourth column per month . . 1 73 General display advertising Bli cents per Inch irlssue. groat open fireplace our a blaring1 wood tire In thu kitchen, the others stnrtcil the old game of Copenhagen. They formed a ring, but just us the first kins tn glum one of the f!dti chanced to Wtdt the farm nnd enme upon the Rcene in time to fvv the Ut-f. Kissing games are forbidden by tlioe people because they are irttiiolj u,n orltll,. The report' is that thcihkr will Riirol, brii.J, the whole mutter tip before the next meeting. TlicouU pub lic kissing that they tolerate Is the ln!, kiss at low fiasts, or nt the selection of their ministers by lot. At the latter functions the mother or the wife or the sisters may greet the chosen pastor with a kiss upon hih cheek. Any brother may also do the same. Hut the friendly kiss In frolleor In public games is absolutely forbid den. There Is no telling what punishment may be meted out to the young farm er's son who was detected by the elder. Ills excuse to his father the next morn ing was thnt they had just started a game lu fun, mid that he had kissed the girl before lie knew it.ornt least before he thought, The old farmer sternlv re plied: "You knew it was wrong. About the only thing jou'vo got to do is to go and marry her, now. Why. she'll carry that kiss all through her life. Thev'll never forget It. They'll say: 'Why.'she's the girl sh and so kissed. He had his arm around her waist.' Shame on jou to forget yourself." It is also known that the girl received a sewre lecture from her parents, nnd her punishment will be seclusion all winter. N. Y. Sun. Statk ok Onto, City okTolkdo ) Lucas County f Frank J. (3heue makes oath thnt he l the senior pail uer of i h- til in of F. .1 Cheney & Co. doing husliief-s in t lie city of Toledo, eiiiiutv of Lueno, .iate afoM-Milil. Mini that Miid llini will pay the Mini of One Hundred Oollttis for each and ev,i) cti-e1 of calitl'lll thai cauiioi be eiitetl by I he use of Hall's Cm nnh Cine. FltANK J. ClIKNKY aomi ! bi-fnii' me nnd -uh-u'i'ilied in nit (in M'lire tliiMllih day of Decern- di-r, 188(J A. W (Jlkason. ska l Nuiury Piibliu tin 1 1- (.'tiiiuib Cum U taken inter nally Mini nets dllei'tly mt tile blood and niucoiw sinliee- of the system. henil for ii-siiuioniiils, K..I. ClIKNKY & ''ii , Toledo, (J Suhi ox iiinggi-i1., 7r!. Hall'- Fiiinilx Pill me the he-t, Mm Wintkr Holiday ISatks One far for the round nip beiween all poiliH. S-ileof lii-l;i-u tn Id iittueil to poiiiiw wHbin J(I0 mill-', Tlekel- on till. Dee. "J.'l. 34. '-'5 IIOiiiiil ill, 1690 niul Jim l-i. 1009. lin-il it-linn liinii .Inn. 4th. 1IIW . ONOVKU. cent mluriiln Your lluwelH Willi I'lioeitriit. C.milv i iiiimrn- eiire iniiitlpmlnn forotor I0i-,i' ( o (' full. ilriiuelMsn-tiiml inoiiuv KISS HAS MADE TROUBLE. rrlrolltr Abbohb Young Paopla Frov?Bd ob by tha MeaBOBttta suid I'unlihsd. It was only a kiss, yet it has created a great disturbance among the Mcn nonlte sects. A farmer's son, just turned 18, caught n pretty girl of tho same ago about the waist and planted a kiss smack on her rosy cheek. It was at an impromptu game during an apple butter boiling party. Such parties are not generally given among Mcnnonites. By chance a uuin ber of young people gathered lit a big farmhouse nt night, and while a lad and a lass stood at the loug-hondlcd stirrer where the large boiler huny in the Only Three- Ciumdlnn I'rrrnKe. There are now three Canadian peer agesthose of Lord Mount-Stephen, Lord Strathcoun and Baroness Kama cllffe, the widow of the late Sir John Macdonald. The two peers are both Scotsmen, who worked their way up from the lowest rungs of the ladder. Lord Mount-Stephen had only a parish school education and was In his youth a herd boy. He passed from a drapery shop lu Aberdeen to a similar estab lishment in St. Paul's churchyard, Lon don. In his twenty-first year he trans ferred himself to Canada, where he made a fortune in the woolen trade. Lord Strathconn in his eighteenth year entered the service of the Hudson's Bay company In i very humble capacity and worked his way up to the governor ship and the chief control of that his toric corporation. In his benutlful Montrenl mansion there Is what Is per haps the Jlncst nnd most valuable pri vate picture gallery on the American continent. Lord Strathconn is 80 nnd Lord Mount-Stephen a decade younger, Chicago Timcs-Ilerald. THESE .Ladies Mother's Friend is not a chance remedy. Its good effects are readily experienced by all expectant mothers who use it. Years aeo it osssed the experimental stage. While It always shortens labor and lessens the pains ot delivery, it is also of the greatest bcneHl during the earlier months of pregnancy. Morning sickness and nervousness are readily overcome, and the linimentrelaxes the strained muscles, permitting them to expand without causingdistress. Mother's Friend gives great recuperative power to the mother, and her recovery is sure and rapid. Danger from rising and swelled breasts is done away with completely. Sold by drtimrista for $1 a bottle. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, OA. Send foi our Utm Illmtrw.J book Ut ipctut mother!. i m w ----- l aW aT I .,BBaBBBM HAVE NEVER tried Thetfreat eyatem regulator PRICKLY ASH BITTERS. Decause they think it id nasty and bitter, diwreeoble V -LI aV . I I Uas, tomesiomacnanavioien m action. A6K THESE lr SEE THE OYSTER KITCHEN IN THE WINDOW AT THE Star Bakery, J. O. WILES, Prop. A Nevr Variable iilar. Mine. Cernskl, of Moscow, has discov ered in the constellation Cygnus a star of bctweui the eighth and ninth mag nitude which undergoes wonderful a- They will tellyouitta fnoTatall disagreeable. I And as a cure for Indffiesllor), ConstipatloD.Kidney ,ui8oraensii isurv excelled. C.-L. 'I'JM ' Gonoral Agent. I'UMjIOATION OF SUMMONS. In the District Court of webiter county, Neb- Tho City of Kcd Cloud, Nebraska' 1'latutirr, vs TlieFarmersA MWhant's Uank Inir cimnniv Wllllnui W. (Isr ber. JolmO.yiJKer.BiiJItylaurt D. l)eJforV I Detetidants. To tho defetiAixht W'Mlam H. (larber: Y,-u are hciV'? nodtlcd that on tno 1st day of llnrvinltvr. Ih3. the I'tnli'llfT herein tiled Its amendt-il l' tlllon aulut you et si, In tho above t-mltltd acllon In tlio olllcu of the clerk of Hi" Ulttrlrl lloiirt o' Wt biter Ciiumr. ebrallt, the oblert and prayer of which are to subject to rid nn execution lot tweuty-ouo tl ) In block thliti one (SI), lu the orkliml towtisltoof Hed Clouo, Nebraska. Ii-sned on a Judftuieut of tho district court of raid county, ng-lust the de fendant llaiikltiK O. niiwny, in faior of the plaltitltr, and tin xrlude you n 1 tho other do fendatits wholly of any luteu l I said real You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday the 2J4 dny of " rv, lttp.or tc'.d petition will be taken hi ed, ana and decree tendered arcordtnr TunCrrror Hrnt'i 'ska, lly OlJANlkT A llKUCEK, It A bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbKi A Choice Line of Bibles Gonuine Oxford nnd other Bibles. Splendid books of recent publication for Holiday Gifts. RELIGIOUS BOOKS, BEAUTIFUL MOTTOES, NICE BOOKLETS,' FINE STATIONERY, SCRIPTURE TABLETS, VARIETY of TRACTS, Etc A Complete Teacher's Bible for ggc. Many Styles for Selection. Cime and see us before purchasing Holiday Gifts. Kach purchase aids in spreading tho gospel. Gospel Book Concern, MRS. T. E HOIITON, Manaokk. In Olney & Gaston's Music Store. Red Cloud, Nebraska. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE CHIEF ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. Low Club Rates with all the Leading National Weeklies. is. r. :BKiiroRii, Lands, Insurance Collections. SL " l w L RKD CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Among my special bargains for this week I am offering for sale 300 head of Good Colorado Range Cows, FHOM TWO TO EIOIIT YKARS OF AOE, Good colors, averaging in weight around 850 wounds, will sell on six mouths time, good secur ity, delivered at Red Cloud or vicinity. Further particulars can bo had by calling on or writing mo. 4 PLATT & FREES CO.. Ghicago Itamber Yard, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Lumber, Lime. Goal and Cement. TLrRAJOEIfcS TsXJTSXIZJSTZ. CO, DEALERS IN LUMBER AND OOAl K11ilciijo.fi: material, Bto. nuD Oloi., - - Nebraska Tfc- VI ?' i.